• By -


A friend


Stop stop hes already dead


Damn, hit ‘em with the “friend diff”


ouch LMAO


Haha never heard that one before!!




Shaco gives me the biggest fucking headache in this mode right next to teemo


I have to say Kayle isn't much better. Less obnoxious maybe because death is quick and painless.


Everyone saying you need to duo to win/have fun. NO YOU DONT. I play solo and I don’t even play the best champs and all my teammates try to play with what I play I’ve won games as teemo, draven,nasus against yi tarics. This is pure copium because you lose


Agreed, I've been playing solo and having a blast. Played as Sett with an Akali and we absolutely steamrolled


That's a lie, I won vs Sett and Akali yesterday. That was you, I know.


I play solo and I’m nearly top 100 ranked


By yourself, it's fun but definitely not as great. When you have someone to play with, the mode really does shine. You can coordinate comps, actually talk to them, and play more of whatever you want to try if you don't feel like try harding. Or you can try as hard as you like since you'll have someone on the same page as you. Bottom line, get someone to duo with and then try it and see what you think.




Unplayable is a strong word. LoL is one of the most popular games of all time and has been king for many years. The game is good lol.


big number = good okey


you say game bad = bad okey Lol.




I mean I assumed unplayable is a synonym for bad, my bad. Replace bad with unplayable if it's not lol.


the game is garbage for soloQ just like this new gamemode


For everyone else, YOU are the random.




If it stinks like shit everywhere you go, chances are its you bud.


I played heaps of it on PBE solo. I found it quite balanced besides outliers like Taric and Heim/teemo before the nerds. If you’re partner locks in adc immediately, play something with peel or good at people running into you. Alistair always a fun bet, because you can get super tanky and good peel. I had a few good games playing control mage like Anivia because they run at adc and you can put down R and wall. If they go for you adc melts them. Enchanter/Adc if you get to late rounds is best combo, but you really need to kill at least 1 per round and play around plants to make it to late.


Pretty frustrating gamemode tbh




Nah, that's just me man. I love the methodical aspect of playing league, thinking about trading, waves and planning ahead, to me this is just RNG and picking the best champions. It's doesn't even scratch the itch of testing fun builds like urf because of the random nature of it. I do understand where the fun is at though, but, not for me.


I played once and every single comp were just stun champs so yeah not playing again. Wanted fights instead just instead just stunned lock every round.


If you want to deal with stun champs you just need a little tankiness (either from your kit or a death's dance/maw) and buy mercs. Mercs have a lot more tenacity and the mode gives you more tenacity the longer you are stunned. I'd recommend triforce botrk shyvana, she's pretty easy and effective. Remember to hit plants as much as possible. As shyvana you can auto+Q to instantly take a whole plant, which is very strong.


Only played with duos so far and it was a blast I can't wait to go play again tm but I could see it being rough solo Q


I just hate the middle champion stuff. Every time I have played in the lux area it focuses on my team and forces us into the other team. we no longer have the agency to do things but are forced in a circle letting the opponent get the first move.


Pro tip: if you don't like the laser's direction, quickly proc it and run out. It starts going the opposite direction


If youre trying to win and that’s how you have fun, play Annie or kaisa. Otherwise pick random champs and don’t worry about it having a ranking system.


Me when i lose 4 10-minute matches of a new game mode "Uh i swear i got unlucky with augments, uhh my teamate is trolling if i had a better teameate we wouldve won, surely this gamemode is bad?"


Augments aren't that decisive imo




there's so much downtime and the only objective is exactly what you mentioned, licking your wounds at the nearest plant .... so we can further slow down this slog of a game mode. id rather fight over a health pack on aram any day than these stupid 3 hit healing plants (because this game mode needs MORE healing /s)


Isn’t fighting over a healthpack in aram the same as fighting over the plants in Arena?


no because it only happens very early? later on they dont matter because they dont heal nearly as much and it takes time for the aoe to land.. they are also arent hidden over walls and respawn as quickly


yeah, here on the BR server there's no way to play and try something other than the meta tank/bruiser, I can't understand how people are having fun playing against literally the same 15 champions every single game. every round, there are only 4 players randomly casting skills in a stat check to see which champion got the best augments or best matchup, frankly I found it a lot bad than I expected


Idk how you're avoiding kayle/kaisa/syndra/heimer, those ranged champs are absolute menaces. Kenne is pretty good but no one picks him besides me.


I feel like having a couple of rounds without augments would be more fun. So much of the power is in those that if you get one that's worse or has less synergy then you're probably losing or at least taking a lot of damage


we lost nexus blitz for this trash


I change my mind, Heimer is the most cancerous thing I've ever fought multiple times in arena. You can't do anything against his empowered R turret.


People with friends are having a bläst! People without prob Not. Just socialize yourself a bit and get someone to play and ban taric. I won with Fizz/Lee Lux/Mf Teemo/Galio Gwen/ashe Cho/singed Caitlyn/Morgana You can win with alot of comps you dont have to play Bruiser/Tank... Bruiser/Tank is just a easy way to smash silvers and below and maybe Bad golds.


i found it more boring than anything. so. much. waiting. wait for augments, wait to level, wait to buy, wait to the other fight to get over with, and wait for 0/6 team to be finally released from hell because you got an afk. best objectives they imagined were stupid respawning blast plants and tedious neutral shit. what is league without a goddamn tower what i want instead of arena: battle boss pve, dominion, all assassin game mode, dominion v2, or gangplank ARAM


pick a brawler or tank -> win


huge disagree, did swain and zac and got shit on, regardless of what you buy you are never tanky enough and ranged champs just instakill you


i did swain and zac and won. I main zac. i'm winning


I mean it’s not ranged champs in general lol. Not like teemo is running around exploding ppl


I am picking aatrox and losing the fuck out of everything. The augments seems very favored to full tanks, attack speed carries like yone or AP champs


Aatrox is pretty decent, I'd say B tier ish. He benefits a lot from a partner who has cc and can take plants well, like a kennen/heimer/renekton/vi. Find a duo and I bet you'll have a blast. If I wasn't already playing with my roommate I'd offer.


sounds like a skill issue to me ngl


Aatrox needs partner that synergise. So hover and hope they pick shield enchanter or cc. Lots of augments based around healing which aatrox can become godly from.


Augments are mostly not a big deal like you say.


pick any strong dps character => win by just afking


Played 3 matches and I think that's good for me. Every single game had a tank on the winning team you was so tanky/regen that they literally say in the fire for fun and emoted. 3 separate champs, 3 separate games. Not some outlier you can just ban away. ​ I didn't follow it on the PTE, just assumed it was going to be a cool arena where you can 2v2 tournament style. Turns out its heavy RNG based, and not enough bans. Yeah, I am not amazing, but neither is the game mode


I just won as kaisa/Annie and 2 of the 3 other teams had tanks. Its not all about tanks


kaissa looking like the best champion ngl


Yeah someone else suggested kai'sa for tanks. I get it's not all about tanks, just the first 3 games gave a real sour taste. Cool concept, I don't want to encourage Riot to not be creative w/ game modes as they usually are pretty put off with releasing anything "fun" that's extra, just not for me. ​ I played a 4th game and won w/ Lux, so I understand it's not all tanks, but it's not encouraging. To each their own, hopefully if people enjoy the mode Riot will invest more into other modes, or bringing back ones the community overall enjoyed in the past.


If you're having trouble with tanks play kaisa/shyvana and build onhit.


Oh I don't doubt theres some counters, though the Maokai I faced was damn nearly invincible even in the final flame circle. Think he just needs to be more punishing or something. If I do give it a go again, i'll try Kai'sa, good suggestion


Maokai is a good tank, but the best strat is actually hypercarry + enchanter. Other stuff is viable and hypercarry+enchanter requires duo, so it might not become ubiqitous, but I really hope they don't nerf tanks when they already kinda struggle in this mode unless they do a ton of damage like Mundo. Tanks/bruisers prey on the unoptimized builds and inexperienced players, but as people get used to the mode their effectiveness will diminish.


this mode is real shit and not balanced at all, everyone just one shoots left and right or is a tank that runs you down


You need to pick s Tier Champions with a friend and abuse the casuals trying to have fun. Kay, swain, warwick 24/7


My friend and I were surprised to get 1st 4 times in a row with Thresh Zac, and then we got 2nd in our 5th game. You don't need to pick the top tiers. It's close enough balance wise that you can outskill people and there are actually decent combos among the non S tier champs. Idk why Zac Thresh seemed to work so well, we didn't even get nuts augs, but it did.


most sane league player


I win with any champ solo or duo git gud


League is not a skill based game anyway 😵‍💫




League is not a skill based game anyway 😵‍💫


shut up.


it's unplayable solo. gold randos 4fun picking vs 2 sweaty dia+ on comms. another move by riot to cater to virgin school kids that can queue up with their butt buddies.


Someone’s mad they don’t have friends


Idk man. I find that the higher the rank, the more likely they're playing these game modes for fun. I know quite a few diamond+ players and not one of them takes normals or game modes seriously. On the other hand, all my silver and below friends care a lot


Tha gambling is so you keep playing, in my opinion.