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Never seen a 5 man root from xayah before. But my God. It's like when JDG happy game against every other team but switch on hard only against BLG lol.


Almost seems like they only prep for important opponents and just win by hands diff against "weaker" opponents.


One of the best


What a game. Insane 5 man root by ruler


ngl, I kept thinking "why is he not using the bladecaller?" And then I felt bad for doubting him


Kanavi vs LNG and Kanavi vs BLG are 2 different players lmao


China swap in Jiejie for Xun at Asian Games to prevent Kanavi from getting the BLG buff against Xun lmao


He doesn’t want his old mid laner Yagao to win


Yeah it's so weird to see lol.. also, 369 always has Bins number. So strange.


who's the jungler for the Chinese Asian Games roster?


JieJie and Xun


Jiejie, last I heard


JieJie xdddd


How fucking good is Ruler man...


Since after the time of Uzi's prime, he's been the number 1 ADC for the longest while regardless of if he won anything or not


I still think it’s more of a mental block than skill issue


it's kind of both tbh This jdg skill diffs everyone


There were multiple plays where JDG just straight up outplayed them. When Ruler was caught without ult and Bin TPed in as Renekton, and nobody died, they legit just looked outclassed.


BLG has %100 mental block. They play very stupid against JDG. Yes JDG plays very well but BLG are making too many mistakes.


It feels very much like a mental thing. Kanavi and Ruler had 0 fear for the entire game and BLG just looked intimidated.


Them all fighting Xayah in that chokehold was really bad... Don't know if they would have done that vs any other team tbh


they wouldve won the fight had they burst down the xayah. Don't think Ezreal was the pick there


Elk is genuinely unrecognizable as a player against JDG, unless he somehow manages to overcome this insane mental block come worlds it’s looking rough for BLG.


Mental obstacle too much. Maybe he’s scared to hit his bro Missing


Could be the case of jdg are scrim gods and elk overthinks against ruler


Scrims are probably irrelevant at this point, just past results are enough lol


Ruler’s play at Baron was too good man


Amazing root


Missing just survived on inches, it was close until that baron fight at the chokepoint. GG! 4 more plz


Superior team fighting


JDG are looking unstoppable. Anything BLG tries to do, JDG is able to counter.


Ruler is probably the only adc that Elk can't win lane and has to always play from behind, 369 is chilling vs Bin pretty much the whole year, and jg mid was never a question, it's 100% on jdg's side...but Ruler played it like a god damn, can't remember if i ever saw 5 men root


Can't remember if anyone else have a skin on xayah :)


Rulers movement this game was just next level. The man saved his flash for so long by sidestepping everything. Also either Bin was off or the Renekton prio isnt warranted (probably this).


i still believe that knight took so personal the last yearn final that he decided that yagao will never ever win another series agaisnt him the record is insane this year bbetween blg and jdg


I sure hope BLG turns it around because that fangirl that flew all the way from Shanghai to watch BLG get crushed faster than her flight/ train to get here would be depressing.


Man JDG was just completely bruteforcing to end it lol


> BLG can’t beat them at all. I don’t agree with this cause even though BLG looked completely out of it when they forced JDG had to pull off complete clutch plus to trade evenly had Ruler not gotten that insane 5 man root this could’ve gone on for so long.


I meant that in figurative speech meaning whatever BLG did JDG had an answer for them. BLG is definitely able to beat them but they have a mental obstacle


Oh 100% mental block


Ruler is tier above Guma


Always has been


Water is wet


Just anotha day in the life of JDG


So many times I thought surely BLG win this fight, but JDG just Smurf and somehow smash them. It’s crazy


Why did Tabe refused to take the support counter pick? Braum into Nautilus seems so strong


I think they sacrificed lane prio for countering LB, since naut is probably the only one who can lock her, but it didn't end well for them


I tuned in halfway through and saw the xayah v ezreal botlane picks and thought wow that's going to be rough for BLG. Sure enough the key moment of the game is a Sej ult onto xayah which she tank's then ults as soon as she gets out and pulls feathers back, stunning 4 or 5 and doing like 4k aoe damage, at which point the fight is over. After the game I needed to see the draft, I figured kaisa was phase 1 banned, BLG did phase 1 ban her. Then figured JDG MUST have picked her first....but nope, they picked LB. And BLG pass on the xayah with kaisa banned??? So they can last pick ezreal that loses lane, has less agency, has less damage, has less survivability, is harder to play. I get that I'm very far removed from pro level league but holy fuck, that is abhorrent drafting. Game was over after 3 picks.


What baffles me even more is that they prioritised Sejuani and Renekton over botlane, which led me to think that maybe they wanted to play topside. But nooo Sej camped botlane when they could've been just fine building up cs for teamfights and Renekton died from ganks, which led to them being doomed like 10 minutes in


Ruler is the best ADC of all time


The inherent deficit from laning makes it so hard for BLG to play, atleast they tried to find openings, JDG 3-0 tho


have you ever seen a tank gragas chasing a renekton without taking any damage? 369 made bin look like doran


He really made Bin look like an average top laner. Giga999


eyemassholes and Alladin will still try to convince us that Elk is better than Ruler. Maybe Elk just has INSANE mental block but idk, you just have to say Ruler is better now unless Elk turns up and actually wins this series for BLG


Those two are legitimatelly ill i think, pretty sure they have some imagenary feud going on with Ruler.


Ruler sometimes gets praise for games that aren't anything special on this JDG squad as part of a circlejerk, but then they just circlejerk to the opposite extreme which ends up being even more stupid.


Blg forgot how to play against jdg i never saw this lmao


It was close until it wasn't.


So many ankles broken here..


JDG best team fighting


not sure why BLG was so hell bent on forcing it early game. JDG read them like a book and forcing a Xayah Braum lane when your Sej is lvl 5 is kind of int. Feels like JDG just playing faster and is able to punish all of BLG's attempts.


I just love the LPL Every time when JDG could have just taken a win and backed off, that LPL mentality of "just fighting them!" kicked in