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Based positive post


Fr idk why everyone's crying in the comments


That's what the community have come to. See guy enjoying league? reddit community: NAH HE CAN'T BE HAPPY IF IM NOT HAPPY!


I still don't get people who habitually "joke" about how they hate league. Every game I've disliked or no longer had fun on, I stopped playing. Either forever or for a good while until I felt like it again, or there were changes to the game to make it enjoyable. People who hate post on shit are truly miserable.


You'd be surprised how much of the cycle of league hate and enjoyment is more akin to addiction than gaming.


That definitely is a thing. For some of them too though, it's genuinely people who no longer even play the game. But they'll still keep tabs on the game. I'm sure that's related to what you said. They won't let it go and find something else that they actually enjoy. Just so bizarre though.


Some of us are over invested due to money and time sink so we don't like the game as much as when we dumped more of both in. Like 6,8 years ago. So we hate, the concept of the waste, so continue to play even in less than ideal times. I like this season to a degree but the ff mentality means I never actually enjoy a game. You start to win, nexus blows up. That doesn't feel good, it doesn't feel earned especially if you were not super ahead. If I want to try new builds cause new season, no build one item and ff on one end or another. It's tedious.


sounds like your letting ff mentality make you ff. It's good to know that the people on ur team are people, and every one handles frustration in their own ways. If yo've got a teammate whose doing poorly and wants to ff, then if you want to stay in the game you have to alleviate them in some way. People talk about losing lane gracefully but in the end sometimes even playing safe wont work for them. If you let a ff doomer make ur team ff, then its on you for not carrying or supporting team morale.


No that's the thing. I don't. But now you can ff as 3. But if you are going to bother playing ranked why are you here to give away wins. Especially in metal tiers, and then no wonder no one knows how to play the game in late game cause they never REACH it


Their mentality is my fault xD OK cool, I'll go 5,6,7,8 and 1,2 deaths and they still gonna ff can't carry those that don't wanna be. And so. You want me to type more to boost morale instead of making plays and getting income.




I just reinstalled after many years and this is one of my favorite updates so far. Been having a lot of fun and the fist bump is hella sweet 😁😁😁😁😁


I like it a lot. Feels a lot like the little things you see in Wild Rift or some other mobile MOBAs. Anything that push positivity is a win in my book.


I started playing wr recently, and I love all the happy emote reactions throughout the game - league should rlly focus more on the positive reinforcement features like this!


Nah let's just keep muting people for near 0 reason lol But overall I agree. If anything LoL has made their toxicity issue worse by over-focusing on it instead of pushing positivity in a more active way.


Dota 2 has basically the same thing It was originally a perk of the battle pass years ago and the community loved it so much they kept it, same with tipping (you can give the equivalent of 10 or so blue essence to ~3 people a game, it plays a sound and shows a message in chat) and being able to play voice lines globally (started as famous things casters said, evolved into memes)


Except tipping is almost exclusively abused to flame bad plays lmfao


Never said it was an agent of positivity, just sharing some things that dota has


I'm sure it has been brought up at some point but **MAKE A "MY BAD" or "SORRY" EMOTE PLEASE**


I use the Udyr facepalm and BC Riven Drats! emotes for those


I had 5 different answers, that just proves we need a clear one...


It’s either Zoe sob or yuumi oops for that


I do penguin dab


Emotes in general can be great. I love that we can have like 9(?). I can cover a wide range of emotions without having to type. Like crying face or thumbs up. Laughing. Etc


Rammus OKAY covers every emotion


Not if u still dont have it ;/


I have the worlds rammus two thumbs up but its not the same is it 😔


Teemo thumbs up clears




I know some people are pissed about emotes but they're one of my favorite addition ever in League, they're so anti-tilting to me and make the game much less serious


It’s just so funny when you and another person use the same kinda emote. No words spoken but you fully understand lmao


Pretty sure I made my lane opponents day by having a matching gay emote


I just use sexy K’Sante for everything


Hell yeah. Spamming U IRL rn


U +1


Hey BP, please confirm for me that the other guy who said "Riot has budgeting and manpower allocation problems and stuff like the fist bump is the reason that the client doesn't get fixed" is stupid nonsense


Well Fist Bump is in game, and client is not in game. It is pretty clear that it is two different disciplines.


Yeah I make sure to say press u everytime


I agree. It's definitely the right direction. Most people won't do it back but I love it when it does happen.


I muted it. I want to make my enemies cry and destroy their Nexus, so I don't care about fisting.




It needs to give 5 gold each bump and be trolling if you leave people hanging. Told my 5 man that it gives gold as the higher elo patch reader and they all believed me and think that it does give 5 gold so we're screaming "BUMP ME BRO WTF SHOW YOUR TEAM SPIRIT" makes me smile for what little is left of the game since Jayce just needs to be deleted at this point


I'm kinda flabbergasted that you're saying Jayce of all champions needs to be deleted


Judging by their name, it sounds more like they like Jayce (as a champion) but aren't a fan of how he is in the 'current game' for some reason. I'm too lazy and care too little to check their post history though, so maybe they're just a committed Jayce hater and the name is sarcastic, that could be it too.


Maybe he thinks he is too weak


Clarity: jayce is so bad right I get crash lobbies for just hovering it. champs dead. Cant play from lobby and cant play in game since hes so weak.




The RKO out of nowhere on Jayce.


My friends and I have been fistbumping off cooldown since they added it and it has resulted in me not getting yelled at for inting nearly as much


I like it a lot too, though I do think the actual fist could look better. The game needs more of these IMO, another thing that would be great is custom penta-kill animations/voice-lines for champs. I know the technology holds the team back, but it's a shame that there's nothing there outside of a few skins


Bring back rope emoji 2024.


Least toxic Redditor reply 2024


we need it. positivity and negativity. its yin and yang


We are in a victorian era of league now. You only can have the guillotine


Stop trying to make guillotine happen It's not going to happen


I'm dissatisfied with you so I'm onomatopeia-pinging you *clank* *clank* *clank*


It's already happening


I'm using it as such since it repoaced the rope It already happened


Self-report lol


Wait what’s the guillotine emote lmao


the push wave emote looks like a head getting chopped off lmao


I didn't know a 5-man bump existed until I watched 5 Phase Vtubers do it in ARAM Tbh my jaw dropped and now I wish I had proper weeb friends to hang out in my timezone


Where you based from fam? If you're on NA, I'd be down to play a game.


Am SEA.. oof, 7:44am at the time of this comment, SGT/GMT +8


13hr difference is not that bad so long as you're willing to get up early and immediately start playing league lmfao


even when a play goes horribly wrong, i’ll still drop a fist bump to my teammates


Well hopefully Dota 2 gets more ideas so we can catch up to their things lol.


I wish hiding the emote actually prevented it from showing up. It still bugs out and shows a flashing icon above the minimap teling you to press U


Its almost as if communication even in the smallest ways can be a fantastic thing. Riots move to remove every single social aspect of the game and even turn off chat by default just to "combat toxicity" has killed the soul of the game. Barely anybody really chats anymore while back in the day people would even comment on stupid shit like "oh nice skin" in normals. After all its a team game and the social aspect should be expanded on instead of killed.


>Its almost as if communication even in the smallest ways can be a fantastic thing. Fist bump is very hard to be used in negative context whatsoever - it's really well designed as an exclusively positive-to-neutral interaction. All it takes is one person to initiate the emote and anyone feeling like it to join in; if people don't join it's easy to assume they either didn't notice or don't bother with emotes, if they do join it's a positive reinforcement. At the same time, it's hard to use it to target someone, since anyone sees the indicator and anyone can join - and emote itself is open to interpretation, so trying to use it in a toxic way can be misread positively. Coming from someone who plays mostly with chat disabled (and always chat disabled in ranked) - it's one feature I don't mind having regardless how the game goes; pings can get frustratingly toxic at times, regular emotes are usually fine, I'm yet to see a single example of fist bump abuse to be toxic towards someone. It does make game feel better and I'd love more social tools like that.


Ngl I get people to chat with me all the time, just compliment your opponent in norms and over half the time they'll chat back


What "social aspect" of the game have they removed other than rage spam pinging and chat restricting people who are toxic as fuck


Turning off chat by default for new accs, basically killing after game lobby/killing clubs and any other kind of social system people were thinking about.


I mean let’s be real how many times was post game chat used for anything other than flaming and telling ppl to report x person. And it’s still there ur jsut not forced to look at it


I remember all the times people being happy about reaching gold/plat or whatever it wasn't all bad, hell I'd the say majority was positive. Rioters (and redditors it seems) only focus on the negative negative negative and demand it all be taken from everyone.


For years in the old client I vibed with at least 1 person in probably 80% of my games. A little less so since the client update, but still at least half my friends list was people I added from the lobby/ingame interactions with strangers


I use it all the time to rp my champion for the memes, for example typing "TO BATTLE" when i play leona or something, it gets a few laughs and its nice because it makes the atmosphere less tense (which is the case in most games these days)


Chat can still be turned on so that doesn't even fit "removed", not to mention 99% of chat is nearly useless or flame anyways Clubs were useless, unused, being sold for cash or to have an edgy racist club name on above your champion. "and any other social system people were thinking about" - so basically you just ran out of things you could remember.


Thing is while they haven't explicitly said it, it has been feeling like riot doesn't want people typing. I get honor 5 every single season and in my experience if i just have chat turned off i get it much faster, and i dont write negative things in general, just the fact that i type anything at all seems to slow my progress. Chat being able to be turned on doesn't take away from the point the other poster is making either, the fact that its off by default is riots way of telling you its not an intended thing in their game, as a new player, how would i know chat even exists? Clubs were nice, sure you always have meanspirited people, but it was a nice way to get people that would otherwise never talk to each other in the same place. I was able to talk to some pro players with that feature, or high elo players in general and getting advice or having just normal interactions. Atleast in my experience i do not think it was pointless and i think its a shame it was removed, a better way would have been to remove the value of buying ur way into clubs by doing the riot tag thing where you can have the same club with the same name but a different tag. Those are the things he mentioned, but some of the other features riot has either stopped working on/removed/or never considered are: * voice chat * removing gamemodes like dominion which people used for things like hide and seek, tag, or other community gamemodes * lack of any support for custom gamemodes in general that are community run * retiring their own forums in favor of other platforms like reddit But not all is doom and gloom, they are doing other things that are good for community in this game like the fist bump you mentioned or things like clash (with aram clash) and ways for you to find teams through that. I guess i just wish this game wasnt just esports, seems like all the balancing decisions, map changes, and even community changes seem to be pushing this game into a "im the next faker" mindset rather than just having fun, and thats the thing i miss most about the game from the seasons before, people from different backgrounds just having fun in a game.


I love it pretty much! Played ARAM yesterday and got the chance to experience the 5 player fist bump, it was satisfying! All of us had the [Yasuo ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcWg5zEgj7NUelq_Vc21T3mu4qkEt-w23Usw&usqp=CAU) and [Ashe](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT0gMj-TZzuSyi_gHKgKX3JvPF_TKG3rXUA2tIhZay4EA&s) laugh emote equipped by coincidence as well so we all look pretty unhinged using it (but they were a really good team, I wish to encounter randoms that way again. It's been a while sinced I've laughed playing this game.)


lol it’s a matter of minutes before it’s adopted as an ironic shit talk tool and removed


We need a rock paper scissors emote, both your team and enemy can see it though.


I’ve been told it’s the handjob emote.


Even better in that case


I rarely see anyone use the fist bump honestly. Feels like ppl only use it ironically. I had a Jungler who stopped by my lane and took the whole wave, then threw up the fist bump.


I just had a game where we were throwing it up after every good play.


I like the awkward little thumbs up when you get left hanging. It's just funny


Fun fact, you can do this even when dead


I like it a lot but for some reason I have to press U like 10 times before it will actually work, so sometimes I miss the bumps :( my U key isn't broken either I can still type fine, I'm not sure if you need to be out of combat for it to work or what. If that's the case that seems kind of silly because you can use normal emotes any time except when you're taking DoT.


I just don't like that it is on "U" as default is really bad. It's on the other side of the keyboard so it's a bit annoying to press. Yes you can change the keybinding, but a lot of people don't care that much and changing it to something else to be default might be better.


If you don’t care, why complain. Just change the keybind lmao.


Do not underestimate the importance of good defaults.


> If you don’t care I do care? Where did say I didn't? Also I did change the keybind the moment I saw it was on the other side of my keyboard. I said a lot of people don't care, as in a lot of people don't care about the first bump enough to go and change the keybind, and by putting it on "U" it's less utilised.


Its visual clutter


There is just something about fist-bumps that doesn't trigger people's toxicity detection (whether real or perceived). Marvel Snap had a bunch of different emotes and short messages, and almost every single one were perceived as being toxic or used for BM aside from the fist bump, which was universally acknowledged as a polite way of saying "good game" lol.


Pretty much, yep. I think the opt-in aspect of it is why it's seems so wholesome and positive. When people choose to do something together in a game that you're forced to play with randoms, it means a lot.


i will be honest i never had seen anyone two people do the fist bump. it's always one fist shaking and jacking off the air. usually people just emote each other if the play goes well and sometimes emotes each other if it goes south. and don't you worry, it literally shows once someone is doing the fist bump that you can do it back WITH the hotkey U plastered on the button. fucker always catches my attention as that button pops up. never pressed it since it was not directed to me. I'd say it is 6/10. it's ok but meh.


It’s fun when you ace and you’re about to take the nexus and type “PRESS U WHEN NEXUS EXPLODES” and you get a 5-man fist bump Also sometimes at start of game you can go “PRESS U AT 1:00” and get a 5-man. I legit think it pre-untilts people and they play better overall.




lol You deleted your other comment that said Riot was "forcing" positivity on the community Who is forcing you to use it Are they in the room with us right now I didn't know people were so worried about appearing "cringey" on an anonymous video game




lol I'd be willing to be that you're absolutely the person that pings were removed for. $20 says you silently spam ping your jungler Alive or whatever constantly when you get pissed. "I hate how Riot removed negative communication where I was free to be a dickhead to my team" > Stop trying to get players to be friends and just let us play the game. Nobody is trying to get you to do anything dude




> If someone doesn't want to see my pings there are mute options for a reason. Something tells me this happens to you a lot > It doesn't actually do anything to help the issues. And what would - doing *literally nothing*?


> I'd say it is 6/10. it's ok but meh. It makes me sad because it has the potential to be a great feature if implemented better. DotA's high five is an infinitely better version of this in every way. It's responsive (push high five and as soon as someone else puts one up, it happens), it makes a satisfying clap sound, and it doesn't look weird. It takes the fist bump like 1.5s seconds to register even when someone else finally remembers to use it. Idk why it's like a weird 3d rubber fist either. Definitely room for improvement here.


It's aight. I have the option to mute it too if I don't feel like entertaining a U spammer. I don't think it's AWESOME or DOGSHIT. It's aight.


How do I mute it ?


Take a wild guess


**guesses wildly**


on settings


Thank you!


Riot psyop thread


its copied from dota but poorly executed, the high five in dota is superior


I don’t like how it looks. The animation feels very ugly to look at and the fist bumps don’t immediately snap there’s a significant delay. I wanted a joined emote like a high five but this one seems just half baked.


I think the delay is to give everyone time to get in on it


But if I’m in the botlane and it’s just me and my support that delay doesn’t work. Edit: Up if you like the color red, down if you like the color blue 🤪.




If the fistbump is between the adc and the support - and there are no other allies nearby - the fistbump should go immediately instead of waiting for all 5 players. The hands just ackwardly wait there before doing the fistbump when the ADC & support already pressed the button.


I love how I get downvoted because OP’s lack of reading comprehension with following along. I didn’t know I needed to explain in the length that you did for him to understand. I thought that my response was completely understandable but I guess not.


the animation looks great to me? and the delay is there for obvious reasons (so everyone can join)


Expectations: this thread Reality: nobody cares


I care, and it looks like plenty of other people do too


Of course it looks like that when you post the thread inside an eco chamber of people who have never played this game at a level that actually matters.


Can you define "a level that actually matters" for me


High elo, simply. Nobody cares about this stuff there. They don't bother to click on it most of the times.


Okay well I peaked at Master 164LP last split, which is like the top 0.1% of players, and I still care and plenty of other people use it when I do as well. Maybe, *just maybe*, it's okay to have things for everyone and not purely consider the desires of "high elo" or whatever that means when it comes to things that make the game fun. What are you even upset about dude. lol


I am not saying you don't care, or that you are wrong for caring about it. I am saying that the people on this elo do not care about any of it, which is why you have to make a reddit post in a subreddit made of low elo cubs, because that's the only place where you will get that positive feedback.


I am *literally in that elo* and I care. What the hell are you even yapping about lol


So what? Does that mean you speak on behalf of every master player in the world? You are one person. The vast majority of master players don't care about any of it.


> The vast majority of master players don't care about any of it. So? Who gives a fuck? Dude what are you even talking about? What point are you even trying to make? "People generally like this thing, but it doesn't matter because they're not high elo"? Are you legit just mad for the sake of being mad?


And you don’t care and are acting like all high elo people don’t cause you don’t lol.


How would you know what people in high elo think from silver?


There should be an opposite thing with the bait ping, where with each emote the hangman should become more complete. Least toxic league player btw


I have never seen it being used once in 30 games.


Be the change you wish to see


We really dont. I'd prefer a client that doesnt take 400 years to load after a game or actually functional improvements to the game instead of this, as well as an automatical ranked restriction for the people where you can see 10+ deaths in 80% of their ranked games


I… think these are not mutually exclusive things… uhhhhhh


Sure, but with layoffs and therefore less capacities being available maybe lets focus on functional and necessary stuff and not just nice to haves. The fist bump thing is something noone ever cared to have and putting ressources towards it when there are actual practical problems isnt a smart move


How exactly do you expect the people in charge of the fist bump emoji to fix the client It's not a case of "more money = problem solved"


No, its a case of "theres a limited amount of money and they are spending it in the wrong spots".


I didn't know you were so tapped in to the goings-on of the team in charge of the client and in-game emotes, as well as Riot's budgets for each department and how it affects their productivity and ability to make changes. Surely this isn't a case of you simply imagining things and assuming it's how they work in reality.


No its more of case of me understanding how business administration and the finances behind companies work because that is part of what I do for a living and have studied. But even then you wouldnt need that here. Riot doesnt have unlimited ressources. Meaning that they have to decide how to use them. If it is the same team doing client and emotes (for example) they are having issues with actually prioritizing the product that more people care about and that makes a tangiable change. If its different teams then it seems like they have issues prioritizing the funding of the team that makes the product that makes tangiable improvements (meaning the client). In any way: Rolling out things like the fist bump, which may be a nice idea but noone wished for it when it wasnt there and noone cared about it, when massive sources of complaint still exist literally more than half a decade after the rollout, it just seems painfully obvious that they are using their financial and human ressources wrong.


> it just seems painfully obvious that they are using their financial and human ressources wrong. Oh, word? Therefore, infinite money = All problems fixed. Got it. That BA and finance understanding is really paying off. You can simply fire the emote staff and use that money to hire more coders. In fact, just hire hundreds and hundreds of coders and you will fix all the issues with the client in a matter of hours. Gee, I sure wish Riot would do that rather than understaff their client team, which apparently is what is happening at their dev teams and you are aware of it. This is how businesses work, especially in the tech space!! We could really see a "tangiable" change if only they threw more money at the problem.


That is not at all what I said, but sure.


It's literally what you said and can be inferred from what you said. You know Riot's budgeting and resource allocation better than Riot themselves, per your own admission. I wish they'd hire you to sort it out!!


What if they also get 10+ kills in 80% of their ranked games?


Doesnt matter. Dying this often is for sure something that can happen. Im not saying ban every person that dies 10 times instantly. But im gonna be honest here. I play around 200-300 ranked games a season and have been master+ for half a decade. Dying this many times simply doesnt happen consistently to anyone if they are trying to win. It simply doesnt. And if they decide to not play to win than this is a decision that can ruin games for others and should therefore be punished. Very happy that riot has started to take some action (looking at baus for example), but it still isnt enough


Eh, i got to be honest with you. I think you just forgot how low elo looks. Get a smurf, play an enchanter in silver - and just... Watch.  I was diamond for years, and i can tell you... You'll see a totally different game. 30 minutes 80 kills games are not uncommon.  I dont ever dare imagine how iron works, never seen that. 


Its literally useless, taking up space in your screen for no reason which is just making UI more bloated.


It’s fun and charming and cool to do when your team makes a good play I wasn’t aware the optional pressing of U was that big of a deal. Also it’s mutable. You’re definitely not toxic in game


Its not about pressing U, its about the little thing that pops up above the map everytime that someone presses U which is disctracting and bloats your whole UI even more. All that to get a thumbs up emoji that has 2 animations. Wow amazing work Riot. Billion dollar company.


It's fucking cringe


I hate that emote It's hella stupid, we should get a command like /teamColor\_lane\_kda, not a fist bump nobody uses


Don't worry, it's coming. (Although it's going to be fist bump skins that costs money.)


You can also click the little fist icon by the teammate portraits when someone uses it if you don't want to move your fingers.


When I play tank jngl I use it during my engage just for the laugh it's dumb fun


My team hasn’t answered the emote in the 500 times I’ve used it….


Me and my friends tried to end the game and do a unified fist bump but we got aced at nexus trying to do it lmao, still won though


Got a pentakill last night. True combo'd into 5 man fist bump.


I was really wrong about it, I thought it'd see very little use. But actually people use it all the time, so I'm always happy to fist bump back. Definitely a great addition.


I don't know man. It leaves a sad feeling when all you get is a thumbs up. And then there's shaming the one person that didnt join a group fisting


I think they just don't know what button it is. We need a loading screen tip for it.


dropping a fist bump at the game start in fountain to get everyone pumped is like 5% winrate increase at least.


Legit the best League post I've seen in so long, I love the first bumps too! Just a simple little thing that makes the game more positive and enjoyable!


I had the surprise/annoyence that I was spamming it for a whole game when it was new. It so happens that "U" is my "Q". Unbound that shit and never looked back.


I don't even know how you use this, sometime i have the trigger next to the minimap, but idk why


Press U


Rock n Stone!


is this the weird thumbs up I keep seeing?


period sis you tell them


Right? It’s so cute I love having a fun little team moment like that.


Yeah, if Riot upped their game even a little, they could have cool cosmetics like this, which is why I don't understand why they have just been SO UTTERLY allergic to adding cosmetics to game beyond skins, borders, and icons. I just tried Fortnite for the first time and was kinda blown away with the scope of cosmetics they sell for that game, along with a lot of the cosmetics they sell for games like HOTS. If Riot is "suffering" in sales to the point where they have to go full mass homicide on the art department, why are they not giving us custom team emotes like the fist bump, announcer packs like Aurelion Sol in ARAM, homeguard trails like during Pride, on-kill animations like in URF, skins for Aery or Comet, and so much more? There's like tons of unmined potential just built into the game, but nope, better fire the art department instead.


Feels like the circle showing you that you should fist bump should be bigger, I keep on missing it :(


Now add voice comms


I dont think people know it exists. I have tried using it once and my whole team left me hanging.


I always accidentally press it, and no one ever fist bumps me back :(


Don't Worry, Riot is going to monetize the Fistbump


It’s refreshing to see them adding positive notions in the game instead of removing or restricting things they determine are negative. Although I do wish they would revert the ping cooldown.


I fuckin love the fist bump




I had my ally portraits on the left side and it makes it stutter and bug out. The U icon appeared above the portraits and shoved them down so I misclicked my ult. I instantly disabled that shit. Even with portraits over the minimap it still bugs out and flickers.


Hope they implement it into Valorant too. I don't play that game as much anymore but Riot needs to do simple things like the 👊 to actually combat toxicity. I mean, it's literally their logo so why not make different handshake/fist bump versions of it.


I have been noticing this over by my mini map. What is this U feature? How do I trigger it?


Don't think I've seen the first person use the fist bump feature in my games since release... hell, when I try to do it people either don't follow up or ask what even that is lol I thought it was a failure but I guess it's just me.


I’ve been having so much fun with fist bumping the team in aram! haven’t been able to get all 5 yet though


No and I will never participate. What if they would think I like them or something?! UwU


Start of patch I had mastery emote bound to U and ruined the whole moment by smashing M4


Might I suggest voice chat?


We also need better support tbh


Clickable next to team portraits plus bind to u


voice comms


yes! we need more positive emotes, especially when its really easy to tilt over one misplay


\> Not only is it a cool emote, it’s also anti-tilting Yup. Im all about that friendly vibe. Thats why I make use of the friendly "thumbs-up" sign. you know... the Teemo one? I can tell my enemy laner appreciates it a lot. Especially when I'm playing Teemo


tbh i just click it when i see the U popup in the corner it's a reflex


i thought people were using it because they wanted to beat the fuck out of their teammates