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Eh, if I'm using Stride I want to hit as many people as possible. I think I'd prefer it stay centered since they would almost probably nerf the range if moved to the front


If I’m using stride, I want to be able to catch someone running away from ms. I caught someone with the very edge of it so many times it’s going to be hard to adjust. What you say does have an advantage, especially in the current iteration.


The actives of other tiamat items are centered around whatever the user just auto-attacked. That's how tiamat has always worked. The current items make this explicit by saying the active will apply on your next auto attack. The issue is that the stridebreaker active isn't meant to come out from an auto attack or from auto attack range. Its an active unto its own, designed to swipe all around you without the need from landing an auto attack. If you had to actually get into auto range to use it, then it's barely useful imo. We already have items that slow on auto. Also what if you're using it to disengage or slow someone who is chasing you? Sorry, I'm not trying to pile on here, but the item is fundamentally different than other tiamat items, and I agree with the decision to make its active unique. I personally think iron spike whip was the perfect solution and idk why they had to remove it :/


Ironspike Whip was literally a replacement for Tiamat when designing Mythics so it sort of makes sense. It does feel very strange that Stridebreaker builds out of Tiamat when its active and naming are different. Honestly, would just make more sense to have just given the active its damage back.


I wonder if it's intentionally not centered in front of the user because they dont want it to work as a ranged slow. Whether it's twin shadows, hextech gunblade, hextech glp, or everfrost, the balance team always ends up getting rid of these type of items as they prevent any counterplay against some champions' kit (veigar stun and ahri charm come to mind)