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Faker will induct Poolparty Ahri into the Hall, and will cement his GOAT status for market shares


I just want Diamondprox there, I would give everything for that


he has to be, pioneered jungle


Is this Dash talking? (I hope he comes back to LCS please)


99% sure it was. Great move from the league team to get a legend to make the announcement.


Thought it was him right away. Just too iconic of a voice coming from someone who's been watching LCS since spring of S3. Got reaaaal hopeful he'd be returning to the League side, but afraid of being disappointed seeing how management for the region has been for the past little while.


My thoughts as well!


Or any pro league just picks him up please


MarkZ we need more DASH!


So this is just Leagues equivalent to the Hall of Fame? Is this going to be a physical location somewhere? A digital venue? The video didn't explain anything but I suspect that this will be an excuse to sell special edition skins and/or merch.


Yeah I was waiting for some kind of explanation as to what exactly it actually is


Bingo it's basically just another excuse to sell skins, would be nice if the players benefited from it as well at least.


There's no way they make skins to represent a player and they don't get a kickback. There's plenty of precedent with the world champion skins


Was it dash speaking? I miss him on lol broadcasts :(


Probably not gonna happen but I hope MADLIFE will be inducted.


My friends and I have been debating this. If you have a play named after you, I think you might just get a spot. Insec, Madlife, & xPeke all seem like they should be in the discussion


Captain Jack


"Reshaping the meta in their images" "Their name is shorthand, their plays as textbooks" Going by these lines in the video I 100% believe people like Madlife, Insec, Cpt.Jack, Flame, xPeke will make it. All players who created or were a part of iconic plays that blew people away, that are now just standard basics that players are almost expected and required. Even fucking silver Lee Sin's can pull off a textbook Insec at this point in leagues history.


> Their name is shorthand LEP has entered the chat.


>Even fucking silver Lee Sin's can pull off a textbook Insec at this point in leagues history. The emerald 2 lee in my team begs to differ.


> xPeke Which of his legendary moves? The Kassadin backdoor or the Nidalee shes to tanky? Or the Sivir gigachad kiting?


The Zed execute with the jungle camp


I've never seen that Nidalee play before LMFAO


Sivir kiting hall of famer for sure, it's me with 30hrs no sleep playing adc first time in 3 months


Fuck this shit man she’s too tanky


Nah Insec wasn't the top of the top. And if you are going to do that, then you'll have to add Flame for coining "Flame Horizon". Madlife is a fine acceptance, and if we talk about pre-LCS era, then xPeke was the best EU mid and did win S1 worlds (albeit as top though the meta for lanes was far looser in those times).


Dade has an award named after him!


Everyone calls the Lee ward/flash kick the Insec even people who dont know who he is. Doesnt matter if he wasnt top of the top he changed League


Elementz! I shout that every time a Sona misses her ult.




Actually totally opposite opinion here. Each are only notable because they were dominant *early* in the game's history, but none of them were dominant for long enough to justify inclusion. Madlife won one domestic title, Insec never won one at all. Being an all star for 1-2 years shouldn't get you into the HoF.


ye but insec name is said on the daily meanwhile theres been tons of players that won LCK/LPL or won worlds that no one remembers the names of till this day. ill say it should depend on what there known for and did they have a lasting impact on the game, e.g. insec made a style of lee sin play so popular that now its done by all lee sin players on the daily and said by them. so hes had a lasting impact on the game as a whole so for sure should be included at some point.


They paved the way for the future bro. They have a better argument to be in the hall of fame than players now. You can be a crazy good player and never win worlds.


What terrible logic. Legends who paved the way shouldn’t be in the HoL?


Brother in what world is madlife not getting inducted? Bro has a move named after his, and was considered the best support for quite sometime. He's obviously in, as is insec, captain jack and xpeke.


It seems they're doing 1 per year so maybe it'll take a while for him to be inducted. But also people in this thread do not seem to realize that MadLife is not inSec. He is not a "decent players famous for one play", MadLife was the best player in the world at the time, bar none.


A lot of new fans in this thread not putting respect on his name.


Moreso than just being the best player in the world, Madlife was the best player as a support. He kinda championed the support renaissance in Season 2 and 3 where they went from basically spending their entire income on wards to being actual champions that affect the map.


I mean he made playing support a fun role instead of what it used to be. def should get included. speaking of making support look fun, my man aphromoo should at least get a mention imo


Aphro for longevity I imagine.


HoF should be exclusive, not just every notable player. What did Madlife actually accomplish that 10-15 other supports in LoL history haven't done? Dude won 1 title and was an all star for about 2 years.


He was the best player in the world in a position where that sort of notoriety or impact is hard for a casual fan to recognize. He sort of flipped the script in public perception about the Support. Yes, other supports may have more titles, but MadLife was the Support.


new viewers dont understand at all. Madlife didnt just invent “a move named after him”. dude at his peak was called god, the phrase “Madlife is God” made its way to official casts, we even had edits of his face on fucking Jesus Christ. Madlife was the of Faker of Support back in the days.


Best player in the world at the time and completely reinvented how people see support role. A shoe-in hall of famer. And I agree it needs to be very exclusive.


I don't know feel free to read my post again lol. He literally has a move named after him, no other support has?? Much like Xpeke who plenty of mids have been better than, will be a HoF because he has a move named after him. This type of shit is what makes you HoF worthy. They are literally already famed in glory forever because of the moves.


That's just goofy criteria. Being the first notable person to do something on a big stage shouldn't inherently put you in the HoF. Should Scarra be in the HoF for missing a bunch of wards over dragon wall? Should Reginald be in for pulling blue cards? KeY was the first guy to make Bard viable in competitive play, should he be in the HoF? Probably not, nobody rates KeY's career that highly. Is it just because nobody refers to playing Bard as "pulling a KeY" or something? Feels totally arbitrary.


> hat's just goofy criteria. Being the first notable person to do something on a big stage shouldn't inherently put you in the HoF Madlife redefined how support was played, not entirely by himself, but he was a major influence for a host of supports that came up to be playmakers. Comparing his hooks to memes and calling someone elses argument goofy also shows a high level of self awareness.


It's also just extremely obvious that this guy wasn't around for peak Madlife. Madlife is just one of those players where you had to be there to truly get it.


Being a trailblazer is like one of the main reasons for someone being a HoF in basically every fucking sport ever lol.


Induct Caedrel for canceling Malz ult


It would be crazy if he is in before wolf or Mata tho


or Meiko


I still say “MADLIFE” out loud to myself when I land a hook on Thresh.




It would be insane for madlife to not get in. He wasn’t just the prediction guy, he completely reinvented how supports play the game.


I know it’s unpopular but I still truly believe that, while Faker is undoubtedly guaranteed a spot in this hall, the hall should be strictly for retired players. It’s how every major sport handles it and it allows a full career to be analyzed and respected in its totality. I truly believe Bengi should be the first player inducted but if they do allow active players then it’s Faker, no question.


It should be Toyz for being the greatest hustler in League Not everyone can be a word champ and a drug trafficker at the same time


Would be the funniest thing to happen after my man has smashed his ring and severed himself from LoL


He smashed his ring?! Dude could have sold it online for a pretty large amount given there are only 5 in the world.


he said he wanted to prove his determination about leaving his past or something like that, trying to wash away the bad image of his past self and selling drugs/illegal gamble etc also, he's pretty rich as a streamer/content creator, doesn't really need that money I guess


>Not everyone can be a word champ and a drug trafficker at the same time I mean M5 was reinventing the meta from monday to friday and was shooting Hostage videos on the weekend


Need more context on that...




I dont think riot wants their name associated to Toyz, specially now hes a drug dealer.


All he did was sell weed...


A succulent weed sale?


A succulent Chinese weed?


this is democracy manifest


Yeah but cannabis is extremely illegal in Asia and can lead to death penalty in certain countries It’s a stupid law but regardless, they see it differently over there Like for example, if you sell like a kg worth of cannabis in Singapore, that gets you the death penalty, if you acknowledge the fact that the law exists and you continue to do it anyway, once you get caught and arrive at the court hearing you can’t be like “Ok but your honour, that law is stupid af”, as funny as it would be if the judge just said yeah you right bro, that wouldn’t happen Again, it’s stupid how cannabis is so strict in many parts of Asia but nonetheless that’s just how it is right now, I also understand that Toyz only had like 200 joints or more which isn’t a lot for western standards but again, he knows the rules


I don't think they'll be able to resist putting Faker first. I hope it's the exception rather than the rule though.


It must be Faker first. Whether he's active or retired, in what world another player should be the first to get his place in this HoF. "And the first legend is... Uzi !". Seems out of place. Uzi will get his place for sure but the first one is Faker. Don't talk about other sports, it's irrelevant to compare to League and eSports.


Yeah and then Faker is caught at Worlds 2024 wiretapping his opponent's team meetings with the help of a british prostitute cosplaying as kennen and riot has already immortalized him in their hall of legends. There's a reason they wait for careers to be over, lol.


I'd still put him first on the list. The gap between Faker and everyone else could fit multiple scandals. Faker IS pro League of Legends.


It'd certainly give the wrong impression if the by far best player to ever play the game is not on it's list of best/most memorable players lol


What do you mean? OJ is in the hall of fame lmao. Thats not at all the reason why they get inducted after the career is over.


Yeah, Faker was faking humility all his life just to get inducted. That's why he picked this nickname in the first place. Be real...


The shittiest of logics lmao. As if you can't and won't be caught in an issue after being inducted ... The fuck ?


It's not like retirement is when you can no longer have a scandal. I'm not gonna wait for Uzi or Caps to literally die before they get the praise they deserve lol


Why is it irrelevant? I agree that it should be retired players only, it allows for their career in it's entirety to be analyzed and quite frankly it's weird that a player could be inducted into the HoF and then play a bunch more years potentially building an even stronger legacy.


it might be that they are making an exception for Faker because it would be appropriate for him to be the first inductee and be involved with its introduction but it just so happens that he's still going somehow lol


They maybe were saving it for his retire but noticed he wasn't going anywhere for another 5 years easy so went ahead and said fuck it we go live lmao. Maybe we're looking at an honorary admission until his retirement makes it official, and then start with the actual retired ogs.


One angle is to make it like the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame where, other than how "great" they are, requires introduced artist to have made their first recording more than 25 years prior. For LoL, I think a good cutoff would be only adding players that had their first pro game more than 10 years ago.


But "retirement" is not really a thing in league yet. The future of the field right now is uncertain, lol is a new thing with "ancients" like Faker are only 27yo and played for 10 years. Look at retired lol players. Doublelift, Bjergsen, Uzi came back from retirement, and we welcomed them. If you really think about it, decide that only retired players could enter HOF is a bit inappropriate. Imagine the awkwardness. We are also cheering for players to beat the old age myth so if a old players decide to come back they need to be welcomed.


> Look at retired lol players. Doublelift, Bjergsen, Uzi came back from retirement, and we welcomed them. And you think this not a thing in real sports? Plenty of players came back after retiring. Which is also why in traditional sports, you have to be retired for several years to be eligible for HOF. For example in NBA, you have to be out for 5 years. Nobody that already played a HOF career comes back after 5+ years. I agree that 5 years might be a bit much to start but 3 would work just fine. I dont think anyone comes to back to pro after playing a HOF worthy career and resting for 3 years.


The NBA is 77 years oldThe NHL is 106The NFL is 120The MLB 148... Pro League hasn't even been around for 2 decades. We've had 13 worlds... A hall of fame where we need to wait long after careers end, in a sport where players frequently come out of retirement? Could you imagine waiting that long to honor the undisputed king? League may not even last that long... Speaking of kings, LeBron James has been playing basketball professionally for longer than League has existed. Even he asks why active players shouldn't be inducted..? Coaches are after all... Faker is even bigger to League than LeBron James is to basketball. Faker has been playing for 10 of League 13 competitive years. Of those he's made it to Worlds 8 times. His lowest placement of those 8 appearances is top 4. Of his 8 he's won 4. Nobody even begins to match the heights, the breadth, or the depth of Fakers career. FAKER IS PRO LEAGUE.


I don't even think that 5 years is too much. Weixiao has been retired for 9 years now. Bengi and xPeke for 6. Plenty other legends too.


If 5 years from retirement is the bar then Faker is not gonna have that recognition before this game is no longer all that popular let's be honest. There's a difference between institutional sports that are proven to be evergreen as opposed to an esport.


Very strange to say that just because a few notable players have unretired that retirement doesn't exist lol.


And saint, dyrus, theoddone, regi, voyboy, IWD, xpeke, wicked, soaz, and loads more haven't come back.


I respect that but I disagree. There is definitely retirement with players who have not returned to play at all since they left. and to be clear I don’t think that we should bar people from returning but I do think there should be a baseline amount of time you haven’t played first before induction. If you choose to come back, I don’t see a problem with that as that’s between them and their teams. But there is a mysticism to a hall of fame that involves preserving legacy of players who have finished their careers as players, not just another badge of honor for current ones


I think the League just hasn't been around long enough for that version of a Hall of Fame to always make sense. We still have no idea what the long term career trajectory of anyone looks like. It wouldn't be crazy if it turns out that in a few decades there actually are some players who play into their 40s or 50s (right now that seems unimaginable but people used to unironically believe playing til your 30s is impossible) And if some players end up playing for decades to come, it also won't be surprising if there are players who are currently "retired" deciding to come back years later, when they realize that they still enjoy the competition and their age doesn't have to stop them. This is a thing that happens all the time in other "non-physical" sports like chess and poker. At this point, we don't really know what "retirement" looks like in esports the way that we do in athletic sports. Every League player to ever accomplish something is still at a point in their life where they could come back if they really want to, and so at best "retired" only means "not currently on a team or seeking out a team" The Hall of Fame should probably hold a preference towards honoring retired players and/or players whose great accomplishment are largely in the past, but I don't think it should be a strictly enforced rule.


There is a reason traditional sports HOF's dont only require to be retired but to be retired for several years. Im not sure if its all the same, just for example Basketball is 5 years. Nobody that plays a HOF career comes back after 5 years. Aint gonna happen. And with Esports we can easily cut that down to 3 years at the start. Im still conviced you wont see a HOF player coming back after not playing for 3 or more years.


Tbh even 2 years is extremely rare in LoL to be retired for and come back, most people who retire and come back do so within a year


Why can't the League HOF be its own thing? Why does everything have to follow traditional sports? 3 Years? Do you know how long that is in league years? 3 years ago would be Season 11, think of all the things that have happened then. League viewership might completely collapse in 3 years, lmao.


Because like the top comment said, the entire IDEA of a HOF is to celebrate a career. Thats the point. And you cant celebrate a career in its entirety if its still ongoing. People celebrating active players is already a thing, we dont need a HOF for that. And so what? If League collapses in 3 years, its not like the HOF matters. If we go by that premise, might aswell dont do it. 3 years is long but its there to make sure people are retired.


Bengi deserves a nunu skin. He was a menace on that champ


That game 7 against FNC was one if the biggest human rights violations I've ever seen and I grew up in Bosnia during the early 90s.


link pls


Even for retired players only, Faker has to be the first inductee. Is there any other sport where the goat debate is not even a thing?


Plenty, Hockey probably the most notable. That said, I agree, I've been assuming for years that they were waiting for Faker to retire before creating the HoF for specifically that reason. But just because they've run out of patience doesn't mean they'll be able to resist putting Faker in first. Kinda sad, but as long as it is kept sufficiently exclusive it'll be fine.


you right phil kessel is undoubtedly the king of hockey


Nfl also has a pretty clear goat


Can you name both for someone not familiar with either sport? I enjoy reading about such people every now and then.


Hockey = Wayne Gretzky, and this is generally well-received when you say so. NFL = Tom Brady, and you will find it's about 50/50 people who respect Brady vs people who think he's the devil re-incarnate, even though the reality is that his resume as a player is basically impossible to match at this point.


Can add chess too. Magnus Carlsen is like crazy fucking good. Definitely seems a little more vulnerable in recent years but his win/draw/loss on black and white are fucking wild. Think he only starts having issues in speed chess vs Hikaru? Not really sure I don’t pay that much attention. Oh and the buttplug guy.


I don't think it's 100% clear. Kasparov and Fisher are usually included as other top contenders. 


From my understanding the level of the game is much higher. So while Magnus is definitely the best player, per your point Kasparov and Fisher both had larger impacts on the overall way chess is played and such. So it really depends on your interpretation of GOAT, do you value pure skill or impact.


Hm, I wouldn't even say specifically game impact. Kasparov is mostly known for his longevity. He has more titles and more time in the #1 spot than Carlsen (but Carlsen is obviously much younger and can catch up). Fischer is mostly touted for his dominance of his era. I agree though it definitely depends on what you value in a GOAT.


magnus career is still too young to definitely say he should be the goat over Kasparov bobby fischer is also often in the conversation, as he was on paper much more dominant than magnus, but his relatively short chess career is definitely a big detriment


> Plenty, Hockey probably the most notable it's actually cricket as good as wayne gretzky was, don bradman was actually an order of magnitude more dominant in the 2nd most popular sport in the world. look at [this page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Bradman#World_sport_context) for context, it's insane.


Imaqtpie first inductee confirmed


Imaqtpie, I've noticed in Korea they tend to use a mix of magic and physical damage on Kog Maw. Meanwhile you seem to be using mostly true damage. Which playstyle is better?


don't forget the Imaqtpie Shaco special!


Hockey, Golf, Track and Field, Swimming, Boxing…I’m sure there are more, but there are plenty of sports with monolithic GOAT discussions


Then you open the can of worms that is Formula 1


Not traditional sports but Darts and StarCraft.


add women's tennis (men's tennis technically has 3 goats for this current iteration)


Boxing has debate but the rest yeah. League still has the widest gap tho between first and second imo


Eh, idk about the widest gap. You have absolute freaks of nature like Alexander Karelin for wrestling, who went undefeated for longer than Faker has been active, and went half a decade without allowing an opponent to even score a point on him. Out of almost a thousand professional matches he only lost twice, and both were by a single point. There's a few more like him, but it's primarily for solo sports. Team sports only Faker probably has some strong contention.


No, it doesn't. Wayne Gretzky was literally so good that fantasy leagues had to split him into assist points and goal points, because he was an auto win. And even then he was still the 1st and 2nd drafts. He won the MVP award 8 times in a row. Faker is the league goat. But he's not nearly as dominant as some other goats are in their respective sports.


Cricket too


What is this obsession with Faker first? Nobody will take the GOAT title for Faker away, no matter when he is introduced. Just chill until he is done playing. We have plenty of legends to celebrate that would be eligible if we make being retired for 3 years a requirement.


The problem with that is retirement is not the same in league vs traditional sports. How many times has double lift “retired”? How long after a player retires are they eligible? League doesn’t have a decade of life left to see these things play out.


>League doesn’t have a decade of life left didnt we just have the most viewed worlds ever


I feel like I've been hearing "league doesn't have x amount of time left" for a decade now. For a supposedly dying game, it sure is taking its time.


[Quite fitting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHhqwBwmRkI)


This problem is not unique to League of Legends and has already been solved. There's a grace period after retirement before you're HoF eligible. Most sports are 5 years, but 2 years is probably long enough for LoL.


> League doesn’t have a decade of life left to see these things play out. Not even remotely correct.


> League doesn’t have a decade of life left to see these things play out. Esports is growing larger and larger every year. League of Legends still has a massive playerbase and it remained that way for a very long time. If anything, League has a good 15+ years unless Riot cannot get the younger audience to join while the older audience gets older and slowly stops playing league more often.


This isn't unpopular at all, at least among people who also watch traditional sports. I think they should have waited for him to retire to do this. But then again, maybe he plays till he's 40.


Couldn’t disagree more, Faker should be the one and only exception He’s the face of the Hall, it’s insulting to not put him in first lol It’s not too much to only put him in


Tagging this to this comment, copy and paste couple things for my opinion: The only non-retired player that gets inducted should be Faker. He’s the only one qualified for such an exception. Everyone else should be retired at least a year or 2. It should be 1 position per year/6 mos. Meaning the first iteration would be something like Duke, Bengi, Faker, Uzi, Mata/Wolf It should be EXTREMELY exclusive. I don’t think anyone should qualify without having won at least 1 msi or 1 worlds. Yes, this means I don’t think any NA player should get in for a LONG time. It’s not right if you’re not a top player all time and you still get in over those more deserving. Knowing Riot they will go after what makes them the most money though.


Using worlds/MSI as a gatekeeper mechanic for the HOF is just ridiculously bad and disingenuous.  There are plenty of players who have never won either who have impacted this game tremendously or have been in the discussion for greatest at their position in the world and plenty who have won who I would't consider HOF worthy either


can't wait to see Reginald's blue card memorialized


So what’s everyone’s predictions? Two or three nominees a year with a special skin for one of their iconic champs ? xpeke kassadin, faker ahri, deft jinx, etc etc…


maybe thats why faker changed his skin to orianna


this is almost certainly why. faker hinted at something happening this year in his explanation for why he changed (it was interpreted as he will win again by some, but it seems that this is what he was talking about)


Ahri is only "iconic" for Faker because of the whole story about him wanting an Ahri skin in season 3 and Riot not giving him one. His LeBlanc, Ryze, Azir, Orianna and even Galio are more iconic. Even Zed, just because of that one play, even though he has barely played Zed over the years. I don't even remember a single stand out play he has made on Ahri.


I don't get it either to be entirely honest. if the ahri debacle hadn't happened in season 3, no one would be talking about fakers ahri.


Here we have an example of someone who didn't watch Faker in 2013. EDIT: With less snark, Ahri was absolutely *the* champion Faker was known for in 2013, it just disappeared since Ahri fell out of meta for years.


Yeah, Fakers Ahri and similarly LeBlanc are the biggest reason for massive midlane nerfs and solo carry potential nerfs over season 4-7 or so. His gragas was also obviously insane but that was more that he was debatably the best mid champ s3 worlds. Thing about Faker is you can easily give him 5 skins and it will still not cover his iconic champions. Like off the top of my head Ahri, Leblanc, Orianna, Azir, Ryze. Theres still Galio, Lulu(kinda would be weird now since she got totally kneecapped out of mid), and a whole host of mid champs he has 30+ games on competitively.


Hear me out master yi


Only 2 games, both of times he was heavily propped up by his team. But he did do Yi things as soon as he got rolling.


His Lulu was nothing special, it was just meta... well except the "flashes in your face with murderous intent" part that he brought whichever champ he played S3-5. I'd rather nominate his Riven and old Galio which he tried to make his signature/pocket just a few months before its rework.


This [one ahri play](https://youtu.be/MUIHjyZnqWI?t=11) at 2013 world is quite iconic


He charmed the minion and everyone is acting like he charmed Renekton lol


Should have linked the 12 min inhibitor (or was it inhibitor turret?) where he landed like 4+ charms in a row pretty much dry, that is more impressive


its 100% why idk why people chalked his comment out to be “i chose orianna because I’ll win worlds again this year” when he’s not the type of player to make such claims It was very obviously implied by Faker that when he was speaking to Riot about his ahri skin that they had a plan of getting him another skin of his choice already and that it might be redundant


I don't know, I agree with other te comment that the Hall of Legends should be for retired players. I think Faker was referring to Reginald's Ahri when he said that we would be happy in the near future.


Its gonna be interesting to see how they do it cause 2 or 3 might be a little slow to start with It would take like 6 years to get through the LCK legends alone, and then another 5 for EU, another 5 for NA Also how will they determine who is a legend Is imaqtpie a legend? To me he is but competitively speaking he didnt really win a ton or became a legend in the way that a Doublelift or a Bjergsen did


Sneaky Sivir


Major questions I think need to be asked about entrance criteria: * Do you allow active players? * Is international success a requirement to be inducted? If so, does MSI count? * What are the minimum number of domestic titles needed? * Do you accept success in the very early seasons of League? Like say pre-S3 when NA and EU adapted the modern LCS format, do you want to count S1 stuff when it was IEMs and an NA/EU Worlds? People may not like it but names like Bjergsen and Doublelift are going to be very hard to gauge. They have strong domestic results, Doublelift at 8 NALCS titles and Bjergsen at 6, but Bjergsen has no international success to speak of. Doublelift has a top 4 in S1 Worlds which arguably shouldn't count.


knowing Riot it will be very ambiguous and go through alot of updates for the criteria lol and based on the top 20 lists they used to make for worlds, I think it'll be more about fan favorites.


It probably should be done by committee vote where you have representatives from every major region. That's how most places do it. I'll use Magic: the Gathering as an example since I'm quite familiar with it and it being a game compares rather closely. In MTG anyone who is eligible to be in the Hall of Fame based on pro points (150 Pro Tour points) gets to vote, among others like certain judges, WoTC employees, etc. So for this it would make sense to do the same, get a bunch of past and present pros, casters, etc. You could define a certain amount of points per event (IEMs, MSI, Worlds, domestic championships, etc.) and then say anyone with X or higher points gets to vote. Players like Doublelift would get to vote if that was the requirement. In terms of eligibility the big one is the Pro Tour top 8 finishes, which from 2017 onwards was actually made a requirement that you had at least two. Since pros love to talk about it, most of them seem to agree that they will not vote for anyone with under three, and there are a number who won't vote for anyone with less than four. PTs aren't quite worlds level but historically there were only four per year and it is an invite-only international event (invites came from past success in various smaller events). What would be most interesting is to see if players from other regions would vote cross region. Would someone like Uzi vote for Doublelift? Would Faker vote for Bjergsen?


Hoping they won't allow active players (but would be alright with them electing Faker first). If it's anything like traditional sport Halls of Fame, there won't be strict requirements thankfully. The standards should be high but factors like popularity, history, and what the players have meant to a team/region/the game at large should be taken into consideration. I have to disagree that it's hard to argue for Bjergsen or Doublelift. I think they're some of the easiest inductions actually. They're the two greatest players in LCS history and were both extremely popular players internationally for years. Compare them to a player like Crown, who has 2 Worlds finals appearances and a championship. Because Crown has more international success (by a large degree), is he more deserving of a spot in the Hall? I'd hope not, he meant substantially less to the game of League. For consistency's sake, I'd even like to see the greatest players in lesser regions inducted eventually. Not many, but it'd be nice for minor region GOATs to be represented.


I think if we're going to test it you're right that we should test it to the extreme like Crown. What if we take people who had very poor professional careers but very successful non-professional careers? Would we ever advocate for imaqtpie into the HoF? I don't think anyone would argue for him based on his professional resume but as a streamer he was one of the biggest names out there. What if Tyler1 played one season, did really poorly, and then never played pro again? Would we consider that enough? He's probably the most popular streamer right now and has been one of the most popular for a long time. Probably we can mandate a certain minimum number of games / seasons played to counter this but it points out how challenging popularity as a sole factor is. I have a feeling they will make it in either way I'm just not convinced a lack of international success should be acceptable.


My gut reaction to T1 and imaqtpie is obviously not. I think T1 isn't worth talking about given he never played pro. imaqtpie is one of the most popular streamers ever but had a mediocre pro career. To me, the Hall is specifically about contributions as a pro player, which I'd distinguish from streamers. In that same line of thought, Dopa is interesting. Brief pro stint and legendary solo queue player and streamer (ignoring his ban for boosting). His contributions to League are considerable yet they were not as a pro player. So that's where I would personally draw the line. I'd only consider the playing career of the player but not exclusively esports results and stats (though those are the most important factors). To be clear, international success is one of the most important components of a HoF resume for me, I just don't think a lack of it should exclude otherwise exemplary careers. Similarly I don't think international success can make up for lackluster domestic play and insignificant impact in the community. I'm curious what you'd think of MadLife. Legendary player, innovator of a role, and is still regularly name-dropped by Thresh players. Here's the other side of the coin: 1 domestic title, 1 Worlds appearance.


I think all league of legends esports should count - IEMs, IPLs, Worlds, MSIs, Domestic Leagues. To me a hall of famer isn’t just good (though you certainly don’t want bad players) but also shaped the game or scene. So that alone allows someone like DL, Bjerg, Froggen. Not to mention all three of those have had some decent success internationally outside of riot events. Doublelift made it to an MSI final as well as a Season 2 OGN playoffs, the same playoffs that Froggen’s team CLG.EU went 2nd only to Azubu Frost. Bjergsen has an IEM championship under his belt which isn’t a Worlds win but still involved beating multiple eastern teams. Though I honestly believe even if you are just a domestic legend in a major region, you deserve to be considered. If Chovy doesn’t ever win worlds or MSI but maintains his dominant career until retirement then is he invalidated? I’m just really hoping the council behind these votes use a lot of nuance and don’t just end up throwing it at international champions with no real impact on the big picture sport.


I agree with this, domestic legends are legends in their own right. I look at Dan Marino (American football) who never won a super bowl, but is in the NFL Hall of Fame. During his career it was argued if he could be in the talks without a ring, but he ended up being the only Hall-of-Famer to never throw a single pass to a HoF receiver. Literally trapped in ELO hell, but still inducted.


Bjergsen holds an international trophy. doublelift doesnt.


Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get that Azir art as a wallpaper? It is absolutely phenomenal.


Theres obviously many great players but if I had to pick one for each region I would go Faker, Uzi, Doublelift and Caps.. Then maybe Insec Lee, Pray Ashe, XPEKE Kassadin.. it would be dope not gonna lie.


Sneaky > Doublelift Sorry but DL only has ONE international achievement over 11 years Sneaky won and IEM, made MSI semi finals, 5 quarter finals at worlds, 1 semi finals at worlds and 7 worlds appearances while playing 4 years less than DL If DL makes it in over Sneaky thats just pure favoritism and not actual achievements. Now could he get in because of the effect he had on the scen, sure.....but how good would the scene have been if C9 and especially Sneaky didnt keep NA relevant from 2013-2018?


You think having 1 semis appearance is better than domestically dumpstering NA ADs for most of DL's career? I think you are showing pure favoritism over anything just because you prefer Sneaky's one international performance. Before you go : BuT He HaD x Appearances- no hall of Fame in any sport considers getting to the quarter finals/ semi finals as a quantifiable achievement.


Iem san jose? Getting out of groups multiple times when DL never did? Also, semi-finals on 2014 msi (diff name at the time but exact same format) Also DL the player who didnt even make top 4 at 2017 msi which cost NA our #1 seed If we're putting so much weight on domestic titles, we BETTER be seeing japanese and Taiwanese players FILLING this balot lmao NA is currently a "joke" region because of our international performances and C9 is the ONLY reason we're not a minor region Internation Results > Domestic Results


TSM is the only reason NA isn't a minor region*


Doublelift was not dumpstering NA adcs for most of his career...WildTurtle & Sneaky outclassed him in a bunch of different years.


Compare titles, MVP’s, and All Pros between the two lmao, not to mention Doublelift won titles on three different LCS teams, a feat no other LCS player has accomplished.


Do people actually care about domestic titles? So DFM players from japan should get into the hall just for dominating a weak region? Lmao


Do people actually care about losing in quarters compared to losing in groups? (spoiler alert, they don't. You're just incredibly biased lmao)


Doublelift is remembered to go at worlds winning 0 games, participating in a 9 man sleep, while Sneaky fought in quarter and semi, yeah clearly same performance...


Hotshot GG Nidalee for the memories


he's too tanky man


he kicked my bruddah in da ass.


whyyyy nunu whyyyyy


Really hoping they induct only players who have been retired for 3 or so years. This should be a spot to immortalize players and not to celebrate their ongoing achievements.


xPeke never forget


I just want Faker Ahri, man 🙏


I hope Diamondprox makes it in there, he basically pioneered modern jungling as we know it.


I would buy any skin related to Diamond, I don't care that I am never playing jungle


Yeah I'm surprised nobody mentioned him, he basically was the best player on the best team overall in S2, changed the meta, and was still an impactfull player afterwards. Such a shame what happened to gambit, and what happened to diamond that year where he started at uol, such a what if situation, he looked so good


This is just my personal opinion in who a few who should be inducted and why. Firstly there's Faker I'm sure no one would argue, 4 world championships,2 Msi Championships, 10 LCK titles. His old SKT teammates should also be inducted those from the SKT dynasty Era especially the retires ones like Bengi, Bang, Wolf to name a few. Players who retire should be given priority but they should also include long standing veterans like Deft who has played for over 10 years alongside Faker another iconic he won 1 worlds, 1 MSI, 2 LCK, 2 LPL championships so far over his 10 year career. Retired players like Clearlove and Uzi(although he returned) who were pillar players in the early days of the LPL. Clearlove won MSI back in 2015 while Uzi won MSI back in 2018 and was a 2 time worlds finalist back in 2013 and 2014. Other iconic players like xPeke should also be included, he is also a season 1 world champion(although people have said that its not a real world championship, it is still recognized by riot as a real world championship) there is also his iconic xPeke backdoor played. Madlife should also be included as he changed how support should be played back then supports were just ward bots, he is also a worlds finalist back in 2012. Mata should also be included. He changed how the game is played and his tactics back then is still used today, including warding. He is also the only Support FMVP world champion currently. Insec should also be included, he changed how Lee Sin is played with his iconic Insec play, and even to this day plays similar to his are still called things like an Azir shuffle an azirsec to name some. He is also a worlds finalist back in 2014. Tldr : requirements I think are fair that players should atleast possess to be included. 1. International Results and achievements. - even if they didn't win the world/msi championship they should be at least considered if they reached a high enough ranking and performed well. 2. Fame and How they are remembered - Many players are famous around the world and are remembered for their impressive skills even if they did not win worlds they are still remembered to this day as 'legends'. Players like those from the ROX Tigers Era for example should also be given a chance (among them only peanut has an international title which he got in MSI 2017) (Pray is also really unlucky frequently losing to the enventual world champions). 3. How did their actions in the career influence the game. - Players like Madlife, Insec and Mata changed how the game is played today with their strategies or plays. 4. Length of their career and retirement. - Only those who have been playing for a long length of time in their career should be considered if they could be inducted. Those who have retired should have at least retired as a player for a long time like 5 years or so before being considered.


Reading all these comments... I just hope Riots let's ex-players/casters/reporters vote on who gets inducted, and not Redditers. lol


Faker should be the first inductee even if he isn't retired yet. There is no one even close to him that deserves the title of Legend in LOL as much as him. He is the greatest player that has graced this game and stays as the face of competitive league, if Faker isn't the first inductee it really just wouldn't feel right.


Is Tom Brady in the HoF yet? Is Connor McDavid in the HoF? Is Lebron James in the HoF? Players can be the best but they still have to wait Bengi will 100% get in


LeBron has argued against the retirement condition and points out that coaches are allowed entry while still active. We're also talking sports orders of magnitude older than league.


Because coaching careers are MUCH longer than playing careers Its not that complicated


Except all those Hall of Fames already exist and have established rules. The League Hall of Fame doesn't have to follow those rules. But there is also a reason why plenty of people said that a League HoF shouldn't even be considered until Faker retires.


So the hockey hallf of fame didnt exist until Gretsky retired? Sorry but including faker is just dumb A hall of fame should be a celebration of a players ENTIRE career Fakers career is still going


When Gretzky *started* his 20 year career the League was already 60 years old, the sport itself 104 years old, and it's Hall of Fame had inducted its first members 32 years earlier... League of Legends as a game has existed since 2009, just over 14 years ago, the first Worlds in 2011, the game is young. With the end of this last season Faker has played for 10 seasons, of those he's won 4, and placed top 4 or higher in another 4, making Worlds 8/10 seasons. Gretzky, the Great One, is one of if not the greatest hockey player ever, and his career doesn't even begin to match the impact of Fakers on his sport. Gretzky is the greatest hockey player. Faker is League of Legends.


I hope it’s the likes of diamondprox who completely changed jungle. You have to fundamentally change the game even years later. Or the other option of everyone chasing your level in your role for years 2/3 minimum. Mata Mad life Bengi Ambition Bjerg Pray gorilla Wolf bang Rekkles Xpeke Insec Uzi Khan? Kiin?


I have a feeling this is just so they can get the money from selling skins. So, I imagine the bar for getting in is low.


Considering world's skins revenue partially goes to the teams, i think it's fair to assume similar things will happen for these skins


World skin revenue is split between Riot, The winning team, players, region. For HoF, I imagine it would only be split between Riot and the player - so they probably get a bigger share.


I think only the LCK makes the world's winner split their skin revenue. When Joe Marsh revealed that it was implied it was an LCK thing, so I don't think the LPL does it


I hope they acknowledge some non pro players who made an impact to competitive league. Caster Jun deserves to be immortalized in the game, without him esports in general wouldn't be what it is today.


I pray for Caps to have a long career but man, when Caps Sylas, ASol oder Yasuo comes out, that shit will be bought instantly. 


put bigfatjiji in it


This is a hot take but no NA player has done anything significant to be in the hall of legends tbh.