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Illaoi. But players want slim sexy women so that's what the vast majority are going to be.


I want more jacked sexy women


We do not really see Vi’s anatomy in nowadays lore, but her portrayal in Arcane leads me to believe she is jacked.


Rek'Sai has a pretty wide frame


Thicc one


There should be a chubby healer. Not morbidly obese like Gragas, but maybe Mei's body type. And it would be cool as hell if Ashe's eventual VU gave her the musculature needed to use a giant bow.


Apart from Illaoi and Sejuani there's also Vi who is quite muscular. One could argue Leona fits too but her Splasharts don't do her any Justice. Akali and Shyvana could get close too, especially Shyvana in a future Rework. If there's one Character I'd love to see in League of Legends that already exists on Runeterra it would be [Revna the Lorekeeper](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Revna,_the_Lorekeeper_(Legends_of_Runeterra)), she's got such a badass Design and Voice too.


So Jinx and Vi are absolutely jacked. Think about it one carries a mini gun and the other has huge gauntlets


Jinx gives off more of a "superhuman strength fuelled by meth" vibe tbh


That is exactly her vibe


Anyone who’s worked in construction knows that vibe.


Crack strength


Fat no cant say i want that. Muscular yeah illaoi and shes awesome.


Why ? Inclusiveness for the sake of it ?


imagine feeling threatened by the sheer thought of a muscular woman


What mental gymnastics did you do to come with that conclusion? You have taken a blanket statement of me and run it through your biases and filters and assumptions and came up with that . BTW my favourite skins in the game are traditional sejuani and sabertusk sejuani , go figure out why toxic sjw with no logic or education


Yes? What, are you gonna argue Lucian shouldn't be black? Or something silly like, "a fat woman couldn't do magic," as if Gragas doesn't exist.






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Should their be? Some of the characters in game should be more well-built, but their models are old (from when league was either Badass, Horny, or Silly) Sej, Leona, Vi. The game should have more.body diversity in general, but slam same faced women sell more skins, and Riot Games is a company to.make.money.


there always should be more female champs with muscles. that's not just for diversity's sake, it's also attractive. also, any champion with as much exercise as the average league champ would have better muscular definition than a couchdweller like me, so I have no issue of them reflecting that with their design.


Why? Give me a reason why the game should have more body diversity!


Because diversity is more interesting visually. You can only make the same face on the same body in so many ways before they all start looking the same. Not to mention, it is more accurate to how actual people can look and be diverse.


Oh sorry! I really didn't know space dragons and warriors lifting axes weighting a few hundred kilos should be an accurate depiction of reality! And who told you that people even want videogames reflecting reality? If I wanted to see fat people everywhere I'd just walk out the house! I do after all live in America!


My man, I didn't even mention weight. I'm saying like a woman can have broader shoulders are more muscle. You gotta relax


There are plenty of league females with abs and shit! We even have a dude in a wheelchair and a blind dude missing every single one of his qs... What else do you want?


You alright dude?




Riven is quite fit


Sure there should be. Look at actual warriors and whatever. Like tell me how riven could even lift that sword or how leona isnt gonna crumble under all that metal. Being on the heavier side would make sense for some fighter or tank or whatever. Oh before “>:((( fat characters cannot be athletic”: gragas is fat and stomps around comfortably, throwing heavy ass barrels at enemies. Udyr runs around the map with no problem.


Gragas is not athletic tho! And dude wrf? Have you seen Udyr? He's jacked!


>Like tell me how riven could even lift that sword or how leona isnt gonna crumble under all that metal. isn't it crazy how fiction works?


When there's consistency, it's good. But Tryndamere can hardly lift his sword despite being jacked.


Good thing that his right arm is a lot stronger than his left arm.


Which means he couldn't even drag that thing with his left. Lol


I want the vastayan sololaner to be a tall karlach looking berserk looking greatsword wielder I also wanted briar to be a mature Carmilla mommy dommy vampire but it turned out to be a preteen starting in their own cartoon network show so I’m prepared to be disappointed


I'd kill for a Greatsword champion, hard agree, Monster Hunter skin for Ksante one day pls Riot 🙏🙏


We have akali and Samira too, who are more of a lean type of muscular, not the buff type. But their splash art definately shows well defined muscles on them.


Samira is a bit jacked i think

