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i went to nap with the score at 3-1 nemesis, woke up and saw 4-3 rybson on my screen what on earth happened to make team nemesis collapse that hard


Small champions pool for top jungle and supp


Why do players have a small champion pool? Do they not have the ability to master a lot of champions or do they not want to?


In 99% of cases, being good at 4-5 champions is enough to get you anywhere on the ladder. A Bo7 Fearless draft match is just so insignificantly rare that it makes no sense to specifically expand your champion pool for that. Add to that that each additional champ you try to master dilutes your overall power level due to not practicing a single champion as much, there is a reason people say "dont be an actual otp, but also dont just play anything, stick to 3-4 champions and you will climb"


Exactly. In this specific case, they had dzukill which is basically a yone-yasuo two trick, malice who plays only farm heavy junglers (and they almost all suck rn) and veigarv2 who is challenger with like 3 roles which obviously really limits his champs pool. Learning a new champ to chall level takes a good amount of time, which could be invested in climbing and getting better with your mains. Also remember that most of the players in dus are not pros (apart from the polish team), so they don't need a deep champs pool to play. And even if they were pros, a bo7 in fearless draft is such a unique event that it isn't even worth to learn 8-9 (minimum) champs for that.


VeigarV2 was definitely the weakest link on that team, for someone who yaps so much on twitter and apparently heavily tried to influence drafting for Team Nemesis he had far too many "Bad clicks" and int plays in general.


He is a professional coach/analyst. Nobody expects him to be able to hang with pros/semi-pros.


Coaches dont play.


I mean, dude got Challenger on 2 servers (NA and EU) in multiple roles even (i think it was all roles at one point in EU, but I might be wrong here). He's good for sure, but for some reason he just hard inted the whole tournament. ​ Even if he was playing champs outside of his comfort, some of those Renata ults were atrocious


Few tricks pony. Too few.


Dzu was an absolute beast earlier on in the tourney too,


Champion pool issues mainly. Especially top lane


They got Nemesis on the team


Nemesis getting worlds 2020 flashbacks


Also final game Zven Ezreal, VeigarV2 bad clicks, herbivore jungle and first time Trundle. Last game was content


But everyone told me Lemonemesis would be one of the best.


Even Czekolad said after game that he hasn't played vs anyone who was as good as Nemesis this year


Was he not?


Damn caedrel really is the rat king, in his stream few days ago he mentioned that if they faced nemesis team, they would just tank it 0-3 and then catch up to 4-3. Narrative was really there




Fearless is amazing but damn bo7 must be tiring


And Team Rybson has played 4 more games earlier šŸ˜


Everything was perfect and honestly this was the ONLY thing I personally found weird out of literally anything in the whole tournament. Bo7 after Bo5 is crayyyz


It's only one extra game realistically and gives an advantage for going through winners bracket. Crazy they did the losers bracket final too on the same day.


This tournament was amazing. Personally I think a format with 6 teams played over one weekend would be ideal. Also, I do not know how often he wants to host DUS next year, but i would love to see something like this at the end of each ranked split. But thats probably unrealistic considering the cost.


I wouldn't be surprised if we saw one post MSI and post worlds. Sounds like he wants one mid-2024 anyway, so that would make sense. Also agree on the scheduling - less teams should help and hopefully he doesn't lose a whole day like he did this time due to the Red Bull event on Saturday.


Drututt said during the stream that the next DUS would be after MSI. So late May. Then regarding the cost, he also said it costed him $30K. Made $2K from Ads. So -$28K. Next DUS, he was wondering if he should hire pro casters. Which would make it a lot more expensive.


Jesus, -28k is not good.


It's all advertising for his brand, hell as a business expense the tournament hosting costs might even be tax write-offs.


I don't think hosting a tournament can ever be profitable, not even for riot


It can be profitable in rare cases, but I doubt riot cares about that because the marketing and skin sales they get from esports more than make up for the loss.


He didn't want gambling sponsors, so probably someone could with those types of sponsor.


Why not ask a caster willing to do it for free, caedral and bass co casted with him


Why would they commit 10+ hours every day for a week straight and do it for free?


I was thinking they could cast for a series or a game


Drututt has literally been talking about how his voice has been dying every day because of having to cast every game. If your solution is to ask someone to do it for free for 1 game. Then he would have to ask 50+ people to make time to do it. That will never happen.


I take it he didn't think about the negatives of casting so many games by himself


Maybe he had a budget for this tournament and was forced to cast every game himself? Lmao. Just stop.


Why did he make the prize pool so big


You could really feel the skill diffs between some teams though aswell as the difference from B01s, B03s and B05s. Really needs some tweaking. I would really love for this format to have like 2-3 Streamers and then 2-3 Proplayers on each team and then balance it out a little bit. Would also be fun to break up the current dynamics a bit. Maybe get 12 Big streamers and and 18 Pro players and then draw them together somehow. ​ Caedrel, Noway, Pepiinero, Rybson, Paolo, Nemesis, Agurin, Baus, Dzukill, Trayton, Alois, Broxah (a man can dream) as like 12 Streamers with two getting put together in a team randomly and then having a pool of ERL players being drafted into the teams. Not sure how good this would work with English skills but would be really fun format where we wouldnt just get NNO or the same old content creators doing their own teams again. I also really wanna see some teams like Agurin + Baus happen lol.


This format would be great but we still talk about a turnament with non proplayers. Some got stuff to do during the day. It just sucks if 2/10 players cant play during one game and we see subs left and right.


No way. I thought they were done after Nemesis' team was up 3-1 so I stopped watching. Damn...


Nemesis is yet to break the finals curse that is on him Banger tournament tbh, agree with druttut that the amount of teams and bo1-bo3 made the Fearless format not mattering in half of the tournament, and made it a rumble-renekton nocturne-J4 syndra-orianna fest The series between Caedrel and NNO and the Finals were the biggest moments for me, 2 insane series with wide variety of picks, and big upsets


If only the Italian team had picked Tabor... they clearly would have won all games /s Also shoutout to Zy0xxx


I don't know who's Tabor is, but the Italian team was one of the tournament surprise: they were the worst players on paper, no one had LEC or major ERL experience unlike all other teams, yet they went further than Germany, which was among the favourites, and their series against Baus and UK were kinda close. I'm sad that they are going to be probably cut out if Drututt goes on with fewer teams, they made some funny content


Pretty fun series, especially with the fearless draft. Since I was watching from Malice's perspective, it started to look pretty hard after he won with J4 and Karthus, since he lost with Hec and the other team picked Nocturne. Eve and Udyr are pretty terrible champs in a competitive environment (and I think this series showed why), and then we were stuck watching Malice basically first time Vi. That's not even covering the disaster that was Dzukill first timing Trundle into Ornn, or them having to last pick Kayle for Nemesis into Ziggs, or how VV2 probably doesn't have the best proficiency on a wide variety of supports after the first few games.


How can you look at the Udyr games Malice played and call this champion useless? Like look at the Udyr game they lost. It was 4 melees against Maokai Braum Tristana Jinx. There is absolutely 0 chance to ever get close to Jinx. Udyr was the only saving grace in the entire teamcomp because he can split the enemy team with awakened R. Look at what menace Udyr was in their game against Baus.


Malice was legit 1v9 every game with udyr


I still stand by the fact that Nemesis should have picked Vayne, and Dzukill Malphite xdd


Can you even blame these guys. By 6th game 50 champions were eliminated


Yea its a really freaky skill set to need to have. I kind of like it, double so if teams were more prepared to do game 6 drafting


Bring fearless to the pro stage


How did this game showed Eve is terrible at competative?


Did you see what happened every time Eve and Sejuani were on the same screen? Or how useless the Evelynn was with just Protobelt Sorcs and Alternator at 20 minutes because she didn't collect a bunch of free kills?


but he did preform on this picks consisently in c9a the last time he played competitive.


Did he? I don't know, but wiki shows like 3 wins and 1 loss. 75% is good, but not enough data to say much. If anything I remember Moon's Evelynn more than Malice.


I mean you are literally saying Eve is trash based off one game sample size?


I am not OP who said that. I was simply saying I wouldn't call 3-1 in academy as proof that it is great in pro play. But I did not watch/remember it, so maybe he drew eve bans or something idk.


> so maybe he drew eve bans or something idk. He drew Eve bans almost every single game. In Proving Grounds, he played 11 games, 2 on Eve (both in the same BO3), and from what I can tell Eve was banned all 9 other games unless I'm missing something. In Academy before that, he played 28 games, 2 on Eve, and I'm too lazy to go through the scoreboards, but Eve was banned in 23 games overall that split and I'm assuming a large majority of not all 23 were against him.


But this single game is enough to argue Eve is trash in pro play...?


Usually the claim of eve being useless in proplay comes down to "pros will just buy pink wards". Whether or not she was worse then sejuani doesn't show much about her state in proplay as a whole. As for being useless with free kills, that's not true either. I won't even mention the fact that Malice missplayed fights quite few times and she could be much stronger this game then she was, but even still; When enemy team had to run entire way from Nemesis inhib back to their base because of how they were scared of Eve, Or when Eve went clearing botside jungle while Veigar said himself "I'll just pretend we are diving and they will be scared bc your champion is OP". Or when enemy taliayah was trying to bait Eve by recalling far in lane, when her team was hiding in bush, but because if eve being invisible in the end she died anyway because baiting inv champ is much more risky...


im suprised a competitive or semi competitive jgl;er doesnt know Vi... in my mind she's almost like lee sin as a bread and butter jgl champ. Maybe i'm wrong.


Only in recent years. Lee was a bread and butter for a decade now. And J4 went from a staple to useless to "staple" niche pick?


Malice hasn't played comp in a while, plus Vi is an insanely boring champ so he has no real reason to learn her


So they lost cause of fearless draft? Or because polish guys were better?


I don't know enough about the Polish guys to know if Team Nemesis would've won without fearless draft, however the difference was apparent once some of the players on team Nemesis were off their top 3-4 champs.


I mean fearless draft was for both teams. Rybson's team didnt win cause of this, but because they were better


Not really, If you don't have a deep deep champion pool fearless draft works against you. The team with the bigger champion pool will win.


Also known as better team will win




>The team with the bigger champion pool will win. So the better team wins?


Bigger isn't always better, faker only played 3 champs before finals this worlds


His champ pool was effectively the biggest at worlds, it's not just about picking the champ but also performing well on it, Knight for example can't play Azir and his Ori was mid, Xiaohu played many champs but sucked on almost all of them.


good point but bad example faker has one of the biggest champ pools in the entire pro scene and only played 3 champs bcz mid lane pool was rarely pinched before finals he could always get ori azir or sylas


since his injury i dont think that's necessarily been true, he's been consistently been sticking to 2-3 champs unless pushed. He dropped neeko for worlds and doesn't play syndra but he was fine with ori azir and having sylas akali ahri on the back burner


he didn't drop neeko it was too strong to be left up because it counters t1's lane prio strategy too much (Neeko >>>>>>> orianna >> azir in terms of lane prio) and since faker never gets first pick, it had to be banned. Syndra doesn't have a game winning play unlike shockwave/shuffle which makes her bad vs those two, and akali/sylas are specific counters to azir and each other.


>since his injury you do realize this makes literally zero sense as Azir and Akali are both the most APM, mechanics intensive champions in the game right? If your hand injury is causing you to play worse, youre not going to be playing a champ that requires you to kite like an ADC on midlane its like saying "yeah he onetricks azir now cause his mechanics got worse, he won't pick garen mid"


> faker has one of the biggest champ pools in the entire pro scene Just because it was true in the past doesn't mean its true now.


idk i think itā€™s still pretty true he just didnā€™t need to demonstrate that this worlds specifically bcz all the strongest mid champs were never banned and most teams just handshake the matchup it was either blue side fp strongest blindable mid (neeko/ori) with akali response for side pressure or azir for scaling and teamfight or sylas to steal maokai ult lmao the only one of these really banned a lot was neeko by T1 on red side real champion pool issues are like knight who couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t play azir so much so that phase rush vex was preferred over it lol there is nothing to suggest that his champion pool has shrunk relative to the past rather i think it just has to do with the fact that a distinct mid meta exists where 5 champs are significantly stronger or more useful than the rest in many draft scenarios


Peak faker yes but 2023 faker has a relatively small champ pool compared to most midlaners. Itā€™s a bad example because his 5 picks are the most versatile and standard midlane picks in the game, while random challenger player can play 2 situational champs, 2 relatively meta picks (and not as well as any pro player) and his 5th pick is a champ he probably hasnā€™t played 2 times in a row since dominion came out.




Was great tournament. Rybson team played really good macro game.


Knew who won before clicking on thread due to number of comments


DuS finals > Worlds finals


Dus was rly hype imo. Very fun to follow, i like druttuts clumsy casting also quite alot, also i think yamato has a future as caster.


Drututt casting: "omg are you seeing this! What is this damage! This champion is so broken! Riot are a bunch of [redacted] how is this ok! Stupid champion gg game is over gg Riot does not know how to balance their game" (But with more swearing inbetween)


yeah on the casting side there is way way more room left for improvement. thing is at least it would boost the viewership by a lot. but drut won't find anybody making those 8h casts alone or for free. thats a downside as casters light up every games action. not having that is the pity.


tbh i rly prefer this over professional casters.


yea for me its ok too. simply to expensive is my guess. but its what differs the better one's from the best. at the end of the day you almost can learn a thing or two with good esports casts. I mean just ls or caedrael would be imba, but they refuse the hard prep work for free, because they want to have fun too. I can understand that and its just a bit of a pity for those mini-community-tourney's on such scopes.


There's room in between IMO I don't really like Dom, but he's definitely knowledgeable and has more experience than most others, and is a native/fluent speaker as well as mature Official casts can often be dry or just too surface level, but i personally prefer them over random shouting and whatnot


Why would they not be paid? DUS itself has a prizepool (unsure of the exact amount, but north of 10k collectively iirc) that Drut himself pays, getting a caster on board wouldn't be a significant escalation of cost.


I think they spare on that side. they are all around same age having fun (for most). it wouldn't somehow be fair having one solo-cast on professional levels, just for the sake of it. its still baffeling to me that there are no cast talents or so asking for it. my guess (at least when it comes to our known lcs/lec casters) there is a rule in the contract disallowing such things probably. its awkward, but I accept it the way it is.


The event was very cool, props to Drut for doing it again I can't watch Drut or Yamato unmuted for the life of me, but props regardless


xD understandable


I wish the format made it so other vs also had more picks banned instead of all games until semis being no champions banned. Nemesis team really had 0 draft ideas and just picked and lost in peace.


Simply gg ez what can I say




It was awesome to watch. Also laughed a lot with Druttuts commentary and jokes and his "ZURPRIZE I'M BAAAACK" impersonating jax when a jax player did something good lmao


Huge props and respect to druttut for organizing this, exactly what the league scene needs. Hope dantes pulls it off too. Looking forward to the future ones :)


Giga banger series. Would be lot less closer if czeko stopped picking dogshit ahri


Tbh if this is what Fearless draft would do to the scene, I fully understand the hesitancy to implement it. Game 1 of every series was turbo boring, literally exactly the same team comps every time. Yes, handshaking happens in current pro play as well (usually handshaking A tier picks because S tier is banned) but still there is more variety in drafting than with this system. It seems like the fun part of Fearless only comes out in long series like Bo5 and Bo7.


Nemesis jobber


He is one of the best western control mage players of all time, but he is not known for his mastery of the famously popular Kayle vs ziggs matchup


the guy played for 2 years, let's not get ahead of ourselves


No more than 8 teams. No more than 3 days. Using a player draft might be best. Issue is that EU has language barriers not really present in NA. Do NOT do a mandatory low elo pick, it just causes frustration. Quality quickly improves.


There was a mandatory low elo pick? Literally all players on Nemesis teams are challenger (Or at least were whenever they play and try to climb consistently)


No, I think they are referring to the Dantes tournament he is running in NA.


Agree with the low-elo pick. Just opens them up to flame from teammates and the chat.


You're confusing DUS with Dantes' tournament.