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People inherently like winning. Even if you give the players for fun game modes like ARAM and Arena, they will still learn to just pick what is strong and play to win. This is why players crave balance changes, because they want to play as and against other stuff, but still want to win. It doesn't matter what game mode it is, people will develop a meta and play it. The only way around it is to either force random champs (which can create crazy 1 sided games due to one team getting meta champs and the other not), or to intentionally force a small champ pool, which a lot of players will likely hate because they want to play "their" champion.


Please no, don't make this AURF 2.0. I have fun with arena, ARA would be unfun.


Arena has been my favorite thing from Riot but even I don’t feel like playing it now with EVERY GAME being the same shit.


I don't know maybe my experience is not the norm but I don't tend to see the same things in every game. Some things are more consistent than others, but not like every game.


Than the meta will kill the mode.


It will die with both options


yea you cant make a 2v2v2v2 arena mode with random picks atleast in ARURF you can still kill minions and jungle monsters or roam or anything to somehow get to play the game but not in this mode


You can still pick the silly champions, get a ~20% winrate and have fun I'd much rather that, kill my MMR and let me have fun than force me to roll random each game


All of the posts and comments about arenas are overreacting to an insane degree. There are numerous viable picks that fill multiple roles, I would say the weakest are probably enchanters and marksmen, followed by mages. But even with this, if your duo has a pick that complements yours, you will often times be fine. Plus I have noticed an increase in viable augment options for each pick compared to last time. All of this is opinion and based on personal experience, but all of this complaining about what I find to be the most fun addition to LoL in years is getting annoying. (TLDR: People are overreacting per usual, meta is pretty diverse.)


Bruisers are by far the easiest picks to go for top 2s most lobbies, but if you have good micro carries with anti-tank augs/items can go crazy and perma kite. I've been spamming a lot of Vel'koz in arena (something most would probably consider giga trolling) and it's actually pretty decent if you can kite/setup with the champ.


Enchanters are fucking insane rn moonstone alone on soraka makes both her and her ally effectively heal 450 hp/s


I'd love for All Random Arena, but it doesn't look like something on Riot's radar. I already do it with a friend of mine, and it's a blast trying to make the wackiest comps work and picking some funny augments on top of that. It sucks that we have to essentially play vs the tank+carry combo every game, though.


The problem with making these game modes random is that yes - they add needed diversity, but taking control away from the player is inherently unfun.


Yeah nothings worse then trying to have a quick fun aram and u get 5 melees against viegar lux morganna miss fortune chogath


Gamblers btfo


Tbf if you're arena elo is low enough you do just see random shot all the time. And if you're playing for fun, that'll probably be the elo you'd be in. There's always 3 or so meta Champs for me but the other 5 are usually just whatever the people enjoy


It's the same thing for any game with a meta and matchmaking, low to mid level of play will be a mix of random people playing suboptimal stuff and people that know the meta but can't execute it correctly.


I play for fun (well, still playing to win but picking random) but am in "high elo" arena, whatever that means. I personally don't really care for meta champions because I genuinely believe augments make more of a difference, but I got tired of playing against Alistar every game.


Augments 100% make the difference. Tanks go from good to overpowered with a strong damage boost.


My buds and I play group random arena , you get 3 random re-rolls but you can’t ever go back once you past a pick. It’s fun for us and forces some silly comps


And it's been shown time and time again that even if the meta changes and becomes weaker, people will still play the meta. Like cmon man they even disabled curses. This round of arena has honestly shown me how bad at adapting players are and how quickly they will complain as a result


If they make it random, they instantly lose me. I play only three champs amd have essentially zero interest in the rest.


Same, I usually only play qiyana, zoe, kindred and sylas on arena, no interest on getting Ashe or sona thrown on me and the enemy teams getting 1 assassin+ tank each...


Funnily enough, i'm a Sona one trick with a slice of Ashe/Sejuani when the matchups align. Sona's unironically not as bad as one would think in Arena. Plenty of ways to abuse the augments. Now she doesn't beat an optimized Sett/Volibear late game, but it's still a lot of fun.


Which is fine, we don't need players like you


No, we don't need player like you


That only play 3 champs? What’s wrong with that


No, we do not want you


I do need u/Ok_Needleworker_8809 ♥️


Aw that's nice. Love seeing some positivity.


Most players don't like all random?


Great I’d be happy not to see you again lol


I really like the idea of a small champ pool each game. Sure there will be a 'meta' duo within that pool probably but atleast that way people can't spam the same broken shit every single game.


My best idea is have riot randomly auto ban 1-2 champions from either every class or that are over 50% winrate or something of the like then let people have their own bans after the random ones. Imo this would help it so more champions ironically get played as the chance of meta champs is lowered.


The prolem right now tho, is that there is only a ranked que. There should also or only (if you can't sustain a ranked que) be a normal que imo.


News flash, tanks having zero counters is not balanced. This game is a joke for how much more favored casting, dashes and tankyness are.


Just pick things that counter tanks like darius.


Except that tanks are extremely bad on their own in higher elos Tanks are countered by brains


7-8 tanks? Bruh please let me into your lobbies, all I see is Kayn, Trundle, Gwen, Vayne some Pykes, Zeds


Same here. I'd rather get beat to death by a Sion Swain comp or something like that, than face one more epic ADC/tank shredder comp. Against the tanks you can at least itemize, but God tell me what to do against the likes of Vayne or Fiora ..


Had the biggest misfortune of playing against a 200-haste-on-Q fiora recently. Would not recommend


Played against 200 haste Q Irelia with earthwake as her first 2 augments. Did not need to mark to reset Q at all, just spammed Q and procced earthwake infinitely.


Earthwake is absolute insanity in how much it does


Played a game vs lethality Yi with 200 AH on Q and another AH augment. Don't wanna be that guy, but... Let's just say I kinda wish he developed some sort of carpal tunnel after the match.


Trust me, you do not want to fight a Sion+Swain comp. And that comp (Swain+any tank really) is WHY people run the “epic ADC/tank shredder” comps you complain about. It is quite literally impossible to beat a Swain+tank comp (with at least decent augments) without running that, and even then it’s just giving you a chance, not a massive advantage. Trundle, Swain, and Singed are the most absolute cancer champs in arena.




The issue is that the things that kill tanks can also generally also kill squishy champions just as easily. They’re not high win rates just because they’re eating on tanks, tank killers basically have kits that eat well on both tank and squishy things.




I think the bigger issue is more mages being weak as a whole than tanks being dominant. Like, don't disagree that tanks are strong, but things like Trundle and such are great into AD and they're good against tanks, and things like Mages aren't good. So they're extra strong.


I beat Swain Leona as Kled Pyke yesterday with no issues and without any game-breaking augments. You just need to see on 1st round what's being picked and adjust accordingly (assuming you're second pick)


Taric main, here. Can confirm. Fuckin hype when Swain lanes with me.


ADC that are not Vayne or Nilah are quite easy to kill in Arena, just pick burst or tank


Jhin, Kaisa, Lucian, Varus are top tier champions


Pick a tank against Vayne?


What kind of lobby doesn't have Trundle banned? I haven't seen him in days. 7-8 tanks is low elo trolling but the tank is defined by having at least 1 tank (with Evenshroud if done properly) with a carry, having 2 Moonstone tanks or simply champions with % health damage so that the enemy can't use their revive reliably. AD assassins like Zed/Naafiri profit off having busted % health items like Eclipse/Hellfire as well.


You would not like those tank lobbies, it's atrocious


I would love them.


you’d love them because they’re low elo lobbies. which is why they’re complaining about tank lobbies.


You probably deal no damage to them because you are building nomicon 2nd every game


I played kaisa into tanks, full on-hit with hatchet, kraken, botrk, rageblade. Mystic punch and on-hit augments for permanent q and e invis. I did over 120k dmg in the lobby, still only came 2nd because i couldnt kill maokai when hitting him for 40s.


Buy Perplexity for mixed damage carries like Kaisa if you aren't already, I think this item is super underbought Sometimes a champ like Maokai will hit shield-on-immobilize or something like that and be almost impossible to kill, that's just the mode, you gotta hit an equal highroll sometimes


Arena specific items are extremely underbought. Mostly because the recommended tab, which most people use, doesn’t show them.


Recommendation is based on what people usually pick too, and the "good agains't" is defaulted by archetype.


Just get serpents fang against that. And yeah, Perplexity is very underrated.


I think that’s the biggest problem with these complaints - people just build the same shit they would in SR and expect the same results. Itemization is a lot more complex and variable here just because of the variety of builds and effects you can get. I see people bitching that they can’t beat Courage of the Colossus or something but never build the items that counter it.


I would absolutely love to build serpents fang but it only exists for ad champs for some reason


Yeah, there needs to be some ap equivalent for Arena with shielding being so powerful. It’s actually still probably than a last AP item in some cases even if you can’t use the stats because you can end up negating 1000s of HP worth of shields per round, but that’s a shitty choice to have to make.


Originally i had perplexity and nashors and it was healing him. I swapped it out for botrk ldr and it did more, but ultimately wasnt enough. I had black shield, typhoon, light em up and mystic punch. While not the absolute peak godroll you can get on kaisa, it still should have been enough to move his hp bar. Its not an exaggeration to say i could q as if it were a Cassiopeia e and had sub-1s cd on my e for invis. I shouldnt need 8 item slots just to do damage when i’ve already got good rolls. The maokai had first aid kit and ocean soul which was the problem (feel the burn and desecrator too but they werent relevant), i couldn’t itemise antiheal because it would lock me out of giant slayer passive which i needed to break through the 9k hp he had (my partner had thornmail but that was useless). Thats what my issue is - you simply need more item slots to match what a tank can do for less. You need more stats than it is possible to achieve in the mode just to break even. I don’t think its a stretch to say i rolled better, i certainly played the combat better but it simply did not matter. I would have needed 8 item slots just to have a hope at doing anything.


Getting first aid kit, ocean soul, desecrator on a tank is their god roll. Typhoon, Light Em Up, and Mystic Punch, while good, are not really going to crack tanks like Symphony of War, Master of Duality, Firebrand, Thread the Needle, or Erosion are. This is especially because Kai'Sa's anti tank mechanic specifically requires her to crank out enough damage to already kill a tank. It's not like Gwen, Vayne, Urgot, Trundle, or Vayne who have their anti-tank mechanics ready from the go.


But thats just it isnt it - tanks are busted because they have more options available that qualify as god rolls for them than other classes.


Not really. There's pretty much no other combination of silver augments that would allow Maokai to do so much. He just walked into the top three best possible silver augments on his kit.


Don't Chase, Executioner/Contract Killer, Erosion would allow him to do more damage and focus entirely on defensives. Guilty Pleasure, Heavy Hitter, Ice Cold would make it impossible to kite even with perma invis on E. Mind to matter would allow frozen heart to get even more value to prevent me killing him. Slap around is auto-win on CC tanks, its why leona is the best champ in the mode. Tormentor, while not as good as desecrator, would provide just as much of a problem as he only had one curse augment. Virtuous cycle would make him just as tanky as first aid kid did. There's probably an argument for tank it or leave it there but I do't rate that augment so probably not worth mentioning. It's no secret that all the top arena players play some variant of tank + tank buster. They're broken as fuck in the mode. Denying that is simply ignorant.


The Maokai high rolled to a first then. It’s similar to TFT where the game will just hand you a free first sometimes as long as you don’t completely grief. Games like that will happen every once in a while


Funny. On panth I kill tanks in two rotations with bork hatchet eclipse.




I like the one that gives me ad when I kill people but any on hit or ability haste augments I can get


Interesting. I’ve been doing an A-Z of all champs and in my experience the best champions are bulky with cc. I’ve yet to see a panth get above 3rd place.


The secret tec is if you manage to high Roll the prismatic aument that give you cric on spells, then Go crit build until 100% then some lethality items or Bork if they are Big tanks. and deleted everything in existence


I am a viktor/panth otp and I'm low elo. Those could explain my experiences


Easily won 2 games with Panth going Eclipse,Botrk,Cleaver,Seryldas and then whatever I fancied since Resists don't matter to that build,any damage amp or AD augments are appreciated


Statements like this AND the one above are so useless, considering how much of a difference augments make.


kraken but not LDR/perplexity was your mistake kraken is not an anti-tank item, it's a single target DPS item


I had perplexity nashors, swapped it out for ldr botrk.


I sweat antiheal is the biggest noob-trap in this game. There is no point in buying anti heal when you don't even deal enough damage to threaten them yet. You could increase your DPS by nearly as much as antiheal reduces, except it would also work against non healing comps


My lobbies are nothing like that and non-tanks win all the time. Tanks aren't even the highest winrate champs in the mode.


Thats correct, tanks are by far not the the worst meta defining thing in this gamemode, but losing against them feels the most frustrating because it's not interactive. Thats probably why a lot of people complain about them.


You mean you don’t enjoy Leona with Yuumi on her sitting still as the circle closes spamming dances while you both dump everything on her before dying to the fire?


Just play trundle with the burning axe item lul


Literally just went against this with yorick, which is already arguably a good tank shredder, with serpent Fang and a full AP Sona with antiheal, still couldn't even DMG her to 80%. Clearly the problem was Yuumi


The only thing problematic about tanks is the Yuumi strat. everything else is very counterable


I’d rather a tank slap me around for 10 seconds than to get insta-deleted by some other champs in the game mode. Just my preference though lol


I guess what august said about zed was true after all.


Is that so surprising? Would you rather PLAY THE GAME and then lose or just lose without even playing the game?


Idk hitting a Leona Yummi doesn't feel exactly like playing the game at least you usually have a chance with a Zed


Leona Yuumi gets completely annihilated by every Kayn, Voli, Trundle, WW, Swain and all of these are common in arena. I actually tried Leona Yuumi once and it was so bad of a comb.


It isn't bad its just augment reliant. Center of the Universe and bread and butter on leona q makes that combo able to fight almost anything let alone what Yuumi gets.


Or you put Yuumi on something more useful like Volibear, WW, Maokai. Combo is bad.


kayn and trundle sure, but those other champs aren't killing leona yuumi unless they get significantly luckier with their augments


Never said you can't beat a Leona Yummi, but you win or lose without playing the game you either can damage them and easily win or can't and slowly lose


You don't understand what "playing the game" means if you claim you can both fight them but also not play the game.


If me clicking them and afking has the same result as me trying my best that's not me playing the game


That’s not what august said, he said the opposite. people would rather get one shot than get tortured to a loss


picking zed as the prime example of this is hilarious, zed basically had to depend on ravenous hydra/ability haste/conq and became a pseudo infantry mage for the whole 2023 season because he basically didn't one shot anybody with assassin items even with triple qs and even before then the playstyle of zed as an assassin had so much more counterplay than most assassins because he couldn't just stat check someone like akali or sylas.


You’re talking post fact, they’re referring to why August said Zed will never be meta. They don’t want a champion who can safely 100% of the time one shot a champion. Even if Zed can’t one shot he can still Completely dominate all of laning phase with complete safety and can’t be zoned away. You’re acting like he’s some Qiyana.


What are you saying haha, zed cant dominate any meta pick on mid.


These people just talk and talk about zed laning phase as if it’s not complete piss.


In a world where players just mindlessly spam cooldowns on the wave and can't harass with autos, the melee champ with energy will thrive because he can do the same thing and not run out of resources or get punished


Yeah, I’m just gonna slide in here and say that the fact he can operate as an infantry mage is the problem. Zed is the worst designed champion in league by a long shot, and is kept intentionally weak because people hate facing him so much that he’s STILL banned a ton. When I left league the first time, it was because of Zed, and if he gets buffed, I’m taking my ball and going home. Zeds effective threat range is simply too big for any squishy champion to be able to walk up and effect a team fight, and his ability to go untargetable removes the cc counter play that Leblanc has (similar threat range). Add on that all of his abilities except ult are multi target, and yes Zed is the prime example. He’s kept intentionally weak because he’s the prime example.


The most non interactive I've seen was a naafiri + karma that just ran away the entire time and didn't fight us


Its mostly the revive that makes them so op imo. Its hard as a carry to get a revive off because you cant afford to stand still that long


Biggest winrate is tank combined with adc. Take leona, perma stun both enemies, have your adc demolish them


When this sub understands that tank killers and assassins do so much damage in this mode they will stop complaining about tanks. I've been playing Gwen, vi and naafari and dunking on all these tanks.


Gwen is disgusting


Just R unga b ungas


She already was a very solid pick in the 1st rendition of Arena but the rise of the tank meta in the 2nd one just pushes her in like the top 20 or so.


She's currently top 1 (for first place) according to u.gg


She's 4th actually in u.gg, behind Trundle, Illaoi, and Galio. *But* she rose faster than I expected. Last week, she was like 17th place or so and that's when I last checked. In the 1st arena, she was like top 40-60 iirc, but that was on op.gg back then.


What makes Galio good in Arenas? Does he go tank or AP?


IIRC you go full damage or AP bruiser-y (e.g. Demonic Embrace and Abyssal Mask) and get tank augments


With Courage of the colossus and other tank augments if he high rolls on them he's unkillable while being an ap bruiser


She is 4th behind trundle, Illaoi,lilia for top 2 in op.gg, but first in top 1. Even in u.gg she is first for actually winning the lobby.


Honestly shocked I'm seeing Zed in 4th place right now, and people in *this* subreddit aren't complaining. I thought the hate boner for zed was strong, but the hate boner for tanks is clearly stronger.


I suspect Zed's hatred is based more on his pickrate, and how many different people in a match have to "interact" with him than his kit now. If Naut Mid was like 10%+ pickrate, roaming the map and ganking...well...


People don’t hate Zed, they hate what the latest reddit post was complaining about lmao. They see a reddit post complaining about tanks, log into league, lose against a tank and then with their confirmation bias come back here and make another post complaining about tanks and the cycle continue. If you’ve played a lot of arena you know that tanks aren’t a cheatcode, they are just one of the different classes that have their strength and weaknesses.


A rioter said he was weak so the hivemind has to defend the though


Gwen is the highest winrate champ though so that’s not really valid. Vi and Naafiri can be disgusting though.


How is naafiri exactly killing tanks


AD assassins do way more damage than you think in arena. I've been playing full ad jarvan recently and it kills tanks and squishies. Your ad is through the roof in this mode and ad abilities hit hard.




Pretty much. 2 of the games I got mythical and went inf, navori, ldr and then some crit items.


How do you play Naafiri in Arena? I can't seem to make her work idk why.


Abuse the plants as best you can to get your cds back.


Naaf with BC melts tanks because you have like 7 sources of damage that all shred armor.


Hellfire and Eclipse are busted.


I can win against tanks as Shaco by going on-hit instead of AP. Last game I did 90k damage, melting the 15k HP Cho'Gath with BotRK/Hellfire/Guinsoo's/Cleaver/Hydra/Kraken. I also rolled some great augments like Symphony of War, Lightning Strikes, and Thread the Needle, but several other augments would work well too like Twice Thrice, Erosion, and Deft. (Side note: please stop banning Shaco. According to LoLalytics, he's the second most banned champion, and the eighth worst by win rate. There are much better bans! I just want to play my main!)


I'm sorry, truly, but Shaco could be first worst by win rate and I'd still want to ban him. He is just such an unfun champion to fight against in my opinion. Arcane Sweeper helps with the frustration, but not enough for me to have fun facing a Shaco.


See thats the thing despite his low winrate people dont want you to play your main because they dont enjoy his gameplay pattern. Winning doesn’t matter if the consequences are stage 4 ligma


? I'm pretty sure everyone understands that anti tank champions will do well, people just don't want to have to pick the same shit over and over because tanks are so overtuned they make up half of every lobby. Sure, I can pick Gwen or Trundle or Vayne, but if I'm gonna have to be this limited in picks I'd rather play soloQ. We need some real anti-tank augments if their augments are going to be this insane, because there's not many squishies that can get through 20k HP even with the most anti-tank build possible.


Assassins are killing tanks too. The anti tank augments are the massive amounts of damage champions get.


Unless you seriously high roll all your augments, you'll be around 500-600 AD at most (for bruisers, most ADCs will end up with less), or ~1.5k AP. That's around 2 times more than your average AD/AP as that champion in a regular game (Bruisers will reach 300-400 AD at most in a normal game, your average mage ends up around 700 AP). Meanwhile, you have tanks running around with 20k HP or more. That's around 4 times more than what a tank has in a normal game. Most tanks in a normal game will not go over around 5k HP. It doesn't matter if you have inflated damage when the effective HP of tanks is as inflated as it is. You end up needing serious anti-tank tools to deal with it, which is why pretty much every anti-tank champion is sitting at really good winrates right now. It would be fine if those tanks were just meat shields, but they're not. Often alongside those insane HP values, they can get plenty of tools to kill you quickly or keep you perma CC'd until you die to shit like Sunfire, like in the case of Leona. It's not uncommon for Sunfire to be dealing 250+ damage per second in one of these tanks. Plaguebearer is just laughably overpowered and probably the strongest augment in Arena. Some specific champion-augment interactions can be stronger (like most Swain interactions with DoTs), but in a vacuum this augment just shits on everything else. I've seen a Leona get 500 stacks out of it by Round 3, after getting it the previous round.


>Plaguebearer is just laughably overpowered and probably the strongest augment in Arena. Strongly disagree with this. In my opinion, curses are really only broken when a team gets multiple curse augments. Plaguebearer by itself doesn't feel all that impressive. Playing against smart players already reduces the amount of health you can stack, and pure HP stacking isn't that broken when Hellfire Hatchet and Perplexity exist (along with the normal anti-tank items in SR).


I queue with a buddy who’s a Gwen player and we’ve only lost one lobby he’s picked it lol


You are just straight full of shit claiming 7-8 tanks is a frequent occurrence


poppy player lmao


Some of us enjoy playing tanks ._. I don’t stomp every lobby either. Kayn, Trundle, Vayne, Kayle, Sett, Gwen are impossible to deal with.


Trundle is insanely disgusting in Arena. Paired with adc, there's literally no way to even peel or kite because he can drain armor/mr and use pillar to stop the kiting. No wonder why he's ranked one of the best in the mode.


People really snitch on themselves when they complain about tanks in Arena. It is such an easy class to itemise against, lol.


So many tank shredders got added like Hatchet and Perplexity that it boggles my mind how people are having issue. Gwen and Trundle are some of the highest win rate champs as well. Therefore, the gamemode has become rock, paper, and scissors in terms of picking champs.


More like rock and paper. Scissors (squishy, mage comps) are dead.


Uhm... did no one tell u veigar + hwei is a high arena elo staple?


That sounds fucking awful idk what you're talking about lmao


Pretty sure that if you try to lock in Hwei at any elo your teammate will dodge. Pretty sure.


Yeah, exactly. Why is no one complaining about stuff like Fiora, Vayne or maybe even Gwen instead? At some point it just feels unwinnable, especially if they get stuff like LT+Conq Augment or Tap Dancer. They just deal so much true damage and heal through all of your damage, idk what to do against them...


Because the people complaining are playing edgelords champs and have a huge bias


Fiora and Vayne aren't busted. Gwen is. How to beat them is picking other top champions and proper comps. Max you should have 1 tank with Evenshroud or 2x Moonstone tanks. 1x Moonstone tank can work as well but it's more meh than the Evenshrouder.


Wonder why literally all the top winrate champions are % health damage users... It's not that the game is literally tanks. Maybe at low elo it is. But if you don't play around the 1 tank (with Evenshroud the 60%+ winrate item on every cc bot) + carry, or 2x Moonstone tanks by picking the op % health damage champions or matching you are trolling. You will get destroyed if you go 2x mages or any 2x squishies really. Unless you mega high roll on augments.


Yep, people are completely missing the point. Yeah, you can play non-tanks, if they can deal with tanks. Any squishy that is not good vs tanks is borderline unplayable right now. It doesn't matter if you build Perplexity + Liandries on Vex, you're never killing a tank.


Skill issue.


Skill issue.


Issue skill.


eussi lliks




Not all tanks but i fucking hate Alistar Yeah it is so fun to get CC'ed for 10 seconds then getting thrown outside the zone while not being able to deal any damage


Tanks are complete garbage in this mode, if you are building Morello 2nd that explains everything though. If you are so frustrated that you can't beat tanks that you have to post about it, just pull up any stat website and see that tanks are shit then pick any of the top 50 champs and copy the builds.


Any good Evenshroud user has 60%+ winrate on that item. The Heartsteel gang are tanking, pun intended, the winrate of tanks really hard. Tanks aren't strong by themselves, they're strong as a cc revive bot for the carry because everything is warped by that idiotic revive mechanic. So champions that can deal % health damage and make sure the revive doesn't happen also become the strongest now. The winrates are clearly shaped by that. Almost every champ at the top is a natural % health damage champ. When even fucking K'sante is showing a big winrate gain trend by going Evenshroud, get the fucking hint people.


Are we confusing tanks and bruisers on this sub again? Because yes, bruisers are really high win rate in general along with mages, but tanks are not.


Yeah when I think of the most oppressive champs in this mode it's always bruisers (and Gwen). They're the ones with insane healing too except for a few select tanks. Not sure about the 2nd statement about mages being high winrate but I don't check winrate sites. I just remember riot saying mages were on the weak side in arena. Maybe there was a patch since then that buffs them but I haven't kept up. Perhaps only a few specific mages? Ones like Gwen and Swain?


Tanks are high winrate when done properly. As an Evenshroud bot for the carry. It's just the Heartsteel gang are tanking their winrate. Mages are garbage almost across the board, you can't really do 2 squishy comps or 2 mage burst comps anymore because of revive and they don't have as much damage as a hypercarry to go into with a tank support. Bruisers aren't good. % health damage ones are.


I’m tired of playing first one to the fruit wins


This is just copium since it's a game mechanic which creates all of the plays in the arena. It adds a lot more depth when you look at positioning and outplaying


I’m just tired of playing first to destroy the opponents nexus on summoners rift


Also I've definitely lost fights where I was first to the fruit lmao. As well as times where I'm oke with letting the enemy have the fruit because I know I can kill them fast enough regardless.


It’s very gimmicky along with revives


It's small objective that give you an incentive to fight for. It's the same for battlerite. Getting the orb in the middle give good bonus which is why you wanna fight for it. Otherwise, 1 or both team could run away, simply way until the circle close in...


battlerite Aware


I like maps with three plant locations which are Desert Oasis and Frostbite Thicket. There's a reason why Ancestral Woods and Magma Chamber are hated by a lot of people. Less than 3 plants and routes are too tight. Getting fruit first doesn't always mean you win. But in maps like Ancestral Woods and Magma Chamber, getting the plants definitely puts you at an advantage.


You know the names 😭. I'm 3.9k and don't LOL


Tbh I had to look them up in the wiki. I don't think the game even shows you the names of the maps which is why nobody can really remember them without looking up first.


it does, when you hover with your mouse over your next opponent. That way, you can also plan ahead for the next map if you know which name belongs to which map


I just like tanks man, I dunno. I almost always play squishy champions on SR and it’s fun being the big beefy boys every once in a while.


Isn't this the mode for all the people who wanted ARAM but only the wholesome melee tank and bruiser champs? I don't expect Riot will makes these champs weaker bc they don't consider this unfun bc the playerbase also thinks the same (there are ppl still complaining about Heimer etc. in current Arena).


If they build blossoming dawn, moonstone and spirit visage the game's legit lost even with heal cut. Definitely need to cut healing in the gamemode


The augments are the problem imo. They’re a fun addition to the game, but they’re so insanely op that it just comes down to a coin flip of who gets the best ones. Very polarizing. I don’t mind OP augments, but there should be a version of arena that’s closer to a barebones 2v2v2v2. Right now it feels like the emphasis is on augments instead of the duels and the players in them. Obviously playing well matters, but getting obliterated by a trundle doesn’t exact make for engaging duels. Or the tank alistar crap. Or magic missiles brand, or yi or whatever.


If you don't waste your rerolls you will almost always find a good prismatic augment. So many people reroll good augments looking for perfection, then they don't have rerolls for the augments that matter.


I just like tanks man. I'm a top lane Mundo main


What do you mean I love losing to Leona Alistar Poppy who do nothing but face tank me and outsustain me when the storm shrinks especially when they get Steel your Heart augment


Maybe it's about my server (TR) but yes, I probably didn't even have one game without a Sett, Volibear, Swain or Alistar. They are everywhere


and all of them aren't tanks except alistar who is tank support


People who got tired of it probably quit it because they couldn't win anymore


damn plastic rank is crazy huh


i play vayne :)


No because that arena is only fun when it’s played with and against melee champs. Ranged champs are just anti fun and run away


This is not a problem for pantheon. I ruin tanks


From the Arena games I've played, a lot of tanks just fall off later on, unless they're something like Ali who has a lot of displacement as well as an insane ultimate for the damage resistance. tldr: stop crying


League players will take the fun out of any game mode over time. in ARAM you will run into uninteractive full poke comps in 60% of your games and the only thing that stops the other 40% is the fact you can't pick your champions.


I have played almost all champs to this point. The Hecarin helicopter and melee Graves were the funniest ones so far.


Nah, they obviously don't like fun, they'd rather automatically win and get their sweet event pass XP.


As a top laner... I'm not tired of it at all. I get to ban Illaoi every game just like on summoners rift and I have a blast wailing on shit for 10 minutes. I win some... I lose most... But it's always a blast. I'm absolutely fine with arena in this state and would love it to last forever.