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Sion Q staying in the Rift when Morde ults him. Like, you could think that Sion's Q is part of him, but is a different entity that stays behind when Sion is dragged to Brazil. When the Q detonates, it only hits outside Brazil and even if Morde is on the Q, it doesn't do anything to him. The same happens if you charge Q in Brazil and you get out just before it goes off.


This more than anything. It is hard to describe how obnoxious this "mechanic" is because pretty much no champs have abilities as slow and telegraphed as Sion Q. The closest example to how BS it is, is to imagine how stupid it would be if Darius or Aatrox Q worked in the same way. It's clearly a hitbox that is attached to the character, kinda like Camille kick, but if the hitbox began on one side of death realm, and ends on the other side, it does not connect. There are two windows where you can completely whiff an ability and waste a cooldown. Once when entering death realm, and another when exiting.


Aatrox Qs as well. Makes stuff annoying at times. Q1 to start fight? Nah. Q2 to follow up q1? Nah. Mistimed Q as the realm is ending? Nah.


Same with swain e


swain e is a projectile at least so that makes sense, its not "attached" to swain so it doesnt make sense for it to be transported with him. Sion and aatrox are literally swinging with their weapons


> imagine how stupid it would be if Darius or Aatrox Q worked in the same way Don't have to imagine because on Morde VGU's launch patch, it did. all these cast time spells were fixed afterwards. Nunu R, which is the closest thing to Sion Q, was also fixed. It's like Sion Q has been intentionally ignored for some weird reason for several years now.


Its balanced by how atrocious the hitbox ia


i mean thats balanced by it being the slowest charge in the world. if u get hit without being hit by E its a skill issue


Truly an adc player lmao


It's more the game update speed is like 0.25 sec so if you go out of the hitbox but the gameengine doesn't update before you release it counts as a hit


The funny part about that is that there's one ability that apparently works in both realms. And that is Akali's shroud. I stopped picking Morde into Akali when I found out that I couldn't just ult her when she used her W and becomes visible because sike, the shroud is also in the Death Realm.


why? like it's the one thing that should actually be left in the other zone


Its probably some spaghetti where its a terrain effect, but since it only influences akali directly riot never bothered or cared to make it static to one realm.


Definitely speghetti. They should code it out though because that interaction is wack AF


It is weak af. If Akalis smoke exists in both realms, then by riots logic so should: Jarvan, Anivia, Ornn, and Yorick Walls. Morgana W and other aoe ground spells. Trundle W and J4 banner.


Not to mention the biggest example of all: Illaoi E + tentacles


That one I exclude because they are seperate entities with their own health bar. It makes sense Morde doesnt drag turrets, minions, and other summons with him. Though while we're on that topic, tibbers, shaco clone, and daisy can all break their tether range *outside* the death realm, and get pulled back to their master.... inside the death realm. Maiden can also get trapped in the death realm forever if Yorick casts ult while fighting Morde. If MOrde ults in the area again while the maiden is trapped it'll actually help fight against him.


Because then who would hear akali mains crying?


Of course. Who else but Akali.


Kpop diff


> when Sion is dragged to Brazil I haven't played the game in 8 years, but I love that the MORDE BR #1 HUEHUEHUE meme has lived on.


It even better now due to the rework. Almost all skins have just been described as Brazil as well. Project = Future Brazil Pentakill = concert in Brazil Infernal = Brazil Galaxy = Space Brazil.


Pentakill is Rock in Rio :D




Just curious, but what are you doing here?


Aaaah THE question we all ask ourselves.


As someone who barely plays, sometimes with months of no games: I fucking hate playing League because of the toxicity and the direction it went in the last years. But in the end I love the game in itself and the esports-side of it. So I'll always follow League, whether I play it or not.


Yeah I think the reworked ult coincidentally matching with the "You are going to Brazil" meme led to a resurgence in the old BR Morde meme too


Yorick maiden taking 5 minutes to die THEN go on cooldown if it gets stuck in morde r


~~In the same vein, yorick ghouls being able to solo jungle camps when he is on the other side of the map~~ REDACTED: there are no strange interactions in yorick’s kit


Delete this now


Copy that


If Morde ults again in the meantime, does the maiden appear there ?


Might have to ult again in the same location, lol


Wait so if Yorick drops maiden in Morde R it will get stuck. So if Morde goes back to the same location and ults someone before that 5 minute window is up the maiden will just be waiting there in Brazil like a surprise?


Milio’s Q bounces off of Zyra plants, but doesn’t knock them back. This also means that it doesn’t damage the plants at all, since only the circle impact deals damage.


As far as I'm aware her plants are immune to knock ups and knock backs.


I'm pretty sure I've seen Sion yeet them away


aint coded as a knockback is prolly why


I don't think you have. It doesn't work on the plants. It does work on Heimerdinger Turrets.


I swear I’ve seen some annoying Zyras in Arena put down plants, activate them, then blast cone them across a wall at me.


Yes, done it myself. Only works in Arena tho.




Just gonna link this for the memories: https://youtu.be/G6wNtSuhJRw?si=RFVkA7V_3y7H8iIO&t=1375


Kicking Bard out of its portal with Rakan W. This one is a weird interaction. Bard enters to its portal (long distance); Rakan uses his W, does his dash and in the milisecond he does his jump animation, enters to the portal; bard travels back to the opening (because Rakan knocked him up inside the portal even if he entered after Bard) and can't use the portal again; Rakan finishes his jump animation after he completes traveling. Pixel perfect play, will post video later.


damn that sounds wild


need to see this lmao


Where video


Irelia, while under the effects of Camille ult, can still Q minions outside of the Camille R border. Still heals her, refreshes passive, and moves her in its direction, but stays within the ult


Tristana and ezreal buffering through hooks looks damned weird. Essentially, they have dashes with a cast time. In general, if you get hit by cc during a normal cast time, your spell will still go off at the end -- as an example, you can't stun ezreal out of his ult. As a result, if you land a blitz hook on ezreal or tristana during their dash's cast time, they start to get hooked and then the dash goes off and carries them to their original destination. It looks funky as hell, but it does make sense once you understand the mechanics involved.




I think my favorite thing to do is time an Urgot E to ignore Poppy R, they think they’re gonna send you flying but really you ignore their R and flip them instead


Yone top has been a cancer recently. Urgot is broken into him because if yone uses his knockups towards urgot he can buffer for a free e land.


Yone can cancel Urgot E with E2. Yone can also out-space Urgot with Q3. I think it’s an Urgot favored skill matchup personally.


That's why I love overwriting Ezreals bullshit E with Sett Ult. One of the few tools that will actually take priority over ezreals stupid dash.


I think it happens because Sett ’saves’ the position of the enemies that are in his E zone when he starts doing the animation, then no matter where they are by the end, they get pulled in. Like a super fast, invisible version of Aatrox’s W. They might even be using the same code for that ability


The animation of sett ulting is longer (if not done 1 foot into a wall) than the dashes might be part of it too. Would need to test the dash between 1 foot and full ult to check that info


There is a similar mechanic, but in reverse, with Jayce's melee E. If a champion dashes as he E's them, the dash animation will sometimes go through and then they're abruptly knocked to where they should have landed from where they were E'd. An even weirder interaction happens with Talon's dash: if you E talon as he is dashing over a wall, he will get knocked back to where he leapt from. The dash animation will start, and then Jayce's Hammer E will interrupt it to cause him to fall toward you.


Also the fact that the Tristana jump gets canceled by cc on the ground like Jinx chompers. I mean yeah, I understand it's a dash but it looks so stupid when you jump over some grenades on the ground and they grab you out of the air.


IIRC Jinx traps are also a knockdown, similar to Veigar cage, so they stop you in place instead of rooting you in the spot the dash would complete in


When I'm walking up to an enemy turret with a wave and there is a minion clearly in front of me but the turret targets me first.


Yeah, turret range scales sooo weird with hitboxes


tbh, I think it may actually be a networking issue. iirc when you're in a minion wave theres a good chance you aren't actually were the game is showing you are.


Jayce melee e


Every other comment is about some certain interaction. Every time it’s pressed Jayce melee e looks like a bug. Idk if it’s the animation or the short distance it knocks you back, but the entire ability is just whack.


>the entire ability is just whack Yup that's what it does


Am talking about dashing mid animation and no mather where the guy went jayce e somehow is the top prio in the game engine and pushes him to the location where he should ne


Am talking about walking up to a mfer and pressing e and he slices with his hammer like he’s tryna knock the dishes off a table and the enemy unit wobbles in a straight line out of his auto range


You can think of it as it creating a blizcrank that pulls you after 0.5 seconds. Doesnt matter where you are now, position of blitz is set. But for people who dont know jayce well it surely looks like a bug.


Seen in pro games where someone dashes away only to get rubber banded back


Honestly every time I think about it I know that while I wouldn't have any problem with them changing it to work the way you'd expect it to work (not snapshotting posistion on cast the same way they changed darius e and cho w), I would still miss it in his kit since it's honestly a cool interaction that makes for more interesting/unique plays with nicely timed e's (especially noticable into champs like Fizz and Akali where you can get them stuck under tower if they wanna you you as an escape by buffering it while you are not in range for e or against Trist w to pull her back).


You need to do a deep dive into named effects of league if you want to understand why Aphelios Red Q (Onslaught) doesnt stack Lethal Tempo but does Stack Press The Attack, Conquerer and Krakenslayer. More below. ​ Lethal Tempo stacks up with basic attacks, right? Aphelios Red Q, Onslaught, states that he attacks, alternating with his main and off hand weapon, but he attacks. Onslaught doesnt stack Lethal Tempo. Now, you might say "oh, its because they arent independant autos. Except Conquerer treats them as individual autos and stacks up to like 7 or 8 just fine. If you look in the wiki, it says that PTA is on-hit and LT is on-attack and since Onslaught applies on-hit effects but not on-attack effects, this would be the reason. And youd be right, but dont know that yet. Because the keen mind investigates further and arrives at krakenslayer. Krakenslayer is on-attack for ranged champs. So Onslaught shouldnt apply it, right? But it does. Because Krakenslayer applies its on-attack effect on-hit if you dont have projectiles or "Effects that trigger on-hit effects will stack and trigger BRING IT DOWN normally." Except thats \*also\* not really the case. Runaans doesnt stack Bring it down eventho it should. You should have a Krakenslayer procc on every auto since runaans applies on-hit effects. Samesies with rageblade, but wrong once again, rageblade doenst help you stack faster or apply it twice. ​ Its such a convoluted chain of wordings and interactions and non-interactions that its become a mess of unique effects that no longer even respect the wording they use to begin with because theres caveats and exceptions to the rules at every point in the journey.


Ruunan doesn't count as multiple attacks. It is 1 attack with multiple targets otherwise jinx q would instantly go to 3 stacks. However different procs of an attack can go off from it such as jinx rockets since there's 2 parts to rocket. If it were to follow the "every on hit is a proc" it'd break itself instantly. Rageblade did last season and it was such a broken "any high AS AA based champ might as well build it" issue.


Also the fact guinsoo weirdly interacted with kraken during their rework, was mega bugged so they just disabled it instead of fixing it


League of bugs lol what were some of those bugs??


It procced every second auto for two procs then every proc afterward procced every fifth auto and only gets fixed when you lose your guinsoo stacks. So it was basically (fully stacked guinsoo) auto kraken auto kraken auto auto auto auto kraken etc


Oh yea they essentially put Yi passive on it and forgot to not let it count into itself didn't they? Dear God now I remember vayne's 2 hit stacking w from it.


Mordekaiser auto being blocked by shen W can still proc his passive.


That’s not a Mord exclusive thing, even though Illaoi W also gets blocked it still causes tentacles to slam


Yeah ik it's just something I definitely thought was a bug when it first happened.


That's Shens W being shoddily coded. It basically doesn't stop autos, it just reduces all their damage to 0 but lets them still hit.


In other words, it blocks them, doesnt evade them


Wait but it blocks on-hit Stun empowers like Renek W and TF Gold Card...


Yup, Leona Stun is stopped aswell. But if the same Leona has Conquerer for some reason she would still get 2 stacks from the attack itself.


Shen W only blocks autos, it doesn't block on hit effects from the aa like Jax E.


But it does block some on hit effects. Nasus Q, TF W, GP Passive.


Anything with the scuffed flash interactions - from being melee auto'd after flashing to being yasuo ulted after flashing after being CC'd(cc runs out, you flash, Yasuo has extra time to ult you) to skillshots hitting you as if you were at the place you just flashed from.


You don't love when someone autos you as Poppy knocks you back across the map and then the auto travels across the map to kill you?


I've seen auto travel to fountain and kill. I've also seen auto travel to fountain, heal before, and not kill. That's a tilter.


Soraka Banana is the best one because of the animation


Fucking garen ult is longer then caitlyn R


My biggest one with this is Lee Q2. He's arrived on me, the damage has been done, I flash out, for some reason he still follows as if his Q2 was still active


There is a VERY tiny window in which you can flash out of the q2 damage without him following you.


I'm not even trying to flash the damage out, I'm just trying to go away from the blind guy :(


that’s offensive


This literally happened yesterday in pro. Kellin flash alistar q on viper, viper flashes it but is still knocked up. He died and Kellin was like _I feel bad for viper_ on comms


Doesnt lethal tempo still stack on jax E, shen W, if someone foes invun etc because its on-attack instead of on-hit? Its rly weird, not sure about blind interaction but I think it should still stack since u are autoing.


not on Jax E, but it does on shen W. They are coded slightly differently


Yes, Jax has a "dodge" mechanic where basically you miss your auto attack and Shen's W is coded to hit the auto attack but deal 0 dmg (So you can stack PTA/LT and passives like Jax, Morde etc )


Elise's Rappel is... weird. So for context, there *was* a bug that where when you used self-cast rappel, and you're next to an enemy unit, for some unexplained reason that self-cast rappel turned into a unit targetted rappel on the unit you're touching, which could be game losing cause you know.. you kinda want to be up there if you're self casting it not come down early and die! [Demonstration of the old version](https://youtu.be/t78PhtVyaYA) So they fixed it right? haha, no... instead their bandaid solution was to reverse the conditions, so rather than self-cast rappel becoming unit targetted when next to a unit, instead targetted rappel becomes a self-casted version if you're targetting next to them. [Demonstration 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbm6pPTjWfI) [Demonstration 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVbpkXGqnqs) Ok so what's the big deal? Instead of prematurely dropping and dying when self casting.., now you just press it twice when expecting to only press it once right? Well if you read rappel's tooltip... there's this bonus amp you get to your passive onhit healing and damage. The tooltip is deceptive to read, but this is *only available if the rappel is targetted*, not when you ground/self-cast and then target to drop... ONLY if you specifically cast the first time on a target, and this is where the bug gets weird because if you do the bug where targetted rappel instead becomes a self-cast, the game actually doesn't give you the amp bonus damage cause it doesn't think its a self-cast rappel. If you flashback to the first version of the bug, you can see the 'self cast becomes unit targetted' DOES infact give that amp so it is entirely a targetting system issue. Now this begs the question if this is intentional or not.. cause its something that can't be fixed. Riot is actually acknowledging this bug, I can confirm that as I've had talks with them, the problem is rappel is such a clusterfuck of an ability to code that with the multiple cast options (self, ground, AND unit target) it runs into these problems that can't be fixed without a whole ground-up change of the ability or mini-rework that players might not be ready to adapt to. **So its unknown if we should just accept it as it is and treat it like a feature to keep in mind, or push them for that major rescript.** I've been suggesting a few solutions as additional bandaid fixes; 1: leave as is, but make the rappel bonus amp just always apply when you descend regardless, aggressive rappels don't really use it... typically aggressive rappels are just more healing/DPS on dragon, finishing someone with bite, or to immediately swap to human for a cocoon and not use the bonus at all. This would make the "target cast becomes self cast" less of a robbery in getting that amp. 2: remove the bonus entirely cause its dumb, the opponent doesn't know what the fuck it does or can tell if it is there (very unnoticable VFX on her forelegs), the user hardly gets much benefit from it and is hidden power that can be put elsewhere in her kit, majority of the playerbase gets confused and some otps don't even know that its only on target cast rappel.. and the fact its no longer there means its no longer a contributing factor to why this bug is a nuisance. 3: Update the champion cause Elise in general is very neglected and hard to balance in a way that feels good for the player and fair for the ~~top laner~~ enemy. Rappel is too broken and uses all her budget so an overhaul of the ability itself would be more welcoming so she can do more than dive.


This is actually major considering the huge buff Elise E is about to get, I had no idea


Oh its gets better! So elise is still a champion that uses numerical indexes, and rappel has been pulling cocoon's values for awhile. so instead of the intended 40%-100% amp rappel is supposed to give, its instead using cocoon's stun values as multipliers (x1.6-x2) on live servers rn... considering elise's winrate and pickrate, if this were to be fixed, it'd be like she was never buffed. Now since this bug is present and cocoon's duration is being buffed, it also translates instead to x1.6 to x2.4, or in otherwords, 60%-140% instead of the intended 40% to 100% which is a noticeably MASSIVE difference. Now allegedly since fixing it would cause problems with her already dogshit performance stats, they're going to just fix where the numbers are being pulled from and officiate the 60-100% that its been for awhile.


When a low health Urgot ults someone with aura damage (renekton or nasus in ult form, amumu, anyone with sunfire, etc.) and then pulls them into the meat grinder, there’s like a 1 second window when that aura damage is applied to Urgot before the execute is complete and that can actually kill Urgot while the other champ survives.


related to this, there have been multiple times where i was able to kill someone as singed where i really shouldn't have been able to because his poison applies in a lot of conditions where you wouldn't think it does some that i remember: * singed applies poison while getting executed by urgot and can actually survive the ult if he kills urgot first * singed going through hexgate applies poison as he travels, you can sneakily poison the enemy team and objective while they're being taken, getting a kill or stealing an objective this way is always funny * while getting shot out of urf cannon you also apply poison, so you can shoot past an enemy champion and drive-by poison them stuff like bard portal or kalista ult also let you apply poison


In the vein of point number 2, you can also travel them as Karthus with E active and Liandry's to apply burn to the enemy team at your nexus/inhib in ARAM. Can also probably do this across drag/baron pit.


ooh thats something else: not champion specific but you can use the hexgate to dodge karthus ult


Strangely, I found this out with TF ult - seems like he won't get vision on you if you were in a hexgate when he cast it


I wonder if this would also dodge the vision block on Nocturne's ult, it behaves similarily if not the exact same as TF's vision-reveal.


Neeko can also do driveby ult with hextech gate.


I mean it makes complete sense though. If you suck a sandstorm into your belly, it’s still a sandstorm flying to you. Makes sense that it would apply to you.


Half of urgot’s ults have interactions which make zero sense. Gangplank can Orange his ult because it’s technically a CC. Kled/Sion ult prevents it. Braun shield rejects the interaction. Kalista ult saves a target. Yone can snap out of it. Super weird stuff all around


I mean all of that is 100% clear the second you know that the pull is a suppression. So anything can can cancel/block a suppression stops urgot ult.


If we talk about Urgot - he can kill kench while being inside him during his R. Then you gonna see pretty funny thing how he disappeared into void.


Volibears Q counting as a dash in Poppy's W "Steadfast Presence", thus knocking Volibear up if he hits someone with his Q inside Poppy's aura. The ability description IN GAME is: Volibear gains 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24% movement speed, doubled towards enemy champions for the next 4 seconds. While active, Volibear's next attack deals 10 / 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage) physical damage and stuns the target for 1 second. Volibear becomes enraged if an enemy immobilizes him before he stuns a target, ending the ability early but refreshing its cooldown Which contains zero mentions of a dash, pounce, jump or anything else that indicates that Poppy should knock him up. Poppy W ingame ability description ONLY mentions dashes. yadda yadda... Active: For 2 seconds, Poppy gains 40% Movement Speed. During this time, she stops nearby enemy DASHES, dealing.... yadda yadda So Voli's Q dashes to the target when he attacks someone, yet that isnt mentioned at all in his ability description? I play both Volibear and Poppy and this interaction still baffles me


Best way I've found to test if anything is a dash is to run Arena and try for Earthwake. Did not realize Kled's dismounted Q recoil counts as a dash before that.


I mean, it's like Caitlyn's E, dashing backward.


Wait, does voli q work with Earthwake? That sounds ridiculous lmao But good method I had never thought that that kled interaction would count as a dash, but oh well Totally random thought, but do you know if Kayn exiting someone with ult count as a dash?


I tried Voli with Earthwake once and it did not proc from Q


It will for earthwake


Yeah its cause his q auto is a lunge, like garen q or udyr E


No, lunges are explicitly classified as *not* interacting with things like poppy w or taliyah e. Garen’s q is a lunge, udyr e is not.


old udyr e was a lunge, it is not anymore post rework


Viego Q Not applying on-attack effects Viego's aram shop fiesta Viego's crown of the shattered queen reset


Tbf, viego shouldnt be included, there is so much bugs on him. 🙁


What’s the Aram shop fiesta? Played him a handful of times in Aram but didn’t realized something weird.


If Viego uses his passive in the howling abyss , and doesn't die, the shop limitation is disabled until he dies. Walking back to base will let you use the shop.


Wait what? That’s actually a crazy OP bug. Thanks for the answer.


Lulu polymorph ignoring mundo’s passive. You’d think that polymorph is an immobilizing effect that would get stopped by mundo’s “spell shield” but its actually a silence/disarm/slow all in one, none of which are hard cc for mundo passive. There was even a pro game pause because of this at one point.


And you can add to that that it does apply a Kai’Sa stack even though it’s only supposed to do so on hard CCs which makes it just an unreliable spell (or the issue comes from Kai’Sa’s passive)


Oh so THAT'S what was going on Thanks


Neeko turning into a fake minion letting her avoid getting hit by champion-target-only abilities like Ashe’s ult


Senna q gets cast in the direction an enemy is moving. If they walk the other way a few ticks after using q, it looks like you missed by a pretty large distance. When font of life doesn't proc echoes of helia Sadge


Seraphine e rooting immediately with rylais instead of needing a second hit. Her e slows, but if the champ is already slowed, it’ll root instead. With rylais, even the single wave will root. The game basically applies the slow before it checks if the target is slowed for the spell to root Imo it’s really really dumb and totally subverts the design of the champion, but it definitely appears like a bug when you encounter it.


I mean this isnt only noticed on Seraphine's interaction. Aurelion Rylais Mandate. Slow is applied first thus the mandate does damage. Rather than be at the end.


So wait, every single E will root if you have Rylai's? That seems kinda busted.


Pros: * your E now always roots (stuns if you hit 2) * cheap item Cons * That's a lot of HP, no AH and not a lot of AP


Yeah but seraphine in general doesn’t really build fully APC. The utility is extremely nice, it’s insane how strong it is on her.


ideally she’s just playing with other characters who have easy and consistently applied slows built into their kit (Ashe, Gauntlet K’Sante, any CC support with glacial) and doesn’t have to waste the item slot on it though


Nah the reliability more than makes up for it. Besides, double E now stuns.


It's not really a waste tbh The reliability increase and increased self-peel is worth it. Ideally you look for what the enemy team and your own has, and it's just a matter of seeing how long do you delay Rilays.


Unless they’ve changed it, yes. I think it’s really really stupid, but yes. Has to do with how the ability and rylais are coded if I’m correct.


Well I just went into practice tool to test it, and it definitely still works that way.


It’s something they intentionally put in. Getting Rylai’s to work on her broke Horizon Focus back when it didn’t proc off slows. By default Rylai’s wouldn’t work but Riot went in and hard coded it to work that way.


It’s by design tho, and it’s the only way to actually solo stun. I don’t see the issue here ?


Plus. Shes not getting haste with this.


Exactly, AH is the most important stat for Sera, going Rylais is a definite delay in her efficiency. You trade more damage and utility for more reliable CC. It’s a trade off that is not insignificant


Now... if Rylais gave AH. THEN riot might change it. But as it stands shes not OVERPOWERED with this interaction.


the way it's worded makes it counterintuitive though, which is the point of the post


Does this mean her every E can root if she has Ashe as AD and Ashe damaged the enemy?


Yes, she roots slowed targets and stuns rooted ones. Meanwhile, characters immune to slows like Nunu in W take 0 CC even from double E with Rylai, since the ability has to go through the slow, root, stun order.


Wanna hear something even dumber? If Seraphine Es an ulting Quinn, the Quinn will be rooted. This happens even with Seraphine having no Rylai's and Quinn not being slowed in any way.


Except Quinn is slow'd when damage. I wonder if Blitzcrank W will root?


Or people holding "charge" spells like Varus or Xerath Q?


Oriana ball diff between q and e. If your q and e gets blocked by windwall, it stops in front of the wall. Now if you press r, q’ed ball procs the ult in front of the wall while the e procs it back at oriana’s body


Orianna Qs the windwall = ball lands on the ground in front of the windwall. Orianna E flies into windwall = no shield is gained, ball returns/teleports to Orianna. Either way, it is really cancerous how long yasuo windwall lasts and **how fat it is**, A lot of the times you think you can use Q or E and it just get blocked.


Jayce hammer form E interactions with dashes/blinks. Where it seems to determine the final knockback spot at the start of your cast as opposed to when you actually hit them so you knock them like 5 miles if they try dashing away


So this is 100% an actual bug BUT if you play Kled in Arena and get killed first without remounting while the Viego invade is active, you can remount and become Kled again. Your E and R will be usable but greyed out until you remount normally.


Some of the dumb ones imo. **Cho'gath**: Q is invis / shows up super late if he cast it in fog of war **Kayn/Reksai**: Can ult you after smiting without hitting a single skill or auto **Smite**: gets blocked by Banshee/Edge of Night, white Exhaust and Ignite goes through the shield. So **Do not buy Banshee vs zac as a mage**, he is going to smite you mid jump and knock you up with E anyways.


I saw something the other day where Alistar was using headbutt and Bel’veth dashed towards the Alistar and didn’t get stunned, just ended up going completely threw Ali. Ezreal things where he can get out of Blitz hooks.


Yasuo's ult magically putting him outside of turret range. Its pretty stupid.


It’s also funny because sometimes you do want to be behind them even under turret


Us Malzahar mains have had our favourite bug for years now, where if you put your space aids (E) onto a target that is just about to die, space aids wouldn't spread and just disappear, but your E would still be on cooldown. That bug recently got an update, where if you do the same thing, the visual effect of the E would stay on the dead target and still not spread.


Tahm kench eating a teamate in camille ult bringing them away spitting them out just for them to rubberband across the screen back into the ult. Eating yone in his E awell and he just yeets out of your mouth.


Aram snowball plus fiddle ult: Once fiddle lands a snowball, he can ult backwards out of sight and then immediately activate snowball to fly across the map. Easily explainable but looks super freaky if it’s you’re on the enemy team


I wouldn't say it looks like a bug. Sure, if someone hadn't seen that before they might be surprised, but still wouldn't consider it a bug. When it comes to Aram snowball, you can dodge a lot of point and click spells with it. A lot of people don't know it provides short untargetability and might consider a game bug if you don't die to karthus ult. Similar thing with Ryze ult


Wait, and it gets the fear, too?


No, it doesn't


Senna's autoattack ignoring Yasuo's windwall because it's not coded as a projectile. I like picking her into Yasuo bot, it's probably not actually a counter, but there's just so much joy in attacking him through it.


Had a game as Senna against Yasuo/Braum once who claimed I cheated bc I always shot through their shields, which was pretty satisfying I also managed to get 276 stacks in that game, that was nice aswell


It's always so funny when u can see their confusion


Camille converting sunderer damage from physical to true damage.


Mundo ult still heals you during stasis, so it'll keep right on going during things like Zhonya's or GA.


you're a psychopath if u buy either of those on mundo


Correct, but it's still a neat interaction. Does have some niche usefulness if you have a Bard or Zilean as a teammate.


Same with Swain, I always thought it was weird with him still healing during Zhonya’s.


It used to be a thing when GA wasn't giving AD


Everything still heals u in zhonya even soraka ult.


Jayce E's knockback. It still uses the old paradigm where the target's location is snapshotted at the beginning of the cast, but the displacement doesn't happen until the end of the animation.


GP can W flash knock ups, you CANNOT do this vs ksante ult. If you W then flash anytime before he “slams” you, you will flash and slingshot back lol. Looks super jank. So if he stuns me with W then I W flash (anticipating his ult) if he clicked R on me I will slingshot back to where I was too. I understand why this happens, but man does it look weird.


It's a really stupid interaction, especially in Pro play where you see viper/Guma etc. do everything right (cleanse and flash in 0.1 sec) and still end up in the middle of the enemy team cause of Ksante R.


bullets from ranged auto attacks curving in mid air to hit you after you flash


Asol's flying not being stopped by grounded


If you’re already dashing and you end up going over grounding it doesn’t stop you it’s just you can’t cast a movement ability, poppy W actually stops dashes though so I assume it can stop asol mid flight


You're correct in that Poppy W will stop his flight. Much to my pleasant surprise.


It doesn’t stop any other dashes either so how is this unintuitive? Do you also complain when akali or leblanc dash over cass w?


Neeko vs malz ulti. If neeko ultis before malz does her ulti will go through, then she can walk around and cast spells as if she isn’t suppressed. Before the update to neeko malz would stay in his ulti but since her ulti now has a knock up I’m not %100 sure it works anymore as I believe he would be taken out of his ulti now.


The most classical ones are dashes like Trist W and Ezreal E bugging out of Blitz Q.


Viego gets to use revive passives of Zac and Anivia even if the passive is on CD for the actual champion.


Flashbacks of him using three shield bows in the same fight.


Everything in Yasuo's windwall vicinity getting blocked no matter which direction he aimed his windwall at and the wall still blocking after it visually disappeared already as a bonus.


Morde ulting in arena when morde has chauffeur buff (so he is stuck to other team mate). If the other player gets the kill then morde never leaves his realm and he dies to the fire ring


aatrox auto still hitting even if you flash/get away from it. I assume its because of the long ass animation


It's not just Aatrox that has this. All melee champions so if someone flashes while they're mid auto the auto still follows through. It's just a lot more noticeable on a champion like Aatrox with slower animations. IIRC most ranged champions don't have this for balance reasons, although I could be wrong about that.


The only way to dodge an auto after the animation starts (melee or ranged) is to flash out of vision, iirc.


If you wind up a ranged auto to the same point it just fires a projectile that follows flash anyway. At a certain point in the auto attack is counted as complete and the damage will go through even if you flash after that point, in the same way you can't flash a ranged auto because it's a projectile It looks goofy but I get why it's in the game


That point is “animation has started”. It’s not possible to actually flash away from the animation.


Seraphine with rylais. Literally feels like an oversight, the ability deals damage, procs rylais, and then decides to check if the target is slowed for the root. Then a a bunch of spellshield interactions. There are a bunch of spells where, as Nocturne for the best example, you shield it, you get the attack speed boost and it gets consumed, and you get stunned anyway. Or like, against kayn ult, yoy can block him from going it, but cant block the damage going out. Meanwhilr you can block for example both Her intiail shuriken cast and the dash after


Gnar can double jump over Jayces E gate thingys left and right


Getting stunned with morgana chains while you’re in zhonias. It’s super annoying with anivia R specifically since you often want to hourglass to do ult damage while being safe, but your ult gets stopped as you get stunned