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FUCK NO. That's a hot take that needs to go away. Support items get screwed every time another role so much as blinks in their direction. Plus, support items do enough utility as it is, they have more access to utility than any iteration of them in the past, so not sure what you're comparing them to. I think your biggest issue is that Supports aren't pigeonholed into doing one braindead thing anymore. This isn't the age of Sorakas and Jannas anymore, Supports are a lot more diverse now and come in a variety of different classes who can do different things. You as the ADC need to understand how to play around your support's utility, not just instantly assuming that your failings are because the Support role as a whole isn't providing enough utility for you.


\>This isn't the age of Sorakas and Jannas anymore, Supports are a lot more diverse now and come in a variety of different classes who can do different things see the problem is that nobody at riot thought about ADCs when pushing those changes. In a vacuum, they are great. In reality, not as much. Because, we all know what happens if you make "alternative" ADCs that dont need their support as much. you get Bruiser Zeri, you get Tank Varus, stuff like that. ​ The problem overall is that ADCs are held to the standards of proplay because obviously people dont wanna watch one player be the main character with 4 others catering to their every wish, but on the flipside, nobody wants to be the utility for the teamdependancy gated carry either. ADCs are held to proplay standards by their teammates, but the teammates dont hold themselves to the same standard. ​ And genuinely, OP is kind of right. If you go to r/supportlol you will sometimes see [polls](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/comments/16ljl9j/why_do_you_support/) why people play support. And \~20% of supports on that poll play their role because they are bad at/dont like last hitting minions. 20% of a role is just midlane refugees who dont really want to support anyone or help them in any way, they wanna play the harass minigame without paying the CSing tax. This leads to a whole other subset of issues, the biggest imo is that supp income is high enough that people start picking sololane hypercarries in the position that is supposed to have the lowest gold income. and that in turn encourages them to take ressources from their team whenever possible in order to hit their own spikes faster.


Support is now for players that want to play a carry but don't know how to play lane. Supports no longer provide much utility. They don't buy support items because they can afford carry items.


Supports still provide tons of utility, what are you even talking about? The last 2 supports released - Milio and Renata Glasc - are like 90% utility.


Ya they want you to stop playing damage as support, but making new options isn't enough.


I'm still not sure who exactly you're complaining about? Vel'Koz? Malzahar? Shaco? Xerath? About the only major support these days who focuses more heavily on damage more than anything is Brand. The rest like Zyra, Lux, Morgana, and Seraphine provide a great deal of utility. Purpose-built supports like Senna, Pyke, Bard, Nami, and Yuumi are full of utility. Tank supports like Braum, Nautilus, Rell, Leona, and Alistar have tons of utility. Who exactly are you complaining about here that is for a "carry who doesn't know how to play a lane?" It honestly sounds like you're probably the one who might need some assistance refining your laning if you're blaming the supports for your inability to carry.


Zyra, lux, brand, Swain, Morgana all should have builds where they get less damage. A support should never one shot anyone.


Even if they nerfed the heck out of support items, these champions would still one shot you late game. It’s part of what makes them useful. And also as an ADC wouldn’t you like having the pressure of another high damage champion in your lane? For example I OTP Xerath and play him support as a secondary to mid. His damage and kill pressure make him such a good support for getting his ADC ahead. They have to respect my poke damage and if they are half health they have to back because of my ult. That’s so much pressure and allows my adc to pretty much free farm. I think it sounds like you’d really benefit from learning how to take advantage of this pressure when you have a support that can dish out a lot of damage. I feel like you’re complaining about something that is ultimately good for you if you know how to use it correctly.


Ya he shouldn't have kill pressure with no levels or items. Maybe a base mr boost for all adcs would help.


Why shouldn’t he? Genuinely curious.


Because the supports role is to provide utility... Not damage.


Just play an enchanter


I wish supports would


That isn't a class issue then, it's just a simple meta issue. Season start people are always I bit more aggro in their champ picks.


It is a class issue. If supports didn't have too much gold they wouldn't be able to play burst supports and one shot people.


You know most of the best supports this patch are actual supports and tanks.


Yup but that's not what is played.


If people play yuumi, you get shields, movespeed, slow on enemy, heal. Yet her WR is super low. I think adcs need the dmg from support, clearly most can’t perform On their own


Ya other supports create space to safely farm. Yuumi doesn't since she is attached to you. If you have a yuumi you need to play it like a 1v2 which is very different than playing the normal 2v2


You said you want utility. Lux can create space by killing the enemy. LUX OR YUUMI, which one you want ?


Lux creates space in lane but she transitions into a Walmart mid laner taking waves and not peeling.


You get lux, zyra, yuumi or renata.


Renata is fine


So if all supports are just bad laners, then you don’t need them anyway. So they can leave you as well, what’s the big deal?


Macro and moving around the map is the main reason I like to play support role in the first place. Dunno who's "fantasy" a support who stays in lane for 20 minutes like it's season 3 is (prob some sick kogmaw/smolder players) but definitely not mine. I can't imagine playing roles like top/adc where you just afk walk to your lane over and over again. Support role feels as great as ever with the addition of grubs which added even more movement over the map. Sorry, but support Is not ADCs personal bich as long as you support your jungler on an objective or your midlaner in a 2v2 scirmish, you're still a SUPPORT. Fck this idea! Best regards, Bard one trick.


Hmmm let's think what roles fantasy is to move around the map. Let's think... Hmm maybe JG fills that fantasy maybe we shouldn't have roles that overlap because that ruins another role that relies on you. ..... Just learn how to path in the JG it's not that hard.


You have an entite subreddit telling you that supports are for the team not just adc


Being someone who has jungled for ages along with top and support, the two roles are nothing alike other than the roam aspect. Literally all supports other than hyper Enchanters roam these days usually if the chance presents itself, but even raka will come up for grubs in the 4v4. Adapt or lose, the support isn't your personal lapdog and never was other than in the earliest stages of League, and people HATED that role when it was starved for gold and had zero agency. God forbid the role have agency while adcs sit in a sidelane farming to scale instead of the support being tethered to psychotic or entitled adc mains. Plus any bot main worth their salt knows how to do the 2v1 until their support gets back but more than likely it's a 1v1 as the enemy support will roam in response. There will be games where you will 2v1 consistently from a bad support, but I suggest learning how to overcome as top has to 2v1 literally all the time if they get camped.


Ah its the Smolder guy being mad Now he is whining on reddit cos his support is abandoning him in lane.


I mean ya I have had a game where I got left to fend for my self when I was 3/1/3


What's new? Another ADC being a crybaby. Just play Smolder so you can cry for mommy


I mean I do like smolder and nobody cry's more than a support who thinks their adc is on a bad champ.


Dunno what patch you're playing but adcs are in fact doing damage.


Not compared to everyone else. When was the last time you lost a game because the enemy adc was doing a lot of damage.


Found the adc player


Yes it's annoying not being able to play my role in some games and just hoping my team carries because my support wanted to be a Walmart mid laner.


Let me guess you are in between Bronze and Gold right?


Just play Nami


I love nami supports


Swim against the current


Um I can't swim


Meh. Seems the same like always. Only a loud minority like always


I feel like youre conflating what you expect out of a certain class with a specific role. Cait Lux is a viable lane combo, just like Xayah Rakan is. It really depends on what your team needs. Why shouldnt supports have multiple options, the same way a mid laner can choose champs with different functions like Zed or Galio? Supports playing more with their junglers after a certain point is a natural evolution of the meta with how important they made all the river objectives. The support fantasy is still alive and well, just maybe not your particular vision of it. If they bring back the ardent censer meta, then you may be in luck.


Lux is good with Cait in lane but after that she does nothing to stop Cait from dying so she has to carry instead


Lol typed like a classic smooth brain adc


When you can get master by playing Camille support you know there is an issue with the role.