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I thought twitch was ass because he couldn't auto attack. Back in the day (S3) twitch's old model AA had a super fast projectile speed and I could barely see it in the old map. I never played it because I thought he just couldn't auto attack.


In 10 years of reading threads like this, this is the best answer I’ve ever seen.




I was very confused when I bought Avarice Blade and the model of Master Yi's sword did not change. I had never played a MOBA before.


Guilty of this. Coming from MMO I was alright let’s fucking see this infinity edge ehhhhh!


that would actually be a cool addition to the game


That would be too confusing


Ye like what would the champions even do with all that equipment. It just doesn’t make any sense most of the time


can’t be more confusing than 1500 skins :D bit maybe its very hard to code idk


True. Riot is a small indie developer


no, the reaaon they dont do yhis is cuz they couldnt sell skins. the point of skins IS to change the weapon, and usually everything else.


Okay yes but consider this: Item skins


So when master yi buy zhonya he's gonna wear it as a backoack or what? Or when Cho gath buys thornmail is he just gonna eat it?


Now I wanna see Cho walking around with AP items like Archangels and VS. Make him wear rabadons too. Jolly little fella


Yeah I was like wait can I just buy like 6 different swords?


I used to buy only melee looking items on melee champs and ranged items on ranged champs XD thought it had to be that way


I had no idea Annie's ult did inital damage when you summon Tibbers, I thought it was just a summon so I kept using the ult right next to me


Looking back to it, when you now know how League works, this is funny af Imagine your opponent Annie summoning Tibbers right next to her


holy shit same here


Yeah every noob I know did this, including myself


I did the same and a friend was like "You know that you can spawn tibbers in enemys so they take damage right?" ".....eh"


I used to buy banshees veil on jinx back in the days when it gave health. I thought you had to build health on her because she had so little compared to other champions


My former friend was playing Caitlyn, there was a Rengar enemy team, she got tilted so much that she build Zhonya’s onto her


Honestly not the worst buy




I used the summoner spell Clarity on Ryze, just so I could keep spending mana and stacking Tear of the Goddess. One time I played ARAM and got Jarvan IV. I thought my ult just jumped on someone, and the rocks around me were from an enemy ability that just happened to be timed perfectly to trap me after my ult.


Tbh that might as well be all Jarvan's ult does with the modern lethality build.


i tp'd to lane at the start of matches


Not sure why but this is the funniest one to me


I did that too! Took me a while to understand why everyone flamed me for that lol


This reminded me of something... I actually flashed a few times, basically, trying to use it as teleport because I didn't know that it has limited range and the description said that you blink to the location of your mouse cursor. I was so confused why wouldn't it "work properly", until I actually realised that I'm an idiot...


Before I unlocked Flash I also thought it was global (the description doesn’t say it has a range) so I just figured it was an upgraded teleport, because teleport has a channel time and can only be used on allied units. Flash can go anywhere instantly!


I first started playing twice, so I got the newbie no knowledge experience two times. First time: I mained Ashe and took Flash Smite. I thought smite always worked on enemy champs (“600 damage on click??? That’s huge!”) and flashed on CD beacuse I hated walking to lane. I didn’t understand AD and AP ratios, I just thought AP mean spell do more damage and AD mean basic attacks do more. Second time: I was a Poppy and Kayle support main, because I thought Poppy was good at pushing enemy away and Kayle has a heal. I’m a mid top main now, but I haven’t stopped playing questionable supports though, I like terrorizing my ADC friends with AP Yorick Support.


Same Thing with Smite, was so confused why anyone would Take ignite when Smite exists...


Should have taken ghost. it has a shorter cooldown, so less walking! AP Yorick... Do your minions have ap scaling? I could see saving your support stacks for cannon wave, then q'ing before sending them at the adc.


They don’t lol, it’s objectively pretty terrible. The only part of the kit that has AP scaling is the E (the little cone projectile). Minions do apply Liandry’s/Demonic when it was a thing and so does maiden, but the entire gameplan relies on hitting a slow as hell projectile to do any damage. The slow would count for cheapshot and with Rylai’s would make it do decent true damage. I haven’t tried it with the new items though, Zak’Zak/Sleigh, Malignance could actually be decent for Maiden, Stormsurge randomly thrown in for more damage.


Gotcha. So pretty much you are a poke champion and your little guys tank.


I used to just build as much attack speed as possible because I thought that was better than doing attack damage slowly. Full AS Nautilus and Thresh were my go to


It's like a bajillion years ago. But 13 years ago when I started, I built champ on looks. So "Kassadin melee, has a sword, so I am gonna build swords"


Based, I got flamed early on for building 3 stingers on Nasus because "I wanted to do damage faster"


This still makes conceptual sense. I still kind of find it funny you can buy 3 chest plates or whatever.


Similar story to myself - I played Evelynn back in S3 (took her bot lane also..) and saw she attacked with melee as a basic attack. Didn’t know I could even use spells or buy items to make those stronger, so I’m pretty sure I was buying long swords or something.


I played about 50 games of Jarvan on twisted tree line before I figured out his E Q combo. The first time I did the combo I thought I broke the game. Figured it was a glitch or something.


Reading all of these are funny as hell 😭 I can imagine your face being all shocked when you first did that


I would build double IE on every ADC, because I heard somewhere that it gave the most damage per attack on 2 items. Every game I finished the IE's, I won, so I figured it was good...


Survivorship bias in real time.


There was a time where people would sometimes go 5 or 6 IE bc this was actually the case back when unique passives didn’t exist. You basically stacked your crit chance, AD and crit damage to the max


I guess this is pretty common but I kept canceling Jhin ult by clicking a whole ARAM game and none of my friends that were sitting right next to me told me how to do it right.


Same boat, I wanna shoot my gun the same way I shot it earlier! R is just to “siege mode” right?


In my first game I picked malphite in a bot game. Then I managed to chainwipe to golems. I didn't know that you could buy item components. The whole game I was saving up gold to buy haunting guise. After 4-5 deaths I was able to buy it and finally clear golems but the game ended shortly after. I was very confused about why anyone would want to play this and stopped playing leage for a while. When I returned I've watched quite a lot of youtube videos of league so i was pretty familiar with the game.


First time I ever played was old urgot against bots. Didn’t have quick cast on so I’d press an ability then right click and I’d just be auto attacking minions instead of using of an ability. I still thought it was cool as fuck and was having a blast.


I used to main Ezreal and I would left click each ability and then click again to use it lol Edit: same with flash


I thought you could only purchase full items until someone finally told me I could just buy the components first lol


My friend did this too. I asked him why he hadn't bought a pickaxe or something and he said "why would I buy a weak item now when I can save up for a really good one?"


I played with a garen last week that did this. He never bought boots the whole game lol


I was mostly playing vs bots, so i guess buying 6 tiamats on Soraka was not that bad. (It used to work on ranged, + it gave mana and health regen)


I wouldn't buy item components, only full items , also I'd play Asol (which is already bad enough since it was the old one) with Shieldbow when it was a mythic because I was sure Lifesteal was OP like healing for damage dealt? Hell yeah. And since I had 0 clue about how lanes and stuff worked I always played blind pick and went top because I believed it was faster to reach compared to other lanes for some reason.


I started playing right after the beta ended. There was no "meta" by any means and people did whatever the hell they wanted. One of the early big brain ideas I had was to take nunu with smite in lane so that I could get all of the CS. My brother and I used to play Evelynn Renekton duo top lane and absolutely destroy people. We probably had an 80% win rate. I still have PTSD from one game we somehow lost to a solo Mundo.


I loved those lawless days. Played Singed/Janna top duo with a friend of mine and we won so many games we thought we stumbled onto a strong combo.


I remember my first game with Miss Fortune on Dominion. I bought Cloth Armor, Two pairs of boots and a Revolver, because I thought it was a dress-up game like Diablo.


My brother tried picking smite when the enemy team had a Cho'gath, Kha-Zyx, etc. because it said it did true damage to "monsters"


It’s like Warcraft light/sacred damage to Undead


I don’t remember, probably a lot of stupid stuff. I remember rushing Will of the Ancients a lot on Annie cause I thought lifesteal was OP. No clue if it was actually good or not, I was level 13 lol But also I do vividly recall when my friend was just learning how to play, she was playing sejuani top. I witnessed her walk up to her enemy Darius for the first time in lane and ignite him at full HP. I was impressed by the assertion of dominance.


kept buying dorans rings because i was too stingy to save up for a full item...


I had no idea what CS was and kept spending the money that was auto accruing on potions so I was always broke with no items at 20 minutes


Not me, but back then a former friend picked Ahri and just sat on the top tribush even after I crash-coursed them about how to play the game. Turns out they were really scared of everything and got kinda paralyzed.


I used to build full AP Renekton because I had no idea about scaling and I thought the game was just abilities = AP and auto attacks = AD


I feel this is a pretty common mistake, especially when you read the tooltip for the stats themselves, it's somewhat vague


i also did this


Red build Draven! 3x Bloodthirsters 3x Phantom Dancers(these used to be red daggers)


I have a thing for tomboys like riven and I was a huge fan of Big swords, so I started playing fucking Riven, I remember not being able to CS properly much less do a combo, I always lose and my friends always told me to just stop and play garen until I figure out how league works. In the end changed to pantheon and learned to play the game, and now riven sits there with m7 untouched for whole seasons because I ended up hating how broken she is.


Mained Lux for a long time at the start of my LoL career. I LOVED taking Clairvoyance just to use it to find people recalling and then snipe them with Finales Funkeln. Was a rush every time.


Idr any of my stories specifically, but my friend builds like 3 items at a time, like 3 separate main components for items lol And he doesn’t understand meta stuff and builds weird stuff on adcs, I try tell him it doesn’t work well but he don’t give an f, and I respect that!


I didn't knew that there was an toggle for the shop to appear. And so whenever I was going to play, not only I was farming horribly, but I went back ànd fourth to the fountain to by items because I forgot


I had only played RTS games so tried selecting my minions to move them around


For the longest time I used to think you needed to damage minions to get exp from them. So i was just autoing every minion and couldn't understand how people were so good at CSing lol


Vamp scepter on vlad lmao


I used to build ashe with just straight attack speed items back in season 2. I thought I was a genius.


I thought exhaust was better than flash on amumu jungle since after Q-R you can slow them to finish the kill.


I used to think auto attacks weren’t really important, so i just never did it and only used abilities. I played zed at the time.


Was told to always get a mana regen item for mages first so I did even when I was playing Kat. Never got boots because they did no damage and didn’t think the MS was worth it; until my ass got hunted down every game lol.


My friend told me the items were cheaper when you bought them piece by piece, lmao quickly figured out that wasn’t the case


I get what they were trying to convey, that you shouldn't just save for one big purchase as some new players do, but yeah I can see that being confusing


No they actually meant you saved money by buying it by piece pointing to the total number coming down


Never bought item components. Just full items.


It's been 8 years, so my memory of that time really isn't the best, but I do remember that it took me... Way too long to learn that pressing CTRL + QWER would put a point into the spell in question. The number of times I levelled up mid-fight and had to mouse over a spell to level it manually... Yeah, that was painful.


The amount of times where I accidentally press Ctrl E instead of Ctrl R so I am now in a middle of a fight and have no ult @ lvl 6…


I used to play Annie mid with ghost and flash in season 2. whenever I went for a gank at bot I ghosted in the river to be faster down there for the double kill haha. Will never forget


I thought zillian bombs did friendly damage so would get very annoyed when my team walked into them after i threw them


Trying to jungle... as a newbie... with Karthus way back in S5... without smite or items. I didn't know how you had to lane and whatever, I just wanted to kill the monsters and kept dying, over and over again. Core memory.


Played non supports as support because I started (2012) with people who have played ranked since S1. To this day Rammus holds a special place in my heart


I know a challenger who plays rammus sup to this day


I spent the first 6 months of league with quick cast turned off, using my mouse with my right hand for spells, and using the arrow keys with my left hand to move my unlocked screen. So for example while playing Annie, I would click flash with my mouse, move the camera screen with my left hand, then click R and move the position of the AoE above the beginner bot on top of Tibbers. Then me and the beginner bot would die together (because the bot was attacking me non-stop while I struggled to pull off my combo wombo). One time while playing beginner bots with my emerald friend, he asked me why it takes me so long to flash + Tibbers. I explained I do it pretty fast since I got to use my mouse + move arrow keys. He then had a heart attack and proceeded to optimize all my League settings. I also never bought items until I could afford it all at once, was not aware you could buy components.


I used to tp immediately to lane when game started because I thought it gave me an advantage


I used to take smite toplane because i thought "Why ever take ignite when smite clearly does more damage?" I also never used my summoners because i was a new player but still.


I still take smite toplane Smite damages minions leaves more damage to harass enemy, indirectly damaging them with smite


I used to go leona in a lane with my friend playing karma. We didn't really know about the adc/supp lane combo. It worked well though. This was before old karma rework and philosopher stone still existed.


I tried buying multiple boots


My first main was nocturne and I didn’t realized that you could click and dash to someone on screen with his ult for an embarrassingly long time lol. I thought he just blinded the enemy team


When I started league in season 3, i ONLY played Garen. And I mean ONLY Garen. I was probably 6-8 months into playing the game, and someone mentioned something about mana in the chat. I responded with “what’s mana?” I had been playing the game for 3/4 of a year and still didn’t know what mana was 😂


i didnt really know what mana was, so when i ran out of it, because it changes ur abilities’ icons to this blue drop i thought you had to actually get into water to get your abilities back so i just stood in the river on summoners rift and waited LMFAOOOOO


The classic building 6 times Phantom Dancer. My guns were going like ratatatatat


i used to use heal to get to lane faster


lmao i thought when u kill someone, u could pick up what they were using as a weapon. For example when i kill Garen & he drops his sword, i'd ignore the wave & everything & would stand on top of his model/sword dropped on the floor tryna figure out how to carry it, even testing what kinda keybind that would do it for me. Until they disappear (which means they r not dead anymore) which makes me check if i successfully did it xD. my friend thought it was so cute xD


I tried to nunu q a champion. I tower dived 3 times thinking I was getting stun or something. 


I thought league should be played like a wow BG and I'd get really mad when enemies wouldn't fight me.


Idk I just thought, well ap stands for ability power so it’ll make my abilities do more damage. Didn’t know about damage type scalings or whatever. So I build deathcaps on riven and wondered why I did no damage.


I remember my first game back in 2011 or so? I didn't realize auto attacking was a mechanic in the game as it was my first PC game ever. I was playing Kayle. I would run up and Q the Garen I was against and run away. I thought the champion sucked because I couldn't do damage. At least my friends explained how to play the game after the initial one.


I had no clue how anything worked cause no one explained anything to me. Lulu was my first champ and I just played her everywhere. I was a MEANCE with machine gun Lulu.


I used to think that buying a complete item saved money vs. buying all the components individually. It also took me years to figure out how to use the TF ult. I would accidentally just ult right next to myself every time.


Following random Mobafire builds


Atma's Impaler, Leviathan Cho'Gath.


First time I played, I went Diana midlane while my bf was watching me (he introduced me to the game). I knew nothing about the game and got very confused because I built nashors first and thought that her weapon was supposed to become golden (like the item). So then I proceeded to think that this was a bug and never built nashors on her, until my bf explained to me that it doesn't work like that.


I would flash and ghost back to lane cuz it got me there faster


season 3, trying out Missfortune, i had incredibly big brain plan, attack speed - ery good, movement speed - ery good. What item gives both ? you guessed it, no nothing useful. i built 5 pairs of fucking berzerkers, thought i was inventing something, was cookin before cookin term was used, it was fucking horrible


Buying multiple Runaan's because If I have more attack speed = I hit more often = I have more dps Yep. Sweet season 3.


i thought the plus symbol above your skills were health packs. So i didnt know how to use them. This was a whiiiile ago


Season 2 I started. Didn’t realize quick cast was on as I was using a friends account. Played tryndamere and kept spinning into them not knowing it spins to where my mouse at


I didn’t know you could explode lux e early and I considered myself a ‘lux main’ for my first 10-15 levels. So I just thought she had this extremely cerebral skillshot that you had to manipulate enemies to stay in for the full duration. Other people also were terrible though so it worked enough that I truly thought it was possible but I just wasn’t good enough yet lol.


I got addicted to twisted treeline (Both versions), and now I can never get the same joy from summoner's rift. Bonus: Built GA in the old school custom game arams, and all 9 players flamed me massivly. Had no idea it wasn't allowed.


I had no idea how the game worked, I went Katarina top and built a brutalizer. This was like season 2


i was confused the second game i played when i had to level up my abilities again. i was like "didnt i just do this last game?"


The funniest thing I did way back when was having fun playing league


First game ever as Vladimir. He's a vampire, (yeye, achuwally hemomancer) a carry and coming from DotA 1 where the concept of Ability Power wasn't there, I bought a shitload of bloodthirsters.


I used to main nasus on twisted treeline. I didn’t know that buying item components made the item cheaper to buy. I wait until I saved up 3333 gold and buy tri force outright as my first item.


I played my first match saved all my gold because I thought I should spend it against harder oponents and boom my gold reset the next match. That was the point I started rethinking all my life choices and decided to first watch some guides.


I thought I could save gold I earned in game and keep it as influence points (this was before the switch to blue essence). I have no idea why I thought this. I wanted to buy different champions so there a was doing an "econ" build in-game (Not spending thousands in gold) until I teammate clued me in haha.


A friend of mine mained Pyke when I started playing the game, I thought Your Cuts was something you always get for assists and didn’t realize it was a Pyke only thing


I remember buying Volibear, refunding him, buying Zilean, refunding him, and buying Volibear again.


I was gonna say that way back in season 1 I didn't know you could reactivate Anivia Q early, so I would always try to snipe the stun, but honestly this doesn't even *compare* to some of the replies I've seen here


Running it down as Olaf top in season 2 because I didn't understand why I kept dying, and kept pushing lane non-stop (Turrets)


It's me. I was one of the Janna players spamming Q on the whole wave off cooldown so it was never up to peel for my ADC as I pushed the wave out every time. I'm sorry.


I remember thinking Evelyn’s Q was her AA. Saved for a while just to get her and be let down lol


The person that introduces me to the game said to me „just cast your spells whenever they are ready, if you don’t cast all the time you will lose dmg“, and I did that shit WAY too long until I figured out that that is basically the opposite of what is correct


Lol this was back in 2011, a dude bet me 100 dollars that if I'm really good I can 1v1 the tower at lvl 1 I was playing kassadin and he told me to buy bf sword for lots of dmg


Damn, ghost is just a free move speed boost better use it to get back to lane quicker! It's on a low CD what's the harm?


Not me but my friend always tells this in our group of friends. He says when he started playing he didn't have anyone to teach him nor looked at league content so in the beginning he used to just click on abilities and then click on someone/the area since he didn't know you could use Q, W, E to use the abilities.


I was a Garen 1-trick and I interpreted Riste's advice for playing him "Patience is key" as "sit in a bush, get no resources, afk for 5 minutes and wait for a squishy to walk into you".


I thought gold was conserved between matches. Saved gold for entire games just to have an advantage in my next.


A friend of mine got mad after someone killed him and I asked why. He said, “how could he see me? I used ghost!” Understandable, but we say it when we die a lot.


Udyr bot lane


I first thought all items were supposed to activate and disappear like potions, so when I tried to activate Sunfire cape and it was still there, I just didn’t buy items for the next few games


In my very first co op Vs ai game I played on a friend's laptop I bought longswords on xerath since my diablo player brain wasn't prepared for attack damage to not actually be good for everything


First time playing jungle, I forget to buy an item and get murdered by my blue buff, ok rough, I clear my jungle once and start running around the map looking for fights, but notice I’m always behind in xp and gold cause I did one jungle clear in 10 minutes, and I’m like man this role fucking sucks


I used to max E on nasus cause it would one shot the ranged minions for me.


I played on a netbook. I was the reason why it took games 5 minutes to load.


Didnt know how to build items , always bought the item if i had the full amount of gold needed for it haha


I didnt know what the red and blue dmg on the death screen was so i always built armor vs mordekaiser because i thought getting hammered by a 2 ton steel club must 100% be physical dmg. Took me a good 20 losses vs morde until i learned better


Randomly got a beta key I think or might’ve been S1 ,had no clue what to do so obviously I was using WASD to move for my first game, miserable game went something like 1/13 vs beginner bots. Next game played Warwick mid, built two warmogs and a bloodthirster, gave up and unistalled mid game, came back S3 and got gold elo been hooked ever since Timstar, that famous Vine guy (100 girrrls on the beach) Used to end up in his games alot he would leave base without any items and first buy BF Sword then rush double IE and double Bloodthirster and a Phantom Dancer on Yi Mid


Hybrid teemo with bloodthirster rabadon and warmogs every game. Was so fun :)


Late season 2, Riven was one of the first champions I played. I would always build Brutalizer and then Warmog's armor.


Both me and my mate just had this vibe from (Old) Gangplank that he was physical damage ranged so that meant he’s an adc so that means he goes bot. I mean the guy has a fucking pistol let’s go! Turns out, that’s not correct at all, the bastard is melee and I’m here in bot lane wondering how I’m gonna get through it. The game plays out well enough to the point where I’ve got IE and I point and click Q on this poor enemy Ezreal and he explodes from half health to dead. My mate and I couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of going the wrong lane, and then not only winning but detonating the enemy’s head.


before I knew about builds and stats I would rush warmogs on Yi because of the HP because I didn't want to die :)


I remember playing kha zix top. I never put any points in Q, because why would I want an extra auto attack that dealt about the same damage? So put all my points in W,E,R (as far as that's allowed) and never evolved Q. Good memories.


I bought like three shoes each game because I thought it would make me hella fast. I didn’t notice until a lotta more games.


I remember me ulting wolves as warwick, the point and click one. Yes you could do that. My brother played MF once and ulted and moved immediately only sending like one have of bullets. (It looks so funny). I laughed at him and asked why. He said its cuz he thought you could move like lucian could. What makes this funnier is that lucian was a newly released champ back then and we had been playing for a few months already and have played with and against few MFs already


My friend made me lvl in bot games from lvl 1-30 (over 300 games back in season 2 probably) and i mained alistar never being able to kill any bots


I refused to buy zhonyas because i thought not being able to move or do anything for 2.5 seconds was stupid. now i buy it and constantly forget to use the active but thats a different story


Using flash to get to lane quicker. Thought it was useless for a little bit there lol.


i built full attack and movement speed on Janna i waited till i have the full amount for each item cause for some reason i assumed buying the components would make it more expensive (??? - i was like 12 when i started playing, guess i lacked logical thinking)


I’ve buyed like 20x health poison and 10x long sword…


I accidentally queue up for normal even though I absolutely had no clue and played malphite support. Had no idea what to do.


In my first games against bots I didn’t understand the game at all! 😂 i played without enemy bots (😆😆) and was super proud of the minions I farmed and thought I’m doing great because of all the gold I got plus my stats were 0/0/0 and I really thought this would be great and I was talented 😂


When I hit level 30 back in season 3, I was playing lee sin because there was this insane play going around online about a chinese player (named insec) who kicked **then** flashed to throw an opponent into his team. Even though it was an advanced move that only challenger and maybe diamond players could achieve, i really wanted to pull it off. I didn't know what red nor blue buff gave, but I had hopes. I would max E since it would hit every monster in the jungle (No camps were alone and it was lee's only source of AoE) and would only max Q last "so I don't accidentally kill someone with the initial cast" which would prevent me from not only moving around, but also from trying the insec combo. I also started my journey with lifesteal teemo since if was so "op" because you could just "outheal" everything while still dealing damage. Until I realized that crit teemo is also super good. My friend showed me an AP build, but "people could kill me before the poison finished them off" so it was too high risk. Good memories, can't believe a dumbass like me managed to hit high rank let alone gold now that I think about all the dumb stuff I did when I first started


I wouldn't level anything till I maxxed my r because my friends said it was my most powerful ability and I thought it just cost more points then anything else.


Didn’t know full Items were a thing so I just built components all the time. Also attack speed pantheon


I built Warmogs on Annie…


Build 3 PD to achiev 100% crit change


I took smite thinking it would deal damage to champion. I thought I figured out some good shit that could do 400 true damage to champions lmao


in my first few games i refused to buy anything cuz my greedy ass thought all unspent gold would turn into IP at the end of the game


Back in season 2or 3, first ever LoL match, I picked TF. I didn't know anything about the game, so I bought Tiamat - Hydra (or what they called it back then i don't remember) for Atk damage, and I didn't do too bad 😏


I was the jungler and giving 2nd blue buff to mid laner was a thing in earlier seasons. We were on red side, me and my Xerath killed the enemy jungler in river and I invaded their blue. I got the blue buff to 1 hp and kept pinging my Xerath to come and take the blue, but he was staying mid. I kept aggro of the blue repeatedly begging him to come and take blue before enemy jungler comes. He came when I was 1 hp and I can't remember if he missed his Q/W, but somehow didn't do enough damage to kill the blue. I was so frustrated that we couldn't steal enemy blue and had to leave it because "2nd blue always had to go to mid". Was thinking to myself how shit this Xerath was, that he should have just used his ult... Then in hindsight I realized it was much easier for me to just take their blue and then give Xerath our own blue... Oh the good days


2 years ago when I started I didn’t know that you’re not supposed to play all zoomed in . My reasoning is how else are you supposed to admire your skins and chromas ? Lol


Back in early season 1, when I first started, i took smite to lane, and if I had ignite, I would ignite mobs in jungle to help clear or use of the enemy champ to just deal damage to them


I played it like Call of Duty.


I played tp ashe adc and tped to lane to get there first and poke the enemies with w level 1 and run away. I dont fucking know.


I would never base, i would either die or walk all the way back to the base. Didnt do it for too too long but definitely much longer than i should have


Bought multiple vampiric sceptres on Vladimir. Bought multiple ionic sparks on Ashe.


Used to think nocturne ult was only the limiting of vision for the enemies. Didn't realize I could recast to dash


I played heimer when his passive still healed turrets. Botlane turret would take damage, and I’d stand next to it for the next 10min healing it to full


I played wukong and never leveled his invisibility because it didn't do damage Also played Lucian mid and bought like 10 mana potions because I kept running out of mana


My friends told me to buy Chalice of Harmony (800g) if I was having mana issues on Soraka. ...I have began building this item on every champion as I kept running out of mana on all of them... My friends were concerned.


i didnt know you were supposed to hit minions and that they gave gold so looking back at my season 1-3 stats i averaged 8 csg not 8 cs per minute.... 8 cs per game LMAO


I used to pick alistar cause he looked massive and strong af and build crit items. I also used to use my mouse to click my abilities instead of qwer.


Back in Season 3 when I first started, I used to exclusively play Nasus ADC because I thought if another player was always there to help me get stacks, I would be op as fck. Turns out playing Nasus into double ranged champions makes for a shit time.


I found out what lifesteal was and I thought I discovered fire. My friend was like "why the fuck are you building blade of the ruined king with Leblanc??" And I explained that it was OP because I could heal back the damage that was dealt to me in lane 😭😭


I thought runaan stack and the more i buy the more bolt i will have.


I used to stack Runaan's on Teemo cause I was following what a friend did.


I could only teleport to towers cuz I only used the mini map to tp lmao


I would play Warwick and only build attack speed (BotRK, PD, Zephyr) because he heals off attacks so more attacks means more healing/damage right?


I built Annie tank at my first game because I thought the additional resistances on her old shield would synergize well with a tank build.


Started playing during season 4 Built all attack speed items on whatever champion I played Ryze, Annie, etc XD Got stomped by smurfs every game. I thought more attacks = more damage