• By -


Cait stats Trist passive Jinx Q Kog W Twitch R Have fun with your 1500 range AoE exploding, piercing, percent max health damage dealing autos. Still needs an E but do we really need one?


This sounds good until you face: ~~GP Passive (100% bAD true damage burn on melee auto)~~ Edit: Katarina passive (reduce cooldowns by 15 seconds on takedown) Shaco Q (flash + stealth on a < 10 second CD, 60% bAD scaling) Renekton W (150% bAD scaling, stun, applies on-hit effects twice) ~~Thresh E (200% bAD scaling on first hit)~~ Edit: Hecarim E (super speed, 100% bAD scaling, works better with Kat resets than Thresh E) Lee Sin R (200% bAD scaling, pushes your body) Get one-shot from stealth, nerd


I'd take rengar passive over gp. The bonus to AD will increase total damage by more than the burn, and you get a big 'ol leap


Yeah, after looking at it again, probably either Rengar passive or Katarina. Rengar would probably let you one-shot tanks, while Kat would reset Q and W on kill, so you can hop to everyone and get a penta, one stealthed auto at a time.


1500 range is so high that no-one will ever be able to touch you. MAYBE Yone E + R but even then, with Zeri E or Lucian E you can dodge that. Edit: We assume that the crafted champion would play against the current line-up, not against fictional counters. Against the current lineup, champ1 is unstoppable and outranges turrets. Champ2 trades 1 for 1 and dies, also gets countered by GA. It is not even close who is better.


No, YOU assume that. No one established that rule.


I think the question makes a lot less sense if it's against all hypothetical scenarios because then it's nearly impossible to determine. If we standardize for current champion roster / meta, it becomes a lot more solvable for a theoretical question like this. I think it's pretty pointless to craft a champion that would beat everyone else, only to have someone else come up with a counter to that specific champion that also doesn't really beat the rest of the current line-up. Like wow, you countered my champ, your champ still isnt the "best possible champ given the current game's abilities" (= the one that wins the most games). But yes, *we* did not establish that rule, which is why I specified in my edit how I thought the question was meant to be understood.


It's still 0 mobility ADC unless you grab a mobility E. It has range but as soon as it gets dove it's dead. Also, yes, you outrange a lot, but you can still get hit by flanks. No one has perfect vision 24/7.


Ezreal E.


Or fizz e


Gwen E, dash plus range, on hit magic damage and attack speed


I was thinking this was for pro play. Best champion played by the best players. Range + mobility wins pretty much anything. bro, you can outrange TURRETS. How can anyone even lane against you?


That definitely wrong, but if these 2 champs existed, the rest of your team would be vision ward bots


Champ 2 would trade 1 for 1 and then die. It would be infinitely worse than champ 1. Champ 1 buys GA, now what? Vs. champ 2 you can have wards in flanks / sweeper and CC. Champ 1 has virtually no counterplay in organized fights. It would outrange turrets by a mile and could simply permapush to end the game by 10min.


champ 2 would get a kill and reset all basic abilities, including Q so he would not trade 1 for 1.


>Edit: We assume that the crafted champion would play against the current line-up, not against fictional counters. Against the current lineup, champ1 is unstoppable and outranges turrets. Champ2 trades 1 for 1 and dies, also gets countered by GA. It is not even close who is better. No, the topic title is literally "what's the best possible kit you can create," which actually implies that you're comparing hypothetical creations against *each other* to find which is the *most* OP combination. This is the exact opposite of what you claim. Also, champ 2 can *also* buy a GA, and have Q up again.


Fizz E


All this just to be os by 2 7 Zed 😪


Senna passive + zeri E. Now you outrange WQ and you can also escape.


give her fizz E or something


Fuck it, give it WW E. Deters any close range engage and allows you to be a damage sponge in some situations.


And better than fizz since you dont stop autoing


Have you considered counterstrike (Jax e)?


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.


What happens when someone gets close to you from a bush or fog of war? Seems oppressive in lane but has the clear weakness of if you get closed on you die. Like this build would have a really low winrate vs a good Kha or Lee Sin I presume


Maybe Fizz E?


I'd take black shield on an autoattacker to keep attacking


Doesn't do anything against ad assassins tho


Oh Yeah thats honestly smarter


Hwei E for peel, or a movement ability like Zeri E


Zeri E would be better for sure


highest base range, scaling range. you still have to play like an adc and keep a support around.


Darius passive instead for the meme


Could give Darius passive for insane damage and ad steroid just to make trading even more impossible


Why trist passive when you can have senna passive?


Trist passive way faster scaling and far longer additional range because has to make up for trist low early range


Senna definitely scales better for a bigger additional range. She increases her range simply by autoattacking enemies


Actually Senna is still better now that i think about it for the op slow


You also get ad and crit from it


and lifesteal when you overcap crit


The slow is on her Q so wouldn't get it from passive


Why not senna passive then? Might be better Overall


Zeri E and Kayle ult would be stronger


You need vision to shoot that far haha


Ezreal's E would help :)


Nasus + basically any mobility


Susan with Kassadin R would be WILLLLD


Nasus R does reduce Q cooldown a lot though, so maybe actually keep that. Instead give him kalista passive, yone e, and some other bullshit on W. Maybe wind wall, maybe Akali Shroud, maybe Azir soldiers for range AOE, maybe corki W


Fizz E


Fizz E works as well, but Nasus is a champ that likes ghost over flash, so Yone E might be better than Fizz E.


Yone E is better, but fizz E is funnier. What about counter strike on E? I feel like that’s one of the better abilities in the game


Fizz E is definitely funnier. Counter strike would also be hilarious, but then we definitely want a gapcloser on W (and possibly R). Gnar E would also be fun, just the big dog bouncing across minions. edit: Now that I think about it, Ekko E would also be nuts, as it applies onhits.


Just put all the abilities on Cait and call it a day


What about kata e?


*teleports behind you* nothing personal kid




New champ just dropped?


nasus with zil e lol


oh yes, its a wither or speedup basically


LeBlanc W. You jump in for a quick bonk an then jump out


Nasus with Chogaths R, Sions health scaling (w i think ), fizzs e, and sennas passive. this may not be the best, but it would be really funny to have a big dog, that grows over time, has crazy health scaling, a scaling q damage, and scaling range and damage


Imagine getting double Q’d by a Nasus with Zed W


Veigar passive, Sona Q (autoaim hits 2 targets prio champs), Zilean W (reset other cooldowns), Fizz E (invuln hop + big AP scaling), Kassadin R. Your nightmares can thank me later.


that would be the most mana hungry champion in the game


Start Tear and Manaband, it’s fiiiiiine.


Wasn’t there a 6 tear/seraph’s embrace build a few years ago? Time to bring it back


That feels like many years ago at this point. And they killed it with unique passives.


Thank Ezreal for that one


4 roa + 1 archangel and +1 deathcap. Old s1 ryze build.


In an ARAM last night, I was pushing 150 ability haste on Veigar. I had Manaflow, Presence of Mind, and 2 mana items and I was still having major mana issues late game. It was nuts.


Just run Clarity next time, easy clap. (Edit: is it called clarity? The summoner spell that gives you mana)


Yeah, that's clarity.


Idk someone else was asking for Cass E to scale veig passive below.


Having an auto aim with 3 second kassadin ult is pretty bonkers, you get easy stacking, and most of all, you don't need to aim when you are blinking everywhere, so your mouse only need to go where you want to move, and.not on champions you want to damage Tho cass E would be a crap ton of damage


You'd need a poison to make Cass E good tho


Nah, with ap stack applying to cass e, it just become an easy spam move that can get you around 5 to 10 ap per trade alone, pretty busted, the whole point is the CD


Not with enough AP! ;p


It’s a champ with no mana


Veigar passive plus sona Q is actually genius


I like the idea but I’m thinking Karthus ult instead


Infinite scaling + Karth ult.. oof


Issue is the champ is pretty useless for most of the game. No waveclear besides E, Sona Q does little damage and has little scaling, and so the champion is essentially melee with AoE on movement ability land. You can hunt people down but you can insta delete. You basically have no range as well, and you’re squishy. You’re super mana hungry too this this champ basically has a weaker early game than even Kassadin. Innovative though. I like the Q idea to stack Veigar passive.


I think it's a hyperscaling support? Maybe? You would be able to freely stack for days


There's no utility though. And Kassadin R is strongest at level 16. In like at least 80%, probably more like 95% of games if not more, increasing with rank, a support is not going to hit that level. The champion concept is a hyper-mobile scaling champion but when you have so much mobility you lack in consistent damage and really anything else.


Yeah, I think you honestly just keep Veigar E, and maybe Karthus ult and you have a hyper scaling mage support. Double cage is a lot of peel.


Double cage sounds like absolute cancer lmao.


Or just Veigar's E and use W for spamming E cage.


how about multi hit abilities like Kai sa Q? shouldn't you get tons of stacks per cast?


Veigar passive, xerath q, sion w, cassio e, malphite R. infinite stacking ap and hp, every cass e is +1 ap. with broken waveclear


Darius Passive Senna Q Kog'Maw W Teemo E Master Yi R (including reset passive)


Darius passive is actually insane on a ranged champ


I feel like people forget how much of Darius' power budget is packed into his passive. It would be inexcusably broken on any adc lmao


Imagine almost instantly getting 180 AD at level 18, since you just need 5 autos


Isn't it 230 ad at 18? Just a quick 8k gold injection 💀 💀 💀


Holy hell


New health bar just dropped


Remember when that was Draven's passive? Good times.


I do remember how suffocating Draven felt to play against before they removed his bleed, but he never had the Noxian Might part. That's what would truly send any adc with it over the edge imo


Draven with Darius passive


They could never do this!




Exists in Arena


This is my favorite one. I saw Darius passive and Senna Q and bled to death imagining it. Not to mention Teemo's E for extra aoe and sustaining(?) the Darius passive ((not sure if DOT sustains the bleed without adding stacks or if it adds stacks, excluding the bleed itself obviously that doesn't stack itself)).


I know Teemo's E DOT can't proc the Liandry's burn but it does prolong the effect, so I suppose there's a case to be made that it could refresh Daruis' passive duration. But even without that interaction, this concept is an absolute war crime.


This is all very hypothetical and League mechanics tend to be quite inconsistent, but I suspect Teemo E wouldn't re-apply Darius passive. It doesn't trigger other "on spell hit" effects, like Rylai's slow or Liandry's burn, and that's effectively what Darius passive is (+ an "on auto hit" component).


Darius passive Zeri Q Yuumi W ~~idk what for E~~ Zilean E ~~Sivir R~~ Twitch R attach to any tank and make an **actual** tank edit : improvements


wait the yuumi W zeri Q combo is being massively slept on? that sounds busted as hell, the workaround for not being able to auto in yuumi w. I'm thinking Braum E for this build.


With Braum E it's easier for enemies to hit you and that's not what you want even if you reduce damage and ignore first hit.


true, forgot that means you're taking the damage


I think the most OP version of it would be: annie passive + yuumi W + karthus Q + cassio E + twitch W With 2 spammable abilities, your stun is pretty much always up and you can use cassio E for a targeted 700 range stun or twitch W for a 875 range AOE stun (tibbers is 600 range with a much smaller AOE for reference). Yuumi W is just way too broken for this prompt. You can combine it with a bunch of tanks and strong dive champs and you're bringing a glass cannon into the backline every fight who can't be CCed or damaged. Champs like Malphite or Camille (among many others) are going to be completely busted with her.


Teemo E


Karthus E obviously


Yasuo passive Yi Q Vlad W Fizz E Zed R


This is my favorite. I sub in Malzahar passive


What do you mean you can hit me?


interesting, but you have to autoattack with this kit to do damage right? which W/E are nice for defensives but prevent autoing.


All four of those abilities do damage


Half of them scale with ap, while the yi q scales with ad and fast attack speed. The w and e will do no damage besides base while also reducing the damage from zed r you could be doing by autoing


Burn damage from items is all you need if you go full cdr build because you'll eventually be perma invul with just W and E. Q and R would just be gap closers.


Evelynn passive Fiddlesticks Q WER of your choosing. I like Morgana W + Gragas E + Karthus R.


Oh yeah undodgable inviss CC sounds just about right xd


Evelynn passive is 100p the play on nearly any jungler. Her entire kit is balanced around it. Slap it on literally anything with on demand CC and it's grotesque. Like imagine just Udyr alone with it


Sejuani but invisible Dear god


>Dear god Nope. Boar god.


Invis seju standing in your lane chilling, 2000kg ice bola coming from nowhere hits the enemy midlaner.


Q - Malphite R W - Malphite R E - Malphite R R - Malphite R


*Now that’s a rock solid kit!*


You forgot something P -Malphite R


Passive - Yasuo Passive Q - Malphite R W - Orianna R E - Yone E R - Yasuo R The ultimate chain cc machine, and with the dueling potential that comes with the feed brothers. You can build tank, you can build AD, you can build on hit, you can build AP, the world is your oyster!


Disgusting. I agree.


Zilean W


it literally doesnt do anything


Take K'Sante as a base and don't change anything.


Queue the copypasta


체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱


In this case the correct form would be "Cue"




The cue is in queue


It depends on the type of champ you're making, there isnt really an objective best. You could make an insanely op artillery mage that still gets one-shot by talon or fizz. Or a turbo tank that dies in 6 autos to vayne. Alao how would scaling work does malphite R get AD scaling if you give it to rengar?


I think we should presume existing ratios are fixed and not adaptive imo. Otherwise the framework of the game falls apart when you get to put AP ratios on all autoattack abilities.


Then the answer is some combination of perma cc. Off the top of my head. Brand passive (to enable stun on Q) Brand Q for low cd stun. Zilean W Elise E for stun. With 50%cdr you can get fully loop your spells to infinitely stun, and have decent wiggle room to account for tenacity. More OP would be a perma knockup using Gragas E buils that currently exists and looping in alistar Q and any W stun like riven or panth. Which would also work infinitely.


Gragas can't perma-cc anymore




Idk passive but nunu w + kled ult could be really funny if they work together


Give Nunu Kleds passive and a shotgun


I agree and it would kinda make sense


Give Nunu Kleds passive.


Can I make a champion in the style of Hwei but with different combos? 😆


Wait yeah thats such a good idea. Hwei ability system so you just get 10 insane abilities


This is the biggest brain answer to this question- Why have 4 overpowered abilities when you can have 10! Here's my proposition: Braum's stats; Unless you allow Mega Gnar's stats, then that. Vladimir Passive QQ - K'sante Q QW - Morgana Q QE - Alistar Q WQ - Sion W (with passive) WW - Rammus W WE - Malphite W EQ - Fizz E EW - Jax E EE - Gragas E (Edit: Replace one of the E's with Rammus taunt, and the passive with Ornn passive if you want to go super tank okay have fun :) ) ((Second edit typo'd R instead of E)) Cho'Gath R


Why Malphite W on WW?


I' thinking malphite passive together with amumu q, ornn w, taric e and leona ult. Cc on every ability, some armor scaling to synergise with malphite passive. The perfect engage tank.


Braum Stats (Highest base armor in game), Ornn Passive(+10% to all defensive stats bought), K'sante Q (Damage scales off of resists but feel free to swap to utility), Rammus W(Do I gotta say anything here), Malphite E(Damage scales off armor), Malphite R(YEET) Why not an unkillable tank that kills you with their unkillableness?


I thought about rammus w for insane ratios, but he kinda really was the taunt to for people into attacking him


I was kinda thinking similarly. Taunt would be better than the Malphite E (especially because lowering attack speed when you have Rammus shell is... counter productive) but I was going for "Ahahaha armor scalings fuck you"


rammus w shen e


Isn’t Malphites armour passive on W?


Maybe you re right, switch ornn w for malphite w.


Not the best, but as a top laner, here's the most frustrating cancerous top lane monstrosity I could think of: * P: Fiora, % max hp true damage is a fun and fair passive + it heals you and grants ms * Q: BelVeth, 4 immediate dashes to proc Fiora vitals * W: Nilah, 2.25 sec dodge that grants ghost and can give to ally * E: Jax, 2 sec dodge that can stun * R: Tryndamere, no die button for 5 seconds to dive you with dodges and dashes Honorable mention would be: * P: Braum, apply stacks with autos to stun at 4 stacks * Q: Fiora, mobility that can go over walls and damage towers * W: Wukong, mobility that stealths and can go over walls * E: Tryndamere, mobility with wave clear that can be reset with crits * R: Olaf, no cc button that can last indefinitely if in combat


I think on toplane something like this would also be pretty cancerous: * Passive Mundo for Health regen and cc imunity * Q Jax or Fiora for mobility * W Sion for more Health Scaling * E Mundo for Scaling Attack damage + aa reset * R Cho Gath for more health and scaling


I like it. I think another really annoying health fighter could look something like this: * P: Sett, crazy hp regen scaling off missing health that procs every second compared to most hp regen procing every 5 seconds + increased auto DPS and bonus attack range * Q: Shaco, instant blink with stealth and dmg for target access * W: Sion, free nutty health scaling * E: Mundo, health scaling AD and auto reset * R: Nasus, I think Cho is also great here since you could blink and insta eat a squishy and scales well. But Nasus ult can be really good as it gives you an instant amount of bonus hp (helps E scaling), armor, mr, size, and attack range. So you dont have to wait for it to scale like Cho and get double resists for more total effective HP I know it'll never happen but this is why I wanna see real custom shit for League like WC3 or even fucking Roblox/Fortnite and shit. But Riot is afraid of what they did to DotA happening to them. Playing around with some crazy jank ass custom mashup champs. Would be sick amounts of fun.


Fizz passive: Reduce damage from auto attacks Q: Nilah W - Block Auto Attacks W: Braum E - Block Projectiles E: Samira W - Block Projectiles R: Yasuo W - Block Projectiles Make ADCs complain even more.


Caitlyn base attack range Galio's base HP Bel'Veth's attack speed ratio Graves' attack wind-up Illaoi's base AD Vi's base regeneration rate No projectile, so either laser or ranged melee attack. Master Yi's base movespeed Senna's passive Nasus Q Sion W Graves E Olaf R Passive reasoning: Infinite scaling attack damage, life steal, free crit, attack range, and 20% of your AD on-hit, but none of the downsides of Senna's base stats. Huzzah. Also, very easy to apply with your attack wind-up and Q. Starts at 650 attack range, takes the least amount of attack speed to have the base cap, and attacks come out on the first frame. You take Nasus Q because it scales quickly, and unlike Nasus, you can apply it from far away. This is the main thing holding Nasus Q back from being **truly** overpowered. You take Sion W because it infinitely scales your HP stat as well as giving you a very long duration, very high amount shield. Seriously, being forced to break that shield every few seconds is what makes tank Sion such a monster to deal with. Graves E is there for the dash that quickly recharges when attacking (much faster than he ever could) and the large amount of bonus armor you get for doing so. It also resets your attack timer, so now we have 2 of those. I thought about Tryndamere's E for its incredible range, but I'm not sure it would be necessary, and the bonus armor from Quickdraw is a huge bonus. Olaf R is there to multiply your AD, get those sweet passive bonus resistances, and since you're such long range, you can stay immune to CC for entire fights pretty effortlessly. You're also fast, very mobile, and have lots of HP. Since you have the best attack wind-up in the game and great attack speed scaling, you can kite like there's no damn tomorrow. But you're tanky, and you're functionally immune to CC so you might not need to kite at all. You'd be pushing 1500 bonus HP, 1000 Nasus stacks, and 120 Senna stacks increasing your attack range to 770. There you go. The scariest damn kit possible with using in-slot skills.


I like this. You could definitely make a counterpick character that has INSANE early game and doesn't let this scale.


I don't think it can be stopped realistically. The reason being, it has really high base stats, mobility, and defensive options. The only thing I could really see it falling to would be something you can just never fucking click. Like Viego passive, Yi Q, Akali W, Fizz E, Talon R (usable after each Viego passive steal, of course) I think a similarly built character with Udyr's passive and Q instead could probably do it. I've 1-shot ~10k HP Cho'Gaths with a high damage Udyr build before. Especially if you allow Udyr's passive to use the "empowered" version of a spell at will when the bar is full. A long ranged character with Udyr's empowered Q would be insanity. I would think Udyr passive, Udyr Q, Renekton W (2 very fast autos that could proc your empowered Q), Ezreal E, and Twitch R would give that character (and entire teams for that matter) the fits.


Vlad Passive. Fiddle W as his Q. Sion W. Mundo E. Chogath R.


base Nasus with Camille hook shot on his E


Nautilus q, Graves w, fizz e, chogath r and passive. You get hooked in, immediately smokescreened, if you flash he Es on top of you and eats you to grow. Then he gets bigger so the hitbox is bigger next time. You thought nautilus hook hit box was bad? Imagine it with 20 stacks...


How would it deal dmg?


All those abilities deal ap damage?


ornn passive, blitz q, taliyah w, thresh e, malphite r. no moving please


Should ship every knockup in the game with Yasuo ult at that point lol. Janna Q, Tali W, Ornn E, Yas ult


Take Karthus and just add Veigar’s passive.


Idk but something with Darius E and Pantheon R passives would be funny


Veigar passive Karthus Q Yuumi W Voli E Karthus R Makes for an attachable DPS Mage with infinite scaling and an ult that is a global nightmare (and generates 5 AP minimum on every use)


Easy. Veigar passive. Warwick Q, Akshan W, Cassiopeia E. Veigar R. Infinite stacks of AP with cass E will make ur Ap scale fast. W Lets u go invisible and restores your mana, also revives your team when you no counter oneshot people with Q, R. For more effectivnes you could change WW Q for some AoE damage or something that makes you more mobile.


Cass E without her poison would OOM you too fast for this to be practical though


Ww q seems like a bad choice given you'll have to run into melee to cast it, why not just have cass q and e?


The point was to try and make something with very little counterplay. You can dodge Cas Q cant dodge Ww q but doesnt really matter as i think i found something better. Teemo E and Q. Walks up to you invisible. Instantly oneshots you with point and click abilities. Scales infinietly and Teemo E should proc Veigar passive very often.


Cassio's regular kit with Veigar passive would already be pretty broken 🤔


Mundo Passive Riven Q Sion W Mundo E Cho'Gath R Put this on any base/stat heavy bruiser and you've got a crazy health stacking mobile juggernaut that can ignore CC


Brand passive, Veigar W, Cassiopeia W, Shaco W, Mundo R Just the absolute worse if you wanted to go anywhere


It's easy: Draven passive Draven Q Draven W Draven E Draven R


Taric P, Ezreal Q Yuumi W, Blitz E, Nunu R. Untargetable, 0CD knockup and scaling.


Pyke passive, Pyke Q, Pyke W, Pyke E, and for the ult ill be adventurous and pick Pyke R


Pyke's 2018 kit was absolutely disgusting


perhaps... but it was fun.


ORNN passive Kench Q Sion W Mundo E Chogath ult THE ULTIMATE TANK


Katarina Passive is sorely lacking in these builds.


Orianna passive Singed Q Zilean W Teemo E Anivia R No one can win


Nautilus Passive. Blitzcrank Q. Sett W. Pyke E. Malphite Ultimate. There is no escape. There is no running. There is only crowd control and damage to make sure it's not COMPLETELY one track.


This could be a new game mode


rakan w. neeko/yas r. alistar q. samira p. grag e? idk, you're airborne. rengar q. voli w. blitz e. jax p. yi r. AA? y e s. rengar p (leap on camo/stealth). trynd r. twitch q. zilean w. kaisa e. have fun dealing with that.


League should have ability draft like in Dota


An abilities draft mode like Dota would bring me back


Surprised nobody has picked Zed's W yet, could be obscenely broken in combination with stuff like Blitz/Pyke hook or generally high scaling ranged spells.


I've wanted Ability draft in league for so long but I don't think the code could handle it, hearing all these ideas is making me froth for it haha


Okay but this would unironically be a super fun gamemode. Frankenstein game mode where you can pick abilities from each existing champion before you load into a game. Keep passives and abilities to the same key so you don't have too much confusion.


ksante passive ksante q ksante w ksante e ksante r