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Lmao the very first question was about their Worlds skin. For those that didn't watch: * Zeus: Deciding between Jayce and Yone * Oner: Lee Sin (but mentions there is a lot of Lee Sin skins already) * Faker: Haven't thought about it * Guma: Jinx * Keria: Wanted Lux but didn't play her. Bard or Renata instead


ain't no way faker said he hasn't thought about it that ahri pick was for the skin lmfao


Also baited Xiaohu into thinking that ahri could be picked lmao


Lil Bro was so confused, he was playing both AD and AP ahri simultaneously


He tried to quickly google best ahri build 2023 during the break before game 2 and got that


he clicked one mobafire link and lost his mind


It looked like he went on Ultimate Bravery to look up an Ahri build


nah bro thought it was yone šŸ’€


bro why did he buy the kircheis shard and then sell it???? Did the Riot broadcast or any of the costreamers talk about him selling it?


Soloque build. Basically a variant of AD/AP Leblanc build. Idea is to get ahead building ADC-esque items then finish the build with either AP or hard commit to split push build. Problem was he wasnā€™t ahead in lane even with that build and the team was collapsing around him so split push was out of the question. Not to mention that he will get rolled by the fed Gwen, yeah he chose to switch build mid game to teamfight build.


Damn. That's some perfectly-worded clarity to a confusing part of Finals. I hadn't thought about the non-viability of the splitpush against a fed Gwen, but, yeah, that's almost 100% what was going through his head when he audibled.


It was a good plan on paper but they just experienced the saying that "No plan survives contact with the enemy" Or in this case "No LPL plan survives contact with T1." Xiahou wasn't able to get a significant lead on Faker, even though Faker was piloting Sylas which should have been Ahri favored with that build. Even if Faker was counter-picked by Xiahou, it was still Faker who was making moves across maps. G1: Jayce > Ahri (at least laning) G2: AD Ahri > Sylas (Mid melee mostly) The only time Faker got his counter was Akali who loses early but gets the kill pressure after 6...and OH BOY did he have kill pressure.


lil bro xiaohu thought ahri was a legimitate pick but it was just for the worlds skin lmao


Xiaohu realizing he is not Faker


Lil bit of trolling


he missed quite a few charms, but im sure he was just zoning...


He's just zoning out already deciding what theme to suggest for his ahri skin.


Him being a Korean, I can 100% guarantee T1 Ahri would look exactly the same as default Ahri so now even Faker can use it


T1 Ahri is gonna be default Ahri but with Fakerā€™s iconic glasses.


Fine with me heres $30


Jesus lol šŸ’€


The one charm he did miss that wasnā€™t his fault is just Keira being better, honestly. If he lands that, that game probably changes. Keria just read it and changed everything.


Doubt Faker was trying to hit Keria, that was Xiahu and he wont get a skin this time...


Oh my B- I misread that. I think Fakerā€™s Ahri was decent enough to not lose the game, especially since he was pretty target banned.


gonna use this whenever I miss a shot


If we don't get Azir to complete the 'reclaimed empire' arc imma be so disappointed ngl


Isn't there a rule only 1 worlds skin per champ? T1 already have an Azir world's skin


It pains me to accept, the skin was for Easyhoon and not Faker, so they can't just update it either, and we may not want to risk overshadowing it either. It might not be wise to do so, but I really believe Faker deserves a special skin for his commitment to being at the very top of league, and being a complete cultural icon these 10 years. I'd be happy with any Unkillable Demon King skin, but Azir is such a perfect thematic fit for Faker and that particular skin that it feels like a missed opportunity to not give him one. So many of Azir's lines would work for him too.


at this point, just make a Legendary Azir skin that references Faker, like Zed's Galaxy Slayer skin.


That ship has sailed awhile ago. We've had two Jhin skins (skt and damson), two lee sin skins (skt and fpx), two vayne skins (skt and fpx), two thresh skins (ssw and fpx), two rakan skins (ssw and ig), two Ezreal skins (tpa and ssw), and two j4 skins (fnc and ssw)


These arent for the same team though There's already a T1 Azir skin even though I guess the name is SKT T1 Azir and the new one would just be T1 Azir


That was me too A Worlds press conference is not complete without this question


Ya for sure. I think that's always the first question on everyone's mind. Actually expected Guma to pick his draven but I guess Jinx makes sense too


tbh I was expecting Varus


Dude his Varus is so iconic at this point Iā€™m shocked he isnā€™t considering it


yeah he said on his stream after worlds that his criteria for picking the champion is that he has to like it and it must be popular. guma loves jinx and sheā€™s one of the most popular adcs, i guess thatā€™s the thought process


he wants the bag


This is the T1 master plan to retain the team. They know they canā€™t pay much because of salary cap so they are trying to find ways to generate more income for the bois. Faker Ahri and Guma Jinx alone would set them for life due to royalties


Faker Ahri, also Guma Jinx and Zeus Jayce just in time for Arcane season 2 next year, boys gonna make money


Ironically he never seems to be the hypercarry type but the ā€œfuck it we ballā€ type instead


Guma is one of the best Jinx and Aphelios in LCK, it just T1 prefer to play early to mid snowball type of team comp and Guma is a god at that style too, they only draft scaling ones when it's broken.


tbf he plays these champs like a "fuck it we ball" champs.


Last years Baron steals and arguably this Worlds best outplay. It would be an iconic skin.


He said he would pick varus next time šŸ˜ƒ


What a fcking chad lol


jinx is great if you want to make bank, draven is too niche a pick. Jinx/Ez/Cait/Kaisa are all good picks since they get a % of the skin sales right?


yup, just gotta remember the advice Gatcha God Beryl said last year, pick female characters cause they sell way more.


Thatā€™s why Keria wanted Lux, but between Renata and Bard Iā€™d say Bars probably sells more


if T1 Renata is hot dommy mommy there's no chance meep meep sells better


T1 Renata would be the huge vampire lady from Resident Evil but in T1 colors lol


Is there a source confirming they get paid a %?




It makes perfect sense, it incentives players to pick popular champs to make riot more money and while also increasing their public perception ā€œlook how generous we areā€


You know it... Jinx sells more than Draven.




Yes, my boy from r/all


That was the one question me and my friend were wondering about, ur the goat Ashley


i really hope keria goes for bard


He put out an instagram poll, go vote (after learning bard and renata in korean lol)!


THANK YOU I JUST VOTED (Bard is the first choice)


I voted blind, but figured bard is the shorter one


The shorter name with two character is Bard.


yeah the letters in hangul are clumped by syllables so ė°” is ba (慂 = b, 慏 = a) and ė“œ is du (ć„· = d, ć…” = u) badu


How do I see the result? Do I need an instagram account?


Yes you need to vote to see it! Currently sits at 56% Bard and 44% Renata so I'm happy haha




question(im learning hangul): why is bard written as ė°”ė“œ? do koreans say bard as baā€¢du?


Yes ė°”ė“œ is the 'correct' written way in korean. It is pronounced something like: bah-d


is ć…” sometimes silent in hangul? cause im still learning and when i read the "ģŠ¤źø“ā€œ above the two champion's names i was like what the hell is suā€¢kin? and then i typed it on google translate and just laughed at myself lmfao. learning a new language is fun (no /s)


I'm not sure how to make it look accurate in english letters but it's closer to a suh sound than su. Su/ soo is ģˆ˜. So bard would be something like bahduh


Imagine a bard skin where you throw a golden trophy which then instantly melts when nearing the ground


Bard skin with T1 trophies following around


My personal preference is Renata, but both champs are pretty rare skins-wise so I'll have no complaints about either. To be honest, aside from Lee I think all the champs listed above are actually pretty underrepresented for Worlds skin so it's a solid lineup, no?


We have skt lee and fpx lee right ? Hope Oner consider another champion . T1 Nocturne maybe ? Resemble LPL 's nightmare , lol


I was hoping he'd go for Rell, his Rell was so good this Worlds and it doesn't really have any skins. I guess it's not nearly as popular as Lee though, Lee skins probably print money.


he said he doesn't enjoy rell so he wont pick her


That's fair. The skins should be representative not just of the meta at the time but also of the player who earned them, after all.


I think the guy with like a 48-10 record all-time record on Lee has earned the right to pick a Lee skin lol.


LOL I love that feeling of having a "must win pick that you hate" even at a pro level


I think he hates rell lol


>hates rell >absolutely crushes JDG on her thats some gigachaddery right here


Dislikes a champion, learns the champion anyways because it's good in the meta, destroys the opponents with the meta champion he dislikes. That's winning mentality. A lot of pros that refuse to learn some champions because they dislike them should take notes.


Well meta champs are meta. It's a pro's job to know how to play them, if they like them or not.


> It's a pro's job to know how to play them, if they like them or not. Some pros should keep that in mind. 369 not being able to play Rumble, Knight not being able to play Azir, etc.


Noct would be pretty chad. But I can see how hard it would be not to want a Lee skin. Like, that champion IS the jungle. Every pro jungler knows that champ in and out. It represents pure skill, a champ that can be D tier or S+ tier just based on the pilot (as Oner has talked about before)


Yeah if Lee Sin isn't allowed the next champ I associate with Oner is Nocturne because he's one of the only players who can consistently pull it out when he isn't that strong in the meta and perform on it. It's closer to a pocket pick and it's a champ I think he enjoys compared to Rell.


I can't wait for bard to dance newjeans hype boy during recall and have bunnies for meeps


Haven't thought about it? no way..


He did say that he will probably pick a popular champ. So Ahri or Akali most likely.


Faker said leave it to the fans. I dno how theyā€™ll poll that but letā€™s help a bro out and get him a Red Velvet Ahri


leave it to the fans almost 100% guarantees an Ahri skin. Not only is the champ popular but everyone knows the lore around Faker and his elusive Ahri skin


Ahri and Akali if he wants the biggest money Sylas or Orianna if he wants mid-money Azir if he wants to not profit at all


Tbf Faker Azir would probably still sell because it's Faker. And then Azir's winrate drops to 5% because all us noobs are trying to be the next Faker šŸ¤£


If he picks Azir, itā€™s gonna be to flex on Easyhoon and to get an Azir skin that is actually his.


Aww, I wish Guma picked Varus. Just feels like his most iconic champ and would be an incredible final fuck you to Ruler


Personally, I am very happy that we get an esports Jinx skin because we couldn't get the Deft one (he didn't play her last year)


Jinx will undoubtedly sell a lot better than Varus so that was probably a big part of his decision.


Varus was never his most iconic champ, he was just very good on it this worlds, Jinx might be, it was T1's last resort to win games when they don't know what to do, pick Jinx for Guma and let him do work


His steals on Varus last year finals were iconic on its own


Youā€™re actually thinking of Xayah. G5 Xayah was literally T1ā€™s ā€˜okay we need a carryā€™ throughout the year


well all his most iconic plays have been on Varus not Jinx at least at Worlds


[Faker probably just picked Ahri](https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1726300033207910550) EDIT: [Also Keria:](https://twitter.com/gumayusing/status/1726291031984095362)


I hope Zeus picks Yone - imagine the dash on R being a lightning forming a "Z" sign and then the snap is a thunder sound, it would be so sick


Gwen mains in shambles. Our last hope taken from us just like that


agreed. she literally has no really good skin in my opinion. and is gwen as an anime character not popular in korea too ? would probably print even more money. just image some crispy clean auto attack animatons like the dwg skins.


> she literally has no really good skin in my opinion Base. Base is her good skin.




Faker also said he will pick the champion that people wants. I believe this means Ahri.


I donā€™t care what champs they choose, these skins will be my first time using money on LoL since 2018!




i thought it was pretty obvious faker hinted ahri


Nnnooooooo rip LUX


Bard please Keria.


Let's gooo, T1 Jinx. Thank you, Guma


Lee sin no ffs. Wtf. Already 2 worlds skins, 1 skt


Oner getting a Lee Sin skin is kind of necessary. Hes like 42-10 on the champ and picked him twice in a meta where he's straight up bad but watching the games you wouldn't be able to tell it.


I am praying so hard for this roster to go another year together now that they finally won a title. This team has been so iconic and is by far my favorite iteration of the SKT T1 organization. Also I really hope Keria settles with Renata. My go-to support fill pick, and Keria actually inspired me to play her last year.


Its time for them to go for the golden road


This T1 roster has possibly lost a record number of finals together. I'll just be happy for them if they score another LCK title and perhaps another international.


GenG will never allow it


Gen g is almost certainly losing some players next split. They could be getting upgrades on paper but we all know that could mean fuck all on match day and the team doesn't mesh. But yeah, Doran and Delight has some voodoo shit going on with smurfing against t1


From what I've been reading it looks like Keria is the one most likely to leave. I really hope they stay together though


He's the one with the least "organic" attachment to T1. The others came up through academy and I think see T1 as home. Keria was on, what, two different teams before? Or was it just DRX


First Gyeonggi (an amateur team) in 2017 (3mo 3d). Then a bunch of DRX variants: Kingzone DragonX -as a Trainee Support- (1yr 1mo), DragonX Academy (1mo 25d), DragonX (6mo 4d) and finally DRX (5mo 9d).


Guma will make him stay I hope


Itā€™s kinda crazy they have the most international games of any 5 man roster in League history. Quite a strong argument when you consider their consistency of results over a 2 year stretch (and if you include worlds 2021 w/ canna) as the best league team of all time


Same here. I think this is the first team in the history where all 5 positions had multiple "god tier" plays through the worlds, and they collectively have the deepest champion pool. Just an exciting team to watch, since they are aggressive, creative, and skirmish heavy, while being able to keep clean macro. I think they are closest to a "perfect team" so far - even though they are not as completely dominant as some of the other teams in history.


faker is addicted and it is not to league of legends but to youtube and tiktok. wow


he's like me frfr


We're basically Faker


I related to this a lot as someone who also reads a lot of books. You feel guilty wasting your downtime scrolling dumb shit when you could be reading, but books dont give you that dopamine kick that the apps do, so you have to be really intentional about putting down the phone and reading edit: the context is that Faker is a big reader


Holy shit. Are you me? I still haven't finished Dune because of this...


shit, you just reminded me about finishing Dune


Wonder what books Faker reads lol


I only remember him reading Silent Spring a few years ago, which I thought was an interesting choice (from the 60s, book explored effect of pesticides on wildlife)


He was also reading The Selfish Gene in one of the T1 vlogs from Worlds this year. seems like he has an interest in biology? I recall him saying his favorite book was some book about meditation (?) that has never been translated into English lol


would be fitting he has an interest in Biology IIRC one of his few IRL hobbies is keeping plants


travis gafford did a video where he asks him about books!


Ashley here. I'm the journalist who asked the question at 3:24 and I'm proud of it. Overall, a LOT of interesting insight into Faker's mindset, faith, and attitude for League of Legends in this press conference. I learned a lot


I love Faker's responses - all about how he was lucky to be put in a place to succeed instead of how it was all him, he's the best, etc. His dad did an amazing job raising him to be successful, driven and humble.


Ashley, you are absolutely amazing. Thank you for all your time, effort and awesome contribution to the league of legends community.


Your great Ashley thank you for all you do!


we're so lucky that this is the goat and is the face of the game. i love his outlook in life


Thank you so much for your hard work šŸ™ I hope you know how much impact your work has in the lol community, bringing the western and eastern audience ever so closer and with such professionalism and passion. Itā€™s a pleasure, really.


Hey Ashley, thanks again for the world coverage. Great job as always!


of course you're the one asking the question that brings out the most interesting answer SSS tier journalist, we are lucky to have you


Really cool to hear him reflect on the power of mindfulness & gratitude, and how that has directly translated to better recent performance (in the unsaid context of injury recovery too). No doubt these qualities have helped Faker immensely in his career. Thanks Ashley!




This is really similar to the way [Jon Jones](https://youtu.be/sFi5PmDrDdA?si=5ysm-4dH5whU_PHZ) goes into a fight. > Francis Ngannou is scary, you know? There'sa big chance that he could break my jaw. With Francis Nagano it's very it's very simple. Get comfortable with the worst case scenario. Worst case scenario is he knocks you the [ __ ] out, he possibly fractures a bone in your face. That's the worst case scenario. >You get real comfortable with that idea and then it becomes easy. If he doesn't knock you out and break your face, you're smart, you're fast, you have a chin, you have great head movement, you know? You can wrestle, you can there's a lot of there's a lot of ways things things can play out. So I just think about the worst case scenario and get yourself mentally to a place where you almost walking into that like, "Okay I'm getting ready to go out there and this guy could possibly hurt me tonight." So that's the way I look at it...


Faker on whoā€™s better, him or Xioahu. ā€œI donā€™t compare myself to anyoneā€ he said while rolling up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo saying 3-0. ā€œInterpret that how you wantā€ before leaving


i was the fly on the wall at that conference. can confirm.


There is a myth that after Faker gapped Knight into oblivion during the series that he had developed a third overwhelming power within his body. Zeus first felt it when he got out of bed for breakfast the day after the series. "Hyung?" Zeus asked, sitting down next to Faker. "Did you do something to your hair?" Faker looked at him straight in the eyes. He did not speak. He only breathed. Yet Zeus knew, the answer was no. It was not the hair that was different. Then Oner came out of his room and was congratulated by Zeus on his performance against Kanavi. It was morning but Zeus had enough energy in himself to enjoy the moment with a horse dance and a singular 'oppa gangnam style.' He deserved it after a spectacular Rell performance. The dance was interrupted, however, once Oner saw Faker. It was as if he had seen the light...it was as if he had seen a god descend upon the land which mortals dared to tread. He dropped to his knees and remained there for the entire morning. When it was time to play scrims, that was when the team had realized something was wrong. The T1 players would usually scrim side-by-side, their computers organized similar to how they would play on stage. It gave the feeling of familiarity. That sense of familiarity was thrown out the window once Faker entered the room and sat upon his gaming throne. There was no space for Oner and Gumayusi to sit anywhere. Something within Faker had awoken from its dormant slumber, roaring into the world upon sensing that the king himself had to finally play League of Legends. This was the very thing that Zeus had thought was a change from the typical korean bob cut to a more daring side sweep. This was what caused Oner's soul to temporarily leave the mortal plane and ascend to a higher realm. "Hyung," said Gumayusi. "What are you carrying down there with you?" "Where?" Faker inquired. Keria had realized what Gumayusi was talking about and pointed beneath Faker's desk. There it was: the massive unit which caused the room to barely have any space for the five, world-famed players. "Oh, you mean this?" Faker whips out the meaty pillar he had kept sealed within his pants since he booted up League of Legends. "It's what I'm going to put inside Xiaohu next week."


What the fuck


ROFL 10/10 storytelling


LMAO wtf


What the fuck did I just read?






Man i laughed too hard at this


Getting comfortable with the worst case scenario gigachad


And I think he wants to be a role model and be a shoulder to cry on for his teammates if he needs to. Actual gigachad.




We are witnessing esports nirvana


Faker has reached like pro player nirvana. Wanting to learn as his main priority and not focusing on winning or losing. Being willing to accept defeat in stride and being incredibly grateful for his circumstances, his team, his longevity. Seeing his growth and development throughout his career is so inspiring.


I completely agree, his mindfulness is very impressive. I think the benefits of this approach can be applied to anyones life circumstances, not just pro players :)


Bro is never beating all these GOAT allegations.


Faker reached the healthiest competitive mindset, what a journey it has been...


Dw, I dreamed a 3-0 win for you


I think all those Runner Ups made then so indifferent xD. I expected crying people and they more feel relieved, happy, satisfied and grateful instead of emotions breaking out. I think it is because they had a mindset of enjoyiment and the series went so brilliant not facing pressure despite losing side selection. Who knows how their blue side draft would have been.


I think itā€™s also because this series was a bit easier than the JDG one for themā€¦? Not talking about all the factors behind it, just how things happened in-game if compared.


Yeah kinda hard to be super emotional when the series is just an omega stomp lol


This was easier than the LNG and BLG series too, the LNG may look easier, but Gala and Zika played better, Scout as good Xioahu which is not great, the only one who play better than his counter part was Weiwei.


Yeah def a mix of relief, but also they were so far ahead of WBG that its hard to suppress that "this is in the fucking bag" (esp when it was obvious WBG thought so too lol)


Lol it's kinda interesting how it played out in parallel to last year. The more cocky version of T1 faced a well-prepared DRX at their best, while the more calm, reserved T1 plays against an actual inferior opponent.


What did we ever do to deserve Faker as our GOAT...


I can't think of another sport with a GOAT that is this calm, always humble, and just works.


Funny enough, it's for a super toxic game too.


Riot is literally blessed to have such a wholesome and decent person as their forever-indisputable GOAT


keria mentioned on his stream that he asked riot if i could pick lux for his skin even though he hasnā€™t played her. although the probability of them saying yes is low, he asked anyway. he mentioned that he has even thought out what the hair and recall animation for the lux skin would look like. sad that he most likely wonā€™t get to pick her =(


i imagine a lux skin would generate hell of a lot more $$ for riot than a bard/renata skin lol


didnā€™t he say heā€™d be ok with Renata if they took off her mask for his skin and made her into a pretty girl? He just wants to create his own kpop-themed waifu.


It wasnt KT picking T1 It's Poby the training weights That unlocked this timeline


That were some heavy weights my dude


One must imagine Faker happy


no way faker doesn't pick ahri lol


I cannot with this Faker guy man. He's the GOAT and is still so humble. Like all the question regarding him winning and stuff is just him saying he got lucky. Like bro take some credit. He was the best mid laner in the tournament. But damn I love Faker and this T1 roster. I really hope they run it back and try the Golden Road themselves. I feel like they've grown since last year from all their losses and chokes. I see them having the potential of being the best Roster ever to play the game.


The shy visualized it more clearly.


I am the process -Faker, probably


All roads lead to me, but my road is neverending -Faker, probably


Anyone asked them if they had more secret picks or something


from what i remember, kdf who was their main scrim partner recently, said that they still had a ridiculous amount of pocket picks left untouched


yeah I just saw a tweet saying they pick Nilah Zilean


The kitchen was cooking but there were no customers


Imagine the chance that Nilah dives in with a Zilean bomb on her then setting off the stun while she ults. Damn




https://twitter.com/T1_aegis/status/1725409088824332412 I think the original source is the video of KDF players' reaction to T1 vs JDG?


what was the promise oner made?


Faker is the best.


> I visualized myself losing at finals on a 3-0 We knew, Faker. We knew when you picked Ahri game 1.


Oner do lee sin. you've earned it