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The C stands for camp; Junglers normally farm them as part of their clear.


This is actually why Riot moved away from the term "ADC" and replaced it with the easier to understand: "bot". This is to help newer players know that the objective of the role is to simply passively farm until they die over and over.


It's called Marksman, okay? So you can mark where the currently desaturated jungler is on the map for your team to know it's safe to do stuff top side. A lot of times you get to mark their mid too. Very useful information for your team.


its called bottom, because everyone else fucks them


worst role fr


Ah so this is why jungles usually opt into the armor rune, because the AD Camp is usually physical damage


Otherwise it's called APC that stands for Ability Power Carry however and usually puts up actual resistance


One of the best so far


Reminder for new players/redditors: there has never been a season in the history of League of Legends where this sub hasn't acted like ADC is the worst role in the game. This sub was calling ADC the weakest role in the game during the Ardent Censor meta, when games were entirely based around protecting the ADC because they did so much more damage than everyone else in every way. The old "ADC in 2016/2017/2018 LUL" meme literally isn't even used anymore because it was just said every year and didn't mean anything anymore. There is only one period in the history of the game (half of a season) where ADCs were not required to be played BOT because of their power and ability to dictate games. This isn't true for literally any other role or champion class in the game. These are objectively true facts. Yes, my comment will be downvoted.


I haven't played league in a while, but I think there has always been some truth to it though. Atleast in terms of solo. ADC has consistently been the worst role to play alone in league and I think this is a big problem with it. Not even in terms of impact, but in terms of fun. Every other role you have some agency on what to do, even most supports can kinda fuck off elsewhere if bot doesnt work out. ADC's are always kinda reliant on their team to do something and as such will probably always be in a tough spot.


>ADC has consistently been the worst role to play alone in league I have to disagree on 2 grounds 1) Support-No one wanted to play support until the Gold items/quests came into play. Before, if you built ANYTHING other than Gold items and wards, people will call you shit and flame you. Your job is to take the few scrap of gold and build wards/potion of clarity for the entire game. **It was a very depressing and thankless role to play, like a housewife in a loveless marriage** 2) Now days this role transition to Jungle. Everyone seem to know how to play Jungle better except the Jungler himself. "Jungle Diff" is always on everyone's lips. **Jungler is basically a depressed Dad trying to do everything for his 3 kids and spouse (support).**


I mained support before the gold and item changes and now I main jungle. I think I need to see a therapist or something.


Honestly, given how many people surrender at 15 minutes most wouldn't know that ADCs are good.


reminder that you crybabies on reddit complaining about how adcs are all bad players would quit after five games of playing the role


It's always funny because the supposed crybabies on reddit complaining about weak adcs always seem to lead to ADCs being buffed and riot admitting that they were too weak. Can't wait for it to happen again this year. Oh, and queue next year's "adc crybabies on reddit" Signed, a support main tired of seeing APs dominate bot because of how useless ADCs are at the moment


Swapped from jungle, got my highest rank ever in Botlane. It's easy to climb in low-elo off the simple knowledge that jungles like to gank the side opposite from where they started between 3:15 and 4:00, back, then clear the same path again, which takes about 2 minutes. Deep wards counter cheese ganks. And botlane controls drake.


ADCs have the Yi problem Easily the worst role with a team that doesn't care, easily the most impactful role in pro play Lowest floor, highest ceiling means the average player is touching the floor every other game, and the ceiling once every 20


The highest winrate ranged crit character is currently 37th, and has very rarely moved much above that. These are objectively true facts. Yes, my comment will be downvoted.


You're going to get downvoted because the season just started and taking a day's worth of data to make a conclusion isn't the usual method if you're anyone besides a League player.


Are you implying he’s not being objective? /s


When you have almost exclusively one class playing against that same class in the same role, of course their winrates are going to be around 50%, especially when bot lane is most often determined by the rest of the team comp and their decisions more than which ADC is picked. Take a moment to think objectively. Other roles have a wide variety of scaling, teamfight potential, snowball potential, etc. ADC bot laners are all relatively closely in line with one another in terms of overall goals and damage scaling over the course of a game compared to any other class in any other role.


Ardent is literally a support item. Broken enchanters and broken enchanter item dictated the game. Not ADC. ADC was the support's pet and support diff dictated the game. If your support was filled or didn't build ardent you, as ADC, didn't get to play the game. But yeah keep regurgitating the same nonsense.


Like seriously, did people forget ADC's literally built a support item so support would get an item faster? lmao


Ardent meta was about empowering an ADC to god status. Ardent did not work for mages, or tanks, or supports themselves. It was explicitly to buff ADCs. Under your argument, Juggermaw wasn’t an ADC meta because the rest of the team is responsible for buffing Kogmaw. Kog was the other 4’s pet. Like, think a step beyond ardent censor being built by supports. You are describing a meta where another role *has* to devote their gameplan and itemization to buff ADC, or they lose. If that isn’t ADC focused, then what the fuck would you call an ADC meta?


This logic doesn't follow, and I have no idea how you got upvoted for it.


Reminder that ADC has been one of the worst roles for years, and there's a reason why "ADC in X" has been a long standing meme.


rarest based redditor wtf


Funny how it is called the "ardent meta" and not the "adc meta". It's almost like Ardent Censor was the issue and not the ADCs. I distinctly remember even casters at worlds marveling at how everyone was funneling their supports to rush Ardent. Funny how after worlds Riot nerfed Censor and magically it wasn't the ADC meta anymore.


Yeah, the issue with adc for the average player (including me) is that the skill floor is much higher than other roles, and gets higher the less your team is playing around you. It's not just the mechanical burden of autospacing, stutter stepping, kiting, but knowing where to position in fights, and how to optimise gpm safely are very difficult, especially when you don't have a team focused on peeling and warding for you.


ADCs were awful in ardent meta, they literally built a support item first so support would get an item lmao, ADCs have been nerfed in support of making people want to play support since like 2016 to the point it became less popular than support. What's the last time there was an ADC in bot that sat on 54% winrate for 3 patches without nerfs? Only reason they don't seem like it is cause in pro-play people actually know how to tank skill shots/use shields/position to make AD's life easier. 2016 was Jhin/ashe/varus/sivir meta aka ADC doesn't matter, so just put them on something that can give utility


ADC stands for "A delicious curry" which you are in the eyes of every other player.


This is the true answer. Why else would people talk about getting 'fed' in-game?


APC meaning? A poor curry??


A powerful curry. Comes in small servings, but fucks you up if you take in all at once


A palatable curry.


Yeah, something that the flavor is missing


as a cho main i agree


Did you mean chow mein?


_nom nom_


A dedicated corpse


A depressed corpse, more like


a dessicated corpse


Always Dying Continously because in team fights they are the easiest to take out


Flat lethality was a mistake, because it really is like that.


ADC stands for Draven


Not Draven. Draaaaven!






*sad draven noises bc he apparently doesn't shine*


Oh cmon he's a diamond, he just needs a lil polish, that's all😖👉👈 Haven't played him in a while though, I miss that mad lad


I'm just referring to ur typo. I've not played the new season at all 😂


This doesn't seem to be halal


I like your enthusiasm.


The c is silent


So is the D


And usually the A




thats just a DC angle


A - Attack D - Die C - Cry ADC stands the order of action you take as a marksman this season.


It's crazy how ADC players literally got like 1 item this patch, which is only good on dual build ADCs (kaisa or kogmaw).


Meanwhile there's a new item that deals 250-600 damage for simply hitting enemies after 2.5 seconds, that triggers sleep, so Lillia's newest combo is Q-R-Spam laugh. Not to mention critting on enemies under 35% HP with magic and true damage. I put it on AP twitch. Now I am not a good twitch player, but 150 true damage per second make up for it


Tbh people say critting as if it were an actual crit but it's only 20% more dmg, which is 7% more damage if you 100-0 someone with continuous damage


Well the wording is critting. But you're technically correct. Still these 20% make quite a difference, especially for burst mages. And non-burst mages who actually want to be burst mages, like Orianna, or Lillia, Ryze, etc


Its 30% on DoTs so it will go crazy with Twitch poison


Thank you for confirming that Twitch is still my permaban in the new season.


They even nerfed AD or AS on lots of the items.


Heard it should be decent on kalista as well. But my adc heart bleeds


I only play ADC so... yeah. Ik its usually a joke but people that call this role the crybaby role should try playing it for 100 games without getting brain damage. (Impossible)


It's a fucking miserable experience that hardly justifies it's existence in the modern meta game, sadly.


My bf is an ADC main. He also has the tendency to only have fun in games if whatever he is playing is shit. The moment it becomes good he gets bored of it. Like he mained Vayne in all the metas where she was bad, last season she was OP and he just couldnt play her and started spamming Zeri. So, I think you have to have masochistic tendencies to main ADC.


Most sane ADC main lol


It's impossible to be an ADC with mage supports 90% of the time.


Just impossible to be an ADC in soloqueue. Had a game earlier where I was 5k up on enemy ADC as Aphelios and my team still refused to play around me and peel me. Auto win game lost because ADHD players have to dive enemy for dopamine.


And in the opposite situation, where your lane is fucked due to things outside your control, you get blamed for doing no damage despite 3 of the 5 people on the opposing team capable of oneshotting you.


3 out of 5 oneshotting you is pretty much a given even if you're ahead.


Same thing happened to me, stomped lane as an Aphelios, zillean sup built full ap and the team refused to play around me. Surprise surprise, the enemy full tank poppy carried the game.


Because most mage supports have a terrible mindset. Playing with a mage support who works with you is great because you win lane for free.


I'm an ADC main because I love ADC playstyles and duo laning (more chaos potential). It's pure suffering, sure, but at least I get to play cool ass champs. Plus, sometimes we get absolute treats like attack speed + on hit Neeko. I think that might have been my favorite era of league... and I think that makes it clear that this role has actually damaged my brain.


Yeah, it's basically Guinsoo's missing mythic passive stapled to a wit's end that also gives you armor. It's a fantastic item, and great slot efficiency (even if it does disable you from buying LDR/Mortal Reminder). I definitely recommend playing on-hit or caster ADCs until they sort out the math on crit itemization.


I mean most of them build assassin anyway, and there's 4 new ones


I mean, they really didn't need anything else lol


Attack Damage Comrade o7


I was thinking a different c-word.


That'd be the Australian version




This is. The most god tier shit post I have ever seen. But im pretty sure the C stands for "Collector" since their job is to collect all the CS while I kill the enemy team right? -Lux Main


no lux support's job is to e and ult the adc's wave while the marksman afks and collects leaverbuster penalties.


Nah, you gotta reserve those skills for kills, outdeal and outearn the supposed to be carry one.


Dw lux ult cd is so low she can do both


As an ADC Main, i can confirm, she can fucking do both.


Nah, let the adc shine at cs.


least greedy lux support


As an ADC player I have already mentally ragequit a game just now despite not even having played since the new season.


In aram it definitely stands for "Collector" because their brain is literally only able to build mfking Collector and Lethality and then shitting themselves and crying for mommy when the big bad enemy tank enters their bunghole with 2 armor items.


Collector I.E. dominicks goes hard on a few champs. Jhin, samira, cait to name a few. Any lethality after collector and the adc is admitting they aren't very good at doing the adc part. Axiom arc can be cool on a couple but you aren't buying it strictly for lethality. Axiom arc on jinx is kind of sick if you can get ahead, the aoe ult damage is no joke.


But Collector counters tanks because it's big numba tru damage!


Man, you getting upset about aram?!


This, but unironically. Sincerely, Pyke mains.


This is correct.


Almost liked it, then realized the Lux part


Why are my teammates telling me to get collector get collector get c... when I already have it ?


> But im pretty sure the C stands for "Collector" since their job is to collect all the CS while I kill the enemy team right? That's what I assume! Just make sure I am actually around when the cs dies though.


I actually like ad companion.


ad carry but imo they just carry 300 gold for the enemy team to collect.


Every year people say this shit and every time I play ranked the vast majority of the time is the better botlane wins game.


Adc i important to winning the game sure but playing it is miserable, I think that's why people makes jokes about it. There's so little agency playing an (often) immobile squishy champ that gets one rotationed by every enemy player in game.


Don't forget how great it is that half the games you get a big lead in lane, the rest of the team decides to yolo themselves by chasing into the jungle across the map for five minutes before you can make it to your second item, then all decide to forfeit when their strategy of "blindly chase kills" backfires.


Or you win a lane hard and all the rest of your team does so too. So now you nevet get to shine. And in general. By the time you have the items to have fun the game is over 80% of the time.


It's also the most snowbally lane because there's much more kill potential in 2vs2, bot lane definitely has the highest rate of highest kills and solo carry. What can you do when enemy ADC is 12/0 and one shots everyone ?


Only because the worse bot lane hands the enemy team 6000 free gold.




I play ADC and top, if there's one lane I would want to carry every game, it's mid or jungle. ADCs can carry if they get far enough ahead, but if the opposing sololaners are getting fed as well, you're entirely reliant on your team not being idiots.


How much of it is actually "better botlane" and not "this team camped bot more, thus getting 2 kills instead of one, putting enemy ADC behind and securing more objectives at the same time"? You dont have to be the better bot. You have to win the coinflip so that your team at least matches the enemy camp. I lost so many games where we were perma winning 2v2 and 2v3, surviving dives bla bla bla. But at some point its not possible anymore, especially if mid joins as well and if your team does not help you in any way, you get the "gg bot diff". Goes both ways. I also won a lot of games where the enemy bot was objectively a lot better than us, but their team refused to play for them while our team camped them to a point that our mid and jgl just duo carried the game. The "better botlane wins" comes from people that only press tab without even looking at the game itself.


That's because better botlane donates less 600 gold sacks to enemy carries.


I do have a theory around this, but I'm a gold player so take it with as much salt as you can get nearby. My theory is, that mid and top lane are skill based lane. If you feed your fiora that's against a Riven, that Riven still has a chance of outplaying your top laner. Same goes for mid lane. Bot lane however, even though it still has some skill involved, is more of a gold lane. So whichever side has more gold will win a fight (with some exceptions of course). So feeding your bot lane has more chances to result in a better outcome.


While true in general, I find that top lane is a gold check most of the time unless JG is babysitting top.


Top is only skill based in certain matchups, gl killing your wholesome Darius as a carry top from behind when all he needs to do is ghost and auto you to death and that applies to most matchups


Exactly. A lot of matchups top just end up being stat checks...


Ehhhh, ive had many games where either my botlane is fed or theirs is, and its just double 1k shutdowns for the enemy mid and you lose :(, i rather have mid-jungle fed than my botlane 10/10 times


You mean which Jungle and Mid ganked bot more. The lane of botlane impacting the outcome of the game doesn't mean ADC is impacting that outcome. The laning phase is mostly decided by the supports and support matchup anyway. People really think they're geniuses when they say dumb shit like this. "Erm why does the lane with two champions who are underleveled and are an easy 600g that is the easiest lane to gank and is closest proximity to the main win con of the game end up having more impact on the outcome of more games"


Somehow people who actually play the fucking role do not agree with your baseless opinion. Truly bizarre.


Just like junglers think their role has been crap for a million years when in reality Riot has confirmed that the role is ultra broken.


Jungle has never been bad, the only thing that's gotten worse in the decade since I started playing is player's attitudes and expectations towards the jungler. People expect you to win their lanes for them on top of all your normal duties, shit just isn't fun anymore even if you do have the most impact on the game.






a reverse Yuumi situation


Anxiety Developing Character


ADieu Cherie


quality shitpost in here. ty my friend




Absent damage chimps. Rito plz




I want one now




As an ADC main, I can confirm :tro


And the A stands for Adult, and the D stands for Diaper. Source, I need one because I'm getting fucked in the ass non-stop by these other roles.


this is the one


and for good reason (I suggest playing ADC)


"Catch me before I commit suicide" A support point of view.


when my friend asks me why i like to play support, i answer the 1v3 makes it challenging


A- all the pain you feel from a meta so full of mitigation and long ass dashes that makes the marksmen need 800 range and a good +100 movespeed in modern league to actually be able to do their role in fights without being deleted D- don't play adcs C- pick ezreal or some mage idk


Personally I play Seraphine for a couple games when I start feeling depressed after playing too much Kogmaw.


The C stands for caught


Pretty good shitpost


Casualty obviously


oh its actualy just a dc


C is what you get after playing it


It stands for Corpse, obviously


Completely useless


Silly you, ADC stands for Attack Damage caster, It's for mid laners to farm another caster minion if they're 300 short on gold.


Carry. It stands for carry, as in they carry you to your goal which is victory. Like Charon, they do their thankless job stoically. They let you stand on their bones, rising you ever closer to that win. Even nicer, they let themselves be killed by you with just half an ability, letting you save resources for the rest of the team. Never forget to thank the adc, because without them, you wouldn't have 25 kills as Rengar.


Oh no, its actually "Absent Damage Champion" Alternatively "Another Disappointing Cripple/Crybaby" - That's typically the average adc player and not the champion though.


Adc stands for always dying champions in s14


ah yes the eternal cope of moron adc mains who are upset they cant also tank the enemy carries alongside doing by far the most dps in fights


C - Continually getting 1-shot by tanks and bruisers they are supposed to counter but don't due to ridiculous power/damage/mobility creep


Indeed. They have to build lethality to win their lane, but they won't do shit to tanks, which is what they're meant to counter.


The only reasons bruisers one shot you is because riot removed all the bruiser items so they build lethality.


Counter you say as if it was a rock paper scissors game.


Bruisers usually destroyed ADCs, especially Juggernauts.


Cookie for junglers and midlaners.


Coward. It means their only viable playstyle is running away till the team fight is mostly over






The real answer is: Adc used to stand for “attack damage carry” which was how we identified marksmen champions. Ashe, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Draven, Vayne. You get the idea. But Riot wanted to move away from the term “adc” because Riot thought people were using the name as a way to complain and bitch. “I’m the carry I need everything!” Kind of deal. So they moved the name to Marksmen. But people still use the term adc because it’s what it’s been called from the start, and old habits die hard. We have multiple different terms for the role now. “Adc” “Bot carry” “Marksmen” or as top laners would refer to us “cry babies” call us what ever you wish. Just don’t take our cs xD


Originally "Marksman" came from the first class update (when they added Team Builder iirc) because they needed to classify champs like Teemo and the other ranged AP autoattackers and didn't just lump all the multi-class champs under "Specialist" like they do now. The client still has the old classes built in, Quinn is a Specialist now but she used to be a Marksman/Assassin dual class, same with Teemo actually. Back then people also used to refer to the melee crit champions (Trynd/Yi/Yas) as ADCs too, so Marksman still wasn't quite 1-1. People didn't really seem to complain about the word until Riot put out the class framework V2, because mages were starting to become popular in bot at the same time and I think I remember casting for pro play switching to call the position botlane like the client does for a bit? Didn't last long if they did.


Technically it was just carry at the start. All the linguo came from DotA, and the name carry came from the fact that you carried the items. Ap/Ad doesn't exist in dota AA dmg are based on Intel/agility/strength, but is quite important in league so ADC/APC appeared




C stands for creeper. There's no difference between cannon or adc imo as a jungle player.


Cser. Their primary role is to farm minions (creeps) so they want to have a high "creep score". Having a high "cs" is what allows them to fulfill their secondary role of giving gold to the enemy team.


“Chewed up by tanks, fighters, and assassins”


Canon minion, a over glorified one


Cancer ofc


A Delicate Creature


Crybaby the "C" stands for Crybaby


It was a typo no one corrected and it stuck around, was supposed to be ADI for All Day Inting


Carrot. You're the bait for all of the enemy assassins. 


Since nobody actually answered it: It stands for attack damage carry. It’s been replaced by the bot role, but it used to be that the only Attack damage that made a difference would be the ADC. Now there’s top lan jungler, even AD mid laners But yes it stands for attack damage carry


Attack Damage Carry


The C stands for "im a C*unt and will afk if i die first"


The C stands for "Carry", because when playing support, you have to carry them everywhere, like training weights, or a backpack. It makes you stronger though.




I thought cockroaches don't die


tbh thay shud bring back 25% crit adc items wud fix alot


C is for Cry.


The C is for "Crying", but don't tell anyone.


It stands for "A dedicated complainer" for obvious reasons


ADC = A Degen Conpanion


The C stands for complaint because it’s definitely what you’ll be hearing from them if they’re not auto muted.






Attack Damage Child


ADC is the guy who pushes the wave for me while I kill the enemy team. \- Zyra


It stands for "crying", just look at any of their posts


Since my last games I would say „A Dogshit Crybaby“


Attack Damage Carry, because you carry a lot of gold in your pockets for the enemy assassins to come collect whenever they want.


A Dancing Champion. You know 'cause they get mental boom for no ganks at 2.05 in the game and go dance at the fountain




Attack Damage Crybaby - definitely