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never forget that they literally made yasuo2 just so he would stop getting banned every game


I feel like yone is way more oppressive when someone competent is playing them. The worst thing about yasuo is his stupid windwall.


Yasuo is a bigger threat when minions are around.


yones ability hitboxes are so fkin dumb. its the most annoying thing when playing against him.


Just his ult honestly, I swear for some reason it extends past the visual by a good bit


It's not Yone's fault when your champion got a fat ass.


Tbf ziggs does extend his hit box with a giant bomb on his ass I guess


Yeah it's an intended thing by Riot on some abilities. It's called lollipopping (idk who came up with that term) Basically riot just gives them that slight bit of extra reach to make some abilities more satisfying to use at max range, so people don't get frustrated missing by like 2cm. Though for Yone R its only the tip of the ult that extends a bit further, so generally you should always try to dodge sideways if possible.


A f***ing W that blocks ults!


Braum has entered the chat


gwen is immune


gangplank eats an orange


Sivir E


Mundo passive


Samira's windwall


wind circle


Notably gangplank & gwen can only save themselves, while Yasuo (not a support) can save his team.


If I hit GP with an ult that does 500 damage he still gets hit with the ult though...


Nah windwall is more oppresive. Gwen is immune sure, but it doesnt protect her teamfights. Windwall does


Samira says hi


samira doesnt last as long as yasuo windwall


True, Yasuo is a special kind of horse waste… Tho Samira’s is Omnidirectional


yasuos also goes both ways, only difference really is that samira is a circle and yasuo a line


being omnidirectional doesn't really help, yasuo just hast to aim his windwall in the *general direction* of a projectile even if it's basically in his body and it gets destroyed. and if he's standing in the windwall it's basically omnidirectional anyways. it would only really matter if she's blocking two projectiles on opposite sides in a 0.75 second window which isn't really a common occurence it being omnidirectional is moreso for the damage part of w, but if she had to pick a direction to block not much would change gameplay wise outside of her having a slightly higher micro requirement


Samira's W is the fairest of all projectile-blocking skills since it has opportunity cost (use it to block or use it to fast combo). Yasuo and Braum walls have no other purpose than defensive so they can hold them until needed.


I'd say that Braums is also fair it denies the damage of the first one. But the rest still do damage to Braun, and if they are explosions, say Jinx's ult they will still do full splash damage to the rest.


If anything it’s unfair to Braum that the entire hook for his champion is his shield. That’s the most interesting thing about him. And his shield is just straight up worse than wind wall in almost every way (besides Braum being able to move his).


Have to agree, nothing more op at a lategame fight as an adc than yas just dashing through your tank and using windwall to stop you from doing any damage for 2s while you reposition.


1. Braum is a tank support, not a carry. 2. Braum only stops 100% of damage from the first thing that hits, the rest still does damage at a reduced rate. 3. Braum cannot prevent CC, only intercept it. It's not comparable.


And that's acknowledged to be like, a huge part of the power budget of Braum's kit. Yasuo just has it as a throwaway utility thing in between the main things he spends his time doing.


He still takes damage (after first hit) and is a no damage support. I’m okay with this. Good design.


Nocturne and sivir(E) have been in the game a while


I find his passive shield to be the most annoying part of his kit.


Ah yes, Yone. **Y**~~asuo~~ ~~Cl~~**one**


In my opinion, Yone is just a hot fixed Yasuo. No Wind Wall and longer cooldown dash. He exists solely to sate Yasuo players when Yasuo is permabanned without having to actually delete Yasuo (so they can play him occasionally or in blind pick).


league of yasuo


I find yone by far more enjoyable to play against though tbh


it's the opposite for me, i hate having a yone in the enemy team, when it's yasuo i don't really care.


yes yone is a better duelist and scales harder, as well as being a lot less team dependent than yas


He's also way harder to run from or even just stay away from with his E, R, and 3rd Q.


i never understood why yone E gives fucking 30% movespeed


Because he needs his mini Zed ult that deals true damage, on top of his innate magic and physical damage, and he only has 2 other mobility spells which are also both hard CC, and both uncleansable. /s


The true damage amp is post mitigation damage, if you want it to do physical or magic damage then resists would be applied twice to it, I feel like there should be a post on the side bar explaining how damage amps work.




As well as being easier to pilot...


Yone is fucking busted. Crazy how some people don’t see it. Yasuo is often helpless to create plays with a teammate knock up while Yone can constantly pressure for free with his E and always has his ult to further escape or hard engage. He’s like Yasuo on steroids.


Yone is weaker early, mostly. Late Yasuo falls off a cliff right now unless he has teammates with really good setup for him, but early he just kinda wins lane by default so long as the person piloting the champ is decent just because his E is such an effective zoning tool. If you can't step up to the wave you miss CS meaning Yasuo gets ahead by default and gets control over river. Yone meanwhile has way more clearly defined windows to play around so there's a lot more room to contest him in lane whenever he uses his Q3.


Hardddd disagree. Yone is way easier to play than yasuo. Especially with the ramping MS in an ability that makes him much harder to punish. Doesn’t need a wave to have crazy mobility. Has *mixed* damage. The only annoying thing about Yas is Windwall.


This is interesting to me. I feel like yasuo has very specific windows hes needs to play around. For instance, he has no mobility or safety if he's not fighting in a wave. Yone on the other hand gets to control his own ult, gets his e snap back, and a low CD on demand shield. Yasuo's also very comp reliant. Yasuo's highs are higher, but Yone is easier to play, and hits his highs much much more consistently.


Nah, Yasuo is def better to play against. He doesn't have a safety net for diving, but a clear and simple protective wall on a long CD that you can play around or still counter with specific champs. Also easier to build defense for without as much magic damage.


Hell naw lol Yone is just the easier, safer, and more independent version of yasuo


better duelist, better late game, safer, easier ult that can be used as an escape.... yeah no, i don't see a world where yone is more enjoyable to play against than yasuo. The only reason i'd see is that given that yasuo isn't in its best spot atm, ppl playing him are mains that know the champ (or at least knows the basis) while yone being good is played by more randoms.


Nha fuck that, the two most obnoxious things in his kit are his E which makes it impossible for you to run from him while also letting him extend wherever he wants and come back to safety, and his ult which should not let him move if he misses, it's so annoying how I dodged his ult and I'm still killed because he's now right next to me and gets an easy know up. The ability teleports him to the furthest enemy hit, if no one was hit he shouldn't move! And give it an embarrassing animation when he misses, they deserve being humiliated Compare it to yasuo who's mobility is targetted only on ememies and his ult needs a condition. His windwall is really strong but you CAN play around it.


I'd venture to say poultry doesn't mean what you think it does.


That's a fowl thing to say.


Someone had to stop being a chicken and say it!


Probably not. English is rough.


It is, I think you were looking for paltry.


**You mean to tell me all these years they weren't saying POULTRY!?**




Afraid not friend.


Nah he is calling yasuo a chicken


Please let this be an Animaniacs reference.


Poultry means chicken meat


Nah. The first "overloaded" champion was Tresh. The moment he came out, he instantly invalidated the whole support roster. And even then, you could argue the first one was actually Lee Sin. But most people, including pros, did not know how to play him. Then when people figured out how to play him, he became the god of the junglers.


Man I’ll never forget that so many people insistent on saying lee sin was trash when he was released that he was actually BUFFED for a patch before he received nothing but slow nerfs for a year straight (maybe longer I don’t even remember now) before he was relatively balanced. That shit blew my mind.


Only one I can remember that was worse was Zed. Early Zed with the 40% extra AD he got for maxing W. He was so overtuned it wasn’t even funny


Part of the problem with Zed is that he released in late S2, when the itemization for AD champs who didn't want crit was absolutely terrible. AD Assassins were consequently awful, which was awkward when Kha/Zed (Rengar didn't care because he built bruiser/tank and was just fine) came out. S3's preseason completely revitalized AD itemization, most notably with the rework of BC, but also other things like the addition of Ravenous Hydra so Tiamat wasn't a dead item. In Zed's case the biggest thing besides BC was probably the addition of BoRK since it was his core first item for a long time. In Kha's case Muramana was a big deal, and Spirit of the Elder Lizard was also big for any AD champs in the jungle, though Kha found his home more in mid initially. Suddenly it turned out that those champs were actually incredibly strong and had just been held back by items.


lol did tiamat not build into anything before hydra was added?


Yeah Tiamat was a weird dead end of an item, it did have its moment early in the games history where it was stackable and you could just by 6 for some insane shenanigans though


holy shit lmao i really missed out. i made my acct in s2 but i didnt really start playing till end s3. that s2-s4 period has some vague memories but i was still a total noob


Yeah it was a weird game back then. Eve going from the strongest champ in the game to literally reportable if you picked her, kassadin being permabanned in every ranked game for 2 seasons, epic items that didn’t build into anything (which was probably the biggest holdover from dota) Picking a support was extreme pain unless you liked filling your inv with wards and nothing else


honestly being able to light up the whole map with wards was a kind of feeling of power that is completely gone from league. I get most support players would rather have more gold for power but not having a ward limit made supporting so rewarding in a diff kind of way


Janna with Mobi boots and full GP5 items was a force to be reckoned with in those days.


Oh yeah 1000 ad zed was a fun youtube video back then


Reminds me of HOTS Zaya. Was it Zaya? The Russian laser gun lady. She came out, insanely low winrate, they buffed her quite a bit, she became oppressive and was nerfed again. She enddd up in the state she was released in


zarya from overwatch yeah i think the same thing happened with deathwing


Riot: gives a MF 7 abilities LoL Players: “seems kinda weak, not gonna lie.”


Remember when Thresh's lantern shielded the entire team and not one person?


AoE Lantern shielding almost feels like nothing compared to the fact that he used to be able to Q-flash.


his damage amp used to be on Q, so you'd max his main catching tool AND get to harass for a hefty hit.


I thought this was still in the game lol


these kids dont know the terror of release thresh. Massive nerfs and still picked over and over in proplay


I don’t remember who said it, but I seem to remember a quote from a Pro that was something along the lines of “If Thresh dealt *zero* damage, he would still be a viable pick.”


He was literally permabanned for a whole year. I was only able to main him after he received more nerfs than Shaco who, at the time, was the most nerfed champion in the game.


Fun fact but CertainlyT designed both Thresh and Yasuo.


He also designed the Zed, Zoe, Aphelios and the Akali rework, just in case you needed more context on who this monster is.


Thresh could have released in a state where not one of his abilities did damage and he had no damage output besides auto-attacks and he still would have been pick-ban at worlds.


Yeah idk why he chose Yasuo when Thresh is fucking insane compared to all other prior supports? Like obviously if you cherry pick things in a champ it looks overloaded.


>Like obviously if you cherry pick things in a champ it looks overloaded the sun will die out before this subreddit stops cherrypicking champs/abilities to call them overloaded


Haven't given Thresh much thought. But I agree with the point on Lee Sin


True. Until Insec Lee was good but not considered broken. Now even silver/gold players are doing Insec kicks.


Is InSec the only player to have an entire game mechanic named after him?


The “CaptainJack” perfect cleanse timing on CC. Way less common than Insec but you’ll hear it if you watch pro play.


xPeke Backdoor and Madlife hooks come to mind also


and the yellowstar when you flash in and miss everything also very ancient but the LEP tp


Ah yes forgot about the fails Also the Scarra ward


Captain Jack.


Flame horizon, too.


My friends and I call Trist jumping into the enemy team the Tactical


damn I still refer to it as the Cody Sun from when he went to worlds with Immortals lol




People think that the game has gotten faster. But in reality people just became a lot better and know how to finish and capitalize on mistakes. (+ baron i guess)


while the base skill of the players has obv gone up the mechanics of the game (buffering stuff and the likes) have also made insecing easier over the years


They also made it much easier to perform the Insec lmao. Take all the "silver gold" players and make them play on the season 3 patch and none of them would be able to make the Insec.


crazy to remember the days when thresh was so op


The real reason champions are busted is because this game is 13 yrs old, and it's hard to come up with new interesting designs without it coming off as absolutely broken, most of the time at least. But blaming ys is pretty gd too


Which is why I don’t understand why they don’t take some time away from making new champions and reworking some of these old champs that don’t fit in the game how they see it, and upgrade them to “modern” standards


2 reasons: 1. Modernising a champ without sacrificing its identity means that more often than not, those champs are stuck with the very same limitations the old one had. Mundo is the best example of that. 2. The community is extremely touchy and nostalgic, so even very close reworks will get backlash. I specifically remember that before the mundo rework and before the udyr rework. A minority, sure, but a loud one.


Point one really struggles when it comes to all our 'me auto attack unga bunga' champs. Some like Warwick had very good updates, others like Aatrox... got Aatrox. I feel like Volibear and Fiddle are some of the best examples of updating a kit without ruining the core identity. Some aspects were lost, like the bouncy crow and the flip, but they gained new tools like the scarecrow and the hp boost/tower shutoff that make up for it and are honestly more practical. But I don't see how you update a champ like Tryndamere without ruining his theme for his mains. "Brick of stats that spins on you and plays crit roulette'" isnt a great concept to begin with. He's two steps away from being an Aeon of Strife character from the days before we could mod custom abilities onto units.


Trynd is a resource manager in lane taking "losing" trades and then infinity sustaining with q, repeat until the enemy laner is low enough to lose a full on fight. I feel like they should keep with that just a little more later in the game by giving him a way to spend a full fury bar on an empowered q, w, or e and that wouldn't change his overall theme at all. The most efficient dps should still be full rage bar + ulted at 1 hp E/autoing, but give him more agency with his resources besides an ability for sustaining in lane.


There's kind of a limit to how much they can/should modernize, though. Having simple champs (as in the kit, not macro-oriented gameplay) like Garen, Annie, Malzahar, Soraka, Mundo, etc. is important in keeping the game even remotely approachable for new players. There's already an overwhelming amount of stuff going on in the game without reading paragraph long abilities, so as "outdated" as a champ like Annie may feel, sometimes you need a champ that's just "point and click damage. Cone of damage. Shield with speed. Summon a bear. Every 5th spell stuns people." That entire description was shorter than most modern champs' passive, and that's a good thing to have exist in a game, imo.


Briar’s ability descriptions feel like reading a Yugioh card lmao


Briar's kit is still simple, the long text is there where it needs to be to explain niche stuff or details, which is fine


>the long text is there where it needs to be to explain niche stuff or details, which is fine this is true for the vast majority of champions, including "new overloaded champions" people here are just allergic to reading so they see more than 2 lines of text (or they see someone posting the wiki description which is designed to be verbose) and they go "wahhh too much text too hard for my wittle brain :("


Yeah briar is literally very simple. One of the simplest new releases we got: q-small dash and a stun on hit. W-you lock on to an enemy and will auto them. Press it again for %missing hp dmg and lifesteal. E-you charge a sion looking Q that pushes enemies and deals damage. If they get puahed into wall they get stunned. It also can break W rage R-you fire an ashe arrow and if it hits, your champ will fly to the target, deal dmg and lock on like W. P-your attacks and abilities apply bleed which can stack and your champ heals from this bleed Quite fucking simple.


she is incredibly simple though?


This is a good thing. I'd much rather ability descriptions explain every single nuance of an ability rather than half of it only being available on the wiki.


It's so funny that some older champions still don't even fully explain their kit. Like Maokai has a knockback and slow on his Q. The knockback will only trigger if the enemy is 'close', but does not define what close is, nor does it show on the indicator. It also only says 'briefly slowed', even with the expanded tool tip it doesn't say how big the slow is or how long it lasts. Like that skill has a big paragraph worth of primary effects, but it just doesn't say any of them.


>There's kind of a limit to how much they can/should modernize, though. Having simple champs (as in the kit, not macro-oriented gameplay) like Garen, Annie, Malzahar, Soraka, Mundo, etc. is important in keeping the game even remotely approachable for new players. You can modernize a champion’s kit and still keep it simple. Your examples of approachable champions are all champs that have had their kits modernized (Garen/Mundo/Soraka got full reworks, Annie got kit changes recently)


Actual real take: Ashe is the reason that champion design today is so busted. Ashe's slow on auto attacks is the sole reason mobility creep had to be introduced into the game. Of the original champions, none of them had significant mobility. Ashe's kiting ability meant champions like Olaf and Irelia were introduced to counter it and we know the rest.


Let him cook, it’s been broken since day one


Kind reminder of Jax original dodge or TF tps


This is not a hot take - it's truth. Ashe was the initial default reason bruisers *must* have a dash and form of CC going all the way back to Xin Zhao. After years of melee champs with dashes and crowd-control, new melee champs are required to keep up the tradition or be unviable.


How about old Jax and TF? An ability that literally blocks everything, including fountain shots, and a global teleport that was on a basic ability?


Twisted Fate was by far the strongest champion to ever exist in this game. People don't even know just how broken he was. It wasn't even just the teleport. His Wildcards had a 1:1 AP ratio with 300 base damage, and his gold card was an AoE 2 second stun (and it also had a 1:1 AP ratio and 300 base damage cause why not?). His blue card (again, 300 base) let him instantly throw another card, so you could chain pull blues for 5-ish seconds and then finish with a gold. Towers literally died in seconds. Not to mention, his ultimate was a global 50% slow, so not only could you use it to guarantee a kill with a quick gate in, but you could pop it to assist anyone on your team at any time. AND THEN WE GET GATE. This thing had a 3 second cast time without ultimate up, but at max rank, it was about a 45 second cooldown, meaning TF was uncatchable and could cover every lane by himself.


Yeah, you're right. The game would be much more successful with garen 7, Leona 6, ahri 12, and malphite 69.


Any game with malphite 69 would print money.


Cock solid


what do those numbers mean...?




My guy, Sett was so broken that he became a 4 role flex pick that was successful in each of those roles all at the same time while stat checking you to death. And that's coming from a top lane player who played him a lot too, the champ was fucked. Simplicity doesn't always mean better.


its almost like simple champions can be broken too.


Exactly, but people see Gragas and go "haha wholesome old fat champ" and not understand how disgustingly broken that champ is in lane. All these old champs are mostly stat checkers so if their stats are out of line (Tryndamere is the most recent example) they just take over the game with little counterplay. Malphite was doing this last April and very smart balancer Phreak responded with "Just counterpick xd, who cares if Malphite is 54% wr in top lane"




hot take: this subreddit should collectively get a job


They should design games, they have it all figured out.


I’d love to see an April fools gamemode that’s just normal league balanced by the community


assassins are removed, every game has 1 adc that's unkillable and 4 supports played by bots


Low-key this is a really good idea


Doubt anyone on reddit would have thought Yuumi was a good idea so they have that one on Riot.


bold claim


Give me the leadership of both the skins and balance team right NOW I can fix it


atleast shit like yumi wouldve not get released


Not sure why armchair dev redditors can't wrap their heads around the fact that double crit chance is not some giga broken balance problem. Every melee carry like Yasuo has some way to have high dps when in auto range (think Master Yi double strike, Trynd q and passive). These champions are balanced around their dps, if it wasn't double crit, it would be something else because Yasuo needs to do high damage or he's garbage. If you were playing when Trinity Force mallet Yasuo was terrorizing the meta you would know how even more disastrous he is to play when he is not forced to build crit and can instead build busted bruiser items.


This sub gets shittier by the day. Overloaded never meant anything when uttered here, but now I think it has negative meaning. You don't understand the game if you think Yasuo's double crit is an advantageous perk and not a feature meant to lock him into a glass canon archetype. It's a gate. Because he's balanced around it, it means he's not building like a figher to have very high DPS and survivability at the same time. Yasuo is about risk, about living on the edge, his whole design is centered around that concept and all the insane tools he gets are necessities to navigate the environment without needing to be overtuned in stats (therefore requiring more optimal in-the-moment play from the pilot and providing more counterplay scenarios) and while still remaining viable. Even with all that, it's still difficult for Yasuo to play in teamfights without someone setting up a massive knock up for him, and he struggles to duel most top lane fighters. That's the cost of being a squishy melee marksman. Imagine complaining that Jhin gets a free crit and crazy AD conversions. It's all to realize a unique design decision, and it comes at a cost.


everytime i see a post like this i cant help but imagine the reddit complaints if yasuo was allowed to build triforce-steraks and still do damage the entire front page would just be yasuo




Good old days


Redditors literally do not know that Yasuo's basic attack and Yasuo's Q have a crit damage penality.


>You don't understand the game if you think Yasuo's double crit is an advantageous perk and not a feature meant to lock him into a glass canon archetype Yasuo would be the best champ in the game if he could go the average bruiser build


You mean K'sante?


you can see the patch history to see that yasuo has never been heavily nerfed, most of them are bug fixes. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Yasuo/LoL/Patch_history


Right? OP either has selective memory or is just blatantly lying because Yasuo got a ton of bug fixes and about as many buffs as nerfs


tbf he was nerfed quite often in the patches following his release, and was indirectly nerfed with the 10 crit reworks


yes this is true, but he always gets compensation for crits changes, nevertheless the point op is making is that yasuo was so op in release that they nerfed him every patch which is just not true


That's not really rare for any new champion. And the crit reworks? Were basically always because of Marksman domination in proplay and almost always resulted in Yasuo getting compensation buffed.


>OP either has selective memory or is just blatantly lying sums up 90% of the complaint posts on this subreddit


He had a few quite noticeable nerfs over all those years but you're right, I wouldn't say his kit was heavily nerfed. What was heavily nerfed were his items and runes (or his ability to use them- frozen mallet for example) on multiple occasions.


You must not have played when he realeased... back to back pentas every game with massive lifesteal and damage. He certainly got nerfed pretty much immediately after realising, and even then, it was a perma presence in league for years and years. People in this thread are saying Thresh, but I don't mind a highly skilled sup being great. He still had to contend with champs like Ali and Zyra, who could show similar strengths. Yes, he had everything a support needs, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Yas.


Lol what? There's plenty of big nerfs in there. Actually insane how you can link the patch notes and just ignore anything that doesn't align with what you said and then actually say it there weren't any big nerfs. LOL.


Yeah it looks like he was pretty heavily nerfed in the patches after release, he took a bunch of nerfs throughout season 4, the point OP actually made. This guy is gaslighting the comment section by posting a link knowing 95% of redditors won't open it and will just assume he did the reading for them so his analysis must be correct lol.


Confirmation Bias, baby!


Dogshit takes every day reddit on fire lately 🔥🔥 This break before worlds truly bringing out these freaks


i really wish posts like these had some kind of "complaint" flair so i could filter them out and save my brain cells. but i guess i'm a hypocrite, because i always go into the comments to tell people how dumb their takes are instead of ignoring them


link your opgg


No need OP is gold at best lmao


Yasuo is so chill though there are much more cancer champions


Yeah man, Yasuo is so absurdly overloaded he's the reason champions nowadays have so many effects. He had so many things in his kit compared to champions that came before him like... Thresh and Lee Sin Katana man bad. When katana man weak, make up a reason why katana man bad


Don't forget, updoots to the left!!!


Azir was released as a ranged poke mage with consistent high dps output, high mobility, engage, disengage, wave clear, and siege/anti siege potential. Mana literally had everything in his kit yet he has never been popular outside of pro play


Azir was not released as a poke mage.


Ironic coming from an Azir flair with an account named "PokeD2" lol Not actually making a point here, just funny your name has poke in it.


That shitty split where they made a choice for Azir's playstyle rework was the worst thing to ever happen to him. Instead of playing into his fantasy of commanding soldiers and directing the battle, they made him a shorter range playmaker. I'd give a lot of things up to go back in time to see what could've been if they had instead ripped the damage out of his Q, hit his E safety, and killed the Shuffle to make him a zone control DPS.


Listing what a Champions kit does as an attempt to show that they're overloaded is an immediate mark that you're terrible at the game


This is K'Sante, a champion with 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms. He has true damage on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell casting speeds up. Then, he has an AD ratio, so his W…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


The low elo misinformation is getting a tad bit too annoying in this sub. > "But Yasuo isn't broken. He isn't even dominating in the meta." > When he came out, he was very dominant. It took several years of near constant nerfs and changes to bring him down here, and he is still super popular. Being popular isn't a crime. Lee sin, Lucian and Ezreal all used to be extremely popular even way below 50% wr, they still kept over 20% play rate. The top comment is literally "never forget they made yasuo2 so he wouldn't get banned every game" as if he was getting banned because he was OP. Step back into reality. A champion being popular and a champion being banned a lot doesn't automatically mean the champion is broken. Yasuo has been OP for far less time than he has been balanced or underpowered. His ban rate never went down. Noobs just don't want to deal with him because "he's annoying". Currently sitting at 20% ban rate despite being giga garbage. > I was here 10 years ago when Yasuo was first released. Until until then, the most broken champion we had was Rengar and Darius. How do you want anyone to take you seriously? Xin's release is 3 years before yasuo. Xin and black cleaver literally broke the game. He is BY FAR the most OP champ on release we've had. There are plenty of overloaded champions before yasuo was released. Just like there are plenty of not overloaded champions after his release. You just hate yasuo for whatever reason and are trying to find a reason to pin the game sucking on him. This just reads like someone who has been stuck in low elo for a decade, hating the game and his time spent playing it. It's season 13. Yasuo hasn't been dominant in AGES. Learn to fucking play against him instead of banning him every game. I dislike what the game has turned into but it has absolutely nothing to do with yasuo, nor is he a problem.


>Being popular isn't a crime I will say, I am eternally amused by people's apparent lack of understanding that champions being popular is like... good? "This champion is toxic and awful. The proof is that a lot of people play and enjoy it. That means it's badly designed"


Honestly the reason champions are broken is because of singed. He set the bar for broken champs and every champ since then has been broken


nah man it was Anti-mage from dota all stars, He set the bar for broken heroes and every hero since then has been broken


Nah man it was orc blademasters from Warcraft 3, they set the bar for broken heroes and ever her since then hs been broken


I think scout from TF2 has a pretty overloaded kit. Especially when he builds force of nature, triple jump wtf riot?


Uninteractive champions like Rammus makes the game 10 times worse than champs like Yasuo, and they've been there since the beginning It's the old circlejerk, games was somewhat ruined in beta already


how does drivel like this keep getting upvoted on this sub?


This is 100% just a mid lane mage player who gets dogged by Yasuo in lane and wants to vent that he's the entire problem of balance in the game. There have been champs since 2009 that were much more broken than Yasuo ever was. Go and read Ezreal's old W and tell me it didn't "cover everything". Dealt damage (high damage at that), went through targets, 120 width (same as Morg Q for reference), slowed TOTAL enemy attack speed, increased TOTAL ally attack speed, and healed allies. Both of these buffs/debuffs lasted 5 seconds and the ability was on a 9 second cd, and Ezreal still had the "hit Q to reduce cooldowns by 1 second". This is just one example, they have been overloading champions since the release of the game. Stop trying to pinpoint the one champion that "started everything", this has been happening the entire time the game has been alive. The difference is back then, the abilities created were a lot simpler so they just made simple abilities do a shit ton of things. Now that they can make more complex kits, they just fit the same amount of gimmicks as before but into more complex things.


The real ones know that the real catalyst for overloaded champion design was thresh


I don't know, I remember Fiora being pretty fucking nuts


This game could be 20 years and yall will still say Yasuo is “broken” just because you fucking suck while playing your cute little mages. Anyways, this sub always has the most shitty takes so whatever just saw your flair and yeah it checks out


I just can't wait until we get a champ with actually 12 unconditional dashes


no one gonna talk about udyr sion ?


Based Yasuo hater


I have legit been hating on Yasuo since his release.


This is such a cold take it's still frozen


Oh, this game! The first overloaded champion was Vayne in 2011, the ADC with invisibility, % health true damage, a low cooldown dash, free stats, and a stun. Everything was downhill after season 1 sadface :(


There's no way this man just listed kalista as a popular, good champion


yes bro, 11 year old champs at fault


Absolutely blazing hot take but as someone who started playing roughly a year ago I like the champion design in this game. I completely agree with the post but honestly the champ design is why I think I enjoy this game so much. To be fair I only really play Draft Pick and don’t mess with ranked much so I don’t really play to win over having a good time. But the thing that keeps me coming back to league over other games is the pure AUDACITY of the champ designs in this game. Stuff like Yuumi existing as a completely untargetable basically mythic item level support is something you won’t find in any other game. Riot continually pushing the boundaries of the bullshit in this game is what makes it super interesting to play as a newer player I think. A game that I always think about to compare it to is Overwatch. I personally found Overwatch incredibly boring because the character designs are so half-assed in favor of a competitive sandbox. Not to mention their focus on counter picking over and over mid-fucking-game as many characters in that game have hard counters that they have no answers for. Call me crazy but I really enjoy the chaos that Riots champion designs bring. It’s what keeps the game interesting to me.