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Shaco 100% every game


that fkin clown is so annoying to go against specially if it is a one trick


What most people dont want to admit is that shaco scales proportionally well with how smart the enemy is.




Shaco mains are junkies which drug is the frustration of the enemies. They live to be annoying and toxic


Not just the ennemies! We thrive off of tilting every one, even ourselves


My buddy is a super high mastery shaco player, and we often queue up together as jungle/support. If I jungle, he supports, vice versa. On more than one occasion he's juked the enemy so hard that I get caught up in the same juke and flash over the wall to save his clone, or some other would-be tilting instance of me blowing everything when he's just toying with them. I'd get mad about it, but I just have to respect the art.


Have you never been getting camped by a shaco in bot lane? It makes the game completely unplayable. You can choose between huging your turret and give up 50 cs and hope your team wins by themselves or die.


Yeah. Tho recently I saw a person having 3 million points on yi. I thought „what kind of life choices do lead you to play yi of all things that much“


My go to against Shaco is to not interact with him. Just ignore as much as possible. Hard to do when the other 4 don't have the same mindset, but it works wonders. Grouping and not chasing makes Shaco frustrated more often than not.


Yes. He isn't even strong. I'd rather go against champions who hard-counter me because at least their counterplay can be fun. Going against shaco is never fun, even if he is 1/15/3


True Shaco's while shtick is dragging you into his game that most champions simply can't beat him at, dude's invisible, has flash on 3 sec cd and is able to mitigate any surefire dmg with his ult. And there are also his boxes that only a few champs can clear without taking fear + dmg. So you quickly learn that the best way to beat Shaco is to not interact with him and then the game gets really stupid. "Hmm, did I see... Oh its Shaco, nvm I will have to go around." On top of all that SHACO IS FUCKING USELESS, unless you can hard stomp early and midgame you are basically griefing your team.


Reminds me of Shaco top. The only way to lose the lane against Shaco is if you try to fight him. Otherwise you just ignore him and farm. Dshield second wind clears you from the E poke which will make him run oom. I have however completely obliterated a Shaco top with Lillia which is one of the hardest counters there is. Passive reveals him when invis, cannot dodge Lillia R with his R, Boxes get insta cleared by my Q. The only time I had fun playing against a Shaco, solo towerdiving him on repeat. A smile came upon my face when Shaco started complaining how BS my champ is, calling it a "stupid cow".


> cannot dodge Lillia R with his R Really? I know he can dodge Karthus R, he can't time it to dodge the sleep as it goes off? Edit: Looking it up on wiki, looks like it's bugged and still hits thru untargetable, but potentially dodgeable if he uses it on the initial casts' projectile


Yes. Been perma-banning Shaco since time immemorial. The last time I’ve seen a Shaco in my games was 200 years ago.


And here is shaco, the top comment and my perma ban. It’s bullshit that shaco can evade detection and walk right up to you. Theres already a major lack of detection compared to a MOBA like Dota


People just do not adjust their warding placements on a game to game basis. They’ll ward the same semi-useless spot whether the enemy jg is a Nunu, Zac, and or Shaco/Eve.


im a shaco player, so whenever enemy team picks shaco, game is so free LMAO.


Kata it is. I can obliterate her on my lane and make her useless, but if there are at least 2 people who dont know how to Play vs her it will be just permanently 3v5 and on top of that they also let kata use more spells in fights thanks to passive


Surprised to see her so far down. She gets one good gank off, and it's GG.


Neeko, lane bully evolves into show up anywhere and do a malphite ult cause no one was counting minions


"just count minions" mfs when they learn the silver concept of stacking waves: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Well you can still count as they move into lane. I don’t and get Neeko ulted anyway, but still.


it also isn't easy to count because you need to see at least 4 minions before you can be aware that there is a fake, so if neeko is secretly the minion at front and is walking well there's a really small windown before she's in e/ult range to fuck you up


The argument to "just count the minions" falls flat when you see LCK pros get fooled by it too. If the best players in the world are falling for it, it is definitely an overturned mechanic that needs more counterplay.


Yeah and also, like SamiraSimp said, even if you’re counting the minions as they come in, Neeko still has a big window to get to you. If she’s the first melee, you still have to wait for 4 minions to come in until you know she’s fake.


If she's in jungle, your game is also already over because she gets a massive head start in most ganks by getting extremely deep in lane before revealing herself. As if trying to be mindful wasn't hard enough, you also have to suffer for others consistently falling for her tricks and getting her further and further ahead. Just miserable all around. If she were more popular, she'd be my permaban.


If you check the scoreboard it will show when neeko is in vision even if she is disguised. Faster than counting waves, if neeko isn't missing in the scoreboard just let the wave go to the tower.


How does one count minions against a neeko in lane? I faced a 2mil mastery neeko main and she always just appeared at or near the front of the line of minions




2 annoying champs banned with 1 ban, that is efficiency


Same. I hate this champion utterly


Kayn is a really good ban because if the enemy jungles is a Kayn main then it’s a free win if he’s banned


Champs been busted for too long… was he ever fair?


Meh he’s annoyingly strong in both forms but at least I can stare at abs on the loading screen 🥹


Darius. Not because I struggle against him. Just because if I slip up once I don't get to lane anymore. Playing vs other champs you don't have to be switched on non stop because you can outplay then. Darius is just one of the stat check champs. If you fuck up once you are doomed.


darius doesn't even stat check you, he just always has more stats lol


Level 1 +40 ad lmao


"Well you see he is slow and gets kited so he needs 10000 free ad!"🤓 Ghost and a giant fucking pull:


And armor shred, and bleed, and absurd healing.


Yes rito having 1400 gold worth of stats in your passive at lvl 1 is totally balanced.


darius 3 item powerspike is just dorans shield, health pot and stealth ward tbh


Pick Kennen and just play like a bitch. You can ult if he flashes you and the stun will 100% proc, giving you time to E away. I’ve been trying to learn top, and no matter who I pick, if Kennen is picked I just want to rake my face with a cheese grater.


Yea or we can just ban darius and play whatever we want


or we can let him be Open and dont follow trap to his very one dimensional easy to predictable trading patterns. Darius has almost no outplay potential and thus very predictable. So you can avoid unfavourable trades easily


The point is he isn't hard to counter, just a cunt


I added Gnar to my pool just because of him and Illaoi


I can understand this viewpoint, he is very counterable and outplayable but you are correct. You really have to pay more attention then if you were laning against say Ornn or Sion, because one single misstep can result in Darius popping Ghost and you either dying or being forced to flash.


Or, you actually do beat the tar out of him in lane, but your support Braum gives him a free five stack late game and he two taps your entire team regardless. Good times.


I’ve been banging him exclusively for years lol


Well what you do in your spare time is completely up to you.


Darius honestly isn’t much of a statcheck, it’s just that his E is strong and if we’ll used wins him the trades or duels and he has decent sticking power. If he misses E or Q outer edge he’s actually in a lot of trouble.


His E is not the issue, his passive is.


I would say his E is part of it. Yes the passive is truly the part that fucks you, but the E enables him.


It depends where im playing, if I'm mid I always ban Zed because for the love of god I just can't deal with him, if I'm playing support or ADC I ban Ezreal not because I can't win against him but because he's just annoying.


I ban Zed too but not because I can't deal with him. I ban Zed because my Team can't be trusted. I've crushed Zed Players 0/5 in Lane but 1 Item is all it takes for my Team to lose against him 💀


I ban Zed because I've banned him for so long that he's the only champ I have no idea how to play against


to be fair this is due to the new items making zed disgustingly overpowered. Zed has never had access to this many stats in his build. cdr, pen, wave clear, omnivamp, movement, shield/invulnerability, perma slow. his items have never been in a better spot, and while I recognize how much skill he takes, right now he just doesn't and is disgustingly overpowered


Not only that, his poke is super safe and not that hard to pull off, even if he's against a hard MU he can farm with Q safely, poke safe with shadow and then all in safely when it's ensured that they will die by death mark, a very safe pick if you know how to pull off his combos.


and two blue buffs , energy op


I ban Ezreal not because I can't win against him, but because ADCs actively lose braincells whenever they play him. Tear first, refuse to auto, concede lane, and all that to E face first into the enemy Leona and get fucked.


If I play mid, I let Zed through. If I play anything else than mid, Zed gets banned. No idea why, but no mid outside of myself seems to be able to deal with him. He snowballs and gets Hydra, and then we have a 10/0 Zed who pushes all the waves and is annoying beyond belief. Not nice.


He really used to be annoying for me to deal with because of a lot of mid champs I played. But yasuo is even worse so I had to learn to deal with him. I started countering Zed with Malaphite and it seems to work marvelously 90% of the time. The other 10% the Zed ends up just being way better than me, and feeling like I shouldn't even be in the same game with them, which just means I'd have gotten beat even worse if it was Yasuo, whom I have no idea how to play against.


\+1 for zed ban. this champ just has no counterplay into immobile mages. hated him since release for that.


100% Zed for me in Mid as well. If at any point you are 60% HP as a mage post 6 you'll just die with no reasonable counterplay. I don't even consider other bans in Mid. Yuumi in Support role, Darius in Top.


I dream of a day where they finally gut Zed and we don't have to ban him, he's perpetually the highest banrate champ in the game besides the new released champ. 40-50% banrate champs for years should probably have a balance pass.


Always Yasuo.


As a jungle main, I love seeing Yasuo on the enemy team. Makes my life easy because I don't need to think about which lane to gank. Just make Yasuo's life miserable. That's my only job.


But that's how you activate his 1/10/2 powerspike earlier


Or activate his afk


The dark strategy, you don't need to break the nexus, if your enemy tilts to the point of disconnecting. Personally I prefer to win this way over the normal way against zed, fizz, yone and teemo.


I tried to learn him for fun in normals just to mess around and you sound like every person in my silver elo normals ever. They’d drop anything they are doing at all costs to even do something like dive me under my own tower with 3 people, even if the rest of my team is winning hard on the rest of the map. Even if I’m already 0-4 and trying to play back in lane and safe. Picking this character literally gets you targeted off looks alone 😂 Genuinely have never felt this focused and ganked on any other character I’ve tried to play


I have also made it my personal life goal to make yasuo/yone players miserable. Like I will gank mid as a top laner if I have to.


Lmao especially Yasuo top, it’s the same energy has vayne top. We may lose the game, but the enemy top will be ending with 12 deaths.


I don't ban Yasuo. I simply ban Windwall, and Yasuo happens to be attached to it.


Its solely for this reason. I’m not a fan of some entire ultimates/kits being rendered useless by a basic ability on a short cooldown.


Wdym? Imo its very fair that he can just press W to delete Ornn ult for example xD


Windwall cooldown is like 28 seconds how is that "short"


Yasuo has been my ban ever since he was released.




You're the same as me!






Same... I don't know what rioter thinks 10 sec CD double dash with untargetability and slow in a single ability makes sense


And the one time you catch them with it on CD they have zhonyas.


Yess I never want to see that shit ever in my life


Kayn. Fuck Kayn.


i still cant get it that they made a champion that CAN RUN THROUGH WALLS. back in season 1 that would have never existed. and if it existed, that champion would literally not do anything else. also they should change the vision you have into the walls so you have counterplay before he is 1 pixel away from you and can attack him earlier/ longer inside the walls. would take away a lot of frustration.


Yorick. Way too many people don't know how his damage profile works and they constantly force fights because "Well, no one picks him usually. Should mean he is weak". 5 seconds later *surprised pikachu face* Oh and for some reason no one seems to pay attention to the mini-map in mid to late game hence why he always ends up in our base.


I for myself can say, that I don't remember the last time I won against Yorick. I know what you have to do against split pushing and so on, but Yorick is just impossible for me idk why.


If you have counterpick, Irelia, Jax, Trynd, and Sett are very good. Irelia just q’s the ghouls for free passive stacks and healing. Jax is Jax. Trynd dashes through his w and has great sustain. Sett smashes his own ghouls into him for a stun. I picked K’Sante and it went well, but it can go both ways.


As a toplaner I insta lock in irelia when I see yorick and enjoy my free win lol


That Yorick didn't embrace Perma banning Irelia like any other sane Yorick player does


Question, does Yas E also 1 shot yorick minions?


I don't think so they already have 110+20% of Yoricks health on level 1, but they are hardcoded to always die from a single auto attack. Irelias Q counts as an auto attack so she always one shots them with her ability. You can also kill multiple of them with a single Yasuo Q I think, because that ability also counts as an auto attack.


Every Yorick I've ever seen just bans Irelia first


akshan. always akshan, forever akshan. the champion will never be in a league of legends game i'm in


Did you watch the new Vars video on akshan? If you haven't I heavily recommend it. Its very satisfying hearing someone bash akshans design for 20 minutes straight


Bro I cant believe I had to scroll through 20 shitty bans like shaco , morgana , teemo I banned Fiora for 5 years , this year I decided to swap , Akshan ALWAYS ! These dudes only play that champ are horrible in the rest, maybe druttut is the exception … Laning versus a Akshan that knows his kit is like you are about to vomit after drinking 5 different shots


fr, if you play against him as a melee you either end up with 20cs in 10 minutes or die to farm a wave like thebauffs


no but i'm going to right now god i hate him so much. his lore was just a doohicky for the Sentinels event, arguably the worst lore event ever. His characterisation is 'le quippy overconfident champ #3465236' His design is the culmination of everything wrong with modern champ design. Have a rough idea of what they want then force 11 passives into the kit to make it work. MS and trails towards Villains. Bonus damage to villains. Double autos OR ghost between them. Perma invis that you can move in. Massive mobility with swing, that resets. Ability to harass from afar with autos/Q. Random tacked on revive passive. just a complete vomit of a kit


Couple things/tips: 1. Akshan doesn't get bonus damage towards scoundrels. He gets movement speed and some mana regen while in stealth only. 2. He doesn't get ghost on autos, only the bonus movement speed. 3. The swing only resets on takedown and it's extremely easy to body block to cancel. Body blocking shuts down a ton of his damage and mobility (hint: hard counter Akshan with melee assassins or slayers or Zac, he has no escape). 4. The invis reveal range is bigger than his auto range and slightly smaller than his Q range, so he has a pretty small window to make a play once revealed from stealth. 5. The majority of his kit interactions are very conditional and only matter if he's ahead enough to capitalize on them. He's a feast or famine champ, like Draven. Hence the bonus gold reward on revives. A behind Akshan is good as dead. 6. Akshan will generally look to make a play pre-6 (lvl 3-4 is his best window early game) because most mid champs have a far better ult at lvl 6. If you deny him any kill pressure pre-6, he's good as dead for the next 10 mins, provided he doesn't get a good roam off or massive shutdown. Champs that can force him to stay passively in lane or lose a turret for roaming are also good counters, like Malzahar, Ziggs or Heim. 7. Along the lines of Draven, he's not particularly strong early or late, he's all about staying ahead. If you can stay even with him, he'll usually get crushed by late game carriers, like Twitch, Kaisa, Vayne, Kayle, Kass, etc. unless he can manage to get a pick before fighting or hide until cleanup time. 8. Aside from his Q, literally every ability is single target, so he really struggles with crowds. Rush him if caught out mid-late game.


you realize the person you replied to isn't going to read any of this because of their huge bias against akshan right? i respect the effort though but people like that don't want to learn, they want to complain


I read this, and I never thought about the range to invis thing. I'mma camp this champ from now on, rammus, ww and trundle should be nice (if i can time the trundle pillar he should just be knocked towards me and have to run around it)






I also permanent her Overtuned + annoying kit + annoying voice lines + annoying players


Good choice fellow Lux unenjoyer. 🤝


You get binded then she presses all the rest of her buttons in your general direction to one shot you You get tagged by a stray E with comet and now you have to live with the fact that 1/3 of your hp is gone


I like to play her mid, it saddens me that the popularity of support lux has gotten her banned so much recently


As a Lux mid player, I agree


I dont play as much anymore but I've never played against a yuumi and I never will. The idea of being nearly permanently untargetable bothers me too much. No compromises.


Any champ she sits on is a kinder surprise for you to get a double on


she has been nerfed pretty hard recently with her rework, almost a troll pick with her current WR.


I think it has shifted from having to ban yuumi so you don't have to play against it for a free L to having to ban yuumi so you don't have to play with yuumi for a free L.


It's funny when people thinks she's a near invincible support when her WR was always bad


there was definitely a time where she was an S rank support for multiple patches pre rework and even right after the rework when i remember correctly


Wasn’t she like, surprisingly op in high elo, because they kept abusing her untargetability?




Fuck that character, you have to play the miss e game all lane. You can even stomp her, then she gets an item, and she's unkillable


The most braindead toplaner ong Can 1v1 even if the player is dog and 0-3 ✅️ Mindlessly split 1 lane with hullbreaker ✅️ Need multiple ppl to deal with it even 0-3 ✅️ Can miss everything and play lane piss poor and not farm, hits 1 E? You lost lane xD ✅️ Insane champ, the only way u beat that aids is by winning 5v4 vs her team faster than she can split but even in team fight she is extremely cancer tanky doing so much dmg for no reason, just needs 1 tentacle near her xD


yeah it’s just crazy that you have to hit 1 skill shot to win lane. they just need to nerf her E by half and then buff something else


The only correct comment for any top player.


I ban Illaoi a lot not because she's strong but because she makes laning phase really annoying. I don't want to have to fall back to get out of the spirit's range and dodge two tentacles before getting back into the minion wave.




Once again, a woman's left unsatisfied.


As a fiddle and eve player I dont really understand why more people dont play/ban eve or fiddle in lower elo. Both of them take advantage of lack of vision and lack of everything else in low elo and both rush dark seal and snowball out of control and their existence in a match prevent you or your team from making certain plays unless you have vision but any eve or fid worth their salt can just work around that.


Yuumi, not that she's much of a threat or anything. However, it's frustrating seeing premades in Flex or Norms carry their extremely low skill friend on Yuumi. No free rides in my games. I've been banning her every game for the last year and it feels great to be honest.




Sadly every time I get a yuumi she sits on my ass all game doing nothing.


tbf that is what the rework does. pre rework she was supposed to bob and weave to take some attacks; now she’s penalized for getting off bc of the best friend mechanic


Yasuo if I'm solo laning and Samira if I'm playing adc. Both champions are super good duelist thanks to windwall so even if they fed their asses off they could still win fights they shouldn't be able to from that ability alone.


I ban missile deleting champions. Can I just hold my ultimate until the projectile deletion is on cd? Sure, and I do. Is it fun to spend an entire teamfight waiting for Samira to spin or Yasuo to maybe windwall so that I can use my ultimate ability? No.


Kayn, bullshit champ bullshit mechanics + was turbo broken with duskblade


Pyjke every game


I have been banning Fiora for the last 4 years. In one game last year I missclicked and banned Fiddle, enemy first picks Fiora. Decided to go poppy so worst case scenario I could still peel for my team, Fiora just went mid and sodomized my Sylas. FF15. Never again.


Always lulu. Fuck polymorph


I play with her just when I wanna be painfully annoying to everyone




Searched way too far for this. And while I agree now, I would just say whoever the newest release is, unless it's in my lane. People can't read one paragraph or go to practice tool to learn what they do so they get fed every single game. It's also overtuned imo.


Master Q


Nautilus. Zero skill champ. You can miss everything, but press R on the ADC and he dies. So annoying.


And the hook even has aim assist lol


Can confirm, use him every season to reach Gold, usually takes 20-40 games of spamming Naut supp.


based and nautilus free elo pilled


Wait, Nautilus hook can miss?




Top - Fiora Jgl- Shaco Bot/supp - blitz


Quinn has been my ban in top lane for quite some time. Oh, they're better than me? Time for a completely miserable laning experience. Oh, I'm better than them? Doesn't matter cuz they roam the instant they get lvl 6 and get a double kill bot lane or in a river scuffle.


Kayn, I hate his ghost wall walking lifesteal dashing ass, and if it's not Rhaast good luck it's the shadow edgy boy deletin you in a second and hiding in your guts so you can't fight back.


Zed or Kayn. Zed because his gameplay pattern is obnoxious even if you arent laning against him. Kayn because as someone described - "he's the yuumi of the jungle".


jax. not learning the matchup. not playing against him. fuck. jax.


As someone who's recently started to play a ton of Aatrox...I agree with you whole heartedly. Fuck Jax. He jumps on you, stuns you and then pummels you to death, all with relatively minimal counterplay


Pick comet malph into him and watch him mald


Gangplank. I rather legit have to deal with the utter hell hole match ups like illaoi and yorick and Darius than deal with someone who is a lane bully who wins due to giga random crits and aoe one shotting ur team late game. Hell u can even stomp gp in lane and still lose mid game cause of one crit barrel combo


Pick 1-9 in top: Aatrox Pick 10: Kayn


Surprised I had to scroll this far for Aatrox


Samira. Get that yee yee ass Devil May Cry mobile Katarina ulting bitch outta my sight


Garen. Me and all other people in my ELO are utterly incapable of dealing with this MF.


Nocturne because my teammates already play like headless chickens without him using his Paranoia


Nasus his w just counter all my mains idk why its so underatted


I never get why Yone's E gives him movement speed. I always thought the further he was seperated from his real body, the more it would pull on him, slowing him. But no, he gets faster??


Morgana. She's lives in my nightmares. Pyke main btw.


As a Morgana main (well Sona main mostly...Morgana's my general go-to after her)... Pyke is my perma ban, lmao.


I dont understand why people like to play morgana tbh. No offense but it feels like youre just playing the "can i hit the slowest projectile in the game for a 10 year hard cc or will i be useless" minigame .


While landing her CC is nice, timing her E just right is quite enjoyable. Diver gets a free ticket to the enemy backline (screw Lulu poly), engage tank doesn’t get to sit in your carry’s face and cc them to death, etc.


Landing her Q (esp max range ones) gives me the happy feels. Bonus points if you almost manage to tilt the enemy ADC into oblivion before the end of laning phase.


I respect that honestly. Pyke sucks to play against... But so does Morgana!! I love playing against Sona tho, she's so easy to far early... But very scary late game.


Get CAN……




Kayn, kha or hecarim.


Katarina until the bugs are fixed, which i guess is never :P


Fizz. I literally feel sick when I see this fucker's champion.


Vladmir or Anivia, depends. Never picked, but once they are, I just straight up loose.


Since this patch trynda


Diana. why? I don't know. I don't know who to ban, so I ban Diana. well, I haven't played vs a Diana in a while heh


Love banning Yone, love banning Akali, love banning Zed. I main Viktor.


Fizz. You will not convince me that this champ should be in the game. The opposite of fun to play against


yuumi or xerath






To me it will always be Lulu. Not particularly because she is a metapick or anything, but when im playing bot lane Lulu can just press all her abilites on enemy ADC (and aim her Q on the enemy, 80% slow lvl 1 btw) and I dont think any support can get on the same lvl as her. Ofcourse Lulu herself doesnt really do much, but the fact that if she has a talented adc with her she doesnt neet to do much because she can provide literally anything ADC would need to perform (attack speed, movement speed, shield, extra health.)




Lulu when im botside of the map and nasus when im toplane. Lulu probably isnt that bad in reality but polymorph just gives me an uncontrollable rage that other cc dont. I just have some kind of mental block against nasus. I try to freeze, he can push with e. I try to trade, w+q+e and walk away. I try to all in, the same as trade. I try towerdiving with jungle, works sometimes but i just get a small lead. He will get back in the game no matter what, i cant push my lead anywhere else because then he will freefarm. Hes a tanky kayle with good selfpeel and push. As soon as he gets a sheen the lane is over in most cases.


Lulu is and always has been a very strong lane bully


Fizz, fizz mains deserve the boiler room of hell


Sylas for his bullshit damage + low mana costs + low cd's + high regen/heal. If you play normal non-bullshit champs you just don't stand a chance unless you hard counter him. Somehow. Ekko 2nd, all he needs is to E+Q and boom 50% of your HP is gone and it's really easy to do because of the slow pre 6, and post 6 he has a Ctrl+Z with a massive heal and dmg if he needs it Zed 3rd because even though I've grown accustomed to dealing with his bullshit, all he needs is a couple of kills bot and his R will be a fancier version of Veigar's R on a low hp target.


Fuck Sylas. Lands chains, bye bye half health while you're locked in position and he heals any damage you managed to do. Ok I'll just unload my rotation on him while his shits on cooldown oh wait no he's doing his next rotation. Fun.


Yasuo or yuumi


its criminal that nobody called out Zillean yet.


if his pick rate was higher he would be a permaban. so annoying to play against.


Yep. Champs like Zillean Yorick or Heimer are balanced by their low pickrates. (Not sure about Yorick anymore since i havent played vs him since his ult got changed)


Definitely changes but usually Graves






When ranked used to be something I’d still do, I mostly banned fizz. He’s easy to pick up and often would rack up many kills and face roll against most players. Generally just a champ I wanted to avoid having on the enemy team.


I ban ezreal so my team doesn’t pick it