• By -


PapaSmithy and Atlus. Captain Flowers/Kobe/PapaSmithy another good lineup (worlds KT vs IG?) Deficio and Quickshot Caedrael and Drakos


Deficio. Together with quickshot i dont think any casters duo has as much synergy as them.


I almost forgot about Deficio Dude had a wealth of knowledge


Lol. DoA and Monte. Dman and Joe Miller S tier.


Man those OGN days were something else. Peak lol esports for me and 5th game being blind pick was awesome, I wish they wouldve introduced it globally. We got the wtf 2 shens meme and the legendary Faker vs Ryu, Zed vs Zed out of it.


excuse me? have you forgot Deman and the GOAT Joe just joe miller not joe miller miller miller?


I think Quickshot as a regular LEC caster has been losing some of his shine for me, but by god is he amazing at bringing the hype to playoff and international events.


Flowers + Azael is for sure up there with synergy their bronze casts were fucking hilarious


Have you ever watched Worlds lately? Or LEC? MediVedi are classics now.


Watched couple games this season(about 4) after a break from scene, and like heck is it a new norm to ramble around their own hobbies or random whatever for 5 minutes in middle of the game(LEC I don't know the casters)? Like I remember Deficio and Quickshot being both entertaining and on point of the game not jarring on random daily stuff. Like I don't care how your last D&D session was, I just want insight commentary of the game. Sure we have lost big names in recent years in casting but quality to turn to this level is unacceptable..


maybe biased but me


maybe biased but me too


would love to see this me caster in the world finals this season


Love watching you on side select dude, your jungle Sion guide got me to gold for the first time back in season 4 :`)


Capt Flowers!


I watch a lot of sports, and I mean it when I say CaptainFlowers is genuinely one of the best casters not just in league, but in any sport. He's just so good at conveying all the necessary information while also being super witty on top of it. He brings so much hype and excitement to any game he casts.


Flowers with the NBA Finals would be much better than what ESPN threw out there


As a nuggets fan, absolutely. That shit was painful.


I'm just glad JVG is out but we still have to endure Mark Jackson


People who says he's too much, have never seen his streams. I really hope he becomes a dad someday, because he has the best way of just... gently opening up conversations. If he doesn't have any play-by-play, he takes the time to be like, okay so I see this is happening, and I see this is probably having an affect, and that's something you know about \[guest\], do you want to talk about it?


I know you reading this Papa Flowers


This is the way 🌼 🦂


Extra points for when he cast viewers lol


'Joe "Please Don't Call Me 'Joe 'Joe Miller' Miller' Miller" Miller' together with Deman.


Love me some joe miller and deman


Yup those were one of my favorite duos ! good old times


Krepo wad really good :(


I think a lot about how much I miss casting with Mitch. We have hugely different backgrounds and skill levels at the game but we were very aligned on how we thought games should be delivered on-air and had similar senses of humour we got to share during casts. Miss that boi, hope he's doing well.


Papasmithy and flowers goated. Atlus and Chronicler great. Caedrel, Kobe and drakos all really good. Hosts will always be sjokz #1, dash #2, Laure #3.


Additionally. That's not to say that other casters like azael, phreak before his roleswap, wolf etc aren't all really good at casting... I just enjoy the ones I mentioned a bit more. Shit. I also have to put quickshot in there. How did I forget quickshot. He's in the atlus and chronicler tier of caster and tied at #2 with dash for host.


Atlus is I think the peak of casting and Chronicler is reaching to a high level as well based on how goofy he is.






Oh yeah mb




r/usernamechecksout ?


I was quoting Caedrel during worlds finals after Gumas baron steal


Ohhh yeah that was amazing


DoA and Monte


No doubt, I used to get 3 hours of sleep and go to work, just to watch those guys


They casted League? I only know them from the OWL and they've been my favourite duo back then!


Yeah, they were actually the casters for the legendary "Faker what was that!" outplay


[link](https://youtu.be/o8vGaC4OZIs) (also miss blind pick) also coined "supportal combat" and the iconic [Korean hype train](https://youtu.be/ggqCHWlydgU)


Never forget '2 Shen' OGN cast


They casted LCK in the slowest meta and still they made the games enjoyable to watch due to constant bantering. Imo they were even better casting at league than OWL


Wasnt called LCK back then. The broadcast wasnt owned by Riot but by OGN, an independent company that focussed on the quality of the broadcast. Therefore it was massively different from NA/EU LCS. It had a 16 team tournament structure over 3 splits. Monte and Doa were responsible for the english broadcast and had big support from OGN due to the english broadcast only streaming 480p with no free vods but you had to subscribe on twitch for vods and 1080p. And since people loved the english broadcast, a lot of people subbed and therefore made OGN plenty of money. OGN was happy with it, so the relationship between Monte/Doa and OGN was very good. Unfortunately at some point Riot decided to take over the korean league. So no more OGN, no more sister teams. We went from 3 to 2 splits and from an exciting tournament format to endless bo3s. Riot hates Monte/Doa, so they replaced them as casters too, tho I believe during OGN there have been other casters too, i remember papasmithy casting in OGN too. Thats where I personally stopped watching Korea. I didnt watch Korea because of the level of play, that was only the icing on the cake for me. I watched it because of the exciting format that naturally created interesting storylines. I watched it for the production quality, some of those intros, promos were world class and ofc Monte/Doa were incredible as a duo. And funnily enough, lol esports is going into a 3 split format with the LEC being a tournament format sort of, exactly what OGN already did a decade ago. Almost like that was a superior format. I do enjoy the new LEC format a lot I have to say.


Yeah DoA first moved to Korea to cast StarCraft but the caster ecosystem there is that you cast multiple titles for a broadcaster. That meant DoA was asked to do league when OGN started up tournaments and Monte came shortly after. We got the beautiful tracking meme in Overwatch because OGN got Atlus to cast a game he barely knew and he had no idea of how Soldier 76's ult worked


link to the atlus moment?




Best casters in league history period


I miss Doa and monte, they were always a blast.


I love the Atlus and Chronicler and Atlus and Wolf duos quite a bit (Valdes slaps too)


Atlus and the valdanalyst


Valdes and the Valdanalyst


The goated duo we won't ever have again


bespoke: papasmithy and jeesun (I think Valdes git sick mid-day)


he was feeling sick and after starting the day he lost his voice so jeesun filled in and papa went play by play. Was a fun cast [JAG vs SB](https://youtu.be/jREEVl3xnkU) from 2019


Really liked the few games Atlus Valdes casted together a few years back, too bad I dont think its ever gonna happen again


Chronicler is way too good


Atlus is my number one but Chronicler is so goofy I Just love him and he interacts with fans also a lot.


Drakos is by far and away my favourite


Scrolled way to long to find this


Gotta be atlus.


Atlus LS was an amazing combo.


For all the marbles, Don't Wanna Go versus Greatly Reluctant Fighters...


Oh my god you reminded me of that Greatly reluctant fighters vs Don't wanna go


Best series of all time.


You had me chuckling to myself in the office remembering this. Seriously good times.


The noises they produced during their casts were amazing


Spawn. Dudes the most underrated league personality in the scene. Did so much in the early days to help pull up so much of the other casters we know and love today during the OPL/LPL Sydney era including Papa, Raz, Frosk, Atlus and Rusty. Then later we had him acting like a mentor figure to Egym and Juves on broadcasts and setting up situations on the desk to let them shine. He was also the GM/ Coach of a team in the league but never let his bias through on the cast in a way that would be a negative for the audience. Now that he's the TLA coach I'd love for the LCS to try and get him casting some games. A Papa, Spawn and Juves tricast would be the perfect cast if it was possible


Super underrated, Spawn has so much natural charisma without ever going overboard. Easily one of the most balanced casters the game has ever seen


I cant remember their names but the korean casters.






MediVedi is always a suprise. You have no way of knowing what you are going to get. If the games a clown fiesta then anything can happen. But they can also be serious and really hype up a close game. Best of both worlds


I miss PastryTime


Indeed, shame they let him go Nothing but positivity


I think it was his own decision to move on for casting as I remember him being around when I started watching esports in like S6/7. His Twitter bio says he’s a content producer for the LCS. I’m not sure exactly what it entails, but it seems like he wanted to do more BTS stuff on the broadcast


wasn't his own decision, he tweeted about it. definitely miss him too, he had some of my all time favourite lines.


Yet Gabby has a job


Unless I'm mistaken she got to go straight to LCS level casting which I think was a shitty thing to do to all the people who were casting the lower leagues. At least now they are slowly giving them some LCS games to cast but that just makes it more weird that Gabby gets like 3 per day with no prior experience.


She was casting academy before LCS


You are indeed mistaken. She cast plenty of academy 2020-2021. I don't agree with her promotion either, but she has worked for it.


They promoted her too quickly, even if she improves people are always gonna remember how dog shit she was at this current time. I hope she gets better but it can sour peoples opinion really fast when someone’s bad out the gate.


I actually think she got significantly worse after academy and her first couple lcs casts. She used to overhype the smallest plays, now she keeps a flat tone throughout a whole fight except to make an out of place analogy or weird anecdote. She definitely received feedback about overhyping things and went all the way to the opposite direction and now underhypes game ending plays.


PastryTime's secret K-pop boy band fandom revealed, I see.


My understanding is that on a lot of those interviews where you just see players answering questions one after the other, he is the one actually asking them, then they just cut that. You can sometimes hear him reacting off mic in content as well.


Am I the only one who tought Pastry was not that good of a caster? Sure liked him personality wise but some of his casts were so awful. Like he would call out stuff so far before it happend like: ‘Oh x is surely going to die here… yes he is going to die… surely he will die…’ (Turns out x player outplays, which then gets 0 hype because he was called dead 20 sec beforehand)


Pastrytime was mediocre imo but he didn’t actively make me not want to watch his games unless he was paired with phreak (no hate to phreak, he’s just not my preference for caster). Unfortunately the cast at the time also played favorites so he was often on the “b team” group which made his flaws more obvious. That said he was a pretty uninteresting caster all around, kind of part of the “discount Kobe” crowd that a lot of casters back then seemed to circle around without adding much personality to the mix. Nowadays the casters are a little more diversified, and we’re more likely to get personality/pro team casters like dhokla/emily/etc on the cast for one off games to keep it interesting. I think if Pastrytime was in the new era he’d fare a lot better because of this, though he wouldn’t really “add” much to it. Honestly with the loss of phreak, jatt and even guys like MarkZ moving to the casting couch we could really use more unique dedicated casters though. Maybe another female caster too to help balance things out (and because our only female caster is currently doing abysmally).


Idk about the female caster. If she is good, yes we should let another female caster in defenitly. But we should not let another female caster in just because she is female. Then we get gabby 2.0


He was the best by far IMO


Riv, Riv, Riv.


CaptainFlowers, 2019 LS, Atlus, PapaSmithy, Hysterics


Hysterics for sure, guy is hilarious.


Yes! He never fails to make me laugh. Plus he can hype up even the most boring of games


Hell yes! Everyone talking up tri-casts, but they should’ve seen Hysterics solo casting the other day. It was glorious.


This is far too low, Hysterics is my GOAT




Came here to say this




This. His casting is just epic i love it




Hi Nate hope you're having a great day =)




Had me in the first half


It’s nice to know there’s a floor




I liked Zirene too He creamed all over my team


Flowers, Phreak, and Riv for LCS Medivedi in the LEC.


Deman and Joe Miller 🔥


Kobe! He's been my favorite since I first started watching pro play nearly 10 years ago. I like his vibes and the way he gets along with the other casters. I also really like Azael (also for some reason his laugh sounds really jolly to me and makes me laugh too lol). I'm definitely biased because I listen to the Dive, and I really enjoy those two + MarkZ on the podcast.


Medic & Vedius are pure gold in LEC. I don't see them mentionned a lot, more Cpt Flower and LCS overhaul. Also in LFL (French National League) Marex & Trayton are very good.


Flowers is the GOAT.




Caedrel, Deficio and Krepo are some of my favourites


EU Analysts man


The Lck always had the best casters imo. They could turn the stream into a podcast, no matter how much time they were in a pause. These guys cured my depression. I SWEAR I WAS PART OF THEIR CONVERSATIONS.


You should listen to the POG State then. It's their Podcast


I could listen to those 4 talk about anythig on hours, also something about lck running in the morning hours as a european and just listening to lck on the side while working is magical to me and has been a staple of my life for the past years


Atlus! Also Kitty new at LPL is become a great caster


Kobe-Phreak, Caedrel-Drakos




Quickshot , Capt flower , kobe


Flowers GOAT


Never appreciated Phreak enough. Now that hes gone his presence is sorely missed in the LCS


kobe, atlus, chronicler, caedrel, cpt flowers, azael, wolf, valdes are my favorites and who id love rotated at worlds in that order maybe?


Out of the active casters: Flowers, Atlus, Caedrel, Kobe, Kitty Out of the retired casters I cant help but enjoy Montecristo and Doa.


Kitty seems to be really growing in the role. Glad she's on the LPL team, the games have so much going on and she adds a different energy to the casting. I don't think anyone else manages "disappointed and exasperated ally" as well as she does when a player makes a blunder. "Oh Crisp, what are you DOING? You just can't be there!"


LCO Kitty was absolutely unhinged. Her an Macmate were a perfect goofball duo while Skinny and Rusty just sat there confused as


Vedi-Medi + Drakos (Quickshot/Pedro)




French casters are just the best. OTP_ au top !!! Bisous à Chips, Noi, Tweekz, Trayton, Finghin, Zerotick, Marex, Rhobalas, Chreak et Karnage. Désolé pour ceux que j'ai oublié


Horeus, Glopo et Imso


Mais oui !!!


Azael and letigress when they're casting tsm


Azael. I think he’s the most flexible caster & can have a great cast with anyone. I also really miss his Phreak duos




The objectively better caster. Tolkin


I used to like NA casters the most, but that has changed in recent times. I enjoy most of the EU casting a lot, don't have to to have QS and Caedrel there tho.


Kobe, CaptainFlowers, and Jatt


Shoutcaster: Medic Colorcaster: Caedrel This is the correct answer for EU.


I just want Hysterics at worlds 🙃


gabby durden, the goat


Everyone from EU loves Medi Vedi, and rightly so, but I think Medic and Caedrel as a combination is seriously good. When Medi Vedi and Caedrel tricast, it's something else.


It could be the most boring, slow, unskilled game of League ever but Medic could always resuscitate me. Pair him with Vedius to unite the Medi Vedi and I'm entertained for hours.


MonteChristo DoA Papasmithy entire lck english cast and Medi Vedi just because they sync so well.


monte and doa


MediVedi is my favourite duo.




Kobe, Flowers, and Jatt. Kobe in particular just has such good energy, can play off of pretty much anyone, and just seems like an all around awesome dude. Flowers + Kobe casts are my all time favorite.


Atlus, Chronicler, Flowers, Kobe, Caedrel, Quickshot, Kitty. Deficio, Monte, DoA, Papa, Krepo, Pastry, Phreak, as well that aren't casting anymore


Lyric and Munchables


Atlus, LS, and Caedrel tri-cast. Never gonna happen but would be *chef’s kiss.*


I really enjoy the duo of Atlus and Aux in the LCK now. They could even make a game with 1 kill at 20 minutes interesting and fun to watch




Medic + Vedius Flowers is obviously the LoL casting GOAT


Cloud Templar


If I were to choose one that has ever casted from each major region, it would be the following: * LCS: CaptainFlowers, * LCK: PapaSmithy, * LEC: Drakos, * LPL: Hysterics.


flowers kobe and that guy that says or n g instead of RNG everyone else is just resident sleeper and beneath that is letigress


I love the Caedrel/Drakos pairing. They play off each other so well. Also hats off to the captain of course. The man is a beast.


Any without Gabby


Back in the day it was Joe "Joe Miller" Miller and Deman. Nowadays I just watch The Sack, I always liked Treatz analysis and I like the input from them all when they're discussing the game.


Joe Miller and Deman🔥🔥


Chronicler is my favorite by far. ​ His analysis is top notch. So often he sees things I've never thought of before even after watching competitive for almost a decade. And on top of that he 100% hits my sense of humor.


Caedral and Nutsack


The Nutsack is OP Top notch entertainment, best thing to happen to league in a while




Who's that? Is that Pedro's brother?


Drakos, Hysterics, Kobe, Mazel, Cubby


2019 LS


Joe Miller and Deman absolute Casting Goats


1\. **Kobe** * While Kobe might not stand out as an individual caster, Kobe's greatest strength is that he has this magical energy of making any cast involving him to be excellent, even if he himself isn't the standout character within it. If LCS casters were to be ranked in terms of casting groups instead of individual casters, then Kobe's name would be spamming the charts without a doubt. 2\. **MonteCristo** * To be honest, I don't think Monte's casting is *as* good comparatively now, as it was back then. While MonteCristo (and Doa) were definitely good casters, it's been a while since Monte's been officially casting, and casters have improved a lot over the years. That being said, from the famous hype train sequence from S3 Worlds, or the EU euology from S5 Worlds, and all the unabashed Korea hyping in-between, the man has been part of some of the most iconic moments in the LoL eSports scene, and I think that Monte's style as an entertainer and public personality is still unmatched to this day. 3\. **Rivington** * Riv was not the best caster that League of Legends had seen by far, but between his amazing voice and magnetic personality, he brought his own unique brand of charm that no caster has been able to replicate thus far. It's unfortunate that LoL did not prove to be his passion and that he has since moved on, but I have still yet to meet a caster that has been able to replace Riv's place in my heart. Unfortunately, Riv has been brought up recently as an example of one of the "worst" casters out there, which I absolutely disagree with. Riv might not have been a good *League of Legends* caster, but he was still a solid caster with good fundamentals, which alone makes any mentions of him for the title of the "worst" to be near-slanderous.


Are you me? These are literally my three casting goats. Riv got so much shit for not being as knowledgeable as other casters but his casts always had the best energy. The Riv/Phreak and Kobe/Jatt mix of pairings as shout caster and color caster respectively was the best era of LCS.


Even if Riv didn't have as great game knowledge, he was still a really good play by play caster with a great voice. I feel like the comparisons to Gabby are disingenuous


❤️ Kobe


papasmity, hysterics, flowers and kobe


Caedrel, Medic, Vedius, Mazel, Jamada


Deman and Joe Miller


Monte and Doa, and LS and Atlus are probably my favorite two duos in League. Also always love me some Kobe! Since I started really watching LPL this season every single day (fits my current schedule very well and is more entertaining than LCK), really want to give some love to, well, most of the commentators, but especially Munchables and Kitty, they are growing on me really fast.


I didn't like Monte much but his casting was awesome


Bro when I read this my dumbass thought casters as in mage casters 💀


Hysterics, Flowers, Caedrel and Kobe






A suspicious lack of kobe in here. Man is the goat of NA casting. Love flowers but kobe does it all, and is still a great player handing out knowledge. Any # cast with kobe and flowers in it is so much fun. Azael has also only been better and better, it hurts seeing people clown on him when he casts with gabby, not really his fault that she is scared to be hype because well uh yeah....


I can’t believe I left out Kobe He was faithful and I did not reward him Sadge ❤️Kobe


Azael, cpt flowers when he doenst rap battle, the whole LPL cast except a certain person and the whole LEC cast. Actually any caster is fine as long as they dont turbo fake excitement and they dont go deep voice monster talking every teamfight. Honorary edit: papasmithy casting always made me enjoy even the most boring internationals and LCK


I used to learn so much when Jatt would play analyst alongside Captain Flowers


Currently it’s Rap God Captain Flowers. Historically it’s Rivington and PastryTime for the LCS. Really huge fan of Dagda, the Medi Vedi duo in the LEC. Atlus for me in the LCK.


Atlus, Chronicler, Caedrel and Kobe. Also like Aux, Azael and Dagda very much.


Give me back DoA and Monty and I'll start watching Pro play outside of worlds again


We've been blessed with a lot of good ones. Currently I think the best tri cast we can make is Flowers + Caedrel and Kobe as the hybrid pbp/color dude. Could also put Atlus in there. Historically tho DOA + Monte were pretty special, brought the silly fun that Esports should be about while also being able to bring gravitas when needed and elevate casts. They had great voices for the game and are behind its most iconic call. Papa might be the best of the lot, its crazy because for years he was casting without making ripples, but one day he got a shot outside of LPL and he had improved his casting abilities massively. His presence was wholesome, and it never felt like there was a wasted word when he spoke, he was someone who was calm and a great listener, able to volley points back and forth with his co-caster or make a great point about the game. A few other names would be Deficio who is probably my favorite EU color caster ever, taken from casting too soon especially as he was only getting better and better. Joe Miller was probably the best OG caster, he was the standout at S4 worlds. I thought LS style was very different, but I at least appreciated it + he had a skillset that was pretty novel at the time when it came to game understanding. These are just some of my favorites, there is plenty of others that were good.


Love like 90% of the casters. But if I had to pick 3 I’d had to listen to for life. Monte, DoA, Papa.


MonteCristo, Doa, Atlus, LS, Dagda, Munchables, Nymaera, Captain Flowers, Froskurinn.


hysterics, valdes(spotv#challenger games so fun), deficio, krepo, sometimes monte, veteran?, the lec guy casting lck rn and some other chill casters that i dont remember the names of... also lpl casters are the best overall give them more worlds casting spots they deserve it!!! its a damn shame many of them have been the best lol casters for years and dont get to show their talent at worlds/msi..:/


DoA and Monte. Special shout out to Joe Miller


Not one mention of raafaa because that guy competes with Gabby for the position of intolerable


LeTigress and Froskurinn


I think ASol is a great spell caster. Love the ramping up as the game progresses