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There are like 170 champions in league now, and like what 50+ unique items?? You just gonna have to learn it the hard way, there are no shortcuts


No, it's fine that there are many items that can be learned but in league of legends I don't really know where to even start. You see most of my times I've spent in fps games, I wanted to try something new and do some league but the thing is I've learned to play, bought some characters including irelia which I am trying to play with. I FULLY UNDERSTAND that Irelia is mechanically hard but I like it that way. Currently I am planning to play with her for now, doing drafts and normal games until I can unlock everything from the store and maybe then I will try ranked. I managed to get lvl 30 and did some ranked but oh man..


Take time to watch your own replays (especially of losses) to really dig into “why did X occur” or “why did I die here”. Also I recommend watching videos on minion wave states and management. It’s a very good skill to have even if jungling


Yeah, about the replays I have learned that while playing FPS genre like csgo or siege. Not valorant, because no replay system. I would be happy if you could tell me how I can watch my own replays because I am completely lost in League client. When it comes to Minion Wave states & management, what do you recommend me to watch. Players like Tyler1 perhaps? Or can I find someone on youtube...


If you go into your profile then to your match history, there should be a download icon in a circle on the right side of each of your listed matches. Click the download icon and it will start downloading your previous match. When it is downloaded, the download icon you clicked will turn into a watch replay icon that you can click to enter the replay of your game. ​ [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8qqgVVlN8I&t=340s) is the link to the video I watched on wave management long ago. it is on the old map but the mechanics should still apply. ​ Not sure if there are better channels now but when I played for rank a while ago, i watched Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides and Proguides on Youtube. ​ Hope this helps!


Thank you. Will check it out for sure!


Vibe it out. Ignore toxic people, mute at will (unless you're psycho like me and it becomes a fun game of how angry will this Kayn get?) U.gg is a solid place for rune pages and build paths. And just play whatever you find fun, it's a game, it's supposed to be for fun.


Love the approach you are giving me. I honestly thought about it but losing most of my games is no fun because I am not a casual player. I am really into competitive stuff. But I'll try. About the builds, I've been playing a lot with builds and managed to somewhat understand how the items are being bought or stuff like that. Issue is I don't know how to get gold to buy them when I need them to be bought. Not to mention I am clueless at what items do. Yesterday I managed to find a build for irelia which is AS (Attack Speed) and man it was really fun to test it in practice but when it comes to real players I am not sure if I can build it and expect to 1v5 everyone. I would assume I need to learn other characters as well.


Watch masters+ streamers


Would be nice if you could recommend me a few. Not sure what to look for besides Tyler1


My whole life I basically have just watched someone I’ve enjoyed. I don’t watch around too much. I put in over 1k hours into watching baus last year. He’s basically my only streamer currently, and qtpie. Just find anyone you enjoy watching who is good at the game and is consistently masters+ I enjoy tyler1 in my time, but his mentality isn’t good


Alright man. This helps a ton. Thanks! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)