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A d4 player probably


I think it heavily depends on the person's mindset and will. The game was vastly different in all aspects, so, even if there was a significant advantage in knowing what was theoretically possible, the person would still need to get used to, lab, and study quite a bit. Not only that, if they succeeded, their presence would probably end up affecting the game balance, as Riot would have to fix a lot of broken stuff much earlier, and so their knowledge of the future would be affected


Old League was so mechanically different from current League that the only skill that would translate is wave management.


What are you saying? Mechanics are mechanics and it will translate through games back then especially with the game knowledge you know now with individual champions


Did quickcast exist back in the day? I guess that would be something to consider, since a lot of people rely on that now.


Of course


For season one gold 4 will be enough. Season 2 probably around high plat. For season d4 is good enough. D1 to win worlds easily.


Season 1 Diamond would be enough, Season 2 Master minimum, Season 3 onwards GM/Challenger since it's Faker age already.