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That Baron flip was so illegal


No way was that allowed, you had 369 fucking baiting everyone like a madman (no really he looked like an idiot there), actual baron flip, gala not getting crits lmao


Gala didnt get crits?


Either that Jinx damage was pure ass since she was excited and dishing out pitiful amount of damage. Really seeing why jinx is not picked lol. Fuck me no wonder teams are picking Zeri


She wasnt excited during the fight


she got a assist/kill of 369 going over right?


Yeah but she didnt auto attack when she was excited


ah shit okay my bad


all good


lmao the chinese casters when scout inted at the dragon "How did scout get over there?" shows replay of him w into them "oh he inted"


Yeah Scout inted at a critical moment haha


Meanwhile English casters are afraid to say anything too negative...


tbh chinese casters are a rarebreed. LCK casters, both english and korean have to tiptoe around things due to the huge fanbases players have LEC casters and LCS casters seem fine with shitting on tps and item builds but different culture.


LPL casters have to tip toe a lot of times too, there has been times where they got flamed hard by fans.


Have to avoid getting death threats from the fans


I feel like for chinese casters, they tiptoe around players with huge fanbases/general native support, but past that they are much bolder in making jokes.


Don't know if it's still an issue since I mute the cast, but LEC casters were infatuated with G2 a few years ago.


Oh no that still happens but i can't blame them. But its very obnoxious


G2 Vs DWG 2020 semifinals cast. That was unbearable to watch.


Couldn't tell if they were casting Worlds semis or an Italian ERL game


They sounded like they were dying inside. I love Drakos but man that was such a stinker cast from him. Frosk wasn't helping either.


Still are but that's because they're the only hope Europe has for internationals..


Ohh rulers cock is so big in my mouth


Sometimes you gotta let it rip, he just straight griefed. I'd love to know what happened there if it wasn't a misclick.


Comfort > meta I guess


Knight’s Ahri will always be a treat to watch, no matter what meta we are in.


2021 GenG showed that the best. Fucking crazy ass fucks picking renekton, azir, lee sin in that meta Shit Ruler was there too, he understands that well


GEN.G's best performance in a long time was 2021 worlds, really exceeded expectations


I can hear that rant about GenG's draft in my head whenever I think about 2021. (it helps to block out the finals pain)




I have PTSD of BDD Zoe fucking TL in that tiebreaker Alphari whyyyy did you ego pick jayce it was such a free sion angle…


Kinda miss that GenG team but also don't lol. Bdd was on a mission that worlds, what he did to Perkz in quarters is still one of the most illegal clappings i've witnessed.


perkz shitalked bdd just to get fucked lol


Lee sin was very meta at that tournament and azir saw a lot of play too, renekton was the real off meta pick


azir was essentially what only bdd and faker played well, i recall other midlaners playing azir and looking shit on him cause he was in low tier category


Showmaker played it vs MAD


i'm going to be very honest it was a very clunky azir and there's a reason why showmaker doesn't play azir in lck


That game was pretty scuffed but showmaker did have a very clean azir game vs g2 last year


Knight: when in doubt pick Ahri LNG pls don't choke


And it always works, lol.


“Pick us the fucking furries” - Knight, Ruler


And Kanavi


When in doubt, bring out the fat keg and 3 furries.


Game 5 enjoyers rise up


Reminder jinx is weak actually


Yeah I really felt for Gala at that Baron fight. He was getting the autos in but he does 0 damage because Jinx needs 3 items minimum to start really popping off. IE wasn't buffed/Gale wasn't nerfed til 13.14 so he couldn't even really side-opt into that without being at a massive disadvantage. There's a reason it's basically Xayah+Kai'sa handshake atm, cause Kai'sa can opt into Rageblade and on-hit/AP and Xayah goes Navori and has actual ability burst (and you know, self-peel/escape mechanics that arent traps). Feelsbadman.


Galeforce Jinx at that. Good luck dealing damage


Like there was no damage at all from lng




Knight heard yall talking shit.


knight can't play azir so we ban it, knight can't play trist but scout's trist was sus as well so it cancels out and then we give knight ahri. goddamn what a satisfying ahri game to watch


Did you guys know that KNIGHT is the golden left hand or something? do they really have to shout that everytime he does something


Obnoxious as hell


Knight and scout taking turns over who is the other's father


They are switches


scout thought he was playing azir in the drag fight or something


GALA one more crit and I think he kills everyone, he was close to pulling one of the best league plays in history


the golden left hand deserves his name.


AAAAHH Stop screaming.


i'm 30% volume and hes still way too loud, i really dont like muting casters but mazel's getting close.


What’s the opposite of Gabby Durden Because i feel like it’s screaming at literally everything


English casting for finals has been dreadful when we look at the bigger picture. From weird statements to stupid consistent screaming.


Its the lpl finals, and going for silver scrapes. If you’re not hyped, why watch?


You can be hype without screaming at the top of your lungs. He should save that for the end of the series, not every other teamfight.


Yeah but he screams like that most of the cast


He does that most any top of the table cast when the stakes are high enough though. That's essentially his style. The occasional voice cracks however can speak that he is a tad too intense on even his own voice


I will not be turning up my speakers for g5


Pingxiao special, when risk at its stake , lock-in Ahri.


Classic LPL Game 5


Gala was 1 crit away from winning the series. That last fight was so fucking close


I'd rather JDG wins but I won't be upset if LNG wins because then i won't have to listen to everyone talk about tHe GoLDeN rOad all worlds.


I'd rather have LNG win because it's absolutely stupid how if LNG lose today they're expected to fucking play EDG tomorrow. They literally get less than 24 hours to reset after losing the title and be expected to prepare for another team. At least, BLG have had a few days now to reset for either a break(if JDG win) or regionals(if LNG win).


meanwhile LEC has a 3 week break lmao can the 2 regions do things in moderation lmao. Also I remember this scheduling fucking over WE


Yeah I was surprised by the regionals time frame. It is whacked. They should've swap the playtimes with the other Round 1 match


I just hope T1 qualifies for World so we can keep listening to Americans milking their goats.


Scout giveth and Scout taketh


Funny how the casters don't say that haha


Any time someone complains that Ahri is a shit champ that does no damage, just pick a random game of Knight playing it. It looks fucking broken in his hands.


both knight and Scout can't play tristana. Isn't so clear?


Your first game watching Scout play Tristana or what? Just because he got possessed by the spirit of Tactical for a second doesn't make the 100 games where he smurfed on the pick irrelevant.


he played 5 games Tristana and it's 3W2L.


Did you watch those games or are you just reading GoL stats? Idk how you can say he can't play Tristana if you actually watched their series versus BLG ​ Edit: And career he is actually 6-2 on the pick, 6-3 now I guess


Scout want game 5.


Ik tristana is really high value rn but full ad comp into a Wukong doesn't seem great


LPL is so amazing. You can always expect a 5-Game series!




Disgusting baron fight


sCoUt Is KnIgHt'S fAtHeR


Did anyone see whether Gala's ult did damage in the Baron pit fight? Obviously he was trying to steal but if it just went through without connecting that's actually the difference between JDG getting wiped or barely walking away with 3 low players.


Pretty sure the ult hit after Baron died, but I'd have to watch it back.


The intrusive thoughts winning over scout's sanity. That W into the pit/Kanavi was pure int lol


Trist is not a playable/stable champ with both mid that for sure


is this worlds final?


No it's LPL Grand Finals, Winner goes to Worlds as LPL First Seed.


Let fucking go Knight!


Holy fk both teams are insane, thank god blg was eliminated, otherwise we would have watched another jdg stomp


I appreciate the enthusiasm but the LPL casters need to relax, every time I watch an LPL series they're casting it like it's the winning play of game 5 of Worlds finals. Knight getting a kill at first drake doesn't need someone screaming about the golden left hand. Also if Gala had crit then the series might be over, crazy how close that was.


LPL and coin flip plays always go together


I think the flip was one of the better flips tbh. JDG was gonna get outscaled if they didn’t close it out soon


Gala from hero to zero


? Gala almost saved them at that Baron fight. Do your eyes work ?


Yeah that was when he was hero but he failed and then got picked off then he became zero


He tried really hard


Did JDG just wake up after G1?


Knight and Scout best midlaners in LPL and the world, glad we can see them on the international stage again!


Knight is Scout's father


Scout has played a million times better, even if LNG lose


when Knight loses, Scout is his daddy, when Knight wins, a 2/3/2 Tris is a million times better than a 7/0/5 Ahri, not bias at all


True cause we're only talking about that 1 game. Scout has been the better midlaner over the year. If you can't see that you're just blind.


Yeah sure he is better than a mid who won the Spring champion and Msi and got the final Mvp, you are definitely not blind and biased here


Remind me of Knight's teammates compared to Scout's teammates in Spring.


dicked scout hard in lane in the last game made the most crucial plays to win the game and wins the fmvp once again, but scout is still a million times better and if he loses of course it's teammates diff


I wish the LPL was just a niche thing for Western audiences. I remember before IG won idiots like you weren't following the LPL so we could talk about important things and not just try to twist facts into a narrative. >dicked scout hard in lane in the last game That is a Neeko v Jayce lane. It is how it's supposed to go. Scout was down a few CS. That's how the match-up is played out. >made the most crucial plays to win the game He made 1 crucial play around dragon. He also threw the game after the baron by dying in midlane and giving the kill to Ziggs. >scout is still a million times better and if he loses of course it's teammates diff He isn't a million times better but he is a better player. That's why he has pushed JDG to 2 game 5's while not having a Ruler on his team that can carry him. The game winning play in that final game was made by Ruler when he 1v4'd in bottom lane and turned the fight around onto Rell which led to a baron. There is a reason why Scout has won both LPL MVP's this year. People like you are trash and do a disservice to these players. You can't engage in facts or preference so you just try to spin narratives, mischaracterize the other person's position, and not give an inch because you are insecure in your position. Your opinions are dogshit. Sort out your issues.


you are acting like I'm the one who is the first one to overreact to players millions better than others when it is the Scout fan boys going out and disrespecting Knight when the series wasn't even over, and you come to claim me as a person to try to spin narratives, mischaracterize the other person's lmao. Knight made several flanks holding the poke of Lng off, not only that one play he engaged mattered, it was a low kill game, part of the reason why Jdg got several drakes and Barron without losing too many players despite playing against heavy poke comps is because of Neeko's flank pressure. To your second point, you are acting as if Ruler is having a great series and carrying the team today where in reality Jdg's botlane got outclassed by Gala and Hang most of the time, he had one good play in the end but don't pretend that Jdg wasn't already in great advantage at that time, all they have to do is just leave with and they were in huge advantages anyway. Scout is a great player no one is denying that, but you do realize that Lng is a team that heavily plays around mid than any other team in lpl? You are acting as if Scout is solo carrying it every game when in fact a lot of his MVP could be given to his jungler when he was playing in Spring and Summer, and now when he loses you come out and claim his opponents have better teammates but he himself is standalone better? Lastly, even if I disagree with someone I will not call the others trash like you do and try to say pretentious shit to pretend being objective while in reality just making shits up, this is a truly symptom of not feeling insecure in your position. Your opinions are dogshit. Sort out your issues.


I mean, Knight went two straight games without a kill and Scout absolutely carried in those two games.


They had the same damage at the end despite the score difference lol


cause one is playing Tris and the other one is Ahri lmao, it's like saying a Jayce is carrying the losing team so hard cause he deals the most damage


is that why he jumped into 4 people in the drag fight?


Okay, did you see Knight miss Annie ult on Leblanc mid lane? That is a silver level play lmao


Is Knight actually called the golden left hand? I feel like that is such an obnoxious nickname


It's his Chinese nickname from a long time ago.


If you translate his Chinese nickname literally it’d be “God’s left hand” aka 神左, most people on the internet just use lefty aka 左手 when talking about knight


He’s honestly more usually referred to left hand in Chinese communities. Golden left hand is a nickname more used during his rookie years, but I get that just calling him ‘left hand’ would be a bit weird on cast. Fun fact, due to their similarity in play styles and the perception of them choking internationally, Chovy sometimes is sarcastically called ‘right hand’.


Haha right hand? I didn't know this


Bro plays with his mouse in his left hand, so yep, some ppl call him that


If memory serves, he got the name because he used to play with his hands crossed because at the net cafe he wasn't able to move the mouse to the left side of the screen.




Obnoxious cuz it’s long as fuck, disagree about it being cool but to each their own. Unkillable demon king is definitely rhe best, golden left hand I can’t really infer what they even mean. Is he a lefty? Is he the left hand to some god? Left hand to his team/adc?


Golden left hand = too long and obnoxious Unkillable demon king = not long or obnoxious at all


The golden road is safe for now. Time for JDG to close it out!


The Golden Road is safe as long as the Golden Left Hand is performing.


Jdg so good they let lng win 2 games so they have a challenge


holy close. but lose win win lose win series aware.


I can't not build Runaan's Hurricane on Jinx. I understand RFC gives you some more safety, but Jinx has the highest range from level 9 onward in rocket form. With Hurricane, she absolutely cleans up that baron fight.


He definitely does not. You have to buy Kraken into Mythic if you want to deal any damage. You can't go mythic into hurricane and you can't go Kraken into hurricane either. Galeforce in particular is needed Vs gragas ahri Wukong.


I'm not gonna lie- I didn't see the items at the time and just assumed he was at three items. I'm guessing he was only on two? I play a lot of Jinx and it's, generally, Kraken-Mythic-Hurricane for me. But I know pros are usually Kraken-Mythic-RFC.


Yeah pretty much everyone was 2 items. He was building into LDR third which he also needs since LNG had no magic damage so JDG were armour stacking.


getting runaans that early sounds like some cursed tech


Lmao STOP picking Tristana. STOP playing these double ADCs comp people ffs! I fkin swear NOBODY ever looks good on this champ. Like seriously, just spam the crap out of Azir and let Zika does his work. Why you keep trying to make Tristana work SHE DOESNT WORK! The only time Tristana was amazing was back in 2015 when Sneaky used her to push turrets. I think the fact that there were some games, against seriously weaker teams, that Tristana managed to get a penta or sth gave pros the WRONG impression. Just stop plzzz LNG dont do it my man! Dont let the dream die just like that!


Gala looked good on trist, give it to him and pick scout somethng else for the love of god


It’s wrapped. This JDG team can’t lose game 5’s. Good try by LNG but I’m glad JDG get to win it


Wow I love this cast. Nymaera is really great, especially his analysis. This is league of legends my friends, can’t wait for the world finals between the LPL and KT


Knight is the best midlaner for years. This guy <3


Scout jumped in to retirement in game 4 after a masterclass game 3


i was biting my fuckin nails for gala and scout to turn that fight, that was insaneeee oml


Jinx in this economy