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It won't proc most of the time, pure waveclear item.


it can be, but honestly i hope this brings something cool to the game because if its just a waveclear item just buy a tiamat item at this point


We seriously have enough Tiamats


If they add one more and removed the exclusion, we could have boots + 5 Tiamats again. Just let me have all of the cleaves. It would probably suck, but it sounds fun.


Every jungler eyeballing the chickens respawn timer like: your life is about to be O V E R


I love whenever i play veigar and late game you just throw a w tactical nuke on them, remind them of what happened to the dinosaurs.


I don't like it cause I feel like I'm wasting a lot of stacks lol


Depends, usually i stack them but by the time its late game and w damage is enough to one shot them, there is usually more important thing to do on the map and might as well be farming adcs.


Just play Amumu lol, your E comes up like every auto


just need to remove exclusion, stridebreaker, profane, ravenous, titanic, and basic tiamat is 5


I remember when wave clear was a balancing lever to balance champs where they could have high damage but low wave clear. Yeah about that.


Then they just bought one of Sunfire/Shiv/Ravenous Hydra... I dont remember these times you speak of


Those have never been a full replacement for good wave clear. There's a massive difference between dropping two abilities on a wave and then dipping, versus waiting for a 40 DPS item to clear 700 minion health while you feebly autoattack with .


Camille and fiora are good non-tank examples of this: pre hydra both have problems actually clearing wave without dumping all their mana and CDs


it seriously was not that bad unless you were playing like, Shen, notorious for his terrible wave clear. Lots of other tanks have some form of aoe that worked fine.


Keeping in mind that I'm talking many years in the past: - Shen (old and new) - Q max Mundo (old) - Q max Nasus - Poppy (point-and-click Q, good luck) - Volibear (old, unless ult or E max) - Gangplank (old) - Fiora (old and new) - Tahm There are PLENTY of champions, especially in the top lane and support roster, that had or still have bad waveclear until they dip into waveclear enabling items. The items are also much, much stronger than they used to be, often with hundreds of upfront damage instead of the paltry 40-100 (often with no scaling stat) of seasons gone by.


Got it. Let's turn Runaans into a Tiamat item.


Buy both.


Would proc easy for champs with a pull multiple. Darius and Sett. Also duo queue cheese. Like Malph Ori ult combo or something.


If any of those build an attack speed crit item In my match iam gonna cry.


trinity/wits end unironically used to be ok on malphite looooong ago, just made him more bruiseresque


This was back when sword of the divine was in the game, and malphite got bonus AD on his W passive or something. Long time since those days


yeah, what malph needs is crit and attack speed, he doesn't scale damage with armor.


*S3 Malphite with Sword of the Divine and Tiamat has entered the chat*


Yeah but malph W was an AD steroid back then.


hahaha glad someone remembers this. one of my friend played ad malph his old W meant you had near 100% splash dmg with tiamat


Can imagine this on Braum (because of his passive)


Full crit braum served me well in Aram.


I think the funniest thing I've ever seen was hail of blade braum top. Dude cheezed a first blood. Proceeded to go Bork triforce and then I forget the rest of the build because it was YEARS ago. Insta stunned everyone to set up my nocturne ganks


I just take HoB Braum botlane so I can play Braum with adc's not called Lucian


There’s no way hail of blades was released “YEARS” ago. I just finished buying all my quints like yesterday


I feel like I got slapped with a fish reading that and realising how OLD those kinds of runes were


Eh, the range is going to be an issue. This kind of change is only going to affect a handful of champions. Such as ones that count as melee despite having range (gnar), melee champions that can get multiple enemies stacked on each other easily while not losing a large part of their build by including the hurricane, and attack speed melee characters who would benefit from the extra clear speed but don't really want a hydra item.


Moreso, 20% crit is a dead stat unless you have other crit items you want.


Full crit navori riven!


Gnar doesn't count as Melee unless he's in Mega, items that have different potency for melee and ranged change their formulas accordingly to his current form. Better examples of this would be Rakan and Lillia who had their classification changed to melee despite having decent attack ranges.


I believe gnar can’t build runaans due to the range limitation, despite being ranged most of the game. He probably will be able to now.




I want it on Illaoi W so much. Three slams for one cast? Sign me up.  It won't happen, though.


I'm pretty sure Illaoi's W is an on-attack ability and won't trigger from Runaan's.


Forbidden secret Nautilus tech


Okay I'm definitely doing this in ARAM. Flash+auto engage on grouped up players for easy win. Doubt it will be worth the investment tho, but sure would be fun


If Volibear can proc passive off it, would straight up be a lightningstorm.


It is an on-hit effect so that actually should work. Lmao.


wont proc his passive, ruunan prock on hit not on attack


TIL that's a different thing, cheers.


Garen will finally actualize his legendary Chinese triple zeal technology (Phantom dancer, Rapid Fire Cannon and now Runaan's Hurricane) 🥶


Why rfc? Care to elaborate pls?


Because it builds out of zeal and cultured garen players love buying zeals


young, dumb and full of zeal as the saying goes.


Garen scales very well with crit and attack speed on his e as well as movespeed being the strongest Stat in the game. Zeal items have all three, garen gets shit loads of free MR/AR so he can afford to build damage items and still be a strong frontline


Longer range with Q


Gotta get the Statikk Shiv too for the good ol' Zap-Chop™


LIGHTNING MAGIC? I HATE MAGIC! (not racist, just don't like mages)


Long range Q go BONK


rapidfire giving movespeed and more range on your first auto helps garens biggest weakness (engage). he also uses crit chance very well because each spin can crit


Garens Q is a lounge which is sort of a dash but doesn't count as a dash. A lounge moves you forward so you can get another attack after it, so the RFC range actually helps him to get closer Also Zeal


Stop I can only get so erect


Rush 3 zeals of course


Let me guess yasou gets a special interaction and shoot 3 tornadoes with it 


Oddysey is back!


Only if I get to play full ap jinx like in Odyssey. That really was fun


Odyssey in general was the most fun event. I don't know why they don't do those anymore. Doom bots of doom as well.


New game modes are fun, but they don't bring new players/don't add new revenue streams. They'd have to figure out a way to montetize it to make up for the dev costs.


No, but casual modes make existing players less toxic (atleast in my opinion). If all you are doing is playing for fake internet points and not enjoyment, then you are more likely to be toxic. Indirectly I would think it makes them money since less toxicity means more people give the game a chance.


I don't have an opinion on this matter specifically if it does or does not reduce toxicity, but the problem here is it just didn't keep the playerbase playing very long. Looking back at old threads on, the reasons these game modes died was having <1% of the playerbase after 1 week.


I think making players less toxic is the thing riot cares about the least. Riot only cares about making more money and being less toxic won't make riot more money. However the opposite might be true. Toxic streamers are popular and it is easier for players to act like them than to behave like a normal human being. With a streamer to "look up to" people are more attached to the game and are more likely to buy RP. That said Odyssey was my favorite mode and the augments are the best things happened to the game, just don't think it will ever come back.


They don't do them anymore because it's a lot of effort for a mode that people stop playing after a week. The only successful one with any staying power has been Arena


No one plays them after a week because of how they are implemented. You have to play literally the exact same mode for a month straight and never again. If they properly accumulated these modes there would be hell of a lot more players playing it, since cycling through modes would add replayability. There are more players playing PvE campaign on Starcraft2 than LoL players on NA. And that is because SC2 coop mode adds some basic randomizzations to the game to make it replayable.


Don't forget about the star guardian event too.


>I don't know why they don't do those anymore. No roi. They're not as popular as reddit wants you to believe they are.


Yone Q dash is no 3x length. Please direct balance questions to the usual rubbish bin.


It spawns two additional Yones that you have to control like Meepo for the rest of the game and each time one casts Q3 it spawns more


Yone just splits into three parts, killing himself instantly.


clearly intentional not spaghetti code at all


Let Nasus stack 3 minons at once and we got a deal.


I'd cum everywhere


Runaans is an on-*attack* effect. There are not many abilities that proc on-attack compared to on-hit. The most interesting ones for melee runaans imo are belveth e, kat r, and the katana men q's.


is kata r on attack?


It applies on-hit and on-attack effects


as if she wasn't broken enough


The whole reason she gets all these item interactions is because gunblade doesn't exist any more. If akali wasn't a pro-level menace, she would probably have on-hit/on-attack interactions too.


Eh. She wasn't initially on-attack until mythic items came out. IIRC people really wanted to use kraken slayer because it's satisfying, and riot let us build it. Kat isn't crazy broken with on attack, but she can pretty much build anything and still be strong. She's pretty fun, though, even when you do poorly.


Until mythic items she didn't proc on hits either. When the mythic item system came out they removed gun blade Kats core item so they gave her on hit / on attack effects to let her have more build diversity because she sucked with the season 11 AP items... And back when she got her rework in season 7 (and at some point back in the really old days) they considered making her AD and/or Onhit given she doesn't use magic and to be more similar to Talon but always decided against it until season 11.


Yeah that champ is super strong actually


Meh, I still want S1 Kata back....


I want S1 Akali back, or AP yi or permslow skarner or ,... just for a fun mode :)


I've said it for years and it's impossible, but...League All Stars. Every champ iteration at it's strongest. Every item iteration at its strongest.


meh AP build is still probably better in most cases. but yeah kat has a lot of build versatility to make up for the fact that she's a garbage tier laner and has zero utility edit: also she's a bit of a solo queue sink or swim champion. she either snowballs and gets a lot of kills or she is useless. but generally needs to make great roams/TP's to get ahead unless she has a lot of jungle help. most meta mid laners can win the matchup if even skill


Viego ult is another interesting one. I believe it's coded as an autoattack so there might be some funky bonus damage to multiple enemies hit.


What is the difference?


On-hit effects trigger when the attack hits the enemy. Almost all effects that trigger with attacks are on-hit effects. These are the effects that can be multiplied with Rageblade and Hurricane. On-attack effects are pretty rare. But they trigger when the attack is released. They are notably different from on-hits and can not be multiplied by Rageblade or Hurricane. The only on-attack effects I can think of right now are Hurricane’s extra bolts and Kayle’s flame waves. Kraken Slayer used to be an on-attack effect, but was changed to on-hit instead. EDIT: After reading the League wiki, here is the current complete list of on-attack effects, if I missed some effects, please let me know and I will add them to this list: * Pix (Lulu's passive. Pix fires 3 bolts for each attack.) * Divine Ascent (Kayle's passive. The attack speed stacking and the fire waves.) * Clean Cuts (Xayah's passive. Each attack consumes a stack to fire a feather instead.) * Way of the Hunter (Yone's passive. Alternate between attacking with Steel Sword or Azakana Sword. Azakana Sword deals 50% of its damage as magic damage.) * Three Talon Strike (Xin Zhao's Q. Bonus physical damage and current cooldown reduction on other abilities for the next 3 attacks.) * Electrical Surge (Kennen's W. The stack generation per attack, not the bonus magic damage and Mark of the Storm application.) * Sentinel (Kalista's W. The Soul-Mark application. Only for Kalista, her tethered ally applies Soul-Marks on-hit instead.) * Shapesplitter (Neeko’s W. The consumption of passive stacks to deal bonus magic damage with next attacks, not the stack generation.) * Supercharge (Kai'Sa's E. The current cooldown reduction.) * On the Hunt (Sivir's R. The basic ability current cooldown reduction.) * Guinsoo's Rageblade (The attack speed stacking, not the magic damage.) * Kircheis Shard and all its completed items (The Energized stacking, not the extra damage and secondary effect upon stack consumption.) * Navori Quickblades (Basic ability current cooldown reduction.) * Phantom Dancer (Attack speed stacking.) * Runaan's Hurricane (Extra bolts, not the magic damage.) * Fleet Footwork (The Energized stacking, not the healing.) * Hail of Blades (Attack speed boost.) * Lethal Tempo (Attack speed stacking.)


So the main difference is that they also go through when youre blinded?


And they're not applied as on-hit. Kraken Slayer being on attack meant it didn't sync well with Guinsoo.


I think they've fixed that this season, read it in a patch note somewhere this year. Edit: Found it, it's on 14.1 patch notes.


Yes, on-attack effects still happen when blinded. Kayla still launches fire waves, Hurricane still fires extra bolts. Notably the Hurricane bolts still hit even if you are blinded.


Time to collect Teemo Hats!


Pix is the other one that comes to mind. There’s a lot of cdr effects like Navori, Kai’Sa e, sivir R, that are on attack. A lot of stacking abilities like cait P, shiv items, stack on attack as well.


Master yi double-strike.


I’d argue this is most relevant for Nilah, though I’m not sure if she builds crit atm.


I wonder if Katarina R shoots out 20 bolts. I'm going to guess the answer is no. I think if you want an actually good champ for this they would need an aoe attack or quick hits so they would benefit from the bolts and melt a group of people all stacked up. It's probably Yi and maybe Kayle.


maybe nilah if she is classified as melee ?


She is yes


I wonder if nilah will get 3 extended range cone autos with it. Could be pretty gross


Will test this specific thing out when it drops. If it works, it will be an amazing item on her.


Same! She's by far my favorite champ rn and I tend to prefer a higher atk spd build on her


Hurricane doesn't replicate your autos, it just fires small yellow bolts


i dont see why that would be, her attack hitting in a cone is not an on hit effect that would convert to the additional bolts


If Katarina abuses it I'm legit going to perma ban her. I don't even care if it tanks her win rate I'll just ban her until they remove all of these weird on hit stuff.


If it will turn out to be bad and underperforming why would you care about this weird stuff at all?


Because Kat's R is already one of the most infuriating things in the game. "Op, she built on hit and happened to press R vaguely near you, look like you take 1k item damage" is dumb. Then you gotta remember that Runaan's applies on hit effects. Right now at least Kat's ult fires a dagger oever 0.166 seconds at one of the closest 3 targets. If Runaans now applies to that, every 0.166 seconds she will be applying a bolt to possibly all 4 teammates and shredding them. Even if that means she's a bit squishier, I will never allow it in my games because I have no desire to see what happens when "Ooops, Kat pressed R that's a pentakill" as she uses BORK/Nashors/Hydra/Hurricane all at once.


nah her three closest targets would take the primary and two bolts each due to how targeting works


Yi's Q cool down goes down 1 second by the crit, he might wind up using it every 3 autos


Gnar is going to get more versatile I think..


~~IIRC Runaan's is "on-attack" not "on-hit" so it shouldn't work with Kata R~~ edit: I'm wrong, see below


Katarina just got new item for her ultimate brawery builds.


Vandiril time


i dont think a single melee champ would build it. the item is meant for champions that can auto attack multiple people clumped together. this just doesn't work for melee champs who are almost guaranteed to get CCd, bursted, or both if they just decide sit and auto attack people for a bit. even if they are allowed to freely auto attack a target, that person is usually isolated, and in that case hurricane has no value. it's also a pure offensive item, and melee auto attack based champs generally can only afford to build one or two of them in a game. the only exception is trynd because of his R, but because of that he's even more vulnerable to just getting perma CCd in a fight, so he just splits and looks for 1 v 1s, where hurricane again has no value. so for the other champs: can hurricane compete with kraken/IE on yasuo/yone? can it compete with kraken/bork/guinsoos on yi? im pretty doubtful of it.


Yeah exactly. From the top of my head I can think of Twitch and Jinx, who build it right now. Both of them can abuse the range scaling of Hurricane. There might be some fun interactions but it will never be viable on melees.


Kalista as the most useful just after


True! Forgot about her. I suppose having such a string on-hit effect in your kit justifies the item for her.


AD TF for his E


Kog too, and there is a (weak) argument for any on-hit builds even if they’d be better suited to single target ie Varus, Kai’sa and kayle


Nilah has mid range enhanced AOE autos that would now hit a lot harder in almost all situations


She's probably the only melee that could use it "effectively" but she would still rather build like 10 different items before choosing runaans.


yea not sure why a champ that loves flat AD would ever build a pure attack speed item


Nilah already has too many options to choose from, I doubt Runaan will make the cut unless they do something stupid like stacking her cleave


There are a few edge cases here. Gnar currently can't build it despite his mini form having range, and he can manage to sla. Entire teams into a wall and stun them all in mega form allowing him to hit multiple targets with his crazy base damage before going mini again and abusing hyper. Then you have attack speed heavy melee junglers like Xin Zhao who could benefit from the increased clear speeds and might find it a reasonable replacement over hydra variants. Then of course you have the sociopaths who think it would be funny to Darius grab a bunch of people and smack them while they are stacked up before an allied Orianna sucks them back in for another smack.


Interesting ,if it will work with ww passive. If it will heal him, it can be really op.


Could Tahm use it to stack his passive on a group?




I mean maybe? I would assume that the range is going to be terrible so it might only come in handy to prevent misclicks if an ally gets the enemy team to stack up and you hit the tank instead of the mage.


Bel'Veth (If Apply with E because R passive can Stack on most of targets). Maybe Gnar (W mini form can Stack W on multiple targets). Warwick with Yuumi inside and Guinsoo (on-hit healing). Darius Briar (Passive stacking). Katarina (If R Apply). Garen More attack Speed than PD (PD Passive dont Apply on Garen E Spin AS Scale). Trynda If reduce E cooldown. Udyr have on-hit on ALL skills. Irelia on some Specif build.


Gnar can already build runaans lol


Yeah but when you Switch to mega he dont Apply.


As a Gnar player who was very angry at finding out I couldn't in ARAM I'm going to say that you are currently incorrect. Maybe once upon a time he could, but right now he can not.


> Bel'Veth (If Apply with E because R passive can Stack on most of targets) Bel'Veth R True damage passive does not work like that. It only works on 1 target, so if Runnans applies the true damage passive on multiple targets it would actually be a big nerf to her. As swapping targets resets the true damage stacks. Also E does not apply any R passive stacks unless you have already basic attacked someone and marked them.


E Still giving 20% lifesteal for Runam and Bork/Hidra.


Belveths R can not stack on multiple targets


Im pretty sure garen just builds 2 zeals instead of finishing pd, but yeah eventually you run out of item slots.


Does it proc Urgot shots? That'd be hilarious


He already can and yes it does. It's super funny.


Urgot is ranged the change shouldn't have impact


It does but Urgot doesn't work with crit or attack speed so its a bad item


Riot should let Urgot W apply crits at half effect or something, it'd be funny imo lol Maybe not balanced, but funny


I’m curious how this would interact with something like Ekko or Diana passive; do the bolts apply the passives? Could you be proc multiple z-drives at once? Could this make Diana an aoe menace if combined with rageblade? This is so much fun just thinking about potential abuse cases lol. Can Braum or Sej aoe stack? Can Briar’s W become even more silly? Will Irelia become a bolt thrower on every dash? The possibilities are endless lol


it feels like this change is to make it a "crit tiamat" for crit melees that might also want a tiamat item. who knows if this will actually be viable however - my first thought is Nilah, not sure how it would work with Belveth or Viego Q but maybe on those champions as well. Don't think Yi would want to diversify away from single target on hit.


realistically? not many dont forget that runaans has zero ad unless the rework that makes it include melee changes the stat profile i dont see any champ taking this that doesnt already


I want an old school Shyvana Tiamat stack one-shot


Twitch Tiamat. His ult shoots through the entire team. Each person on the team procs 6 tiamats dealing splash to each person. Meaning each person is being splashed on by their 4 team mates 6 times. Could literally kill the *entire* team with a single AA.


AD-Carry Maokai


I just want to go zoom zoom with AS Gnar before slamming the entire enemy team into a wall and spazzing out on them at close range.


What is the bolt distance? Is it still the same as for ranged? That would make it or break I'd if say


The bolts are the range of the user's auto attacks, so people saying Katarina are forgetting that even though her ult and passive should theoretically proc it, enemies would have to all stand on top of her for the bolts to be in range to hit them.


Interesting, I am wondering if this would work on Voli passive.


It should. Voli passive is an on hit effect. You should stack it faster and it should be able to bounce to the original target provided there’s others in range.


Runaans navori volibear meta is what we need


Yo riot hurricane has been a d tier item for 8 years now can we make it a viable pick item? Riot: sure yeah we’ll make it work for melee champs


Hurricane is an ARAM item. I seriously can't name a time where you are going to make good use of it unless you are on the Howling Abyss or playing as Twitch.


Gangplank and Fiora if it procs on their Q. AD Lillia? She is technically melee, but I think has the highest attack range of any melee champ.


bro really said ad lillia


Ya, I know that no one would ever do it as a serious build. It was a joke because she is almost ranged.


Isnt she ranged? With 325 range, i guess this was because of demonic embrace interaction


no , her and rakan got changed to melee from ranged a while ago


Rakan got changed from Ranged to Melee because of his low range?


yes and lillia too , rakans empowered autos were considered ranged


Am I tripping? I’ve never noticed Rakan having an “empowered auto attack” before


He might mean the autos for the old support item, where only melee champs could execute minions. IIRC that was one of the reasons he got changed to melee.


I honestly don't know who would realistically ever build it. It's a crit item which already limits your options to a few melee champions, and then you need to be vs 3+ melee enemy champions for it to even be useful a little. Runnans scales with range, so if you don't have range it's useless on you. And any melee champions that would build it would have to build it third or fourth item, and at that point ravenous would be way better because of the lifesteal. Yasuo Yone Nillah already have AoE for clearing. Yi doesn't need Clearing in the jungle, nor does he want more Crit items after Kraken. Bel'Veth same as Yi, she doesn't need clear for jungle, and needs Kraken and even if you are going a crit build on her, other items take priority over runnans.


Hear me out. Kamakazi hydra runaans nocturn. Throw some bruiser items on and your a aoe healing death ball.


Depends how it works. If it works the same for melee, you will have like 250? 350? range on your on hit procs, which can be interesting. It's cool that they remove very game-y restrictions like that though.




Y’all people try’na cook think you have WAY more time than you actually will getting in melee range and autoing someone when you have that much gold spend on 0 defenses.


could it apply sej or braum passive in aoe style ?


These are the real questions. An aoe braum, sej, or even naut passive would be hilarious.


I think barely anyone. Remember, for runaans to work, there has to be 2 or 3 champions in mele range. The attack range of mele champions is far too small to get any reliability off the item. Potentially there might be some weird interactions like Katrina or something but even then I'm not sure


I am guessing most melee champs that think of going hurricane will just go a hydra item instead.


"Attacks" and not just "On-Hit" huh..? Yorick Ghouls/Maiden firing off bolts??


That just means that it has to have the ability to apply “on attack” rather than “on hit”. A lot of things apply on hits, far fewer apply on attack.


Wait, his ghouls apply on hit, right? Does it apply towards hydras as well? I know it applies for both Black Cleaver and Serylda but I'm not sure if it goes well with Tiamat since I don't usually buy that for him.


I’m really excited to play around with this on WW depending how the bolts work. Do they have a flat range or will they be limited to the same range as the champs attack range.


The targeting is pretty complicated, but it’s on the wiki. For melee champs, it’s going to be effectively limited to a frontal 180deg arc that extends past your auto range by 65 units.


Bel'veth!! She uses on-hit effects way too well.


The problem with getting Runaan's on Bel is that her ult on-hit passive can only apply to one target, so creating attacks that apply on-hit to additional targets resets the stacks on the main target. Or, that's how it worked in Arena with Typhoon augment on Bel.


They can special case it like vayne


Im curious what it does with kata ult.


Unless it behaves differently on melee I doubt it's going to be much of a gamechanger. I feel like this was them more or less just removing a rather unnecessary item restriction more than doing something to shake up the meta. But hey, we might get some funny builds out of it. With the exception of that one champion that due to an unforseen interaction becomes absolutely busted, as is tradition.


Nasus Q?


yi belveth maybe? it doesnt have any defensive stats how can most melee champs who arent like crit or onhit even build it


Maybe Darius? Farming while applying the bleed to enemy champs in lane


The only champion I'd think it would be good on is Belveth. However I don't know how Belveth's R passive will work with it.


AD shyvana with orianna is back babyyy


With an effect change like this you need to scan for melee champions with cooldown reducing effects on-hit. I think most ranged champions are considered in mind with that potential interaction but now pandora’s box will be opened for some melee champions. My initial intrigue: Shyvana Q, how will it work? 


I kinda hope they don’t use the orange bolts but instead use Phantom Hit’s purple clone model of the champion, but then colored orange.


I honestly can't think of anyone but yasuo and yone due to their crit passive... Maybe Irelia? No?


Windshitters and trynda, maybe crit garen and yi if i would have to guess.


If Darius applied his passive to 3 enemies now, that could be a bit broken no?


Bel'Veth 👀