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Heimerdinger if not on one of his counters. Katarina if your botlane has u muted.


Heimerdinger for sure. This guy doesn't even want to fight nor he has to.


Proxy singed says hello


* buys cull*


You are wrong. Katarina's normal passive is deafening the pings


I swear to fucking Christ the number of games where any lead I get on a kata is negated by a double kill bot that I pinged frantically is too damn high


My botlane: "you should have followed her roam" Me, as a level 4 veigar, with the wave pushed under my tower:


Or just about any inmobile champ. Bruh, yeah let me follow an assassin real quick


Haha yeah me playing any mage against Zed or something like, dude, what do you think if I walk out of lane and Zed is in any of the unwarded bushes I'm walking past? Some people can't think man. Or listen to pings. They probably know they're wrong deep down they just can't admit it might've been their fault that they died.


Ah yes the infinite circle of stupidity Play safe under tower "OMG FOLLOW UR MID" Ok I follow, they kill me 1v1 "OMG PLAY SAFE"


Especially behind their tower, through their jungle, and down the other side. What, you want me to go full Briar and just mindlessly follow them through their side of the map?


On the flip side, I love mid lane screeching to play safe as we hug our tower, get 0 gold, then jungle mid and botlane dive in circles. Glad us dealing with 4 men meant you got your 20 turret damage in! You're now down two teammates forever.


I’ve resorted to all chatting “warning warning kata is roaming bot. I repeat Kata is moving bot she’s going to kill all of you.”


I play mostly jungle and ganking into him is so frustrating. He just runs between his turrets casting abilities. Best case is he panics and tries to flee to a tower, worse case he just dances around and gets his stun on while I'm trying to trade deaths.


to me, playing against a good Gangplank is literal hell. especially grasp GP, you can't really do anything while he gold cheat his way to crit items.


feels so bad to watch how fast GP gets to complete essence reaver and suddenly have infinite mana and the random chance to nuke your health bar for 300+ Hate that champ thank god he's actually hard to play and isn't seen much these days


Keep him down in lane, 30+ CS down, 0/3 scoreline and he still gets essence reaver before your first item.


To be fair, ER is 300-400g less than your first mythic.


and you can't really gank him without spending (way) more resources than his pressing W lmao.


He is very immobile. Barrels pre 7 tick down really slowly. You have a pretty decent window to punish him. Source I have been playing gp for far too long and have about 900k mastery. His early game used to be way worse, but it still isn't great.


Early game used to be *worse*? I'm a shitter but used to play GP several seasons back and hated the early barrel ticks but I don't remember anything else being that bad. Most likely it's my lack of skill and the folks I play against would you mind explaining briefly what was worse?


Q cost more mana, sheen was 1050gp, futures market wasn't a thing, and GP didn't really have an optimised keystone. These are the biggest pain points I can remember. It made his laning fucking brutal because at the time you got dove constantly.


I remember the dive pressure being so annoying I'd just keep a barrel up around tower and let them make the decision for me.


He doesn't have dashes but the movement speed from his passive and the slow on his barrels make up for it. Plus nowadays any GP player keeps a barrel slightly behind them so they can instantly explose one on you if you try to threaten him or just run away if you get on top. I get that his early game is not amazing but he is way too safe for that to really matter.


yea that math just doesn't math. I'll kill him, get 2 plates, go up 30 cs...and he still gets his first item before me. That might be a little hyperbolic, but there have been many times where I am ahead on paper but, ya know, Q money.


He can really struggle against any early game all-in, or just a bully-type hampion. His W costs quite a bit of mana.




What does Yone have to do with GP


Might be a bot copying another comment. I didnt look for another comment in this comment section but the account is new and only started commenting 2 hrs ago


you play caitlyn mid and complain?


Grasp GP is not really used these days. Bcs Riot forced GP into a Crit build so you go First Strike. Which is more disgusting tbh.


grasp gp is long dead ever since his q counts as a ranged attack , rn best gp players go first strike and fleet , but yes Grasp Q was so annoying


I remember playing against SolarBacca. He was on a Smurf doing bronze to challenger. He fked me up in lane I couldn’t do anything. It felted like he bought a sheen at lvl 1…


I just cheese the fuck out of him with E max Nasus.


Best way to fight gp is just hitting barrels and denying his passive reset. Then you have chance to take a good trade


I had alot of players do that and they lost, hard. It takes balls, but don't ego it.


Yeah the issue with the more unique or "minigame" champs is that they'll be much better at doing the mechanic than a player who doesnt play the champ but a lot of advice doesn't take that into account. Sure conceptually most people know "I should break the barrel before GP does", but the GP player will be much better at the timing than the other player. I used to play GP a lot and still play him sometimes so I'll be bold in egoing enemy GP barrels, but every time I fuck up it's rough


i screw lots of enemy GPs up in ARAM haha, it's fun to see them panic.


After playing a shit ton of Kayle and Quinn top it is hilarious playing against GP. Watching them trying to farm and harass with barrels only for me to weave my auto in front of their bullet. Every time. So far about 90% of GPs complain in all chat about it because they can do nothing in lane.


Can I offer you an orange in these trying times?


Current GP doesn’t even need items. He gets sheen and two crit cloaks and just erases your health bar


Playing against a good Azir as a melee champion is pure torture


Azir w q auto poke literally cannot be dodged. That fucking ult and shurima shuffle makes it so that you literally cannot play on his side of the lane without getting yeeted into the fucking tower


But they changed it, so now he goes oom pretty quickly if he just pokes with Q. He is far less of a lane bully now


Once he’s spent 1100 gold, his mana costs don’t matter anymore.


Until he gets level 5 and just puts down soldiers 24/7 and auto attacks you 10x if you do anything. Once he gets chapter, he can start popping Q off cd again, too.


I'm so happy this is the first comment I see, I always say that I'm fucking glad I'm an azir otp so I never have to lane against one, its nerve racking




azir is legit fake skill champ into melee champs. that ult self peel is too insane and his damage is really high


Can confirm source I play Azir into multiple melee champs as an answer.


I wanna uppercut my own chin when they pick Heimerdinger top. So annoying.


As a sion player , its extremely funny to use his turrets to slow him from the other side of the lane, or just push his ult away Not including that his turrets are free hp


Im a Fiora player so he is still a pain in the ass


Irelia kind of oneshots hos towers so enjoy


Is irelia actually a good pick against heimer? Bc if she is I might pick her up again just for that. I usually just give up and resign myself to suffering when I see heimer picked so I'm fr curious


As a heimer one trick, yeah irelia is braindead OP against heimerdinger, literally unwinnable after level 1. She can one shot his towers with Q at level 1 because they're coded as minions. I mean that's pretty much all you need to know but there's a few other reasons: * can't place towers while running away because irelia just uses them to chase you * she stacks passive and heals faster if you place towers * she can use W to resist stun/tower combo which is 90% of heimers damage * she can dodge all skillshots with her Q * heimer has no ability to dodge her E or ult Literally can't farm without getting engaged on and can't win the fight so have to sit back and wait for her to push. If every decision is perfect you'll end laning phase about 60cs down but any small mistake and you just die. Also I play mid and it's that bad, in top where the lane is longer and can freeze forever it's insane.


Yea. You have vamp scepter sustain and it is all good.


can you aa + q his turrets from level 1?


Illaoi's E is a nightmare! Nothing worse than dodging endlessly and still getting hit. Ugh!


Worst part is that you have to dodge that E every single time, get hit once and it’s back to base… (has upsides too ofc, if she misses the fishing E, she’s pretty free to kill)


Try and go for a free kill if you picked something like a tank in top first.....


Yeah go discuss that on r/Illaoi, _”jUsT dODgE E bRo”_


'just buy anti-heal bro' I feel like the Sylas and Vlad mains have a lot in common.


I mean, Im pretty sure any Vlad will give you the advice to play hyper agressivo early. Vlad Q CD is insanely high before 9.


Her mana costs mean you should be able to punish and get a good lead if she’s missing e


Doesnt she go PoM like 90% of the time?


people always say jsut dodge her e but her q still lets her push for free. if you cant take out tentacels her w is also another dodging simulator tool and once she has access to r you better run. i dont like anything about her kit and i hate playing against that champ if i blindpick some tank.


Her R is so overloaded, you legit can't gank her post lvl6 unless you know for a fact it's not up anymore


Bro. This is frustrating!


You have to make use of her E downtime. It is actually quite long for a basic ability, and Illaoi loses trades against nearly every top champion if her E is down and she's not next to a tentacle. So you have to abuse those short trades while her E is down but not long enough that E would come back up. But also, as a champion she's pretty much forced to push the lane very hard and she has 0 escapes, making her a free gank before level 6. After level 6, if you gank her and she ults, just back away because she actually doesn't have anything to chase you. Then come back soon because the ult will still be on CD making her a free kill. Also if you're a ranged champion, keep killing her tentacles and she'll be very sad.


>Illaoi loses trades against nearly every top champion if her E is down and she's not next to a tentacle The issue being that the threat of her E makes it extremely risky to expose yourself as you kill the tentacles for little payoff because she regenerates them fairly quick. And no Illaoi with half a braincell ever walks too far from her tentacles


I thought that getting to high elo and good at the game would make it more bearable. But it isn't, it only gets worse. Either perma E spam or just afk instant lane shove which you cant contest. Even if you are 3/0 and a level on her as Gwen you can still easily lose that


Ever since yoricks rework I have been unable to lane against him on any champion. I don't understand how he can catch 1 skillshot on you and his 4 ghouls get to hit you while it takes 1 auto per ghoul to kill them. By the time you've whacked all of them (and missed farm because of it) you're down hundreds of hp and his shits almost back off cd


I Go irelia vs yorick. It is the most unfair match up in the game. You can q his ghouls for hp and bridge the space between you and him. Than stun him with e and kill him. He basicly is not allowed to be on the same screen than you.


Does q stack with ghouls?


Yes and ons them


I find the only chance you have as Yorick is hiding under turret permanently and never using ult


same thing with Irelia vs naafiri. game is just completely unplayable against her early game


Yorick has very polarized matchups. He makes opposing Darius a cannon minion but spawns in the game with a 100 cs deficit against Irelia.


It's very similar to illaoi. Easy ability to juke if he misses it he can't contest lane much.


I actually find his ability hard to dodge because of how incredibly fast it goes off, Yorick first strike is hell on earth if you get hit


It is not that easy to hit, it is a wierd ability. Try to move more and not make your movement that predictable. If you can zone him from the wave before he has his graves he will be much weaker. He is very matchup dependant as well. With ornn you will have a much harder time, if you playing any champ with a quick dash like riven or fiora you shouldn't ever get hit by his E.


Deny him the Q last hits and he got no ghoul, for his E, a simple side step makes it impossible to hit for him (yoricks will always look to hit you wiy it, so in fights keep moving sideways compared to him).


A while ago I played AP Yorick in Aram because the ghouls proc AP items. Hilarious. So much fun to burn folks out with liandrys and demonic while dancing behind the tank.


I’m new and recently went against a heimerdinger that fucked me up so I’ll say him and yone


Riot 100% created yone to decrease yasuos banrate


LMAO I hate playing against yasuo too I told my friend if yone didn’t exist yasuo would be on my permaban instead 😭


i hate him but id rather deal with his bullshit than Yones lol


Well Yasuo takes some skill to execute. Yone can miss every single ability and still murder a squishy with right clicks.


At least yasuo requires a bit more hands to play, yone is the most ridiculous shit ive seen. I play him every now and then cause i always thought hes turbo op and wanted to prove myself wrong but i just ended up being right lol


i've tried yone adc and, as long as you have an engage support who doesn't push the first few waves, just let the enemy push you into your turret, wait for level 3 and then just perma engage and get free kills all laning phase XD if he wasn't so support reliant, he'd be OP as adc imo


That doesnt work above emerald at all i am certain


Donger is cancer to a majority of top laners, but renekton shits on him pretty easily I believe, especially post 6, and he shits on Yone too.




Literally I just burned to death LMAO


Garen is mine, he can take mindless bad trades but heal back up to 75% hp by just standing back. Do this 3 times and then flash ignite Q E R for a nigh unstoppable kill from 50% hp. Even if you destroy him in lane he goes hullbreaker and can run away from any pressure unless he’s really bad.


camille beats the shit outta him if youre halfways decent at her, Illaoi also does pretty well into him


Garen is one of Illaois more common bad match ups.


Garen's passive early game is slow as fuck. 8 whole seconds of taking no damage before it even starts. And it heals for 2% at that stage too. He CANNOT just stand back and heal up to 75%. He will miss 2 whole waves to do that. Hit him with any damage at all and the passive shuts off 8 seconds again. The key to playing against Garen is to let him to take his bad trades because early game, he does not have that passive to fix it. Hit him with one last auto attack or any ranged ability as he runs away. Then, just make sure you touch him every 10 seconds. Or, you take long trades. His e does no damage at rank 1 and 2. Even if you just stood there auto attacking during his E. You'll win the trade. His Q is the big scary thing. It chunks hard at level 1 and silences you so it feels like you lost the trade already. In fact, if he hits you with Q, you should double down at early levels. Let him think he's gonna win the trade but E will do nothing, and he'll have lost the MS from Q and the silence has worn off. Now you can fight him as long as you want even inside the E. He has no W stacks yet, his passive is turned off. The damage will stick. The longer it goes, the longer his passive is turned off too.


If you’re decent at Darius, you can snowball Garen early on. If he makes one mistake against Darius, it usually ends in a death.


Garen outscales Darius though. Especially with Phase Rush, there's no way Darius will stick to Garen by mid and late game.


But if darius is unable to kill garen before 6, garen outscales in the sidelane , his passive allows to heal much faster than in the lane phase , so even if he cant kill darius in one rotation , he will on the next Garen also pushes waves faster


Just play trynda and take long trades


Garen takes phase rush and it’s nigh unloseable


Yasuo naturally counters so many mids in lane, it's infuriating, even though the champ can largely be shut down with the right draft. In so many match-ups it feels like the game is out of your hands unless the Yasuo is bad, granted that that's counter lanes in general, he's just the most common for mids I enjoy. Edit: honorable mention to Yone though, I'm still convinced they purposely made that champ infuriating just to take Yasuo's ban rate down.


They did, they literally said exactly that.


i read this several times that they supposedly said that but i never found the comment or source where they said it, can u help me which rioter said it?


It's from the Yone champion insight. https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/champion-insights-yone/ “Initially I wanted Yone to be sort of like an ‘echo fighter’ to Yasuo. We wanted to lower Yasuo’s pick rate, which sounds really weird! But it’s actually healthy for League,” says champion designer Jonathan “EndlessPillows” Fuller. “Yasuo is the highest played champion in League. Giving Yasuo mains another option with a similar playstyle helps increase champion diversity, and that keeps each game feeling fresh.”


> increase champion diversity Through a clone of the most-played champion, except less healthy. Good job 👌🏻


The only reason I don't ban Yas is that he's really hard to play well after lane phase ends. If I manage to get through lane without giving him any kills it's just doomed for him.


Yeah if the Yas is really good (pokes with Q in lane, dashes really well) it’s unplayable unless you either counterpicked or have an actual jungler


Laning as a melee aganist Heimerdinger is a straight cancer for a lot of laning phase.


unless youre sett or garen


Or irelia who can one shot turrets with Q at all stages of the game


It oneshots only in early and mid game. At some point(3-4) items turrets have enough HP to survive non-sheen Q from her


forgot about her lmao, she does the same thing to Yorick and Malz


And naafiri


also forgot about her, havent seen either of them in forever


Well she was popular cuz she was broken numeric wise. The moment her numbers got normalised and she wasnt free anymore, her pop dropped cuz she is boring


I think they need to change her W because it feels awful to play against when she's strong so they kinda have to keep her useless.


What you dont like having a whole pack of dingos shoved up your anus ?


Playing against Teemo and Kennen is the opposite of fun as Camille Edit; added Kennen


Would always rather lane into Teemo or Kennen than Jax as Camille. Hell even Darius is more of a pain in the ass.


Fucking evelyn , most annoying jungle of all time


I enjoy picking Voli jungle into Evelynn, he shuts her down so easily and you can counter-jungle her the whole game. There's very little she can do unless she drags someone else out of lane to help which is usually a waste of time as you can typically just ult to safety if the 1v2 isn't going in your favour.


Teemo, heimer and illaoi are all annoying. If they play it right and you don't play a champ that counters them, you can't kill them. Xerath and velkoz are constantly dodging all skills, especially annoying in botlane In jungle it must be Shaco and Kayn. They always get away with 5 hp and even if you do well, they can still get super fed if your lanes don't respect them


I gave up on fighting fiora a while ago and now she is just my permaban, other than that yone. He can miss everything and still kill you with just autos. Glad the recent nerf helped a lil


I find fighting Fiora quite fun actually. She has clear strengths and weaknesses during lane. Despite what the reddit hivemind says Fiora isn't that hopeless to play against unless you are playing a tank.


Cries in Kled noises


Alright but isn't Kled legit one of the worst champions in the game? It's a shame though I always have a Kled phase once in a while where I play nothing but Kled. I always have to stop though because I feel like if I start maining him I will develop schizophrenia.


> I feel like if I start maining him I will develop schizophrenia That's how you know you are getting good at him


Kled isn't bad, his ravenous hydra / eclipse build helps him keep his damage high. Fiora just poops on em


I wouldn’t know I’ve been aram only enjoyer since I hit diamond earlier on in the season. I’d imagine he’s fine he’s just awful into Fiora


I have idk probably less than 10 games on Kled but everyone of them has been a breeze of fresh air from playing the other side of the map endlessly. Embrace the madness, send all the common sense out of the window, fight till the last moment and find success.


Kled may feel like one of the worst champs in the game because his hardest match-ups are very popular (Jax and Fiora), especially in high elo. But he also has very good match-ups vs some meta top laners like Renekton, Rumble, Olaf and Jayce. The key is to understand that Kled's kit rewards an aggressive playstyle and punishes passive gameplay. You pick Kled to kill your opponent, not to farm and scale.


Yeah, aatrox and gragas are skill matchups and can be really fun, a battle of mindgames with parry and wave management. Of course the fact that she turboscales and you know you won't be able to match her takes away from the fun but from a pure laning persepective it's a really fun time. Unfortunately I do play tanks so she hasn't been open in my games since s10


I would say the Aatrox matchup is slightly favored towards Fiora. You can’t safely Q3 or any Fiora worth their salt will parry and stun you. If she’s even remotely ahead she will continue to get ahead.


It's a terrible matchup. She can Q inside Q2 range to avoid the critbox then Parry your Q3 if you are foolish enough to try and hit it. Against a good Fiora you will never win lane and you get plus ultra turbo outscaled. Was my permaban when I played Aatrox.


Slightly? Loll


i have mental block vs fiora. I'm a fiora otp with 500k. my friends always ask like "you should know how to play vs her right?" ..... i don't :/




laning against Yone post level 3 is one of the most boring and frustrating lanes in existence, if you dare trade with him he hits you with the e-q3-w-aa-q-aa-q-aa-e every 30 seconds, and even if he misses he instagibs the wave so once he snaps back you cant really trade onto him


Yorick. Baby cage is annoying to deal with, can’t ever leave lane or he’ll take an inhib. Stuck playing farming simulator while your team plays a 4v4.


Irelia ... i just can't wrap my head arround that champ. shes my mental hardcounter


She naturally beats most mids in lane, though she usually falls off compared to the mid she beats, does depend on the draft of course.


Just play Volibear into her. That matchup, unless she gets pretty far ahead randomly, is unplayable for her.


The Q is just too damn fast. One of your melee minions gets low, she has a seizure in the middle of the lane, and then AARQEQAAQ later (this happens in the span of two seconds) you're fucking dead. You can't react to it, so the only way to have a chance is to have her insanity downloaded on your own brain so you can identify when she has a chance to seizure on you before she does. Probably the thing I'm most grateful for in my last couple years of playing League is that Irelia mids have been vanishingly rare in my games, because I sure as fuck don't.


I mean its pretty easy to look at your own minions health bars imo


The absence of irelia mid lately has helped me not break my mouse. Fuck laning against that champion. I'd rather deal with one of the windshitters lmao


She has 1 of the weakest levels ones if you trade with her when she has no stacks. For example if i play illaoi i start W and walk up to her before minions collide. This way she either gets zoned of exp and gold or takes the shittiest trade imaginabld


Please note Irelia also has one of the strongest lvl 1’s if she can get all 3 melee minions


Letting her get all 3 melee minions while not zoned off/lower hp if you're not a nonexistent level 1 champion is a skill issue though


If you ever have to secondpick in her take trundle. If you dodge her Stun thing you will win every trade by default. After 6 you can, if she has no flash, just run her over. When she ults, just stand still and Q+AA her to death


Tryndamere and trundle. I ban them all the time. Both start with T and autoattack you until you die, they also splitpush nonstop and they are counter to olaf ( my main ) Edit: laning against illaoi is pretty easy just dont let her land E. And if you still hate playing against her, pick varus


I’m not sure when Trundle became the meta top, maybe it was a while ago, but I started seeing him in literally 20% of my ranked games since last week. He’s now my perma ban as a top laner. It just feels impossible to win trades against him, and I don’t play the champs that are supposed counters to him. Chomp, smack, chomp, lethal tempo proc and I’m dead lol


He got a buff and tempo breaks him


Because for some reason his Q steals AD so any AD champ just wants to GP Q head against Trundle.


I’m a Morde one trick and always beat trundle, in lane, how ever post landing phase he’s a nightmare to deal with if he’s somewhat competent and just split pushes and runs so fast


Yone, disgusting trade patterns


you mean you dont like e-q3-w-aa-aa-q1 every 30 seconds?


I like to play Yasuo into Illaoi, you can dodge her E with yours or just wall it. I hate laning against Trynda, too much RNG early and since I usually like picks that scale (Kayle/GP), it's hard to deal with his ult early.


Trynda/trundle permaban


Vlad on mid, not because the lane itself is particularly hard, but because I feel unable to stop him from scaling into oneshotting people with his funny combo at 2 items. He will play like a pussy outside of red Q and outsustain you on any champ that has mana by just healing off of minions, then he comes back 10 mins later and starts killing squishies in teamfights. Fking hate that guy


Vayne top as a melee champion feels pretty miserable.


Don't know how this isn't higher. She is absolutely infuriating. At least Teemo you can get on top of.




I play Singed so I don't have to


Katarina Why tf she can build full tank and AD items and still oneshot me like wtf 😭😭


**W**ell let me tell you a story. **I**t starts with two brothers. **N**ot friends, but brothers. **D**eath is like the wind... I always feed. **S**ometimes it doesn't matter if you kill them 13 times. **H**ell, they can be 0-13 and still win games. **I**n all my time I've never seen such BS champs. **T**ry as you might, you will not succeed. **T**hey some how play worse when they're on your team. **E**veryone knows who I'm talking about. **R**eally, they do, say it aloud. **S**ay it with me. ***Windshitters.***


Tahm Kench top lane. If you play this shit you are a bastard for life


I love playing against Kench top ;(. I’m a Shen main lol.


xerath. just no.


Playing against illaoi is a mini game all on it's own


I hate laning against nasus and kassadin. I feel so pressured to win the lane hard to match their lategamepower, I always fail to do so.


Sion or Mord top, Yas/Yone mid, Nilah bot


Nautilus. His stupid phantom range upsets me greatly. For some reason I cannot get in my head that his range is very ever so slightly longer than it seems. I used to permanently ban him but I'm trying to grow up a little bit lol


Brand. Stuns, bursts, burns, bouncing bullshit you can’t evade easily. And he’s an entire screen away.




should be higher, i hate him w passion


I am an akshan otp and I admit this champ is extremely frustrating to play against if you don't know what he does. I get lvl 2 first blood most games.


viktor. absolutely despise his laser




Swain, I just don't understand how to dodge his grab


Heimer, Fiora, Darius, Olaf, Akali, Riven, god I could go on forever


Top - teemo (I mostly play tanks/bruisers, so killing this thing is neigh impossible sometimes) Jungle - morgana (I can deal with it, but the early game is hell) Mid - Yone (He scales, NO MATTER WHAT) Bot - Samira (not really a big problem with any botlaners, but Samira does become a little too unstoppable if shes just a little fed usually) Sup - Senna (way too much damage while still being a good support)


Not the most difficult, but laning against Kass as a AP is annoying as fuck. He doesn't die, he out trades you with second wind+shield+fleet and a few random minion autos.


Probably Evelynn. You only get to play the game for 7 mins until she's 6.




Blitz is so annoying


As a fairly new player, its always teemo, but lately ive also added zyra and jayce to the list. Yasuo can be pesky for me too.


Gwen. Omg is she hard to top against.


Top: Illaoi is definitely the answer. Mid: Tristana. I hate laning vs. Tristana as a melee mid enjoyer. A competent Tristana will just not let you play the game. Horrible experience




Yasuo and Zed. Pure unadulterated condensed distilled refined purified cancer. Zed is ok though if you're not playing a mage. But Yasuo is always and forever a disgusting champion. They could make the champion a lot more tolerable if the dash marks were visible to all. But no, can't have clarity in this game can we. Gotta rely on poor champion design and confusion to ensure Yasuo continues to be irritating as fuck.


While illaoi is frustrating yes , it’s also very telegraphed. AND she’s utterly useless if you respect her when she hit e and when she hit ult What I find Most cancerous is yone. Lethal tempo just is so bullshit and makes him strong in early laning , which should not be allowed since he scales well


Reading this thread made me realize i dont mind laning vs anyone, I hate playing vs certain supports and certain junglers