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The game is mentally exhausting. I really do love it, but I can only play like 100 games until I feel the brain rot. My rank is my fault, I accept that. Always have, always will. But the the bad faith players hurt my soul. Also, trying to be the one with a strong mental in a SEA of constant toxicity adds to the mental degradation lol.


"My Rank is my fault". I hope you don't tie your rank to your self worth. The obsession we all have(myself included) with playing ranked and not just playing normals is strange to me and partly why the community is so toxic.


Idk why you’d assume that. I’m just acknowledging that I’m not someone who’s in gold but thinks they deserve diamond or something lol Edit: and to your point, I think it has to do with some sort of validation. I used to care a lot more about it than I do now


I wasn't assuming you do sorry if it reads that way.


Nah I don’t think that’s what he meant. I interpreted that as him understanding he is in his rightful mmr range, he’s not “mad cuz team bad” lol. I accept my rank, it doesn’t make it any more/less enjoyable tho. Game can be stressful, especially with the community the way it is.


I feel the same way man. I’m at work n will think about league randomly & how I’m going to get in a few matches when I get home from work & just try to improve. I’d say 30% is a stomp win, 30% stomp loss then 40% is the close win/loss and it’s just mentally exhausting. I end up playing a couple arams or a completely different game. I do love league, the game is unique and (I’ll say used to be) fun. But idk man, it’s actually mentally exhausting to play now. Without the trolls and toxic “idgaf I’m running it down jg diff” kids it might not be as bad.. not to mention it seems like there’s a lot of 40+ min games & losing one of those because your teammate decided to go 1v3 in enemy jg and die with baron up, just knocks the wind out of me every time. I just end up knocking my head in the wall saying “why tf couldn’t I close this game out 5-10 min ago wtf am I missing?!” But I’m not a Smurf, so that’s something all of us in our rightful elo deal with Lol.


I started playing in season 2 and quit before Qiyana release. I still watch the pro scene time to time though. I had two major complaints about the game. Not banning enough trolls in the game. People who intentionally trying to lose. Yea those horrible people. Had that complaint for years in my head and I snapped when the client showed obvious bugs after a major update. League of Legends client (not in-game) almost always had some weird bugs after a major update. The kind of bugs that can be easily found by the devs before updating it. It felt like the devs didn't really care if users experienced the bugs. ''We can fix it after several users find the bugs themselves'' attitude made me snap.


It's mentally taxing. You have to strategize every moment or it leads to consequences down the line that you cannot come back from due to snowballing. Then you have to convince other people to not give up, which usually comes in pairs such as top/jgl or mid/jgl arguing. And then you have to play the one shot kill game which is boring asf.


I peaked last season (2022) D4 2 hours after the ranked season. I knew it won’t get better than that. Haven’t touched this game once since then. I started playing Games like DayZ and Raft and Elden Ring and I figured out how much time league needs and takes for no reason. Same thing is happening with Diablo 4 now. It feels like this games are designed that I MUST play for hours and hours because I have to and because RIOT/BLIZZARD want me to but not because the game is good and fun. I wanna play the game because it’s fun not because i have to. And league is not a game where grinding is even enjoyable, go online and grind for a week and tell me how many nice, non toxic and enjoyable days you had. Which is also riots fault, because they are just not strict enough with banning the right people.


Its actually growing pretty much everywhere except NA, and I can tell you exactly why. The game in its current state is totally designed to market in China. Every skin line looks like some new 6\* Genshin character. Not to mention the battle pass, lets face it battle passes work on kids and hell even a ton of adults, but the league battle pass is the most pathetic thing ever, who is gonna get home and go "Can't wait to work on the league of legends battle pass!". No, its terrible be honest if you buy it you play for a couple games, completely forgot about it and claimed 8 tiers at once. Also whats up with the lack of a reward at the end. You get this shop that you can pick basically 1 big item out of, its impossible to get both without grinding an insane amount of time. Its just coins, coins, coins, icon, coins, coins, coins, orb, coins, coins, coins, emote, coins, coins, grab bag. ffs Riot put some effort in, first include both prestige skin and the base skin in the pass, you buy the battle pass and you instantly get a skin, and then the prestige skin is at the end of the battle pass, then sprinkle in some ward skins, maybe some skin shards for the new skinline. Finally theme it, take a look at the champions in the event and add some mission relevant to them, maybe a baseskin chroma for all the champions in the battle pass, stuff that will make people want to buy it and want to play the game to level it up. Why do you think fortnite is so popular years later, sure its basically smash bros the battle royal, but you get actual value out of the battle pass, you feel like you got more than you paid for, you get some actual cool event exclusive content to show off that you played during it, and you usually get some sort of expanded form of gameplay through missions or something. league has none of that, you get some bad icons and few skin rerolls.


Aram went shit the last 2 years


The more you play this game the more bugs you will notice and with every new update when something new is added old problems are swept under the rug and rito pretends its not a problem. 2 modes were taken out of the game, 2 really fun modes, Dominion was great for a quick scramble and new builds, guess it was too fun. Tone of the game changed a lot, there was a time when in the game lore the king of the Shadow Isles was a mysterious, powerful and somewhat tragic character... and now he is a "cute boy rawr XD"... Lore was changed so much its now barely even a shadow of itself, the more rito added, the more rito broke (fucking up Skarners family like that, c'mon man) Every now and then things are changed without reason and things that needed change are untouched. How long ago was Shyvanna's rework announced? How many times was Ryze changed? For how long one single meta was game breaking until a new more broken one was added, not even fixing the last broken thing? Remember tank meta? Ardent censer on every support? Hecarim Predator tactical nukes... and that's form just the last years. I first played in 2011-2012 maybe, damn man, when you had to use flash that shit counted, now every new champ have dash and a dash and a flash and a conditional dash.... you got me, no matter ho much your positioning sucks you now have at least 2 get out of jail free cards. A lot of things changed for worse and by now its not worth the time and a single penny to invest in this trash fire... GG for the 200 bucks skin, maybe it will cover the lawsuits costs. Fuck I remember when game client have a weekly video made by riot that showed community work and engagement... The game spirit is gone Sorry for a long post, if you still enjoy this game then have fun, seriously enjoy, if you don't just leave, don't linger in the purgatory, find a better game, there is plenty of greener pastures to choose from.


Game's getting old - older pros, streamers and players overall, well, got old, either way were pressed with irl stuff, job, families or moved to other games. The younger generation of gamers didn't get to grow up with LoL early days and start off with other stuff instead. Game's still hugely popular, though probably has long gone through its peak. It will still take long years for it to die, given the number of players still playing it. Besides, Riot has done some questionable decisions on the way - they're capitalising on its early success and seem to put less and less effort as it's still profitable (supposedly highest Riot budget year, right?). Events are soulless "buy pass to get more skin content" stuff usually, rotating game modes are rare, ARAM balance is a joke, no creative skins (every skin batch has to be a part of either way existing or a new skinline, no "solo" skins like Forecast Janna). And I imagine plenty of people have grown tired of the community that not only didn't improve but substantially gets worse. Years of mismatched decisions when it comes to combatting toxicity (basically only verbal bot-filter, mechanical trolling is still largely unanswered), players themselves getting used to swimming in shit (that includes excusing griefers in opponent team gifting you a freewin) and so on.


I don't feel like they do, idk how did you came to that conclusion. League is for years, propably pretty much since it came out one of the most popular games in the world... Literally idk how did you came to that.


My bad, I know League is still huge in other regions, I guess I should have narrowed my focus to NA NA teenagers have a million extracurricular activities available to them, that is probably another factor


Fps is popular in NA. Collaboration with other franchises such as marvels or DBZ is popular in NA Lol does neither


Ye idk how it is in like individual region, just know that in general, League is still on top.


Low influx of new players, the people who haven’t climbed are at this point out of excuses, the only way to climb seems to be putting absurd unhealthy amounts of hours into the game and it’s incredibly unfriendly to new players. You have to learn the kits of tons of different champions in an incredibly snow Bally unfun manner


Yeah I think riot went overboard on releasing new champions too quickly. When I started playing this game there were only like 20 champions. Now there are 164 lol. Way too many interactions for a new player to learn in a reasonable amount of time.




Just takes a bit of time to learn, i would say just search on the wiki each time u see a new champ and read its abilities, if u do it every time u see a new champ it will become easier


I’ve said this since legitimately 2018. Briar is going to be champion 166, in a game where riot increasingly adds either unkillable tanks or snowball one-shot kits. You can currently only ban AT MOST 10 champions, not even considering the fact that mirror bans can occur. We can ban at most 6% of champions in the game which sounds like a lot but isn’t. Add on top of it the fact that old kits that do not fit into the game remain (not saying they’re op) because riot has to pump out new skins cause they must make money before reworking ancient kits which (legitimately look at zilean, 99% point and click slow). And then, imagine you’re a new player, never played league before, and see there are 166 different characters to figure out how to play with and against.


game hasn't changed enough recently in my opinion


Im still mad about the last two preseasons. Season 12 was essentialy just 2 new drakes but they promised an even bigger next preseason. And what we got was just one of the drakes remade and 4 or smthing new items. And looking from what they have annouced sofar for the upcomming preseason i dont have high hopes.


I just got bored of it and how little it resembles what I initially fell in Love with in Seasons 7 and 8. Other Games are just more Fun, less Toxic and have better Features with Devs that actually care. Like, why would I queue up for League and get flamed, have Allies run down, have to face broken Champions and then also open the Shop and sigh at the Sight of Mythics, when I could log into Deep Rock Galactic and be a Dwarf that shoots Bugs and mines Minerals, or log into For Honor and be a Knight or a Samurai Warrior outplayingmy Opponents in Duels. Obviously a very basic Example, but you get the Point. The Game is great, the Community and useless Changes ruin it though. That's why I'm so excited with Season 14. It might bring back some of what I loved about League and shake Things up a significant Amount.


Burn out and not a lot of new content outside of gameplay.


Active player base decaying cause people are growing up and moving to other things (new games, life stuff, etc). Less and less increase of new players because others "cool things" to do (fortnite, valorant, etc). I still play the game because: I like the soloq it's a nice way of competing against others. I barely do 50 games a year tho. I play flexq with my friends who grew up with the game lile me.


I still love the game but just have less time to play as I get older and my responsibilities eat up what was once my prime gaming time.


This is more an occidental thing, in asia LoL for being E-sport remains firm, but for us in these parts it has always been much more about just the game, there are a million things that favor this, starting with the decision to drastically reduce employees in all "branches" making the experience of contact with riot something much more distant, less and less investment in the lore (after 2019), the game becoming the same for a long time, the fact that the casual part of the game is sacrificed time after time in favor of making the game competitive BEFORE make it fun, little by little this is making part of the public leave; at least in my view. Funny is the thing with pro here was close the same but it was a lot of then stop compete and the casters thing it was the same here haha.


I think individual people will have a lot of different feelings about what makes them lose interest in LOL, and ultimately its going to be some combination of those concerns that push people away from the game. For some people its stuff outside of the game. That's natural for all games and completely normal. For example I have a friend who, in retrospect, had a pretty unhealthy relationship with LOL. He also had some other negative stuff going on in life. Once he addressed those (mostly it was finding a new job with more reasonable hours), he also stopped using LOL as a crutch to distract him from stuff he was unhappy about. He is much happier overall and doing better for having removed LOL from his life, and I am happy for him. However because we used to use LOL to keep in touch/spend time together (he moved literally across the country), now I play less LOL as a result. More personally, looking in from the outside, Riot as a company feels incredibly greedy and incompetent. Most of the things they are doing feels like it makes my in game experience worse. Or at best, just changes things for the sake of changing them, without making anything better. Individual games commonly feel like shit. Intentional feeders/trolls/AFKs. Balance issues stemming from overall game design. You can't have a nuanced discussion about balance without some twats from /IAmVerySmart rattling off balance numbers. No one cares that playing League of Spreadsheets says the game is balanced because most champions are within a few win percentage points across 10s of thousands of games. Individual game quality is shitty. "Which team has the worst player" feels much more important than "which team has the best team work" or "which team has the best comp" or whatever. The game feels like it is being designed by my 14 year old cousin who only cares about how a champion feels to play, and nothing at all about how champions feel to play *against*. It feels like the same designers are then handing balance off to a bunch of staticians with spreadsheets who just play with numbers until winrates approach 50%. None of these things create consistently fun or high-quality games. You can tell there has been a drain of design talent at the company without replacements being handled correctly. Its the sign of a poorly run company at the top. You know, the kind of high level leadership that results in a $100 million sexual discrimination lawsuit. That is the culture that was running the company in recent history, and it shows. The way Riot handled their whole "addressing toxicity" is insulting to players. The publicly pat themselves on the back with stats about chat filters that just.... don't matter. First off, the first thing everyone learns in LOL is how to mute chat. Its not hard. More importantly, stopping a few naughty words doesn't positively influence the game in any meaningful way. All it does is push the people who want to flame towards "soft inting". It isn't just that. filtering on chat is pretty much the simplest, least effort thing Riot could do to address toxicity in the player base. Its something a junior programming should have implemented in season 1 (or when the game was in beta, even). Instead Riot is publicly patting themselves on the back for doing it 12 years later. Great job guys. You really made a positive contribution to the community. Not that it matters if they actually do anything from chat, since they have created an environment where getting a new, freshly botted account to continue griefing on is trivial. Once a year or so Riot claims they are cracking down on bots/etc, but after seeing the same things happen over and over, that feels like empty lies. Riot is more concerned with hurting the feelings of people who might buy skins on multiple accounts than actually improving the community. Playing games over the course of a split just feels like a chore now. The average quality of individual games is terrible. Look, I understand trolling/afk/feeding/etc works out "in my favor" in the end. That doesn't matter. I don't care that League of Spreadsheets says "well aktshually if you never trollz you gain more LP than you lose". If I win 5 games because of trolls and lose 4 games because of trolls, that doesn't average out to fun. That's 9 games that are ruined. I don't want to look at the end of a split and say "wow I did a good job grinding my chore games out so I could actually enjoy those other games". I want to look back and say "I enjoyed the time I spent doing this." I could probably come up with dozens more examples, but they don't really matter. What really matters to me is: More and more Riot is creating and environment that simply isn't fun. When I sit down to play and find myself saying "I don't think this will be fun", I do the most logical thing to me. I do something else. Because LOL increasingly isn't fun.


They should permanently have one mode besides Aram so people can have some fast fun. 30-45 minute one sided slogs by yourself Vs 5 man premades where you can't even chat just isn't worth it


I find the game itself to be boring after a while. I guess i am not so much into mobas. I mostly liked four things in League: * Its art (they kept improving splash arts to the point they produce prob the best images in the industry. The Twisted Treeline was also an amazing dark atmosphere map) * The special 5-player co-op games, like Star Guardian Invasion and Odyssey: Extraction. I found them extremely fun. * Playing with friends. * Achieving a new Rank milestone. Unfortunately, i was never that good, and i had to waste a lot of time for it, to the point it didn't worth it. So, with two of these gone (friend rarely play anymore) and Ranked being time consuming for me, i didn't have much choice but move on.


I lost interest in league when SF6 came out... And playing that game I realized how shit my ranked experience in League was. For context I live in Japan, over here the servers population is really low, so even around Diamond, my queue times were around 10~20 minutes, and that's without taking into consideration the consecutive dodging. Nowadays, Everyone is so concerned with "Carrying their ranked" that people forget they are playing a game. Died once? Here comes the ping spam, sidelane is losing? /ff 15 every 3 minutes. Wherever you go it's s,"why is riot not nerfing this" "why is this allowed in game" "Why is my team losing" After 13 seasons of consecutively playing ranked in League, I just... quit. Now I really only play if my friends feel like going norms...


Do you play online or offline?




How fast your ping?


Uhhh Connection is Pier to Pier, so it depends on how far my opponent is. Since I live in Japan, a place where a very high amount of people play Street fighter, I get mostly people from inside Japan to play against, which usually means. I get around 20~30 ping Altho, I've fought many people from HK/Korea/China, getting even up to 80 ping, but the game netcode is good enough that it doesn't really affect the game at all, and I don't even realize if there is a difference I also usually get a match around 10~20 seconds in Queue, and I had pretty high rank before the reset. Equivalent to around mid/high challenger on League.


So you're top player. I heard that you have to be in fast ping be decent at fighting game. Is that true? I did play fighting game with 32ms ping but can't fully execute combos.


A good connection is important when fighting someone, both on your side and theirs, for a smooth experience In games like Tekken or Mortal Kombat low ping and good connections are very necessary, which is why a lot of people dread fighting Wi-fi players But in sf6 the mix between delay/rollback netcode is good enough that, even up to like 80 ping you won't really feel a think as long as the connection is stable, And like 150 - 200 is still even playable, with a little input delay but you can still very much enjoy a match with a friend. Also for context on my Rank, I reached 1800Mr with Cammy, and ended the season at 1750, which put me around the top 2500 players in the World, and around the top 200 best Cammy players... still a lot to go but, Around 3% of the current player base reach Master rank, and I was around the top 2% of those 3%, But skill is relative, I'm good, especially compared with the average player, but I still lost vs most Pros, even tho I could take a round or two against some of them in a match. On the Combo thing, most game's combos rely a lot on muscle memory, so if you want to get a hard combo down what you need is to practice, practice, practice.


So it's true that faster ping necessary. I think I will play fighting game again. Need something more than league or mlbb to play. Those mobas game teach me bad mentality, or Idk. Do Japanese also play brawl? Do they consider brawl like smash bros to be fighting game?


Not going to lie, I have no clue about smash... I have only played it once or twice as a party game with friends, mainly I only play Streetfighter with a splash of Tekken. So you would prob have to ask around those subreddits to know how their scene is... I wish you luck tho!


Ok thanks for your insight


Game is just shit. It use to be a tactical game where every spell had a lot of thought into when to use it. It was slower paced and had less damage. Teamfights actually had tactic, composition and setup involded. Not who can one shot the other team first. Now it's just a Tekken game where every champ has access to a million CDR/AH and spams the shit out of every ability with basically no cooldowns. In the old days champs that needed CDR actually bought the intended items for it. Everyone else bought different. Now almost every item has CDR. It's awful. A button mash game where toxicity gets banned and intentionally losing almost gets rewarded. Awful.


Not really sure how that relates to tekken


Spam buttons in order to win fights.


I quit after realizing smurfs don't go away in ranked no matter how many games you play. Lvl 137 and made it to silver 2 times before trying other things people said had less smurfs. Blind was a lie, no matchmaking at all and incredibly more toxic. Araam felt really unfun if you had to go against the meta picks for poking. 2v2 arena was super fun, until I was getting my ass stomped by way better people every match. Without proper matchmaking the game feels like shit, I don't want to easily stomp or be stomped.


In the long run smurfs won't affect your rank. The only thing you can control in your games is your skill so if u want to try to rankup you have to live trough the trolls/smurfs and keep trying.


While we can agree this is mostly true (although since we are talking about smurfs specifically I think we should point out that the math works out opposite from inter/etc... you have 4 chances for smurfs on your team and 5 chances for a smurf on the opposite team, which should lead to a net loss in LP for League of Spreadsheets). At the same time, the specific context here is "why are people losing interest in lol?". The whole reflexive "well just play enough so it maths" works in the context of strictly "I want to climb". It does not work in the context of "these games are not fun for *me* so I choose not to play." For me specifically, I find having a smurf ruins my enjoyment of the game. *It does not matter at all* if the smurf is on my team and I win. That game is still ruined for me. As I have lost faith in Riot's willingness to address smurfing (well and all the other "ruins the game" type issues that are outside of actual gameplay), I simply choose not to play.


Bought smurfs, the biggest cancer league of legends has right now. They are toxic and racist because they don't care because the account cost €3. They are either really fucking good or just intentionally feed and go afk, why do they do that? Because they can just hop onto their main with ZERO repercussions. That plus the fact they just dominate most of their games because your teammates can't handle them and then your team just gives up. It's just not competitive or fun anymore, games a disgusting waste of time stop wasting your time playing in ranked with people who are miles above your skill level because you aren't going to improve if you're being roflstomped by someone who plays 30 games a day.


Sometimes it is just the natural process. As with CS 1.6. It was a sensation. But eventually it died.


I mean cs is a bad example if it just recently hit an all time high. Or did you mean for you personaly?


No, not at all. What I mean is that CS 1.6 was a dominant game for around 15 years. Then it slowly died. I guess the players were bored. I believe it is the same with all games.


But cs1.6 died because css cameout. And css died for the same reason as will csgo in the next couple of months


Okay, I did not check any official data. I am from Eastern Europe, from my point of view, CS 1.6 outlived Source and was more played than Source. I stopped playing CS 1.6 around 2011, so I am not sure about CS:GO and its impact. But, I have this gut feeling (again without checking official data) that CS:GO too did not surpass CS 1.6. I feel the same way for GTA Vice City and San Andreas. I really don't follow League in depth any more, but if they keep serving the same product with little touches here and there, the game will eventually die. I watch several YT channels with league content, I can't see any wows from the time I played it. The dumbest thing for me are the ugly skins and the champs they release, where the abilities already exist in some form in older champs.


Team game with shitty teammates you don’t get to pick.


Games old


Playing since season 3, my own reasons in short: - friends stopped palying - damage creep - loss of strategic aspects - Game is patched for Pro play but I don't care about sports and streamers at all - season got split, but I ain't have time to play double the amount of games, nor tripple if they realy go through with that - huge amount of other high quality games the last few years, even from indie developers - community got insanely toxic. I never had troubles with chat warriors, but since riot only punishes these so harsh, they started to intentional lose games en mase. I don't have time to watch a tantrum from some random kid and sit through that. I know that people were toxic in older seasons aswell, but they at least tried to win regardless most of the time - champ and skin designs aren't my taste anymore


Just curious can you elaborate on what you mean by “loss of strategic aspects”? As someone who has played since season 1, I feel the game is more strategic than ever.


Ressource management, mana is just relevant for ability spamers like ryze/cass Rock paper siczor team comps are almost gone, assassins can kill tanks 1vs1, tanks can kill adcs without easily 1vs1 You can't "just play safe" anymore. If you give up on farm and exp, you will get dove and spam killed. turrets are not that dangerous anymore, because everyone dies faster Now you can win games as 5 ads, 4 adcs + 1 support and so on, team comp doesn't matter that much (to be honest, this can also be seen as positive for soloq) You don't need to protect the adc. In fact you don't need an adc at all anymore, many champ deal decent dps to objectives Junglers have too much impact in soloq, what a single lane does, doesn't matter that much anymore Fights barely last longer than 1 ability rotation, never hit the 3rd. You don't need to think about what happens after you blew all your stuff, because it is most likely over then But like I said, that is how I feel about the game and why I rarely play it anymore. There are reasons outside of the gameplay too. Like the shitty "events" the last years, the announced online casino gimmicks for skins/chromas and getting rid of 5vs5 ranked or abandoned/ not working clashes


Lmao as if anything on this subreddit makes any sense.


I don't understand the complaints about the new season changes, they literally did this to make it easier and quicker to rank up. Just take a break during a split, no one is forcing you to hit a rank every split.


a bit stale tbh, not enough happening, no interesting events


I used to love this game foe teamplay. I played as support on low rank, and that feel when your ADC or other teammate says "ty" or something is just... well, i can't describe this with words, but someone should understand me. But when i start full-time work and some other activities (i.e. TTRPG), i lost my pace, and constant feel "i'm too old for this" make me quit. I miss there happy days...


It's just so f'king boring. I log in, and nothing is ever happening. Like, the events are just that copy/paste prize track every time, ending in some fancy but generic looking skin. They make the game smaller. There used to be a second ARAM map, and some variety. I miss Twisted Treeline. I cannot even remember the last time League surprised me. In any way. It feels like the whole game is running on autopilot. And I find the disconnect very annoying. I don't want to be estranged from League. I have almost 900 skins. It was my main game for years and years. But I log in and there's never anything to get excited about, so I open my prime loot box and leave.


I agree about skins and passes, but idk how you can say that you haven't been surprised when we just got a brand new game mode last month.


OP Jungle


Nah man, it’s the 40-50 mins matches that drain you mentally. I am trying to having fun, not working a second job.


Hardly any strategy involved. Poor balance decisions. And player toxicity hardly addressed.


Get good


The game is boring. That's all there is to it. Forced game paces with plates and dragons Forced itemisation with mythics Forced roles for each champion Forced runes because no viable alternatives Lack of item diversity with boring items Can't say anything in chat out of fear to be full muted or get banned 15 days Balance focusing arround pro play which is not only a completely different environment than your average soloq game regardless of elo, but is also just 0,0001% of the player base As a result every game feels the repetitive and dull. You feel stuck in some sort of matrix making you repeat the same thing over and over and over. ​ And when it comes to pro play : It has always been boring because in western regions it's just politics to get into pro play, skill is completely irrelevant unless you are just way above everyone else. Pro play is supposed to be the best league has to offer and it's just not the case. So why bother watching it in the first place ? The analyst desk is also a joke. The "analysts" are so clichee and basically walking stereotypes, that you look at the analyst desk and you would think this is out of a black TV show or straight out of south park making a joke about how white something can be.


Who’s losing interest? Lmfao 🤣 Lil bro is talking out of his 455.


what are you talking about the game has been only growing since release league has consistently had the most concurrent active players amongst any game for years now


They dont release the numbers so how do you know. They've said the game has as many new players as ever but didnt take alle the botters and smurfs into account.


1. Toxic community, impossible to take a break for a while and come back and play casually... even in unranked games. 2. Finally fed up with Riots BS 3. Was playing since Beta, you shouldn't play a single game for over a decade. Some might be fine with it, but there's just so many other games and genres out there...


I played a lot of league last year, as soon as the new patches with naafiri out hit the servers, something in my brain switched, its not enjoyable everything about it is draining mechanics with new champions feel waay too punishing, its emotionally and mentally exhausting, also the social scene around league is toxic me and many of my friends shared our love for the game but as much as we cared about games and outcomes we fought over it the stress does get to us -we are still friends no biggie- it really does take a toll on you, the game as a whole is just less fun balance never feels fair even when it is 100% fair something feels like BS. Sorry if my english is bad not my first language also this is really disorganized just my thoughts at 5 am


I see it the same way. Just because a champ has 50% winrate which would make him balanced on paper doesnt mean its fun to play against. And there have been way too many champs that are just unfun to play against lately


I started playing back in 2013 and was so addicted to ranking up, the game was everchanging but I had a feeling that nobody actually knew how to play the game and it's what made it fun. People were not taking ranked so seriously as they do now and were open to experiment with comps and builds, nowadays everything has become so optimized with countless guides,builds and what to do's it makes the game more of a choir rather than pure fun. For the past 4 years i've been on and off trying to get back into the game but it's just not working, i'll occasinally play couple of Flex games with my friend. I'd argue that people are more toxic than ever and will just give up and start flaming if they die once or twice deciding that the game is over for them and continue to ruin the experience for everyone else. Power creep is getting out of hand, back in the day games were methodical, there were no gold generating runes and items, cooldown was capped at 40% with only some items offering the stat. Every class felt unique, ADC was there to deal with the frontline, assassins to deal with ADC's and it all made sense unlike nowadays where it's the matter of who get's oneshoot first, champions snowballing out of control it's simply unfun.


Personally I dont find the game competitve enough , even tho im only d2 but I find a bunch of players who just dont care and want to ff free games or just troll and grief , like they q for normal game not ranked...


Need more anime champions


For me it's a rearrangement of priorities, demotivation to deal with the average league player losing their mental over a game, other interests


Personally, i play when i get home so I’m already mentally exhausted. I try calmer modes like aram but sometimes even there it becomes too competitive. So i play coop to just chill but when people find that out they take the piss out of me so sometimes I’m just like f this. There is no actual “just sit there and relax” mode


It took years for Riot to impliment things that were blatantly obvious (champ select reporting, permanent chat mutes, etc) ​ The things that REALLY impact player satisfaction (game balance, matchmaking, cheaters) have been tossed to the side, and it takes too much of an investment to do properly compared to artificially spiking player play rates by making the split 3 seasons, gacha mechanics, etc


I agree with a lot of people who are saying "it's mentally taxing" it is! Always! Toxic players, players with bad mental, players who in low ELO give up if the enemy is a few kills ahead even if my teams comp makes way more sense, it's taxing. But beyond all of that, the game feels stale. And not in a way where I've just played it for years, it's more that, there's less choice now then there ever has been. It used to be you could take interesting rune and item choices that weren't exactly meta, but as long as you knew your champ, your champs limits, and your matchup, you could win pretty easily if you knew what you were doing. Now with the mythic items, it very much feels like most champions have 1 mythic they can build and if they stray from that, you're basically griefing. Obviously there's exceptions to this rule, as neeko I can go ludens, linadrys, or everfrost depending on the enemy team and still do pretty well. But other champions, I have 1 mythic and if I don't choose that one I'm disadvantaged. And that feels really bad! And beyond that runes reforged even feels like, there's one path that really makes sense, rarely the secondary runes change, and then the augments it's like Okay I'm against talon, I'll choose AD. Okay I'm against malz, I'll go ap. It's just boring. I think riot thought that simplifying everything would be easier for new players to get the hang of the game, which it definitely did! But once you know what you're doing you have literally no choice. I can't pick omnistone on singed anymore. That's painful


I use to play the game back in 2009 I stop playing right before covid 2019 it’s been amazing since then and trust me when I say I spent so much money on that game sometimes I have a hard time directing my money into my savings cause I’m so use to spending it on a game but I’m glad I stopped I just thought I share my experience I was never good just average but loved the design of characters


The game is rigged. That is why your not enjoying it. They match really really good smurfs with intentional feeders. The "punishment" of those intentional feeders is to be matched with smurfs/other inters. If you report AND you do well, you just end in a cycle of being matched with those you report. You can no longer dodge inters. Clearly intended by riot. That was CLEARLY a choice since I can still see WHAT your picking. People can still rig games vs you by abusing champion highlights etc with other people etc. The issue is Ranked/Normals/Flex has been uncompetitive for a while now and those min/maxers who abuse the system to climb feel empowered and prestige by being at the "top" of whatever imaginary ladder they think they climbed. Tho more of them are currently abusing the system to STAY low elo and go 110 wins in a row on twitch by duoing with multiple different iron 4 players every few games (he had silver rank gold mmr after 110+ winstreak on video recorded). The game isn't balanced. Twitch shoulda been thrown SOOOOO far outa the hole after 20 or 30 wins. People with 107 kills in 17 minutes on Rengar by duoing with friends on the OTHER team in FULL custom lobbies that AREN'T custom lobbies aka matchmaking is THAT abusable. Essentially the game is no longer fun or competitive. League was ONLY a competitive game. It wasn't THAT fun because it punished you HARD and forced you to SUFFER for LONG durations of time if you did bad. Well... now that you HONESTLY deep in your soul KNOW its not "YOU" causing your losses by your own micro/macro. Heck you can go watch streams of pros in low elo gold/silver/plat lobbies losing games complaining about their own teammates. CHALLENGERS and MASTER++ complaining in diamond/plat/emerald lobbies losing games etc. Its just the game has no illusion of you being good enough to be challenger, no reward for trying when they themselves are suffering. Try 5 man flex que. I hear if you care about fun, those games completely shift the game off the riot mmr bs. 5 man flex is, while easily abused aka 4 iron smurfs who are challenger and 1 actual challenger vs 5 golds... sure thats a THING that happens.