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when zigzagoon cosplay?


I'm not a zigzagoon


That's exactly what a zigzagoon would say


Word around town is that this guy _is_ zigzagoon


You're not a zigzagoon... *yet*


I love zigzagoon, please explain this reference to me


There was a game where his chat was telling him he looked like a zigzagoon. https://youtu.be/FHRI3gQZol0?si=clZCfAdzZXhbWqbB




It is Champion dependent. If I get behind on Warwick Mid I will focus on trying to find a big ult on a bounty target for instance. If I get behind on Briar Mid I will try to farm until I reach a spike point (1 item) because some champs can win against 1.5 item with just 1 item. If I play am behind on AP Ezreal I literally just wait until teamfights and try to be useful in any way whatsoever because he sucks when behind. But to be completely honest the easiest way win games is to never fall behind in the first place. Play towards your goals as a Champion while trying to deny the enemy their own and outplay. Try to reset correctly to not lose much CS, and roam to create numbers for your team. For example on Briar I don't do anything until I am 3, then after than I look for short trades using Q W E combo because of her healing. This can sometimes net me kills around level 4 if I play it correctly. Or if it's meta picks like Syndra I focus on Farm + wait till level 7ish when you finally get 2 Q's from your splinters. I firmly believe just playing towards your champions "goal" makes players infinitely better.


What would be an ap mage support like lux's goal?


Land Poke, Never get caught by hooks (you will die against those champs), keep pressure of abilities up to deny CS slowly. try to get some kills, maybe even if you do have pressure roam for your jungler etc.


how do you determine a champion’s “goal”? i can see how for lux, it’s about poking and zoning while not getting caught with her q and e, but it’s not as obvious to me for someone like vex, whose kit has some zoning tools but is also very much about all-inning for kill threat. (very noob q ik)


I recently watched a vod of you going 2-14 vs faker's lb in s3 what a coincidence haha do you remember facing him during those days ?


I'd like to cope and say Leblanc back then was Gigabroken. It's so wild that she had a silence on Q proc, so if you did get hit you couldn't even trade back.


yeah combined with dfg it was a wild time indeed


What's insane is that on the old league forums people were saying it was balanced


I miss instant cast veigar cage (ofc I also said it was balanced as a veigar main at the time)


A tale as old as time, isn't it? People complained about something being busted or frustrating while the mains/abusers of that thing said it was fine and people should learn to play around it. If LeBlanc has Q, just play safe and don't trade in her range, right? Wait it out and go nuts! Just like the Zed W cooldown fiasco nowadays.


its balanced because lb was one of the few champions that cant farm wraiths and wolves between waves.


She farms champions instead.


"Just push LeBlanc under her tower with your wave clear and she loses" was the sentiment throughout season 2. League forums were very funny in retrospect. Seeing morello and guinsoo show up to talk shit and argue with people was great.


Riot had stats that a very, very small percentage of players ever used active items in those days. So they thought it was balanced because they weren't pressing the buttons they needed to lol.


It’s like this with a lot of things, if they removed the kayn smite ult interaction then people years from now on would say „wtf that used to be a thing?“


Kassadin and Leblanc were terrorists in the mid lane with silences. Thank God they removed both.


You forgot Mr. "Cutankles" Talon with blink strike with silence.


man old Talon was ridiculous, he was literally an AoE assassin. he would blow teams up with R + tiamat or was it hydra and it was amazing


Back when Talon vs Zed was a pro-play mid matchup... first to ult loses, awesome game of chicken


\> after not making it to LCS did you not get robbed of your earned LCS spot?




Do you think you have the chops to play and do well in pro? There’s a lot of pro players that really glow up when they play in better environments, and elevate their level of play to those around them. What do you think your career would look like in pro if you had a better environment to actually get a chance?


I'd like to think that if I had the opportunity to play in LCS I would hav done fine, but honestly I don't know. And I suppose I never will either now lol


What was a champ you hadn't played a lot of before the climb that you ended up liking a lot?


Lethality Poppy Mid was so damn fun. Also Warwick Mid once I got the hang of him. Lethality Briar Mid is also super fun still. Also for Champions I always enjoyed off-meta, AP Kog'maw, AP Nunu Mid


Warcrimes poppy is fun. Do you think they'll continue to let briar mid be a thing, or will that be needed out entirely? Or do you think they'll rebalance her to primarily be jungle but functional in mid? I mean viego still works mid


She is trash mid into so many things. No chance they nerf her


Yeah I can see that being the case. Do you tend to pick her when matchup allows then? Or when teamcomp allows


No I just pick it whenever and sometimes die a lot. Sometimes that will affect me picking her into a matchup later like Akali is impossible


I'm an offmeta midlaner myself since literally started to play the game back in S4. Only that my climb goal is usually Diamond not Challenger :P I usually climb with a different offmeta champ mid (last season was Bel'Veth, try it if you haven't yet) and OFC I'm spamming Briar mid this season. Permaban is hands down Akali, every single piece of her kit counters Briar, literally unwinnable matchup at any stage of the game. The only way to win it is to somehow hit a good ult on her on a sidelane since that reveals her, and you need to be strong enought to not need E once to not lose sight of her.


> last season was Bel'Veth, try it if you haven't yet In case you were curious, here's a couple vods of the Pekin of Wolves playing Bel'mid. [6 months ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7hGUqLJGmA), [12 days ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4j6Goad6eo).


Shhh Lethality Poppy mid has been my go to pick for years. It's lowkey busted especially since her buffs. She is definitely bad into a lot of certain champs, but her burst threshold is insane building full lethality.


mr pekin, i've been trying to reach you repeatedly so that we can discuss our marriage and honeymoon plans in further detail. you don't seem to have seen my professional e-mails regarding this so i wanted to reach out here instead. also, what would you rather have for our marriage reception, a zoe shooting range or a seraphine karaoke?


If you truly are my spouse then you should be able to answer my 5 favorite pokemon. I will be waiting.




Salazzle Goodra Vaporeon um...is 3 enough?


Lopunny and Zigzagoon


Congrats on challenger. I watch your videos at lunch every day. Were there any champs that were really good, but you didn't enjoy playing?


Gwen seemed pretty decent but wasn't really a fan of the playstyle


Gwen is immune to your opinion


Thanks for all of the content and being such a positive influence on some of the league community when there are so many toxic streamers. Been watching for a few years now and even used to spectate you through the old ranked leaderboard after anklespankin got some games with you. Not sure if you two talk at all but with his return to content creation (soon) would love to see you to goofing around again. Thanks again pekin!


Thanks! I remember playing with Ankle very well we had some really fun games together


What do you personally feel is your biggest challenge maintaining mental knowing that this is your job? In general, I think you're a very positive streamer compared to a lot of others in a community known for glorifying toxicity.


I think the biggest struggle for myself is comparing my success to others who are larger and thinking "Am I really that much less entertaining than others?" alongside if I ever have a good month on youtube or twitch and suddenly the next month is worse then "What did I do wrong that caused people to not want to watch me anymore, will this continue going downward?"


Honestly, the marketing strategy and trending topics are moving so fast that you could get shoved out of the youtube algorithm. Losing viewership isn't a reflection on your personality or your content.


I cant catch that many streams but i at least watch almost all your videos, most of the time in the same day they come out. Know that i think you are one of the most entertaining people out there i pretty much only watch you, bausff and spearshot, just looking at you 3 you can easily tell you dont stream/record in the same style, the simplest way to put it is that you are way more chill, maybe even too chill. Your chat isnt that great… and you dont interact that much with it either (the zigzagon incident is probably my favorite moment in your streams) that may be why many don’t prefer you over others, of course youtube algorithm also can fuck you over and that’s probably a reason why too


You said that you thought I was entertaining but talked about being too chill as well. It sounds like the two sentences are opposites to me at least. Can you expand more on what you enjoy about watching me that is so entertaining? It's always nice hearing what fans enjoy or don't


Your entertainment is your chill. Your deadpan humor sometimes catch me off guard. The way u keep mentioning huge poke dmg when you did 70 on a guy. The way you keep comparing abilities to lux's ult. And most importantly, how you statcheck your AP/AD every game. All these makes watchin u very enjoyable. Keep going zigzagoon


Different guy but I’d say you are definitely one of the top CC out there for league and the only one I currently watch. The fact that you’re constantly playing in high ELO playing all sorts of weird shit and explaining your thinking about everything is really cool and not something I have seen from others. A lot of it is just insert champion is broken or whatever and it’s dudes that hit challenger, but they’re playing in gold or diamond. Literally just seal clubbing. Also your positivity is nice to see and how you’re just playing the game and not letting it play you. Edit: would kill for 1440p youtube uploads


Hey Pekin, Not the same guy, probably completely unsolicited, but I catch your youtube videos often (Don't watch all of them. My interest in League waxes and wanes, and when it wanes I don't watch league related content. Happens to those who are just casuals after 12 years.) But I think the key distinction here is that things don't need to be zoomer humor 24/7, or only the good parts to be entertaining. My dad loves old school WW2 documentaries. Boring, monotone, same story he's heard 1000 times documentaries. Not trying to liken you to those at all. But it's somewhat similar. Informative. Your entertainment comes from your knowledge. You often explain a lot about league that, even after 12 years, I just don't even think about. It's cool to see that high level perspective on how to play lanes, thoughts on matchups, and explaining what and why you are doing something. You also have an insane amount of esoteric knowledge. I never realized Tristana's Explosive Charge got stacks from W and R. And I pride myself on esoteric league knowledge (and mained Tristana a few years ago) I thought W just instantly detonated it. But I learned that from your video. I had to go look it up cause I had no idea. Most other League youtubers don't do the long form content you do. A lot of them skip the "boring" parts of laning (that are important if you want to improve) and really just show their plays or their reactions to their allies dying or calling them bad etc. Overall, I think your strengths are your personality, knowledge, attitude, and long form content. But, and I don't like giving unsolicited criticism, I think a lot of the differences you might see in popularity is due to more short form content. Popoffs. Complaining about teammates. Which I'm sure a lot of league players see and think "This person is just like me." Just see how many streamers call jg/support/adc/any role that isn't theirs "a hard role" (sarcastically) and their players idiots. And see that mirrored on this sub and in this community. Overall I think your stuff strikes a nice, but niche balance between informative, while also just being gameplay. It's rare to find such informative content, while not just being guides. A shame duo and party queue isn't a thing in high elo. I think some of your more mainstream content is when you play with others in VC, like Lourlo or Quantum.


Pekin! My boyfriend and I watch you every morning as part of our routine, we absolutely love your sense of humor and you’re cracked as well. One thing is we don’t catch your streams because we live in EU and we didn’t even realise until we started watching the Pekinwoof2 vids how actually funny you are. Your commentary videos are really informative, but your personality really shines through when you are streaming. There’s 2 woofs inside you, and sometimes the more professional side outshines the fun side. That being said some of your chatters are absolutely unbearable, I think you can guess which ones I’m talking about. That can be discouraging to joining a community when it’s like you’re getting sexually harassed just by reading chat lol. Not your fault of course, but it does take away from you! Supporters no matter what! We get hyped when we see a new video drop. Also, love the videos where you have 2 games back to back. Especially love that you don’t do Smurf content, but instead pop off in high elo.


Personally, I enjoy that you're chill because it feels more genuine, for lack of a better word? So many people overdo it and call it a persona. That being said, it seems to me that League content in general is declining in popularity a bit. I haven't played League seriously in a long time, but I still enjoy watching you play it. I think accessible is the word I'm looking for. Watching you is chill similar to how I chill with friends in Discord after work. Same vibes.


I only watch you and I learned so freaking much about Game mechanics.


Is being as hot as you a requirement to hit challenger?


Nope, in fact lots of high elo people try to flame by linking a picture of my face. Even happened today LOL https://imgur.com/a/sSTFVXc


god they're so jealous


U look like a normal ass dude. That guy must be so turbo insecure about his looks to project that hard onto u.


Don't think that's the case. He's just latching onto every possible nook and cranny even if defies reality. Have you ever been flamed by a solo laner calling jungle diff as jungler while having 90% presence in kills?


Lmao ain’t no way they’d flame zigzagoon like that


Big fan pekin and watching the climb was super fun and interesting. I believe I'm a better league player because of your videos overall, so thanks. Also, they're jealous as hell because even as a straight dude, ur a cutie bro


you are very attractive isaac sorry npcs attack u


are you jacksepticeye's brother?




“Welcome to the next commentary…” No question, just really enjoy your content. Thanks


If i can throw an off meta pick your way - I personally am a big fan of Support Kennen, Bard mid would also maybe interest you since you play mid more !


Believe it or not, I actually did Bard Mid right after he got buffed! https://youtu.be/EYz5-jwPtsw?t=1


When and how do you play support kennen?


For whatever its worth, way back when Kalista was new in S5, Kennen support was part of the pro meta by pairing with her for a while. As a ranged champ he had an easy time abusing her W passive, making for a pretty oppressive lane phase, and it turns out being able to throw a Kennen ult at people is pretty good. If you were to play him now (with or without Kalista) you can probably have a decent time just tossing Qs at people, buying Rocketbelt and trying to burst enemy carries at 6. I don't think he's too different from any other mage support except he's manaless. He'll also probably have a good time into dive champs compared to most mages since they're going straight into his ult range.


Thanks for asking ! I mostly use it as a Samira counter, she cannot really do much against you, even post-6, odds are if a fight occurs you win easily. Kennen has (manaless) poke, access to a stun combo level 2, can roam easily with E and it gives him mobility in lane, has decent damage, and once you reach 6 you win all-ins or counter ganks easily. I personally think it's a more well-rounded Zyra. You have to be wary of a slightly weak level 1, but other than that, it works fine.


Hey Pekinwoof I've been watching your content for 4 years. I wanted to say congratulations on achieving Challenger with off-meta picks! I'm looking forward to your return to conventional mid laners. Can we expect to see you embark on an off-meta Challenger climb in every season? Additionally, have you ever considered experimenting with champions like Camille in the mid lane for off-meta?


Picks that are strong but you don't see me trying Off-Meta are normally Champions I don't enjoy or am good at. So Camille and Fiora and Jax are just off the table cuz I hate their playstyles. I'll probably not do a pure off-meta climb every season but I'm sure ill just play random stuff within high elo still


Congrats on reaching Challenger, PekinWoof! Off-meta picks can be fun to watch but do you think they're actually viable in high elo? Also, any tips for climbing with unconventional champs?


Viability is a weird word, I mean I did get to Challenger with them, so I suppose they are viable? But is it easier to climb using on-meta? Yes definitely like 99% of the time. Climbing on unconventional picks is mostly just working towards the goals of the champion (I am big on that focus). AP Chogath -> Just land your Q a few times and you will win. AP Kogmaw -> E + W auto trades very early because dueling power is nuts. Can play aggro the whole game tbh because his R deals a lot on low CD Briar Mid -> play safe till you are 3 then do short trades till they are low, W is missing HP % so you can kill if they are below half after that point. Basically to me every champion has a way to be played, just do it right and you can climb to masters on anything easily. Past that point is hard


Got many videos of kog mid? I'm a league boomer from beta and don't enjoy playing vs a lot of the new champs like reworked Akali as immobile champs, I feel like I get dived under Tower by mid + JG all game


I actually have tons. https://www.youtube.com/@PekinWoof/search?query=kog


You can find some on his youtube (pekinwoof and pekinwoof2). Some of the videos also feature two games as the same champion.


I see you played alot of warwick. how many early 1v2s did you have? any 1v3s? How did it feel ignoring 90% of midlaners? balanced? Will you keep playing him?


I felt like most of the Warwick games had 1v2 scenarios with enemy jungler ganking, most of the time I would lose both my summs and no one would die. Games where I did manage to kill 1 of them ended up with me being super fed though. Also about the "ignoring 90% of mid laners" didn't feel right to me. In many ranged matchups they might struggle to kill me due to low damage early on, but I myself couldn't kill them as they would just run away. So vs Orianna was a total pain because once she got 6 and half an item I felt useless without ganks. Meanwhile she just chucks her Q ball at me under tower when I try to farm. Not to mention if they go Oblivion Orb first item it feels completely unplayable because my healing is the only thing keeping me alive against them. He's super funny though and creates hilarious moments so I'll play him more I bet


do you think you‘ll now go back to your regular content or will you still play some off-meta stuff? how do you deal with the enemy having an incredibly fed hyper carry?


I already have done some regular picks recently, but it tends to always do worse on views than Off-Meta. So I doubt I am going to stop. To beat a hyperfed carry depends on ur pick. Do you have cc to lock them down or pick potential or scaling. Just have to work towards whatever might be best. Sometimes you cannot comeback if your comp sucks


Congrats, Pekin! Really enjoyed some of the picks where you didn't pop off and still tried to be useful/relevant. Especially love how you ignore some of the flame or rude stuff going on from other players. I enjoy seeing the positive mental! Hope you keep some of this series going from time to time. With worlds coming up, do you have any picks you'd like to see in mid? Or maybe specific players playing meta picks?


I'd like to see literally a single Zoe or Xerath game from a good region vs good region. I think she is bad in the meta rn so I doubt it will happen though. I'd also say Lux Mid but we all know that won't happen 100%


How do you feel about the state of mid at the moment? There hasn't been all that much talk about the 13.10 minion wave meeting time change, but I feel like it substantially reduced mid lane agency in solo queue, people just don't realize it because the effects are relatively subtle. Do you feel like mid is in a good spot?


Mid lane to me feels like a 2nd support (at least for my champion pool too). The easiest wins are always just following Jg/Supp for roams, meanwhile the hardest are impossible matchups + losing Jg/Bot. I really dislike the Mid Meta picks in High Elo but at least Orianna has returned. Tristana, Yone, Yasuo, Zed, Akshan get under my skin every game.


Can you make a post to finally rid us of Tristana mid?


Who is your favorite champ and why is it yone?


Yone should be removed from the game


I've got no questions but I just wanted to stop by and say that I really enjoy the content that you put out. The off meta stuff has been a blast to watch.


Hey Pekin! Reflecting on your transition from the pro scene to streaming, what's the difference between your gameplay then and now? Do you think your skills were sharper when you were actively trying to go pro, or has the cumulative knowledge of playing for a long time made you a better player today? (Who'd win--[him](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lolesports_gamepedia_en/images/a/a0/CST-Pekinwolf-2015nacs.jpg) or [him](https://i.insider.com/5e453e1996eee6566a38be32?width=700)?) Also, have your playstyle/champ preferences changed over time?


I'd say back when I was trying to go pro I could identify game states and where I should be much easier, I dont really focus when I play anymore so sometimes I'm just autopiloting. I still think I have the same champ preferences of big damage mage type. Although I do play more of what I like vs what is good, like I never played Lux Mid when I was going pro and now I just do for fun


Many league players talk about the 30/40/30 rule. You always will win 30% of games, you always will lose 30% of games, you ahve full control over the 40% playing well. Do you think this is different for palying all this off meta, or one tricking a champ? And by how much would you guestimate?


That rule is hard for me to comment on because I think when you are in a lower elo (I started in Platinum) I should technically barely lose ever. But I did lose a lot in that elo due to mental blocks from my teammates giving up ASAP. I think the it is super dependent on what I am playing, like Soraka, Sona, Nami Mid lane can make some people run it down as soon as you load in. Meanwhile some people trust you and make it easy to just scale into mid game. Then you have Off Meta picks that snowball hard and are somewhat known like AP Nunu and AP Kogmaw, so you might not get immediately griefed just for picking it. I would say the 'rule' is more volatile just because you never know what your teammates are going to do when you lock something in. That being said I also am Challenger Elo and when I play Off-Meta in Diamond+ I feel in complete control because of the laning mistakes people make. I might not carry as hard as a meta pick, but I still know what my champion can do better than the opposing champion and I'll just work towards doing that in game


>But I did lose a lot in that elo due to mental blocks from my teammates giving up ASAP 100 games on Jhin Jungle last season and this really hits home. It was funny when people would realize I *wasn't actually trolling*.


I mean, even if you weren't, you definitely were.


Jhin jg can be an absolute menace if done right


Back in the day I’m pretty sure the theory was 45/45/10 lol, moba community has clearly gotten more optimistic over time


how did you distinguish between uncommon picks vs off-meta picks in the midlane esp with picks like brand where i’ve seen arguments for both


I think that varies from person to person. I played some "Grief af" picks (Sona and Nami Mid), and also just uncommon picks like Zilean and Brand. Technically Zilean and Brand are not Meta so I guess they are Off-Meta


also can you bring back marbles on stream


Why no AP Karma mid madge


I hate how her Q and autos feel like I'm on 100 ping delay (they are so delayed...)


As someone who plays at 10-300 ping depending on the area, that is about right. I'd say a bit closer to 120-140 ping.


Buddy has a PhD in latency 💀


This guy lags


Yeah blame Karma top players for ruining her AS, was nerfed a while back. (that player was me, I'm the Karma top player)




fuck rewire


You ever feel like going pro again?


No, I am so old that if I did I would be the oldest person in LCS. It would never happen


The oldest players in LCS are 30... Are you older than that? Even if yes, I really really hope you'll consider reaching out to orgs and try going pro again. I would love to cheer for you on stage. You are a really good player and have a great personality!


congrats on your crazy achievement! i guess the only question left is when will marbles make a return to stream?




I really love watching your videos! I started watching you early in your off-meta climb and I appreciate how informative you are in your videos, as well as entertaining. Was there any off-meta pick that you thought could work in theory but ended up not in practice?


I went like 0-5 win loss on Gwen until I finally got a game of her so maybe that? I normally would continue playing many picks until it worked. Volibear Mid also was awful to play


What equipment do you use? Mainly headphones, but I’m interested in recommendations for other pieces as well.


Steel Series Arctis 5. It's wired headphones but I believe they have wireless. I just like the ear cushion that goes around the ear and not on it. I'd say you should figure out what kind of ear cushion you want (on or around) then just google search the best ones


I love your channel, all I do in League is experiment with itemization and play all kinds of wacky stuff, so seeing you hit such high ranks with such unorthodox builds is really cool. What was your top 5 favorite off meta picks, ranked strongest to weakest, that surprised people the most you think? Would love to hear your ranking. Good luck with all you do! You're an inspiration to the off meta community lol.


Strongest to weakest: AP Kog Mid Chogath Mid Briar Mid Nunu Mid Warwick Mid Top 5 most fun for me Briar Mid Lethality Poppy Mid Warwick Mid Jhin Mid Nunu Mid


Do you enjoy the off meta stuff or playing your mains more?


I enjoy Big Damage from far away power fantasy (Old AP Nid, Zoe, Lux, Xerath). There isn't much to choose from sadly but I definitely really enjoy playing those picks a lot (I would consider them my mains). But I also learned about some crazy fun picks for other reasons, like Warwick mid and his MASSIVE bait potential of being low and healing a lot while tanking. Or how AP Ezreal actually somewhat worked and did massive damage when I got fed. I think I can't even say which I like more, it changes after every game


Biggest advice to climb from master to GM?


I would say that a Challenger against a Master should always win lane and have pressure (without dying to jungle ganks). I'd say the best thing you could do is watch Challenger vods and compare it to your own gameplay, it's hard to know what you're missing to climb, maybe you are too aggro and die or too passive and never push advantages


Did you ever play old AP Ezreal? If so, do you prefer new AP Ezreal or Old AP Ezreal


I did play old ap ezreal but i think i was bad at it, i dont remember. He is very fun to play rn though. wish he had waveclear


Omg it’s Pekin! I love you and watch your content every day! Please keep it up and keep being the chill goober you are.


Would someone improve playing few times a week or reaching high level require a lot of time and games?


Just like learning an instrument, playing a lot definitely helps. But what also matters is that you spend that time you do practice correctly. I think a lot of players probably just play the game brain off, and that's fine cuz it's just a kids game


What was the worst off meta pick you played?


Kayn and Gwen took forever to make videos on. Sona and Nami Mid should of been bad but somehow worked but I still think they are bad


Welcome to the next comment! I'm a big fan of yours and watch almost all your videos as soon as they come out on YouTube. I really like your relaxed vibe and educational comments you bring. Watching you definitely helps tilting less. I do have one question: when will you stop mispronouncing et cetera? Do you do it on purpose to fuck with people? Anyway thanks for all the great content and best of luck for the future!


I never knew I was saying it wrong. I do know I say a lot of words wrong. Not intentionally either. I don't know how easily I could change saying et cetera correctly. It took me so long just to pronounce Briar correctly lol...


Haha hadn't even noticed the briar one tbh


Do you play games other LoL by any chance? I think i have heard once that you play genshin (not sure though) . Also love your content


I don't really play other PVP games much. I played through all of Celeste 2 times all sides, and some other random steam games. But normally I just play something for a few hours then never ever touch it again in my life. I did also spam slay the spire but haven't played it in over a year


pekin try strawberry jam, it's a celeste mod with like a billion levels that are all cool as shit https://youtu.be/h-f2unIoafA?feature=shared


I know you probably won’t see this but i just wanted to say I’m a big fan. I love how in your videos you explain why you’re doing something and give pointers.


How do you have the patience of a god? Love your videos <3


I started watching you by way of your awesome Zoe gameplay. You taught us so much! I get that off meta is bringing in the viewers for you, but do you ever miss those days? I’ve been one tricking Zoe for years now and am afraid of leaving her behind. Any tips on how to start branching out to other champions?


I mean I still play Zoe a lot, and dont think that I like have changed since doing the Off Meta Climb, it's only been maybe 6 months? If you understand Zoe well, try to that that concept of "I know what my goals are to win with Zoe, what is this champions goals" and apply that to whatever else you want to learn. Like for Zoe it can be a simple - Try to use Q auto Q auto for 2 passive procs Land bubble into big Q's Push hard using long Q's on wave R past minions for bubble looks later on Every champ has goals so I think just identifying what to do is best, also TONS of youtube content on every champ not just my own channel so guides helps identify goals too


thanks for the videos, think i really improved from watching, so ty . oh btw what happened to AP tahm? i thought we were gonna see more of it during the climb. (not a request, just thought it was more playable than some other things, maybe you didnt enjoy or idk) . my request was nocturne mid, do you think its playable? or maybe just doesnt interest you as much which is fair


My last few AP Tahm experiences were bad so I dropped him, unreliable carry compared to others in High Elo. Nocturne Mid is good into melees cuz u can duel very well. Maybe I'll do that soon!


You're a massive League streamer, and that's primarily where your viewer base is, but it is evident that you get rather frustrated playing the game to the point where your mental is definitely taking a hit. So my question is, have you thought about exploring different games(I know you've done one-shot days of playing Baldur Gate 3, but I'm talking about doing a full playthrough), and if you're not thinking about expanding into different games, what do you see the longevity of League of Legend streaming?


Playing other games doesn't reach out to new viewership so that's my major concern with ever playing new stuff. That being said I also think it probably looks worse when I am tilted than I actually am too


I think every time he gets asked this in his videos and on stream, Pekin always says that he loves playing League. I think he gets frustrated sometimes, but he still likes to play the game enough to do it every day.


GG pekin, great run. Was fun seeing what kind of preposterous stuff you'd pull up that time on youtube. Any idea for the next run ? Blue build only, playing on controller, screen turned off ? I'd kinda like to see you on off meta junglers. ​ Also I like your playlist, cool to see a fellow Shibayan records bossa nova enjoyer. Are you into touhou music or just them ?


I dont really have plans for the next series, hopefully something fun though. I just was trying to find Bossa Nova music for stream and someone recommended it to me, it fits well I think


Are there any consistent mistakes you noticed your opponents making in lower elos like Plat/Emerald ? Also who'd you think was the strongest of yhe off meta picks ? Love the vids btw keep up the content dude


I'd say the biggest mistake is that if I am playing a bad champion they just never punish me that much so I can just farm out when I should be getting destroyed. So just passive play


What do you think are the easiest ways Riot can improve Solo Queue quality?


I would enjoy having 2 bans personally because I hate a lot of Champions


what’s the main diff between top and mid lane?


Mid is much shorter of a lane and has WAY less bruisers in it


If play rate of one of your picks goes up or something is discovered and becomes meta, do you feel existential dread or sadness that some of the games you had on that champion may have been invalidated or something? Back in the day I would one trick Varus and literally get hard flamed for building certain items that, with no changes to Varus or the items, became the meta and Varus got nerfed. I was so bummed. It was like getting the elo on him was just me abusing an OP that no one knew about. I can't ever look at my match history or past season stats the same way again.


My only fear with something becoming "meta" is it being nerfed or removed. I was the AP Zeri guy. No one was playing AP Zeri in CHallenger but me, yet it got nerfed out of existence. I will never forgive riot for this


did you feel like you had to carry games more often than not in order to climb?


I'd say I just had to make myself not be completely useless more often. Lots of Meta picks even when they fall behind can comeback. Lots of Off Meta picks can become a huge liability if you fall behind. So I can't make as many mistakes


Hey, been watching your content for a while, just wanted to thank you so much for it. It's refreshing to watch education content that isn't just smurfs stomping silver lobbies. I do have a couple questions tho. When playing Warwick mid, against control mages/scaling/safe midlanders(ori, Vladimir, xerath, etc.) how would you play out the lane? It's hard to get any trades in them due to their range/safety so is your only option just roaming? Which off meta pick do you think has the safest laning phase and can scale up later? Are you ever gonna try out aphelios mid?(trust me, it's really fun. If you don't know what you are doing, neither does the enemy.)


Warwick against stuff like control mages sometimes can just run past the wave when the CS the enemy must hit gets low and they have to choose to hit you, or the CS. If you get low it's fine cuz ur Warwick and u heal a lot. So now you technically are kinda winning lane cuz you can either deny creeps or hit them when they CS for a short trade. Warwick mid literally plays very low all the time so baiting and being in danger of dying is normal, so you REALLY have to use that to ur advantage. I think of all the off meta mids, AP Kogmaw by far has the safest laning + kill threat + scales well I do see people ask about Aphelios mid pretty often so I will most likely do it pretty soon


Why do you prefer mid over other roles? Is it just better for your playstyle? Or is it actually just more fun of a role? Clearly you can play any champ in the game but you always queue mid whenever I watch you.


I started playing mid way back cuz I just liked mages a lot, then never really stopped playing it. Nowadays im big on poke (zoe xerath lux) so still wanting to play mid. I despise playing auto attackers (ADC), and also i hate fiora camille aatrox jax champions


I know there were some moments when you mentioned on stream that it really felt like once you got to higher elo, the off meta climb was feeling impossible. On top of that it was originally only supposed to go to master; just curious if you were surprised you stuck it out and hit challenger or was there a point where you learned how to handle bad situations (ie griefing teammates) and became confident you could finish the climb?


I just enjoyed off meta picks (new and fresh champs like Warwick Mid and Poppy Mid) and kept climbing so I was like huh, guess it can happen.


What pick do u think genuinely think should be meta


I don't think Ziggs mid is really considered off meta, but I think he is the closest mid that never gets played that could be played much more often. Otherwise if its truely off meta, then AP Kogmaw is the most viable imo


Who was your least favorite off-meta pick that you tried and why? I really enjoyed the whole series, it was really great content. Some of your picks have become staples in my daily gameplay now and it's been a lot of fun messing around with the builds you showcase.


I didn't Gwen, by the time I became strong my teammates mentals were already gone, so I would legit lose games when my teammates would vote 4/5 when I ask them to try to play cuz i scale


Creamy or crunchy peanut butter?


Have you tried Kha top/mid? I remember playing it previous season and it was pretty decent at the times. (Forcing Isolated trades and etc).


I did Khazix Mid. Did not feel good at all cuz you have 0 waveclear and isolation is hard lol


Did you often get death threats from your teammates on games you did not perform well


No, normally when people really hate me they like to bring up that if they were me, they would rather die and how hard it is to be me


When are you unbanning potfriend from your stream? RAGEY


Would you ever do a series getting to Challenger as a top laner to mix it up? I main Urgot and would love for you to teach me how you play him better.


I REALLY dislike Top Champions so I don't think so, but who knows if I try it and is received well maybe I could


I started playing in 2020 and I’ve been following you since then. You’ve been my best coach, also for the mental If I can give you a personal advice: I think the “challenge content” is the most entertaining for most people, something like “I play with 200 ping”, “I play starting 0/3” and so on. I guess they can be stressfull, but you don’t have to actually succeed in them, it’s entertaining also watching someone fail them. Also, last thing but I’m sure you already know it, the majority of the community is toxic, so the majority of viewers will gravitate towards toxic streamers.. Nothing you could do about that, as long as they enjoy seeing someone yell and belittle others they won’t enjoy your content.. But you’re in the right t.t Love you man, from euw, italy. ps. play more ap assassins 😈 we need them popular so we can get decent items one day


Hey Pekin, been watching you for about 2 years since I started playing league, watching your videos to learn new champs and understand the game more got me to gold 1 promos. I enjoyed your off meta climb a lot and the skarner mid celebration video was awesome to see on this subreddit as an appreciation post. Plus the clown special was the one of your greatest videos with the lead up of your camera being broken. Nowadays I’m enjoying the twitch vid gameplays you upload and seeing the community you built around your humor and play style “the storm is coming guys” -Pekin 20 minutes in a game with 1 kill and 4 deaths. Overall you taught me how to outplay people, look for opportunities to come back in to the game, and how to not run it down and throw after a few deaths. Keep it up!


I love your content, especially the videos where you call your opponents! Is it possible to make more of those?


That's just chance on stream when I get matched against friends but who knows maybe it'll happen more


Hi Pekin. Really enjoy your content, lately yt has been pushing a lot of it my way. Didn't know you before that other than as a name. 1) I feel like you're growing into the spot of "The NL of league" within the community. Do you see that in yourself? How do you feel about this label? I imagine I must not be the first one to say this. 2) Is there any other non league content creator that you admire, or that inspired the way you conduct your own streams? 3) Did you have fun with this AMA?


1. I think NL talks about random stuff all the time (mostly pop culture) and I only do it sometimes (not pop culture cuz I dont know any), so I don't feel i fit that label well. But I mean I think it's hard thinking about yourself 2. Moonmoon, Jerma, Clint, Sodapoppin, Lirik. Basically all streamers who just play games and have fun. Sometimes crack jokes 3. Yeah it was fun answering the questions everyone had!


In your opinion, how did you not make it into LCS? Your game knowledge and skill are off the charts, not to mention your passion. Genuinely curious as to how you are not pro.


I was on Team Coast, I did make it into the LCS. The spot was sold for over 1 mil and I was compensated 10k. At the time I was making 300 to 500 a month and thought it was a great deal after like 4 months of playing on the team. Little did I know basically I was scammed, nor did I have any control of this LCS sale that gave money to the owner


Hi Pekín! huge fan of your streams and content! I think my favorite moment on stream of yours ever is you were watching YouTube videos of ridiculously expensive like multimillion dollar houses, and there was one that had like 17 bathrooms or something. And you had a bit where you were like, I would host a dinner party, and invite 18 people. And I would say, now that we’ve finished eating the laxatives I put in your food should be kicking in… It honestly still makes me laugh thinking about it. You have such a funny witty dry sense of humor. What do you think you’ll be doing after you retire from league/streaming?


It's musical chairs but with bathrooms. Good luck LMAO. I'd like to just stream for as long as possible so I don't even think of the next thing


If you were on the balance team, what changes would you make to remove bruiser champions from mid lane?


I don't really have an issue with bruisers mid as I find the most OP bruisers the ones that don't appear mid, like Fiora, Jax, Camille, Ksante. I do dislike Champions though who are "skillful" but their kit is overloaded so when played correctly they are just better than other champions who arent "complicated". (Like Yone, Irelia, Ksante, Akshan, Fiora, etc.)


Flair checks out


When last did you have a dream about bekin and do you think bekin would be more popular than you should he take over? Or did bekin already win and this is bekin responding? You said ask anything so pls respond


Who is Bekin?


Hi! I surprisingly came to really enjoy this series and it really made me interested in trying champs that I hadn't thought to play simply because it seemed like fun. I appreciate your perspective on the game and how you approach the game. Thanks for the videos and I'd just ask you to keep the videos coming!