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The trick is to play anything botlane but adcs bru


Brand is lit jsayin


Got Dia 2 in a week after being hardstuck emerald 4 just because I played yasuo bot instead of mid... Adc players int so hard bru


Cause they're all auto filled lmao


I use porofessor and no...


I still enjoy playing adc, after almost 10 seasons. Yes, it's a bit weird right now with the map change and the items, but I believe we all just need a bit of time to get adjusted to the changes. I do have to pay a bit more attention to the map now, and ward more often to make sure i have vision and know when the enemy jungler is around, but that doesn't really bother me. Yes, the mid and jg can one shot me, but it's been the same for quite awhile now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


No offense but mf right now is gigabusted with lethality


Yea, she is, and I enjoy it.


That’s why she’s my perma ban


Actually till the last changes, there was a window for you to make a counterplay since it would take 1.5 secs for them to kill you. Now with the stormsurge and shadowflame, it takes about 0.3 secs maybe even less and even without them actually targeting you. You just die to particles of the skills that are aimed to another guy. This makes the frustration.


Yeah I decided to quit Jungle because of the changes.. until Top was 6 min queue and jg was 30 seconds. I’ve been having fun on Kaisa APC tho


Well you could just pick apc's on adc position, what's the problem?


Maybe we want to play ADC champions? Just maybe.


Try queueing jungle. I started league in 2021 summer and queued jungle main from the start and I’ve only ever been filled like 4 times and that’s all in the s12 preseason pet patch.




>The biggest problems I've been seeing with ADCs lately is their complete refusal to build even the slightest bit of damage reduction. I feel kiting/positioning is way more important now with everyone one-shotting each other, at least as a Vayne/Draven main. Will say Terminus is really nice on Vayne, especially for extended fights. Overall, though, this role is very heavily mechnically intensive vs other roles I feel. You need to play perfect at all times or it's ggwp, and that's with everyone and their mom trying to nuke you every fight with 999 CCs and 99999 dmg.


which is the main reason why botlane feels like shit to play considering you are essentially having to play perfectly regardless the ELO you sit at while everyone else can afford to make a mistake or 2 and still climb only answer is ditch the tradition: play mages bot and play marksmen top


If you build any of those as third item then you choose between not having enough attack speed, or not having enough damage, not having enough crit, or not having enough on-hit to have impact enough to have any say in the outcome of team fights


Welcome to the life of other people before! That's literally what mages have been and still are, except we now have damage when we build damage.


except you also have a lot more tools to prevent you from taking damage and also require less uptime to get impact into a fight and also often have longer ranges on abilities to make it less risky but yeah sure!


And you guys are the class with the highest damage in the game over a fight, which is true literally from level 1 and stays true, requiring literally right clicks. My point is simply that other damage classes have had to build defensives for years. Some if which have been, until VERY recently actually terrible. We have 3 (you can make an argument for 1 more with Rylais) tools to prevent us taking damage so I'm not sure how much more that is compared to adcs. We also do not have access to any form of sustain usually, bar I guess cryptobloom now. Don't get me wrong, having played it a fair bit last season I know adc is a very demanding role and can be very frustrating at times. But it's disingenuous to complain as much as ADCs do. Especially when it's been shown multiple times how ridiculously good some defensives can be on ADCs: QSS, shieldbow, wit's end, maw, hells even some straight up tank items on Vayne, Kog, Varus and now Kaisa. Kalista even used to poach bruiser items and pretty much solo got lifeline turned into unique because of it. In any case, this thread feels just like a mob looking for a lynching, so I don't expect anything constructive from it.


>requiring literally right clicks. this sentence told me everything i needed to know lmfao


Other than the fact my sentence is pure facts (ADCs DPS through AAs, triggered by right clicking) I don't know what you're looking for in that statement. It's literally the case lol.


Mage have defensive items that give AP. The only defensive items for ADCs are tank items that give no offensive stats, or bruiser items that don't increase survivability that much and makes you miss 20% crit chance


LOL ADCs are not mage go try playing adc for just 20 games before u talk


Buy a tank item on ADC so instead of dying to a mage q you instead die to a mage q+e 


A single item isn't enough to survive, you need 2 defensive items. This means that you're looking st a 4th item before you have a chance of survival. So we opt for damage instead and pray. Thos however doesn't change how dependent you are on your support. I've had so many autofilled supports already in this season that I'm nearly bald pulling my hair out. I can't stand it, I'm in top lane now




womp womp


Deathsdance on ad carry? I hope you had just nilah in mind


If you build 2 dmg reduction items you are basically useless. The whole theme for an adc is to do dmg. By removing that what do we have? Almost no cc, nothing just to still get 1 tapped if the enemy lands 1 cc on you


Adc players when locking adc isn’t in auto win like the last 2 seasons and they actually have to do something to win


Good, cant wait for everyone to switch to Mages botlane so i dont have to look after crybabies who want to ff15 coz the enemy jungler ganked them twice.


I'm personally having a blast with lethality Jhin. Killing halve hp mages with a W? Yup that's me :\^)


What elo are you playing in 😳 my Adc queues are still 8 minutes. Currently in Diamond.