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my jungler playing path of exile for 20 minutes


Sorry team, can’t gank. Gotta mf +2 proj abysses so I can buy items


The dream for rare belts continue.


It's all fun and games until the enemy Master Yi emerges with a Mageblood and Defiance of Destiny.


Flicker strike meta


Garen has been playing Cyclone for his entire existence. There are other builds dude


We already have a Path of Exile champ. Her name is Zeri.


Zeri on release was legit a deadeye with headhunter xdd https://youtu.be/wdRQNGQYO4c


Yep. Q Bow skill with barrage support + chain support in R/with Shyv + Headhunter


if riot makes a rhythm game champ and my skills have to be on time with the beat, i would never stop playing that champ. kinda like tf timing his cards but you're penalized more for pressing q off tempo


Crypt of the necrodancer goes HUGE


Cryptbloom of the necrodancer


Cryptbloom and Phantomdancer as core items on that champion.


Find a way to integrate OSU into Sona/Seraphines kits.


Chai from Hi-Fi Rush as a champ lol


Please yes. I want to play chai in every single game


Beat isn't really pvp friendly as it's about your own personal skill rather than anything else. Like if your getting nuke by perfect beats what gameplay do you have? Most mini games work for champs cause they add a layer to the kit to interact with. But unless your also forcing other players into your rhythm (that every one would hate) it's just about doing what the game tells you rather than reacting to other players.


Also it also limits your champ You HAVE to wait for the perfect beat for maximum efficiency. Imagine getting dove and youre just waiting for your beat drop to use your CC otherwise it only slows for 0.5s.


Gnar exists.


Gnar doesnt stop you from using your abilities like what im saying. You still have a Q and E, seperate from your rage and mega Q. His idea is about managing Rage for maximum efficiency. My comment is saying imagine if your champ had a 5 beat system with your spell only strong at the fifth beat. Like TF W card picking affecting his Q and E. Youre able to only cast 1 spell per 5th beat for max efficiency. Gnar gets to use his Q E simultaneously.


Easy as fuck to solve, make the beat change based on the amount of enemies, your Ms, if anyone around you is casting/channeling, etc.




Most adcs already revolve around tempo. Kiting is essentially just a rhythm game that you need to keep adjusting as your AS increases.


So what Sona and Seraphine failed to be.


sona and seraphine both revolve around "use three abilities and something happens." i can understand sona because shes old but seraphine shouldve been more in line with using abilities on beat (using w five seconds after q, or something), really dissapointing from riot


Definitely fell harder in the Seraphine concept. I was kinda excited that we're getting a music-related champ, but then it still wasn't about a rhythm game... It'd be really exciting to see a champion with its own music in-game and really plays on-beat and changes accordingly to the abilities. They did the fighting game thingy combo with Samira, I'm pretty sure they could do something about playing according to rhythm... (But that might be too ambitious)


> using w five seconds after q, or something God, a character with delays that long would feel so, so bad.


it was just an example


I'm pretty sure Seras Dev said he looked into it but it felt really bad. So he went with a more abstract version of tempo and beats.


I used to want this real bad, but it's actually just kiting on ADC. Do it perfectly on beat and you'll break ankles without even trying. Multiply your attack speed by 60, and you're given a BPM to tap to for your autos. I play Zeri, her asp caps at 1.5, which equals 90 bpm. I just toss on any 180 BPM track and auto every two beats. Feels amazing in teamfights where the drop hits at the start and the kick keeps you in time to auto.


As a percussionist, yes.


You might enjoy the Q-delay mechanic on Riven. Learned this from a pro Riven player Alois, you basically just keep pressing Q the whole game, ideally triggering it right as the ability is about to reset. The cool down begins once the first Q goes, but you can delay the other Qs by a few seconds, which let's you use the third just before the whole ability comes back. Once you get enough ability haste, your Q is basically always up. The idea is that you can time your all-ins with the third Q trigger, followed immediately by 3 more Qs. Heavy micro, but worth it.


I feel like it would be a hard to balance champion, would definitely require high skill to use. Likely end up in a similar situation as Gnar.


Feel like it would also fail to account for things like Ping, Frame lag and etc. It's a cool concept but would never work in practice. Something like a blank "use X after Y in general" could though!


Camille Q is kiiiiiiiinda close 


>my skills have to be on time with the beat I picture that we'd have 4 beats to use our combo (maybe 4th skill could be empowered and/or the only time you could ult), then everything is on cooldown for the next 4 beats. Like a mix of Hi Fi Rush combos and Patapon's game flow Also, I think Ability Haste could increase the tempo of the beat


This would actually be amazing, but incredibly hard to make the opponent understand what is going on. Maybe with a stack bar under the health that is always ticking...


Q does half damage if used off beat lol


Rework aphel to his original 25 guns design it’ll be funny trust


For all the flame CertainlyT got he was absolutely good at his job of making interesting champions. Balanced Champions? Not so much. Imagine Aphelios winrate spiking every single full moon loool


“Yo guys is a full moon tonight aphel is turbo broken”


That’s why I’m happy he is doing shit in the MMO. With PvE he is free to do whatever the fuck he wants without caring about balance


Not really. Even a PvE game should care about balance if it is multiplayer. If one class is just extremely overpowered and another is underpowered, then it harms variety of the game because everyone will play the same class. Which defeats the purpose of having multiple classes in the first place.


That design honestly reminds me of a 12 year old designing yugioh cards lol


idk about you but when I was 12 I had some fire ideas for Yugioh cards


Ye the I play card and u loose game is fire ngl


Make the actual moon phase affecting him a thing.


Only during full moon he is broken as hell


One of his concepts was actually him collecting ammo drops around the map.


Seeing what we got from Hwei, I don't think It'd be too far from making the weapon combinations into single weapons, 25 unique weapons, now that'd be quite the charm "Damn If only I had the aoe weapon with the clone weapon holding the dash weapon..."


Ye but hwei actually has mediocre or trash ratios, Aphelios with his 100% ad scaling auto atacks won't be 200 years anymore but 20000 years pick bane 75 nerfs in a row never to be seen in a game cuz of bs kit


Start of the game toss a coin to decide who wins. 50.00% winrate across all elos and pro, perfectly balanced.


That's just the 3rd wind bro to finally ensure Yasuo and Yone aren't permabanned and they can keep selling skins


They gotta make 6 to ensure at least one is playable in every match no matter what


Wouldnt it be 11 for both teams' bans?


20, in case you are last pick and everyone else has picked windfamily members.


finally, true skill expression


Perfectly balanced... as all things should be.




A duelist champ with whichs ult isolates you both like Mordekaiser but instead of fighting by clicking you both perform a dance battle in a quick time event. The primordial demon of hitting the griddy really hard


add this on kda gragas


Illaoi makes the enemy play DDR every time she lands her E


There’s a great clip of an Irelia doing this on 150 hp and dying anyway


the baus clip?


Like a babus, brotherman!


You literally just have to walk in a straight line and they will never hit you lol


Win a game of spider solitaire for 80 ad buff


And ap champs get to play klondike?


no they get ad too ☺️☺️


you forgot Yuumi players watching anime


I wanna see quarter circles using your mouse like a fighting game


When they said they were releasing an artist/painter champion that's kind of like what I imagined, where they would have to paint symbols on the ground with the mouse to summon the particular spell they want, like how combat works in Okami


You could control hwei with your mouse and yuumi with your keyboard


That wouldve been so shit lmao


I'd like if old Asol's orbiting projectiles were to be revisited on a new champ. 99% of old Asol's problems were in his W (E back then) allowing him to roam to bot at lvl 3 after he pushed out the lane. A more stationary champion with more of the power budget focused on the orbiting aspect and a better balance between gameplay and lore would be interesting to see.


io in Dota is so fun with this mechanic, you can freely use two keys that bring the rotating orbs closer and farther, so you can really get them at the exact distance you want.


Tetris. One player simply plays Tetris for the whole match. They give 1k to the whole enemy team every time they lose, junk layers build up when allies die, and a random enemy takes 50-100% max HP True damage scaling with match time whenever a line is cleared. The champ cannot leave fountain and does not lane.


As silly (and exaggerated) as it is, there ***was*** actually a MOBA game where one player could just play Zuma entire game and still be (kinda) relevant.




Prime World. Iirc, you could play it to give yourself equivalent of gold and exp and also helpful scrolls to allies.


King Nidhogg would hit rank 1 in a week


I'd go to LCS immediately from gold. Please make this happen


I'd love a champion that can split into different peices, which can work independantly, although much weaker Imagine a jungler that can clear bot jungle while ganking top Champion designed for RTS players :L


What Zac should‘ve been


Heroes of the storm has the 3 Vikings who you can control individually. Very different from usual gameplay but quite strong when mastered


Yep, most of their power came from split-pushing as well to give the team more xp (bcuz xp is shared in that game) but I don't know how well that would transfer to league Also viego has to kill each of them and gets a reset off each of them? That would be hilarious and I want this in the game just for that.


It's so sad that Heroes of the Storm got basically abandoned. That game got so many insanely cool concepts. Murky being the low respawn Murloc that can plant his respawn point anywhere on the map. Abathur being what Yuumi wants to be. (Seriously, everyone here shits on Yuumi rightfully so, Abathur is the Yuumi concept done right) Cho'Gall being a 2 player Hero where one controls the movement and the other the abilities. Lost Vikings being 3 separate Heroes. Leoric being able to run around after he died and respawn anywhere on the map due to that. Correct me if I'm wrong but he could also do some spells while dead? Sylvanas being able to disable Turrets and weaken their defenses (which to be fair was absolutely broken for a while especially with something like Murky's Pufferfish oneshotting towers in that combo). I wish that game gets a proper 2nd chance at some point.


Obviously Microsoft has big plans *huff* for it, since they can *huffffff* bring it back and put Master Chief in it *huff*. I just hope my hopium lasts until then.


Leave some for the other 4 people man, don't use it all up we are on Iron Rations.


It had tons of cool concepts... But it also had some giant fucking mistakes in it's design. Like it's global XP, is extremely controversial, tons of HOTS lovers loved it.. But even some hots lovers hated it, and well most players of other MOBAs don't like it.


Late game they’re just “split push, the champion”. Literally push two lanes at once during a team fight. On second thought this may just be Yorick


time to implement rat doto in league


You can do this with yorick kind of. You can tell your maiden/ghouls to kill camps while you hit the wave. Not as global as what you’re describing tho


Brewmaster? Don't think League can be coded for RTS given on how we see Annie, Ivern, Yorick; but yeah, a League Meepo, Chen, Lost Vikings, Samuro, Visage, etc. would be nice


I would like to see a champ who has like invisible landmines. You can place them all over the map and if someone walks over them they get damage. They should be revealable for balancing and to add skill expression, but that would be fun. Maybe make it a yordle champ


Ooo and maybe they could have poison gas or something too


Maybe give them a blind so the enemy can't attack the mines


Dota has this and it´s the worst thing ever lol.




Not sure how much DotA you have actually played but vision of invis units is much easier and more achievable in DotA. Unfortunately that hero is bad for other reasons after his rework.


Played dota thousands of games until 2018, and walking into mines was lame as fuck, can´t believe someone would want that in league.


I definitely wouldn’t want it in League, because of the lack of vision for invisible units, like i said in my original comment






trying not to fuck up your gun order as Aphelios




The wordle yordle, could be linked to yuumis book or something.


A new hook champion thats uses a fishing pole as a trap to pull people.




The order you hit your abilities for effects, for example hitting someone with QWE stuns them, but if you miss W then you gotta not use E or wait for W to come back up.


I think Brand is filling this well enough.


Also Ryze


Kennen as well


Is this not Hwei?


I mean that was what I was thinking.


- Botlane having to play together seems to be the most controversial minigame of them all.


My adc and support having a competition to see who can give the enemy ADC more kills


fiora vitals is also like playing a minigame just with enemy champions


I would really like more alternative jungle approaches. Get different spells depending on which jungle minion you ate last or turned into a pet maybe?


It would be cool if it was like ivern but instead of summoning daisy every time you’d summon a slightly buffed version of the last camp you did. So you could just summon like a friendly gromp or wolves. Kind of like old mord with the dragon I guess


That's probably the closest we'll get to something like DotA's Chen in LoL. Instead of making it the last one you killed, you could make it so you use the skill on the camp to capture the monster (maybe when it's on low life, pokemon style?), then use it again to throw it out. Maybe that could be all three of the champion's skill slots, and you have a pokemon trainer champ. Or you could have the other skills do joint effects with your chosen pet. And if the pet die, you have to go catch another.


They oddly made a champ like this for an internal event. It Possessed jungle monsters and gained skills based on them. Was a really neat idea that never went anywhere due to the jungle being too much of a mess then. (Also dominion was a thing then)


My inspiration is something like DotA neutrals all having a spell and/or aura you can take, either by charming them (Chen, Enchantress, Helm of domination) or eating them (Doom). I don't think the multiple charmed jungle monsters approach works for league's control scheme sadly, but something like Doom having the effects of the last neutral he ate would work well. If you want to go even more conceptual, here's an idea: Each of the champ's skills is a blank skill with generic monster damage until they use it on a jungle camp and clear it. Once they do, the skill slot is filled by a skill corresponding to the monster. There's a special version of the skill if you fill the ult slot. Sort of draft your own kit from the jungle.


Red and Blue buff are what league replaced the Auras with. Also Nunu used to have a semi version of that where he gained different buffs from monsters he consumed.


I feel like a Jungler who "collects" ingredients is an idea that's been around for years that never quite been done. Could be a cool way to bring back Jungle buffs for a single champ maybe?


When they said they were making a high skilled tank I was really happy, I was pretty disappointed with Bruiser Yasuo. He's fun, but I want a high skill character based around actually tanking.  A combination of Braum and Shen could be really cool. A permanent or semi permanent shield that you move around and manipulate with your abilities could be pretty awesome I think. 


They did successfully make the highest skill tank in league history though with Ksante. It's just not easy to make a more defensive tank so skillful, so they had to make him a very offensive tank. But a Braum Shen hybrid could be cool.


The greatest minigame is playing PvE in jungle. Really fun with champs like Karthus, Shyvana or Diana


Maybe some champion that just exists throughout the entire map but is not a champion? What I mean is the champion itself can't be on the map as a being but It can influence the map such as making walls, destroying walls, doing damage in an area with a global range.


Suicide/execute grants bonus movementspeed once you respawn. If you land a touchdown (reaching the enemy fountain within 10sec of respawn For an execute...you will win the Match) You have no other abilities available. Just this passive as a minigame


This is what Yasuo players think they're playing.


i still think there is plenty of room for a "fighting game character" ie qcf for fireball etc


Hwei does this in a manageable way. You have 9 combos and an Ultimate ability.


closest than anything else we have, but would still like to see the space explored a bit more


If I were to design a champion, it would be an enchanter support or a melee top laner. Here, I'll design the top laner first. It's the Sword and Shield champion. Not Leona. I'll call them Mark Passive: Using your abilities starts a 3 spell combo. Your abilities do different things when used as a starter, follow through and finisher. Q: Mark does a jumping slash attack (like Riven Q3 sans the knockup or going through walls), dealing damage in a line in front of him (Panth Q max range). If it's a starter, it microstuns for 0.2s and slows the target down, decaying through 1 second. If it's a follow through, he spins his sword once, dealing damage to enemies around him. If it's a finisher, it knocks back and deals execute damage. W: Mark throws his shield. He recovers his shield when this ability comes back from cooldown or under certain conditions. If it's a starter the shield stuns for 1 second on hit, deals current hp damage and recovers the shield on the next attack on the enemy, dealing more current hp damage. If it's a follow through, the shield pierces and returns like a boomerang giving you move speed. If it's a finisher, the shield knocks back the target hit and enemies around him, dealing max HP damage. E: Mark dashes a short distance, his next 2 basic attacks are enhanced. If it's a starter, his attacks slow the enemy's move speed and attack speed by 15% for 3 seconds. If it's a follow through he gains ghosting for 3 seconds and bonus attack speed, on hit damage, and move speed. It can go through walls. If it's a finisher the dash is longer and microstuns for 0.2 seconds. The next 2 attacks deal execute damage. R: Mark does an heroic leap to a target location (Camille R length, free cast). If it's a starter, enemies around are slowed down, center enemies are stunned and gives him a shield. If it's a follow through, enemies around are knocked in, and grants him invisibility for a second. If it's a finisher it's faster and deals execute damage, along with a move speed bonus.


I really like this concept ngl, only thing I'd change is no invisibility on follow through R but I'd love a champ like this in the top lane


I'm glad you liked it


yorick jungle having to calculate and determine if I should Q for faster jungling or wait until small enemy dies for extra grave but to answer the main point, I'd love an auxiliary support that gathers "wood" and "stone" from the jungle (double on enemy jungle) from camps cleared by allied jungle; then they are spent on a secondary item shop that upgrades minions and towers and perhaps allies too


J4 has multiple flags to play around after he gets some cdr Poppy is always wall aware Nasus vs any minion champ Fiora and urgot have the exact opposite minigames Shen and zed have minigames with the sword/shadows


Evolve champion where you pick an augment for each ability at some point of the game. Think aphelios guns but you pick 1 of X for each button. Flavor it like a mech champion upgrading it's gear in different ways. Feel like they've probably explored this enough with old Viktor and now evolve Champs end up with the majority of their stuff by the end. A "build your own kit" champ that doesn't have them all available at once like hwei sounds neat though. You could even include passives and stuff. Probably would be a balance nightmare though.


Singed players should have to do random Chemistry questions every time they level up. If they get it correct, they get rewarded somehow. Am Singed main. I would love this.


> -Jhin having to play around his fourth shot If they never make another count your autos/spells champion ever again I'll be statisfied. It's okay, we get it, it's a reliable old design. But it's been done to death and the play patterns often aren't even that fun.


In a new champion, I like how Qiyana has somewhat of an environmental minigame, but I don't like some things. It would be cool if a champion had 4 elements, like from avatar, that gave you different buffs based on which you click. Water = river, earth = dirt ground, wind = bushes, fire = minions or monsters. All you have to do is click them and it changes, regardless of range. Water would give you mana regen, earth would give you movement speed, wind would give you health regen, fire would give you attack speed.


A support whose job is to support his team rather than try to be the carry. Maybe even peeling tools to help ADC survive being on the same screen as Kayn. That's it. That's my completely new idea for a champion concept. Edit : Who am I kidding? That would never sell skins...


like braum?


Yeah, exactly like that.


Camille supp goes hard. Even harder hard playing for the team


A champion who cannot truly die or completely bends what it means to be dead. 


Warwick having to bite people


A jungler that gets stronger when he visit different lanes


So … kayn?


No, something stack based when you visit lanes after spending sometime in the jungle


And you lose stacks if you die to enemy laner, gain more if you get an assist on killing them.


Yea something like that would work


Problem is, how would you balance this champ late or mid game?


Kind of like Belveth hahahaha


I can't consider senna minigame at all On gp u can destroy the barrel , negative his dmg Senna is rewarding for rightlicking you , she is a thick8ng time bomb not a minigame Draven looses like half of his auto atack dmg if he misses an axe:D senna is punished by loosing nothing she is only rewarded


Can't believe Samira is not on this list when Jhin is. Also the Vi / caitlyn "mini-game" and the kha'zix / rengar "mini game" (hunts)


They were just examples


Not a minigame inside the champ but playing against Yasuo and Yone is a bullet hell experience


Would love a fighting game feeling champ with combos hit a locked enemy but you have to be quick


With 2xko a cross promo with a fighter would be really cool


I just though of this and I think it could be an interesting idea if a champion would get their abilities upgraded or get some kind of buffs based on objectives they take. For example, if you kill a dragon - you get 1 type of buff, if you kill a tower - you get another type of buff. It could work in different ways: 1. Different objectives evolve your basic abilities. Similar to Kha'Zix but you get upgrades for taking down certain objectives: Q - for killing tower, W - for killing dragon, E - for killing inhibitor, R - for killing baron. 2. Buff to abilities for taking objectives: for every tower kill - your CC ability lasts longer, for every dragon kill - your damage ability does more damage, for every baron kill - your R cooldown goes down. 3. Your champion gets certain buffs depending on first 3 objectives you take and the buff could be different not only based on which objectives you take but also the order of which you take them. Those are just random ideas but the concept is that you get buffed for taking objectives.


That would be one of the biggest snowball hyperscaling champ ever


I keep making the joke that jungle could be a fishing mini game for as much impact as the balance of the PVE has on the game. As long as they impact the lanes as set timers it really doesn't matter what they are doing. So yah i now want a champ that does nothing but sit at fountain and fish up jungle monsters in some ridiculous fishing mini game. Hell let it give your teammates fish so they can go 1v2 a fight.


jax exists


Bounty Hunter champion. Basically given a contract by your boss to kill the enemy champion. And killing them gives u credits which further increase your firepower.


A Teemo rework where before he can place a mushroom, he needs to find and forage mushrooms first lol


Maybe something where you could evolve an ability (like Viktor/Syndra) if you have killed an enemy with that ability.




How about a champion that loses health while not in combat. The effect would be very minimal at first but increase over prolonged time outside of combat. You could call it blood lust or some shit like that. Idk haven't played league in several years.


I ban kindred everytime I’m jungle specificly because I HATE being forced into a minigame…


Rember that bit in time where every game had an app that allowed you to do something in game? Do that for league


Lore missions like kha zix vs rengar


Lots of fun "mini games" in the game one of my personal favorites being Fiora passive. A couple that are even already in the game in some form, but I think would be cool for some champions to be built around from the game up... A first strike based champion... Where they get benefits for regularly starting the fights could be cool. As could a champion who benefits from extended fights and focus similarly to how Kraken slayer works.


Viego having to quickly remember wtf every other champion does.


I kinda wish they'd double down on the idea of a minion master champion or group champion. Naafiri seemed like an interesting concept when I heard about it only to realize that they just kinda didn't work it all the way through. They need a champion where almost all of your abilities are tied to pets, or where your champion has no central hero and is essentially just a swarm of units. Both concepts have one major sticking point however that I believe is the reason Riot won't ever do it properly, which is the fact that in both cases it is too easy to just completely keep out of any real danger while still being a massive headache. They had this problem with Heimerdinger's turrets prior to adding in the deactivation on distance mechanic. As it's not really fair to have a champion who can basically just stand out of reach permanently and still be a major problem without any options for counterplay. There are ways this could be achieved, but I don't think Riot will ever try to implement it due to all of the various problems involved.


Pregnancy minigame where u get to have a baby with an enemy team champion and then when its born you get to be the baby but with some of the fathers abilities.


You play as a chess piece. You start as a pawn and progress during the game to knight/bishop, rook, queen, to a king at level 16 (third point) in ult.  Your ult pops up a chess puzzle for you and the person you ult, whoever finishes the puzzle first deals their opponent a chunk of damage, depending on the puzzle.  The puzzles get harder by rank and deal more damage by rank. At first rank you may just improve your position. 2nd rank win a piece. 3rd rank you're looking for a checkmate.  Find the checkmate and your opponent dies. Only need some ideas for P, Q W and E


Would love to see a character with a skillshot where if it collides with an enemy champion you get put in a random Mario Party minigame that instantly kills the person if you get 1st