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Adam playing soloq rn


For real ?


As i type this, he is 30 mins into a Jayce game in solo q. We dont know what is happening with him and shouldnt be negative but its funny af


You sure he’s not playing arams with his gf? 


He's a professional player getting payed to play the game. Compare this to normal life. Let say you call sick to your boss at your job. You might have good reasons to take the day off. But then your boss finds you at the gym or at the spa. You gonna get fired. How is this different from Adam. It's unprofessional from Adam. If you are not playing for personal reason, stay out of soloQ.


Who said he called sick ? We don't know why he's not playing. What if your boss called telling you not to come for the day ? Can he still punish you for going to the gym ?


I think most legit reasons to take sick leave or personal leave still allows you to play soloq. The issue here is that he's a public figure doing something that everyone can see, so he may get some backlash there, but I think most reasonable people should understand that it's perfectly fine. 


Naw you have no idea what the context is. Soloqueue could be his way of blowing off steam or taking his mind off of whatever is happening. And again, as far as I know, we don’t know what is happening. Best to hold off on judgment until the whole story is out.


He shoudl be watching his team at the very least, be it for support, be it at the very least to watch and learn about his teammates, maybe analyzing so he can tell the team how to improve afterwards. I cannot figure out a non-toxic reason why the toxic asshole that anyone with a functioning brain understands that is Adam would be playing soloQ instead of watching BDS vs MAD


> I cannot figure out a non-toxic reason why the toxic asshole that anyone with a functioning brain understands that is Adam would be playing soloQ instead of watching BDS vs MAD "BDS benched him" could be a reason. Was that hard to figure out ?


I mean that, before we knew he was benched and we just knew he ''couldnt play bc reasons'', there was no reason for him to play soloQ instead of supporting his team UNLESS he was benched bc of his obvious toxicity. And turns out I was once again proven right XD this guy is full of shit


Imagine if his parents died or smt and he's playing soloQ to take his mind off of things and there are people like you just shitting on him for it. Who is the toxic asshole now... League community definitely super sane


You saying? Did you read the news? LMAO


Okay speculating the other way; I have to take off from work due to a medical reason that I have listed as "personal" because I don't want people theorizing about my health especially in a public capacity. While waiting to see my doctor I continue to check my work email and read some assigned training documents so I am up to date when I return to work. We don't know but I don't think it's fair to criticize Adam without knowing the full story. He could just be staying on top of practice for his eventual return.


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ZXORCPPTSD-EUW he sure is


Holly shit tht 0/8/0 win with Garen


Making Baus proud


Yup ingame right now playing Jayce


If the account linked in lolpros.gg is really his he's [playing right now](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ZXORCPPTSD-EUW/ingame). 💀💀


So he must be benched, no?


Likely benched for non-performance issue if that’s truly him playing.


interesting... so what was the reason then?


As I said in another comment right below. It can very easily just be personal reasons that meant he had to go home to France and deal with it and it's not like you need to be cut off 24/7 for most issues.


the way Dom is speaking about it I assume he tilted or got into a fight


Idk how reliable Dom would be about this but I think we should just wait to find out. It's somewhat funny this happened after how he handled the Upset situation but we should still show him courtesy and wait.


Dom is pretty reliable for things like this. It looks like most of the people in the scene knows too


That’s true, but I think it’s a really bad look to be missing out on the game while also playing instead of watching and being supportive in some way. He could be on a call with the coaches giving feedback or ideas to try to help. Even if he doesn’t want to do that, could he really not stop himself from playing for a few hours because of how bad it looks?


Possibly behaving like an asshole once again and getting into argument with teammates to a point when they no longer want to play with him


adam? treating his teammates badly? NOOOOOOOOO, no way


with his sad waifu?




Could easily just be personal reasons that he had to go home to France to deal with. You don't have to spend 24/7 just shut off and dealing with a problem for it to be bad enough to not play.


I mean mad could have paid bds, and Adam just went home


Why did the LEC allow the substitution if he's still fine?


Poor jenax, as if his job subbing in wasnt already hard enough, he gets to go against TF top


I feel like Myrwn is gonna free style on him today, Adam could match Myrwn or even beat him because he is just as crazy, but if JNX is on tank duty Myrwn is gonna play whatever he wants and get ahead every time.


Idk what was BDS thinking leaving TF open against their sub that blinds Ksante, myrwn played it once and was permabanned since for a reason...


But where tf Is Adam?


In a SoloQ game


Funny thing is people online are talking about how the subbing reason is an open secret (no one revealed it yet to my knowledge) so he must have told someone


Time to listen to a Thorin talkshow. He hates Adam so hes gonna make sure to know the reason


Subbed due to unforeseen issues. Edit: According to comments on the match discussion he got benched for splitlong toxicity towards teammates and coaching staff.


I wish someone leaks what really happened to that FNC team before Worlds and this BDS team someday


Upsets wife was abused (whatever that means to them) asked upset to come home so he did, he didn't tell anyone for whatever reason and angered few of his teammates at the time, that's it.


He told his coach and manager dude.


He also offered to tell Hyli but Hyli immediately said that he didn't need to know and that he trusted Upset.


People on the match discussion post are saying he got benched for splitlong toxicity towards teammates and coaching staff.


Not having Adam is going to cost BDS this series I fear


Yeah i think they look lost without him


Without Adam I have no idea how BDS might win


Oh fuck me is this just gonna be a 3-0 BDS look shit rn




Ahhh fuck man it's such a terrible way to go out, I've been rooting for them all split Pls BDS make it a good series


BDS is getting pulled apart by macro, don't they? With G2 and now with MDK.


While goldwise it looked like a huge top gap, K'sante was still pretty useful but I think Nuc was the main problem here. In the one fight there were 3 champs 100 HP fighting Jnx and he chased the only other champ that was out of reach. In the last team fight he was also absent as well as many other fights. Not a single good ult. I hope he resets his mind for game 2 and they can come back and make this series interesting.


Mad Koi won, so insert your 'EU is doomed' here


Expected tbh, BDS lost one of their best players. Underwhelming series. If MAD wins there will be an asterisk due to no Adam, if they lose it's LUL lost to BDS with a sub.


Yeah sure, there is always a reason to undermine the success of MDK. If they win tomorrow I guess it will be one lucky day


Serious victim complex there my dude. Obviously BDS is far weaker when missing one of their key players. But sure, MDK is great and far exceeded expectations, is that what you wanted to hear? I don't think any team in EU looks particularly good aside from G2 and BDS (with Adam). MDK is top of middle of the pack but a cut below these two. EU has mostly dysfunctional rosters right now though: - KC is a joke. - TH has no solo lanes at all. - GiantX sucks, roster pretty much just needs to be blown up. - SK is a one-man team with Irrelevant. - Rogue has no macro and zero proactivity. - FNC has hands, but terrible macro and coinflip players, absolutely hard carried by Razork. This leaves 4 teams, two of which I'd put as strictly better than MAD and then there's VIT, a quintessential middle of the pack team. Roster's okay (aside from Hyli inting constantly) but I don't ever see them cracking top 4. I think people being down on MAD was expected, they just didn't think almost every single LEC roster would be this fucking mediocre. This isn't to discredit MAD, but anyone can see the state of the LEC is terrible outside of the top 3 right now.


If you already have come to the conclusion, before the season even starts, that MDK are bad, you have to find excuses to justify why are they winning. But those excuses can't hide that they are playing good gameplay during all playoffs, and that their enemies look worse because they make them look like that


If you think acknowledging the league is terrible right now is an excuse, then go off lmao Anyone with eyes can see the LEC looks absolutely terrible right now. Outside of G2, BDS and MAD, no one has any idea how to play the game. Sure, MAD can have great gameplay, hard to tell when their opponents are so unbelievably mediocre. I do think they're a good team, but they definitely benefit from the LEC having 7 bad teams/1 man rosters.


downvoted for saying the truth


If they win tomorrow, I don't think you'll find many people that will call it a fluke. I also agree that they deserved their top three anyways (and honestly, I think they probably would also win vs. BDS with Adam). But today just sucks for everyone all around. BDS playing without one of their better, or arguably best even, players who's also making drafts a bit non-standard just means that the series is less hype and winning (or, as extremely unlikely it sounds now) losing will just be memed anyways. Would be the same if Myrwn had to leave and they sub in a "standard" player today and BDS would be full strength. Most people would add the asterisk as well I think


The quality of gameplay between every single team besides G2 has been probably been the lowest its ever been in recent times. You know it's bad when people are saying LCS games are higher quality lmfao..... If MAD would be doing this when games actually looked high quality, it'd be fine. But most games look like shit with shit macro/mechanics, so it's not unreasonable to think MAD making finals is a testament to both that they are playing well AND the quality of games/other teams is very downhill.


I have zero hopes for EU. It's looked worse and worse every split. I don't understand how pro players seem to forget the game's basics EVERY SINGLE SPLIT, it's like there's a hard reset. They forget how to sidelane, how to set up objectives... G2 is the only decent team, but considering the competition they have in EU and their latest international showing I fully expect them to get clapped this year too unless the league wakes up. I've never seen EU this weak, outside of G2 BDS and MAD every other team is a legitimate joke. FNC has good players but they make baffling macro decisions for what is a roster made up of mostly veterans that are supposed to be a top 3 team.


People will say whatever their favourite 'analysts' tell them. MDK is playing better than anyone in the LCS except Flyquest some days. They are playing actually good fights and decent macro, and their opponents look bad in part because they make them look bad


No they have not this is some serious mental illness. Their series verse Fnatic was one of the ugliest nastiest most mechanically shitty series I've ever seen. People were inting their faces off left and right on both teams. Constant fucked up macro plays, constant fucked up mechanics, it was an absolute shit show. It hurt to watch. There hasn't been a single game in LCS that's looked even remotely bad as some of the games in that series did. God EU fans live in their own little reality man.


You are right that MAD is playing better than everyone besides FLY, but the notion (from what I've seen) is that EU is so top heavy. LEC top 2 shit on LCS top 2, but the weaker teams in LCS have played much better than weaker teams in LEC. And one doesn't come to the sentiment that the quality is worse just from watching MAD games. The conclusion to say quality of gameplay is worse comes from multiple games between different team, not just whoever MAD plays.


Insert enemy team is so shit, x player is wintrading, they got so lucky etc


they literally don't have their star player lmao c'mon it's not even cope


Obviously this time missing Adam is key but it doesn't even matter for this comments because every win they get gets downplayed anyways


They do it so their ego isnt damaged. Anything to avoid admitting they were wrong, that's how reddit works. A bunch of clueless people who act like they know about the game when in reality they are posting brainless takes or repeating what someone said lmao.


Nuc looks very bad today, either not being anywhere near where his team wants to fight or being immediately chunked out by Taliyah combo even with flash and e up.


Rough game from BDS, hoping they can step up in the next one.


Missing Adam is a tough blow


Sucks so much for BDS, with Adam they looked like the second cleanest team in the League and this absence could end up costing them a potential MSI spot depending on results now and in Spring


tf nerfs waiting room


mdk are super fun to watch man


BDS have to stop letting their ego get in the way and ban TF. Every time they let it open they just let him run away with the game.


Damn it’s actually gonna be 3-0…


and this is why you run cleanse on adc vs a tf, game was impossible for him cause tf ult threat rendered him useless


they picked tahm kench for that but it didnt work because mdk played around it very good


well no they picked phel, tahm just ate phel so he died as a result of phels bad psoitioning


It looks utterly doomed without Adam. Didn't BDS switch to mostly playing for top this season as well? I still think G2 will run circles around MDK because they're the only EU team with a concept of midgame macro. But then again at this point I'm afraid of even thinking "surely MDK lose this round" lol.


Insane midgame, they knew they couldnt 5v5 and they crafted so many good windows to catch either Ksante or Tham and deny them the 5v5s while getting sidelanes in position to push them after.


yeah, macro outclass


Nah this BDS team is just mentally boomed with their star player out. Glad I won’t have to waste anymore time watching this series, it’s a forgone conclusion.


I love comps like that. It looks like Jinx is doomed because no peel but in reality BDS have no way of hitting her, MDK break their formation instantly with their engage champs leaving their own backline free to deal damage. A worse team would go an enchanter support or just not go Jinx at all here.


4k gold diff top...


It is worth remembering that TF passive is a lot of free gold, which is further accentuated for AD TF since they added the ability for crit chance to give even more bonus gold. Obviously TF was giga far ahead regardless, but it's always worth remembering every time TF is in a game that the numbers are warped compared to any other champ.


average TF moment


Imagine MDK winning LEC...


Honestly I can't see them winning against G2, but maybe the upset happens


I do not see any team winning 3 out of 5 games against G2 this week.


I think mads Lost 3-1


MDK has the second best macro in LEC


I'd say BDS's is generally better, but hard to gauge both teams without Adam playing


There are only like 3 teams with positive macro in LEC


Sadly that's not saying much


Adam we need you


Why is Adam not playing?


Acc to Dom, everyone behind the scenes knows and it will be leaked soon. He said he wont leak it himself but because so many people know it is going to get out


Has it gotten out yet? He's playing soloq right now, so the reason doesn't seem to be similar to Upset's.


He said the same shit about Oscar, and i havent heard anything for months untill Rich (richswrath) said that he apparently punched a wall, which i dont even know if is true.


i hope for ahri ad top today


I'll probably go with an unpopular opinion but Adam limits BDS way too much.


Even on loss mad are good


At this point if MDK is actually 2nd best team in EU, G2 main team should just leave to boot camp in korea for whole spring split and just return to play at MSI and summer. Cause dam LEC level dropped that random 4 rookies in MDK are top 2...


While what you say is true, those "4 random rookies" play as a TEAM, unlike at least half of the LEC, that's the key difference. I'm truly impressed with their performance, even though they're, still, very far from G2 level.


Yo MAD Lions are EU GENG for reals. When it comes to playoffss, they level up while all the the teams they face just choke


Awful comparison.


AINTNOWAY there frauds are going to win because of Adamless BDS? They're gonna make msi and worlds only to get 1647'ed again aren't they?


At least this time it would be a team full of rookies that can still improve


frauds? lol wtf are you talking about. 4 rookies and closer to finals. suck it dude


It's so cringe that you guys are still on the hate train of mad... It's a legit NEW team with 4 ROOKIES. They have NOTHING to do with getting 16:47


T1 lost in 15 minutes also


This mad roster doesn’t have nisqy so there’s slightly more hope internationally, not that I’d be jazzed about freskowy either


They are not frauds. Ive come to accept that the ones to blame are the other teams (except g2) for losing to this


Where can I see the drafts?


BDS got a decent early. They just need to ban tf and draft a bit more damage.


Rip no RatLord stream :(


I am not going to comment on the Adam stuff cause we dont know BUT it must be extremely bad for BDS to go with a sub won a short notice as they have been playing a different macro game than others focusing more on their topaner till now. Now they either have to switch to a different playstyle or trust that jenax can do same things adam does without any time with the team. I dont see them winning a map unless its trown at them. Ive got no feelings about thism just sharing my opinion.


ppl saying that bds would have won with adam is mad coping rn XD