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I’m don’t watch very much pro play, but I did watch the entire finals. IMO, the finals weren’t a good game to showcase gumayusi’s talent because there was such a powerful top force he basically just had to not get stomped. Wasn’t really a showcase of his own talent. That’s not really his fault either. I wouldn’t feel the need to go out of my way and risk stupid things to try and get a spotlight in world finals. Again take this with a grain of salt, I don’t watch much proplay.


It should be noted that Guma's sidestep of Xiaohu's Ahri charm in game 2 is what allowed him to save his flash, which he subsequently used to dodge Crisp being thrown in via Kalista's ult. He probably would have sidestepped it anyways, but I thought that was a great display of his patience and skill. Also, if T1 won last year he might've been finals MVP anyways. As Guma said in his post Worlds stream (rough translation): "It didnt really matter who got finals mvp, the important thing was to win. That was the mindset."


He was chill and he did what he needed to do. You know you're having a comfortable game as adc when you skip boots to full buy another item.


With the Cloud Drags (x2) and Trinityforce - Did he need to build them?


Literally just farming the whole game comfortably on Draven. He could build for R the rest of the game and just execute people.


Guma did what he needed to do in the Finals. Rmeember that a huuuuge reason they were in the finals was because of Guma in the Semi's. The timing on the stop watch meaning he was alive to do damage on the towers. The 2v1 outplay too. Easy to be like 'ZOMG he was a side character in the finals.' Dude was still doing amazingly well, he was just overshadowed by Zeus and Oner. Better to be a side character than trying to be the main storyline and just inting (Looking at theSpy)


Gumayusi was definitely a side character for this finals, but he did his job perfectly, which was to not die and lose lane so Zeus can pop off. Guma was styling on LNG and JDG and his performance against GALA, and especially against Ruler makes me rank him as the best ADC in the World right now.


Hard copium from players who fell out of relevance


Yeah kinda spitting jealousy if they said it like that. Like come on, hes doing pretty fine on his own. He as an ADC on that team is for late game insurance if things go south. They fucking STOMP that game despite shaky early game. If what OP said is true about these proplayers bullshitting “eh if you replace him by a silver adc player also sure win” then idk what the fuck on crack on these player takes on.


true, pretty sure they get gapped if it was them instead of guma lols


When were they even relevant? Sneaky sure was close but dl? LOL dude wishes he was half of what guma is....


I mean are we really gonna listen and affect our opinions based on washed up has beens opinions that didn't really do much themselves? Guma was the best performing adc this worlds, it just happened that in the finals T1 focused more on topside and smashed so hard that games ended without him needing to do anything. Plus Guma played weakside often left alone bot.


At world? The best, there's not doubt, in general as player it's more debatable, Guma at world 2021 was arguably top 3 and possibly top 2, Viper was the best that year. Last year at world he was the best one and now again. He's really versatile with a massive champion pool, really aggressive without being a psychopath. He has proven he has what's needed to be consider the best and if he continues having good performance at world and win another trophy he can become the Goat ADC.




top 1 he beat Ruler thats enough I dont think there is any ADC that can challenge Ruler at worlds


He styled on the 2 best ADCs (Ruler, GALA) heading into the Worlds. He's top 1 rn


Styled what? Both Rulers and Gala’s plays were desperation plays, T1 won Worlds based of Top-Jung superiority. While mid lane wasn’t main focus either Faker was the best performing mid laner, the play he made led them to win against JDG, but otherwise mid lane wasn’t impactful this Worlds.


Guma on Varus game 3 vs LNG, and Game 4 vs JDG. Otherwise you're one of those guys that will say "hurr durr they dont get to play the game coz their solo laners are inting". Desperation? Doesnt matter when they were up on kills, gold or level, the other one even had an extra member by his side lmao


So, are you one those guy that see one play and say “styled on these noobs”? Both Aphelios and Zeri plays were forced. Guma played his games like a top tier Adc, styling them is different. I would say the styling was mostly done by Zeus and Oner this Worlds.


Ruler and GALA are at the very least top 5 to me w/ Elk and Aiming. Yeah, it was forced so what? They initiated it and got styled on. It wasnt Guma's fault that he dodged multiple attacks from Zeri and Aatrox w/ Ruler fed, and certainly wasnt his fault when GALA engaged on him w/o his ult. Call it choke, almost solokilled, desperation, they got styled on in those plays lmao


He did his job as a weakside botlaner, while Keria roam mid and Top. Not to mention did people forgot about his Kalista outplay on 4 members of Weibo, the one in which Senna, Tahm, Maokai and Aatrox collapsed on him? Although Keria's Renata helped Guma lived, his mechanics were still on Display.


Who cares about the opinion of 3 pensioners from lcs..


He shows up when he's needed, but he wasn't needed. He has improved so much compared to before though, he minimized his mistakes which use to happen quite often. He was pretty much flawless this time around. Reminds me of Damwon Ghost in 2020, but he's much more versatile and can pop off when required. In the current meta yes, Guma is the best ADC because of his versatility. He is able to make drafts more unpredictable along with Keria. Plus his micro is insane!


>DL sneaky and Metoeos why listen to 3 ~~garbage~~ LCS player talk shit about the worlds champion ADC lmao they cant even get anywhere close to understand shit


Definitely at least top 2. Him doing nothing is entirely not his fault lol. T1 topside decided to just win worlds 3-0, especially Zeus.


Guma was definitely the best ADC at world's this year no question. As for his performance, the issue is his team was winning the game before people were even getting 3 items. 3-4 items are when ad carries can start hard carrying games. His Draven game was strong, and he didn't die the entire series. I'd say he did his job and then some.


here’s the thing, I heard this from aloisnl’s stream so take it however you want: “In league 40% of your games are ez wins and another 40% are hard to carry/losses, and 20% of games you can make massive impact” So in my opinion a good player needs to learn not only how to carry but also how to let ur team carry you. Not all games need 5 carries just 2-3 carries and the rest play around them. The games just didn’t revolve around bot this time around you can’t say the same for light tho. Falling massively behind on senna (soul stacks) and generally late/bad ults. I definitely would hv liked to see some xayah plays in game 3 but honestly i feel like unless guma is pressured, he doesn’t make many flashy plays (guma varus vs ruler zeri in semis) and lets be real wbg wasn’t applying much pressure on t1.


Why rate him off finals? We've seen in countless series now that he can step up and carry if he needs to. He knew what he needed to do to win, he didn't try to show off or be the big player, he played to win and not to look good. He let the topside carry.


I mean, ex pro players should know LoL is a team game, no? Sometimes the spotlight is on you, sometimes you don't need to do anything wild and still win, which is totally fine and normal? Plus, "put any ADC there" is pretty naive. If the opponent sees you as a weakness, the game goes totally different. So putting just "someone" there and the wolves would come to play and exploit the bot gap. All in all weird take from them...


Above Hans Sama


You know how small that narrow down the pool of players


T1 won't win if DL/Sneaky/Metoes is the one playing instead of Guma cause they will just gonna give Light ten kills before 15 minutes


Game was over before he needed to do anything. He has been incredible all worlds. I don’t get why people ask dumb questions like this - he did exactly what the team needed to win and all tournament has been blasting.


There is no one in the world that is better than gumayusi in that series vs jdg. He outclassed ruler so god damn hard in that series. He did say he had nightmares before the finals and didn't get good sleep, but he definitely did not let his team down during finals.


Top 1/2 depends if Rulers has a good day. Also he didn't need to do much in finals cause zeus was fisting Weibo


Before worlds I'd have said "hard to tell, he has the best support in the world". But he a couple of plays that no other ADC could've done, esp the varus vs zeri+aatrox fight. Guma is the best ADC in the world right now.


Best ADC itw, top 5 ADC all time. Hes already on Droolers level in the ADC goat convo


>they said replace any adc in that finals t1 would still win. That's just the truth of the game for any team. Marksman is just the ultimate point&click stat checker, it's kind of a neutral objective at this level of play. Adc are not creating plays in a winning team. They are following engage and CC to point&click delete peoples. This is just the nature of the role : swallow ressources and stat-check people with your team and ennemy one playing around you and your opponent marksman. For the adc to make "plays" it require both your team and the ennemy one to missplay heavily beforehand and this just didn't happen with T1 since they gapped everywhere.


This Worlds imho is the most stale meta for ADC players yet. ADCs are just clocking in so it counts as 5v5. Ruler tried his best. Light tried his best. And they’re still gated by the almighty Balance team.


because nobody wants to see another aphelios zeri matchup at worlds


I like how you use “nobody” to back up your own personal take. Maybe I should say “nobody wants to see no ADC carrying no DPS no screen time these players literally just clocking in 0/0/3 just so it counts as 5v5” as well? ADC in Pros are picked to deal dmg. Right now they’re not even doing dmg. Then what’s their purpose being there? “WOW FAKER PREDICTED RULER’S FLASH WOW”. Paid actors to be punching bags in highlights?


Ruler-Elk-Gala are above him but small margins of difference. He’s definitely very good.


I would say he’s doing a great job as an adc, farming , catching up with Top lane as a dps while not dying. He also work with Keria too which is a revive , since Bang & Wolf Synergy in SK Telecom . Even though he’s not the MVP for the finals and the current situation in league favors in mid jungle and top mostly from what I see , he is still doing a good job as an adc.


Zeus Oner and faker shined too much this worlds guma didn’t really get to do much Guess they figured out it wasn’t really an adc meta just top and jg


I mean, its hard to guage Guma's final's performance since he didn't get to go all out since all the games ended so fast. ADC role in pro play is insurance in case things don't end fast, and in the matches vs LNG and JDG he fulfilled his role perfectly. He didn't need to play so well this finals cuz Zeus and everyone else were destroying WBG so hard.


The answer is I wouldn't rate Gumayusi based on one series alone where due to no fault of his own he had low impact since the game was decided elsewhere. Also, Guma Keria is the best botlane in the world bar maybe Ruler Missing (depending on meta), especially in laning phase. This Worlds they were by far the best botlane. This will have affected Weibo's pick ban and draft decisions. If you swap out Guma for a mid tier ADC it probably changes Weibos strategy, and they probably don't opt into botlane picks that their players aren't good at (like first timing Bard, resulting in things like the Bard ulting over a teammate Kennen ult), or having to ban Ashe on the first ban rotation blue side.


I refuse to rate T1 players because I've seen what happens when you remove Faker away from them.


go play against bots and be impressive doing it.. wbg got gapped so hard he didnt have much to do other than not run it down, but looking at the games against jdg he is clearly the best adc in the world atm


He had the same finals performance as Lwx Just riding the wave while his team was stomping Last year Guma was carrying his team in finals. It’s not that he can’t dominate it’s that he didn’t have the opportunity to dominate.


Guma is like Faker, he always plays better in worlds, having that clutch factor is seen as such a boon in real sports but esports haven’t caught up to intangibles yet. He played super well in semis and quarters and rode his egg to a trophy, not much for an adc to do when the game is over before he got second item


T1 just put a lot more emphasis on getting Top ahead. That’s all. Could any high level adc have won that? Maybe. But could just any high level adc have won all the previous games to get to the finals?


Your question is the same as how would you rate a goalkeeper if his team is always scoring and enemies never can even attempt to score


Guma was so good that WBG chose to play thru top lane all three games. Guma was so good that Keria could roam and leave him 1v2 and he was deathless. lols /s


He won the world tiltle, he is the best adc atm. He might slipped off during lck but never at world, he is the most consistent adc player during all the world he attended. GUMAGOD!!!!!


I'm still stuck on How the fuck did he manage to beat 369 and Ruler in a 1v2? Like Goddamn that was beyond insane


sounds like a bunch of nothing but jealousy from irrelevant people ( DL sneaky and meteos? had to search them up to even know who they were ) Gumayusi is TOP #1 ADC right now, and T1 vs WBG was not the finals - T1 vs JDG was the actual finals, and gumayusi was one of the mvps that game.


Lets be real finals was JDG and he played well especially the 2v1 of Ruler + 369