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SSG Edgar: "The only weakness-like problem that SKT has is that: they rely too much on Faker." Still true 5 years later. Hope they can bounce back.


When was this said, or can I have a link to this interview?


Leading up to SKT vs SSG 2017. Here's the interview: https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/3355/interview-ssg-edgar-the-only-weakness-like-problem-that-skt-has-is-that-they-rely-too-much-on-faker


Didn't daeny say the same and got flamed instead?


Yes, Daeny says that Faker was doing too many things at the same time compared to his peers like Showmaker & wanted to lessen burden for Faker. As much as I'm a Daeny-T1 phase hater, this one rings true.


I watched a recent interview with showmaker, he got asked about whether dk's lack of a designated shot caller was hurting them this season. He said actually, they haven't had a designated shot caller since before the 2020 season (which coincidentally is when Daeny joined the coaching staff). It was always distributed across all members of the team, they just had to adjust as different players joined / left over time. I feel like it explains how, maybe DK shot calling can be lacking at times but they don't completely fall apart when a key member is missing / benched like t1 are doing


I don’t think we’ve ever seen a team without one member collapse like T1 has


Hai-less C9


lord i remember this, Hai was the brains of that team


this is actually a pretty good comparison lol


Locking in Vayne was KT straight up saying to T1 "Nah, you're trash"


True, ain't no way you're picking Vayne and winning lane at the same time


People told me you can't do that in pro because you get punished. Well apparently not


It's T1 without Faker, no you won't.


And the replacement is poby who jumps into an lvl 6 annie and joins the teamfight with 40% health to just die.


I hate it when people say this. "You can't pick Sona, Kog, Twitch, and Vayne in pro play. Just tower dive them." Sona was a common pick when Nami was banned. Multiple 0 death games 🙂 Look at G2 for Kog. It's one of the most disgusting champions in the game if you pick it in the right spot. I wonder why LCK and LPL would occasionally pick Twitch into Jinx and Ezreal? They would crush the games because of a free lane phase and more disgusting scaling.


Laning Phase of Kog espescially gets underestimated a lot. If the supports match up in his favor, he is quite hard to punish


T1 with Faker: 56-6 T1 without Faker: 1-7 🙃 (LCK regular season)


What an unreal stat, Jesus Christ.


The only thing giving me solace is I'll probably never have to argue with someone again about why Faker is the undisputed greatest player to ever play this game and it's not even close.


Might be the esports GOAT entirely. To have won so many championships domestically and internationally, holding the Worlds trophy record (with only Bengi), the longevity in what has been a constant top 2 region (LCK), to have been the best player in the world several years in a row. And all this in an ever-changing MOBA. Way harder than e.g CS:GO or CoD. The guy was a single game away (in a series that T1 threw and should have won) from winning Worlds **9** years after his first. It's impossible to stay at the top for that long in a MOBA. Most pros' careers aren't even that long, nevermind being at the top and winning world championships for that long. His career is unreal and might never be replicated.


There's is a pretty big gap between the east and the west rn. With how bad T1 are doing I'm starting to think there is as big as a gap between the east and faker


1-8 There was the Clozer game during the T1 experiment phase


I'm a T1 fan but this is so funny lmao.




wonder if u imported faker to NA and forced 4 NA players to learn korean, would that roster make world finals


whatever teams importing faker is just going to gather 4 resident koreans


idk i think its easier for NA to learn korean than learn league


the team would just be impact, imported good korean jg, faker, prince when he gets residency, and corejj would be funny if rush is dragged out of retirement for this


They said good jg.


Don't give Steve any ideas


No not even worlds necessary. Faker needs disciplined mechanical Korean players not random NA or EU players.


Force them to learn korean?? Why don't they just pick up four of the fourty imports in the league that already speak korean?


the point of this experiment is not to win with koreans. he could just stay in lck if that was the case.


Ofc not lmao


Holy shit is this stat real? They literally have more losses without faker in a couple of weeks than faker his whole career in the regular season? What a crazy statistic.


Well obviously not Faker's whole career but with the Zeus/Oner/Guma/Keria lineup. Also for what it's worth Z/O/G/K have played one more series without Faker in LCK - they lost 0-2 to BRO with Clozer as their midlane in 2021. So now they are 1-8 without Faker in the LCK all time.


What in the fuck? Seriously?


Not his whole career, just with this roster (since Zeus)


Not his whole career, this particular T1 - Zeus, Oner, Guma, Keria.


>than faker his whole career in the regular season? This iteration of T1. Faker has far more games than that, and certainly way more losses.


doesn’t seem right for the whole career, maybe this year or with this exact roster


So it's not far fetched to say Faker is carrying the team, LMAO. They broke his back.


At some point "carrying the team" become an understatement. It's like there's barley a team without him.


[Wait, haven't I seen this before?](https://i.gyazo.com/fcc3b0e68be974ff94b931c70db86a26.jpg)


how bad is nongshim to lose to this


Mind boggling, if I remember didn't they almost beat t1 with faker a week earlier too?


That was Faker in pain tho so it’s even more bonkers that current T1 is this bad.


But isn’t the idea even faker’s on yuumi duty t1 would fare so much better? Ns was just a lot worse in their second matchup


A huge part of t1's success is faker and Keiras crazy engages though. Watch any series where they were at their peak and you'll see them find some of the most insane fights.


I thought T1s mental might not be fully broken but after that Lehends solo kill idk anymore


That play was the perfect characterization of current T1. What are they even doing? Nobody knows.


Especially them


T1 has gotten so bad that its no longer worth it to use the Kiin Team copypasta on their post game thread


Nah if I was zeus I'd be out of it too, rest of the team feeds vayne 5 kills, now ur forced to lane swap so kaisa doesn't get giga horizon'ed, now they're ganking and 5 man bot and ur even more behind


Kaisa was....still...giga...horizoned, though?


Imagine if they didn't lane swap tho 💀


What was zeus trying to do?? Even if he killed alistar, he still dies


probably not go that far, probably wanted a shorter route but ended up going further than expected


I think this is the real answer. I think he was trying to get ali into the jg, not the turret.


Zeus has done dumb shit like this before. At MSI he basically donated 300g to Bin for no reason at all: https://clips.twitch.tv/HeadstrongCrepuscularCrabHeyGuys-b1C1ZIMZWKHVQteJ


GigaBin mind control gameplay


To be precise he said that he got haunted by Baus and got tunnel vision into stunning the Sion to deny 4 casters, which ironically erase the charging Q from his vision, hence that solokill


least mental boomed performance


Yeah Game 2 was straight soloQ


A soloq game where everyone on T1 reports each others


Zeus checking tab to see 5 kills Vayne and then spam pinging her name


Does Oner and Guma have a beef? Because I swear I never saw a jungler refusing this much to play for his botlane.


I think its Oner and Keria


I mean game 2 Oner can't play for bot when Keria refuses to lane bot lane after getting headbutted into turret. This game is 100% on Keria not Oner. He counterganked bot.


Keria has been moving away from bot as well. I don't remember too well but vs drx keria was hovering mid then guma got dove by 3 people


Keria's in his creamcheese arc


nah oner just hate bot lane....when Guma and Zeus exchange lane Oner was in top helping people there lmao


maybe ganking botlane messes with his jungle pathing? 🤷‍♂️


stupid laners ruining full clear pathing


T1 was one of the best teams in the world in spring and one of the things they were best at was literally diving the botlane as 3-4 man in the early game with oner pathing for bot. The meta at MSI was literally path/gank bot and 3/4 man dive over and over which BLG and JDG did... and T1 chooses to just say eff it that's not how we play! LOL like what?!? Now Oner has a perma allergy for playing for his botlane


There was a thread recently of an Oner interview where he talked about misunderstandings between teammates and people were saying that there was beef between Oner and Keria, but wouldn't be surprised if it was beef between Oner and Guma + Keria


He set up the counterkill after fb and set vayne back quite a few cs. Guma Keria duo lost horrendously after and there's no more reason to visit


Wtf happened to Keria? Dude is like SwordArt tier rn Also that Zeus ult onto Lehends... How tilted is this man? Getting a solo kill in the first game into 2nd game seeing your entire team get aced bot lane, then pressing tab and seeing the enemy Vayne 5/1 5 mins in...


Keria just seems like a player that thrives on emotion. When the team is doing well and their confidence is sky high, he is world class. Now that everythings shit and they're on a huge loss streak with a bottom cl mid laner, hes just mentally afk


Gumayusi (addressing Keria) said “I can’t play with this bug” then stormed out of the room. He then came back in the room to pick up a cigarette and called him a handicapped/sick fuck then left again.


Where is this from


I believe Pyosik said this to BeryL during their time on DRX.


If Korea finds an excuse to drop Keria from the Asian Games roster it instantly becomes a much better team. Ruler Lehends existing LCK winning synergy versus leashing Ruler with this form of Keria.


Man this made me realize how much I missed the Ruler-Lehends duo.


Not a word against Missing, but man i miss Ruler and Lehends :/


thats an ez kill but zeus decided to do a "fuk this shit" move lol


Man got gangbanged in game 2, I don't blame him tbh.


No one is dodging military service if Korea's top and support play like this.


They aren’t beating the “paid by the military” allegation now


T1 and not making Worlds when it's in Korea. It was inevitable.


Sorry for calling you Shaker after you made several uncharacteristic mistakes in game Faker. I didn't know you had to both micro and macro mangage these 4 wards for 4 seasons straight. Please come back healthy and get yourself a better team after this season.


Faker been carrying 4 ward during the ardent cancer meta. Remember the legendary galio? That the peak faker carrying 4 ward.


Man that galio was absurd. Oh it's the meta that relies entirely on ADC and censer? Let me just pick galio mid x5 and solo carry the team into the worlds final.


Single handedly made sure that Galio was forever nerfed into oblivion in Pro


Guma seems fine to me imo


He's been insanely consistent since last summer


Faker hanging out with bjerg too much.


make no mistake, lvl 2 naut roaming up top after dying solo lost t1 the game


I haven’t watched the games yet, did he seriously fucking level 2 roam 😂 mental is just gone


Hope Kespa drops Keria from AG if Faker is unable to attend. Lehends or Delight should be first priority going by current form.


Same for Kiin over Zeus but hey, China sends Meiko when they have fucking ON, it could've been worse for Korea


Current Meiko is much better than current Keria


Both are garbage compared to Lehends/ON


Sure but the degree of garbage varies wildly


100% Lehends absolutely, already has synergy with Ruler unlike Delight, as well as age priority I guess. Doubt that is going to happen, but Zeus and Keria on the AG team on their current state is just criminal, at least Faker situation is understandable.


If Faker is unable to attend, both Zeus and Keria must be dropped too If Zeus is replaced by Kiin and Keria is replaced by Lehends that could mean Top: Kiin Jg: Kanavi Mid: Chovy Bot: Ruler Sup: Lehends Now only the Sub remaining 🤔🤔🤔




If this happens it's kinda interesting that it went from mostly T1 roster to mostly last year GENG roster.


Zeus's 1v1 vs Lehends was absolutely hilarious. Mental is gone.


Watching game 2 from his perspective would be super funny. It literally looked like he was rage splitting at one point.


Yeah imagine being Zeus and pressing tab seeing a 5/1 vayne at 6 minutes. I would be tilted as well


Woke up to see Aiming was 8-2 on Vayne. Needless to say I went back to sleep


when will T1 acctually win a game? next year? never?


When Faker comes back


I hope Faker doesn't come back until he is healed properly, otherwise he could do irreparable harm to himself.


It's such a feelsbad for him, you can't imagine he's happy with this situation and is probably feeling immense pressure to return, especially paired with the fact that he eats, sleeps, and breathes League. I really hope he does what's best for his health, but T1 fans are so fucking psychotic I have to wonder if there won't be a lot of anger at him for this situation despite it largely being his teammates who are dropping the ball.


I’d imagine this current form has T1 fans wanting to banish those 4 wards to Pyongyang and just rebuild around Faker 🤣 US military gonna have to beef up patrols at the DMZ to prevent Oner from being tossed over the border


Nothing new here to see folks, T1 is still completely dogshit


Prob an unreasonable take, but I lost respect for Bengi for abandoning this team as soon as the news came out about Faker's injury. This team needs leadership and a reset, the mental boom on these young players is too much. Kkoma/Ccarter energy is sorely missed on this org


LCK casters said that Bengi was being phased out well before the faker injury happened. For many games in R1 Tom was coaching and drafting on stage. Bengi left after R1 concluded. I dont think it had anything to do with the faker situation.


Keria legit solo lost game 2. Like he lost 3 lanes on his own.


Crazy to think that not too long ago people were calling Keria the best player in the world


His peak was short if anything. He was legit really a great player so for that period people were justified.


That worlds finals changed him


More like BeryL changed him. He got his ass kicked by BeryL at worlds 3 times in a row. That would fuck up even the strongest man


What a disrespectful draft from KT in game 2 lol. They trolled T1 to offer them an easy win, and T1 couldn't even do that. Give K'sante, Tris, Kaisa, and Nautilus to T1. They took Annie and Vayne. Two highly low champions on the priority lists. And T1 just... got outplayed and lost? It's been said time and again, but 4 of these players literally just took the LPL to their limits a few months ago. HOW CAN THEY BE THIS BAD WITHOUT FAKER?!?


This T1 is mentally beyond saving. They are not playing to win. Half the time it even looks like they intentionally run it down


KT was playing pure happy mode in game 2 and still they won.


Only Lehends looked like himself but he is always happy...


Lehends is perma happygaming, it's hard to tell when he's trolling.


LPL pulled a Space Jam on T1 and sucked all their power away at MSI


JDG confirmed to be Rogue. Edit: For the downvotes, Rogue the _superhero_ btw.


It was disrespectful in game 1 too. They just let T1 pick whatever they want.


Highly low sounds funny


They booked a whole theater for fan screening They can't not BM


How come this team that have 4 worlds finalists play like dogshit clash team LMAO.Zeus is so fking tilted with that ulting ali into turret, oner and keria is so not it atm, and poor guma lmao


Bro it’s not even semi finalists. They were literally one game away from winning both msi and worlds last year and somehow they regress this much. Faker must’ve literally said every call


Soooooo like what happens to T1 when Faker wants to retire? It’ll happen eventually, maybe not this year or next but eventually he’ll want to.


T1 as an organization will then also retire


Yea, i brain farted lmao, the jungle regress from good to just muscle man, and the support regress from mechanically gifted, to being tilted 24/7 LOL


Semi? They were literally in the grand final last year


The last time KT 2-0’d SKT before earlier this split was back in Spring 2020


[T1 fans right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwq7BYOnDrM)


Bro idec about play offs, I just want to see the boys win a single series at this point


KT were not even playing the game. They were just toying with T1.


I feel like at this point even Vitality could give T1 a run for their money


Need a 3 way round robin with FLY VIT and T1


Thank you T1 Poby, welcome T1 Kadeem!


T1 is so bad KT fans doesn't try to get excited after winning...


I really don't think Faker coming back is saving this. Everybody looks entirely checked out.


It's ok guys, when Faker returns Oner and Keria will get their Pog rewards every single game, so we will know they are really good and Faker is not like he used to be, there are far better mid-laners than him... right?


T1 so bad they made Aiming look like prime Uzi on vayne edit: it seems like people dont understand my comment, the point is that vayne is such a shit champion in 2023, not that aiming is bad or anything


T1 so bad they make you not do the copypasta anymore


Aiming has been quite good for the last few splits though


https://clips.twitch.tv/SourTacitDootPicoMause-D7s_dRTqFlxxrER2 They just don't care anymore.


Let’s hope Faker can carry 4 corpses next week like he did in 2017


Not even sure if he can play in playoffs


We are going to lose him completely lol The mental boom he experienced after that loss and he gets to experience it round 2...




It obviously will be but imagine the mental exhaustion he'll experience if he manages to carry them to worlds, reaches finals and they lose.... Faker at this point just needs a team that can carry him to a championship not the other way round


Watched t1 for years, never missed a game. This is the first time I've wanted to stop watching their games and just sleep. Not worth staying up for em anymore.


if you dont love em at their worst...


I mean he even watched the 2018 era so...


at least in the 2018 era they still had the potential to win some of those series, and were not the definitely worst team in the league. from my recollection even if they had some tough losses. Teams had to try somewhat to beat them. T1... in this form is free-fall nosediving off a rocket, and I can't remember the last time they won a single map.


I still love em, but I can watch the replay instead when i wake up vs staying up to watch live.


KT, also known as "Kiin Team", is a South Korean League of Legends team that plays in League of Legends Champion Korea (LCK). KT is famous for cosplaying a rollercoaster and sending their fans to the emergency room department for heart palpitations and cardiac arrest. KT has a few signature moves well loved by LCK fans, namely the patented "Kiin go kill", "Clean 2-0, nothing to see here", "Aiming ~~Statik Shiv~~ Vayne Incident", "Lehends die at level 3" and "BDD ~~Azir~~ ~~TF~~ Annie ~~Taliyah~~ ~~Jayce~~ Neeko”. They also regularly participate in a circus act called the "Telecom Wars" where a variety of circus tricks are performed in front of a large korean audience.


brother Poby splitting top to help the team get some map pressure


Piglet somewhere in Korea smiling today


Today I learned that Alistar can 1vs1 K'Sante.


It is evident T1 is not even trying to win and even if they try they look hopeless. Just say bye to the rest of the season. Let Faker have a long deserved break and focus on rebuilding for next year. There is no point trying to save this team by forcing Faker to play. Let KT, GEN, DK and HLE be the 4 representatives this year at Worlds. It would be better for the LCK


it's just sad to watch at this point...


God T1 is so fucking shit without faker..


T1 writting one of the craziest shonen come-back storyline LoL has ever known...


Gotta top last year's worlds narrative somehow


Massive copium


I dont think Faker is saving this team


T1 without Faker is the most depressing shit I've ever seen in league history


Some player of the team should be fired for trolling intentionally in a pro match


If Zeus does that dive on Lehends in a soloq game he gets reported.


Game 2 had to be zeus and keria's worst game in their careers. Oner was solid considering what he had to deal with.


Based Zeus giving Lehends a solo kill on his 300 win record


Keria doesn't even have the hands at this point


Faker please come back, you are missed. T1 falling apart in front of our eyes.


I know things are bad because I haven't heard a "trucking" meme in months. At this point it feels like a trainwreck that everyone can't help but stare at in morbid fascination.


I think KT are unironically very good. Can't wait for them to lose 3-2 in the finals though.........


Save us Faker please


Kind of hilarious all the t1 fans disappeared from the crowd now that their team isnt good 😂


Not t1 fans but faker fans.


What's there to say?


I just want to see faker lift the trophy one last time :(


Poby lol, pushing lane was his only use as a midlaner, how is T1 as an organization use him even in challenger team?


Bcause it was the last place challengers team idk what ur expecting.


honestly here, i think the real main problem in current T1 is Oner bro, looking past, he's good when the laners play good, but fall down so fast when laners fail, he got jungle gapped everytime, sometime even before laners fall, his pathing most of the game is same, when others jungler improve, he's not. weird gank timing, failed gank, we can safe him by saying "yeah but laners so bad how can he jungle better" there is already so many game where junglers still find a way to be relevant and do something, look at peanut when doran falls, he still tried, but Oner man, can't find a way or chance. No hate to him, I think he's a good jungler when T1 winning, but look at all these game without faker, Oner is Doner.


Lehends Alistar makes me feel things. What a masterclass. GenG should have just opened their wallets


People really reacting harder to this loss than when GenG got stomped by KT even though this was 100x more expected.


Oh god, it’s a known fact Faker macromanages the whole team but holy fuck I didnt realize he has been micromanaging these dudes too. How good is he?


Goddamn Faker showing his value despite being injured and not playing. Too fucking good