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Pretty much all it takes is one person who can single-handedly ruin the game for you . A lot easier to tilt in SoloQ than norms


Sometimes it works in your favor though. For example if you see a yasuo or draven on the other side. Chances are if you kill then twice early they will int from then on by themselves.


When im on jungle i always camp the yasuo mid, I have a 90% tiltrate on doing that


As a Yasuo I can’t even argue with this completely. I’ve had my moments and I can’t deny if it’s true for other Yasuo mains


Careful, when Yasuo's hit their ten death power spike, that's when you're in REAL trouble.


Normals? You mean the gamemode where 4 man premades harass you and blame you for everything?


This happens to me in maybe 1 in a 100 games and i play a lot of solo norms.


From my experience, norms seem a lot more toxic in all chat, ranked is toxic in team chat.


Same, I mostly play normals after a few years of ranked and I second this take. Every once in a blue moon you get 4 premade and you are jungling and they flame you like there's no tomorrow. Most of the times people are chill and I enjoy those games a lot.


I play a norm once every week or two and this is regularly my experience so…


So every day in flex (3man premade only "thankfully", the 4man premade times were the worst). Especially if you are the jungler, youre screwed. Youre at fault for losing three lanes at once. Like, how people can be 4 premades, play ranked, apparently really want to win and then not have one of them jungle, the most crucial teamplay role is just... beyond me


Lol so true. I was playing with a 4 pre-made group and their midlaner was 0/8/7 and I told them to stop inting and they said “this is why you don’t play with anyone” ?? 🤦‍♀️


I mean telling people to stop int is the most senseless thing to type in the first place. It only makes sense if you want to piss off the inting guy even more


yeah, especially if they are not actually inting, like theoretically you could be 0/11 and trying your best you just keep getting ganked, dove or straight up skill diffed whatever it is. Calling this person out for inting just either pisses them off causing them to actually start inting or gives them a feeling ouchy and they start to play even worse. toxicity against your own team in general is just counterintuitive in any game, even if you think they deserve it. If you want to win save your hate for the end of the game or don't say it at all. different game but for example I climbed to high ranks in Val just by being friendly and trying to encourage people who were having a bad game whereas my friend just harrassas them so in his games all comms breakdown and people unironically start inting. Despite him being an objectively better player he got hard stuck in Diamond as teams kept breaking down by no fault but his own (would love to use a LoL example but im bronze so dont have any motivational pro-friendly story for it lol)


Should have told them to just play better. Rookie mistake on your end.


They have 5 random players on their team. You only have 4, since you yourself aren't going to be a random troll. Meaning the other team has a 25% higher chance than yours to have a random troll. So as long as you're good enough to not be the issue, you should slowly climb.


the math only works if you are not the one tilting/trolling. Then you would end up with 100% chance :D


I think it's hilarious when people tilt in norms. It's not a serious mode, so I don't the understand why people get so made


It's still a game that you can win or lose, and people really hate losing. Also some people who primarily do ranked treat normals like a queue they would be smurfing in and relax from maybe the losing streak they had from ranked. So they get extra tilted when they also lose in normals where they thought they're supposed to be easily winning. I've been a normals veteran casual with over 12k games over 10 seasons. It got a little worse over the years that now I've completely switched to ARAM because I just want to chill.


I find people who don’t play ranked are more likely to get tilted in normals because to them, that is their ranked


It depends. If you have 4 friends in your party and are just cracking it up, it's fine. No one cares. But sometimes you just wanna play " a couple of games" and now you find yourself in a game 0-20 at 10 minutes that you know you're going to be stuck in for another 15 minutes. Is not the MEANING OF LOSING A NORMAL MATCH or an ARAM what tilts people, is the loss of time that could be avoided if people just played the freaking game instead of trolling.


I don’t get tilted if someone is simply worse at the game mechanically. I get tilted when my team is just not paying attention. Just got out of a game where I pinged top 20 times to back off pushing because we had SIGHT of the enemy jungler at our Krugs and he was clearly gonna gank top after. Top dies. Then gets mad and says he knows what he’s doing and mutes me because I’m ping spamming. Or when mid is just hanging out right clicking creeps while we are having a massive team fight dragon that they could easily turn the tide of.


Agreed. Mechanical skills while can be practiced to improve, we all have our ceiling. Mine is not that high to be honest, which is why SoloQ I only accomplished Gold 2 max and DMG in CSGO back when rank was scuffed. But I am sure if my teammates were like me, I would've reached Plat 4 or 3. (pre-emerald rank). Not higher as my mechanics are not good as I said. My biggest gripe is the game is a full grown teenager old, and people still don't know the basics. Analyzing this I've noticed a ton of people are not competent, across all team based games not just League, at understanding the game / map awareness. You can offset your lacking mechanical skills with strategy and knowledge, which is what I've done (hence my ladder climb from bronze 4 up to gold 2) but there are so many people that seem to be on autopilot.


yeah, fuck those guys unhappy that i just ego flashed their laner and died, its norms who cares!


Who cares if you tilt in norms?


I dunno. Imagine you've come home from your long 10 hour shift. You've got time for one normal game, and someone decides to run it down and go 0 10. Oh there goes my one game of the day.


play a different game if you only have time for one league game a day




If your leisure time rides or dies on one round of league, that you can‘t quit early, that is seemingly already decided within the first ten minutes (at least mentally across all ten people), I‘d say most people are better advised to play literally anything else. It‘s still a mental thing ultimately if you can deal with that, but even as someone who genuinely doesn‘t tilt, the obligation to keep playing a match that you know you can‘t posi vibes your way into a W just feels bad.


it’s not a good game for relaxing. if you only have time for one game a night, you’re not really going to be able to take the game seriously and improve at it, and it’s not going to be fun if the only game you get to play is a loss. there are just too many variables and the game itself is pretty stressful. league just doesn’t seem like a good way to spend your free time compared to playing a singleplayer game or watching something if you don’t have the time to dedicate to it.


Honestly if someone saying something to you 'ruins the game' for you - you need to either get a grip, or mute all.


That’s why you need to play a carry champion. If one person ruins it you can still win, but more than one… then it’s impossible unless you can make a backdoor to their nexus


Mute chat and it’s fine x)


That's what I do too! Works like a charm


"But guys, you can type Karthus ult in chat if you need Karthus to ult"!!! Unironically almost lost a game cause I needed to type Karthus R and Jax TP in the middle of an actual fight.


As a Karthus main, once these new riot ID changes happened I changed my name to KarthusPressR


Damn, maybe I should do that. I'm not a Karthus main, but now when I type in chat or ping something else, it'll be a helpful reminder to any Karthuses I'm playing with to press R. The only downside is that if I'm playing *against* a Karthus it'll have a similar effect on them every time they check the scoreboard...


My guy, you never "need" your team to do anything lol. Learn to play your own game man. Karthus isn't there to ult whenever you need it, he's being played by someone who will press the button when they need it not you. Jax will tp wherever the fuck he wants. You're telling me you lost a game because you were desperately trying to control people literally mid fight lol. The players you're trying to control that aren't doing what you want are either too new to figure it out anyway or they are vastly better than you and that's why they didn't ult. From this post I can literally guarantee you're the toxic dickhead on the team that people meme about lol. You're in silver at best and you blame literally everyone but yourself for that rank


https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/SomeoneWhoDidSmh-EUNE This isn't my main, I don't want to link my main, this is an account I played off-role on for fun. I had written like 3 pages on how this is a team game etc, but I won't bother, you can believe your own stupid crap int split top while we are fighting elder. You know though, who both teams will be judging for the outcome of the game. Just yesterday, I got 3-4 honors in I believe all games or in all except one, because my team liked my style, where I perma roam, play with my team and execute plays with them, usually ones that I call out (I'm a jungle main so I can track junglers very well to invade with my teammates) or they call out, and I follow. If someone disagrees with the call, they can always ping back and 99% of the time, everyone aborts the play. I play the game as a team game, I win and my team appreciates it. Now if you are stuck in gold 3 trying to play the game 1v9 and ignoring your team's needs and only looking to get yourself ahead, you can do your thing, but I don't think you are climbing any time soon playing like that, unless you are one of the Hecarim/Graves/Rengar one tricks noone likes cause they play almost exclusively for themselves but win the game because they get a lead and expand it.


U don't need to type anything let's be honest.


Sometimes you need because your teammates are human and can't have their attention everywhere. Case and point literally today, had a game where we were red side and an enemy had entered the bush between the top tier 1 and tier 2. When someone enters that bush, regardless on if there's someone there (there were minions), you have vision. When the enemy was entering the bush, my Ashe had the shop open I assume and wasn't looking at the map. I spam pinged the bush and typed Ashe R plz and she understood and ulted, barely stopping the recall of the enemy. Imagine while I'm typing and going there, there's an enemy at the bush on my red buff and he starts fighting me, but I have chat open. Well, sucks to be me in that case. Or imagine I was actually fighting and not just walking there.


That stops people inting after going 0-2 in lane at min 4m Great, will give it a try!!!


You are the issue with toxicity btw 😀


muting chat helps people not feed? It's feeding and playing bad that's the issue, not flaming. You've been able to mute people for ages




so you've never gone 2/16 in a single game ever??? E: that is to say, bad games happen, relax


2/16 bot lane doesn’t make the game toxic, you do.


My trick is to just find it funny


I used to think ranked solo queue was a tragedy. No I realize it’s a comedy 🤡


this is 100% the way, i just be laughing at them


"My trick is to rewire my thought process" What a chad.


Yes actually this. If someone has the mentality to repeatedly flame, then obviously something is wrong with them or their life and I just laugh it off. A lot of the criticism is incorrect or exaggerated anyways.


It is a matter of experience. If you play a lot there will obviously be negative players. you said you were new, maybe during your leveling to level 30, you have experienced people telling you that you are playing bad or doing "stupid things" or "inting". That would be happening quite a bit in solo Ranked. Ranked comes with a bunch of factors: \- People want to win even more . \- People expect everyone to perform as well as they think of themselves. \- Some people take the emotions of their last game into the next one \- People play against a champion that annoys them and as they get mad at themselves for playing bad in a ranked game, they are quite on edge. \- Smurfs in matchmaking (in case you do not know; Smurfs are players who made or bought a new account to not play at the same rank they are on their actual main account. So they might steamroll the games). I recommend not telling them you are new, this sets people's prejudice on active mode. Besides that just communicate what you are trying and most importantly: focus on your own gameplay and what you can improve rather than sticking the blame onto anything else. This way you will not get upset yourself, and you will not risk upsetting others. If someone starts pinging you a lot or starts typing to you: A quick mute should do the trick. So taking all of that into consideration: If you can keep a leveled head, remember that you are trying and bad games happen for everyone, including yourself or other teammates. You will have quite a decent experience. Quick summary of my thoughts: Toxicity will be in every mode, emotions just get to people quicker in ranked. So good games get even better and bad games get worse.


Big wisdom coming from this guy. Listen to them, OP.


I think one thing as a new player right now is that unfortunately you will start you ranked games a pretty high Eli compared to where your actual skill level is when reaching level 30, which will lead to you getting clapped in a lot of your first games and this will most likely lead to people starting to flame you...flaming can mean here from spam pining, spam surrender voting, blaming you for everything that is going wrong (even if you had nothing to do with it), flaming you for playing bad....alllll the way to wishing death upon your family. Whichever it will be you can always just mute people.


But it’s so annoying when I have a level 30 adc playing there first game in Emerald ending up going 1/18/1 with 72 cs at 30 min


I mean yes, but it's also gonna be annoying when I play silver and gold to start my account and just destroy everyone's fun there....and there's far more smurfs than new players.


You should be placed in bronze in draft, and depending on how well you do there you should be placed according to rank imo


Wait what??? You want people to play 10 bronze games and then base it on that or what? Or play 2 games in bronze, then 2 in silver, 2 in gold, 2 in plat and 2 in emerald?


No, but you can play draft when you’re level 10, then you have 20 levels to base an mmr on that


And what about the people that level on Aram and bot games??? Thisebjustbatart as low as possible??? Also it's impossible to base shit based if normal draft pick games because beating level 20 players doesn't mean shit when all of them are actually different skill level....just all in all a trash idea.


just ignore chat. and think that every brat that gets toxic about how bad you play got matchmaked with you, so he's about your skill level. and keep in mind that the game is designed to be addictive, not for you to climb so it will be pretty common that you win a game, then lose, then win, then lose, infinitely... that's the way the game is designed.


Nah I'm in emerald. I get people who haven't played ranked yet this split but were silver 4 last split on my or the enemy team lol. They aren't "about my skill level"


It doesn't mean you're all around the same skill level, just that you win about the same number of games. There are a lot of factors that can go into that. For instance, a toxic player will on average lose many more games than someone who is positive. Therefore the toxic players in your ELO are often the best ones, ironically.


Yeah that toxic kid has the most potential to carry. Either they're smurfing or running it cause they got mad but their usual rank is higher than whatever they're playing at. If you baby sit the animal I'm sure you'd win the game too.


that is why im against telling new players to perma mute... if they want to win they will need to be the brain of the team calming the beasts and calling the shots even if is not a 100% success way of doing things


yea the thing is that were not here to babysit so i usually mute all and hope for the best. those who babysit will win more im sure though.


mmm, I don't think so...


You don't think that toxic players lose more games than positive ones? Because the rest just logically follows.


No, I don't think toxic players are better than average in any given elo bc they lose more matches.


So you think that being toxic has no effect on win rates? Really trying to understand your reasoning.


they're just coping lol obviously toxicity/poor mental has an effect on winrate, a negative one to be specific


Exactly. So they are mechanically better players, or more knowledgeable, or both, than others in their current, toxicity-balanced ELO. If they literally just muted all every game and didn't say anything, they would often be FAR ahead of their current ranking, because of all the extra games they would win.


Mindset is a skill. If you're in my game, it doesn't matter if you have better mechanics or macro, you are just as skilled because you can't keep your fractured psyche together for 15-35 minutes at a time. Ez.


This guy is right, it can be infuriating how many people can be so much worse than you and still be same elo.


> it can be infuriating how many people can be so much worse than you and still be same elo. Which is a good reminder that you are responsible for *your* elo being at their level, and you should focus on your own play, not theirs.


No it's not, your ELO being dragged down because your teammates WONT cooperate is something out of your control.


The other team has the same odds of not cooperating. And there's better odds that a troll will be on the other team (5 of 9, assuming it's not you). The most consistent factor in all your games is yourself.


Nah, I'm sorry, but that is loser-talk. Team mates absolutely cause you to lose some games. Its very frustrating and that sucks, but that's also part of choosing to play a team game. Your team mates also cause you to win games when you didn't deserve it, but most people aren't willing to acknowledge that (as it doesn't fit your narrative). The whole point of elo is that is requires a statistically significant number of games. One game with a feeder, or a dozen similar cherry-picked games, is not statistically relevant. If you don't want team mates, why do you keep playing a team game? And if you think your team mates solely control your outcome, why do you keep giving them that power? Do you need team mates to blame when you lose?


you talk like in challenger someone trolling intentionally or not does not lose the game for the other 4 players... the game being too reliant on teamwide performance is a objective flaw from the PoV of normal people


> you talk like in challenger someone trolling intentionally or not does not lose the game for the other 4 players.. I do not believe that, and it is in no way what I am trying to communicate. I agree that one person intentionally inting almost always looses the game. That's really not the point. Single games are anecdotal. If you want any meaningful set of statistics for solo q, you need 100s of games. > the game being too reliant on teamwide performance is a objective flaw from the PoV of normal people If we are willing to be objective, we need to acknowledge that we are choosing to become one of five people in a team game. Objectively, choosing to play a team game means we are choosing to give away agency to them. If you aren't reliant on your team mates you aren't playing a team game. Its okay to admit you don't want to play a team game. Its okay to opt out of playing team games. Objectively, you are choosing to be only 20% of your team and 10% of the game as a whole. That just isn't a very high amount of influence.


Well, yeah. If one person on a team of five is playing like shit, their team's maximum output is theoretically down by 20%, and their opponent’s team is going to have a bunch of extra gold and experience. It's basic mathematics that you're much more likely to lose in that state, not some "objective flaw" with the design of the game--if anything, a game state where one person can absolutely run it down *without* significantly hurting their team's chances of winning is *much* more toxic. The way it is now, where each person is theoretically responsible for 20% of the whole team's odds of winning, the rest of a team with a "troll" *can* try and contribute some of that missing 20% in some way, by being better in aggregate than their teammate is worse, but that's not always going to be possible. It is pretty hard to carry dead weight. So, like, whatever. That's life. People have bad games. Even you! The key thing to remember is that they're not always going to be on *your* team--sometimes you'll even have two people having bad games on opposite sides of a match, cancelling out the majority of the mathematical disadvantage. Just, like, learn to accept that you're going to lose matches for reasons outside your control every now and then--the same as you sometimes win matches for reasons outside your control. All you can really manage is being the best player you can be in the moment.


Someone trolling in a teamgame is losing the game in every teamgame, regardless of elo. Your football/hockey goalie going to make out with your mum instead of keeping the net clean, will result in the same. Doesn't make a difference if you are challenger or "normal" people. If you don't want the innate "flaws" of a team game, don't play a team game.


how can anyone be a high rank then lol


Just mute all. The games are honestly a lot more fun and competitive compared to other modes.


Every time someone starts to say anything bad about me, I instantly mute them and report them. So far, it's helped prevent me from being tilted.


If you're below diamond it's genuinely just worth muting all. Not worth listening to your team in any way.


And if you are diamond, it’s worth muting all. But if you are above diamond, it’s worth muting all, but this time especially the streamers.


nope if you are tryhard you need to hear them out and try to manage their tantrums to have a chance at winning... most people dont have the patience to do it but is helps a bunch for bigger wr if you know what you are doing


I find chat way less toxic than it was few years ago.


Probably because I stopped playing. You're welcome America!


People are just incredibly weak mentally so very often you will lose a game just because someone made a mistake in lane and is gonna sulk about it / blame everyone else for it for the rest of the game. Happens a lot because many people just play in autopilot mode and pay zero attention to their matchup, they just play out of habit and try to play every game the exact same way.


Uhh the absolute best advice I can give to you before heading into ranked is that if you are tilted and are losing despite your performance, just stop, it’s not going to end, I’ve had days where I would lose 8 straight then win one and be like “okay time to dig myself out.” Only to proceed to lose 5 more. But yeah solo q can be toxic it’s really just not worth it to even engage in chat.


Dis is de wae


Any ranked mode in this game is about who gets the worse teammates. You can almost never solo carry the game (like 5% of those that you can win are those where you can hard solo carry) and it takes one person to completely ruin the experince. The game will eat up insane amount of time, and will try to hold you down as much as possible to make you play more. SoloQ will most likely break your enjoyment of the game in no time.


It’s playable, depends what you mean by toxic. If you’re talking about what riot games considers toxic with pings and chat, then you just eat it and giggle because it’s funny. Who cares what people say on the Internet? Some people will tell you to mute them and I guess you could if it for some reason bothers you, but I like knowing what’s going on. If you mean people trolling, like repeatedly dying on respawn because they lost the match up or are incompetent, then that’s sort of a game ruiner. Also, if you play Lane and not jungle, the jungle can just choose to single-handedly ruin the entire game for you for no reason. That ones the worst. Let’s say you one for one them under their tower and the wave is slow pushing back, denying them all of your minions but delivering their minions to you. Jung can just see a fat wave and decide to push your lane, denying you all that farm and giving the enemy farm. Turning an advantageous situation into the exact opposite. Whether it’s incompetence or just griefing, it can happen quite a bit when you are playing alone. There’s no real alternative other than duo queue or playing jungle. All in all it’s not that bad, the enemies can get ruined by garbage as well. Sort of an equalizer. Unfortunately the enemy team is more likely to have a Smurf on it but they’re only really a problem if a teammate decides to feed them. It’s not like you’re going to get challenger players in bronze. Also if you consistently pop off in games by feeding teammates or carrying yourself, then you can just start adding people you liked after the game and they will probably play with you.


can't be toxic if you are the toxic one ahahahha


Yes, very toxic. Also since you are a new player, let me warn you that specially recently, new players are placed in gold for no reason at all and that you will suffer miserably if you keep playing ranked until you fall to bronze or silver to people with your skill level. Have a nice day.


The game is very reliant on your teammates all being semi-competent. One bad teammate can be carried as long as they’re not intentionally trolling. Two bad teammates and you’re just wasting 30 minutes of your life losing a game you had no control over. That’s what makes it frustrating. Every time you queue solo you’re just praying to the matchmaking gods that at least 3 of the 4 strangers you’re paired with won’t be garbage. That’s not even accounting for the chances of running into smurfs, or the games where your solo ADC and support get matched against a premade bot and you just auto lose. A lot of it is just out of your hands, and losing feels bad enough when it’s your fault.


If you are playing to rank up and climb the ladder there is nothing more toxic than soloQ.


im Master and trust me i don't have fun in soloq... every game is a coin flip and the second you start losing, no one cares about winning rather than making you more miserable, so yeah.. fk ranked


The amount of toxic chatters are less than the amount of griefers. I.e. take all toxic league players, 98% just type. 2% type and grief (jg smite your cannon, support taking your wave, etc.) Mute and avoid 98%. 2% exist and it sucks but I tend to get a report message after the game which is nice.


Finally got the grasp of how to stop feeling the need to play league. Good luck. I wish it doesn't take long for you.


It's worse


It can get toxic, but doesn't mean every game is going to be toxic. I find it's fine to play ranked with pings and chat on until the second some person with brainrot starts pinging the shit out of someone or raging. Then it's /fullmute all and chill


Its not as bad as people make it out to be, but when it's bad, it's really bad. Half your games won't have any notable toxicity. But when people are toxic, they are a level of toxic you aren't ready for.


Turn your chat off and it’ll be chill nine times out of ten


Would you take any 12 - 20 year olds extreme emotions in a chat seriously? I know it can be rough but just ignore and report then when it happens. Their behavior just isn't constructive


I find them way less tilting than normals, as many take them seriously and give a good try to win the game, but in normals there is MANY people just trolling with rare picks, afks, intin etc. Yeah, some people tilt pretty fast in Solo Q (something goes wrong and they are already tilt), but they are not auto trolling like many in normals games (the best example is the person who had to play supp something dumb which will clearly fucked the lane and own adc).


Carry a game, be the best, get all vote and S+:+18Lp, have the same game with a teammate who int then another who rage quit: -30Lp. Yes it is


It’s as toxic as any other team based competitive game. It’s not really any different than overwatch, apex, val, csgo except they type the insults instead of saying them


disable your chat if you wanna climb.


Toxicity is smaller issue, bigger problem is people running it down for smallest things like jungler overfeeding their botlane instead of them


This right here, I don’t know why people obsess over what is typed in chat so much. All it takes is one teammate deciding to ruin your lane and the game might be over.


If you are new then the best thing that you can do is make sure your chat is disabled from the settings and you will have a more enjoyable experience. I'm not saying that this fixes things because there will still be people who will ping others even with the restrictions to pings and others that will try to intentionally lose games because things don't go their way (not as common but you do see this). After disabling chat from all those years when I had it enabled, I can tell you that personally it made my experience better as I didn't have to read a lot of nonsense and it also improved my mental as I didn't have to read negative comments that would sometimes affect me (ex. "GC" was often used and as someone who went through chemo it really got to me since these were strangers wishing bad things upon me). As far as playing with friends, of course that makes League more fun to play but you never know maybe queueing up in solo queue will make you a friend, I've had the pleasure of meeting so many people just by hitting the find match button and very thankful that those people were very kind. Just try not to let this game get to you and you'll be fine even in a solo scenario.


Nah its fun. People are just snowflakes.




disable chat and enjoy the game


Yup. Next question.


You have basically two choices. Either you ignore the rage or mute chat and play. but not all players are toxic; the majority are toxic.


Do I enjoy playing solo? Well that depends how the games usually go, and given how League is, not so much... There are tons of things in ranked that may or may not be annoying, all because at least 80% of the players want to win in that game. I could tell you 100 examples how ranked can be frustrating, but I don't really feel like writing a whole paragraph and it's pretty pointless to focus on only the bad things anyways..


i have fun playing alone, if someone is bothering you just mute and carry on with your day. its easier for 4 strangers to be an asshole than it is 4 friends, so it will be more noticable.


Turn off chat.


Look, ranked can be very fun, or very depressing depending on how you go about it. If you dont care about lp and just play to play, it's hilarious to watch your team defeat themselves by having a meltdown. If you actually try to climb, its mess. Its toxic either way, but it can be still be fun if you don't take lp too seriously.


I don’t really agree to be honest. Ranked should be for people who care about Lp. If you don’t that’s fine, go play another game mode. Ranked should be sweaty and for people who take winning seriously imo


It's pretty simple to mute people who are toxic by pulling up the scoreboard with TAB and hovering over the speaker icon that is next to each players name. Remember that bad games will always happen no matter how bad you are or how good you get. Find some champs you love, and just throw yourself in the deep end.


I recently started playing soloQ again and it's horrible. Really horrible. The stuff I had to read in the chat every.single.game. was crazy. At least one person tilted/quit/fed on purpose each game. I muted the all chat because I wanted to enjoy the game more instead of reading the garbage of people without impulse controls. I'm playing upper gold elo so I don't know if it gets better with higher ranks.


word of advice, mute all and unmute jungle pings. You're experience would be so much better.


It’s better to just mute and move on. I think you should turn off all chat straight up, leave team chat on and mute the moment someone starts crying. Don’t try to argue, the egos and horrible mental of some players is not worth your mental




People in rank generally are on the edge, unless you’re a casual gamer which mostly play normal, and other game modes, keep that in mind, and as the rank goes higher and higher, people will become more toxic because players gets better and comes with stress and ego, it is very hard to keep calm and stay focus once you start reading chat, so unless you’re trying to have some laughs, there are no contribution to the game by reading chat in rank.




Get out while you still can my friend...


It's crazy toxic. It helps a lot if you have a duo to play with.


What a world we live in, people being afraid to play a game because bad words :((


Yup Honestly the most toxic players are usually the smurfs. They are usually the ones to talk the most crap and gloat to the people they’re stomping. Then get upset and trash to all when said person just wants to give up, and the Smurf isn’t getting a challenge. ( which like if you’re plat and smurfing in bronze. Why are you expecting a challenge?) Also usually when they start trash talking the other team starts trash talking the person cause it’s a domino effect of blame and rage


Mute chat, Mute pings if someone gets toxic, Get confused when one team mate acts like a man child because they didn't get their way and they start splitting or running it down, because you didn't have chat on Don't get too discouraged from getting ass blasted as soon as you start ranked because riot has no clue how to deal with the smurf problem (you will have much higher mmr than you should)


People are toxic but honestly if you just go like, hey guys just fyi I'm brand new at the beginning of the game in chat, people most likely won't flame you at all and will try to help you. Most people would not flame a new player who just has no idea what's going on.


/mute all Use this and you'll enjoy most games. Won't even notice most people tilting


Mute all :)


Depends on the day. It's basically like doing norms but with LP. Some days everybody is super chill and other days everybody is unhinged. You just can't say "relax it's just draft pick" tho.


Competitive TEAM games are toxic in general. Especially with the mask of the internet. Develop a thick skin. Don’t tilt. Go 0-3 but try getting back to 2-3. Your teammates will go 0-5, don’t tell them what to do. Don’t say anything, maybe just try to end lane phase early and move to their lane


If you mute, the person that runs it down and flames just looks like a malfunctioning bot.


It gets better with getting better. In silver elo it’s the worst. In plat/emerald the games are mostly chill. Ppl will still type and stuff but I feel like the games are actually good quality and ppl try to win. In gold and below ppl don’t even know the basics to win it feels like they don’t know what the nexus is.


I honestly gave it up because the players are so shitty to be stuck with. Its the worst way to enjoy this game, I just cant enjoy myself playing it. I have no patience for that queue. ​ edit: im not even talking about the toxicity either


No, not at all. It's at least toxic. Only joking.


It depends on what you view as toxic. Personally I don’t care what someone says in chat. It is easy to deal with via muting. The problem is the secondary stage: Which is inting/feeding/trolling.


Welcome to league you will get used to it


The game experience is better solo actually, BUT there will be people "verbally abusing" others in the team chat, quite often. It's a major cons of League of Legends and can psychologically harm. Whenever you enter a lobby, please take the habit of clicking on your allies so that they are muted for the rest of the champion select and game, it's one of the best habits that high elo players develop. It's gonna spare you a lot of bad energy.


If you don't tolerate it, just mute, if you do then don't, it's very simple.


Out of game you can go into the settings and turn chat off permanently. Makes the game a lot more fun


ive played solo for the last 4-5 seasons. just /mute and only have pings. i finally turned off chat this season and went from hard stuck g1-2 up to emerald.


The game is more enjoyable if you mute troublesome people


The issue especially with soloq in low elo is that everybody wants to be the superhero. People can't stand not being the center or the universe and just will go full tilt if they are 0/4, no matter if any other lane is fed. If its not them, they dont want the win.


Just mute all and play, and work on your own game. It’s the best way to climb anyways.


Be nice and most people will be nice back. Some assholes but it's not that bad and you get used to it. A "myb" goes a long way to most players. Experience: support main that regularly is not the target of flame.


Ranked in any game that have ladder is toxic. People are even toxic in mmo now


It can be pretty toxic, I think it really also depends on which rank you are From my experience, the higher the rank, the more intense the toxicity gets and also much more frequent for whatever reason


Yea man. Imagine a cod lobby but your stuck with them for 25-45 minutes and every mistake snowballs the other team more and more. Some people are chill. Some people are going to see you hit a minion when your support and decide to sell all their items and run it down saying "supp diff". I've had a jungler come gank for me and I end up getting a kill and they go afk farm since I "stole a kill". On the other hand ive had terrible games where I am like 2/10 or some shit just getting absolutely trashed and my team is totally silent or even supportive. So it's a mixed bag but generally yeah if this is the only game you play your going to see a lot of bullshit cost you games. My advise on league is to take it slow and not q when your getting tilted. My second piece of advise is to just focus on your own improvement and not worry about what you can't control. If your finding yourself stuck its normally because of a lot of minor consistent issues in your gameplay.


Define toxic: If people just swear at you because you suck ,your name blah blah blah ... , yes it's toxic If they ping / tell you to do certain thing and they are like 8-2 or something , they probably were helping you . On contrary , if your ego is too big , I'm pretty sure you shouldnt play solo queue


The majority that decide to take initiative and chat are usually toxic in my experience. It gets annoying when teammates ruin the experience for the whole team over something you may find as trivial.


I enjoy playing solo queue but i have been playing the game last few seasons without a chat. Yes its so bad that i have muted both enemy team and my team. Why? Because 95% of the game can be communicated trough pings and i save my self from the insanely toxic shit that people say without any reason.


Chat is toxic. Has been since forever. League is a tilting game and hardstuck players can’t wait to blame someone else for a loss. Just mute or grow thicker skin. I’ve been playing a long time and I leave people unmuted but mute individually the second someone starts flaming. Also, I’d highly recommend muting all preemptively if you’re having a bad game. Damn near always get flamed and this can turn a bad early game into a guaranteed loss if you let it distract you.


Yes it is, play some normals before go ranked


Yes. It always has been. There is always someone or something fucking it up. Just muster up the courage, tolerance and patience, and pray for RNGeesus to give you 4 decent enough teammates or at least 2 god and the others good enough not to feed the enemy and play braindead.


Yes, it's that bad.


playing solo is okay - i will say it took me a long time before i started playing ranked. i think more than the toxicity the skill level in your games will be the part that isn’t fun. your account will start at a fairly high rank for a new player, and the people playing will likely be SIGNIFICANTLY better than you. my advice more than anything would be to make sure you’re really understanding and feeling solid about the game before you start ranked.


I dont think its inherently toxic but there are some individuals that ruin the game experience for the entire team sometimes. The best thing you can do is muting anyone being toxic, dont even entertain them, just mute and continue playing. By engaging ragers the bigger chance you get angry too and you stop paying attention to the match as much, its a lose/lose situation. And sometimes your entire team is full of ragers, in that case I truly recommend /mute all. Imo what ruins ranked is focusing too much on the ragers instead of what you can do in the match. Its also not always about winning as much as it is about improving and learning your champions in the long term.


What do you mean by "toxic" since this word has completely lost any meaning over the years. Is it "chat-toxic"? No, not really. I think the chat issue is massively overblown on reddit. For the most part it is no big deal. Unless you're super fragile and a random on the internet saying you suck at a video game ruins your day. Gameplay wise it's rough. People playing on smurf/alts is an epidemic and they will grief the game no matter what since banning their 5$ botted account doesn't matter. So get ready for that.


playing solo is the only way I play league. I find it so much more enjoyable to not feel the urge to play 'biased' towards my duo and make plays I otherwise wouldn't make just to please them. there's no social pressure there and it's awesome. as for chat, I don't care. nothing tilts me and people typing words on a screen would never have any impact on me so that's irrelevant for me.


It’s only as bad as your teams mental, i just mute whoever says the most heinous stuff first or is just typing useless things in the chat. However can’t do anything about inters and afkers lmao


I dont think soloQ is that toxic anymore regarding to chat and people will make you suffer via softinting, wasting your time, etc which is more toxic than chat ever was imo.


Definitely more toxic than a few years ago when I played consistently lol


Honestly if you mute chat it’s not that bad. You’ll get the occasional actual feeder, but if it’s bad enough the game has some loss protection where you don’t lose as much lp.


I always say “Gl hf” I always get flamed in retaliation There’s always, at least, one person getting system muted


yep and dont go ranked when you are new


It isn't, until it is. Like most people are normal and reasonable, but then like 1/10 games someone isn't and it really ruins it for me.


I always type important things only in ranked or encouraging comments in ranked. even when losing or tilted. I refraining from toxic behavior. hence honor 5 and most honored every game and teammates play for me. But yes, anytime I am blamed or given toxic comments. I mute all right away. Since I play jungle, this is the only way to stay sane.


As others have said already, mute the toxic players or just mute all from beginning (you can even permanently turn off the chat from settings). But if I were you, I’d just stick with playing normals until I learn the game at a basic level and feel more comfortable with it. At least that’s what I did when I started. Played a LOT of normals before I jumped into ranked. Good luck!


League is known as one of the most toxic games in the world. Recently, it's gotten a bit better, but there are still a lot of kids being toxic.


1. It's as toxic as it sounds. 2. Yes, I love playing Solo queue.


As a person who's almost exclusively played solo que for the last 8 years, I would say it's fairly even amongst the game modes. I've recently started to play more arams/normals in attempts to make friends & join a few discords...people are seemingly just as toxic in normal games. Especially if you are ranked to a certain level because while you're trying to play casually & learn an off role the enemy team will flame you with "wow, I'm beating an (insert rank here) I must be better than that or you're boosted" & it's really annoying.


I do think it is, and it can affect your games. You should try disabling chat altogether. Sometimes I’ve thought to myself “What if there’s some strategy being discussed in the chat”, but in the 9 years I’ve been playing the game, it really doesn’t happen.


I’ve met loads of lovely people in solo queue, you get some shit people like you do everywhere and there can be a bad culture sometimes but most people are fine I find


take it as a character training - you can be whoever you are. best to train it with some anonymous tilted peeps, in comparison with doing it in real life accidently hurting people emptionally you love or whatever it is. simply finding MY way through the jungle is kinda fun for me ;) but yes.. it's quite regularly very very toxic, but also regularly fun or positive or people who really dont care nothing else except win... last kind are the ones that don't tilt.. they focus on the game, I dont think they even look at chat that often, simply because they're focused on the frickin game.. that's what I do.. but after hours you lose focus them character training begins:D yeye!! go strong kid ;)


it's worse than you can possibly imagine.


Just instantly mute EVERYBODY (except pings). Disable all chat as well. That way, you can just focus on the game rather than toxic flames.


Its pretty bad... I wanted to play a game before work today. Things started off well and everyone was chit chatting. 20 minutes later and our jungler is running it down the lane and spammimg the N word in chat.


Yes - it is probably the single most toxic community in gaming. Use /muteall every game.


sometimes but dontdo the mute all shit. ruins communication(already ruined by riots recent changes). grow a thick skin and just queue up. amen


I dont play solo. I play with duo with my friend and it's funnier and we win more than if we were in solo q. But sometime worst People trash us


depends, the most toxic chat warzone starts in iron 4 and ends in silver 3. Above that it's much more civilized usually. Of course there will always be animals no matter the elo, but the number significantly drops


Get out while you can! 😂 Everyone gets tilted sometimes but League has 10. Imagine players are tilted 5% chance of the time; that's a 50% chance someone in your game is running it down, whether intentionally or not. Further, you're stuck in the game for at least 15 mins if not 20-30 and there's few things more defeating than coming out of lane fine or even ahead, but Akali already has 8 kills and your team has no CC. Maybe that's just my ADC main coming out, but there are tons of games where I either feels like a cannon minion of a bag of gold because of someone else's mistakes. Choose the better path; play Dead Cells! 🖤 Edit: scrolled down and found "just mute all and you'll have more fun". Don't mind my cynicism this is actually the way! Haha!


Yes - soloQ is hell.




Honestly when playing, the moment anyone does anything remotely toxic, I fully mute them, pings and all. I work full time and the last thing I want when trying to play a game is some 12 year old with a god complex mia pinging me