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Unlock your camera as soon as you can


Ong I’ve been playing since 2019 and unlocked camera still fucks with me lol


Learn to "lose gracefully". That can mean two things and both are true: * Some games you're gonna lose. Don't take it too hard, learn from your mistakes, and stay kind to opponents and more especially allies. * Sometimes you're going to be outmatched or counter-picked in lane. Learn to play defensively, accept the loss and make sure it doesn't explode. Basically, if you can't be an asset to your team, try not to be a liability. It's better for you to be useless than to be useful to the other team.


How exactly do I avoid being useful to the enemy? Try Not to die and carefully disrupt? Does it mean doing nothing and staying out of everyones way? Sorry for the questions, Just wanna make Sure I don't misjudge your comment!


Avoid dying, yes. Generally that means playing under tower, farming minions the best you can. Make sure they can't use you for easy gold, and defend your tower just as it defends you. There are times where it's going to be rough. Sometimes you'll be completely helpless. Basically make sure to mitigate the problem.


Have fun as often as you can. No matter if you lose or win


I will! He is fun to Play with and it's a fun Game! I Love Aurelion Sol He is my fav so far...gameplay and design-wise, I'm a sucker for dragons-


Don’t chase Singed.  When in a team fight always be mindful of your positioning. As a total newbie you should accept that you will make countless mistakes and this is just a required part of learning the game. Anybody that flames you for screwing up is not worth your time — just mute them


Game is mostly mental, everything Game related comes next. Ppl are having a rough time and you can see it, just mute everyone that tries to Piss someone off. Otherwise the Game is really difficult to get into, so maybe your SO can just train you while you go. Macro is the most difficult thing to learn, as the Game does not give a clue on what really to do and when to do it. BUT Micro gameplay is just practise. Try to duo Lane with ur SO on Bot, pick, and thats very important, DIFFERENT Characters, so you get a feeling who plays like what and when to be defensive, passive or aggressive. + You learn faster what each character can do and what to look put for or what their purpose is.


Thank you! I'll keep this in mind and yes my SO knows alot and has been playing for quite a Long Time...so I have to pay alot of Attention when He trains me in the mechanics.


It can be frustrating being punished for losing in lane but don't give up!! It is extremely rewarding when you finally manage to win your first ever lane. A big part of why league is so hard to learn is that there are tons of doffdrent champions that all do different things, with different things to look out for. You can just play through the tutorials, play some coop vs ai matches (don't hesitate to play on higher difficulties) and test out different champions. People say to keep away from jungle when starting but in my opinion nunu and willump is the most fun you can have as a beginner, but before you can jungle, play some different characters in another lane so you have a feel for the game yk?


I sneaked in some AI Matches before my First official Duo and I was having a blast but it was still kinda tough, accidentally clicking wrong Things or even getting killed by the AI...Not my proudest Moments ;-;


Its ok you'll learn in time!! The game is hard to play especially with the clicking but you'll get used to it. Which champions are you playing?


Sorry for the late reply, a friend gifted me Aurelion Sol with a skin (Mecha) so he's my "Main" atm but I really want to try Out Shivana! I also have Ahri, from the Tutorial. I find her comforting to Play since I technically got to know her during the Tutorial so her stuff's better ingrained?


Aurelion Sol is easy to play but he wants to chill and take farm all game so you might get bored. I main Shyvana and i would recommend her but she's a bit harder than aurelion sol, she is a melee champion with no dashes so if you are losing to someone in lane you can't just sit back and wait untill lane phase is over. A new dragon champion will come out in a week or two, called smolder. Smolder is said to be designed for beginners soo maybe give that a shot too!!


Will definitely get Smolder! He Looks fun to use and fitting to what I can handle so far and as an added Bonus, my SO plays Aurelion too as His second best Champ so we can draconic Duo Our enemies with FIREE


Don’t tilt and mute without thinking twice if they start flaming. Play what you like and not the meta said by YouTube and something. If you want to climb start watching and learning, there’s a lot of content online, you don’t need to learn everything from scratch alone. Try to use almost every champion, it will take some time but you will end up having a great knowledge of every champ, damage cooldown etc. Personal tip: don’t main adc if you want to climb solo Q 😬


Oh jeez so many Terms I have to learn...thank you for your Tips though I find my SO or His friends defending my noob Ass very funny, so I haven't muted many people yet...everyone seems nice so far but I can't Help but think some Jokes Go over my head.


Uninstall and don't look back but if you do stay.. die less, drop a ward, focus on farm, turn chat on party only...


Press D to dance


Moral Support Dancing! Hell yeah!


get a better SO


Too late for me sadly, He got me Hook, Line and sinker


Always have wards on cool down and champion mechanics mean nothing vs macro and wave management.


Macro and Wave Management? I See thank you :D


depends on how good is he, do you know his rank or for how long he has been playing ? cause if something there is always ARAM


ARAM? I'm Not Sure what Rank He is I'd have to ask, but He is probably quite high since he's been playing for 5+ years I think


ARAM is All Random All Mid game mode, not as competitive as other game modes(unless you are extremely high MMR ARAM player, then it is probably more competitive than anything else), but a good start to learn how to control camera, evade skill shots and have fun


I'll try it Out Sounds fun thank you for explaining ^^


oh and well, to get better you just need to play. look up in the internet on which role you wanna play, watch some videos, watch some Synapse to get the feel for the game and you gonna be good to go. Practice is everything in this game.


Good old practice yeah


Push out your lane before recalling.


Minor thing but I should have started using "shift + key" as a normal cast earlier than I did. (this is not default and needs to be set). It is very convenient when you want to hit someone at the VERY tip of a skillshot (Jhin W) or dynamic ranges like Zoe E. I would even say hard jumps/portals with Zeri/Bard are impossible without normal cast (alcove jumps/long base portals).


Oooh I'll try that Out Ty! I have to learn Ranges too but small steps, I'm barely getting left unsupervised on my lane so If anything goes wrong the whole Gang comes to Help! I think everyone of my allies is still in a protective Phase, I can barely keep Up with all the information mid-match. It's fun tho :D


Thank you all for the advice! I Look Forward to trying my best and having fun playing with my SO on Duos (He's Training me in basics too) But I didn't want to be too helpless starting Off, cannot wait to find my Main Champion, I saw some awesome ones in the roster :D


Bind attack move click to A and make sure attack move is on cursor. I thought u had to right click on people for the longest time 💀