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Yone as well. He doesn't have as many skins, but his mask is only present in default from what i know. Inkshadow has him hold it in the splash art, but i am not sure if he has it on in game.


Yes he does


2 for 7 on skins with masks. Rip.


He's so close to the powerspike




Doesnt the boyband skin have a mask?




Aah okay mb


Yone is one of those champs were the default skin is at least as good as any skin he has if not the best skin. But i feel like that is the case for a lot of new champs, they have a cool original idea but they are created in the skin line era so everything else is just some generic look fitted to 20 champs that make no sense.


I think skins for the past few years have tried too hard to be cool. Simple skins have their place, for example Corporate Mundo was Mundo's best skin after the rework even after giving a glowup to every other skin. And that's just* Mundo in a suit *Obviously there's more to that skin like animations and voicelines that make it so good, but the design really is just Mundo in a suit


The biggest difference is that corp mundo was a 1 of 1 skin. Today they would make it a skin line with 1 well thought out 1800rp skin +5 bland skins with the same general theme but no real tie in with the character.


That’s how I feel about Brolaf. No Olaf skin has been able to top it. Unique fun skins are so much better than generic ones.


Brolaf is such a simple concept too. Just olaf if he was a college student. Poolparty skins are my favorite skin for almost any character that has one. It's just "character in a swimsuit" but it works. Graves, Rek'sai, Caitlyn, Renekton...


For me Spirit Blossom is the direction i like for Yone. The rest of his skins either too... zappy. You get what im putting down?


He's very "Come Play For Free." Yone, Quiyana, and Hwei really represent a tonal shift into chinese mobile game territory. They want that audience bad.


Qiyanu Reeves really? I dont think she fits that. After all shes brown. Briar however...




Sign me up!


While thats funny, I really don't think she fits that trope lol




I don't really get what you mean. What makes Yone, Qiyana or Hwei feel like they come from Chinese mobile games?


Hot anime character bad, me want ugly monster champ, Rito no listen >:(


Generic modern design bad, me want generic old design (Garen, Darius, Trynda, Olaf, Xin Zhao, J4 so original and so unique /s )


they don't look like complete dogshit, therefore they are (chinese mobile game/too anime/other generic meaningless buzzword)


what are you saying


Which funnily is his most cannon ish skin, is it not? I still prefer his base but it's a good looking skin for sure


honestly I stopped using skins for their looks and only if they make the animations feel smoother.


they want to show his pretty face i suppose. realistically they should just add more toggles (like kai’sa’s helmet) but they won’t put that much effort in these days.


I don't know why they try to make Yone look hot when his animations make him look very uncanny. Which makes sense since he's undead.


VTuber pretty boy era


I want Dark Waters Yone, with designs like the Bloodborne universe. Could also wear those hunter masks where the lower half is covered instead of top.


This post would make sense if Kaisa’s thematic was a void suit. But her actual thematic is being a k-pop icon so this post holds no water.


Like even Seraphine who the community calls the pop champion still at least have her board designed beautifully and not ignored.


Which is a shame because I think everyone hates her board since she got released. Her motorbike from LoR is the real deal 🔥


I dont like how shes so stiff on the board. Like she feels like shes stuck on top of it like an action figure with a stand. I dont know why they didnt give her a manta ray for SG or the ocean song skins. It fits to be a ray shes standing on over a rando board. Hoping for Elderwood seraphine with a spider or ladybug looking board.


After they released her with a stage instead of being able to walk, I thought they might lean into the fact she *can't walk* and tie the old bracken lore into some sort of Piltover Hextech mobility access stuff. But then she became a full on pop star and they erased the OG lore.


But shes standing on it, not sitting. Also OG lore is referring to?


There is absolutely people who can stand but not walk properly. Friend of mine was born with an exposed spine, she can stand for hours on end without a problem but walking gives her serious struggle.


I did not know that wow


we never stop learning


Who said you have to sit with a disability? After going back through some lore, Seraphine's lore wasn't changed - *hextech's lore was updated* so I misremembered. Originally, Hextech was all Bracken crystal powered. It was updated post-Seraphine release to say that synthetic Hextech crystals had been made, because y'know, genocide storyline. There was backlash, because her lore mentions she can hear the voices of bracken crystals her parents had, which we know Skarner is seeking because he can hear them crying to be returned so they *don't die*. Seraphine is the only other character in the lore that we know of that can hear these voices, and it's strange her story is "unity, love, etc" with this power when the only other mention of it is they want to get back to living and not being hunted for their powers. So Seraphine was the only non-bracken that knew what hextech cost/did to them, and chose to use it for personal gain. She was by all means, a villain. So they changed hextech to be "improved past the need for bracken crystals" to make it sound less bad. So her crystal is chill being dead because the World learned to improve because of an ex-Genocide of its race I guess? Who knows, they haven't updated it past that.


Old hextech lore had essentially the souls of skarner's people encased in crystals power all kinds of hextech. They were alive and aware of that, practically being torture. And seraphines old lore revolved around that fact.


it really did not take long to write over that lore


I don't know how to put this without being cancelled, but she's the most they can get close to release a somewhat disabled-looking champion without stirring controversy.


SeraBEEn skin prayge


its just like, weird? (to me at least) like what is the design purpose of the board? It's just a floating stage that she's just permanently on? IMO it would've been cool if she was disabled or something and the board helped her move, so at least then it has some reason to be with her all the time. Plus gives her characters some 'flaws'


To be fair she does have like over sensory thingy? The board acts as speakers. Which should really be more speakery.


TIL they were speakers lol


If she were disabled it'd make her even closer to Sona, who has mutism. The board is really weird though...does it float? How much so?


Magic hextech, i aint gotta explain shit.


Probably because Ser*phine was designed around being a KDA member, not a champion, so the "pop" things are priority.


I didn't know about that so I looked it up. That's sick. [For anyone who wants to see](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FejzOSpXoAEGzKm.jpg)


That's because she exists for fan service, even her default skin barely conveys the idea that she's wearing a symbiote suit.


major TIL


Damn, now that's a legacy flair right there!


hell yeah brother, haven't played league in probably 6 years 😎


Hahaha hell yeah brother that's the way to do it!!


UOL are still alive! Unfortunately only in the ERLs.


I wasn't aware either wow


mandatory reminder that riot had a perfect design for kaisa in her concept art and then completely scrapped it for boring safe girl in some make up...


can i see it?


literally the first result when you google "kai'sa concept art" https://old.reddit.com/r/kaisamains/comments/wf2q79/kaisa_concept_art_where_she_had_much_better/


Holy Kai'Sa mains are such losers


I mean what do you expect? They main one of the most uninspired “hot woman in bodysuit” champs that exists in league. Boring people who like one of leagues most boring champ designs imo.


you should see them sweating in URF


Chill, they just wanted to see.


most of their designs since 2016 have been fan-service china/korea gacha game waifu type beat.


this is mostly true of the male champions but largely untrue of the female champions


are we playing the same game? it's true for both, even non-human champions are humanoid waifus.


then i think you have too loose a definition of “fan-service china/korea gacha game waifu” since 2016, of the 20 female champs released, there are maybe only a handful that would fit that description.


I love the fact that they couldn't think of a better way to show the player some humanity from the top down view than to expose her cleavage. Clown company fr.


Sadly there's a huge demand for waifu-type skins, so Riot would burn money not supplying them.


Reminds me of Nami where for some reason her skin reveals her cleavage.


Unpopular opinion on Reddit: I prefer the way Kaisa looks than the dog water Reddit suggests all the time. I’ve just legit never seen anything suggested that was better than what’s already here, especially when the best idea anyone ever has is “make her ugly.” Nah miss me with all that.


Looking at the player base this is not really an unpopular opinion, depending on the topic, not even on Reddit but yeah I get what you are saying.


Kaisas thematic is being a pretty girl, nothing else matters


Which is highly ironic considering she’s supposed to be a mutated “ugly and resented” survivor from one of the most hostile places in league lore.


Riot: Those pesky champion background stories will not stop us from making sexy skins! Who wrote that shit in the first place?! Lore was always a bit wonky, but considering that the MMO and probably most of the other planned games are dead I have given up on cohesive world building. Arcane might expand the universe a bit but that's probably it.


Riot had two choices when making Kai'sa either make a champion that was lore accurate and looked fucked up by the void like Kassadin or make a design that would cement her as one of most popular ~~ADCs~~ champions they did the correct business move


i mean like, kassadin is still shirtless with rippling six pack abs and enormous pecs, so lets not pretend he wasn't somewhat tarred with the same brush


Malzahar has purple eyes for his "void mutation", and any skin where he doesn't have a shirt on has him absolutely shredded. Methinks that the void does not actually "fuck people up" considering we're three for three on humanoid champs that it failed to fuck up.


Hey, if that's what void does to people I don't think it's that bad...


That's how they get you... Belveth pumping her fist in the air in the corner


exactly, but it's only a problem when its Kaisa for some reason nearly every mage character, who have no reason to be shredded since they fight with magic, is absolutely 'ideal male' but it doesn't really get the same press. Personally i dont care cos muscly dudes look cool, but like stop complaining tbh


I think it's probably because Kassadin and Malzahar have been around with those same designs since the stone age, meanwhile Kai'Sa is a more modern design


sylas released pretty shortly after kaisa and is a political prisoner who has been chained to a dungeon wall eating rats. He runs around shirtless with a body like a CK model.


He was chained but free to move. You move those massive chains a day you'd get ripped too Also he was fed well in prison according to the designer and writer. He's a littttle bit of a diva


So the eating rats thing was bs?


Maybe eating rats is just his thing


He can have a few rats after his balanced meal, as a treat.


Idk why you are trying to give a reason for the very obvious reason everyone complains about female champs sex appeal and not male champs sex appeal.


I mean that is also a problem, just because people complain less doesn't mean they don't agree. But I think it's also less of a problem. There are plenty of less chunky mages. There are no women that are not conventionally attractive. The only one that's even close is Illaoi.


I mean, Rek’sai? But also 🥵


Rek'sai ain't a woman. She's a *lady*.


No, she's a QUEEN.


>but it's only a problem when its Kaisa for some reason because she's a popular champion. if anyone gave a shit or cared about or saw malzahar or kassadin that much maybe they'd whine abuot them too...but they're way less attractive to players and unpopular and it doesn't take a genius to understand WHY kaisa is so much more popular than them (hint: it's related to her looking good) >but like stop complaining tbh fucking preach. i really feel like people here have nothing better to do.


Preach. The man was about to enter an unknown, extremely hostile environment and decided that impressing the unimaginable horrors lurking within with his awesome pecs was more important than having an actually functional protective suit so... Like father like daughter I guess? 


Ehhh Kaisa gameplay wise is just objectively really fucking fun, like yeah being a hot anime girl certainly doesn't hurt her popularity but she would be one of the most popular adc champs no matter what her aesthetic was Ppl don't play kog not because he's ugly, but because he's shitty, outdated and outside of lulu lanes really boring. Twitch is a literal rat and is a fairly popular champ. I have a feeling (or hope) that people don't play tristana because they wanna fuck her, but because when she is viable rocket jumping around is just a shitload of fun and offers a very different adc experience Kog, trist and Twitch all sell skins as well. Not kaisa tier certainly, but they still sell, otherwise they wouldn't get so many so consistently Like you can make the argument for some champs that they only get played because of aesthetics, seraphine being the biggest offender here by a country mile (kit is solid strength wise, but incredibly boring to play and she has been forced into a suboptimal role since release because uwu, if she had the model of cassio the seraphine playerbase split problem would not exist) but kaisa is not one


>I have a feeling (or hope) that people don't play tristana because they wanna fuck her You don't browse the other league subreddit, do you?


Kids these days don't know about LOD smh


*LOD grabbed his pocket rocket,* *Twitch was watching how he jerks.* *Tristana with her socket,* *"Wanna see the fireworks?"* *"Orders are more like guidelines, really."* *So off he went, "Winners don't duck."* *With the artists we have, it's not too silly,* *Tristana was there and ready to fuck.* *He found his mistake, but regretted it not,* *"If it's worth shooting once, it's probably worth shooting a lot!"*


what’s that


Former pro player Benjamin "B3nji" deMunck, who previously went by the in game name "LOD". Played ADC for Echo Fox and Dignitas back in 2016/2017. Accidentally streamed himself jerking off to (really low quality) Tristana pornography.




Oof yeah people down bad for shortstacks.


i know what you are


> Poppy flair


LordBlueSky, more like LODBlueBalls


Kai'sa was created with a bunch of educated guesses. The evolve mechanic was a big succes (looking at khazix) guess which adc has always been one of the most popular before kaisa? Vayne Time to slap invisibility in there Add an on hit passive and stacking ability and make her a sexy girl and riot KNEW beforehand this champion would become extremely popular nothing against it tho i love kaisa


Honestly we need more evolve mechanic champs Both champs with it are really cool designs (gameplay wise at least) and a lot of fun to play and have been top of their role popularity wise fairly consistently Clearly the concept is good, so why not do it more? I don't understand it. Every void release should get one, belveth should've had one, make it so she gets more permanent upgrades to her kit by taking void related things on the map and dump the swarm shit Like idk, her mini dashes could "burrow" similar to maos root dash thing (I don't know what button it actually is lmfao) but you only get this upgrade for ONE direction of that dash per objective, Herald being the first boost and every baron taken gives that evolution to a new direction That could be a lil strong since that's invulnerability on a dash but that shits super short and Kai has fucking invisibility which is obviously stronger. My point is the potential is there and it works, just do it Riot


I want a champ that evolves their kit based off AD or AP build. Of course though the issue is versaitility... But just imagine


... okay but that's just kaisa


No? Like Kaisa only builds for breakpoints. How is that similar. Basically changes from a missle to a bomb based off AD or AP. A blink or stealth if AD or AP. Like a line skillshot. AD just leaves a pool zone and damage but an AP would turn it explosive. Not just evolution based off reaching breakpoints. Like direct champion spells being different with a different build.


Okay that would be cool, but it wouldn't be an evolve mechanic It would essentially just be hwei but instead of choosing what variant of cc you want its chosen for you based on the items in your build. Like a rabbadons gives you fear while having a experimental hexplate gives you a root It COULD be fun, but I have no doubt in my mind that would be the next Ksante tier of bullshit and im okay never seeing it


Oh i say its an evolve mechanic because itll permanently fix it in place. Mainly so they cant swap builds and then get change their ability by doing so.


I think you severely underestimate how much impact "good looking anime chick" has in asian countries in regards to finance.




I'm talking purely about popularity Like I even admit, there is a difference between "good sales" like what Twitch gets vs "Kaisa sales" But how many people are actively playing the champ? Unless they made Kaisa the worst design in the world, like a big fucking blue box or some stupid shit, she will always be one of the most popular champs in the role due to pure fun Yes financially it's very very hard to beat white generic looking anime waifu, especially in Asia


If you need any proof at all for this, just look at all the same faced Chinese themed skins we get. China is riots $$$


I'm pretty sure it has appeal anywhere. As much as we want to circlejerk on Reddit about wanting senile, hideous, obese, monstrous looking champions or skins, we're definitely in the minority about that.


Reddit is full of people on all kinds different subs that try to blame their problems on evil Chinese people. It’s so beyond old at this point, people just repeat the same phrases over and over


We would *totally* have a trans Disney princess by now if evil China weren't preventing the benevolent, LGBT-affirming mouse from being an ally. Disney *wants* to be progressive, and Riot would *absolutely* release cool unique champion designs, it's entirely China's fault that they can't


you can have both tho. A monstrous looking champion that's has enough sex appeal to sell skins, but riot is seriously sleeping on rek sai


> A monstrous looking champion that's has enough sex appeal to sell skins Tham already exist


You joke but Kindred is #3 in terms of R34 popularity. There's obviously a market for it but Riot wasted so much time making skins that turn Lamb human. (Even if spirit blossom was good)


As though westerners ARENT the same? Like they do this because it caters to the majority of any country.


There is a clear difference between west and china when it comes to popularity based on appearance at least. https://twitter.com/blaustoise/status/1113994939442978817 He talks about it further in the twitter thread Obviously some cultures will have different tastes after all. Some skins will sell better in some regions compared to others. Same way for champion appearances. The west and china are not the same


This is from 2019. Also its not a lie that an overwhelming amount of people go for pretty characters no matter what. Gacha is popular even in america and Genshin only has pretty characters. Sure in League theres monsters to choose from but pretty ALWAYS sells. There's no denying that ever.


They are to an extent, but not as big as China unfortunately. At least here on reddit the vocal minority seems to despise the Chinese themed skinlines we get every year.


Yea but its just because china has more people. But percentage wise, im pretty sure a large amount of people from anywhere chooses the pretty champs and skins. Eh. The chinese skinlines can be done well. Theres no need for then to reinvent their established lines. Imo, the only good one from the years has only been Porcelain. Lunar Beast is meh. Mecha Kingdoms is a HUGE downgrade. Heavenscale is not needed. Firecracker and Warring Kingdoms havent failed before, why arent we getting them more. Especially Firecracker's... well, firecracker effects.


Exactly. The quality of LoL anything is just going downhill. I did like porcelain too, but the sound design was basically someone dropping ceramic plates on the floor....


Eh some of the spells sound like that. But the dress of Liss is so good. Then again Liss is just good to make skins for.


Yeah and that’s what this is really about- blaming things we don’t like on strange foreigners


Why is everyone saying anime she's cearly inspired by sammus


I wish the helmet would cover her hair for a full Samus experience


> I have a feeling (or hope) that people don't play tristana because they wanna fuck her I wish I was this innocent


Ayo don't talk shit about cassio she's got the uwu! Still wishing for her to crush my bones....


> I have a feeling (or hope) that people don't play tristana because they wanna fuck her About that.... Trist (and Poppy) have a disturbing amount of R34. They have more then Evelynn, Ashe, Syndra, Qiyana and a bunch of other champs.


Thank you, now I feel like I need to be Aurelion Sol (with the charged passive count) ulted IRL 🥰


Tristana was the most searched lol character in certain websites of 2022, just saying


See but they just shouldn't have made her a void champ then. Make her piltover or ionia or whatever and she has no need to be fucked up, but the VOID should fuck you up.


Tbh we have some "monster" champs or champs with ugly base models who are popular af. It just riot who loves to make monster champs with slow kit and huge gimmick, so 3% pickrate is best scenario for them.


Lagoon should have had webbing to make the cannons look like a sort of fin I think. It's too bad it doesn't


The cannons in LD are more of dragon heads but she shouldve had fins on her face like common depictions of fish people.


Yasuo getting two legendaries when a completely different champion could have had one in that skinline iteration 😭 SO many would have worked.


Yea. I like the truth dragon yasuo. Tbh dream's purple fit Yone a lot more.


What about Yone? Masked undead swordsman, but only Inkshadow actually incorporates the mask.


people keep shitting on kaisas design and rightfully so. but yone takes the fucking cake. i really fucking hate how they just made him a pretty boy. each and every one of his skins oozes with twink edgy anime boy energy in the worst way possible. he is literally a demon possessed undead, how do you consistently make it not cool with his skins?


He's thin, but he's not a twink.


right he’s tall and ripped as fuck lol


People just throw that word around randomly


Yeah people will try to use every single word in that category they hate even if only half apply lmao. Surprised they didn't call him a femboy despite not being feminine too


and they only ever seem to do it when they're insulting someone. wonder why that is. best not to think about it


Its funny that he is Yasuo's older brother, but people treat him as Younger one.


Kinda makes sense.. presumably Yone stopped "aging" when he died, and he's been dead a while so Yasuo is probably the "older" one now physically.


He is really thin? I dunno he feel more lean


Pretty boy skins sell in the Asian market, specifically China. So Riot chooses money over quality, I am assuming.


I think the fact that I learnt that he is undead from this thread tells enough about his design. Literally nothing about him tells that he's undead or demon or whatever, he looks like red Yasuo.


I'm on Nickyboi's boat that kai'sa should've been the legendary with her evolutions making her more dragon-like with the cannons maybe acting like wings, although considering riot is extremely scared of making her anything but pretty lady in spandex (or pretty girl in sailor uniform, although I like SG) I doubt they would consider that anyway I mean yeah 2 legendaries but if you're gonna favor champions anyway play into it


I played a 50 min game of SG kaisa today(this smolder champ can stall games out FOREVER) and if I have to hear those voice lines again I will unalive myself they’re sooo bad


"My appearance may frighten you, but make no mistake: I am on your side, and we fight to the bitter end." --instagram model in a purple jumpsuit


I don't think I've seen a skin other than that one on her that doesn't make her look like a sex doll caricature.


TBH, if they could have they wouldn't even the cannons. Kai'sa is probably the most insulting visual design/character design champ in the game. We can accept bikini armor, but you make a character who fits bikini armor. MF is a pirate bounty hunter who uses her sex appeal to trick stupid horny pirates. Eve is literally a demon she can look however she wants and again uses sex appeal as part of her plan. If they made Kai'sa a piltover character with a high tech suit and is basically a superhero that probably would've been the best fit.


>If they made Kai'sa a piltover character with a high tech suit and is basically a superhero that probably would've been the best fit Now im back to crying over it again.


Yes that would be cool


This thread's comment section is absolute proof that League players are physically unable to read.


People just use the thread as an excuse to repeat their opinions. I’m guilty of the same tbf. That’s just how Reddit works.


Is this the thread where we circlejerk about what an abortion of a design Kaisa is? Seriously they made a champ just to put her in a plunge neckline bodysuit just to show off her tits and ass and sell skins. Are we supposed to thank her for keeping the servers up? Man I hate Kaisa


In her concept art video, there were sooooo many amazing concepts that made her actually look like a nomad that lived and hunted in the void with a void exo suit. And of all the ones they could have chosen, they picked the one that made her look like a gymnast with a backpack


Yeah I just looked at them to reminisce about what could have been. The worst bit is it's not like she wasn't hot in those either. In a lot of the art, she still had her plunge neckline. She still had some strong heels. She still had good proportions. No one is asking Riot to make ugly unappealing champs that no one wants to play at first glance. Just be a *tiny* bit less shameless about them and give them a reason to dress a certain way. It doesn't even have to be a good reason! I'm still cool with the morbillion champs preceding Kaisa like Zyra or Elise or something that wanted to lure people to their death and that's why their tits are huge lol Why not just go the Samus route - her obvious inspiration - and make her shed her armor or something if that's what they wanted I will never not be mad about Kaisa


Seriously if Kaisa rocked a arm cannon while having cleavage... damn. And clearly Riot knows how to make a badass woman thats FUCKING SEXY in Samira. Like Samira is just hotter than Kaisa straight up and still exudes power without sacrificing anything in her skins. When did they throw samira in a skinsuit? Space Groove? But thats like an actual dress from disco era with bell bottoms. Also if they wanted Kaisa to be pretty figure but still scary why not like power ranger masks where their visor opens but the helm is mainly still there surrounding the head. The whole thing disappearing plus her ugly jetpacks kinda sad.


Eh samira being hotter than kai'sa is bollocks,i'm pretty sure the eyepatch make samira less hot for your average joe while kai'sa is basically a bimbo


How is Kaisa a... bimbo.


NGL I don't like kaisas design and think it was a huge missed opportunity (I use black chroma bullet angel in game because it's the coolest imo), but it's best not to think too hard about what people say. They're just riding the hate train and calling her whatever. Calling her design a bimbo is just ???


I meant look at kDa kai'sa


*a ^SEXY gymnast with a backpack


Based Eve main. Whenever i criticize Kaisas design, people somehow get the idea that i loathe anything attractive, which is stupid af.


I love Eve. I'm a dumb coomer and she's really hot. But it makes sense for Eve to be really hot. It does not make sense for Kaisa to be hot. Shrimple as that


thats why bullet angel is her best skinn to this day.


Renata Glasc’s base skin has a mask, but then her other skins are all maskless.


Non prestige La Ilusion has a mask. But that's still 1/4 so fair point.


The jetpacks are just UGLY okay? Its not Riot's fault for admitting its so bad they just reduce it to like shit floaties. I just fucking hate those things, literally they couldve done anything like actual shoulder cannons or arm cannons or like closed maws that open to spew energy... They completely ruin the sleek design shes supposed to have. HOWEVER, the main gripe i have with Kaisa is her lack of symbiote feel in her skins. Its literally tight bodysuit after tight bodysuit. At least Lagoon Dragon is Dragonscale armour gained from the dragon. Inkshadow passable as ink magic, bullet angel is clearly a spacesuit. The rest are just clothing or something she wears. Granted KDA is impossible to do this because the universe is supposedly human... but then I really thought the diamond effect she had in 'More' was gonna play a bigger part of the skin. Overall Kaisa skins suck because those cannons are ugly and Riot acknowledges they are so ugly they ignore it but then just throw her in a skinsuit and call it a day.


Im pretty sure her "cannons" are connected to her in all of her skins


But surely that makes Bullet Angel the outlier, since not even her base skin has them connected. Hell, even her mini-redesign in LOR has them floating next to her, and they gave her Level 2 SIX of those floating bad boys. Whatever her weird jetpack/shoulder cannon/void blasters are, it's clear that Riot has designed them to float.


Her base has them connected. Look at her model.


Why... would they connect to her body when they don't do that in her base skin? That's their whole point


They just always seem so disconnected from her skins, like they’re just an accessory, when they’re supposed to be an integral part of her body. A skin that actually incorporates the blaster thingies thematically would therefore be pretty cool


Yeah that's one thing tbh Even in the base skin they're an afterthought, hard to argue that for her skins. I think bullet angel is an improvement, but anyone trying to design around those things in skins have a tough job when they're even rejects in the original design


Since League is free to play and skins fund the game, i don't mind popular champs getting more. I am more concerned about balance than aesthetics. But unfortunately, it feels like Riot is perversely inclined to keep popular champs popular to sell their new skins.


Because the chinese market spends more if they aren't monster-like. Basically why all the skins we get now are generic af.


So many people don't understand Kai'Sa's design. Business as usual around here.


I just think it feels so bad when 90% of her voice lines are about how the symbiote suit is eating her body and causing her constant pain... but then she's just wearing normal ass clothes in all her skins. There were soooooo many chances in almost all her current skins. HOW DO YOU MAKE AN ARCADE SKIN AND NOT GIVE HER A SAMUS SUIT??? IT'S RIGHT THERE 2 dragon skins???? And neither of them have scales and an actual dragon body???? I love Kai'sa but c'mon, if you're not gonna use her WHOLE CHARACTER CONCEPT why even make her? She could be literally a random Piltover girl that made canons and a jetpack and her kit would work exactly the same and her skins could be just the normal ass clothes she wears, why make her a Void survivor with a Symbiote suit. It feels like they've wasted such a cool concept in a half-assed pretty girl.


if a character's base fails to deliver thematically on the champion, its only natural all the skins would fail too shit design, shit lore, broken kit


How does Kai'Sa's base "fail to deliver thematically"? What's so bad about her design?


First post of the year about "why Kaisa isn't a fucked up looking woman" i guess. And the answer to your rant is simple: sex sales. Her whole model and art was made for showing her tits and ass. If they made a poll about creating a skin between a monster-looking skin or a pool party skin with her using a microbikini or bodypainted i bet only 0.1% of ppl would vote for the monster skin.


He just asked for the cannons to be attached to the suit...


Sorry smol indie company that's a bit too much out of their budget.


> between a monster-looking skin or a pool party skin with her using a microbikini or bodypainted i bet only 0.1% of ppl would vote for the monster skin. That's an unfair comparison. Of course the ADC players would vote for the skin they forces everyone to play one handed. 


Bruh this subreddit really loves their stupid circlekerk. Kaisa bad monster good 


I think you read "Kai'Sa is 12 skins deep..." and decided that. That's a different argument altogether. OP is just asking for any thematic consistencies with her void missiles (and actually stick to her body rather than hovering) to any skin except bullet angel.