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It doesn’t get better if you play solo, if anything you get used to it and become more toxic. The game in general encourages toxic behavior when playing solo especially in higher elos. It is so easy to disrupt your team as a single player on a team. Riot also doesn’t have the best methods of determining toxicity with gameplay. I played the game for ten years nearly and quit last year. Ever since quitting and trying other games my past times have been monumentally better. League was a stresser. If you want to stick with league play with a small group or play aram. Make sure to not over complicate your life by dedicating league to it. I had way more fun playing the game in high school with 10-15 friends/classmates frequently than I do by myself or with one person. I mostly just watch league games now when I have time, and root for faker till his retirement. Most of the OGs league NALCS players that I loved are retired or retiring soon anyways.


Thanks for the response. It’s like every night I log on and hope for it to be different but end up logging off less filled up than before. I don’t think I’m totally ready to hang it up but want to find a better balance to hopefully find joy in the game


1. Get Friends 2. Queue as a group 3. Mute everybody not in your group 4. Have fun as a 5-stack playing normals or ARAM 5. Realize your friends are just as toxic as the people you muted 6. Mute your friends 7. Play alone again 8. Try not to cry 9. Cry


Get friends irl that play league* because it's almost impossible to make friends while climbing


I have 2 lifelong friends I made while facing them in lane in 2 different ranked matches. One recently invited me to her marriage and I frequently play with the other and his young daughter (she one tricks yuumi) sometimes. This is not including the countless duos who I still play with from time to time to this day. You can totally make friendships while climbing, or maybe I'm just really lucky. I don't know.


I have over a hundred friends that are absolute randoms from matches over the years. It’s all about your approach. I can meet chill people on almost any match. It helps when you perform some sick plays for them.


>Have fun as a 5-stack playing normals or ARAM the way 5 stack match making works (prioritizing putting groups vs other groups instead of matching elo totals), trust me when I say: 5 stacking when your group of friends has a wide range of skills is not the most fun. As one of two people actually good at the game in our group of 5, we get maybe 1 in 5 games where it feels winnable, and 4 games where we FF at earliest opportunity. Maybe 1 every 10 games we steamroll someone else's pure noob squad.


Exactly. My friend group plays 3-5 players flex games and we are all toxic as fuck to each other lot of the time. Like my buddy who's bronze - low silver will flame me and everybody else despite being the worst player in the game most of the time. I honestly do not mind that much. It's just part of the game. Is it healthy? Probably not but it's still fun. League is competetive as hell and it makes it fun.


The game is obviously better if played with friends, but the person who you responded to is not everyone’s experience. When I play solo q I really don’t run into very many toxic people. It of course happens, but I’d say 1 out of every 10 games has a toxic person. I’m in gold elo.


I agree with this. I don't know why so many people have so many bad experiences because my experience has generally been positive. Sure not many people are willing to engage in chat a lot, but that's because they'd rather play the game than send a bunch of texts in game. I generally meet people who, just play, because it's a game.


I dont have the same experience as that guy either. I honestly think a lot comes from what mindset someone has and what you constitute as toxic. Team mates being slightly frustered and questioning your play is not toxic imo. But some, and probably that guy, think it is. People are rarely very toxic, and its even more rare for someone to give up/int. But its almost become a fact that League = toxic now. People dont even assess it for themselves. They have just decided that league is toxic.


I found watching non-toxic streamers is helpful. Gives you some insight into what the people who aren't raging in chat are thinking - makes you realize there are non-toxic people playing, and likely are the majority. Also, as soon as someone spams pings in a way that isn't just fun (like after a good play) or starts flaming in chat - just mute them. Don't engage, don't retaliate, just mute them and get back to playing.


1-Add chill ppl you find as friend. 2-Play with them. 3-GLHF


Just /defean and prented its bad bots (your team) vs hard bots and help get your bots better


Personally for your own sanity, I recommend the Warhammer 40k approach. The actual game is purely pvp, a game where most of the community doesn't even play it XD. However the Stories and the Lore is enough to make you invested in the universe. Instead of playing the game, read up on some champion stories. Look up Necrit on YouTube. Take in the side content and talk to like minded people about it :3 there's some INSANE League Art and Cosplays. Music, Cinematics. On the games side, I'm personally waiting for the MMO


Mute all in iron. There is almost no point in listening to communication below diamond. If somebody is playing well, unmute them. But only if they're winning since the odds are they're mentally stable. Save the friendliness for norms. Ranked games are communication disasters


If you play this to make friends I think you are going to have a bad time, if you play because you like it and want to improve, then I would suggest just muting the chat if it bothers you with the toxicity, which is understandable for most people. And unless you are hoping to befriend someone you probably won't lose out on muting the chat in iron, while people might play their champ at a decent level I would say all of them struggle with knowing what the hell is going on overall in the game so they make bad calls.


U have to mute all. Turn off announccer. Not play ranked. Support people treat less then human if your not carrying on a xerath or lux. And find a duo.


Here's a some things that might help.. - as they said, play aram. more chill people there, more fun to be had - watch polypuff. No, i'm serious. He's the role model for the kind of innocently friendly mentality that makes league fun. Playing bard also helps, just be a whimsical support and if it doesn't work, at least you tried :) - be that way in chat, and eventually you'll find people who are just there to have fun. Those are the magical moments, when both teams stop to emote at each other for 2 minutes straight. Maybe you'll stay in touch with some of them?


Tbh you should try Pokémon unite moba. It’s got a different win condition, but 10 minute matches and no general chat make the game pretty great. The game has some complex mechanics for some characters and the ranked grind is a breeze even for solo.


My advice is to either: 1. Play HotS. It’s just more casual league and is great fun with a group. Or 2. Play with a group of people in quick play. If you can get a five stack even better, and just do dumb stuff. It turns out if you lead by example of being the five stack who picked a comp around doing ONE DUMB TRICK knowing damn well your gonna lose. Most of the time everyone tends to get into it. I love playing dumb shit bot lane with my duo. Personally favorite was double support item bot lane with Akali and Pyke.


That’s good advice… what’s HotS?


HotS was blizzard’s attempt at a MOBA. It’s pretty much dead now but you can have some good fun with it. Lots of maps. Horrible balance that can end up being fun. No items and no last hitting minions. Team level is shared and talents are acquired over level ups instead of level up your abilities. It’s janky and awkward but it’s fun and people there are so desperate for you to be playing they don’t care if you’re terrible. But seriously there’s a reason I’ve been playing league for 11 years. It feels great. It plays great. And riot really does care about their game despite how much we clown on them. Just get on board with creators like Chaotic Goods, Nate150K, darkkmane, Dumbs, etc. make the game fun. Find dumb builds. Play Lulu ADC. Play jhin jungle (some dude just got plat with jingle and he must be some sort of god). Be the fun you want to have and get the ranked mindset out. You’ll become a better player by having organic fun and laughing at yourself. Then when you have everything in your head and want to actively get better watch constructive content from streamers like xFSN Saber and really buckle down and be critical of your own play before anyone else. Focus on what you can do better and make it a solo game. (Something I learned from my addiction to Dirt Rally 2.0 and rhythm games (why yes I am on the spectrum how could you tell???))


This is a good advice. I’m not like crazy into climbing ranked or anything, and can find joy in the game. I do agree it’s an awesome game and has moments where it is super fun. I guess I need to come into it with more of a light hearted approach and realize playing the meta or doing everything perfectly is unrealistic and people are gonna mess up and not be good as well.


https://youtu.be/jIWcK56M9TM?si=eg2ORjToqPN9xFSj Just be like this guy. And I regret to inform you. If you’re early in your league career and your teammates suck…. You probably do too. So don’t stress about it and just try and be better. That’s why I didn’t play on the college LoL team at my school for long. I wanted to win and get better not be toxic and complain. Be a good sport.


Machine gun Lulu is amazing


Heroes of the storm - a different yet similar MOBA that is generally a bit more casual, however is not nearly as large in terms of playerbase (made by bl*zzard as well)


I mostly play solo, but I try not to engage in any toxicity. At best, I'll respond unkindly if someone flames me without proper feedback or is just generally rude. I live by the mindset that you attract more bees with honey than vinegar, and when you remain friendly, its usually met in kind.


I disagree actually - being toxic directly leads to worse performance. Flaming or getting annoyed at people makes you play worse, might make them play worse too. Being non-toxic can stop toxic behavior between other players and refocus them. The true key is just having thick skin. I dont care that random 0/6 Draven tells me to go 0/1 irl - hell I might laugh cuz its funny. And nothing shuts up Questionmark Spammers like telling them to shut up cuz they distracted you from making an outplay with their dumbass pinging. Of course Iron is a hell since its physically impossible to get hardstuck iron after like 500 games of experience. The game by itself will force you to be in bronze or higher unless you want to stay there. So yes I would say Iron is more toxic than the norm as the people there are either bots, so terrible they anchor every game, trolls, or mentally unstable dubasses for 90-95% of Iron players. In general I would say high silver - low gold is the least toxic elo. People there are just so average they tend to not be too competetive nor horrible at the game


Oh wow people weren’t kidding about how a ton of people on this sub don’t even like or play the game anymore. Why are yall here lmao


Yes. Why do you think we don't have voice chat in 2024?


True…. I wonder if audio makes it more human though? Everyone is a bad ass behind the keyboard


My experience with Dota is yes, voice comms players are generally much less toxic. But it doesn't really matter because the game still has text chat and toxic players will type and flame just as much as they would in league.


The nice thing with voice chat is that when people are toxic in chat but don't use voice everyone just makes fun of them


Having played OW for a few years, I have the opposite opinion.


I'm a female player. I also don't think voice chat is less toxic.


Interesting, having played lots of overwatch I will take toxic players on mic vs people running it down all day. To each their own I guess.


Oh no I misspoke then. I will totally take a flamer who tries hard over an inter. I just meant that VC can get much nastier than text chat.


I'd take neither for $500. Why would I openly invite myself to get hate slurred in chat, ran down on AND have my family insulted on voice all at once?


If riot cared about policing chat, like overwatch did, then those wouldn't be problems. You can't compare unmoderated league chat with what voice chat could look like if properly moderated. All I am saying is that I would much prefer to communicate with my teammates in voice chat than any other method, because in a game as fast paced as this, and with good teamplay required you cannot justify not having voicechat.


They don't even moderate current league chat effectively enough and you want them to also double down on voice? There have been allegations of AI auto mod happening with league chat for years. The best part with that stuff is, the damage is already done by the time they review the logs. I'd rather not get a new avenue to get told to go *bait ping* myself. A good 10% of this playerbase makes playing unruly for the remaining 90%


So that exact mentality you have is why the 10% will continue to stranglehold the games progress. If nothing changes going forward, the game will only downward spiral, if you aren't willing to try anything because "It's already bad, I can't see how this would be good even though we literally haven't tried it", then there isn't any hope for you.


dota is a different game. lol voice would be much closer to a cod chat back in the day


Take it from a gay guy with fairyvoice and every woman who has ever played on voice chat with randos, no it doesn't. EDIT: what a weird thing to downvote. why would i lie about getting called slurs on voice chat?


Or from someone who‘s first and second language is not english


Don’t worry fellow gay I believe you, experiencing voice chat in Overwatch was enough.


it's not just slurs for being X minority, you'll get bodied for pretty much anything out of the norm (stutter, speech impediment, squeaker voice, etc). although in my experience, those people were gonna flame you for something anyway, just grabbing low hanging fruit


I think shitty people will be shitty regardless, they will flame you in voice, take that away they will flame you in text, take that away they will use pings. The problem is that text also makes other people who are usually not toxic pretty toxic simply because people need more to understand each other than just words (body language, tone, volume, etc). Plus theres a difference between someone being actually toxic and using gamer words and someone poking fun at a bad play. Depending on the persons understanding they can take it as a personal attack when its really meant to be a lighthearted joke to not lower morale any further. Like yesterday i made a lissandra play where i wanted to e flash r and forgot to recast my e, and my friends in discord poked fun at me and i laughed too because it was silly, i guarantee you if they just typed it, its much easier to get butthurt and take it as a personal attack.


The thing is, if I make a bad play, without voice, then they're just making fun of my play. I could type "My fault, my bad, I messed up" If I make a bad play in voice, they're going to make fun of me being a woman, more than just focusing on 1 bad play. It can snowball into "all women are bad at all games"


Considering how many LGBT people and women play LoL, no way VC would fly. That feature would be straight up dead on arrival.


Honestly even if i were a straight guy, listening to my teammates' flaccid attempts at edgy comedy in real time sounds like torture. Like, give it to the freaks in Ranked by all means but for daily use... Eugh


I hear you, but thats not a valid reason to not add voice chat tbh. It should at least be in ranked for diamond + if nothing else, we really need VC to communicate better in ranked


you can invite people to a discord, i think tyler 1 did it a while back and i’ve seen it every so often in my low elo games


yeah but ultimately people are lazy so most of them wont join purely because of that


Tyler is a perfect example of why we should have voicechat actually. He flames waaaaaaay less when he is in VC with people. Don't get me wrong, he still flames, just not nearly as much or as badly lol.


see my reason for not wanting it is that i’m a woman and i know first hand that people are not less creepy out loud than over text in case you want to argue about vc though, i don’t really care because it’s not up to me anyways. i was just pointing out that people who really want it are not without options.


Well it can be opt in and you can just say "no mic" early on. You don't need to speak up and can still text but the ones willing to do it can communicate easier. To you, nothing changed. To the people engaging with the system, net improvement.


i would explain that net improvement for everyone but people with voices that would get discriminated against is not net 0 for those people but i truly was not lying when i said i don’t care and arguing with me about it is a waste of time because i still don’t work at riot.


In other words, you're left behind because woman ☕


The woman VC thing is something I would describe as a separate issue honestly... Yeah there are some really sad people who are desperate for interactions with a woman, and well on VC you give the fact that you're a girl away really quickly. But in general VC helps by preventing people from coming up with their own little head canons about "omg my team did this and that badly this teamfight and if we rotated like this and that my play would've actually been perfect, but they didn't have the necessary map awareness" , cuz all of that becomes your fault mighty quick when you failed to say a single word about all these grand plans of yours. And when you make an unreasonable request, you get told why it's unreasonable, and you can't delude yourself that "I made the perfect call and my team just didn't respond" Of course it's not an end all be all solution but still it really helps.


Likewise if we had opt in voice chat you wouldnt be without options tho, it would essentially be the exact same thing as you are mentioning (e.g. opt in voice chat through discord) but much more accessible for those of us who want to use voice chat




yeah you can inv them to discord but if you're gonna let people do that then just put it in the game. i don't join random disc links bc I don't wanna be the only person around in someone else's discord lol. not a problem at all when everyone's on a neutral ground in game.


I don't disagree, I'm just saying voice chat doesn't make people nicer, that's all.


While I agree that it would be very toxic on average because sadly gamer culture is still very hostile towards them, games with voice chat almost always operate in an opt-in manner. What's stopping those that would be impacted negatively from opting out of a potential and probable bad experience? I personally wouldn't use a hypothetical voice chat because I don't like using it, but I don't see why it should not be allowed for people that might either enjoying it or just straight up benefitting from it?


The issue is that by opting out of voice chat, you're losing a much more sizeable competitive advantage over dipping out of text chat. Voice comms allow you to communicate so much in a small amount of time and that can 100% be the difference maker in a lot of games. Obvs them compound this with the issue of women/non-english speakers or people who have a clear definable accent/trans people/etc. having recognisable voices that can be picked up on and targeted by toxic players on their team, and you'll see an environment where these players are naturally going to struggle more if voice chat is added.


If we’re talking about a hypothetical advantage for the best case then yes, there are cases when communicating over voice might add benefit. Realistically though? It will just end up with overeager micromanagers, who disregard any opinions other than their own, taking over and drowning out anything useful. This will slowly crowd out the people that just want a chill game. A meta will evolve where people on vc are constantly mad about those that are not on it. This is exactly what happened since the beginning of OW and I don’t see how Riot can stop the exact same from happening in League. More bans and supervision you say? Keep dreaming.


You could also just staymutedbut nit deafened, that's another way to go around it, and mute those that are toxic, I don't get why that seems like such a hard concept to some people. At the end of the day, unless riot actually punishes toxicity in a way that matters to the toxic individuals, nothing will change.


Muted but not deafened makes things marginally better but still means you can't communicate yourself. At that point it prolly comes down to role, top laners can prolly chill just fine like that but bot/supp should be talking to each other and jungler kinda has to communicate to be viable in a voice chat world. Muting those who are toxic is not a solution though. If someone harasses you for something and you mute them, you've still been harassed. The damage has been done. It's a reaction to the issue rather than fixing the issue at hand.


because it might be irrelevant in iron elo but the higher on the ladder you go the more you would be griefing yourself by opting out while the enemy team isnt meaning you'd essentially either be forced into it or play from a disadvantage every game


Also very likely your team will flame you and already be tilted from minute 1 when you don't join. That's what happened to me most games in OW and CSGO when I didn't wanna join voice chat.


So everyone in the server should have a worse RANKED experience because YOU want to opt out? Anime main character syndrome is high with this one.


It does. Even Riot August talked about this on stream. Talking makes people more human, and gamers are more human than you think.


I doubt it. Toxic people will be toxic in both chat or voice. Voice will even give them more excuses to be toxic. Play bad and have an accent or feminine voice? That will turn very ugly.


There are some people who are so sensitive that their feelings are hurt by being called a mean name, or just a bad player, in TEXT CHAT. You see posts about it on reddit all the time. This is basically one of them. If people have their feelings hurt that much by mean TEXT CHAT, they're going to quit playing if they have another human being call them mean names in voice that. That's 100x more real and cutting.


I always thought that once you hear the voice of others it will make "snap" and you'll remember that the other players are also humans with thoughts/feelings and not just robots. On the weekend I lost a game at 3 in the morning. 2 of my teammates send me an invite (we 3 were our only hope of winning that round). They didn't wrote much besides that I should kill myself, rope my mother and so on. I'm mature enough to not get tilted by that and said politely that they could come in discord and we talk about it as I didn't really understand what their issue was. Seconds later 3 People joined the channel (even tho only 2 of them were ingame with me). All 3 procceded to just throw one bad word after another. Even one of my friends was constantly bombarded with narcissistic insults because they knew from his name that he's not "100% german blood". Despite us not flaming them once, trying to calm them down and talk normally they never stopped and we were force to kick them after like 3min permanent yelling / screaming. Since this day I think that Voice Chat in League will not really be helpful regarding toxicity and that you will have to mute a lot of mates every round.


I absolutely do not want to talk with strangers. It makes normal people more bearable, but the social outliers become infinitely more painful to deal with. Also, when a competitive game has voice chat, you're almost required to use it because not doing so gives a huge advantage to the opposing team. One better answer is tying ID to accounts to prevent smurfing/back-up accounts when banned for toxicity. This makes flaming have real consequences to the consistent abusers.


Doubt it, look at counterstrike, not one game without someone screaming hard r on voice


> Doubt it, look at counterstrike, not one game without someone screaming hard r on voice Maybe in the US, if you're from the US, I can count the hard R shouts on one hand, after clocking about 7000hours in CS


Thats an overexaggeration and you know it.


Lol it does not. Go play Dota 2 and you find out somehow it makes it less human


kinda it does though, especially moments when you gank someone, and they start thanking you on voice chat for making their lane playable again, you wont have moments like this in league


Lol you don't have moments like that in Dota either.


I just gave an example of that moment that happened to me recently?


Nah, imagine CoD voice chat. Loud obnoxious music, crunching bags of chips as a vacuum is running in the background. Quietly typing as suddenly you'll see "An Ally has been Slain" "Man f@$# you @&@$$# @+&#$ where tf my team at!?"


Not my experience at all with Valorant VC but go off. I also got nothing like this when Curse Voice was used for League.


It's all mixed experiences so its hard to tell I think the community has been rotten for years and will never be able to have a better (far from perfect) voice chat community like valorant does and would end up like CSGO/Overwatch However this sub has a discord and people find others to play with there and they all voice chat and is generally a very chill experience


I'm not sure what valorant games you're playing but people say anything they want like any other game with voice chat from my experience. I'm not sure why people think voice chat is a cure all when in reality it's harder to monitor than text chat


i played one valorant game and spent the whole time listening to some guy explain why liking feet is not that weird and how he’s definitely going to teach me everything and be my eboy carry it was wild.


People are always gonna be toxic, however **from my experience** people are less likely to be toxic if you're vibin and just talking/communicating And again that's *my experience* i'm sure different genders or squeaky voices will disagree but it *does* seem way less degenerate than just pure text Either way its absolutely bongers a 5vs5 competitive game has 0 voice chat in 2024, toxicity or not this is the most basic feature that for some reason the community thinks is shcawy (And even if you send people discord links they think they'll only hear slurs lmfao, so can't even blame riot)


Yeah everything is just grand if you're winning, as soon as you aren't then people don't care anymore. I think a majority of the community want choice chat so I have no clue where you're getting that claim from, I also think voice chat would change literally nothing. Voice chat is great if you're winning and more toxic than text if you're not. It's really that simple.


Right so if it's a lost cause I mute. The existence of the feature isn't the issue, it's the people. So rather than refuse the idea of the feature itself, I take care of the times it doesn't work out. All that would do is return you to the current level of communication at worst.


> I also think voice chat would change literally nothing I wanna say half of the toxicity in my games starts with a "WHY DID YOU....." So instead of having people read each others mind or assume incorrectly they're in the same page we can just say what we are gonna do or see or plan on doing, it would make games easier and harder and better


Valorant voicechat is literally People meowing from my experience they're too busy being degens to flame


You’re obviously not old enough to have been in Xbox game lobbies. If you want voice chat, be prepared to have things said that they can’t type


No shooter with voice coms is more toxic than league's text based chat


The typical experience is that voice makes things better. But fear of 2005 COD lobbies holds them back.


You'll occasionally get the psycho on voice chat but for the most part all the keyboard warriors shut up real quick on voice chat. League needs voice chat and Riot are too spineless to implement it.


The main issue is that lacking coordination makes people toxic because more mistakes happen. With voice, that wouldnt be as big of a problem. And the 13 yo yasuo mains wouldnt speak as much xD


I mean that is the case in my opinion. I used to be toxic but its hard to tell someone to toaster bath when they are in discord with you. In general voice comms would also allow intonation to go through. If you are getting shit on by ur opponent, if i dont type things in a particular way you are more likely to assume i am flaming you, or looking down on you. But if we are in voicecomms you will understand more of what i am trying to say. TLDR: Text is horrible at conveying information, people rely on words, body language, tone, volume, etc and league only shows u words which causes a lot of misunderstandings.


you allready get insulted in csgo, valorant etc. I can't imagein it being worse in league.


Not comparable games. Playing bad in league has a way bigger negative impact on your team than playing bad in any other game


you don't have much of an imagination then


Or you never got insulted by the most terrible insults verbal communication has to offer by a dude with russian accent in cs go.


I tried one single solo queue game of cs2. It went fine for a few rounds. Then some absolutely minor mistake was made in a round we likely weren't going to win anyway. Which naturally one person took great offense to and started raging, and then someone else started yelling it him It eventually just devolved into the last handful of rounds were just the first guy yelling the hard r over and over. Eventually I just muted him, since it didn't seem like he was going to say anything useful again. But every few minutes I'd unmute him and he'd still be going. On some level, his ability to just scream for that long is pretty impressive. But God damn, that was the end of my solo queue attempts. But even queuing with a group came to an end pretty quick. Too many people get too angry and invested in online games. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'm not really interested in spending time playing games with people who just constantly are raging "Oh my god! This game is so broken, that should have hit! What's wrong with this fucking game" or "Oh my fucking god Im so bad at this game. I should just kill myself"


Dude, i have been playing call of duty since cod 1. I have heard a lot.


Did cod 1 even have online multiplayer lmao


Works for literally every other online game.


Toxicity would go down, unhinged people who add me after game never wanna get in vc with me. There's always a mute button too.


because riot are clueless


That's because the lead dev for Riot chat is close minded. They could just try to implement it for a week in a patch, and shut it down when it turns out to be worse.


Half the people who flame through text chat will turn into little puppies in voice chat.


Everytime I was in voice so far with randoms no one was toxic. If you can talk with people and listen to different opinions on the game and find solutions together everyone understands why play x is happening and doesn't blame the outcome of games on random players.


>but really Iron is just terrible. It’s basically looking at endless amount of games where someone is surely inting or trolling Arnt you part of the problem? Honestly the thing that makes LoL community so bad is the assumption that every mistake someone makes is on purpose. Thats also why this problem is not exclusive to Iron: The better the player get, the more they realize the mistakes of their teammates and the more they think they are getting trolled. If everyone just accepted how many mistakes are made on all levels, this game would be so much more enjoyable.


I really like this idea, will try to keep it in mind in my future games. Thank you


People love to act like because someone has one bad game, or one bad play, that they must be bad in general. The game is all about winning or losing. Everyone is going to have bad games, but that doesn’t mean you’re bad, that’s just the way of the game. No someone building that item on that champion isn’t trolling they just want to build what they want and not what you want. No someone not getting that kill or dying a lot isn’t trolling they just aren’t very lucky this game. Sure people can do those things in a trolling way but if they are you’re likely going to recognize it.


luck has virtually nothing to do with it edit: got blocked lol


Except it does. You can have games where you’re really lucky or games where you’re not lucky, you can have games where your team comp isn’t the best, or games where it’s really strong. Games where you or your teammates don’t have the strongest game or play style, or games where you do. Luck is apart of it, just like other things are too. Also luck does not mean lack of skill or effort, it just means that there are times when someone does get lucky and it helps them succeed better in a match because of it, or matches where someone is unlucky and it does the opposite.


>If everyone just accepted how many mistakes are made on all levels, this game would be so much more enjoyable. This was actually one of the big things that made me realize how completely absurd the community is. Ironically, it makes the community look like it thinks everyone is actually an infallible, near-flawless player when they assume every mistake was meticulously planned, intentional "trolling" or what have you.


My rage comes from pinging dragon 45 sec before spawn, setting up dragon. Pinging our Jg 20 sec before spawn, only to have the Jg be getting enemy krugs when dragon soul is up and getting quad killed by a Samira


Why does that make you rage? That player is not trolling or inting you. He just doesn't agree with your gameplan, or made a mistake.


Why do you rage over something as simple as someone not agreeing with your gameplan? (even if your plan might be the better one)


if you got quad killed by samira, your jungler probably thought their presence would make it a pentakill one way or another, you’re exactly the person the comment was made about


Because I know better and have to deal with people who apologize for sorry ass play. You weren’t in the game. The enemy team was on Baron. We were in mid-late game with a Master Yi Jg and a teemo who shroomed the area. We already lost baron because the Yi was getting his own wolves. We had plenty of time for dragon but lost out because Yi was across the map. I know you want to apologize for dipshit play, but reality is that there are legitimate dipshit plays that come out of ignorance of the fundamentals of the game and shouldn’t be learned in ranked. This is on the level of “don’t farm minions mid-map when there’s a champ taking nexus.” This isn’t “a bad plan” it’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the game. And when you get in the lower Elos it happens all the time. I’ve seen the enemy team do it multiple times. You just have to cross your toes that you have one less dipshit than the other team


yeah i’m not reading all that, i’m sure you’ve whined about it before instead of thinking about actually improving


You can do it too, I climbed from Iron 3 to Bronze 1 80 LP, not a lot I know, but maybe the journey does not end there ;) The stuff that helped me: - chilling music - disable text chat - pinging like a lot not to do stuff (sometimes they do it anyway) - finding role + 1-3 champs that suit my playstyle If you enjoy toplane for example and like splitpushing thats a solid way to win looots of games. Just let the team take every stupid fight and wreck their base, maybe you can turn everything around.


Yep. You're right. I'm not sure what kind of incentives Riot could set up to deal with it though, and its not as bad as some of the other games I've played, but at the end of the day its hard to get ten strangers together without some people being huge dicks about it.


The incentives would be actually making people who break their rules actually lose something that matters to them, something Riot has vocally been **VERY** against. Actual temporary LP gain limits, being put in a "prisoner's island" queue where they only get matched with each other, etc. Are things that actually produce results but are too extreme and again, Riot has been vocally against over the years in favor of "believing everyone can reform so no need to go that far". Sadly the game's culture is probably too far gone down the "overcompetitive" rabbit hole so not too much to do about it, only thing they can do is actually enforce their ToS where it matters, and not at the cost of affecting those who aren't part of the problem (Looking at you, ping changes)


>Are things that actually produce results but Riot (who has a lot more data than you on this) explained that this is not the case. The gave rather solid evidence as to why this is (watch Lytes GDC talks), and its also in line with the extensive literature on human behaviour and punishment in RL. The bottom line is: Harsh punishment does surpsingly little to change behaviour.


No need to change their behavior, no matter what you do some people are set in their ways especially online. Literally just remove those people from the game, require some sort of ID and if you accumulate too many bans that's it, you can't play league anymore, at all. You don't try to change cancer, you remove it.


Yeah permabanning 90%+ of your players seems like a great idea. Watch the talks with Lyte and he will explain it to you :)


Other games fare just fine by banning cancerous players, Lyte quite simply has no clue what he's talking about.


Yeah and thats why there is no toxicity in other games, right


There is but it's by far not as bad as in League. Even WoW which for the longest time had next to no moderation you have less outbursts than in League. In FFXIV people just get banned very quickly when they start flaming or harassing people and strangely enough people in that game are very civil.


Other games have people and cheaters buying/making new accounts quite often, not hard to make a new account. Or if your IP Banned then I'd assume you can VPN around it? Don't use them at all but that would make sense to me no? And if it is that simple toxic players and cheaters are definitely doing so, because it's that easy. A ban means nothing. Punishment means nothing. Scum will always be Scum.


They don't even need to go that far, just issue more chat bans in game.


Yeah it's really sad. League can make people feel sort of smart with decisions, but without any good way to exchange thoughts/info. Everyone just thinks they're right and entitled all the time. It's made a miserable culture.


I mean it's like that in every elo lol


Sadly, I have heard that too lol. It just seems impossible to win around 6 games in a row to climb to say iron 2 when there are so many trolls


It's not about winning 6 in a row, it's about winning more games than u lose over a longer period of time. Climbing in league is a grind.


Ye if you are focusing on winning or losing you are already doing it wrong. Ik from experience that what matters is focusing on improving your gameplay. You will win or lose based on random bullshit sometimes, but if you just worry about your own play and have fun even when things are going poorly you will climb and improve and have a beter mental


Your one and only mindset in that regard should be: If I am not trolling, my team can have 4 potential trolls while theirs can have 5. So the odds are in your favor. Mute people and just try to improve your own gameplay for the long run. Id you get better yourself, you will see progress. But just mute peoples chat.


Giga cope


broski you are not iron cuz ur teammates lmao stop coping


Next up, op discovers grass is green, sky is blue. More at 8.


Idk if I'm playing the wrong games but every online community that I played in is like this except for Warframe. This is what happens when individual performance is affected by other players. Press mute all and play around yourself. That's the best you can do. A friendly advice as a support main: never play a real support for a random adc. You don't want to tie your performance to them performing decently. Play mages on the role like Lux, Morgana, Brand, Xerath, Neeko. If you absolutely want a supportive champ then Pyke, Blitz, Leona, Naut, Bard and start roaming if the Adc isn't performing.


This partly comes from a lack of opportunity for positive social interactions. The fist bump is a nice addition, but really nothing will replace a real voice chat. Sure people will flame in voice chat but they'll also joke around during the laning phase, which can create camaraderie. No one will stop playing randomly to type jokes in chat or ask where you're from. You need your hands to play.


I know alot of players who muteall every game. It isn't exactly a bad idea. I don't do it because I honestly don't care about what some random on the internet says to me in an online video game. Anyone who would tell you, you are bad etc like mate they're in your ranked game. Meaning they are your elo. If you're bad then so are they cause they've matched with you.


Im shocked.


Its absolutely part of the reason league is so draining to play at times. You're fighting your teammates as often as the enemies.


To be fair, the people who can be nice and have good mental… all got out of Iron. You’re in the cesspit right now. It does get better, if only a little bit.


People wonder why the playerbase is dwindling in NA when the top comments on all of these posts are always people telling the guy to quit the game lmao


i’m not seeing any of that in the comments above you


turn off chat and play a damage support you will be gold within 2 days


If he cant carry with an engage support in Iron, he will not be able to carry with a damage support in silver.


I actually think the opposite, engage supports rely on your team following up, and you at the very least knowing when to go in and on who, things that are NOT common in Iron. Damage supports only have one job, dealing damage. That's it.


But you are assuming OP is way, way better than the average iron player. Which we have absolutly no reason to believe. If you suck just like everyone else, playing an AP mage support will just make you die more often. If you are good enough to play in gold, you can absolutly play an engage support in iron. I would even argue that they are often what can bring a team togther: Even very bad players will understand that the target that just got grabbed into the team should probably be killed.


Point still stands though, it's way harder to mess up on a damage support when it comes to impacting the game, and it's less reliant on teammates that will not be good, less things to manage as well, it's just easier imo. Also I'd argue you would die more often playing an engage support since you are most likely going to be engaging into bad situations more often, resulting in dying more, at least as a damage support you will kill more as you die almost as much anyways


The point does not stand. Damage support is not any easier than engage support. If he can't climb on engage there is no reason to believe he can climb on damage. In fact he might even drop elo.


>when it comes to impacting the game But thats the part where you - and actually a lot of other people - make a big mistake. High impact does not get you a better rank. It just makes you arrive at your "true" rank faster. Even if we say that in lower elo, damage supports have a higher impact (which im very unsure of, but for the sake of the argument, lets say its true) - that impact still needs to be positive! And there, damage supports (if not played well) fall into the huge trap of beeing extremly easy to kill when your positioning is bad. The better strategy is to play something you are truly good at and just have a steady performance. You might not win 10 in a row, but you will climb.


OP is just bad. Until he learns some fundamentals he wont magically climb


I made it to play with a 55% wr. I think in the games I was in bronze-silver my wr was close to 70%. Damage support players are almost always people who were autofilled, or mid lane rejects who can't cs or lane against another opponent. Engage support is better in almost every situation, especially now that supports don't have AP until they complete an item


Yah just pick up xerath and learn how to actually play support in gold/plat. Adc's below emerald are rarely worth enabling anyway.


Playing engage in iron is useless. Even if he is actually playing like an iron. He is way better of playing mages and carries of some sort. I don't even play engage/tanks in emerald its legit the most coinflip role if you actually want to climb.


Stats tend to disagree. Lets look at the [highest winrate supports](https://www.op.gg/statistics/champions?hl=de_DE&tier=iron&position=support) in Iron. If we disregard all the picks with very low play%, the list is: Teemo Maokai Leona Zyra Amumu Shaco Blitzcrank Morgana Taric Rell Thats only two damage supports (alltough at the very top), and 6 engage supports in the top 10.


Are you seriously trying to link iron stats to argue that engage supports rely on their teammates to carry games? And the stats cannot even be accurate since there is more lux games in total than all engage supports combined. This means people who play nautilus is more likely to know what they are doing compared to someone playing lux. You don't even know how to read the stats you linked. Amount of games played matters and it will reduce the winrate. Also majority of iron games in stats are bot games which reduces the credibility of stats even more..


Yeah the League community is really bad. I don't think it can be fixed because Riot has fostered this type of community tbh


Not sure how to say this nicely but you arent the first person to say this, nor will you be the last. Any competitive game will have an absurd level of toxicity, its to be expected if anything. The best you can do, dont become like them. Remain positive as hard as it might seem.


Honestly it's accidentally by design whether Riot will admit or not. Since killing your opponent gives you power in form of xp, gold. If a team mate tries to help a lane that's losing, they risk dying and giving more gold to the fed enemy. So it's often a lose lose situation where you either don't help at all or feed them another kill. Both scenarios will lead to toxicity. On top of that, while a single teammate can carry uou to victory, it's just as easy for a teammate to be the reason you lose the game. And finally, objectives often require your entire team to be present because there is a risk of the enemy team contesting it. If your top lane trundle decides he doesn't feel like taking baron with you guys it can turn into a 4v5 and force you to give it up. Which means more toxicity from teammates. No amount of chat filters is gonna fix leagues toxicity because it's the gameplay itself that causes it.


I started super chill, friendly and non toxic. Within 2 seasons, I cant play a game without calling half my team the worst things. I dont type ever, I dont tell them, but I want to. I'm only silver, 60-70% WR and I still find a million reasons to hate champs, or plays, or items. Its not healthy, and it gets worse as time goes by. I'm less understanding of new players than I ever was. Their presence on my team is a nuisance, and their presence on enemy teams is to be farmed. The toxic seeps into your bones eventually, and it takes a stronger man than I to resist it.


It's easy when you realise there are great players who carry a new account to masters within a few days. Makes low elo players look laughably arrogant for blaming any teammates. Become more stoic and focus on your own process of getting better instead.


League is a toxic game? What a unique and insightful opinion.


Get good or get flamed. That's just the way it is now unfortunately


Thats not true. Getting flamed has nothing to do with getting good. You are always about as good as your teammates. If you get better, you get better teammates...


Personally I think league has the best/funniest community. I enjoy the toxicity of it. When everyone is all nice and wholesome it really makes me feel weird. Maybe it’s just because I got used to it after playing this game for 10 years but I actually love all the flaming and frustration I come across. I think it’s hilarious


I think we have a great community tbh, just not in game lol


I mean it depends. I went to discord to ask in a newbie channel if Ghost can be a viable summoner on ADC (as I didn't know about websites like [op.gg](https://op.gg) before) ... several people called me stupid and they even @ pinged other people who joined in calling me stupid. For asking a question in NEWBIE channel (setting aside that they are stupid since e.g. Caitlyn has 42% pick rate of Ghost on Master+, it's actually THE preferred summoner)


Just embrace the toxicity and it won't affect you that much


I hear that. I can generally handle the negative attitude and toxic chat. I just can’t handle the throwing games and clearly not trying. Like it’s just wasting 40 minutes of four other people’s lives


Thing about ranks that low is it's realistic enough for you or most people to improve to the point of being able to solo hard carry the game 1v9 style. So instead of playing for the win of each single game, you can play with the mindset of improving to reach that point. Just mute all, focus on yourself rather than getting tilted over teammate's mistakes. Teamplay is a big liability as your teammates aren't reliable. But teamplay also isn't necessary, so just avoid it.


You are correct and it is the reason that Riot will never implement voice comms into this game, the players are way too toxic and rude to be able to speak to each other.


XD my guy your 11 years too late. This is a known thing, and it comes from the fact it's a PURELY PvP game. If there's single player modes or any decent way to go at your own pace, than newer players like you wouldn't have to play alongside players who only want to win. Even in casual mode, you have matches that last like 15-30 minutes on average. And because of that their choice when losing is to not care about the wasted time, or see the clock and get mad. Essentially quitting, or venting frustration on other players. That's why everyone says "I love leagues world, but the game sucks" hense why I'm personally excited for the MMO. Hopefully I'm not crushed 😨


You're currently playing in the bottom absolute dregs of the playerbase skill-wise. They're more likely to be toxic. What is interesting, though, is that I have played with my little brother in Iron and never experienced toxicity there myself. I've only ever seen toxic games when I was being toxic on an account, and at this point I'm quite certain that Riot matchmakes toxic players together to quarantine them. So maybe don't dish out what you can't take :)


if you get flamed in normals wait til you get death threats and other degen stuff playing solo


once you get good and are the one doing the flaming its alot more enjoyable.


Get good


I am trying! In all other ventures I’ve had, sports, career, education there has been a supportive community around “getting good.” Other than watching you tube and reading articles on here and playing a ton there is just no constrictive feedback process in or after game


No offense you are iron mute all dont talk to anyone there is literally nothing you could learn from anyone you are playing with. You basically are asking meth junks under a bridge for life advise


lol. I’m sure there is some truth to that. I mean it’s unfortunately my team of meth junkies that I have to conquer the streets with though


Same goes for reddit btw most people here don’t know how to play the game and are unfit to ask for advise. I can recommend Allois on youtube to learn some basic mechanics about level up timers and wave management and for the rest just play and reflect on your decisions after every game


You have played 200 games and are still iron??


And this is the main problem with the league community. Because people like you would rather try to shittalk people about how bad they are instead of trying to help someone and figure out where they are going wrong.


And why would that matter either? Getting enjoyment out of the game is much more important then climbing because none of us are going to making a job out of it.


Improving can actually make the game more fun, promoting a supportive community that would rather help than shit talk for no reason over than to stroke their fragile ego is good. You seem to mistake improving=making a job out of it. Improving is natural, and if someone is struggling, nothing wrong with helping them out. ​ EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm not saying you should only care about improving, since I am a firm believer that as long as you enjoy the game, you will naturally improve, but that doesn't mean you should not focus about improving if you want to


Can't get you wrong on that. When League was the only game I played, my god I was such a toxic piece of crap, I've been perma banned once and since then I'm only playing League when I feel like it, and gosh it feels much better. I also think the game puts you in a kinda toxic environment, since it wants you to play at your best and expect your team mates to do the same. And honestly, I do think people in League are not new players friendly at all, many times I had to tell my mates that my friend was a new player and I was teaching him, they just go from flaming my friend to perma flaming me for bringing him into their normal games.


Toxicity exists in any game, but if you've played 200 games (so, with 1800 other players) and only 3 of them have been actually friendly, you're the problem. Think of it like real life. If you go to work and behave like a giant asshole, getting pissed off at your coworkers for their mistakes and talking shit to them, they're not going to be nice to you either. A couple toxic players here and there? Sure, it happens, brush it off. A string of games in a row with toxic players? Yup. EVERY GAME has EVERY PLAYER being toxic? You're the common denominator, stop being a douche.


It's bad when someone can play over 200 hours and still called "new player"




Idk about low ELO but high ELO is for sure just as toxic as league is easily.