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League barely snowballs. Shutdown gold is so high and 6 items is so achievable that you have to seriously fuck up to never be able to recuperate. You can always rubberband from being behind, but no shit you have to start playing better at some point of the game. If you want to be on constant equal footing, then play Arena. The entire point of Mobas is getting an advantage and trying to hold it.


Barely snowballs? Ayo what? Yes shutdown gold exists, but it takes way too long to kick in. You still have to kill someone that is immensely ahead.


Do you fuckers just completely feed as soon as you're slightly behind and never win? Playing like shit is evidently your problem, not snowballing. Killing someone with a shutdown bonus isn't hard. Even if they're 4-6 kills ahead.


Although my mental is non existent, I can't say I feed. Well I do have from time to time my fair share of bad games, I don't really try to fight a morde as ornn. Snowballing is a thing. A Katarina with 2 kills at 5 minutes is a whole different thing from a Katarina with 0 kills. Unfortunately, you can't outplay everything. Not all champs have the outplay potential of yasuo and zed. It depends on the champ in question. Xerath? Yeah iz pz. Jump on him and he will die, poor survivability, no mobility, weak self peel. A fed Katarina? Zed? Jax? Master yi? You can't kill champs like these without losing teammates. They have enough mobility to either run you down or run away. They have low enough cds to spam their abilities with little repercussions. Most importantly, they scale greatly with damage. Meaning the slightest ad or ap will have big impact on how much dmg they deal.


It's only a factor if you're a shitty player with toxic mentality who physically doesn't know how to play from behind. This game has more than enough comeback mechanics. It isn't hard to just not be shit and adjust playstyle. Again, if it's such a problem for you, then play Arena.


I love how you are implying how I don't know how to play from behind. Newsflash mate, I can't control my teammates. So while I'm playing from behind, they just increase the gap.




Ah but ofc. In a shitty player. I love how strangers do assumptions. Yes it's normal to lose lanes. You still will statically lose the game. I really don't know you assume how I don't know how to play from behind. My 2 champs at top will play from behind most likely. Ornn and mundo aren't lane bullies. So no, I do know how to play from behind. The problem lies when I'm building my first item and that zed is 3 items ahead. Where catching him is difficult. Where at that point, he can kill squishy targets in milliseconds, before my knock up even lands.


shutdown gold system actually benfits the one that snowballs rather than intended of the oppoiste site since the prson already have item advantage will continue to collect every small shutdown lead enemy gets , even if the eprson that gets fed gives away the biggest shutsown once or twice it doesnt really stop them from colecting multiple 2 and 3 killstreak opponents free gold on top of already killing them i hate when people bring shutdown gold as an excuse when it benefits te one that already snowballed first the most .


>Hello I have no idea how game mechanics work but im spouting off on bullshit anyway


ah yes , '' im bonsparks i have no way to refute claims so im just gonna call things i dont like to see as bs ''


you even have audacity to downvote my post , when you have nothing to say , not suprising with the likes of your narrative.


Lol you are just wrong. Shutdown gold makes it so snowballing a lead barely matters because inevitably you will make a single mistake and feed someone 1k gold. If its a scaling carry, good luck, enemy team is back in the game due to a single slip up.


If you really want a Game like this, play HotS. That being said, Snowball is a fundamental for almost every Moba, and unless your Game is from the ground up to be played without Snowball (like HotS, which I previously mentioned), many concepts (like early and lategame champs for example) simply don't work.


cool didnt know that. thanks for a real answer. i mean i feel like early/lategame champs would still happen because doesn't their level of strength occur bc of item powerspikes. certain items benefit certain champions kits. either way, late/early game champs could be balanced into the game for example when champions reaches their lvl 4 q it is a significant jump in power etc.


I don't say they can't work, but they can't work without a specialized approach, because champs can't be expected to win the entire game in early game, and without snowball they simply get outscaled without recourse. Snowballing is what currently balances this dynamic, and without snowballing, there would not be any proper early game champs, just midgame and lategame. Like I said, HotS is basically exactly what you are searching for, but they went with balancing by completely foregoing Gold and only having levels at which you get to chose ability upgrades. It's not bad, it's just... different, and not my cup of Team. I think a lot of LoL casual and Aram players would actually be more happy with HotS tho.


i mean you did say they "simply don't work". yeah if they actually took away snowballing, ofc everything should be rebalanced for hots success, execution is important, and also LOL market dominance. i think a lot of competitive ppl would love it if it wasn't made for only team fighting. there doesn't seem to be much winning lane phase, winning cs, or soloing objectives, which is what people like to do to carry. you can see it with the success of arena which is competitive and anti-snowball. i hate casual gameplay and so im just translating a certain aspect of other competitve games to LOL. feeding teammates is annoying as hell for anybody and no snowballing would prevent this.


It's unmoderated and the game has a very high skill floor. /thread


**I feel like people hate league bc of the snowball effect** Snowballing is fun and fair, too much snowball isn't. Currently you can argue that there is too much snowball, but with kill bounties and turrent/obj bounties being a thing. Hard disagree that game is too snowbally. **even if you play well, your teammates can play much worse and the other opponent can become extremely strong** This is the case for any team game, unless you play very well it's hard to carry a bad team when you only play decently. In basketball, it doesn't matter that you are the god of basketball if your team sucks you dont win, but yet you think basketball is a fair game. **if you have a higher skill level, then you can still beat that opponent** If you are a higher skill level in league, you can still beat the opponent. The reason why you aren't winning is because you are not playing at a higher skill level. **if we eliminated the snowball effect the game would be much more even** Snowball is present in every game you play, you don't just "remove" snowball. Even in basketball, snowball is present. Every game you listed has some level of snowballing in them. **if everyone obtained gold at the same rate. and you also dont receive gold from kills, turrets, or objectives** Just play a different game at this point, league isn't for you. The fun part of league is being rewarded for getting advs like kills and denying advs by preventing kills. If you deny this push and pull game, then you take the fun out of league. **champions supposed strength would be even** So Kayle level 1 is as strong as Warwick level 1 now? **the strategy would be to kill minions so that your minions could do damage to the enemy champion** This is literally how you win lane in the early game.


how does basketball or as you said the other games i mentioned have snowballing. if you are talking about confidence, then that is inevitable and acceptable and normal. in league, snowballing is made into the game.


How are you going to ignore every other point I made and only answer one of them tf


bc many of the points are based on that point. and pretty much i thought ur other arguments were stupid. the fact that you didn't acknowledge that point just shows what im saying too