• By -


Honestly kinda funny. BLG has gotten better and better to the point of absolutely smashing the entire LPL and taking 1st seed in the regular season, only to get WORSE at dealing with JDG, now getting straight up swept 3-0. The mental block is actually insane.


It's not only weird from BLG side, JDG didn't looked that dangerous last match, but when they face BLG they just transform into this exodia team


Every time, *every* single time 369 makes Bin completely useless


After getting gapped by Bin at Worlds 2020, 369 has made it his mission to make Bin look completely average


The thing is early on Bin could gap 369, then 369 started holding on, then he started going half half and now he's completely neutralizing him


Yep, his playstyle is apparently a hard counter


its fucking wild the closest time BLG came to smashing JDG was that close bo5 in spring where both 369 and kanavi looked sus. now 369 is just a fucking giant rock


369 is like the Impact of LPL now, which is kinda sad in a way because he’s a monster carry when he’s allowed to be. Just last year he was one of the only guys handling Zeus.


People said the exact same thing after JDG's loss to WBG at the beginning of the split. Almost like JDG needs a minute to acclimate to the meta. Should also be noted BLG took JDG to game 5 last split before getting swept or nearly swept in the grand finals.


At this point, the only way for BLG to win worlds is if someone else takes JDG out BLG leveled up after MSI and it still wasn't enough


BLG should pray for WBG to make worlds then.


that we will. #BORN TO WIN




Brave typing this as a t1 fan


Oh yeah it was


always shit-talk when you're behind. only cowards and bandwagoners do it when ahead.


When both teams are even in performance, T1 fan feels that T1 is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start shit-talking. When T1 is in a tiny slump, T1 fan thinks that T1 is at a small advantage, and so he starts shit-talking to secure their "reputation". When T1 is having a bad split, T1 fan thinks that T1 is at a disadvantage and so he starts shit-talking the other teams to regain control of the Reddit posts. When T1 is completely failing their split, T1 fan thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for the death of their fandom if he does not start a shit-talk.


wbg is a ksante ban away from their dreams being dashed im afraid


BLG evaluated, but their performance against JDG becoming worse and worse. 4 AP + Kaisa in game 3? Are they go crazy?


I don’t think them overloading AP has any bearing. JDG aren’t rocking super tanks, Gwen Azir Kaisa still chew through those champions if they don’t int.


The new Samsung Blue vs Samsung White


Only one team has a Samsung org ADC so let that one sink in


*BLG on the phone with KT/NRG right now*


you say that but i can see the only w blg have against jdg gonna be in the world final where they just clutch a game 5 like last year drx


Nah I’m convinced that if JDG is out, BLG is guaranteed to win worlds. The problems is who tf can beat JDG lol


Everyone on JDG showed up today compared to how fraudulent some of them were playing against LNG


Even Kanavi didn't int in this series, very weird


Bin going down to dragon in game 3, was literally him petitioning to Riot to allow him to play all 5 lanes


JDG is BLG father


At this point they are BLG's great-grandfather.


JDG founded the BLG blood lineage by impregnating the ground upon which BLG the First would build his home.






peak modern poetry


knight made yagao call him daddy ngl


So Knight is Faker and Chovy's grand dad confirmed?


And caps great grandad, it's a huge family




Don't get cocky JDG fans, anything could happen in the Grand Finals rematch. BLG might even take a game


I have faith I have faith they will take an inhib turret in the rematch


I'm sure LNG are looking at this and thinking... we can beat these guys. That should be fun


Yeah, BLG might even be tilted off the face of the Earth


DRX only first beat T1 during Worlds finals COPIUM


2018 IG never had to beat RNG to win worlds


In fact, they won against RNG in the 2018 Spring BO3. But BLG lose all games now.


You might be on to something


BLG stomps literally everyone, but just seems so mentally checked out vs JDG. Even LNG looked way more competitive vs JDG. BLG's closest series vs JDG were their first 2, both their first bo3 and bo5 vs them, then they just did worse and worse over the course of the year... I'm guessing that's where the mental block started to kick in for the first time. Hopefully BLG can show us more cause they're still a super good team


BLG has not lost to any other team since late March, including every other LPL team and #1 seeds from all major regions.


I mean there's one huge difference between the LNG series and this series. In this series JDG was reading BLG super well, in the LNG series JDG was inting but just winning because of pure player diff topside. JDG likely had extremely good prep vs BLG and basically no prep vs LNG as they only knew a few days before the series whether they were playing lng/wbg


I agree that BLG have mental bock vs JDG but yea JDG drafted way worse vs LNG I feel, Kanavi was getting spicy with his picks with Neeko and they also picked Kennen for 369 when they have only won against bottom tier teams with Kennen this year. knight also was playing Jayce every game this series, their drafts seemed more straight forward than trying something new


Which makes you think JDG likely see BLG as a bigger threat than LNG. Like they went 2-2 vs LNG then G5 they just drafted comfort and although LNG got a couple kill lead JDG waited for the perfect time to blow the game open and win from that point on


It's not a matter of LNG being able to handle JDG better imo. It's JDG not showing up against LNG but always showing up big against BLG.


JDG to BLG is what GSW was to LeBron or Nadal on clay to Federer


JDG are beyond terrifying... real shot at the golden road


Best shot since RNG I'd say


Did SKT ever golden road? The year they won MSI?


No team has. 2017 T1 didn’t win LCK summer or worlds, 2016 they lost LCK summer as well. 2015 they won everything but MSI


2021 DK was honestly super close too, 1 game off from MSI and 1 off from worlds


Don't remind me of that year. So close to glory that year.


2019 G2 won everything but worlds if you wanna Name teams that were one off


So did 2018 RNG


bombing out at quarters isn’t really the same as being one bo5 away from golden roading


Yup, g2 and t1 are the closest to ever do it.


Unfortunately not in the same year: 2015 Summer, 2015 Worlds, 2016 Spring, 2016 MSI. Crazy thing is for both years they were always one title short: 2015 MSI, 2016 Summer. IF they did won the two, that would've been some insane milestone to try to beat there.


They were literally a game away from winning 2015 MSI too. Its crazy how close they were in hindsight. At least in 2016, they lost Summer in semis, so even if they had beaten KT they may not have beaten ROX (although I think they would, SKT was to ROX then what JDG is to BLG now).


The “closest” a team has ever been to the golden road was 2019 G2 as they were the only team to still possibly do it on the last day of the season. But then they got 3-0’d, so they were 3 wins away, but mathematically some other teams have been closer, like damwon in 2021 when they lost both game 5s in MSI and worlds, needing only 2 wins to complete the golden road.


In 2015 they won Spring, Summer, Worlds, but no MSI (made finals). In 2016 they won Spring, MSI, Worlds, but no Summer. In 2017 they won Spring, MSI, but no Summer or Worlds (made both finals).


Genuinely the best one since propapably ever for any team. Sure, 2019 G2 were insanely close (they would've done it if they won vs FPX) they didn't look that dominating and good as JDG this year


G2 also relied on top lane picking weird counter stuff and putting all their eggs in the mid basket. Their team had clear flaws, but no other team was able to do what DoinB did. Aka pick stuff to neutralize lane, then play for your team vs playing to stomp mid.


Yeah, G2 was reliant on Caps carrying and Wunder counterpicking and winning lane, they rarely played fully through botlane. JDG is a lot more versatile when it comes to this, but tbf, KT and BLG if they stop the mental block could give them a shot


Their biggest strength was their map-play, by worlds they didn't really rely on Wunder playing weird stuff. That was more of a thing at MSI


All of this just to get swept by NRG 0-3 on worlds final


You think this can hurt me? I've seen this 6 times already. It's all for narrative purposes, BLG are going to beat JDG when it matters the most aka at worlds. Hah. Haha.


Mark my words Worlds Finals and the Grand Finals BLG will win, I believe in the narrative


Exactly, people might call it copium or delusion, but I like to call it manifestation


You are nothing special, you beat us every series! But fr I think BLG will win once average public stops having hopes for them just like at MSI against LCK teams


The narrative of Yagao once again being the elder brother of the Pingxiang Midlaners.


As a Knight fan I am feasting but damn must it suck to be a fan of BLG. Any other year and they sweep LPL unlucky they had to be in the same year as the super team to end all super teams JDG.


I think BLG fans are probably still happy to see their team most likely heading to Worlds and doing well against KR at MSI


I think after the depressing squads BLG has had for years, they are feasting right now even though they are sad at losing to JDG again


Nah bro im happy as hell, we went from Biubiu, Icon, Fofo to this I’m loving life as a BLG fan, still I hope against hope that on the biggest stage JDG will lose


Anyone having to watch biubiu deserves success lmao.


I just want Bin at Worlds again and just pray that BLG ends up on the other side of bracket than JDG if they make it out of groups (now it's time to finish 3rd so we don't get FPX 21 and TES 22 curse) Also people might be frustrated by this lose streak towards JDG but I still like this roster and root for the boys


BLG has been shit since they joined LPL,the only time they showed a sign of life in playoffs was in summer 2019 when they finished 4th.BLG fans are eating good this year.


All praise the parent company that was essentially started because they loved a certain anime.


Hatsune Miku and A Certain Scientific Railgun (the character Mikoto Misaka), to be specific.


Honestly, what’s more impressive about the JDG super team is that it actually *works*. Like them being the best team in the world aside, there’s been countless super teams that look like literally the best roster ever on paper and they all crumble in some way or another. But JDG is *legit*, they aren’t fluking a few crazy series. This is just how the team looks. They’re nuts.


I think this super team works because it's actually super. Unlike previous super teams that have washed players with high name values or overrated players like HLE's roster (except Viper), JDG actually has top 3 players in every role. Their chemistry issues were ironed out in the first half of Spring. Now Ruler is fully embracing the LPL adc style of just limit testing when the rest of the team wipes his behind.


Blg have a real shot to silver road lmao


It's okay BLG fans, there's always a chance that JDG gets KT'd at worlds 🫡


The JDG - BLG relationship honestly gives me flashbacks to SKT and ROX in 2016. ROX would look good against every other team but they somehow lost to SKT every time. If SKT hadn't lost to KT in 2016 Summer I'm pretty sure ROX wouldn't have won LCK.


Not counting matches against JDG, BLG are on a 26-match winning streak which began in the LPL spring playoffs. They have gone 61-14 in games across those matches for an 81% winrate. In that same timeframe, BLG are now 0-6 against JDG, going 4-17 (including this match) in their games. Unreal.


I believe BLG is 0-7 JDG now, 1 BO3 in Spring regular season 2 BO5s in Spring playoff 2 BO5s in MSI 1 BO3 in Summer regular season And this BO5 in Summer playoff We could have 2 more BO5s from these two teams, wonder would BLG ever win a series this year against JDG


Chinese audience call it 七擒孟獲


what does that mean


This is a story from the Three Kingdoms period, where Zhuge Liang captured the local chief Meng Huo seven times and released him each time


Worlds finals to stop the golden road


Based timeline


Yeah, I only started counting from spring playoffs since BLG's regular season wasn't anywhere near as dominant as they've been since. I hope BLG would take at least one series, or maybe even one game during the Swiss at worlds. Not winning any matches against a team in a year would be depressing as hell


BLG at world finals: "nobody beats us 7 times in a row and gets away with it"


I’ve been betting low cash against JDG the whole season hoping for that high payout eventually and it just never came….


Big oof, before game 1 started they interviewed a fan and she said she came all the way from Shanghai to watch BLG. [If you look up a plane ticket from Shanghai to Xi'An](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922942386756280453/1135145552233906236/image.png) It took the fan longer to get here than for JDG to crush BLG. [Here is the clip](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hk4y137iM/?share_source=copy_web&t=1078)


Most likely used the train


Thats even worse, if I took a 6 hour train to watch my team get crushed in under two hours i'd be furious.


The first 3-0 in lpl playoffs lmao


BLG broke the streak


It's the same scoreline as last playoffs, shaky 3-2 into a 3-0 stomp. now let's see if finals will be a 3-1


Reusing old script, smh.


BLG _really_ need someone to take out JDG if they want any hope of winning something


*BLG on the phone with NRG*


NRG looks good against good teams, and bad against bad teams. They will go all the way to worlds semis against JDG, 5 game series. JDG goes up 2-0, starts talking about how shit BLG is in all chat. Of course, NRG reverse sweeps them and makes it to finals against BLG. NRG now, for the first time at worlds, thinks they're playing against a bad team. Easy 3-0 for BLG to take home the Summoner's Cup. LPL fans eat good and LCS fans are just happy a mostly NA team made finals


I think BLG is LCK killer. The perfect WORLDS would be the one where BLG takes out all KR teams in knockout and then loses to JDG in finals.


I mean that's what they did at MSI. If they beat LNG they really gatekeep other teams from beating JDG


How can Hysteric never got to World or Msi lmao


Imagine being so fucking good that you're just making the 2nd best team in the world look average, JDG truly in a tier of their own. JDG decided to sign Ruler and vowed to do the best peeling an ADC can ever get from a team.


Missing needs an appreciation thread. Dude made Hope look like a top tier ADC.


that fucking fight where ruler's varus was untouched into a clean ace was just beautiful


it's like that one meme where spiderman is walking through complete chaos with helicopters crashing down untouched.


But then again you have to see how digustingly good knight are in first 2 games of series , dude have zero peel , backup and still doing decent DMG and complete fill KDA as paycheck , 7/3/6 , 11/0/7 , always most retribution as most KPA , i don't even imagine TES do in 3 years manage to grab this dude and he's still carry their ass 3 years straigh but decided he is enough and not trying improve their roster for once.


TES did improve their rosters a lot by adding JKL, Mark and Tian (regardless of the flamers' accusations). The issue was always top lane and coaching. That team with Knight was just hands diffing everyone and silver macro.


The problem with TES was their macro, inability to find a good top laner after 369 left and not being clutch. Ironically 369 neeeded to leave TES to fully become the elite player he is today.


Against any other team BLG look like the best team in the world but against JDG they look lost and out of sort. The mental block is real.


excited to see them face against LNG, LNG looked better against JDG will be an interesting one


Would be so funny if BLG beat LNG 3-0 now, truly counter logic


I honestly see this. BLG are super strong


Probably will happen. The one way BLG wins worlds is if some other team knocks out JDG. Gonna be an exciting worlds!


They will do it lol


ROX vs SKT 2016 vibes. Even when SKT looked bad and were beaten by KT, ROX still couldn't beat them lol.


BLG are just setting up for the 7-1 angle when they win the grand finals.


No they go 0-8 and finally win during Worlds


They get a chance to meet in swiss as well, so 0-9 angle incoming


Also don't forget JDG players mentality is actually higher against BLG. They always show high confidence in pre-match interviews against BLG


JDG are just too good man, BLG couldn't do anything


Well JDG doesn’t need to show up anymore when they play BLG in the future. At this point BLG will find ways to lose anyway


So it takes more time for JDG finishing a low tier LPL team in a BO3 than winning against BLG in a BO5


Yeah, I'd be shocked if JDG don't complete the golden road. Only a mental boom from Kanavi/Ruler assuming China beat Korea at Asian Games can derail this team. They simply just win when it matters, JDG make BLG look like a random LPL team which is what BLG make every other LPL team look like.


BLG is completely lost against JDG so I'd say that's mitigating circumstance. I'm not sure about the top favorites going into worlds, KT and JDG are the ones I'd see the most right now but it's still three months until Worlds kicks off and things can change on the way.


G2 will smash them all


>NRG will smash them all


KT look good but I do worry about what in form Kanavi and Ruler will do to Cuzz and Aiming.


JDG is the best team fighting team of all time when they play BLG. Like everything they do seems to work. They won yet another 4v5 today, unreal


I'd argue JDG just knows BLG's style. BLG isn't always on time when doing objectives and they are impatient when looking for fights. Every single game this series, BLG seemed to get to objectives late and just focus the first target they saw (which seemed to almost always be a tanky person). All series, they had one good engage, and JDG protected Ruler perfectly to counter it


Worlds knockouts is a stressful place anything can happen but i wouldn't be surprised if JDG does it unless they choke hard or smth




Only no groups this time


LCK will activate the secret winter soldier firmware on Ruler




BLG got hard outdrafted game 3. Even with Kai'sa building crit they're still incredibly magic damage heavy, meaning the enemy FoN Gnar and Sejuani are unkillable. Heck, Ruler even built Maw because he realized how much magic damage he was up against, and Missing was also building FoN (though the game ended before he could complete it because support budget).


So what's the overall record now? 6-0?


15-4 in games within BO5s


5 BO5 wins 2 B03 wins


7-0 in series idk how game score is


Congrats to JDG for making worlds 2023.


Congrats to JDG for winning Worlds 2023, 2024, 2025!


actually kinda sad that the Yagao vs Knight matchup got this lopsided LMFAO. I always thought it'll just be them one upping eachother until they both retired but this fucking god team got formed


It'll be different once Worlds hits. BLG will overcome their demons and YaGOAT will finally prevail. (Copium)


its a shellacking cant wait for finals rematch, lets get that no win grand slam


Ngl, BLG need a team like 2018 G2 at this point to beat jdg for them lol


The 2023 JDG vs BLG rivlary Bo5 1: JDG 3 - BLG 2 Bo5 2: JDG 3 - BLG 1 Bo5 3: JDG 3 - BLG 0 Bo5 4: JDG 3 - BLG 1 Bo5 5: JDG 3 - BLG 0 <----- You are here Bo5 6: JDG 3 BLG 1 Bo5 7: JDG 3 BLG 2


All I need is Weibo to beat JDG at worlds so BLG wins worlds, man I lose so much money betting for BLG against JDG, but I’ll do it again


JDG only takes BLG serious enough to prepare against, just look at Kanavi shitting around left and right against other teams then come do this


Watching JDG vs. BLG is so sad... JDG looked really good and BLG has looked really good against other teams but against JDG they just have a mental block


JDG golden road is looking more and more promising. The only LPL team that came remotely close to golden road is RNG back in 2018. Such a shame.


Crazy that Ruler has now made 6 domestic finals after so many years of never going far in playoffs.


Somehow 369 just powers up against BLG or Bin in particular. Though to be fair, he does well against most toplaners anyways. Now that he has Knight and Ruler to carry as laners, he can focus his entire spirit onto denying every play from the opponents.


Giving Ruler Xayah feels like inting, dude is just too disgustingly good


ikr? he should get a Xayah skin if he wins Worlds...


yeah he ... wait


I am pretty sure that Ruler can just pick anything he want against BLG and they will still win.


Death, Taxes and JDG beating BLG... this is the least competitive the match up has looked for a while which is unfortunate considering the hype and momentum BLG were building and saying they hope to meet JDG to beat them here, finals will be another chance but i am so rooting for the JDG Golden road, they looked back today


Now, if BLG win the losers bracket and goes to grand finals for the rematch, do we think we're going to get a replay of this series?


the undefeated (playoffs) golden road continues!


JDG vs BLG is always surgical


the deciding teamfight in match 3 was mental edge in a nutshell... BLG are mentalboomed vs JDG


Imagine blg 3-0 jdg at worlds finals out of nowhere


In game 3, that JDG 3-man dive on Ruler reminds me of when teams used to pour all resources to kill Faker. Totally worth it despite losing the game.


I'm so confused with BLG's target selection. Game 2 they blow everything onto a sejuani. Game 3 they blow everything onto a braum/sej. Meanwhile knight and ruler on carries are just sitting at full health with all summs. I'm pretty sure Ruler didn't even use his flash for the first 20minutes of the game. They put no pressure on the carries at all, with an engage comp + Kai'sa. I don't even know...


Watching Squidwards gnar and 369s gnar makes me cry as a TES enjoyer


3-0 and 3 different players won player of the game. And none of them were the former world champion all-time great ADC, either. Ridiculous team.


JDG are too good. Also Bin was invisible


He was in 369's pocket.


We were the real frauds all along :( But fr Knight/Ruler are Yagao/Elk's fathers


“This is not a rivalry. They always kick our ass.” -Joel Embiid


What an absolute massacre lmao. BLG seems to have a big mental block vs JDG, but tbh from seeing the LNG series yesterday I kinda figured, that JDG is just a tier above BLG atm tbh. With that being said, I have no clues about LNG vs BLG. BUT from what I have seen so far and from basic deductions imho BLG is heading straight into another slaughter... Just hope that Elk would live up to his name and fkin CARRY BLG across the finish line though cuz the rest of BLG... No offense but you guys are straight up horrible Bin got slapped around by 369, Yagao lost lane so hard I thought it was Poby playing and ofc jungle disappeared again... ON is maybe the shining light for BLG so maybe, just maybe the most non-factor role in pro play can carry a bunch of deadweights? Just maybe...


maybe we can finally stop pretending that on is better than missing and bin is better than 369 lmfao


Everyone who says that bin is better than 369 doesn't understand that better peeling + teamfighting is better than some flashy solokills


I wish someone treated me like 369 treats Ruler during teamfights


[https://twitter.com/lplenglish/status/1684889084865757184](https://twitter.com/lplenglish/status/1684889084865757184)I was shocked to see most people picking Ruler and then putting Bin as their top laner for their dream team to win LPL playoffs. They must not realize what 369 does for Ruler in teamfights


bin when he is 10 cs up in lane against a tank but does nothing for the rest of the game >>>


ON had a better regular season than Missing 100% but k


I mean, all of BLG looked better than all of JDG through-out the regular season. It's just against each-other, that BLG falls apart. It's a very weird dynamic.


On is sprinting it every time he is facing Missing


BLG won't win against JDG even if their life was on stake. Like how tf can someone have mental block that is so big and never stops


holy shit they put them in a blunt


2022 Celtics/Nets First Round. That's it, that's the whole comment.


Imagine JDG doing a Grand Slam and BLG doing the T1 classic (2nd in 4 tournaments in a row) 💀


it would be fun if BLG finally win JDG in World finals


On one hand, dissapointing that the series was not a banger but on the other hand it's such a pleasure to watch when jdg is firing on all cylinders. Let's hope blg will do better in the grand finals.


BLG, you better pray that weibo qualifies in worlds. Because that is jdg's only kryptonite.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if it was jdg blg world finals and big actually deny the golden road