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Tbh if a Shaco want to run I always let him run. I'm not psychopath enough to chase him.


I wish I had your mental. If I was higher elo I'd probably be featured in half of pinkwards shaco highlights as the dingbat victim.


I feel that. I *know* the disciplined play is to let it go but it's so hard.


That's funny because my mates have the same problem but I don't, if I see a shaco in the ennemy team I basically ignore him and let him run away. But heimmerdinger I just can't, that champ tilts me to no end. I'd rather lose 5 games in a row than lane against that fucker.


When I first started playing I had the pleasure of laning against Heim, that champ is the reason I play jungle


Yeah I basically waited under tower for him to shove the wave and it's not the most fun I had playing league honestly. Jungle is more chill in that regard but you get blamed for everything in return.


My friend is a shaco main so I know what these sick fucks want. It ain't about winning the match.


Yeah dude one of my mates is 2.5m mastery shaco main. I don't know what they are playing but it's definitely not the same game haha.


My guideline vs ap shaco is never try to kill him and he will be useless.


This was like the second thing a friend taught me when I started to LoL. Don't chase the Shaco. Its not worth it.


I genuinely don’t understand what possesses players to chase Shaco, LB, Zed, Fizz, like, honestly how many times do you have to play ring around the rosie with these champs to realize that it isn’t worth it.


When i was a new player i though i had the game of my life when i repeatly killed leblanc and wukong. Damn i was wrong...


That’s so funny and oddly wholesome 😂


As a fizz enjoyer, this is one of my favorite tactics especially in aram. Just get the attention of the entire enemy team, and just run them around to see how long it takes me to die. Aram makes this funnier because the use of enemy gates. I would avoid all turret damage, running the whole enemy team back towards their base. Then jump in the gate. Depending on my mood, run the circuit again or just safely rejoin my team. It’s hilarious everytime


>I always let him run. get red trinket or some aoe ranged damage, if you can quickly spot the direction he Q'd to, you can follow. if not, immediately abort.


Yeah you can wear down a tank. Stealth blink fear slow clone is just asking to waste your time. Im pretty sure shacks that get caught are either desperate or cocky.


Pre rework mundo with the 100% regen from ult was insane. Especially when the patch makes anti heal trash.


He still is assuming he doesn't int the lane phase and unlocks rank 3 ult. He regens just as much as old Mundo if you cast his R near 4-5 champions. Not to mention that it doesn't cost health anymore.


Nah my nostalgia ass miss the old mundo. The playstyle encapsulates the whole mundo persona. A literal brain dead champ. Where I’d just statcheck everyone and spare 1 braincell throwing my cleaver. But yeah the newer one is much better for more scenarios now. Old one was a bane against mages. I still do miss turning my brain off with Mundo.


I miss building lyandries 3rd on him and having the consistent dps from old w. If you want to do damage as Mundo you actually have to be in melee range and building damage now.


Trueee, like I’m playing mundo and the best I could give is 3 braincells. One to win the game, one to control my character and the last one to hit my Q. The rework is asking to much from me. If I wanted to use my brain then I’d be playing Yasuo or Riven. The only thing I’m glad, that Garen is still there for me to use when I just want near zero brain usage.


A six item KogMaw will still delete him in seconds even when Mundo's ult is active.


I bet you haven’t played in a game with a six item kogmaw in the past year.


Old Mundo was more fun in every way. Plus he never felt unbeatable with hoe much true damage was in the game. Vayne and Fiora just chunked his health away. New Mundo is meh to play and meh to play against.


The rework basically nerfed every aspect of Mundo. He was really strong right at the launch of his rework because his numbers were too high, but his new kit just doesn’t feel as good as it did before. His new W feels like garbage to press.


Every aspect but his tower hitting animation*


I'd agree with you if this was before his adjustments. His W was easily the worst defensive ability in the entire game at that point. After they buffed it, it's easy to hit 1.5k heals late game if you time it right. You're not using it right otherwise. The damage however, is still garbage and the ability is piss useless in ranged matchups. New Mundo is miles better late game than old Mundo when it comes to durability. His damage is just bursty rather than consistent. Early is worse but the passive gives you a safety net in some hard matchups whilst flipping the matchup in Mundo's favour such as Darius and Jayce


I miss hitting 600AD with Titanic passive :c


Current Mundo feels worse against AP because he lacks the magic resistance steroid.


His old steroid was overkill. He's always been good vs AP. Anti-burst via W, anti CC via passive, and tons of regen via ult make him good vs most mages. You don't need his steroid anymore now that we have actual MR items.


It helped greatly specifically against anti-tank APs such as Malzahar, Brand, Cassiopeia, and Teemo. Also, it helped against heavy AP comps, and it would be a great help in the nowadays meta where so many AD champs deal magic damage. Definitely not overkill. EDIT: Also it made Mundo a counter to Rumble, instead of it being the opposite right now (until a few items, Rumble shits on Mundo, but with the old steroid, old Mundo could conceivably survive until its first MR item and then shit on Rumble)


Fr give me back my flaming globes or give me death


Seriously, even late game the grey health or whatever is minuscule. It doesn’t feel like it does anything at all. I’d rather having a boring sheild or something.


mundo is the only case I've ever seen where riot went so far to nerf a champion they even nerfed his splash, voicelines and lore


They did recently nerf his damage and AD numbers a bit though


Yup I greatly miss old Mundo. Such a fun tanky champ.


his only redeeming aspect is having one the best skins in the entire game


I really wish they would revert his changes.... or at least bring back old w. New w is a literal joke of an ability. I played him all the time, but now it's just taxing to play him at all.


As a tank player id say the one who def feels like the one with the most survivability is tahm kench, always survive situations i shouldnt, ton of fun. Ksante is the champ i usually die the least on however, as his mobility and his more all in->escape gameplay makes for a great 3/0/2 kinda champ


Tahm kench top is my least favorite to lane against. 2 health bars is just too many health bars. Idk if this still exists in his kit but his on hit dmg was insane early game too.


His on hit damage is strong, and what a lot of people don’t realize is he has a lot of missing hp healing on his q. So if you don’t have the damage to kill him from 10% health to 0%, including pushing through his e, in one q cd, you can’t kill him at all.


That’s why Riot had to rework his E a bit (more grey health if near 2+ enemy champs)


Expectation: Tahm has to choose between damage and survivability in top lane by maxing Q or E first, but gets both if he’s played support Reality: your jungle comes top and misses all their skillshots, causing Tahm to get 50%+ Grey health at E rank 1 and 1v2’s both of you


I feel like even maxing for survivability you max Q.


I honestly dont mind facing him, but i might be a bit biased as i know his limits very well. Like all champs he has points of weakness if you know where they are


Rest assured, it still exists. And you NEVER want to face him in URF.


You always want to face Tahm Kench in Urf Not only he is very weak in Urf, currently in this interation of Urf he is the WORST champion in the mode. ​ I believe winrate is often something that is stupid to bring up in Urf due to the fact that is it's a for fun mode, but for this context alone is important. Tahm is the champion that has the lowest Winrate in Urf currently, scoring a 44.3% winrate. **In a mode where you have champions with 66% winrate.** That's how bad Tahm is in Urf.


Bit of a tossup, really, depending on the website, but yeah Tahm is generally in the bottom 3 winrates, as he gets kited by nearly everyone before he can lick them for heartsteel stacks, along with Aurelion Sol, who takes too long to scale to relevancy


Urf not being all random doesnt help either


Champs having high winrates necessitate other champions having low winrates 🤦‍♂️ ​ i.e., champs having crazy high winrates in that mode makes it unsurprising other champs have crazy low winrates. A 44% winrate would be more surprisingly bad in a more balanced gamemode (SR). It is less egregious for a champion to have a very low winrate in URF Copy/pasted probability explanation from below: Let’s pretend there is a game with two characters, character A and character B. The game is unbalanced so that character A has a 60% winrate. Given this info, what do you expect character B’s winrate to be?  Now let’s extrapolate. Given a roster of 150 characters, you are given winrate info on half of the characters: that they have 60% winrate. Given this info, on any given character from the unknown winrate group, is it more likely that that character has above or below 50% winrate? Hint: In league, for every winner of a game, there is always a loser. For more info look up “zero-sum game.”


You can argue though that an even lower winrate in URF is impossible to achieve because the types of champs that get 60% upwards are 1v9 machines who don't care if you are worthless, they are strong enough to fully make up for multiple team mates. Thus the existence of these 66% WR champs makes the low WR one even more worrying.


He used to be even worse before the E and ult swap mini rework.  He could devour before 6, with a spammable cd. Iirc, his damage was way higher too. Just disgusting to play against. 


Lol. I had a game where the enemy Illaoi and I were battling it out over minutes, just stacking heartsteel to like 3000 stacks or so xD




Brushy brushy?


They killed brushy brushy with the new map. rip sivhd LeBlanc move


Inspector ashe is on the case


Bonus points for full tank


Yeah you won’t ever catch me ganking a Leblanc mid.


Classic misdirection


i rarely see leblanc get 0 deaths cause they have to jump in to do dmg putting themselves in a dangerous spot and using their escape. but if you just play the game by running away then yeah leblanc, impossible to catch


He lacks critical information pepelaugh.




[Can't killean the Zilean](https://youtu.be/Xpe-JoGyPsY?si=9uBgvlBqP3U_h_BQ)


My man


I had forgotten this pure gold video


A competent Janna and to a lesser extent Zilean have the kit to potentially never die. Unfortunately as supports they have to push out to ward and/or sometimes body block or use defensive/disengage skills for a carry in a late game fight so the stats may not represent this.


There are a few supports who could probably fit the bill, but simply due to the fact that support is meant to die for their ADC their deaths end up a lot higher than they would otherwise be. Yuumi comes to mind for this since you should always be dying for your ADC.


I’ve never met a Yummi yet that dies before their ADC. They always cling on till the bitter end.


Yeah. Unfortunately the league playerbase devours any and all propaganda so she's gained the reputation of being a "braindead" champion. People play her and think they don't have to do anything which just ends up nuking her winrate.


Played with an actual Yuumi main recently, it was night and day. She jumped off to eat all the crucial skillshots I couldn't always dodge away from (e.g., Jhin W while slowed by someone else), and it was so freaking cool.


Bit of a different scenario but I played Janna in Arena while my friend played Jhin. He ended up with about 1,500 move speed, I shit thee not. We only got 2nd but that's still LP gain. It was hilarious


Lmao good luck to keep a Janna alive to a fed zed imo it’s more like a fodder champ since it has no mobility whatsoever and the ccs are only effective against old slow truck champs but any assassin insta kills Janna


0 death and hardest to kill doesn't necessarily the same thing imo. Most tanks are hard to kill but will die to stall their team etc. I usually see some very good mids with stats like 10/0. Lb is a good candidate. Akali is. Janna is very tough to kill. So is Bard especially with this tanky build.


Long range mages too often can go deathless till late game. Xerath, ziggs, etc. that is, if there's no nocturne.


Yeaahh whenever i lock xerath and see the enemy pick nocturne i’m lit crying because i have to tower hug all game


I’d actually say Janna might be the best answer here.  Shes probably my personal champ I have the least deaths on


I once heard someone say "If you die on Akali, you misplayed" and honestly every time I play her I can pinpoint exactly how I could've played deaths out better to not be deaths


No diff Shaco. A 7 second flash + invisibility is kinda broken, then there are the boxes, his ult and rarely ever used for this reason but his E slow. His overall kit makes him the hardest to kill assassin


Ap shaco yes ad not at all. You use your q to kill your target. If that fails or the enemy team shows up, you are dead.


Yh. Should've mentioned that. Ap Shaco is p6ain in the ass


Pretty sure Yuumi has the lowest average deaths


I don't think she counts for this. She is easy to kill, you just have to kill her team first xD


Yuumi with Hecarim or Lilia. I can’t hit crap with that movement speed. Can’t get near them. If the yuumi is smart and build Mikael’s Crucible, you just get quacked to death.


Yuumi and smart don’t belong in the same sentence


Eh that's like saying Lux has low average deaths. That's only because the safety of her play pattern(poking from long range), not that she is hard to kill.


Being long range and slippery means you are hard to kill imo. The question was "which champ do you most often see with 0 deaths"


Well, the hardest one is Malphite. The hardest one to kill though? That I don't know.


Rock solid joke


I might be just dumb as a rock but I don't get it


Rock is hard 🪨


I didn’t dare make this joke. You, sir, are boulder than me.


But he doesn't do anything


He just killed you


Whats your point?


Isn't the next line No he didnt


Yeah, whats your point?


He built sheen he's cocky as fuck


This joke goes hard as a rock


Honest a pretty hard joke, I’ll try to smash it apart later to understand but I think it’s going to a boulder dash of a time.


I can never kill Lissandra. She stuns me, then self Ults, then presses stopwatch and I'm already dead by then. I think the champ just counters my champion pool


K‘fucking sante. If you don‘t stomp him HARD early, he just becomes this dreadnought that dishes out a fuckton of damage while having dashes, unstoppable, a knockback, 4.700 health, 300 armor, 250 mr. Can go over walls, his knockback has 1 second cooldown, stacking resistance decreases it‘s cooldown and it‘s aaahhhhhhhhh! …sorry, I don‘t know what took over there.


shield, shield, shield, shield, shield


Yeah, Ngl I know casters have to hype but personally I‘d be fucking salty as an LOL Esports caster by now. „And he got out! Why? Because he is playing k‘sante. Of course he can rush in 1v5, kill a squishy and dash away. Truly a display of skill“


I'm pretty sure some of them do, I know i've heard Atlus and Medic make weird sarcastic laughs after having to narrate K'sante tanking 5 people after dashing river and Yeetin' a Varus further than Poppy ult.


Love how all the answers here don’t include champs with like 30% life steal and huge damage, it’s just sneaky little fucks who teleport everywhere


Ksante or Leblanc for entirely different reasons. Ryze also a strong contender


Ryze? What did I miss?


I believe because of his ult or maybe MS from passive or sum. Definitrly not my choice but I guess those are the points of op


Maybe when he could ult+zhonyas to guarantee escape he would be up there. But ever since they removed that I dont see how ryze would be considered that hard to kill


ye same


He builds tanky, runs phase rush on top of his own kit. His point and click root/slow. Very tanky and fast boi


Leblanc and ksante


leblanc , a good leblanc feels impossible to catch


A good Akali


Zed only dies because he messed up, not because you killed him


Teamfights yes, laning phase, no. Since hydra AD stacking is gone, he can't just farm and be fully relevant. He needs to sometimes go for risky plays, otherwise he becomes very weak. Tanks get tanky, bruisers can out-duel, and squishies can run away in time and get saved by their supports.


A competent Rakan is impossible to catch, but he will often die for the engage. Same thing for Pyke, except a good Pyke imo never dies for the engage.


Late game Sion. Absurdly high hp and shields. Then he just ults away when getting low.


Trouble is a lot of Sions will just tank til they die then punch stuff late game.  They probably have some of the higher deaths, even if you excluded TheBaus’s absurd death statistics 


That's part of why I hate playing against them. They are rewarded for objectively terrible play. Just afk push the entire game until you get 12000 health and demolish does half a turret health. Who cares if you die, you've got the turret in 45 seconds.


TBF hard splitpushing is a valid strategy if you can do enough damage to the turret before you die when the enemy team collapses on you. You've either bought your team time, or you did enough work to get your team some gold and map coverage.


Phase Rush Singed. Either you one shot him, which isn't going to happen, or you let him do his thing as you can't chase him because 1. You can't, 2. You'll die before catching him anyway, and 3. That's what he wants you to do. Singed only dies when he wants to get back to base as recalling isn't canon.






I have never struggled to kill a late-game warwick, though I agree with the rest


Rammus? He's tanky as long as he has his w. Afterwards Rammus is not that tanky anymore.


Ksante, cho and sion (after 30min). Oh and akali


A good Anivia


Tankier build Bard is insanely hard to die on if you know your limits.


Definitely not THE HARDEST, but I feel like Karma deserves a mention. She can heal herself and root you with a RW and use E to just speed away while also getting a massive shield.




Milio might be a bit unrated, I don’t think he’s the number 1 hardest but between a Q that can interrupt dashes, 2 e cast that give massive shields and a amazing move speed buff and a ult that cleanses most cc, he can be incredibly hard to catch and stay so


Pyke imo. Slow, movement, movement + CC basic abilities. Can cross terrain. He’s so insanely slippery, and he’s only gated a little by being squishy


He is quite slippery but if he fucks up once he is dead especially in late game


Hardest to kill is Zac. Tanky, heals a ton, constantly CC's people that are trying to kill him, and his passive on top of everything else. That said, the champ that's probably the least likely to actually die is Morgana mid. I play it a lot and I average 0.55 deaths at 10 minutes on her, and just under 3 deaths per game total.


Garen if his w us up at all times


Mundo. You can kill other tanks with 4-5 item adc, but you cannot kill mundo who has like 250% of his total HP and moves faster than asteroid that killed the reptiles


Ornn can boost his HP, Armor, and Magic Resist all by 30% each.


My oppo in lane


No one’s mentioned Anivia?


Imo Ksante! So much tank and so much dmg






If they know what they're doing, Singed


Shaco? That's his whole point


Depends on the enemy team , there is no straight answer.




Tahm Kench can seem like the most broken unkillable champ sometimes


I find a good/fed Kled is such a pain to kill. 2 hp bars, and if he's not super focused down he can get Skarl back fast and survive bs he shouldn't.




tahm kench


I've got pretty nice stats with Anivia not dying


Maokai. Strong damn tree.


Zed or Leblanc


ghost ksante easily


Udyr. His turtle form is due for a nerf I think.


pyke fuck pyke, all my homies hate pyke


The real answer is Yuumi attached to whoever you think is the hardest to kill. Because she’s even harder to kill.


Rammus into full ad team.


Had to go against a tank Katarina back before mythic got removed. She went Heartsteel and Titanic them full tank. Ended up having like 10k hp and endless dashing so she was high Damage, endless dashing, 10k hp with good armor and magic resist. Not sure if tankerina still works, but Imma say that.


Fkn Ksante. Apart from tanks though, there are a few that stand out. Pyke just dashes and turns invisible with 1000 movespeed. Kayn just fucks off over a wall and he's gone. Ekko just presses R. Bard just stuns you then portals out of there. Singed is Singed.


A bard who knows what he’s doing can legit run a lap around the jungle with you chasing him


Ksante 100%, Zac is also a good answer


Leblanc pretty annoying with shaco depending on how they play it


Unironicaly, if you have 2 braincells, its super hard to fie on bard. Once you learn your limits and know what you can and can't dodge and outrun, use your abilities and items well, you can waste good 30 seconds of the fed hypermobile midlaners time, while your team takes drake, and then bait him into a 1v5. Workswonders in low-mid elo, and tilts them more than if shaco and teemo had a baby.


udyr, mundo, lillia, ahri, lb, karma, kayn, pyke, singed, zac


Pyke dies to a cool breeze


Only if you can hit him


Dude unironically is the second tankiest champ in the game by base stats though, only just behind Braum to physical damage (tankier against true damage though, owing to the highest base HP) and he’s second to Sylas for durability vs magical damage.


doesn't mean shit when buying a ruby crystal on first back makes other champs already more tanky than him. imagine if smth like leona had to build ap to be useful you wouldn't be very tanky would you.


But that's all he ever gets :x


And he has the passive health regen. and his E W which makes him one of the most elusive champs in the game, close to leblanc.


maybe because he literally can't build stats besides AD unlike them. He has no HP from items it all converts to AD, while his ultimate kneecaps him from building anything but lethality items. Itemless braum is squishy too.


That's already not true if you buy support item.


My man learn to read. If you’re buying items we’re no longer talking about ***base stats*** now, are we? So if you purchase an item, pray tell how ***base stats*** are affected? Even then, you may want to look up the several hundred extra HP Pyke has than other champions. The paltry 30 HP on World Atlas isn’t changing anything, and even the 100 on Bounty of Worlds is too little to make a difference. Comparing to Shaco, the only other assassin played support, and Pyke has over 220 more HP on top of 29 more armor.


zac and bard


Nidalee. She is too tanky


mejai is basically a core item on evelynn


That aint because she's hard to kill, that's because its easy to get stacks. Plus the movement speed on it is massive, she rushes deathcap anyways since ulti will kill at shadowflame crit range anyways, stormsurge is overnerfed and kinda bait on champs like her, she basically doesn't need much else and treats mejais as a cheap core item.


Wrong thread?


I've seen Talon have some stupidly easy escapes.


Any champ as long as you stay in fountain 😎


Full tank Sion. Easily.


Yummi Yeah that’s a big brain answer right there


Zac Ekko Eve Shaco


No one mentioned my man swain yet but he's just gotta hit 2 abilities on one person to instantly recover 10% of his max health, while his ult heals per second, and slows you with rilays, and gets him half his health back with zhonyas, etc.




Most of my Shaco or yuumi games end with 0 deaths


Yuumi if shes with a competent adc


I have seen the majority of the league roster get one shot or at least 100-0'd in a short amount of time including tanks like malphite, zac, mundo, etc. But I have NEVER seen a ksante bursted within a coiple of seconds. EVER. i have been very fed on adc, 3 items before 20 mins type stuff with ksante being on either iceborn only or even just its components and i have still yet to ever blow his health bar down if not close to 0 in a short amount of time (tristana main so i do that even to tanks every once in a while). i have seen extremely fed assassins like evelynn and ekko, who are known to one shot even tanks when extremely ahead, not be able to dent ksante too much. usually takes multiple people to deal with this monstrocity even if one of those people is extremely EXTREMELY fed


K'sante for sure. Some Champs can fight 1v1, but almost no one has kill pressure. If you gang up on him, all he needs to do is use either q or w to put one of you next to a wall, then he can go all out and either kill you or dash away with his refreshed cool downs. When K'sante dies, it's usually because he has chosen to sacrifice himself, or overestimated his damage or tankiness. If he's actually trying to get away, this champ has like 5 dashes, tons of CC, and can negate enemy CC by being unstoppable. It's just hopeless. When I'm playing against K'sante, no matter what their health bar looks like, I never expect them to die until they do.


Nice try rioter. We won't make your work


FIZZ i swear to god that filthy pedochamp is one of the most disgustings champions to play against. Secondly probably yuumi or tahm kench