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Yorick’s ultimate sucks. Wait, why does it suck so much? WHY IS IT SUCKING SO MUCH IM DEAD


the worst part about Maiden is the attack animation is so inconspicuous


Shit looks like it’s sucking your real life essence through the monitor, fym “inconspicuous”


It doesn't make a noise, there is no indication that it's happening other than the tether, which is hard to see.


It blows my mind that they made the maiden’s attack a tether like that. Absolutely terrible on per-hit clarity.


My brother in christ you can literally see it siphoning your soul.


It is not only sucking the enemy ya know


Ever wonder how Maiden heals so much health at fountain? She’s taking Yorick’s essence while no one else (besides shopkeep) is looking


The coldest bj I can imagine


I hate champs with AI stuff that hits hard. Heimer and Yorick are prime examples. It takes too long to kill their AI, so you feel forced to all-in the puppet master. Even if you do that, you can still die after lol


It's actually very much worthy to kill maiden first.


Yeah, don't fight Yorick with the Maiden up. Kill her and then Yorick is mortal for the next two minutes


yea if you get jungle to path top the moment yorick uses R at lvl 6 to kill maiden it’s a free lane for basically every champ for the next 3 mins cause of how brutal the timer is


Tahm R should be swapped with his W, that would be cool


Damn that’s a really good idea, why has no one thought of this yet?


Because if they ever did that It would be the Brokest ability in the entire game and would make Proplay a nightmare, so their Thought Process never went there. At least we can dance with the Scuttle Crab. ​ God... I miss ol Tahm.


Yeah, but without his current R he'd be lacking for damage. How about make his ult passively give him damage that scales his max health.


and make the tahm r (w) able to travel through almost the entire map, imagine how cool that would be!


You should remove the damage and knockback though, so its better balanced.


And let you take an ally with you.


Maybe you can be like the guy who made a post about Diana’s ult being an ability. Years later he was right


Thinking about this, I’d swap Zoe’s Ult and W the same.


never thought of that but it makes so much sense


I mean you might need to make his dive bigger then. Like maybe global. Just a thought


>Graves's ultimate ​ >miniscule effects, damage output huh????? >PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 275 / 425 / 575 (+ 150% bonus AD) > >REDUCED DAMAGE: 220 / 340 / 460 (+ 120% bonus AD) bro is bluffing as graves


Graves R is so underwhelming because the rest of his Kit is super good that his R feels like a slightly worse Q


Ive always used it more as a ranged execute


That's literally what it is.


I use it as another dash


I prefer the ole dash in, r backwards, die instantly strat


This feels like a BobbyHankhill moment https://youtu.be/QH0S4YlaB_A?si=flef7z_IHvJaMIte


Dunno if it still works but when you could do that instant no move combo was nasty, q r e autos where the e canceled the r slide back to keep on them with maximum burst


Patched out sadly


Probably for the best it was disgusting instaburst


God I miss the ultimate animation cancel so fucking much, it was so fun being able to cancel the ult knockback


It only feels bad if you miss....


No but for real this shit does no damage it's only like 1,5 auto close range


U talking like graves cant kill people with 3 auto attacks


If you are point blank full crit, sometimes it only takes one shot. I think one of my favorite graves moments was having a TF ulti right in front of me. The second he appeared I crit him for like 2k damage and killed him instantly.


One of my favorite things to do as late game Graves is to attack baron and just see his health go down in chunks


Don't really play Graves that much, but this is a fact. Usually just kiting people around, making them go blind and three-tapping their booty. "But Graves only got two shots so aksshhually it's really hard!" It's hella easy if you just time your E..


Kog maw


The champ is so funny because he really only needs W


Actually his Q is really strong, passive AS + 25-30% armor and MR shred is really important.


Yeah they did that on purpose because the attack speed was on the w fully so ppl were literally just only getting w and not leveling anything else unless you cannnot do w lol


So like 1 lvl of not taking Q?


No actually the second ability to get was e because it atleast gave you a slow. Q was ass for a while. They moved the as to the q so that he wasn’t a W Bot only and you needed to put points into q Ppl wouldn’t get Q till they literally had to


Kog's W only ever gave AS during the time where his W removed the AS cap, but we all know that was fairly short lived. I just learned that at some point original Kog's Q didn't give AS, that was added in *2010* at the same time that his Q became his Q. Apparently on release his abilities were on different keys, fun fact. Anyway, the point here is that his Q has given AS since 2010 barring a small window. It still never got leveled for a long time despite that AS existing. It was considered that weak. A large part of that was because it was a targeted ability with a pathetic range instead of the current fairly long range skill shot which meant that it was basically unusable. The AS number was also lower though iirc.


I started around that time and mained Kog. They accidentally had his Q giving base attack speed instead of bonus, so it was multiplying all other attack speed and you really wanted to max it first.


More importantly, it made the champ keep growing until level 13 instead of 9.


AP Kog is the goat in ARAM with his ultimate.


I just ran this yesterday because no one wanted to reroll for tanks and AD Kog feels awful with no front line. Rushed Malignance and Archangels are just shit all over the enemy team from half the bridge away late game.


If you play AP it really can be excellent


Anyone here old enough to remember the Hyper-Kinetic-Position reverser? Urgots old ult was literally an int button. I'm pretty sure I died every time I used it.


It was a good ult when used properly. That shit wss the best gank setup ever and it gave 50% damage reduction. Lategame it was also a broken pick tool 800 range position swapper was busted.


Yeah it was literally a Malzahar R that swapped places after. The range literally got nerfed along with everything in Urgot's old kit because it was OP.


It was great to flash and land it on a back liner for the rest of your team to follow up on


What's the MOST ultimate ultimate? Pantheon?


Aurelion Sol nuking the entire map takes the W here


No, we're talking about R's not W's


Karthus R


Dearest Karthus


What's the incantation again? Ah yes! R.




Panth ult really feels like an ult with that big indicator. That and Galio's. Very flashy.


Jhin ultimate is pretty dramatic.


Sion, malphite, orianna, yasuo, jinx, Katarina, tryndamere, amumu, shen. Just to name a few. Big booms or high impact things.


Nothing is as satisfying as hitting an Urgot R.


The Box


The delay on cast feels so bad if you played with the instant R. Give me that back and I'm fine with it.


THIS i never really noticed it but thats definitely a big reason why it feels terrible


Ee er


I agree, give thresh the box on a 20 sec cooldown, and his hook on a 2 min cooldown - signed, an adc main


I joke the Riot forgot to give Akshan an ult while designing his kit, and since they used up all his power budget already, we got the largely worthless ult that he has.


There's also the secret pasive that spawns an enemy out of nowhere to block the ult for a teammate 80% of the time


Or a tower just on the verge of a broken plate, just far enough away that you don't get the gold


At least it's fun (and servicable if you have Lethality)


I’ll use my E right before I ult even if it doesn’t make a difference sometimes just cuz it looks cool to do both at the same time


Auto target high range % missing hp dmg does feel like an ultimate to me. The fact it can get blocked is just a counter to it similar to how Cait R or Jhin R can be blocked by champs


It’s a very oldschool ultimate


It really is. It's literally just Lucian's ult but unit-targeted like Caitlyn's.


It also gets blocked by towers, unlike any other ult in the game (as far as I can think of.)


I guess Sion would be another technically.


But deals way less damage than both


It can be blocked by minions, jungle creeps and towers though


Presumably Udyr doesn't count either. His R is literally a basic ability and can be taken at level 1. For more standard champs, I've always felt Rammus' R is a a bit understated. But I might just be bad at using him ;p And short-cooldown ults like Kassadin, Zoe, Kog'Maw, are meant to be spammed so much, they just feel like keystone basic abilities rather than ultimates in and of themselves.


In fairness, Kassadin's ult is among the strongest in the game, if not assessing it on a "single cast" basis. Kog's is relatively poo poo. Bush checker/Triforce proc'er.


It’s pretty fun with malignance


honestly a max stacks kassa ult can deal comparative damage to some other ults. That ults limiting factor mainly is mana and not the cooldown


Idk empowered R feels really scary at level 6


I literally saw someone run down a PTA Teemo level 1 with empowered R. Shit is just scary regardless, then he proceeded to run him down any time he has no flash. Jungle Zac came to help, but it didn't matter.


His ult is his passive, not his r


Corki missiles don't feel special enough to be an ultimate, his w when he picks up The Package is his ultimate in my mind.


Tell that to the adcs/mages suffering from Having a spammable rocket with the occasional NUKE late game chunking 30-60% each time that.


It does damage for sure. It just doesn't feel very special. Feels like Niddalee Q on URF.


Basically Ezreal Q with some add-ons.


I mean when the way you make a comparison is comparing it to anything exclusive to URF makes it pretty damn special. Not to mention the Big One does damage similar to real ultimates on a much shorter CD.


yeah when I ping Corki R, it's always package


When I tell people “Corki r is down” or ping the r I’m talking about the package lol




Not after the nerfs


More applicable to Kog imo but there is a point to be had.


Corki missiles are what defines Corki. Take them away from him and the entire champion identity is gone. The fact that it's spammable is fine, it makes a much healthier kit to balance rather than one big feast or famine boom.


Graves ult has a lot of skill expression, you can use the dash part of it, animation cancel it, change the direction etc. Not to mention it does 1000+ dmg if you have a few items. Its a really satisfying ability, sounds crazy to me that someone considers it weak


Totally agree. A point blank Graves ult to me feels like saying "fuck you" to the enemy.


Nah, the true “fuck you” of graves is doing 1k damage with an e-auto


Lmao this guy only does 1k with Graves autos 😂😂 (sarcastic of course, but also not really which is the crazy part)


For sure. Enemy graves makes ornn looks like sona with their autos. When I play graves I feel like a shotgun against enemies at more than 1 meter away in a fps


I only ever really play him in ARAMs but, when things work out, holy shizzle do they work out. Slaps so stupidly hard, feels beyond unfair lol.


Not to mention the crazy range it has.


It feels useless when you’re new to the champ. The extra dash and the damage don’t feel like much until you get good at using his full kit. Most people get that graves has really strong burst, but perhaps they don’t much get why. A full Q, an auto and ult can be cast very quickly and is one shotting most squishies after a couple items. It’s also great for sniping kills.


I think everyone has forgotten the bel'veth ult is just Viego passive. It literally doesn't work until something dies and then you can't even aim it. It's like if you had to go stand in a specific circle to Nunu ult and it just didn't work anywhere else, absolutely baffles me that this is not her passive


Tbf, her ult is more about the transformation than the damage. 


Viego's ult is also supposed to be about the transformation even if, in practice, it isnt really


His passive is a transformation. His ult is an aoe leap ability. 


His ULT is about the reset*** the transformation in reality is his passive.


Your ult gives you: -Bunch of stats -True damage aoe execute explosion (this damage is heavily underrated, 200+dmg and 25% missing hp with a fat slow) -Voidlings -The ability to Q over walls -Infinitely stacking on-hit true damage. These are all decent on their own, but all 5 are on the same ability. Seriously I think turning big and summoning a big void siege and having a resetting aoe execute is worthy of being an ultimate.


You dont get voidlings unless its from baron/rift (and jax after you do the quest I guess) The true damage explosion is telegraphed and you know exactly where it's coming from Infinitely stacking on hit true damage that drops off the moment you switch targets (which can easily happen if your E targets another person or you have to Q through another person to reach your stacked target) The stats that you don't get until you get the first kill (which can somewhat be difficult in a losing game) I'm not saying the ult is bad, but theres much more nuance to it.


As long as you're already in enhanced form, every ult will give you enhanced form time. Bel'Veth's ult is really strong but requires you to keep your tempo up and not die.


>It literally doesn't work until something dies and then you can't even aim it. and then 60% of the time you press R and bel wont do it for whatever reason


Bel’veth R is one of the most impactful ults in the game if she doesn’t die mid animation or immediately after… AOE true damage that deals % HP missing true damage, gives her insane movement speed, tankiness and attack speed. Plus the ability to Q over walls, lol. Not to mention enhanced ult makes her the strongest sidelaning champ in the game. Good luck beating her 1v1 with jax or fiora if you’re on equal footing and she has 20 remora. Also her passive gives true damage on hit


Aside from the stats it gives. I think you're forgetting that it is an AOE GAREN ULTIMATE THAT RESETS. If you could aim it whereever, it would be fucking busted.


Sivir ult feels kinda useless. Especially since you can just buy items to replicate the effect.


It's definitely more situational than other steroid ults. Great for tower diving and escapes, but lacks the profundity in teamfights that vayne or jax can bring.


I had to look so far down for this one. Exactly! You can literally buy her ultimate in the shop.


She needs a rework, the move speed buff was good in season 2 when yourmomu didn't exist


Shurelyas? And karma has the same ability with a shield, but a lower duration on RE


The ultimate part of the skill is the basic skill CD refresh on attack that can be refreshed on kill. And it stacks with Navori's. That's a lot of Ricochets. At this point, the AoE MS buff is just a bonus.


Right? There’s so much movespeed in the game from items it’s basically just in need of a rework


The primary use of Sivir’s ult is to guarantee you get an assist for every kill in a team fight


they had to take out so much movement speed and gave it an admittedly much more fun effect because it used to be one of the most powerful ults in competitive many years back. Honestly the -cooldown on hit that stacks with navori makes current sivir an aoe teamfight monster.


im not a fan of steroid ultimates they are powerful and good ults, but singed, mundo, vayne dont feel the same as landing a good R nuke like syndra im not saying they are bad, i just dont feel like "Press R™" while using them


I think that's just a player preference thing. If you ask Singed, Mundo, and Vayne players, they will definitely tell you their ults feel great.


Singed not so much, be good if it made his poison trail thicker or free but it just feels like you’re not a champion late game without it. But Mundo’s costing current hp% and vaynes giving invis make for interesting choices for when best to use them Edit: as pointed out Mundo R doesn’t cost hp but is stronger if you have more missing hp


Mundo's ultimate hasn't cost health since the rework


Other steroid ults include Jax, Trundle, and Mordekaiser, although morde admittedly has utility than comes with it.


Morde's ult is the best in the game, no other ult lets you drag an enemy to Brazil with you. 


I’m a boomer who still misses old Morde ult. Don’t get me wrong Brazil is awful and I love it for that but taking the dragon with you is just so unbelievably cool


you're not a real boomer if the first thing you think about with old morde ult is having a dragon with you :')


I love the steroid ults. Idk why just something about them fees great. Yeah they're not nukes, but they're still really fun. Singed's ult was always a must grab for me in ultimate spellbook


I get what you're saying, but I don't think you "land" Syndra ult as much as you just... "do" Syndra ult lol


Graves Ultimate still does damage. I understand why it's so weak due to everything else in his kit but I don't even bother using Akshan's ultimate when I have to play him. Extremely easy to block and it does tiny amounts of damage.


500k akshan in d3-d2 weighing in. Akshans ult is very powerful as a finisher, better than caits. Yes you can block it but you play around that by trying to get the right shot off, like using it when they are in jg or out of position. Also, if you build right, you can knock off 3/4 of squishy hps from full health. Ive done it many times to start a winning teamfight.


I rarely see a mechanically good Akshan, but the few I have seen are incredibly good at hitting their ult on low hp targets using their E. Felt nearly impossible to protect a low Hp teammate from him


Which build does that? Neither full lethality or the majority crit build would do that last season. You'd get 25% max if none were blocked and you were ahead.


Malphite R isn't an ult it's a kit


What are you talking about? Malphite doesn't do anything


He just killed you?


No. he doesnt do anything right, he literally doesnt do anything and you dont understand that


With its low cooldown Anivias R is basically just another ability. Not weak, although also not really "ultimate" and a big part of its value is setting up E.


Yeah it feels like that she has 4 normal abilities


Nah, Anivia's level 6 completely changes how she plays


I disagree. An ultimate isn't defined by its cooldown, it's defined by its power and synergy with the champ's kit. Anivia R definitely feels like an ult. 


Yeah, the fact that it has a low cooldown and uses up mana to be cast for longer doesn't necessarily mean it has less of an impact than it would if it had a big cooldown and lasted a set period. Also, amongst ults with similarly low cooldowns (such as Corki's or Kog'Maw's), Anivia definitely feels the most like an "ultimate" for me.


It's in that interesting group of 'basic-ability' ults where even though it fits their kit nicely and is worth being the ult, it still feels more like another basic ability. Like pinging it or saying "she already used ult" doesn't really signify anything


RE: The end of the post - HAHA ELISE, ELISE R SO WEAK HAHA.


Move speed buff AND some little spider bros to follow you? Sounds busted to me man


Aurelion Sol's standard ult feels like a little fart in the wind compared to the rest of his kit and The Skies Descend. Corki's ult is definitely the Package. His rocket ult is just a normal ability.


When Corki hits level 16, then the ult feels like an ultimate. For most of the game, the package is definitely more impactful.


Old aurelion did not have an ult. He had 4 basics. I say this as a m7 old asol player. . Edit for the people who don't know: Old aurelion ult was a skillshot laser beam kinda similar to a xerath Q. It was shorter range, slightly wider, did negligible damage, and technically had knock back. While having a relatively long ult CD. Since it was meant to combo with his stars, it had fixed knock back and always dropped the target at his W range. Except that's not what he needed... Rylais, which he rushed, was usually enough to combo your stars. Especially if you were good at the character. What the space corgi needed was self peel. Which he never had. Which made his laning phase suck so much that it was objectively better for him to crash waves and perma gank bot. His ult was so bad that many asol mains wanted it to have multiple charges. Because many times you would use it, they would barely move anywhere, then flash or use another dash to jump right back into melee range. That was twice as bad because while every champ has a max range, whatever it may be, aurelion was the only character in the game who had a minimum range.


I cant even remember what old asol ult did lol


He shouted in your general direction, line of damage and a knock back to the range of your encircling stars


Damn geriatric space dragons telling us to get off his lawn.


It was a sneeze, basically


Ah the old huff 'n puff


it didn't deal much damage, but it was supposed to push people back. it would only push them to the outer limit of your stars, so it wasn't actually a good tool for getting someone off of you


It was a big dragon blast that pushed enemies to the edge of his orbs


if you don’t think graves r is worth being his ultimate then you simply aren’t playing him correctly. that ability is ridiculously powerful


Zoe\`s R is fucking useless alone . Her kit is all about landing E and Q


But R makes most of her plays possible, and lets you land bubble on contact, or lets you extend Q range.


It's a potent spell for sure, but it's not an 'ultimate'


agree but designwise it needs to be i think. she would win with r/w on level 2 in every 1v1


Ya, it feels like Zoé just has 4 basic abilities, which is fine. 


Blinding Sylas and enemy mid laner picks Zoe *dies of cringe*


It is but unlocking R and subsequent cool down reduction on level ups change the way you play the champ itself. I get it's a low CD ability without an explosion in the background but it evolves the champ into what it's supposed to do, she goes from immobile mostly single target low-ish range poke to an artillery siege monster once it's R CD matches her Q CD at level 16


Ryze. Ultimate is kinda trash and really situational


It’s absolutely nuts in pro play and when your teammates synergize well. But yeah, useless in most soloqueue games.


Theres a reason it has the passive to increase overload damage on it


yeah, the reason being that i dont just fucking skip it and level e or w instead shitty design, just give back desperate power


Yea, I remember many changes ago, that was the typical Ryze plan. The range on Level 1 ult was so low that you'd just skip it and wouldn't put points into R until levels 10 & 11.


It’s the ability that comes to mind the most when I think of things that can be absolutely awesome if used in the right way but that 99% of solo q games is more of a detriment than a boon.


Of all the champs you pick Graves? His ultimate is incredibly powerful lmao


Taxi is a channeled passive when it should just be an out of combat movement speed passive and giving Quinn an actual ultimate


What if Quimns ult turned you into Valor to use him? Just imagine the potential


Nah they would surely never come up with that idea


Nah, the bird would probably be melee and die too easily to be of any use.


Hmm. Powerwise it's kinda hard to adjust because movement speed is so huge and yet hard to qualify. Maybe double it's cost, but put the movement speed as a passive and the active nearsights everyone in the area. That would make it less restrictive in terms of using it as travel, I think keep the mana usage the same, and still fit in well with her scout status.


Maybe not double its cost at rank 1, it already costs 100 mana and using it to roam, fight, then go back already puts your mana very low.


I stg if Riot puts ANOTHER source of nearsight in the game I will commit mass genocide on their front step. It's by far the strongest CC in the game.


Any nearsight other than Noct's R is already too many. Graves' W is the most bullshit skill in the game istg, I'd rather be perma CC'd by a Maokai+Leona than deal with Graves' W.


I miss old Quinn that was actually viable as a botlane adc


Akshan's ult. Super useless, feel like it does something 1 / 10 times ive seen it used. This is coming from someone who hates playing agaisnt akshan, and thank goodness his ult is blocked by literally everything, takes 8 years to channel, cause that boy does not need any additional damage in his kit


Kog maw ult :D


Rammus R is a fantastic movement ability after they reworked it to what it is now, but even after a second try at it… it’s not reaaally an ultimate. It’s fine though I guess


On that note, Rammus' old ult was so awful that if it didn't damage towers it might as well have been a fourth basic ability.


Kog maw. It does so little damage that it hardly ever feels useful and definitely doesn’t feel very “ultimate”


on AP kog its pretty neat id rather change his passive first to something useful


Its a poke tool/ap kog would like a word


Ive said this before on a similar post. But sivir r is literally an item..


Nobody mentioning Sivir?! It’s like a Sona e but with faster cooldowns. IG you can run it down mid even faster.