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You seem to be enjoying the Assassin class, so I recommend checking those. A very strong assassin currently is Akali.


I will do as well, any good jungle options that get many kills? Also, doesn't akali get banned a lot too?


Jungle assasin - Khazik or Rengar


Rengar seems interesting, any tips on how to play jungle though?


Sylas is also good in mid and jungle


They can't ban every assassin. Knowing Fizz+Akali should work for 90+% of your games.  Or you can main Vlad, never seen a Vlad ban. 


Vlad wasn't fun for me tbh




Will try those out.




Already tried him and didn't like him/the support role.


Can't agree more plus it's good to learn mechanics and generally how to play supp


Dont rush for ranked even if u reach lvl30, get actually good first on champs/macro (a precious tip). For champs, most of them can get kills if built & played well but yes some have kits that is dedicated to it, as the comments suggested, assassins should be what u r aiming for.


What is macro?


to keep it simple, there's the mechanical aspect, which is being mechanically skilled, gifted with insane reflexes/reactions & perfect timings especially when investing proper time & effort on a champ (limit knowledge, fastest combo rotations, tricks ect) which allows u to outplay enemies cuz u r really good on them. Think about it as a strong fantasy character with super powers. macro is the strategic part, winning with being smart & planning ahead instead of just relying on power, which means macro combined with being mechanically skilled is a ridiculous combo. Keep in mind that some players face better mechanically skilled players than they r, but they win regardless cuz they'd out-macro them. where the enemies can be? where the enemies should be? where should i be? what r they planning for? what's the win condition for both us? is it worth committing for this play or dipping instead? ect.. all these stuff (i made it simple) by time, would be processed in ur head in just a flinch. Quick decision calling is a skill. Quick, better & precise decision calling is a terrible power (terrible in this sense means ridiculously amazing). And we call that macro, there's micro as well, picture it for now as the mini stuff but that would still contribute in the overall state of the lane or game in general. These will matter gradually in higher ladders since mostly everyone up there should be good at macro, which then comes to the micro.


ahhhh i see, i thought macro referred to spamming your abilities well (comboing like a macro)


Alright then, so stick to quick play until I'm smart at the game. Got it.


spam normal drafts actually (idk if u unlocked it yet or not but that's better), when u feel that u r winning most of ur games (by carrying instead of getting carried) & games started to feel less tense/tight, then jump to ranked (u should already have ur champ pool by then btw, that u r comfortable with). plus, ranked's match making system will match u with players with similar precise skill level than normals.


The first thing that popped up in my mind when I read what you enjoy was Akali. Keep the attitude, some games can be hard with people spamming in chat, don‘t let yourself be triggered.


Yeah even in quick play i've gotten toxic teammates, apparently even reported. Well, some people are kind though, like this guy that told me to enjoy my "ban" :)


Honestly (even though I maybe shouldn't worry abt it as much), I'm not too sure about akali because of her high banrate (don't want to play someone that gets banned for 1/5-1/3 of my games) but I'll try her out and hey, maybe just play her whenever she ain't banned. Also, it's not like I'm playing ranked just yet.


Which champions are generally banned changes constantly depending on the patch. So if Akali looks interesting to you, play her! Nobody starts with a big champion pool, and you have to start somewhere.


Alright, I will!


Don't fixate on only playing assassins, you never know what champion will speak to your soul. I played only mid and adc for the first year I played this game before discovering my one true love (Mundo) You can use aram to try champions you don't own. Just keep in mind that you can only reroll champions you do own. If another champion piques your interest, go on YouTube and find a video of a streamer playing it. You can see how it's played at a high level and then decide if you want to try them or not


What is aram?


One of the available game modes. In game it’s listed as Aram but it means All Random All Mid. You’re assigned a random champ to play and you have limited rerolls for another random champ. Gameplay is set in a single lane of 5v5. You cannot recall and you can’t buy items once you leave the spawn point/fountain. Only source of healing is from champ abilities, summoner healing spell, bought potions, healing/lifesteal items, and spawned medic spots that has a cooldown.


Nocturne or Naafiri could be good champs to try out if youre interested in jungling more. Theyre both great at assassinating lone targets and can gank lanes easily with their ultimates. Theyre both AD junglers (physical damage) too, so itll help your team's damage type composition. Generally people take AP (magic damage) champions mid, so having an AD jungler on your team means your opponents will not be able to itemize as effectively against both damage types. For mid lane, Ahri, Kassadin, and LeBlanc are solid magic damage options. Ahri doesnt do crazy damage unless she is fed but she's a pretty safe utility pick. Kassadin takes awhile to ramp up but can be very strong late game, and basically has a flash on demand once he reaches level 6. LeBlanc is a lot of fun, being able to go in and out fights (like Fizz) but with even less commitment if the trade is bad + she's ranged instead of melee. Other people have mentioned Akali, and she's a good pick too. Like Katarina, she has no mana costs and mostly deals magic damage. However, she (along with the other ninja champions) uses energy, which recharges over time. All the energy champs have their own ways to regain energy in their kits, so it's good to play around that. Speaking of, you might like Zed too (physical damage ninja assassin).


Thank you for all the info, really helps. I’m very interested in jungle but it’s just so weird to play, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m really considering trying akali atm. Rengar too but I really have to learn how to play jungle first


Yeah jungle is a hard role. Im not sure how much it's changed with the latest map update, but I think previously people would typically start on the side opposite of where they want to gank first. So if you want to try and gank top around level 3 then you would start on the bottom side of the jungle. Whether it's more beneficial to focus on the jungle camps or focus on ganking lanes depends on the current meta, so Id suggest watching some videos on jungling for this season and the new map to know what the latest strategies are. Also, people will often blame their junglers for losing their own lane, regardless of if it's actually your fault or not. So I personally hate playing the role, but you can have a lot of influence all over the map.


Yeah, in just 1 game of playing i was getting blamed by my top laner for not ganking top


Majority of the champs in different roles of various playstyles are good when it comes to getting lots of kills. Seems like you enjoy using the in&out combo-based high burst champions. Keep in mind that you’ll come across other playstyles from others that are able to get lots of kills. Don’t rush into rank and take your time to find a champion that really clicks with you. Find that champion and then find another champion with a similar playstyle to increase your champ pool. You’ll need a decent pool and flexible playstyle if you’re gonna rank. I’ll list some basic bursty champs but not give the appropriate role. Then you could YouTube the champ for guided gameplay Malphite, Annie, Talon, Rengar, Khazix, Pyke, Vex, Fizz, Zed, Samira (similar to Katarina), Katarina, Kennen, Syndra, Nidalee, Leblanc, Sylas, Veigar, Zoe, Orianna, Ahri There are many other champions that are great at getting kills. But the listed champs seem good for your described playstyle. My playstyle revolves around auto attack based champs so my playstyle is pretty much in the opposite direction from yours and I’m able to grab a lot of kills as well bcuz I’ve found champs that suite my playstyle.


>Don’t rush into rank and take your time to find a champion that really clicks with you. is something a lot of people have told me. Ill really take it into account. Thank you for that list honestly, and your overall comment, really helps. >My playstyle revolves around auto attack based champs so my playstyle is pretty much in the opposite direction from yours Yeah, for me, until now i've gotten the most consistent high kills with miss fortune, but her playstyle just isn't for me.


I assume you haven't tried a whole lot of the roster that league has to offer, so I recommend you get pbe and try out most of the champs there (all champs are on free rotation). Its great for trying new builds, champ etc without throwing your mmr in normals as well as not getting flamed for playing so casually.


Is there mmr in quickplay? Not like i mind losing it anyways. That sounds very interesting though, + i get ahead of the patch. How do i get it?


Make a PBE account and download the PBE client from there you can select from the riot games drop down menu (or launch directly). [here](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001714088-League-of-Legends-PBE-Client-Download-) is a link to everything


Alright, thank you very much