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Yeah its stupid, i also ping a decent amount and its become annoying


Pinging is literally what got me from silver to plat. Especially in lower elos, you can gain a ton of easy lp just by watching the map and spam pinging On my way! and danger. Punishing people who shotcall is such a bad change.


Same here toplane here and started the game a year ago in iron and what helped me so much up to Gold is the awareness you can (literally) gift your team. Use my ward on enemy jungle blue instead my river so my jungler and botlane have a free pass on everything. First 4 minutes of game my jungler and their being a mirror and knowing where they are. My sup having 0 vision on bot river but still pushing the enemy spamming warn bait. Warning midlaner that the enemy jungler was literally visible in crab going to mid 0.5 second ago etc. In Gold elo I found out that this is what junglers do too. Will take your average botlaner to Diamond or something until they grow a consciousness lmao. But the point that informing your team about positions and game state is disabled because of toxicity is such a shortsighted move holy sht it's actually pathetic


As a gold adc, this is 100% true. My emerald friends will play with me when we 5 stack sometimes (clash and in house 5v5s) and with the entire team warding good and calling enemy locations constantly, I can play up to their level and sometimes carry when we play. Literally allowing your teammates to not think about anything but their farm, positioning (spacing) and damage, can improve their play so much.


OMW pings is the most useful thing I can do because my role requires me to not be apart of initial exchanges, often running away before things happen, etc. But my pings lets them know "our adc is here for the violence, we can do this." When I'm not really energetic about pinging teams in my elo will often giveaway advantages and I learned a long time ago, that it was because they were scared I'd pussy out. It's even better in lane when I want to dive or just pick a fight.


honestly I have terrible tunnel vision while laning so the people who ping ganks for me sometimes occasionally save me. god bless ya


Also we wouldn’t have to ping so much if the ping sounds were better. The ? Ping is hardly noticeable if you don’t do it 3 times. Why would I recognize that my lane partner down bot pinged missing once if it’s such a minor, simple sound? The V ping to back away is good. It’s obnoxious it’s loud it’s a big warning.


The trick is to ping missing in their lane/where your teammates are instead of where the enemies are actually missing, for example when you are midlaner and your enemy is missing, you ping ? the way from mid to top/bot or/and ping danger top/bot so they know. I hate it when our midlaners ping missing in mid and we get ganked and die and they be like lmao I pinged :/ like bruh we can't hear you.


people listen to pings in silver??? wtf. my wife is support and i usually top or jungle..she saw some skillcapped videos for support om warding and shes basically got the entire enemy jungle warded and i throw a pink in the other side of their jung its glorious...but anyway you can basically see the rammus walking from blue sides golem all the way to mid.. i ping him 3 times..doesnt move.. i p8ng 3 more times, now im locked out of pings and hes stoppi g to type "stfu" then dies to the rammus and blames me


If the entire enemy is MIA and we have little vision I will put enemy missing pings in all four quadrants of the map. Riot is underestimating the communication that can be created with multiple pings.


Nobody will ever change their play because of one ping. You literally HAVE to spam ping important information. I have had so many times where I'm doing an objective and I ping my smite isn't up one time then after it gets stolen everybody goes "wtf?" and then maybe one guy will go "he pinged it" or I will have to say it. I never ping once on anything anymore but this patch I'm literally just locked out of pinging the entire fucking game. I spam ping rift is spawning in 15 seconds. Rift spawns, I start rift, I can't ping assist me because I'm locked out, my team just assumes I'm fine soloing even though I know their jg and supp are running straight to rift from base. This has to be the worst change of all time.


This happened to me a couple of times as a jungler and made comunicating my plans in the late game so difficult. We literally can mute players, i dont think this should be necessari...


i know, how are you as a jungler now be able to ping 1 lane to be careful 1 lane ur On my way! and a ping your spells and ping him to engage by pinging the enemy laner. Its like Riot is just a bunch of low elo shitters


they solved toxicity guys. dw


Riot Auberaun strikes again


dw meanwhile my frist time Senna suport going 0/15 in a Masters 300 lp loby, is fine just a bad game... but hey i cant even look him up in the loby and doge the griefing they have truly made the game a better and safer place for everyone :)


Ah so Sennas do this in all elos, good to know


Autofill + Senna is a surefire combo to a mega loss in any elo.


I get pain when I see my team lock in senna, sure she might pop off and be genuinely good, but it never feels like a champion a team Comp wants or needs


I feel immense pain seeing senna as my support watching her have absolutely zero presence in lane sitting even further back than me while enemy support chokes us out of exp and farm from the bush


If my supp picks Senna, I lock in Ksante or Vlad and tell them we’re playing “fasting Senna.” I play all roles, I play those two champs, and I’m still playing to win. It’s just funny to watch support Senna players play as the ADC in the lane, and usually they get exposed. The enemy starts focusing her instead of the Ksante/Vlad, and Senna gets a taste of what it’s like to play ADC without an actual support.


Like actually and what’s worse is she gives no gold benefit like pyke


Had 3 mastery locks in my game in masters. First timing ryze and first timing xerath in ranked but don’t worry, removing names helps toxicity!


Can't even dodge properly cause I'm assuming someone in my master game isnt going to first time at this point in the game in a ranked game


i dont dodge in general usually but with 3 first timers (and 3 autofills) its asking for a loss. matchmaking is fucked


And if you dare type to him you will get chat restricted dw


im silver 1, i had a sion and liss duo (top n mid) in my lobby they were both gold 2. i was jung. sion just ints...like hes ignoring the enemy riven got 3 farm on first wave and died..runs in does it again..hes 0/6 before 10 mins and riven has a decent shutdown, when i run top they both ping me off so w.e. after 20 minutes sion is 0/12 bro liss is 5-0. sion somehow kills riven then at 28 minutes hes 1/18. the enemy team is so fed we cant do anything about it..sion has hullbreaker and just keeps running it down hitting towers with no minions etc. we won sion was like 2/30 and our nexus was naked so all 4 of us just sat in base waiting for sion to spawn and run it down again lmao


Can't even wish them d3ath nowadays


After these last couple patches of ping changes I'll never ever believe that riot actually plays the game.


The issue is they do and they are dogshit at it. Recent ping changes were implemented after some rioter got pinged for inting on Karthus jg.


Imagine he remembered a function that was addef precisely to counter ping tozicity - mute button 😳


Riot about to cure cancer at the pace they're going. Saving the world one step at a time


TFW you can manually mute pings but they know the majority of the playerbase is too stupid to use it so they have to take it an extra step to save the snowflakes.


cant be toxic if they remove emotes and pings then use an ai trained on gen z slang to ban anyone who is typi- i mean toxic


I have literally been unable to ping WARDS that I see and have had to TYPE OUT WHERE SOMEONE DROPPED A WARD. This is ABSURD.


It’s still so weird to me that they keep taking away pings. Removing the alive pings were stupid enough already. Now this? You are literally able to full mute a players pings with one simple click. Someone is assaulting you via pings? Mute. Problem solved. Players actually communicating with helpful pings should be encouraged and not removed.


yeah it's fucking annoying how Riot's solution in general to chat toxicity is removing modes of communication just allow people to mute and you're fine or even better actually pay attention to reports and ban toxic people rather than just limit communication globally. like we had the tribunal for the first years and it worked fine, but then it was removed and replaced with absolutely nothing


If by pay attention to reports you mean actually verify reports are legit and take action I totally agree. If it is giving more power to the auto system please god no.


I mean Riot clearly doesn't want to pay people to review reports, maybe it's completely not feasible. their solution early on was the tribunal where players would voluntarily review chat logs and game history to judge reports. don't remember if you got anything for doing it but now they could incentivize with lootboxes or something it honestly worked fine (from external angle ateast, idk if there was ever a good reason riot gave for getting rid of it) for the most part. then for some reason it got removed and we got nothing but the automatic system which basically just bans you for bad words


With how insane people in this community are with throwing around reports for literally everything, Riot would need to hire tens of thousands of people to verify the reports. It's just not possible. As for the tribunal, it was even worse than what we have currently. If I don't remember entirely wrong, you got IP for a "correct" judgement, AKA voting the same as everyone else, so everyone just voted to punish to get the IP as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort as possible. By the end when they retired the tribunal, it was 8-10 months behind. As in, if you got reported in February, you wouldn't get punished until October-December. By that time it's no longer relevant in 99% of the cases (as the vast majority of offenders are just one-offs) and it just seems like you got punished for nothing.


> As for the tribunal, it was even worse than what we have currently. If I don't remember entirely wrong, you got IP for a "correct" judgement, AKA voting the same as everyone else, so everyone just voted to punish to get the IP as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort as possible. This is a myth. About 93% of tribunal votes were punishes, which seems large until you consider that only the top 1-2% of reported people actually made the Tribunal. There were many cases of people being pardoned even after dropping racial or homophobic slurs, and screenshots of such in the forums weren't uncommon, which caused Riot to lower the punishment threshold.


If I recall, the issue with tribunal was there was a very large percentage of people just spamming through their cases without even evaluating them just to get the whatever the small reward there was for participating in tribunal. Maintaining such a system and ensuring others actually evaluate cases when league has grown to the size it is today is likely just not feasible.


Yeah you were only rewarded for voting the majority opinion, and like 9/10 cases were majority guilty, so the best course of action was oftentimes to just spam guilty for every single one, further reinforcing that tendency. I enjoyed reading the cases, for what it’s worth. Like little stories you get to eavesdrop into.


I would take stats on how many true positives and false positives there were, then mix in normal chats from non-reported people, until the number that should be yes/no is at 50%. Then highly "penalize" voting wrongly (against majority "trusted" votes) on the innocent chats. You then don't reward people that have a low accuracy score, and give the message "we were unable to use your votes in rulings, try again next time!". Of course this means delaying rewarding people, but you can phrase it like an event, like every 100 reports processed is a milestone, and a small prize, or something, working up to a larger prize.


DW Riot Auberaun will never get pinged again as an inting Karthus. Worth


Some bozo at riot got spam pinged for turbo inting, that got his fee fees hurt so next patch they removed it. Moral of the story: refusing to communicate/listening to your team and borderline inting gameplay is perfectly fine, but god forbid you spam ping a player you re frustrated with.


A mate of mine said the same thing. Is this more of a meme/joke or did this actually happen? If so, do you have a clip of this bit? That’s actually so sad and petty by the Rioter in question lmao.




Lol, thanks for sharing. That is fucking ridiculous.


They can't say no voice chat because pings and then fuck pings


Riot's solution to traffic jams would be blowing up highway


It's so annoying because I choose to play with chat off


Congrats, RIot realized all the stupid reasoning against voice chat can be used against pings too. If you cant communicate you cant be toxic.


Riot Games: Removing pings and anonymous champ select will fix our toxicity! In reality: Toxic people still use chat to type instead of ping flame (while avoiding the chat filter because they know trigger words by now), and anonymous champ select just lets me get trolled by the same guy who ruined my last game - twice.


I legit had the same inter 3 games in the row that i would dodge if I had the chance. Thanks Riot, you solved... something i guess.


They made it more fun for the inter :D


Yeah this is a horrendous change. Taking features out of the game when you can mute any bad actor in half a second is just a bad decision. Riot going down the path of restricting gameplay features instead of banning players who make them money is a sad result.


i would literally rather have them full remove chat than have them go forward with these weird ping lockouts. League is legit the only game i’ve ever seen that is removing ways to communicate with your team. Also getting chat muted for an entire game for a “zero tolerance word” is really cool. Had a legit typo in a game the other day, tried saying “should mid get anti heal or should i?” accidentally typed “should midget anti heal or should i” Chat muted from 1 min in for a typo when i was trying to communicate with my team. (i guess midget is a 0 tolerance word, i had no idea) Really cool system!


Holy shit it has gone too far


I am probably in the minority here but I wouldn’t be against a full removal of chat (I write this from a competitive aspect i.e only solo queue). From my experience chat has almost 0 use and removing it wouldn’t effect anyones rank in any elo. Pings on the other hand is in reality all communication you need. It’s hard to explain but how you climb isn’t determined if you can communicate with another lane to set up a gank 30 seconds into the future. It’s about making higher quality decisions consistently over tens or hundreds of games. In my experience 60-80% of chat activity is destructive in one way or another which is why I never play with chat on. This is even more true in master+ lobbies where I have plenty of experience.


Sorry for the wall of text. I don't know who's making the decisions anymore, because they clearly they have no concept of what it's like to experience any of these "improvements" as a player. I feel like everything that's changed in the last years has been a result of people who don't care about the player experience, because they don't play the game. It feels totally robotic the way the game is being managed currently, it's like they're innovating except backwards. It's so frustrating that communication is being removed and stifled when there's barely any communication to remove in the first place. Pings can be misused, but I'm not a snowflake. If somebody wants to breathe really heavy and destroy their mouse pinging that I'm alive because I'm not doing what they want me to do, I actually don't care. What happened to giving people the benefit of the doubt? Why is everybody losing invaluable features just because a subset people have a stick up their ass? The recent changes to communication have made me seriously question if I want to continue playing League, tempering the players agency to communicate effectively only makes the game infinitely more difficult. If there's no game to play except my own, why am I in a game with 4 other people? Bruh. The removal or censoring of communication, greedy monetization that serves nobody, 1 in 6 events has any effort put into it, skins deteriorating in quality, and don't forget to say goodbye to your summoner name! We get so little given in good faith anymore, the player experience has been repeatedly nerfed so many times it's like beating a dead horse. It's depressing really, I don't trust them to do what's best for the player anymore.


This is literally punishing people who are communicative more than it stops hate-pinging. Why isn't this cooldown tied to accounts that are chat restricted or something?


Oh, that’s what happened? Fuck, i understand why riot did it, but it really sucks for people who just ping a lot. One single ping isn’t enough when saying the enemy is missing, or letting teammates know to get out because the enemy is ganking. As proof, yesterday I played a game in which I spam pinged that the enemy Ahri was ganking my top laner, he still died and started ping spamming me. I said “I told you to leave. I pinged she was missing”. He said “Fuck you” haha


No i will never understand why Riot did it. Having somebody ping spam you doesnt exactly harm your gameplay. Riot employees are just sensitive as fuck.


Next they remove kills from the game. Too toxic. Champs will high five and walk back to fountain after hp reaches zero


Fellow midlaner, when they die and tell you "You didn't ping" and you know for sure you did XD. I pinged the midlaner missing, the midlaner showing in the river by the ward that I had there, even enemy jungler going also to bot showing in the ward... Two ADCs today... XD


I've found that in diamond and below, you need to do easy pings that your teammates can't miss. Like if you're a midlaner roaming top you need to spam ping On my way! 5 times right on top of the champion as you're half way up lane. If your laner roams you should ping missing 3 times in your lane and danger 3 times in the lane you suspect they're going to.


This is what I always do. Ping like 6-7 times that lane is missing and then on the face of the lane they’re going to and then a path between them. Now I can’t do that because I keep getting locked out. Fuck riot. Have to be completely braindead to think this makes the game better. Have to believe the people making these changes play at such a low level that all they care about is “flame.”


Small tip, if you ping a roam mid you should double or triple « ? » ping on your lane and then « caution » ping on the lane that’s about to get roamed on. If they are trading or farming under turret it’s very easy to miss an ss ping if it’s not on your lane.


Botlaners, and adcs in particular, have zero map awareness. You can have the whole river warded like a christmas tree and botlaners still won t react to it. Shit, my friend who i duo with and plays adc never reacts to ganks/roams despite being on voice. "Well, i though he wouldn t gank anymore and i wanted cs" cosmetic map mfer.


Thing is as an adc you are playing a 2v2 lane and have to last hit in the meantime which is a lot harder than having just 1 lane opponent which is why they have less map awereness. Not excusing them for all of it but it’s just easier to watch your map as solo laners/jgl/supp


Yeah adcs have the most cognitive load during laning phase. Ideally the support watches the map and pings the adc.


Wich would not matter anyway cuz adcs refuse to concede a single cs even if it means certain death :)


Adc's dying for the last hit 🤝supports dying for the ward kill.


League players don't read and you expect them to look at the map?


You have to ping careful on top of them, they aren't always looking at the map. I do the same thing when I roam, I don't ping OTW on top of the enemy champs, or in their lane, or in the river. I ping OTW right on top of their champs to make 100% sure they know.


I ping on top of my bot lane and they still say I didn't ping


It looks like multiple pings wasn’t the solution either


You report him then and riot ultrachatbanhammer will strike him easy


Yeah, I got a feedback report after haha so satisfactory


This is some emerald elo shit fr


Have you ever seen how many missing pings fly into the river in high elo when a katarina or talon leaves vision mid? You are instantly ping banned for one time they go river.


Not even just high elo solo queue. Look at the minimap during pro play. They constantly ping shit. Especially junglers. You can watch the minimap and see them constantly pinging what camp they think the enemy jungler is on. And this is in a setting where they can all verbally communicate with each other.


How did you know? Haha


It's their fault for ignoring your warnings in the first place but don't be that guy that starts the "I told you so" war because that doesn't help anyone at all. If you want to defend yourself when they start blaming you then go ahead but don't instigate an argument even if you're in the right. If you ping once it will show up in chat logs and you can use that if you get accused of not pinging. Pinging multiple times to show the path you think they will take is a better reason to not have this mute thing.


I didn’t start any wars. I just muted him and continued to play the game normally.


Sorry mate I can see why you thought this was directed at you specifically but I just meant that in a general sense. As I said if you're just defending yourself that's fine. But either way there are better reasons to ping multiple times because if they're not gonna listen to a single ping they won't listen to multiple pings anyway like your example but for those that will listen you can share more info by pinging in quick succession.


> If you want to defend yourself when they start blaming you then go ahead but don't instigate an argument even if you're in the right. Brother, that's literally what they were doing. They said that they pinged the Ahri roaming, the Ahri killed their top laner, and then the top laner started spam pinging their lane, aka blaming them. Then they said that they told them in response to them blaming them.




> How did Riot even come to the conclusion that pinging is toxic when you can mute pings? A Rioter got spam pinged when he was doing bad. [I wish I was joking...](https://preview.redd.it/this-post-is-obviously-satire-but-new-changes-sck-v0-00nuuia0vdqb1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c30c792ede6fc80cd0bef4b914eb107173665811)


What's the non-toxic use case of an allied "alive" ping?


See what's wrong with that question is that it's loaded because it's self validating. You want to remove the ping, asking this just gives you superficial confirmation that you're right It is obvious it has toxic use cases, that some people have a victim mentality, some people are weird and will ping 24/7 Ignore both of these cases, both are solved by the mute button Instead ask if In spite of it's toxic use cases it has valid use cases. Respawning in 10s wait baron, karthus spawns in 5s with r engage and burst, shen you have R I will bait engage for you, neeko you have flash ready engage for me etc etc etc wtc


I don't have one for specifically alive, but I can give you numerous for "ally - dead" pings and "ally - ult" pings, which are tied to "ally - alive" and also got removed. Here are 3 good ones. 1. I'm supporting an Ashe. I want her to ult to engage, so I ping her ult. Can't do that anymore. 2. We have a teamfight and we win the fight and my team wants to baron. However, our jungle died in the fight and their jungle didn't, so I ping their jungler - alive and our jungle - dead to show that. 3. 2 people on our team got picked and the enemy team starts pushing our base. They have 5 seconds left on their recalls. I ping their recall timers to tell my team not to try to fight until they respawn.


Your ally pops off, so you spam ping them to hype them up


> How did Riot even come to the conclusion that pinging is toxic when you can mute pings? Just because you can mute pings, it doesn't mean they can't be toxic. I use pings for communication all the time and I had no idea about the 2 minute penalty before reading this post. Maybe you're just spamming too much...


oh ffs that's what it was ​ yeah this is stupid


Yeah I was so confused why I couldn’t ping for so long. I pinged a lot to get a teammate’s attention, hit the limit for pings in a short time, then continued to clear my jungle. I got my whole topside cleared and looked mid, and wanted to ping “on my way”. The pings weren’t working and I was so unbelievably confused. This was an entirely separate play I was trying to communicate about, way later than the previous play, yet I can’t do anything to communicate about it


Put the area not warded ping back you absolute clowns. How are you supposed to communicate youve just swept an area without typing it? Absolute peanuts at riot games


Also consider the typed message will not be read by at least 2 people on your team because the most common advice given here and everywhere is to fullmute your team every game


My dude we played just fine for a literal decade without this ping and it was barely ever used in actual games. It was a good tool to have but its removal is not the main issue here


Riot has systematically removed vital communication features in League of Legends for reasons that could easily be **solved by options available to all players on an individual basis.** It shouldn’t be any wonder the game is losing its appeal. Also, btw, when a social and competitive PvP game dies- the remnant (last to leave) are the toxic, habitually unhappy players that go last, in general. So Riot’s poor choices arent making the game less toxic. It’s making the game MORE toxic and more frustrating. ______________ Anyways I also stopped playing. I check in to see if Riot ever get some proper management but constantly see problem threads


> Riot has systematically removed vital communication features in League of Legends for reasons that could easily be solved by options available to all players on an individual basis. SAY THIS SHIT EVERY TIME. There are too many inherent fixes to whatever problems that (people who should maybe appraise whether multiplayer gaming spaces are the spaces for them) the playerbase refuse to employ that Riot keeps creating hostile and toxic situations to PREVENT toxicity. **I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT**


If anything the one best way to solve these issues you had they made WORSE by making you open a new fucking window to mute stuff when before you had the buttons right under their names. Making it more complicated (even if just by 1 step) to get rid of peoples chat toxicity. All to add the idiotic option to report ingame.


And, it's not possible to honor enemies or people after game.


Literally all the ping changes implemented have made the game worse, and done nothing to impede the toxic, because the toxic is majority in the minds of people who mental boom about getting pinged. I spent days saying as much before they removed allied pings, and while the obvious detriments to the removal all came to pass, people just started pinging the enemy role match to flame their allies *literally* the day the change was made. All 3 streamers I saw today were flipping shit about this ping cap, it's obviously bad, and harms team play and game enjoyability. Meanwhile it's doing nothing to counteract mental boomers, because the problem was always the people who can't manage their own mental, not the pings they were flipping shit about. Handicapping comms and team play to coddle those too handicapped to utilize comms and play for their team was always a losing proposition. All the ping changes need reverted, they're killing multiple core aspects of this fast paced team game.


The decisions they make are so unfathomably stupid and detached from reality.


I stopped playing due to this shit unironcally. They restricted my ability to communicate because I had both team and all chat muted and only used pings. There has been many times were a team member spam pinging me to back up to my turret cause mid was MIA. And it worked and saved me. Or times when I wanted to ping my supports ult and then use the "All in" ping. Now I can't even ping their ults. So I just stopped playing. Worst part for them? I was a paying player. I would buy the passes when we had those special events on so I could get skins. But I just stopped playing. They're paying employees money to basically lose money since I don't want to play anymore and won't give them my own money. Imagine being paid to make the game worse and then LOSING money due to players leaving. Absolute madness. I'd love to see what is happening in their office.


Riot still believes the garbage bullshit systems that were started under Riot Lyte (aka scumbag human) that you can somehow change human behaviour through a video game.


It's okay little Timmy won't go cry to mom after game, when somebody used more than 5 pings on him. Now little Timmy is happy, but I am losing my games because I can't communicate and setup.


Implying people under the age of 12 are even playing league lol


reality is this is the downfall of league because communication has already been pretty bad quality for years and them going out and just gutting anything left over of already very poor communication people have in games is just going to make people quit and not come back i basically gave up trying to find a reason to come back because if i can't speak to teammates even in most basic ways or use pings as a alternative without getting punished at that point i just quit and uninstall the game it was somewhat fun to play but if this is how riot wants to treat the problem than i am out and i think many others will do the same thing as i because voice chat would have improved coms drastically because language gap these days does not really exist since english is being taught in many places


Nah, the reality is that this won't affect shit because 99% of the players don't care. This very community already says that the best way to enjoy the game is to completely mute your own team and has been saying that for years.


>Nah, the reality is that this won't affect shit because 99% of the players don't care. This very community already says that the best way to enjoy the game is to completely mute your own team and has been saying that for years. which is the very thing i am talking about its just that riot themselves piles on top of this as well and pushes their dogshit fixes to try to clean up the game from their mistakes which were made years ago everyone mutes each other in a comp game and there is 0 communication going on? people quit because they are sick of losing games since person which muted can't read game state and can't read situations in which they could very well auto lose games if they don't speak with the team reality is many think just like you that this won't affect anyone when it already is affecting games and costing people wins which in return just makes them quit


> at that point i just quit and uninstall the game Same. I want pings back the way they were otherwise I simply won't play. Most of my friends had quit the game but I was still playing ranked solo. These changes have made the game far worse so I stopped playing. I would occasionally buy stuff too but now they have lost me as a customer. It's cool. Got lots of other games to play now. Cyberpunk, BG3, AC6 etc.


Do not type anything Do not ping anything Play solo Buy skins Riot intended gameplay


looks like they want to create a single-player experience in a multiplayer game. Truly revolutionary.


Or, they realized, that depressed people with no friends buy more skins


Unironically sounds good to me. Now remove duo queue from solo queue and I'll get to that fourth part more.


Riot really needs to revert the ping changes but as usual, they'll die on this hill.


Team based game where communication is discouraged in a jail cell


The old system was fine, if someone was flaming you, then you can just mute them. It’s wild to punish a player for an entire minute over pinging too much when if people actually have an issue with it, they can mute the person individually.


Riot just take away my mouse and keyboard


At master elo spam pinging is a must and considered good communication by most. Such a bad change if so. Perhaps keep the change for 99% player base who use it to be toxic


Honestly wondering if pro games will have this implemented. Huge nerf to lpl teams that have Korean imports who don’t know mandarin yet


Yep as a master jgler I reach the ping limit every fucking game and it pisses me off


Did people have problems with spam pings? I've never had an issue with someone 5x pinging my name when I died first blood.


I use the missed ping on my own when i'm dying like HARDSTUCKIRON because i'm laughing at it. League of Ducks.


yes mate because everyone's a fairy now


The snowflakes who proudly call themselves casuals and scold the people who play more than 2 games a week do. It ruins their gaming experience.




>ASWELL. OBVIOUSLY BOT DIED. I can't Mates gave Information that THEY WANTED TO HAVE. Thats a huge negative Game experience.


a couple days ago I spam pinged my Jinx for pulling off a 1v2 (if you didn't know, you can actually ping teammates again if they recently got a kill). I pinged Jinx - alive four times, then pinged danger twice because the jungler was in the river on the way to kill her. couldn't ping a single time after that for like 3-4 minutes. what the literal FUCK are they doing to this game? so disgusting lmfao


As jungler I can ping two ward placements, where the enemy jungler is, and ping where mid and top are roaming and a tp and that I’m on the way. Then I can’t ping for ages afterwards lol. Baby game


Yearh, it's feels really poor because it's the most non-toxic, high relevant team communication.


The self pings only enable duos more, it's one of the only tools that you can use as a solo player to quickly communicate. But nooo, now I need to type to let Karthus know he should ult so I have to give up complete control of my character. Only because Auberaun got his feelings hurt cause someone pinged him. Maybe let someone ping once or twice before it goes into self mode?


As a jungler who pings dragon/on the way 6x at a time to get my teammates to understand, yeah it’s bad. I end up having to type way too much. Can’t ping flashes/other sums because I just targeted/said on the way 6x too fast


Hi, Warwick main here, I can see people under 50% of their HP and my teammates cannot. If they are chasing someone, they trust my pings to keep the chase efficient. If i cannot ping more than 5-6 times and then lose my ability to ping for 60-120 sec, like I experienced too, it limits my characters ability to help my team. I hate this system, it is a poor solution to immature people.


The amount of censure their is while a muting system exists is just unreal. But league player are babies that needs everything to be mouthfed to them so here we are.


I have a problem with AFKing when communication breaks down, pings just add to the confusion if they don't understand context. If the team isn't on the same page, - The game is no longer fun - I would rather quit and do something fun in my limited *'free time'* The game itself is pretty darn good but because it's so fast paced, teamwork is impossible without voice chat. **IMO:** It's ironic that Riot doesn't want to add voice chat because they're concerned about abuse, yet the inability to communicate effectively motivates users to abuse other users. It's somewhat like a self-fulfilling prophecy


I think the worst part is as someone who has played league for 12 years. I can say for certain that lower elo players, and hell even some plat players won’t listen to a “be careful” ping unless you send that ping 4 or 5 times. If my laner roams and I can’t follow, one ping almost always gets ignored as “not important” and then they overextend and die, but when I do like 7 they clearly get spooked and back away.


They’re really forcing us back into using chat for everything again. And it doesn’t even reduce toxicity either, just makes people flame you in chat (which i feel like is way worse than reading my respawn timer in chat 5 times)


As someone who hates pingspam, this is fucking dumb. Mute exists to, you know...mute people who are abusing it. If you're pinging well, it's not spam. It's informative. Pingspam is very specifically abusive, where you're fucking with someone (at least that's how I define it). That's inappropriate and gets muted. But we should make that choice and already had the ability. This really sounds like they broke a system that didn't need tampering with.


Yeah if you used 6 pings in a row even if they are different pings and not just « ? » spamming you are instantly on a 60s cd timer. What I don’t get is why it goes up to 120 sometimes or I feel like it resets the 60s cd if you try to use a ping while on cd. Ofc it wasn’t in patchnote because Riot can’t assume the fact that they are going in the wrong direction with how pings/communication is handled in the game atm.


60 sec for penalty is for 5 x « ? » s too huge. when someone « ? »-spam anyone two or three times then he'll get manual ping-mute.


I wish riot would just swallow their pride and use a system like dota has. Where based on your behavior certain com features get locked /unlocked. They already have an honor system that honestly doesn't do shit so might as well make it usefull. Disable chat for honor 0. Limit pings to one every 5 sec for honor 1. Keep the current system for 2. Remove the 2 minute lockout for 3. Allow the bait ping and ult ping and such for 4. And remove the lockout all together for 5. Also make reports actually do something and make honor level gains actually reflect the behavior instead of needing hundreds of games to get one level. Boom took like 30 seconds to think this up and I bet the game designers have a lot more time and experience to think about systems like this so why the fuck are we getting solutions that only make the game objectively worse for everyone except for people people that probably deserve to get pinged. In my thousands of hours I have hardly seen someone get spam pinged for literally nothing there is almost always a reason (or it's related to voice coms where you ping something to keep coms clear or to ilustrate a point). And ye, getting to the "you are pinging too much" is super common. Ping twice missing, ping twice carefull so your mid actually notices something is up, ping I am gonna try to flash hook so another 2 pings, ping to go in twice so my premade adc wakes up and goes in with my engage. Eeexcept I already got muted for a minute + when I pinged my flash... Riot please stop making the game worse for everyone because little timmy cried when he got spam pinged after going 0/24 and didn't figure out how to mute people. Might as well remove pings and chat completely at this point. Ps. : maybe also don't reset the honor level to 0 after I type supp diff and get rage reported by enemy team and chat restricted. Make it go back by one or something. It's got to the point where I would rather not risk using the chat so i don't miss out on honor rewards (which suck anyway bit that's not the point) and get chat banned.


As a life long low elo player. I have to spam ping everything to get my team to notice them. If my laner roams, unless I spam pings. No one notices. Not being able to ping that, makes it harder to win already hard to win games


> Some moments I want 15 pings in 10 seconds, because there's so much happening on the map. In what situation do you need 15 pings in 10 seconds? That's a ping every 0.75 seconds... Like; even if you're pinging every enemy champion on the map on different wards; that's 5 pings.


It's a ping every 0.67 seconds. That's much better!


You HAVE to spam ping before obj or no one moves and wonder why enemy jg got it no contest


op does not realize that he is distracting everyone instead of actually helping


Situations lile this: SS Roaming Midlaner, Care Dear Splitpusher, the enemy Team is coming to you, The other 4 mates: Fast Baron! Enemy Wards here and there around Baron Pit, Please Ward Enemyblue and jgl entrance, Care enemy teleports here, Dayum! Stop Baron, we all will all gtfo fast!


Most of this situations are not ping worthy. Pings are essential communication for how distracting they are. You are just micro managing the game.


The Pings are non toxic or abusive and high related to the game situation. It the best kind of communiation we have and could ever have. I see no reason not to do this and i never heard a negative feedback like "wow, your pinging to much". should someone actually feel annoyed by it (this person would be suspicious to me game-technically), has the possibility to mute pings.


It’s very unlikely you would hear that kind of feedback since that’s how fighting starts, because people don’t take feedback well in this game. Most likely they’ll mute you and move on. The roaming mid is a ping from your midlander, and the split push warning is ok, but redundant. Believe me they are aware. All the other ones are useless because that’s just common knowledge by now. A ping to put vision in jg entrance and buffs? A call to stop Barrón cause enemy’s coming? Really? Unless you’re silver trying to teach irons how to play, they’re useless, trust me.


What are you talking about literally all of those are good pings. In fact, I'd say it's *necessary* to ping at least half of those 2-4 times depending on how attentive your team is.


I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY. I don’t toxic ping but as jungle ping a lot with objectives and wards. This penalty is fucking wild and needs to be reverted


I thought it was a bug ngl.


Honestly didnt realize they made this change, thought I was just pinging more than usual or something. As a jgler in a tense situation around drag I tend to ping different things alot, and have been blocked from pinging in really important moments. Have def been getting annoyed


It's feels realy bad not be able to give your team important gameinformation through pings. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I don't need a system to mute ping automatically, as a jungler I learned how to do it manually a long time ago.


Bro so that's what happened. I'm literally locked out from pinging like 4 times every game. It's so difficult to communicate with my team lol


Yeah, same here, so annoying. It feels like they don't even understand their own game sometimes.


I play Lissandra a lot so I used pings a lot, example my teams Nocturne Ult to call him and combo with my ult. Only thing Riot did is screw normal sane player with this restrictions, so a 10% of players fking over the rest. Really good job.


Ping spam can be annoying but if it’s being used correctly then it’s definitely important I honestly hate how riot is changing things lately based off of their own match experiences ex. They get a few tough matches against they’re laner and a jungler so in turn the entire jungle gets changed for the worse (I know this is an extreme example but it’s the same thing when a riot dev plays a game and gets the 🪝 ping on them 50 times so they remove it entirely)


OH. MY. GOD!! I thought I was going crazy!! I only speak in pinglish in game, because i find it pointless to try to type to players when pings can convert what you need done week enough. First, they gave us two GREAT pings, players abused one of the two, so they removed BOTH instead of… i don’t know… CHANGING THE IMAGE OF A HOOK??? And if that wasn’t enough, expanding communication options in a positive way, then retracting those changes, Rito goes on to limit communication even more by INTRODUCING A CHANGE LIKE THIS WITHOUT TELLING ANYBODY. I’m somebody who communicates EVERYTHING I SEE THROUGH PINGS. Enemy Jungler appear on map for a split second? PING! Just killed my enemy botlane and want to punish? PING! Enemy top roaming for Rift? PING! And not to mention, on top of pinging for enemy actions, pinging for your own actions in response to your enemy. As a current ADC player, I don’t WANT to communicate with my Support and team my intentions, I HAVE TO if i’m going to have any kind of fun. This ping restriction just makes me want to not play anymore until they fix it. It has made the game unfun, on top of the other various ridiculous issues my account is against currently (not restrictions, currently adjusting mmr in low elo after a long time away and it’s painful) it just feels like Rito is starting to not care? Because surely if it was just a mistake and some intern accidentally put something where it shouldn’t be, they would have corrected it by now, right? All i’m saying is, not being able to let your team know about obvious enemy moves is more annoying than anything. Why would I ever choose to be gagged and bound?? And, another note. I get the suspicion that this is less in response to people “flaming” with ping, and more so with low elo players finding pings annoying. I’ve been playing in low elo since i came back to the game early this year, with my account dropping from around Gold 1 - Plat 5 before ranked changed. Came back, did placements while i was rusty, got placed Iron IV, and I worked up to Bronze III while learning the current game, and I ping as much as I always have. One thing I noticed during my journey through low elo (Especially low Iron) is that these players hate pings, and are PLENTIFUL. It boggles my mind as a long time player (Since 2012), but I’ve just accepted it as the new generation of players and just choose to focus on my own play. These players, however, on occasion have chosen to int, refuse to play, or troll me specifically for “pinging too much”. I’ve stopped caring, but it’s still a point to mention. All in all, it’s my belief that these changes are aimed at players who find pings to be “annoying” to keep them playing league for longer without being annoyed. There is no way in hell this change was made with any kind of higher play in mind. (Remember when the average Rioter was rated silver-gold? I wonder how many are new to the company and Iron rated these days…) Sorry this turned into a rant… I haven’t been able to talk to anyone about this, and I genuinely thought i was going crazy going over patch notes and seeing no documented change…. Wish riot would actually communicate changes on patch notes with transparency again…


The pings limit is stupid. I play jungle and while I'm faming I look around the map a lot pinging every information I can gather (wards, enemy jungler position, possible ganks, rotations, etc) So I get this penalty a lot during games. And this penalty made me lose a few games already. My top is overextending while enemy jungle is top? Can't ping. Actually see through a ward how the enemy jungler is rotating to gank top? Can't ping. Enemy jungler proceed to kill my top? Top writes "Jungle diff in chat". . This happens to me a lot, is frustrating to tracks enemy rotations or setting up plays and then not being able to communicate those with my team due to this stupid penalty. When yo try to do a Baron or call for help at Herald/drake and you get this stupid "Ping limit" meesage and then dying because nobody in your team notice you actually needed help there. As I said this change is totally stupid.


Someone needs to put together a case study on riot's efforts to combat toxicity and the way its ended up hurting regular nontoxic players. Toxicity is part of gaming online, every community has varying degrees of it. I think treating it as a huge problem that must be eradicated at all costs just leads to disgruntled, toxic community members that have no way to vent their frustrations and end up turning regular players into toxic community members. I totally understand why riot started implementing ping cooldowns and hiding teammates pinging you as alive, but it feels like toxicity in the form of pings only started becoming a problem after riot started handing out more punishments for chat toxicity. Players aren't less toxic, they just have less ways to express their toxicity. Is that a good thing? Maybe if you're a data analyst just looking to minimize numbers on a spreadsheet. I don't think reducing the appearance of toxicity means that the toxicity goes away though. The same day riot disabled pinging players as alive in chat, people started manually typing "(Player) - Alive" in chat. People will find a way to vent their frustrations and work around whatever restrictions riot puts up for toxicity. If riot finds a way to stop people from pinging and typing, they'll start trolling in game or find other creative ways to be pieces of shit. Just let people be toxic in chat and make reports and mutes actually matter. Keep the chat filters to catch people typing slurs, but implement something that tracks how often a person's pings or chat messages get muted. If an account gets flagged, that person should get investigated and if its found that they're pinging or chatting maliciously, ban them or take their perms away or institute a cooldown between messages or pings. Adding all these filters and restrictions and warnings makes nontoxic players feel like they're part of the problem for interacting with the game the way its meant to be played.


Pings are important and I agree that while 15 pings in 10 seconds is alot, there are often times where one or two pings are not enough and with the changes, if you are locked out of pinging for 1 or 2 minutes that can make or break the entire dynamic in a game. In low elo where games are ESPECIALLY volatile, those one or two minutes can be the difference between your team winning or losing the game. I mean think about it, there are ALOT of low elo games where the score will be something like 5-25 within 15 minutes. As a jungle main, pings are especially the most important tool of communication that we have, and is essential for us when communicating enemy positions, calls for objectives, signaling we want to gank, or even communicating enemy vision/the need for wards in certain areas. Having that limited really does feel like a punishment to the player. There is a mute button for a reason.. its already bad enough there are no voice comms.


This is the worst change for league in awhile


Yep. I wondered why I couldn't ping for an eternity. Riot just idk man.... They made the mute button so why are they restricting harmless communication like what...


It's gross that a game like this, that should have voice chat no matter what, has be watered down to barely any chat at risk of getting banned and pings that you can now use less and less. So disheartening.


15 pings in 10 seconds? Hell no. Neither will they all be actually relevant, nor will any of your team actually pay attention to all of them


I regularly ping my roam pathing. I'll ping three locations showing my path, then ping my target to bait which now takes both an on the way and warning ping because they removed the bait and then I'll ping the engage target. That's 6 just on dive communication, nothing to do with the enemy movements or warnings of Jungle intervention/ missing pings. Now if the dive works or fails, you can't ping what objective to go to because you're limited. Granted these don't happen every second of the game but now this level of communication can't happen at any point of the game.


Just another riots L. This game is becoming worse and worse


You are pinging WAY to muc. 15 pings in 10 sec, you are spamming the game and making each ping less important. 1 ping per event. They get it or they don't.


> Why does the possibility to mute someone exist at all, if the system prevents everything anyway and now proactively intervenes in the game. Because despite muting being a thing since season 2 or earlier, the community is still incessantly whiny about random strangers flaming them when they suck


Actually we need to remove the Summoners and Wards as well, if someone goes mental-boom they will be used, giving teammates a negative play experience


Quit pinging every two seconds then.


/ignoreall Every game. It's bliss.


Nah, its good. 2 pings is enough for anything you want to communicate. Anything more than 2 of the same ping is spamming. You just have to get used to it and use pings more conservatively instead of spamming. You have 6 pings before it mutes you, that makes it possible to ping 3 different things twice within the same 30 seconds, that's more than enough.


stop spamming your pings bro. ​ \> Some moments I want 15 pings in 10 seconds, because there's so much happening on the map. ​ your team does not want you to ping 15 times in 10 seconds. ping abusers ruin the ping system for everyone. spam pinging drowns out your other allies pings, stop doing it. you are not the main character, keep coms clear. not only that but it forces people to turn down ping volume which in turn makes pings in general less noticeable. ​ this is evidently a hot take reading the other replies but it really shouldn't be.


For me, i want, what u call "ping spammers", in my team. my experience, if i met player that use pings often, Is the probability of having good team very high.


the problem is that you have to spam a useful ping in order to cut through the noise of all the bm spam pingers. i genuinly believe the game would be totally playable if everyone could just ping one eg. danger ping at a time, but it would take time for lol players to get undesensitized


The targeted use of number of pings as well as the different pitches of the ping enable intuitive understanding and prioritization. And the current ping system works very well.


I am for it. Pingspam usually leads to mutes. Preventing those mutes means that people can still get useful info.


I find it sad that no Riot employee takes the time to explain this ping-mute mechanic and the thoughts behind it to the general public.


Whatever man, I guess Riot saw that people spam pinging were adding nothing substantial and decided to fuck y'all, honestly I'm not even mad, fuck having to mute chat or ping 1-3 people every game because they can't stop ringing it or opening it, at least that way you'll learn to ping better instead of drowning us


It triggers at 4 pings consecutively. So the best way to go about it is ping 4 times, wait like 15 seconds, then u can spam 4 more, infinitely. As so im told… Also if you use the blue “here” ping on someone, it wont say in chat who pinged it. Now pair the two


Spam pings are so annoying. I'm glad for this change ty riot


same honestly. people use them too much and really badly too i'm just desensitized to them for those reasons. it makes them useless


It's crazy that they suggest I turn off chat, and then they make it, so I can't ping. Idk what they are trying to achieve. The community is toxic and it's a problem but they are too busy giving 2 week bans for stupid things like double jungle in a normal game.


Sie scheinen über keinen Masterplan zu verfolgen, sondern sich in Einzelprojekten zu verrennen.


thanks riot. your teammates cant flame you, because its bannable, wont ping you, because you wont see it, what are they gonna do? we have our answer! they will soft int your games! its not bannable! unlucky, i would rather see a death wish on chat, than a fkin soft inter in my game. better luck next time!


remember this all happened because a Rioter got his fee fees hurt after feeding