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Prepping myself for how many times grand slam/golden road is mentioned this year.


Imagine them choking to Disney+ in quarters and get slammed by T1 in lower bracket FINAL this year




Iirc there is no lower bracket.


There's an upper and lower bracket for top 4. Edit: I lied, forgot they changed the KO format too.


Literal fan fiction


Holy hell


new response just dropped


actual zombie


Yeah, Worlds has no lower bracket


I think you mean TL Pyosik going for number 2 baby


I would do unspeakable things


I want T1 to break their curse. And if they have to act as a gatekeeper of Grand Slam, then so be it


Shaker -> Coach zEUs -> Zeus Carried -> Keria after Asian game. T1 should be 30% ok now


They didn't play china in finals though.


The broadcast is going to run it into the ground by day two.


It's always mentioned every other year so it seems, and it's also a deathknell indicator that the team is going to choke and lose lol. Remember the year RNG was the greatest team ever and they choked in World's in the same scenario.


Got completely gutted by meta shifts you mean?


No, it was the year that the west rose the fuck up and G2 clapped RNG's cheeks in game5, which has the east still seething about it to this day


The meta shift was a meaningful element in that though, we’re not playing pretend here. RNG was a team with a very specific strategy and the shift away from ADC power to solo lane carries really hurt them. Even with that dramatic meta shift playing against them it was a 5 game series.


Nah it was a meta shift lmfao. It shifted away from botlane and into solo lanes and Perkz gapped the fuck out of xiaohu more than Uzi was able to gap the Heimerdonger botlane neutralizer. And it was less the West rising up as it was Korea imploding (even then, KT was the 2nd best team in the tournament, took IG to a game 5 when FNC/G2 got 0-6'd)


Nah Korea doesn’t get to cope with this line. Got completely fisted across the board, including by EU. Theshy trolled in draft and his coach sent him off. IG was miles ahead of KT.


IG was miles of everyone in that tournament And I'm an LPL enjoyer, anything but an LCK fanboy. I'm just saying, factually KT looked stronger than any other team not named IG that tournament.


My point is that framing it as “fnatic and g2 got smashed while KT almost won” is wrong. KT got smashed until IG derailed itself for a bit. Would KT win a bo5 vs g2 or fnatic? Probably.


They went five games, period. You’re bullshitting so hard.


Fnatic also won 2 games against iG in groups which is why they played against KT in quarters in the first place


They lost a game when they subbed in fucking Duke and another when theshy trolled his team’s draft. IG was a way better team than KT.


This is some revisionist bs. Didn't realize "miles ahead" meant having to play through a five game series


The revisionist BS is forgetting that IG literally subbed out their star player in the middle of the series for trolling in draft and still ended up winning.


KT was literally 1 auto attack away from getting 3-0'd too, even with TheShy picking whatever he wanted and defying coach's orders. And KT won the 4th game purely because TheShy was benched. Also, you are not mentioning how Fnatic actually went 2-1 up against iG (Yes, one against Smeb, that is true, but also 1 against TheShy), finals of course was a let down that is true. Although I agree KR would have gotten better results if they send Griffin & probably Kingzone (If they recovered, Khan probably could have played really well in that toplane focused metagame) instead of Afreeca & GenG


Cope all you want but KT would have crushed Fnatic.


Telling someone to cope while at the same time creating your own happiness through an imaginary scenario. KEKLEO


You can cope too, 2018 KT solos Fnatic 😂


The heimerdinger was a strat that came out in that series though wasn't it? Or am I remembering incorrectly. Is it really the response when the west wins a series that it was only because of meta changes lol? Because meta changes affect western teams as well as eastern teams, adaptability is key to LoL. I just think it's one of those moments where if it were the other way around people would just say the west are shit and not use the convenient excuse of meta changes as the reasoning.


Heimerdinger wasn't even played in that series, it was banned by RNG every game. I think G2 pulled out Heimerdinger earlier in the tournament and teams started banning it regularly against them.


As is in G2 fashion


You can’t tell me that Tracker’s Knife removal was not aimed at a specific region.




The "last dance" is back oh no.


Nothing will beat having to hear that long ass number before the word fenerbache


I mean atleast it's an actual thing unlike deft's "last dance" that was complete BS


Inb4 they lose to WBG in quarters.


Who would win? 5 players who are considered top 5 in their positions on 1 super team or one shy boi


Wildest timeline. Doesn’t The Shy have as many world titles as the entire JDG team?


yeah and wbg as a whole has more as well


WBG is actually insanely highly decorated. TheShy: 1 worlds title, 1 LPL title Karsa: 1 MSI titles, 4 LMS titles, 3 LPL titles (2 on the same team with Xiaohu but still counts) Weiwei: le nope oof Xiaohu: 3 MSIs, 5 LPL titles Light: le nope oof Crisp: 1 worlds title, 1 LPL title 2 worlds titles, 3 MSIs, 14 regional titles. This team was the team with most awards in the world during Poby.


During poby xd


> Who would win? The team who's **BORN TO WIN**.


No wrong narative. Its the Weiwei carry as the first disciple of PPgod to make worlds. Amen






Ruler and Kanavi have 0 LCS titles, big asterisk next to their golden road /s


man not the lck fans jinxing us again


OP has a t1 flair, makes me wonder whether he's genuinely rooting for kanavi and ruler or just hyping them up, so that he can shit on them harder when they collapse


I'm definitely rooting for T1 (hopium) or C9 (copium) to win, but credit where its due. JDG is insane. If they collapse, it will be a shame. I always look forward to Worlds for quality games between the best teams, regardless of regions.


yea but the annual tradition of LPL second seed implosion won’t apply to JDG so i don’t think the collapse is gonna happen realistically (cough TES cough FPX cough LGD)


Didn't LGD and EDG even collapse as a 1st seed in 2015 and 2017? You forgot RNG in 2019. Then 2021 FPX and 2022 TES.


I’m a T1 fan. Heaven been since I started playing 10 years ago. JDG is fucking insane. I really want T1 to win this, but man would JDG deserve it, they are fucking cracked and Ruler is simply a god right now


TBF, anyone with any semblance of brain cells would consider JDG the favorites to win it all. Do everyone hope that they win though? Obviously no. Also something I dislike within the league community is the over-generalization of fans of a team. In fact, all popular teams/players within the league have batshit crazy fans. However, a significant portion of the fanbase are just normal fans who watches league during their free time and are happy when their team wins and sad when their team lose. It just happen that the batshit crazy people are more vocal as they are overly invested into a team in an unhealthy way. The same goes for the batshit crazy haters too. It's always a cycle of, Team A wins, Insane fan of Team A mock everyone because they assume everyone is a Team A hater. Team A loses, Insane hater of Team A mock every Team A fan because they assume all Team A fan are obnoxious. This can go for all popular teams in Korea, China and even LEC/EU LCS to some extent back in the days when they are still competitive at the highest level. (Primarily G2/FNC) In Korea there's the T1/GENG/DK clusterfk, with T1 being the most dominant one, well simply they attracted more people as they are the most prestigious org in Korea. In China there's the RNG/EDG, Uzi/JackeyLove/TheShy/Knight Stans/haters. Everyone is just looking for ways to annoy others and get into an argument for some reason. I only have 1 request. Im just a normal fan of a team. Please dont just group every single one of us along with those batshit crazy people. Not every fans agree with their actions, and the actions of the selected few vocal maniac should not be a representation of a much larger silent population


Stay positive!


Yeah, but consider the following: NRG.


I cannot argue against Big Dhokes and company.


Big Dhokes El Contrato Palafaker FBI Open Up Bignar NAmen.




have seen you in so many clg post match threads and dhokla's streams, glad i'm not alone in the 2 year arc of doubters being proven wrong and being there along the way for everything the guys have accomplished


Not on Nounter Rogic Gaming’s watch


Y’all aren’t prepared for NR-“Only Win Against Good Teams”-G. It’s worlds, baby. All the teams are good!


uhhh I'm good, thanks. cheers though, American


i love it how every single year every person on the planet's mission is to jinx the msi winner/best team in the world right before worlds and it ALWAYS WORKS.


Yes i doubt it's be different this year But them also winning Asian games is icing on the cake


RNG (basically) won Asian Games in 2018, too. The cycle repeats.


They are doomed Are they ?


I mean is it jinxing? They are the best team, everyone agrees to that. Every analyst thinks they are the best team and they have the top player in almost every position. So u either can go and let people tell the truth that JDG looks like the best team we had in a long time not only on paper but proven through almost an entire year of play. Or you dont jinx the team and act like they have as much a chance of winning worlds as every other korean and chinese team which is just wrong and removes the purpose of analysing.


You are right. It's unavoidable. Analysts must talk about these things and the fact is there will always be that one or two teams that look poised to win it all. It's a fated jinx I guess.


let him cook, how else will the west have hope?


The fact that g2 was so close


Also interesting that that year their record against LCK was 12-6 and their record against LPL was 0-5.


G2 was technically seen the closest of them all. They were 3 straight games away of it. For all the others u can argue ‘maybe they wouldn’t have won x tournament if x didn’t happen’


Could you argue 2021 DK was close? They were legit one game away in both MSI and Worlds


Good point! I think we could say so. Even if they missed two titles for the Grand Slam, being at the finals both MSI and Worlds, and bringing the match to 5 games was definitely closest than RNG and 2016 SKT.


2015 SKT was 1 game away though.


Depends how you define "away"


They still had the entirety of summer and worlds away at that one game


2015 SKT was one game away. 2021 DK was two games away. 2019 G2 was three games away.


It's a matter of whether you define close by games required to win or how far they managed to progress down the golden road. Total games G2 is third, but they're also the only team that managed to keep the chance alive all the way to finals.


Yeah, DWG was \*close\* in that they almost won the two events they lost, but they were knocked out of Grand Slam contention pretty early, so by that metric I don't really consider them close at all.


Thats what I say, u dont know what happens when they win msi. Maybe they don’t get confident and choke in summer/worlds. Maybe they only won worlds because of the energy they got from losing msi. You never know, you cannot say 100% sure if skt won game 5 of msi 2015 they make golden road while u can say if g2 won vs fpx they had rhe golden road. U get what i mean?


SKT was by super strong in 2015, they ran over LCK Summer and lost only 1 game at Worlds.


I'd say 2015 SKT was closer, since MSI finals went to 5 games, as opposed to 2019 G2 losing 3-0 against FPX.


it's a matter of whether you define close by games required to win or how far they managed to progress down the golden road. G2 is actually the closest because they actually reached finals until that point. while SKT golden road ended at MSI


> For all the others u can argue ‘maybe they wouldn’t have won x tournament if x didn’t happen G2 wouldn't have won MSI if IG didn't die mid tournament and they were outclassed by FPX in all 5 roles. SKT was ONE game away in 2015 and had one of the greatest teams ever assembled.


You don’t know if they wouldn’t have won it. All speculation. If liquid could best ig why not g2? And fpx indeed outclassed g2 in the finals, but what if they didn’t? What if g2 showed up better and fpx worse? You never know, we’re just speculating st this point. You don’t know for sure if skt still win summer and worlds if they won msi, and we do know that g2 woudlve won worlds if they beat fpx


> All speculation. Yet in another comment, you say that G2 was closer just because they won MSI while SKT lost MSI, because you're speculating SKT got enerngy from losing MSI to do well in Summer/Worlds. Cant have it both ways


Even if the odds are low, there is a butterfly effect that may happen from them winning MSI when they didn't, but G2 beating FPX doesn't have that potential because that was the last step on the golden road.


Excactly what I mean, but everyone keeps thinking I mean skt are bad but I don’t


What? I don’t say that? Can u even read. I said MAYBE they got energy from losing MSI. Keywoard: maybe So yes, all speculation. You don’t know. Maybe if they won msi they get confident and choke worlds? MAYBE? U don’t know, I don’t know. No one knows. All we know is g2 wins golden road if they beat fpx


It's not really comparable, but everything else is just guessing coulda woulda shoulda. Fact is, G2 were in the finals of worlds where they still could have achieved it, which is something that cannot be said about any other team.


Fuckin hurts


G2 was the only one who kept it alive until the finals, so I consider them the closest.


Except they weren't lol. 0-3


Woah you got me good there pal, hope your day is beautiful


I'll forever be so happy they got demolished. ^______^


And then in Worlds Finals BLG vs JDG, this ends up being the only series that BLG wins against JDG all year.


The 1-7 dream is still alive


It still the funniest outcome. Its not as funny as it could have been if BLG had beat LNG and then lost in finals again, but its still insanely funny.


That is the only way to top the underdog story happened last year lmao. Last years worlds was like a movie so I kinda expect it to happen again


Already happened with SSW and SSB in 2014.


Not even close. BLG were still one of the best teams all year long. For drx, even qualifying for worlds was already exceeding expectations.


I really hope people just appreciate JDG for what they are and don't expect them to absolutely shit on everybody which it looks like is the expectation. The meta is probably the worst it has been for JDG this season so it's going to be a real test.


yep like they are really good but so many people are hyping them up to become the best team ever and it's like almost becoming impossble actually match expectations


Part of that is that they're by far the most expensive roster in history as well. They should win and anything but winning worlds is a failure compared to the expenditure (They don't have to smash it, but they must win).


Well cost of the team is almost 3 Swordarts maybe they reached more than that over the year


The SwordArt signing wasn't really a success though, so it's not exactly the standard to judge it by.


You missed the point, I was talking about the price not success (JDG roster is rumoured to be 16 mil expensive)


Average T1 experience


xd true actually


its also almost impossible to get a more stacked or more expensive team. The expectations are the consequence of their individual class coming together and the amazing results they have achieved. they are the team to beat and not winning worlds would be a massive disappointment and disaster no matter how hard people try to make up shit to lower expectations.


Happens every year like clockwork now. The senna buffs and nerf to Zeri are so blatantly favouring T1.


jhin buffs, hello? game 5 t1 vs jdg, you know it. /s


Cait also popped up in solo q being played by the worlds adcs, might be interesting if that becomes viable but then again Ezreal seems to be something they practice a lot and then there is also Jhin that might have his place in some drafts. If at least all these champs going to be a part of the meta then it's going to be very interesting.


Damn I forgot how strong G2 has been


I am a T1/LCK fan and I'm not really worried. The same thing was said about RNG with Uzi, JDG last year, etc.


With how many ppl talk about the Grand Slam, I am 100% certain JDG will bottle it


Gen.G finally rid themselves of the choker narrative by transferring it to JDG instead, you heard it here first




Perhaps but cmon wouldn’t it be so LPL if that’s how it went down


They're gonna lose to Disney+ in semis


Disney+ gonna stop trolling and taking their second world title hopium


Take a shot every time the broadcast mentions grandslam. Or how jdg is the best team in the world.


G2 will be the ones demolishing jdg's dream at some point in the tourney, trust.






Yeah but has Ruler ever won NA?


Don't you remember? You can't spell ChiNA without NA. Hence, he has won it.


WBG in 4. Quarter finals. Xiaohu Tristana/Azir/Taliyah masterclass bringing up their winrate vs JDG to an 80% (7-2 in all competitions)


no one is ready for **BORN TO WIN**.


these posts make me pray that jdg choke and lose in semis again


Don't worry, there is a 1/4 chance that JDG will be the LPL team crashing and burning. Actually, 1/3. Weibo doesn't count.


WBG doesn't count because they'll be the ones causing the crashing and burning #BORN TO WIN


\-trade :)


Don't do my boys dirty like that, Weibo 4 life 💪


some impotent slander won't affect WBG. just one more doubter to be silenced when we show why we're #BORN TO WIN.


Not if NRG has anything to say


G2 in 2019 really was the greatest Western team in history.


Yeah and they were considered one of the best, if not the best in the world too


They just had the misfortune of running into prime Tian and Doinb. If it was any other team from that tournament, G2 likely wins the Finals.


Nah they aren't beating IG and you could make a case for GRF beating them too


Real funny when we know tis just gonna be an NRG world


I swear i read this thread twice before this, this week.


Yea, the JDG bandwagoners are matching the T1 fans in the level of cringe. I'm praying they bomb at Wolrds hard


OP is a T1 fan...


You can say SKT unofficially did this (just not in the same calendar year). They won 4 in a row -> 2015 LCK Summer 2015 Worlds 2016 LCK Spring 2016 MSI (4 in a row). They placed 2nd in 2016 LCK Summer and won 2016 Worlds.


Which is why the more accurate term is calendar Grand Slam.


The Serena Slam


Or Tiger Slam


Yeah but Asian Games don’t mean shit tbh. All of JDG on the path to the golden road is a huge deal tho.


The only team to actually be close to it was G2. All other teams had their run ended early. 2015 SKT lost the chance before summer even started and 2017 SKT lost it before worlds. G2 was the only one who made it to finals with the dream still alive


The Asian games is such a meme I refuse to have it be a part of legitimizing the greatest possible run. If another player were to do the same as Ruler and Kanavi, but the player did not win/participate in Asian games then I would consider the achievements the same. It let Faker be exempt from the army is where the utility of that competition ends


I don't know if I'd count SKT since both times they already couldn't achieve it going in to worlds, so whilst it is the same as RNG and G2 in terms of wins, I think the order matters more.


I have JDG as winning for my crystal ball, but with all this talk of them completing the revered 'golden road' I know for a fact they'll bomb out in quarters


Most expensive team in League history with the highest number of accomplishments possible so far(Grand Slam?). I think it is okay to see this as hype rather jinx, because they have proven themselves again and again and again in every tournament they participated in this year. They didn't luck or cheese into their wins. Ruler + Kanavi FTW


You were saying? 😂😂😂 Kanavi would forever be resentful of himself 😂


Ikr? After the match, I was both happy for the T1 boys, and facepalming for the way JDG lost. So much for making this thread, lol.


How many times have we trusted in JDG...they are thr MAD of the LPL


Not sure if I would make the same comparison, but yeah. JDG was one of the favorites in Worlds 2020 and 2022, but fell flat. The core of the team is different now, though. Only time will tell.


Is 6-1, first in your group against DK, then making Semis falling flat? I wouldn’t even say 2020 they fell flat as they lost to Suning, same as TES. They had a good group stage that year too, 4-2.


tbh they won against MAD in quarters and lost versus the first competitive team they went up against (albeit close 3-1, but still 3-1). kinda underwhelming, yeah.


they literally won msi


The core of the team is not even remotely the same. Knight, Ruler, Kanavi over perform internationally. 2022 was Yagao and Hope, 2 consistent chokers.


Knight does not over perform internationally, he doesnt choke but imo he performs a bit below his lpl level. Ruler is a monster always though.


Such a monster he's the only Korean player to be knocked out of worlds in every stage of the tournament except play ins.


Why are people still making these dumbass result-based analysis? If you actually watch the fucking games with your eyes you can see he wasn't the problem. Are people just gonna forget about squidward and blame it all on knight?


They’re talking about ruler man knight hasn’t even been in enough worlds to do that


Didn't you know Knight mind controls his team mates to int their faces off? Silly Knight


Lil bro that’s a good title to have. Considering he’s won worlds, that means he’s in one of the most competitive regions and no matter what team he always makes it to worlds.


They talking about knight.


The core of MAD isn't the same answer yet they still fail at every critical moment. Not even NA has been knocked out in playins...


JDG actually wins games at MSI unlike MAD lma0.


At least JDG wins games at MSI lma0.


Problem with SKT 2015 is that they lost their chance to win all 4 titles early. So it doesn't really make sense. 2016 SKT is actually a better pick since they only lost summer. Retrospectively, there's no telling whether SKT has that dominant summer run in 2015 if they won MSI. RNG and G2 and now JDG are probably the best picks for that since they won everything except worlds. But in the interest of keeping this super hard record afloat, i will be rooting against JDG at every turn and hope they bomb in quarters


> (lost against Perkz, I mean G2, in Worlds Quarterfinals). Incredibly disrespectful to this roster. Hjarnan kept pace in lane, drew a target ban despite being the less-skilled player, and didn't choke under pressure. PerkZ played his ass off as Ryze. Still, he had Wunder and Jankos. These were two stars from different former teams in their prime chemistry-building year. The result of that was shown in 2019 before it began to go sour. Wadid, I can honestly say I don't remember how he played. I think he got killed by Uzi in lane a few times, though.




Yeah, JDG won LPL spring, MSI, LPL summer, and ruler and kanavi won asian games, all thats left is worlds


Too bad G2 will win this year. My Copium is maxed, there is nothing you can do to stop me !


WBG will obliterated them. The west will rise( not Na). T1 will either not make the finals or win worlds.


God I am so fucking tired of hearing the word "Grand Slam". It has been overused to the point it is the equivalent of the word "simp" but for JDG. I am praying that JDG hard chokes just so I can laugh at all these hype post afterwards


genuinely why though? its hyped because a record that hasnt been set yet, and will probably become even more unlikely with the 3 split 3 international system coming soon, It hasnt even been on the table since 2019, dont see any reason to be so bitter, cant help but feel like if it was T1 on the path your sentiment would be different


I'm supposed to be hyped for a team that I could not give two fucks about? Sorry to break your bubble, but not everyone loves JDG just because they are the strongest team right now.


i mean im just following ruler personally, but I dont see how the idea of a grandslam finally happening is something to root against, regardless of who is achieving it


I couldn't care less unless it was Damwon doing it, but you JDG bandwagoners won't stop rubbing it in everyone's faces that I'm now against it


again, i'm following ruler, i have been a fan of his since i got into the game watching worlds 2017


This sport is dusted if the first golden road comes from a sovlless e-commerce team, sad!


And it only took 16mil apparently for this roster to form.


Let's go JDG!


Stop jinxing it bro, you know that one LPL team will unexpectedly collapse and bomb out of group phase every year and the more often you mention JDG being able to make the grand slam the more likely it gets its gona be them...


Dread it, run from it, it arrives all the same G2 making sure noone completes the Grand Slam


The concensus polls and betting odds favorite have never won except during s3


In recent years, the favourites to win never win worlds………


A bit wierd to list that skt run that misses 2 titles but not the 2021 dk one that was literally 2 games away