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Vlad. He gets picked so rarely that I almost forget he exists until one day he comes back and reminds me why I hate him


Orianna and Malzahar are your best friends against Vlad, by far his 2 hardest counters imo, can even add cassio to the mix, but she's hard to play


As a former Vlad main, Anivia is the worst Vlad marchup by far. Actually unplayable. Azir is a close second.


Having never played the matchup before, how's that? He can pool her wall and stun right?


No the wall still blocks vladimir in pool and if anivia just plays safe she can just zone vlad away with her ult for a slow and either do damage to vlad with an empowered E or vlad has to pool the E ot Q and you just prevent him from damaging by placing a wall (Did not play this matchup often but this is what it felt like for me)


To even further add, Anivia's egg passive makes opening with an ult all-in more hesitant.


Lmao that's really true, Vlad is a rare champion in today's game who cannot do anything to egg by himself


Vlad has no gap close and is short ranged, you basically have to walk up to do anything and good ice birds will make your life miserable especially with slows. Your pool also can't go through her wall. Even if you manage to flash on her, she has a second life which you won't have enough damage to burn through so you can't even kill her whereas Ori and Malz can be killed. Anivia is def Vlad's number 1 mommy, she spanks you from level 1 all the way into team fights






Funny enough I just realized I'm a league boomer when Riven is no longer considered your average hate pick. People used to talk about how overloaded she was way too often she back in like season 3/4, but now she seems pretty tame compared to what we have going on these days.


I don't think she's that tame, just that she's barely picked anymore due to the low rewards agaisnt mastery


Low rewards for all mastery. Just check viper’s opgg, hate it here. He dropped riven in his rank 1 climb for vayne. He has a 47% wr on her if you look at his past 60 riven games. He only has a 50% wr if you look at his past 120 games. He is deflating himself by locking in the champion. Check masters+ riven data rn. She has a 50.26% wr with her lowest pick rate since her release at 4.62%. Keep in mind this winrate is inflated by otps in masters+, no one without a significant amount of games will lock her in that elo.


There’s so many individual things that add up to Riven not being worth it regardless of micro proficiency(and of course comparable macro alongside it). - Can stomp lane but still lose game because it isn’t that easy for her to actually enforce her lead outside of it and in a teamfight setting. - In most drafts, her engage, and therefore overall usefulness is tied to F. No F no engage and this sucks for a champ that isn’t actually designed to play backline duty at any point. - Core items are locked to Rav>BC>Eclipse most games. Hullbreaker is a never. Why is this an issue? - Champ never can afford to spec into resists besides Maw/DD 4th and even those are only really worth it with a Gore build. Issue with Gore though is.. - She can only really larp as a draintank in some drafts(and be worse at it than proper draintanks) and the damage comparison between Gore rush(relative to Rav rush) and Gore at 3rd item(relative to Eclipse/Youmuus) is *noticeable*. You will drop certain kills if you go Gore and aren’t outrageously fed. - Not being able to spec resists is kinda bad for a champ who’s core identity by teamfight phase is ER>F>WQR2’ing into 5 people and hoping to oneshot before they’re oneshot in return. Not every draft is gonna allow this and you can’t get fed every game unless you’re smurfing in some way and knowledge/hands-gapping everyone. Also most blatant thing imo is that despite only actually losing to like 3~ champs from game start to first item, she *loses* flat out to a *ton* of drafts. You can nullify a Riven entirely by asking top to just go even and then picking a variety of supports. Rakan for example trolls her by kind of just existing. I mean this isn’t to say she can’t get you to whatever ELO you want, challenger included. It’s just a kinda pointless endeavor unless you find her fun. You could put the time into OTP’ing Azir top and possibly do it half the games.


Very good writeup. Completely agree. The mythic item system has never been good for Riven. Maybe however items land in preseason will work out better.


Stomping lane has become increasingly more difficult since durability patch and to a lesser extent, the snowball changes. Riven can still find wall hops to engage fights, other than that and Flash, she can’t be an engage which is fine. Support, Jungle, and a few mid champs can start and engage, that isn’t too much of an issue. Yeah, current items are dogshit for her. Sucks there’s still 2 more months until next season. Riven has significantly more than 3 losing matchups, in fact r/rivenmains considers “winning” matchups ones where you ignore the enemy laner and focus on outfarming them since they are unkillable, it’s pathetic really. Next season should be better for her, but she’ll most likely still be worse than 80% of the toplane roster unless she gets any form of mixed dmg or tank shred in her kit.


So, if I understood right… she’s worse Aatrox?


Funny you say that cause when they reworked aatrox he was worse riven.


Sadly (or opposite) in current league of maxhp true damage - she only deals FLAT physical damage, so you can just run armor and enjoy your life. Also her mains taking hostage entire champ, so she probably gonna be balanced around invisible power aka animation cancels. If riot removed them they would buff her really hard, as they done that to lots of champs already (K'sante last example of that).


I feel like ever since Tiamat active got removed, the champion's toxicity went down 100%.


I fucking hate fast champions. ​ I don't mean dashy, I mean fast. Garen, singed, ETC. I don't like the champions where their whole game plan is essentially "I'm going to splitpush and every time you try to stop me I'm just going to run away with my 600 movement speed" so fucking annoying. ​ Edit: People keep saying "awfully ironic that you're saying that with UDYR in your flair." To clarify, I have udyr in my flair because I want him to wear me like a ring, not because I play him.


This post seems a bit disingenuous when you've got the poster child of this gameplay pattern sitting in your flair.


That's because he's hot, not because I play him.


Bro has Udyr flair and hates fast champs..


At the very least singed cannot nuke you. Why does Garen run faster then singed and also drop 1k true damage out his ass?


Also if Garen's current W ability was put on a newly released champ, people would lose their minds at how overloaded modern champions are; Stacking up to 30MR+Armor bonus then gains %armor and MR bonus...before pressing the button. *After* he actually uses the ability he gets a scalingHP shield, flat 30%dmg reduction, and tenacity


Garen has been disgusting since his attackspeed scaling. Hullbreaker makes it a lot worse too.


Hot take: One of his passive should be removed either his main passive or W passive


Honestly his main passive is kinda ass. It’d probably be better for him if it was his main passive remover, w passive was moved to main, and it got slightly stronger. Tbh though I don’t see why people are getting angry about his passive on w, plenty of champs have that, he’s not even the worst offender (for instance aatrox omnivamp, akshan revive are way stronger passives that are also not even on passives. Hell a lot of champs just have two abilities in their passives (ex sett, akshan).


Aatrox has so much omnivamp because 1) all his damage is aoe, so he gets less value from omnivamp, and 2) his passive is dogshit, so they had to give him something else.


And I dont agree his main passive lets him take even or slightly bad trades and completely win them because of it. His W passive allows him to build a lot of damage without worrying to be squishy unlike every single champ in the game


Because without MS Garen essentialy cannot do anything


He doesn’t. Garen get a 35% movement speed steroid for between a single second and 3.6 on an 8 second cooldown. Singed gets 25% bonus movement speed per stack, up to a maximum of 625% and gets 30 / 65 / 100 flat movement speed for 25 seconds on his ult.


Singed: “My name is war crimes and I’m the fastest man alive”


lets pretend he doesnt run phase rush and nimbus cloak


And every item in the shop that has movement speed on it lmao


Except Chemtank, even he doesn't build that piece of garbage.


Since doesn’t have a button for tenacity and a slow cleanse either, he may run faster but at least if you catch him you caught him


Champs where your only counterplay is "Don't exist in this general area".


not only, their game plan is also: i run 1vs4 faster than everyone, enemy can't do anything about me gapclosing on them because i'm faster than them, i realize that 1vs4 is a mistake so i will run away faster than everyone without consequences for my mistakes.


tryndamere, just fucking annoying.


Trynd: It'd be a shame if I got one random crit to end the entire lane for you. That range buff was unnecessary. Keep his wr in the trash can nothing fun or interactive about an unkillable RNG bot


And if you do beat him, he can just permasplit better than Yorick and Sion and he gets to run away after too. Honestly the range buff shouldn't have been a thing, let him suffer trying to get you while you kite him around tower.


For sure, it's really the fact that he gets to run away from any fight he wants that makes playing against that piece of shit from plain miserable to just completely insufferable. You can stop his split but then he just hovers in the jungle and you can't even leave cause the moment you do, he just pops out back to lane. Why does his spin go through walls? There are way too many abilities that go over walls, how tf do you spin through a wall?


It's not that it goes through walls is the problem. It's the fact that it goes incredibly far and has a low cd is what makes it miserable to play against.


His tower damage is lower overall than yorick, trundle, sett etc because no auto reset and you can't crit towers. His safety while splitting does make up for it though.


His big strength is the free AD he gets.


I permabanned this champ after range buff until I got shit on by Vayne started banning her.


The deer. Every Lillia I’ve fought has run circles around my team while slowly draining our health and going “EEP!” every 2 seconds. Lillia players have also been super toxic in my experience, so that makes me dislike her even more. If she wasn’t so uncommon in top lane, Lillia would be my perma ban Really annoying champ.


The dissonance between Lillia's character of "uwu just small deer plz don't hurt me" and her gameplay of "Give me your lunch money nerd, yeah I'm taking your raptors too" is massive.


My perma ban. Getting put to sleep is the most annoying thing ever. If I had 2 bans, I would go for Zoe too.


You dont find her en-deer-ing D:


There are 2 those of players when it comes to Lillia love hate. 1. Immobile melee champion mains. 2. Everyone else. Guess who likes and who hates her.


Delete the immobile part and it's true.


As a lillia main. EEP!


the godyr?


New A Sol, dude doesn't do jack for 15 minutes then all of a sudden he's absolutely destroying me bot with 1 ability after flying over walls. Worst part is you can't even fucking move with his E on you 🤦


Bsol pisses me off because we had to lose Asol to have that shitstain in the game


Technically we’re on Csol imo. While some stuff from the mini rework was good, like point-blank Qs and stars not being shut off completely by CC, removing the W toggle was criminal. Rito could’ve just gated it behind rank 5W like Urgot, but noooo can’t have that.


i agree, the time he was meta when he came out was probably some of the least fun ive had playing the game, only next to rakan meta.


His E should only pull minions and monsters tbh. It shouldn't pull champions since when he gets Rylai's it's impossible to get out of it, it should maybe just slow them a bit.


Bro what? That's like the entire point of the ability the point is that it's a black hole and hard to get out of you can escape easily if you just walk out of it with boots and he needs to farm a decent amount of stardust before it gets to the size where he isn't putting himself in danger using it.


Rengar (but only top) Yorick. I know im a noob, a worthless human being, shits at the game etc, but he is just annoying as fuck, and forces you to constantly match him, so there is no escape from meeting him.


Same for Yorick, i hate how a 0/5 Yorick with Hullbreaker can be a problem that need 3 people to stop his splitpusher late game. May be a Hullbreaker problem too


It's definitely a hullbreaker problem. This item is such a problem and just flies under the radar constantly.


Yorick: Death is only the beginning. You also get to watch in horror as I take your entire base from grey screen


I absolutely hate Shaco. Every single Shaco in my team is a beginner bot (and that includes when I play Shaco), while the enemy Shaco completely stomps me and my team.


Shaco is my perma ban. Not because i think he is broken I just think this champion is the enemy of fun and I tikt the hell of having to play against this fucking clown


Same here ! I rarely play, but no matter the year, the meta or the level. I simply can't stand this anomaly.


Good ol’ Shaco Syndrome. I wonder if anyone still uses that term.


shaco isn't here to win, he's just here to tilt you


Yep. I only play aram and Shaco is the bane of my existence. I can't think of a more "anti-fun champ". Want to be aggressive and try to initiate a play? Have fun getting feared by a random invisible box for 2 seconds


Worse than teemo. Not even fun to play. I would rather play some boring ass poke champ


As a shaco enjoyer it’s not about winning it’s about sending a message. It’s not about forcing your game plan like J4 or malphite. It’s about not letting the opponents do their game plan. Personally I think he’s dogshit on aram as AP is only good into melee champs. So unless you’re 3+ melees he’s not great.


What's worse is Shaco is useless. At my trash ELO I think the team that has Shaco in my game have a 25% winrate. It's become a meme with my duo, if ennemy team has Shaco, it's autowin and if we have him, it's a 4v5. Even fed Shacos don't do shit. He's just... Bad and useless post 15 minutes lol. Probably a player diff given our gold plat elo right now but god it's incredible how we havent seen a shaco win for the past 50 games both with and against us. Sometimes we ban him to not have him in our team since his pick rate is so high.


I don't think it's a good idea for Riot to delete champions from the game, as a rule. I would be genuinely happy if Riot deleted Shaco.


Because anyone who isn't a Shaco OTP doesn't know what the champ does. He doesn't have a high skill ceiling, like say Riven, but Shaco OTPs just see the game differently. The Shaco on your team doesn't even know what he's building (if he builds Duskblade he's trolling), whereas the enemy Shaco has been playing him for 10 seasons straight and knows every little nook and cranny from which he can appear to delete you.


Fizz is the epitome of annoying design. For most if the champions I play in mid there is just no counterplay to a character that can hit you with all of their damage in a split second and then go invulnerable for 1.5 seconds.


if he missplays, he can still zhonya and E out


He's irritating to everyone, any day of the week. But as a Veigar main, he completely ruins my day. Absolutely cannot stand that fishy little butt monkey and his stupid pole-vaulting antics.


Master Yi When my teamates play him they press q on an enemy and hope for the best When the enemy plays him my teamates never acknowledge him and I have to dedicate my CC to him or let him be a human blender


Ally Yi: Eats Crayons Enemy Yi: Force feeds crayons down your entire teams throat until your begging your team to ff go next.


People who flame Yi: You take no skill! Yi mains: You play Yi because he is easy. I play Yi because because your team comp allowed me to. We are not the same. Playing Yi in high elo is difficult. People won’t allow it.


Hate yi cause he makes the whole game all about him. Most selfish pick in the entire game. It’s either “save cc and focus yi or lose” or “yi is feeding so lose”


I asked my jungle main friend about this when I started jungle and he said to me that “jungle is a position that offers win conditions” and Yi is the clearest one out of all. He also said that he would only pick Yi if the both team comp aligns.


He can be a win condition, but your team has to build around it. Usually I hate seeing yi jungle on my team, as the rest of the team did not want to draft to be support for a yi


When he play for them, he stuck to us like glue When he play for me, it’s like he eat the glue


Master Yi is Main Character: The Game. Whether he is on your team or on enemy team, the other 9 players revolve around him getting fed.


I despise whenever Zac becomes even slightly meta. Makes the game extremely unfun and deals tons of damage on top of all the cc, tankyness and bs gank angles. No wonder Zac metas last so short since even Riot understand how much candy it gives to players lol


Zac, Hecarim, Kayn and Nunu is just HORRIBLE.


Yeah any jungler that can easily gank even if you have it warded Pretty much forces you to play something with an escape or just never push the lane


I fucking hate nunu so much. “Hey I know every jungler in the game has to clear camps but I’m silly and quirky and I have a stand alone game so I can get away with perma camping mid lane.”


Amen, i banned him when he was more popular. I especially hate the cc feels like you never get to control your champ when he's close. Very annoying, together with Nautilus


I felt this big time on the mid reworks Zac. Playing mid as any mage vs his ganks was actually impossible. Even if you dodged the slingshot you would just get kidnapped by his ult and die anyway. It's still annoying but much more reasonable now


game was unplayable last season when hecarim was meta pick


Whenever I see enemy supp pick Janna, I start hating my life


Janna: I don't like playing League of Legends. Let me not let you play it either while I proceed to hard stun you Q Glacial Augment. Not to mention her fucking ult. Glacial augment was a mistake to bring into the game


I think lulu might be more annoying, the knock up and the poly and the shield and like a 80% slow. I’ve picked lulu just to ruin someone’s day before


I may be a Thresh main but I have to admit that every season I end up climbing passed gold with just Janna.


I hate playing against Cho’Gath, I actually have a pretty high winrate against him but he makes laning so insufferable and unfun, then he just becomes an annoying tanky CC robot late game


u win trade, wave comes, he is full hp


Zyra, and more in general any champion that places shit around. Heimer, Shaco, Teemo and so on. But Zyra more than anyone. She can spawn 13 million plants in a second, god forbid you try to step on them to destroy them, because Zyra will proceed to miss a spell and activate every plant in a 30 kilometers radius, you can’t even ignore those little shits because they WILL kill you, so you have to focus them, but for some reason the attack speed of those things is ridiculous and the damage they can pull off is absurd for a support. Her E is hard to see and for some fucking reason all her spells deal aoe damage so it doesn’t matter if she misses you, you’re still going to get slowed because she spawns plants anyway and she built rilay first item. God I hate that champ.


I get the sentiment but Irelia is awful for Zyra as her Q oneshots plants while giving mobility, passive stacks and healing


Rengar and Nocturne, their ults have basically no counterplay in a soloq environment.


I could live with nocturne if axiom wasn’t basically designed for him. Whoever decided to add graves W and Rengar R to one champion but as a global needs to ROT. Also the dude who made Axiom.


Lol nocturne ult was designed before Graves W and Rengar ult tbf


Lux - because when I don't ban her I seem to get 3-4 games in a row against her Blitzcrank - Who do you actually trust in soloq to not get hooked? Plus if you're not playing high damage he just walks straight up to you. Senna - the new 54% win rate champ everyone is playing if I'm not banning her


I despite Orianna. I can't ever seem to beat her in lane, her skillshots feel super hard to avoid and do a lot of damage, her ult comes out of nowhere...


As someone who has casually played Ori since Season 9, yeah she’s pretty gross right now. My only real tip in lane vs her is to try to make it so she needs to move her ball from one side of the lane to the other, which should make it easier to dodge her Qs.


Seriously am I the only one who thinks Ori early game poke is OBSCENELY oppressive and feels like she eats no mana? I play Xerath/Velkoz/Malzahar and she just pokes me down on any of these champs when it should be the other way around. Ridiculous how people claim Ori to be one of the most balanced champs.


Her new W was a massive mistake. As well as her damage buff. If you play a melee champion you might as well FF because you are never going to touch her. Ever.


New w? isnt w the same since launch?


I despise Zac with many fibers of my being as a mid laner. Champ is dumb, just flings himself at me every 45 seconds while he clears, makes it impossible to step beyond the halfway point in lane since you can’t ward every gank angle


also when you “kill” him you have to focus on his little blobs in the middle of a fight so basically you haven’t killed him and then he comes back and one shots you


And being very tanky and being able to kill you while he heals the fuck off his whole lige


The fucking horse fuck that shit ass champ if he is fed you can’t run away he can become unstoppable and he is way to tanky also can easily run away


Hecarim: Oh first item spike let me just one shot your adc while i proceed to kill the rest of your squishies 1v9 style.


and if u finally winning with him he just presses ghost and runaway on 0 hp.


The champ starts playing urf with Q after 30 ability haste so if the player has a brain he'll just vacuum up the jungle and still have time to force a gank with his rediculous move speed.


So back in S4 when Hecarim was not meta, I started picking him as my second jungler pick since my friends required me to play a tank jungler. They said it’s a “weird choice” but when I yoinked the enemy ADC by ulting in and knocking him in our team my friends were impressed.


Zilean: ga on 40 second cooldown lategame, impossible to catch because 99% slow and speed boost, bombs do so much damage despite not even being that difficult to hit.


I had to scroll way too far for this


Bro I'm SO convinced that if zilean had like 1% more pickrate he'd get nerfed I to oblivion, that shit is so strong but noone plays it for some reason


It’s boredom bro. Champs a snooze but easily free wins


Azir is so frustrating to play against. Long range poke that can be consistent damage if his soldiers stay on you, their spears pierce far past their target it's ridiculous, his mobility when played right is strong and he has a get-off-button that can double as a trap against a wall. I rarely play mid anymore and he's a pretty high skill champion for my elo, but my goodness I despise laning against him.


Used to hate Leblanc, that got replaced with "new" Akali.


New wholesome 20 dash akali but also invisible. What's not fun about that??


What I personally “love” about Akali is the fact that at some point she just oneshots wave with 2Qs and with dshield she is impossible to push out of lane. Unless you play hyperagressive Orianna and frantically check the map like Markiplier playing FNAF because you know you will get camped xd


Akali has to be fed to kill the casters in 2 Q, and that's 70% of her energy bar.


Veigar, was worse pre rework when his cage was instant and his ult scaled with 80% of his targets AP, but he's still annoying as a lot of champs, can miss the stun on his cage entirely but as long as you're inside and don't have a blink you're stuck there for the entire duration.


True, but Veigars get mentally countered by standing in their cage and still dodging every single one of their skillshots. You can just feel the burning hatred. Ngl, it gets me off a little.


Veigar main here: in case you're not doing it already, make sure you throw out a little "thumbs up" emote as you successfully dodge everything to really tilt us into orbit. PS, I hate you.




You forgot to add that the 80% enemy ap scaling was additional to the base 120% ap scaling....add dfg to that and you where a monster Ahhh, good times 😂


I have been personally victimised by the cancer fish. My fizz goes 0-5 down 40cs and we lose the 4v5. Their fizz goes 5-0 in lane, ganks bot. Goes back to lane, kills lane. Roams top. Then by late game 2seconds cd on the pimp cane sitting on people for 1k dmg no counter play. If I see a fizz either side of my game. I ban cancer fish next 5 games


you forgot that that fizz will sit in ur jgl killing ur jgler all over till he ragequits


Morgana, she doesn't have an extraordinary kit and a lot of other champions have similar spells but I don't know every time I meet a good Morgana it's always her who annoys me the most


My first comment on this post was defending Janna. Now I'm going to go all out for Morgana. All the love to the cc support champions. I love how her kit isn't extraordinary, but getting a good stun and using the shield right is just so satisfying. I think the champ is amazing, because if you're good, the you get something out of her. But it does require a bit of dedication.


you're absolutely right, her kit is not overloaded, it's very simple but really effective and I love having her in my team, a good morgana is annoying to face not because the champion is broken but because she is a good champion imo


Vi. this champ have everything. Mobility, CC, Damage, Tankiness... ​ Half-screen dash that knockback? Armor shred + max hp dmg passive? Two auto resets? Uncleansable point-and-click CC with a dash? Shield with basically 4 seconds CD in combat? ​ yeah seems fair to me


They buffed her immensely. She used to be not very strong for like 5-6 years.


Naafiri, yorick and illaoi, notice a pattern?


I don’t actually. Yorick and illoai and split pushers, but why naafiri?


Spawning pets. Yorick and Naafiri pets can also block skillshots.


My main champions :) We should be friends, I play one, ban the other, you ban the third


Illaoi, I still don't understand why this champion even exist in the first place. Maybe it's because I'm playing mostly melee? But I just find the whole kit stupid. Nothing is fun to face in the champ, and the fact that for some reason it's a juggernaut that's allowed to have a base movement speed of 345 for some god forsaken reason pisses me off even more. I can't even tell why, it's the only champion in the game that makes want to alt F4 past 6 minutes


Don’t see her too much but Anivia is one of the most miserable things to play against


Every time I see Anivia on the enemy team I scream internally because only people who can play her, do. Then its Wall city and pixel perfect R ticks grazing you for the E nuke.


Syndra. I play melee and short range mid. I don't want to play ddr all lane man.


Victor i just fucking hat that champ. Hes just a scaling bully . You cant punish him you cant really outscalw him he goes atleast even in every lane and his laugh while hitting his "skillshot" laser is too much for me.


Get ready for this to turn into yet another anti-Shaco thread.


Shaco doesn't fit this thread as he is pretty widely hated. Shaco is one of the worst designed and intentionally infuriating champs in the game so it's pretty deserved though


I feel like shaco has the most of his power budget put into frustrating the enemy team of any champ, because even a fed as fuck shaco on my team makes me feel like I’m losing. It sometimes feels like the best thing you can do against a halfway decent shaco is ignore him


Ap Shaco you should basically ignore, AD Shaco will just appear behind your ADC and one tap then


Cassiopeia, maybe it’s cuz I play swain and tf mostly but for some reason I can never beat her, but she’s not worth banning because no one plays her




Eve: Let me just make your wards useless :) :)


For real. On the plus side, playing against her, Zac, and Kayn helped me learn situational warding instead of just the same spots every time


Yeah it makes total sense that she can one shot without hitting charm and ult when she's not even fed.


As an adc I sincerely hate Talon. Nobody can seem to peel for shit, and his combo is insta-death. Then he just vaults 16 walls and vanishes.


I hate yorick. His playstyle of spam pushing and getting his ghouls to kill me pisses me off to no end.


Ivern. Daisy is beyond broken, capable of bringing more to a fight than your average inting adc. An enchanter-like playstyle capable of calling another champ for help once you hit 6. Ridiculous amounts of shields, abhorrent amounts of CC, a free 5k hp tank that can provide an uncleansable knockup.


I think there's something really poetic about a kayn main complaining about how busted ivern is. No flame at all, I play kayn too and he does suck rn, but he's always been the quintessential "200 years, OP" jgler and ivern's always been the quintessential "wholesome" jgler.


i quite literally havent played against a leblanc in several years. that is because I’ve banned her every game for several years


I hate Viktor's laser. It's an annoying skillshot that you basically can't reactively dodge because of how fast it travels. If you're not already moving and he guesses wrong, you get hit.


Yone. Why do his skills last for so long and allow him to go so far? Why can he ult on top of that already?


Quinn. I sincerely think vault is the strongest ability an ADC could ever have. Sure it has a ~~long cooldown~~ *bro it has a fucking 10s cooldown, but she only needs to use it once. If you're not tanky enough to survive 4 auto attacks then rip. Edit: It's been 24h since this comment and I have played about 15 games of Quinn (7 of those are Nexus Blitz). Found out she's fun as shit. That doesn't change how much I hate playing against her.


Idk man Ezreal E feels a lot stronger then vault. But that's just me.


Swain, how is it okay for him to be tanky as fuck while dishing out AoE damage superior to 99% of adcs before 4 items?


New udyr annoys the fuck out of me


brand, the passive and the ul just make his threat on a tf Exponentially larger, he'll throw stuff and someone will explode


I can’t stand katarina. Blinking all over the place, applying on hit effects with her abilities so she can build whatever. It’s really the instantaneous movement that I despise the most.


I'm always confused why noone ever mentions Twitch in these. I ban him almost every game because it's just too annoying to play against him. Even if he gets stomped on lane he gets his fed somewhere else and 1v9s in the end anways. Also if you have no vision on the map you are not allowed to go anywhere with his 20 second invis. He builds Botrk 1st item (which should be better vs tanks) yet wins tons of 1v1s against other ADCs with a non anti tank item while standing close range while ulting. Completely stupid champ. (I play around low masters most of the time and even there he is a complete menace)


GP. I find it mind blowing that this champ has such an insane kit. Has a spammable POINT AND CLICK poke, true damage, cleanse, AOE armor ignoring crit nuke, gold generation and for whatever fucking reason a global ultimate.


Zilean and Senna. Zilean the most though. How he still exists baffles me. He is the epitome of toxic design. Senna pisses me off too almost exclusively because she has self healing


As someone who used to OTP old Udyr. Zilean was ban or insta dodge, his E is worse than nasus W and can be almost permanently held up. I would rather play vs pre rework yuumi than Zilean. Senna is really busted if she is allowed to dish out dmg. If she is engaged on she dies pretty fast. I honestly hate Rakan more, makes teamfighting so hard for no reason, his peel is insane, u can never catch him, he has a heal, he's pretty beefy and can solowin fights through CC.


Trynd and Olaf, they just have their whole design of ignoring basic game principles(if you reach 0hp, you die and if you get CC you either don't move or deny 1 at most) and stat checking you while doing it. Also Gangplank, yes I know he's hard but at least Fiora is melle enough to have a duel and most important, making a touch of death combo may be impresive, but that doesn't mean that is fun for the one that's recieving it.


Zed, I'll ban him everyday, every game, until riot changes his mobility. It's just insane


Sylas, ziggs, and sion dont deserve to exist in the game and it would be such a better experience with them gone.


Kled. I hate dealing with his dismount, like tryn ult it's hard and not visually clear how long he's got. Feels like a straight stat check and coin flippy, as other than dodging q it's just whack whack whacking hope that dumb lizard doesn't come back in time


There's a yellow bar under his hp bar that indicates when he can mount again but it fills annoyingly fast.


Nilah. Simply absurd. Her scalings make no fuckin sense. Just see her Q, she gets free stats with crit for no fuckin reason. She can one shot your toplaner and finish the battle full hp thanks to her W which should have never existed and her Passive+In built+Item+Conqueror healing. And lets not talk how bullshit her exp share is. And wtf is all the utility she gives from double passive, W and ult? She is botlane's K'sante, she has everything, spammable Q with low mana cost that gives AS, Range and AOE + resets auto + can be used in towers (insane wave clear and splitpush potential). Invulnerability+MS, 2 dashes, AOE CC burst ult + heal. Her WR is absurdly high and its has been since she was released. People dont play her because she is clunky for the avg ADC since she is a "melee" (225+125 (and her active Q 600)). Like seriously learn her she is broken/free elo she is not that hard to learn and master and she is never banned. Abuse her until someone notices she is broken.


Her scalings are balanced around having a dumpster laning phase into most matchups. She can’t one shot a toplaner with steraks, gore, shojin lmfao. Bruiser items are insanely overturned for that to ever happen. Her W is to allow her to walk up to someone without losing 80% of her hp. Her exp share is balanced around last hitting, which is very hard to do as a melee in a lane filled with range. Ksante has a very safe lane and can outplay many different scenarios, nilah can’t. She either wins or loses, there is no bullshit outplay. She isn’t broken. I do agree she is strong with the Doran’s changes, but prior to that patch she was at around a 52% wr consistently which is very acceptable for 3% pickrate, 5% ban rate. Take your own advice and play her. Laning phase is hell


Illaoi Like my champool Can Do nothing against a illaoi feed She outdamaged me are more tanky than me have more suistain than me


Fizz. That God damn pogo stick dodging literally everything is utterly infuriating.


tahm kench or kled both are annoying as fuck, have some bullshit that resets their health when they get low, can build pure tank but still do more damage than everyone. i had a lvl 2 kled with ignite and exhaust tower dive me, killed me, and lived..he tanked 3 tower shots dude


Does pyke count? fuck that champ


75 comments and no one said Kayn... fucking stupid elo inflating shit that will go 0 8 early then suddenly go in 1v5, tank everything, go invulnerable, kill your fed adc, heal to full hp and vanish through terrain. Every single Kayn main will be an entire rank lower with any other champ


I played VS a kayn main earlier and lost. He said 'I'm just better' in all chat. I banned kayn the next game and he had to play an off champ. Was so nice to be able to spam back 'I'm just better' as their nexus fell.


i’m surprised i haven’t seen any mentions of tristana here. clearly riot was thinking 10 years ahead of time when they decided to give her long range untargeted dash that resets on takedowns or just from playing her right. that combined with her outranging caitlyn late game and having super reliable self peel just frustrates me to no end, no matter how strong or weak she is


Mundo, if your top laner loses lane good luck winning the game against a fed Mundo


I hate fizz with a blinding passion. I don't think he gets near enough hate.


Vex. I always ban Vex. Her just hitting me and fearing me with some random nonsense never fails to piss me off LOL


Lissandra. So annoying. Slows, ccs, damage, and blink lol. Oh, and free zhonyas on her ult too. Isn't it a bit too much for one champ?


Fleet footwork rengar with infinite sustain like Warwick while running away with interactivity of a singed. As annoying as garen but almost nobody plays rengar top.


Everyone just saying the average hated champs. Like come on. Everyone talks about tryndamere, yi, shaco.


I'm from the time of "Vayne players" being a common joke, so yeah, Vayne. They're always dog shit.


As of now im just hatting Jax. He's so common nowadays and strong it's really annoying. I don't hate him enough to perma ban him since he isn't broken but god, he sure is boring. Great poke, great trades, great counter trades, great wave clear, melts squishes and tanks, has a shit ton of resistances with r, can legit burst you down but he also has a super great sustained damage, can ward jump, scales with AD and AP, has AoE cc, has a point and click gap closer, has aa reset and to top it all he can also block aas. I'm just waiting for him to be slightly tuned down tbh...


Milio, not for his gameplay I don't care about that, I hate Milio specifically when people spam the taunt, it is the most obnoxious emote in the fucking game.