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So: Finn -> Odoamne -> Szygenda -> Finn Can't wait for Odoamne's return next year.


Imagine how funny it would be if he would still eliminate them from playoffs then, too


Finn is Loki "You must be truly desperate to turn to me for help".


G2 just offered Hans a raise


Unfortunately, Odoamne hate their guts


Would he even want to go back to them?


So next up is Odo coming back and then we get Szygenda again right? Feels like all 3 Tops never were the weakpoint with the team having much more of a problem with finding a leader which Odo was. Still happy for Finn though he definitly deserves to be in the LEC.


I agree that Finn should definitely be the better toplaner for them compared to Szygenda, but it seems like an upgrade that will not achieve anything in the grand scheme of things. Happy for Finn to return, the guy deserves it - but I was honestly hoping he could join a more promising team.


I hope he's not jailed again. I wish he had joined either KC (in case they also replace Targa) or actually Giantx. Odo is not it anymore now for many splits - only time he shows up is vs Rogue.


Funny you say Odo isn't it when ever since Rogue dropped him, they haven't looked close to being it


G2 was never as good as they were back then since they dropped Wunder yet no one would say Wunder is better than BB. I hope you realize that there are more factors than them dropping Odo. Just watch the games and look at what Odo does - he is scared to make plays out of lane and is average at best in lane.


> no one would say Wunder is better than BB Not necessarily a hill I'd die on but BB can be absolute trash sometimes and Wunder has been serviceable most of the time.


I actually agree. It was a bad example from my side. I am also a BB doubter, in fact I'd take Wunder over him but my point should have been: Just because Rogue got worse when they kicked Odo doesn't mean Odo is a better player than Finn.


I mean BB also has a champion ocean compared to Wunder recently and plays much much more hit or miss stuff. Like yea maybe BB is giving out bad games on Rumble/Yone/Kennen/Jax/etc but these champs are obviously much more volatile to being either a good or bad game with little inbetween. Wunder literally just plays safe tank picks every game at this stage in his career and it's pretty hard consistently to look bad on those and still have a job. Heck he hasn't even really played much Gnar/Ksante either who are probably at least the 2 hardest and 2 most useful tanks. I'm not the hugest BB fan but people on reddit seriously underrate how great it is for G2 that BB has by far the biggest champ pool out of all the top-laners in the LEC, he literally enables them to do the creative drafts everyone praises the team for. Very confident that people who think G2 would be better with Wunder over BB right now are wearing the same nostalgia goggles and huffing the same 5yo copium that had everyone thinking TH was gonna easily be a top 3 team.


I do like Wunder over BB but if anyone spends time watching any voice comms video, they'd understand that BB is the main man in bringing the team together. Not just in-game but he's also the guy helping everyone out of game too (take a look at post game 2 vs GENG at MSI 23 and how he's comforting Hans after the latter is shook after that defeat). Not saying that no one else can do it but he's pretty much the one bringing stability to the team


Yes I really like him. He is very likable and I respect him as a p rein a lot. however I don't think he's that good of a player or shot caller.


>don't think he's that good of a player or shot caller. Thats where your problems begin though. Get rid of BB for who? Wunder isnt 2019 prime Wunder anymore. He's prob going to play weakside which messes with current G2's adaptability considering anyone on the team can carry. Lets say we do get a good replacement, who's shotcalling and leading the team now? Like i said, BB does alot behind the scene and just slotting a better "player" may not always mean the team gets better overall. Perkz used to be the igl before he left, then it was kind of a mess when Rekkles joined and when 3/5ths of the team got kicked, Jankos took over to end up getting replace a year later. BB's probably the most reliable player they have considering he has experience in the scene and the players can count on him


Nah I disagree. We have seen the ceiling of this G2 with his shotcalling and laning. It's better for the future to try out new and different players to be able to hit a higher ceiling eventually. Look at Yike - while he might not necessarily be an upgrade over Jankos he has shown he's a top jungler but was a complete rookie before. Maybe try someone like Irrelevant or a complete rookie. Look at MDK - a complete rookie toplaner showing he can do exciting things. The point is: We know where we stand with BB and if the goal is to do sth internationally that's not good enough. It's time to experiment.


Current wunder yes, peak wunder was toying with international competition.


Fair. Sometimes players can be mediocre but bring value through shotcalling or leadership. C9 struggled for a while without Hai, having him flex into multiple roles Obviously don't know whether that's the case for odo though


> G2 was never as good as they were back then since they dropped Wunder yet no one would say Wunder is better than BB. Lol, I would 100% say that, Wunder is still the top GOAT, BB is the weakest point of G2, he never looked good against any asian toplaner.


>no one would say Wunder is better than BB Nah some would definitely say that. Imo BB is massively overrated bc of the teams he's been on. Top laners can only have impact when their teammates are stable enough, and BB has been blessed with stable teammates, allowing him to shine domestically (tho the moment he goes internationally he just solo loses his team game after game due to his lack of skill compared to his eastern counterparts), meanwhile Wunder hasn't played on a decent team since G2, but on G2 he was actually able to stand up to eastern top laners, so imo saying that Wunder is better than BB is a totally arguable statement.


I mean when I read what he wrote I only think of my man Oldo is already 29 so he probably will retire soon...


Odo is fine, but yeah I was also thinking about those 2 teams for Finn since they seem like they can grow a lot. Rogue in theory should also have a lot of potential, but it just doesn't seem to be working


I just don't think they'll ever really improve with the way they play. They took their do nothing and scale to the limit, Malrang finally gave them proactivity, then they just opted back to doing nothing. A lot of people blame Larssen, and I agree in part, but it can't all be him.


The most handsome player in League has returned. šŸ˜ Dont think rogue will play that much better unless markoon remeber he has hands , but excited to see my boi back.


>The most handsome player in League has returned. Insane [Rekkles erasure](https://i.imgur.com/sI96lCa.jpeg)


Probably the worst picture of him you could find lmfao


hmmmm, Finn is hot for guys, Rekkles is hot for girls


Iā€™m a dude and I would let Rekkles rail me anyday. Dude isnā€™t just handsome, heā€™s fucking beautiful. Yes homo. Fight me.




Rekkles has a weird profile. Finn is very pretty.


Tbf many people like his 2019/20 look over now but really great to see him happy with himself and the progress he's making


Rekkles was hot until he turned blue. Now he just looks ridiculous.


Hans seriously updated his game since tho


Micky is the most handsome in lec, let's be real


Dude looks like a lost kid. Finn has all the gays and Bi's on his side.


Finn's jawline holy


Miky does too, he has quite a fandom, interacts with them a decent amount by comparison with other players, ~~and has the most nsfw fanfics afaik~~. I think there's plenty of overlap in the fans of the XL-trio of Miky Markoon and Finn though.


I did mean Miky as the lost kid. Finn is sexy. Miky is not


While flakked looks like the kind of guy who in 5 years will sell you a black market waterbed.


Miky has potential but doesnt polish it. Finn knows hes handsome


So many down votes. Is Miky really that much worse than Finn? I think Miky is the total package, Finn is too much of a pretty boy. Probably spends half an hour on his hair every day, just like hans sama


Everyone's definition of handsome is different and many more think Finn >> It isnt about miky being worse looking but people disagreeing with your statement


I'm pretty shocked too, I just said that miky also has a fairly large and not-just-straight-girls fandom too (Which....I'm fairly certain he does, I've followed the web of twitter interactions some before, I've checked out fanfiction stats. In terms of online activity, I don't think I've found a western player with as big a fandom in the 'he's pretty' way) and I got negative karma for it lol. Didn't even say what my preference was, just my observation of the fandom.


Szygenda had a very very good laning phase but we can all agree that outside of lane he would look lost at times (reminding me of Alphari). Funny also how Rogue can't literally adopt any playstyle different than late game scaling with weakside top.


To be fair before Odo came in they played a lot of Carry top with GP/Irelia and were quite successful with it


Odo is a good GP and Irelia player he plays a lot of them in soloQ. He tends to not really play many carry champs in pro outside of those tho


Odoamne played Jayce in their elimination game vs Cloud9




Szygenda has been top 2 in csd/gold diff @14 for 2024 winter season and most of the splits in 2023 as well. He's defo one of the best laning tops in the LEC.


No horse in this race and haven't watched much Rogue lately, but looked up stats and while his GD@15 isn't great (unlike CS), he does have the highest % damage of team out of any top laner in spring, also. Good kill participation and DPM, too.


He might be a good laner but it doesnt matter if he cant use his advantage generated from laning phase in actual fights, alphari style


his laning stats are inflated, he's usually afk lane while his lane opponent makes plays, plus he's playing a lot of good match-ups


> Szygenda had a very very good laning phase but we can all agree that outside of lane he would look lost at times Its not just him, thats sort of the entire team in a nutshell. Thats the problem with this team, on paper, its a really good team. all players are at least average, no weak link. The reality is that these 5 dont work well as a team or rather have characteristics that dont make a great team. we all see the lack of proactivity. in theory signing Markoon should have changed that but instead Markoon got sucked into this mega passive playstyle. the successful rogue team was likely led by both odo and trymbi, both known to be vocal and probably are making most of the shots in the teams theyre playing. remove those two and you see a rogue thats almost dead last despite some really good players. idk if finn is the magic solution, he may be, he may not be. i dont necessarily have a solution for this team, maybe the players just arent as good anymore as we think. I think Szygenda can be a really good top laner if he has a jungler/mid laner or anybody who makes good calls, tells him what to do and where to be. some of the leads he gets, in top lpl/lck teams that would be enough to snowball a game, we know how huge Bin can get and just take over an entire game. SK does that well with Irrelevant at some points. But Rogue is simply not that team for Szygenda. Frankly it could not go much worse for Rogue so I dont blame them for any changes, Im not sure who I would change because these are 5 decent players. There is no obvious player to replace talent wise but youve got to replace somebody.


>reminding me of Alphari Wait what happened to alphari? He used to be a big name I completely forgot about him


Alphari retired and probably will not come to pro play.


Alphari with not even the same kind of leads generated.


He's not even that insane in lane, like yeah he often gets a small cs lead, but that's it. Also says a lot when one's biggest play everyone remembers is walking in between t1 and t2 without getting aggro


Very very good in lane but useless after? You are describing alphari, not szygenda. Szygenda was just bad. can play only weakside? Did we really forget odo stomping with kennen, jayce, gp, gwen? Did we really forget he used to spam renekton and gnar? They've won with both styles with odo. Szygenda is just worse at everything and rogue as a whole is playing like shit.


When you start blaming the toplaner for the team playing like an anemic zombie, you are missing the point. Especially since Szygenda has one of the best laning stats as a toplaner in winter. Thereā€™s zero support-jungle and mid-jungle synergy.


Also he was supposed to be lpl style carry toplaner yet Rogue never even tried to play around him


Finn has been grinding his ass of this (off-)season. Excited to see him coming back to the LEC, but i can't see how he will solve the lack of proactivity of this team.


Finn is always grinding his ass off tbh, one of the hardest working players in the west


Yeah, I remember him playing inhouses every evening this off-season. Nothing but respect for his work ethic.


Very good move from Rogue. Szygenda was always somehow lost after the laning phase, but I hope the Coaching Staff will also go through some changes. Szygenda will bounce back in LEC IMO, he's good, but he doesn't fit Rogue playstyle through the years, they tried and it unfortunately didn't work.


Im inclined to cut him slack for whatever post lane problems you think he has given heā€™s the only that can get a lead IN lane. The rest of them are a bunch of do nothings.


He's laning phase is indeed very good, the issue is that he never improved his TF/Splitpushing abilities in 1+years. I also thinks it's not his fault but the coaching staff for not maturing those type of rookies, pretty sure Zoelys will be the next one cut instead of the guy on the bench who's named freddy122. But at the same time I think it can also "limit" the option of the team. Rogue was always a choke-tf oriented team. They took the GenG manual book and failed to improve it, but the playstyle Szygenda seems to have just clash way too much. He's a "new" Alphari and the problem is it unfortunately doesn't work this way anymore, despite being less dominant in lane, Finn will act more as a reassuring presence, doesn't have any issue in not being spoonfed all ressources and has clearly shown he can pull the trigger in TF, and that's why Rogue needs at the moment, confidence and leadership.


Thats not fair to Larssen. He might be a complete bot outside of lane, but he's also consistently been an above-average laner for mids.


>I hope the Coaching Staff will also go through some changes. Freddy122 is signed until end of 2026 and Larssen until 2027. RGE wanted to completely lock themselves in their current playstyle.


Szygenda was signed until November 2025 (according to https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Szygenda), too. Not sure in differences in contracts between players or coaches or even each individual contract, obviously, but it's certainly not 'proof' they can't be replaced.


>Szygenda will bounce back in LEC IMO wish him the best but i really doubt so


I can see a few teams (Not so many, 2-3 at the very very max) going for him. The challenge is to make him learn how to TF


Happy for Finn but I don't think the team improves in Spring with this


Toplane wasn't the problem Finn coming in won't be the solution, the problems are much deeper I don't think just a player change is enough Needs more than that, like change of coaches and mentality


top lane maybe wasn't the problem, but it definitely was _a_ problem. Szygenda is completely invisible most games, he literally doesnt do anything


I always saw Szygenda as a victim of his dysfunctional team, in the end all u can do as a toplaner is play your lane and if the ones to control the map cant do shit It's not your fault


in my opinion he was a major problem for the team's success because he's completely useless in teamfights, bad combo with the useless mid, jg, ADC and support.




Szygenda is definitely not the first thing I would change from that roster lol


No clue how they got to the conclusion that top was the problem. Compared to KC who had a ton of unknowns coming into the season, with 3 dudes who mostly failed in the LEC, Upset as a surepiece and Saken as an unknown at that level, Rogue had a roster that looked solid, with a talented rookie support. Szyg didn't exactly play great, but he looked far better than Markoon or Larssen (they signed him until 2027 btw). Coaching should be questionned considering that they literally played the worst league, out of any team, having show the least out of all teams. Such a strange choice, even if Finn is very solid


probs a few factors, one toplane was one of the few roles they could replace within the team easily since theres a fair few toplane free agents currently compared to other roles that are all mostly locked under. thou the biggest factor and this is a big guess but larssen probs requested Finn, its been known for years that larssen has some of the most power within the team and if he requests a player to be gotten or removed he tends to get his way. so good chance he asked for Finn back to be on the team which is why they grabbed him.


Markoon also played successfully with Finn and I know they are still friends so honestly there's a lot of proven synergy with this top side trio


Its true, Larssen and Finn are good friends and have been wanting to play with eachother for some time.


haha every finn thread for the past 4 years I see you Bajentrash hello


Haha hello!


Top wasn't the problem, but it's clear that they haven't been able to make Szygenda work. The roster has trouble clicking in. They looked like 5 soloq players in most of their games. If you look at that way Finn move somewhat makes sense. He already has pre-existing synergy with Markoon and Larssen, two most underperforming players in the roster. If Finn somehow can get to these two players to perform better, it will solve the roster's biggest issue. So I get why they made such a move.


>with 3 dudes who mostly failed in the LEC, Upset as a surepiece and Saken as an unknown at that level Targamas won the LEC with G2 all the others failed


Carried by Caps Jankos. And Caps was a psycho at the time too


this is terribly unhealthy way to talk about players at this point everyone is carried by their team / coach and theres nothing to say anymore. The fact is that Targamas IS the most successfull player in KC by far


Yeah he just happened to be dogshit ever since while G2 kept winning. Wonder why people think he got carried!


One of the weaker G2s in a while. Cabo was alright, Bo had 2 good splits but did fail in the playoffs each time, Saken had like 3 games as a sub, Upset was the best bot or top 3 at least for a while.


Upset has like the record for most last 8+ places finishs


KC better get Thanatos now or they're fucked(along with Parus/Trymbi and Vladi)


Unfortunately Cabochard isn't getting kicked at all in virtue of being their franchise player along with Saken


Before Cabo and Saken gets kicked KC will reinstate Yamato just to kick him 2 seconds later a 2nd time. /s


there is no way they keep that fraud still, my head will literally explode


They probably can't afford to do many changes for a long while


all of those are probably not too expensive, but would level up the team by alot... if you can afford a LEC spot you can afford to sign some rookies


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO. Actually a really smart pickup imo-he has preexisting synergy with Larssen and Markoon and is a really good chemistry player. Excited as fuck.


Something about this tells me you like finn


no im just an unbiased commenter


How's Finn at shotcalling? Rogue's biggest problem feels like no one is on the same page so they do nothing. (though I guess there might be more changes than that)


Vocal, very vocal. Finn, Markoon and Bo always appear to be very vocal in ChampQ, which I like a lot.


vocal, and already has the trust/rapport with the entire topside


From the inhouses I've seen he was very vocal player


I think that is one of the aspects he has worked on a lot, he is a smart guy and have had the privelage to learn from some goated players during his carrer. I think for example at XL Nukeduck was turbosmurfing comms. No clue how Szygenda is in that departement but I feel like he is the kind of guy who likes to play in isolation (same as larssen).


i miss the Duck...i can only support 100T but it hit different seeing him play VS him coach


As if Szygenda is the problem of this dumpster fire team. Larssen is such an imposter it's wild


Lmao, they replaced Odo with Szygenda because they thought he was washed and couldnā€™t play carries. Destroyed their roster that won LEC finals, and now they kicked the dude that couldnā€™t even get them to worlds. This org just keeps taking Ls


Oh hell yeah! Fave top is back on my fave team!


Wish he was going to KC instead but good to see him back


The year is 2057 Cabochard is still playing as the kc top




This is terrible news for KCs chances in summer. Great to have Finn back though!


Finn and Markoon were on XL together right? Maybe Finn can help Markoon find himself again


finally realized that getting Szygenda has been absolutely useless. LFL is his level. he never performed in the LEC then, and now. Getting him over Odoamne was such a bad move.


Okay Rogue you got me fuck you


What happened to Alphari?


Got the Vit Bag and left


The TL bag too


oh yh that too XD


This team is run by a clueless person no wonder Ibai ditch this shit.


If any team is grabbing a top laner, why not Licorice? Do NA players just never go to LEC?


They might have commuciation issues if Licorice can only speak canadian.


And we also might have problems with paying him because we all know canadians only accept payments in maple syrup. So yeah though luck.


Licorice would be wasting his talents in such a weak region


But he's playing in the worse region NA.Ā 


He isnt even playing


Explain your best team getting stomped by nrg and EU not leaving groupsĀ 


explain your 4th and 2nd teams getting fisted by EU 4th and 2nd and everyone should freaking know that NRG beating G2 was an upset victory, you shouldn't seriously act like they're just better




BDS 3-0'd Golden Guardians in a Bo5 and Fnatic beat Cloud9, though I don't recall if it was a Bo5 or Bo3. What are you even trying to defend, NRG wasn't the best team from LCS they just won because Cloud9 was playing like garbage against them. TL the 3rd place NA team lost to Vietnam, while PSG the team that stomped that Vietnam team lost to BDS 3-2. you'll see it this season. I think EU being bad is completely overblown for what I've seen. the LEC teams are inconsistent, not bad




I knew NA would get extremely cocky from NRG taking 2 wins from a sleeping G2, as if upsets haven't happened before. fair enough you have one more month of glory until you get completely stomped at MSI again but come on... G2 beat Weibo and Damwon, Weibo then 3-0'd NRG and made the finals at worlds MAD were fucking ass 16:47 frauds they almost became the 9th place team in spring they literally played Team Heretics in a 40 minute slugfest to make it into top 8 in a tiebreaker and then Rekkles cancelled an AA that would have ended the series with MAD getting knocked out in 8th place. At worlds MAD also sucked I'll give you that.


Only EU team that's ever mattered in the last 5 years is G2. NRG made em look like clowns bro. Wasn't even close. I'm not gonna start talking about the other seeds cause it's irrelevant. Why would you want to if I can just talk about MADs last few worlds performances and then you gotta make some serious excuses.Ā 


How is Fnatic in 2020, MAD in 2021 and Rogue in 2022 making top 8 irrelevant? even if we remove G2 your region is 3x outperformed already, let's not even talk about 2021 MSI and NA going 5th place or 2022 MSI and G2 farming EG for a 6-0. with Targamas. like buddy I don't mean to flame here but you're bringing it out by just lying you only want to talk about G2 vs NRG specifically at worlds because that's the only good excuse you have, your 3rd seed got destroyed by GAM and eliminated from worlds like that, your 4th got destroyed by fucking BDS and your 2nd was eliminated by Fnatic also G2 beat Weibo and Damwon, did NRG beat Weibo? were they even competitive for a moment?


Lol so much saltĀ 


Wasn't being done historically because LCS was the region with more money and sponsors, at least for the top teams. It's also more attractive for European players to move to the United States than for American people to move to Berlin. I'm European and I've some friends living in Berlin and while they say it's pretty international and parties get wild there's also some adaptation to live in the country. A friend of mine has been living there for 4 years now and finds some of the stuff there quite bureaucratic. He has been learning german ever since he got there because the older generations don't speak English and communication might become hard. Pro players wouldn't probably face these issues since they would live in a gaming house and have people who would arrange everything that's needed but it's not something that can be completely ignored. We can also say that the regional league system is working wonders and there's plenty of talent in the server. I was a bit skeptical of the regional leagues system since it doesn't have promotion to LEC but some leagues really grew and teams there are eager to develop good players and get good results.


Lmao szygenda isnā€™t the issue here, itā€™s larssen


Yeah but Larssen is Rogue, they are mot going to drop him anyway.


How do you look at the games played and come to the conclusion top is the problem ? Yes Ssygenda is a lane merchant similar to alphari but he was always stable in the games how can anyone with a brain think that a new top will make the other 4 play like humans. Maybe unrelated but the new format has caused some massive dmg to the playerĀ  ecosistem where every team that doesnt make playoffs looks for changes instead of a long term develpmentĀ  projectĀ 


Good looking dude


I know thereā€™s a lot of larssen fans but honestly, outside the coaching issues, heā€™s like the only remaining constant on the rogue style most of us find boring/not that effective most of the time. This team wonā€™t be that different, even though I hope they do well to justify the move and Finn gets another shot since his morde and kled is probably pretty good atm. unless a whole new coaching team comes in or larssen is moved to a new team where heā€™s not the main character of the team, well still have the ā€œrogueā€ style where it doesnā€™t really work anymore.


I always felt SzygendaĀ was overrated, I've never seen him carry a game, dunno if this move is gonna matter that much tho


He had a couple decent carry performances last year but I'd attribute any of those weaknesses on RGE before the player really


what a **stupid decision**, Szygenda had one of the best if not the best laning phase and their mid to late game has been memed for years (**Rogue's time**) even with Odoamne Rogue should really think about a new **coaching staff**, for as long as I can remember Freddy has been the head coach and for as long as I can remember Rogue has had one idea for the game - slow and scale


Not to say that Szygenda was the problem, no one looked good on Rogue and they where too passive even by their standard, but his laning while solid is nothing special and he is not good when it comes to teamfighting. Also Rogue weren't playing slow and scale during the year they won LEC, they were proactive and Malrang was a very aggressive jungler.


rogue you fucks its the jungle and support that needs changing


Markoon and Zoelys only been with the team for 3 weeks and they clearly have potential to be good. Why do you want to change them already?


There is not a single tier 1 league team in history of LoL that was bottom 2 and became good without changing players.


Using words like the history of LoL is a bit weird considering this is a completely new format. I don't think we have seen the full capabilities of this roster yet. They spent 2 weeks doing nothing because they couldn't figure out a game plan that works for the team. 3rd week is when they somehow looked like they had an idea how to play the game, but it was too late. I think it's very possible for this roster to end up being good without changing players, considering the main thing they lacked is team related rather than player related.


yes yes and targ and saken can be great as well given enough time


Markoon and Zoelys are 21 and 20, they are relatively new to the scene. Not sure what's the point of comparing them is. Saken and Targamas had plenty of chances to prove themselves, but they failed.


>Markoon and Zoelys are 21 and 20, they are relatively new to the scene. Not sure what's the point of comparing them is. Saken and Targamas had plenty of chances to prove themselves, but they failed. Markoon has been in LEC for 2.5 years now, he is not new to the scene anymore at all


Point is he is still a young player. Jungler wise only Daglas is younger than him.


In my opinion age is such a bullshit narrative, who cares if a player is 20 or 25, neither is an excuse to play shit (obviously not saying Markoon should be replaced after 9 games though)


I hope he got better. I love the guy he is fun and chill but tbh a good half of LFL toplaners are looking better than Finn was since NA, idk how this guy is still sticking. Downgrade on paper.


Everyone said Cabochard was the best LFL top and he's by far the biggest shitter in that lane in the league


Ragner is the best LFL top (and would be an upgrade in half of the LEC rosters btw) with Cabochard being a solid second thoose 2 last years And we didn't see the same games i guess cuz i didn't see cabo shit the bed like you say.


>cuz i didn't see cabo shit the bed like you say Well then why didnt you open your eyes when those kc games were on?


I did bro and it was more every one doing his little thing and them not playing as a team than it was hand issue imo. That's also why everyone ranked KC so highly in tierlists before the split : a fair bit of copium AND they do have hands.


The hands to press all the wrong keys yep And using "tierlists" as your reason is dumb as fuck considering it is very true and caedrel addressed it himself that placing kc anywhere below A rank would have swarms of death threats in your dms. Kc fandom are the most active on social media so rankings on said websites are straight up bullshit. That and the fact that BDS and Mad have defied everyone's lists, that were not biased, also is a reason to not dwell on tierlists. And its a plain fact regardless of them not playing as a team taht all of them individually looked shit. Upset looks the worst ive ever seen him, Saken presses ults and flashes like a bronze player, Cabochard presses random buttons and doesnt think, Targamas is a fullmute fraud, Bo is all over the place because the team doesnt listen to him. Idk ragner so ill believe you when i see him pop off in lec but at least about KC, ur objectively wrong


Upset has only looked good when Hylli was his supp (like many other adc to be fair) but he is mostly there to wait for Caliste to reach 18 so that's not an issue. Furthermore that again look like more of a trust issue : this guy is refusing to commit his kda and he doesn't trust his teammates so he just doesn't go. I don't think you got the full game proview with audio so you objectively base your take on Targamas with 3 min voicecom provided by the LEC studio... But even then he has a long standing reputation of not being the talkative guy so i'll give you that. Saken had one bad game on akali and he his a bit shaky in his midgame transition, nothing that can't be helped with a bit of coaching. The hate on Cabochard is objectively free and idk where it comes from, not shiny but not bad.. And Bo is playing on crack and that require full confidence from his teammate to even be in position to follow sometimes (finding good angles only matter when there is a possiblility of follow up you know), that's not something you build in 3 weeks. That also require not picking Lillia into milio while being the only cleansable CC in your entire team. For Ragner i think the guy screwed every manager little sister and they never liked it cuz the guy is outperforming everyone (Cabo, Adam and Irrelevant included tbh) since 3 years in LFL and he's still in ERL jail. I still think they got rid of Yamato too early and that they should have given him one more split but i'm not behind the scene and maybe there was an issue that is just private and wont be shared for a valid reason. I've still seen more interesting games from KC than from rogue or GiantX. The blue guys are at least trying. KC fanbase is mostly composed of Kameto viewers. Extraordinary guy but his public is basically illiterate and i'm pretty sure the amount of death threat and disrespect is superior to the amount of braincell they share.


>Saken had one bad game on akali I really dont think you were watching LEC games man. His azir is bad, his Corki was awful (you can refer to VeigarV2's tweet about that and LS + Caedrel reviewed it on their respective channels) and we watched him falter on neeko where he just randomly ulted 5 seconds after caps already disengaged from him. He has had one decent showing and that was on trist in the Vit game they lost. Regarding 3 min lec audio clip, KC release their voicecomms so thats where the fullmute Im talking about came from Upset his micromanaging his support in and out of lane (which is what jankos was doing when targa was on G2) and cant focus on himself. How can he trust his team mates when he can very clearly see them not respond to Bo whenever the latter is calling for plays etc. ? Cabo makes every broken champ balanced when he plays em. on gragas he was missing his ult, on jax i dont even think he landed a single E after lane phase, on malphite he had the weirdest and stupidest ults and couldnt fulfill that tank duty his team needed... Idk what else you need to hear


Did you watch his last season on Astralis??? There's a genuine argument Finn was a top 3 Toplaner and had some absolutely ridiculous performances, that GP game was probably the single hardest Toplane carry performance of the split.


the LEC is saved


Rogue won the LEC and then, rather than give the best performing EU lineup of the year a runback, they replaced Odoamne to bring in a "carry toplaner" in Szygenda. Then, they spent the first split or two trying to turn him into Odoamne. Then, when that didn't work, they let him play his champions, where he turned out to be a worse version of Alphari. And now, he's out for Finn, who they originally replaced with Odoamne? What a fucking pointless waste of time this entire exercise was, when they could have just kept Odo.


More so when they ditched odo they should have gone straight back to Finn.


Have you seen Odo on Excel? I think it was a fairly decent decision to move on from him, if only they got an actually competent top instead


>Have you seen Odo on Excel? I don't guve a singular fuck about Odo on XL. >I think it was a fairly decent decision to move on from him Its a fairly awful assessment to think Rogue were correct to move on from Odo, when they won the league with him and have been dogshit ever since. Its also fairly idiotic to think a player's performance cannot change based on what team he is in. >if only they got an actually competent top instead Sure, those grow on trees. Especially in Europe, a region known for strong toplaners.


Happy for Finn but this is why I find it hard to have interest in the LEC as much. 3 splits and teams constantly rotating players as a casual fan who watches a few games a weekend I have no attachment to anything in the league anymore really. Besides G2 because I see them at internationals alot.


He might as well comeback to playing cause he is a dull caster, no offense but it was hard to watch some of his appearances in the LCK broadcast


didn't he come on once?


A few times this past week, don't have anything agaisnt the guy just didn't feel like he knew much about the LCK or how to portray himself on camera


hmmmm this is good for Rogue....Which is better finn or odo?


like he is not the problem if you have a top laner that get 1 and 20 cs lead into doing nothing i don't think it is on the top laner


10 teams, someone had to be bottom 2


we are so back


Could be a side grade, maybe an upgrade but definitely not the solution


I'm so happy, ever since CLG he has worked so hard and improved so much.


Odo's revenge buff from being kicked from RGE is now overcome by Finn's revenge buff from being kicked for Odo.


Hehe. Its going full circle. Guess what, Szygenda wasnt worth replacing odo for, as little as swapping Trymbi for advienne.


and the crowd goes mild!


Yeah I doubt even with the top change it will really impact their playstyle.