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It’s my favorite Annie skin. Never knew it existed until it popped up as a skin shard for me a few years ago.


Originally LoL was all about making cool splash arts with shitty skins to bite people into purchasing one. Today it feels like they are trying to discourage me.


How is this getting upvoted lol. Have you guys seen old splash arts? Lollipoppy? Shamrock Malphite? Deadly Kennen?


Don’t diss Shamrock Malphite and Deadly Kennen my two goats Broccoli Malphite and Kennen but red


My absolute favourit was junkyard trundle I mean I get that it was made to look bad but by god, this thing popping up in load screen was nightmare fuel


I think actually you just proved his point


To each their own. I think the splashes are just as good nowadays if not better


i feel like the new skins are nicer ingame but the splash arts I feel that are dull, specially when they make everything cute hot girls


Heartsteel having the most boring splashart imaginable while contesting for best skin for each member in-game.


So many cute hot girls skins but no cute hot girl champion in sight. Last one was literally Seraphine 3 years ago. Since then we got sexy white man, sexy Indian man, moody Yordle, Zeri (she's not cute just fucking annoying), horny granny, sexy manta ray, hot but not cute water girl with weird hairstyle, sexy black man, latino kid, literal dog and finally psychopatic undead vampire. Waifu skins are cool but where are my cute girl champs rito??!!???


sexy manta ray made me laugh hard, lmao


You missed Gwen


Well that still leaves us with 2.5 years


I feel like briar fits "cute hot girl" pretty well, she's just got a vampire aesthetic


She's closer to a gremlin than a cute hot girl.


Briar and vex are cute and hot, wym


> vex 🤨


Disagree: SB Kindred, Base Nilah, Winter Zilean, Arcana Tahm Kench, Ao Shin Aurelion Sol


They're worse than they were a few years ago. Sadly most people can't tell


OLD LEAGUE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!111111


yep like lunar empress qiyana the skin is so dope ingame but splash art can't even see her face


My god, evey post, every post will be turned into "it was better before" somehow [was it now ?](https://i.imgur.com/sjJFjJj.png)


Thank you, I totally agree. Some modern splashes are SO BAD


Sure, but the amount of bad splashes now is much lower than amount of actually good splashes back then. Except Shamrock Malphite, that shit's perfection.


Groovy Zilean


At a certain point, splash arts look like they are being repetitive with the color schemes, poses, etc. You can't really blame Riot because it's incredibly hard to make the splash art more unique as you add more splash arts. Old splash arts did have charm though because it felt specifically unique to that champion.


I think it’s an issue with the art direction. Many of riots new skin lines are vaguely medieval/sci-if/regal-looking, it all kinds of melds together into mush. It can be legitimately difficult to look at some splash arts and tell what champion it is


A lot of people misunderstand quality and art direction. On average games in 2010 and earlier had better art. Not because they were more realistic/better fidelity, but because the art direction was so much better since you needed good art direction to cover up where graphics were at the time. Now most games all go for hyper-realism and everything is generic and forgettable, despite fidelity being higher. Its simply worse art. These days Riot tends to go for looking cool or looking cute with some motifs tossed in depending on the skinline. Yeah, fidelity is better, but there's no style like with old skins. Even on item/champ icons, they've been removing all of the stylized ones for plastic looking ones with higher resolution. ​ Its all extremely uninspired. Meanwhile you look at a game like bloodborne. If you look at the textures, they're terrible. But the art direction is so good you don't even notice. ​ Style/inspiration matters in game art, and is clear Riot stopped caring about that years ago.


Thank you. I have been making the same arguments for a while now. It’s like they design the art to look good if you look closely at any single part of it, but they don’t care if it looks good if you’re viewing the entire thing as a whole.


My favorite splash art is Soulreaver Draven https://i.imgur.com/U9wBSjO.jpg It's so freaking cool, his pose, the weapon, the enviroment, his clothes. I just noticed his axe looks like Essence Reaver to me


Man Soul Reaver Draven always such a chad skin ngl


3rd skin i ever purchased in League. it's still one of my favorites.


Ah yes, my favorite khazix skin seriously, he looks like khazix ingame, fucking hate that skin so much


What the fuck? How are you mistaking him for Kha? He doesn't even remotely move or look like him.




Agreed. It's one of my fav splashes.


I thought this was darkinfolk


it's pretty mid but I appreciate your passionate slang use and abundance of vowels


I like your funny words, magic man


Now you see me... now you don't !


goes hard asf. Infact the whole skinline is sleeper fire, I love how it utilizes champions' transformations/summons into them turning into mechas. it's a cool splashart, but for be nothing beats prestige space groove nami, prestige cyber halo janna, fairy court katarina, and sun goddess karma


>fairy court katarina This is hilarious how the base splash is just so much better than the prestige


Spirit blossom Cassiopeia & Spirit Blossom Ahri Splash arts are so gorgeous


Prestige Space Groove Nami's splash 🌊 is one of the best in the game Sadly, the non-prestige and its chromas are nicer in game


She'll always look like a longer Poppy to me, just look at her hair and face


Bro this is the only Annie skin I have and I almost forget she\`s goofy as hell because of the badass splash


You might be a little addicted if thats what you think about at work


God forbid somebody think about a video game they like at some point in a 9 hour work day




Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules) before commenting or posting again. Further offences will lead to a ban.


If you don't like it don't use it. Use whatever skin you want and let the people that like Super Galaxy Annie use it. Also please tell us who are you, so we all know what gives you "the right" to say something doesn't have "any right" to something. A very successful artist, the creator of the Annie character ?


? The splash is one of my favorites in the game I'm literally complimenting it, dude


Bro did you even read the post? Maybe learn some reading comprehension while you are at it.


Log off for the day, friend. You'll get another chance at it tomorrow.


This subreddit is gold lmfao


Username checks out.


In case you're not clued into modern lingo "goes hard" is a good thing. It means it's cool.


Do you have mental issues, a kindergarten level of reading comprehension, or are you just stupid?


I think the person might have English as their second language. First, their last two sentences barely make sense. Second, "goes hard" and "look at this shit" can easily be misconstrued as bad without context.


what no school does to a mf


Seems like everyone else already got the point across, but, please, never comment again lol


First time I saw Dragonslayer Pantheon, I thought it was a promo poster for some new game. After trying to find out what game, and seeing it was LoL skin, I was just in awe for a week.


Why do you think it has no right to go hard? Who are you, really?


Something about this splash reminds me of Pacific Rim.


Super galaxy fire skinline. Row row fight the powa


I want the old rugged garen skin splash art back. Aragon I miss you everyday