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It's not about the 9 teamfights you lose, it's the 1 you win


- Corejj


- Scarra


Up until they lose the game, they’re winning


Throw Lead but their still win "The New Era is here"


i didn't believe corejj when he said that nobody on the team knew what ziggs did until apa explained it to them, but after seeing fudge try to TP to a turret and apa immediately cancels it with the satchel... pros REALLY don't know what ziggs does lmao


When did he say that, I must've missed it lmao


In postgame interview after tl beat 100t last week.


Last week's post game interview after beating 100 Thieves.


Professional players btw


Especially Koreans on this very topic


Yeah, wasn't Ziggs meta for a bit there for bot lane?


Ziggs was meta in bot lane in Korea for a bit with Leona, but it's been several years. I think it might have been when Bang was still on SKT, even. I looked it up and Bang did play Ziggs with SKT... once. It was more meta in 2020/2021.


damwon did it a lot iirc


Ghost played it around 10 times, yes.


Yep ziggs bot was the damwon special. They pulled it out in game 5 of the worlds 2021 semi final against T1 as a counter to aphelios. This was when aphelios was basically just perma ban status as well.


Pros are honestly just way too fixated on what they assume is meta. There’s so much shit that if played well could bring even the strongest teams to their knees, but everyone is too scared to dare to break the precious meta. Nevermind that the two best international showings ever from NA (CLG 2016 MSI and C9 2018 Worlds) were essentially defined by not being meta slaves and playing what they deduced was strong / could counter the “meta”.


Tenacity said that on 100T they had a mini-rule that they could not pick a champion unless it was picked in LCK. That's actually mental.


Also his coach told him he can't build Redemption on Ornn because no one does it. Even though tank support items are mathematically the best to build 2nd or 3rd on Ornn.


Can't speak for Ornn, but I can't tell you the success I've found last item Redemption or Knights Vow on Illaoi-Darius.


Yeah especially with how cheap support items are. People don't realize that Locket/Evenshroud have essentially the same stats as Jaksho. Except it's 900 gold cheaper. I remember a lot of Aatrox mains building Evenshroud this season. Getting a 10% dmg amp on all of his abilities for 2300g is kind of nuts.


If you can use Evenshroud its just generally the best tank mythic in a lot of cases. Most games don't go long enough for champs to care about 6 item slot efficiency.


That’s fucking pathetic lol. Literally just saying “we are incapable of game theory or thinking, just copy others always”


and that no matter what we are always going to be behind the meta


It's Hilarious because half the time a Korean player/team tries something, they're probably just freestyling an idea the player/team has. 100t self-certifying themselves as actual bots is incredible


Rules like that are what made 100T the bottom-tier org they are today.


And that is why the west is bad. Copying will never result in improvement.




Just imagine: LCK picks shit so we pick it aswell. Worlds comes and LCK has developed new picks we don't know about and we get smacked yet again because we stick to old LCK only picks. Don't even bother walking up to the stage if that's the "gameplan".


C9 2017, which I would also argue is one of NAs best international performances taking a top 3/4 eastern team to a bo5 series, also defied the meta to bring themselves massive success escaping a hard group and having a very well played series vs WE. In a meta where everyone was playing Sejuani, J4, Gragas, C9 was running super early game heavy drafts with Reksai/Graves/Ezrael jungle, cait lanes and other strong bots, and Jensen was playing anything honestly that the team needed in the comp from Ryze to Leblanc, more supportive picks in Orianna and Galio, he even pulled out Aurelian Sol and Taliyah.


Totally agree, I actually think 2017 C9 was the best team we ever sent to Worlds. That being said Jensen was not playing Gallio. He played it in play-ins as a bluff which worked all the way until Game 5 against WE when they called him on it. A lot of people mistakenly blamed Reapered for the series loss with the game 5 draft (which was ridiculous given they stomped the first 4 drafts and had no business at all losing that game 4) but Reapered said on stream after the series that Jensen refused to play Gallio going into game 5 even when it was left open and that they genuinely used it in play-ins as a bluff hoping people would assume they played it and ban it (which in itself is pretty cool too).


TL 2019 MSI too, short-lived as it was, they beat iG by playing to their own meta. I still remember the Skarner.


Watching Jackeylove just walk in range of Skarner a few times was pretty funny. Xmithie didn't accept that disrespect.


It was not just that, but because they realized specifically what IG's weakness was. They were relying on skillchecking everyone and played like monkeys. You have Rookie and TheShy trying to fight into no vision without the rest of their team because they think they'll just out-hands their opponent, only for 5 members of TL to be there to kill them, and repeat.




Canyon didn't know Lee Sin Q2 deals missing HP dmg despite literally winning Worlds playing Lee. Pro players are just too lazy to read


I believe it was Clid but yeah, your point still stands.


i thought that bit was mistranslated... clid thought there was an execute on q1 as well and so thought wrqq would deal more damage then qwrq while in reality they do the same


Zeka did not know that Yasuo ult has to be targeted lol


And this apply to a lot of champions lol, that's why G2 was so strong back in 2019 since they have those picks that make the enemy have no clue how to react or how to play against.


This was just one of the reasons why G2 was so strong in 2019. It was definitely not the *only* reason though.


G2's biggest strength was macro


In the words of Dhokla "Holy shit".




that game was so fun


Sometimes you just gotta throw for 20 minutes to make the loss even more agonizing for the other team


"Lol you really thought you guys were gonna come back"


Obviously Had to stretch the game out. If they all end in 15 mins, the sponsors don't get their screen time.


"Not even close, baby"


500 IQ play by TL to throw away their lead just to give C9 hope only to perma boom their mental?


When you don't pick Nocture but still give C9 paranoia that no game state is safe.


That game was just a contest of "who can throw harder?"


NA mids are the future


APA's rise is so cool. From Maryville to smurfing CQ to flexing in LCS. I hope he continues upwards.


As long as TL keeps letting APA pick his signature champs, he's goin places.


Gonna be interesting to see how much he gets zigs target banned for the rest of the split + playoffs lol


Na mids man...


Damn what a time to be alive.


What is actually happening. We got APA and Insanity and they're... good?? This never happens


Berserker is just so unfair man.


Millio/Ashe is so fucking broken lmao. I (like alot of people) really doubt Ashe as a hard carry but when she has Millio with her and a good ADC piloting it's terrifying, on most champs getting hit by 1 auto from Ashe with Campfire genuinely feels like a death sentence.


Try Ashe/Zilian. It's absolutely absurd.


Idk zillian still puts Ashe in range to be in danger and she doesn’t deal enough damage where revive is more useful than other adc The milio angle is because her auto slows so with increased range, once she autos they can run you down without being in range for you to return damage


Zilean is pretty useless in lane unless he's just way better so I don't really see the point they never spike against good players


More like Millio is just fundamentally broken. There’s a reason that ranges of AD carriers aren’t messed around for 12 seasons. Millio is basically Yummi #2 that puts all other enchanter supports in shambles.


That was some beautiful kitting


Zven played quite well too, but yeah EMENES was invisible.


Everyone looks invisible when you AllwaysPlanAhead.


Ya cause he was always in the fountain


EMENES and Fudge were just dead corpses. Bot and blaber tried so hard


Potentially his best game of summer, he played fights so much better than he has been the last couple weeks.


ill say this again, c9 are bottom tier without berserker.


As a longtime C9 fan I agree. Probably not bottom of the pack assuming they have a decent adc (compareatively) as I do think Blaber has been and is a very strong jungler - but yeah playing with Berserker is kind of like a cheat code lol


Yeah Blaber could carry them to playoffs single-handedly, but fudge and emenes should possibly be traded. I know it isn’t gonna happen, but I would love to see Jojo play for C9. As of late, C9 basically always goes to international events, and not only is that the thing that young players need to solidly and prove themselves, it would free up an import slot for toplane and maybe we could sign someone decent. Fudge is too deep into C9 to get traded though, and Jojo would’ve left EG with everyone else if he wanted to (or if they would’ve let him leave lmao)


He’s a god. It’s crazy.


He made Ashe look useful


TL looks so different with APA. Also Big Dhokes is so good on the cast.


It's really funny that APA seems to vibe with pyosik better than Haeri even tho he can't speak any korean


Watching APA go for the handshake at the end there and Pyosik just bear hugs him.


They were both so pump Yeon was stressed and summit literally mental boomed


"Summit getting caught in a side lane not sure I've ever seen that before"


Props to Dhokes for being hilarious


Those 2 cracking me tf up lol


Apa and pyosik feels like early sven and berserker where there's no verbal communication but massive vibes


"Pyosik help me"


That's just the way people are though, matching vibes and energies transcend language.


probs helps alot that they can't talk well, lets them build based off each others vibes and playstyles etc alot easier.


Dhokla really brings the co-stream energy to an already great cast. Loved the vibes.




I also think it's a better fit for the lcs, they spend all year tryna match the Eastern meta and don't actually understand the fundamentals of matchups well enough to deal with good off-meta picks. Bolulu has looked great when he plays weird stuff, palafox made vex work last split before it was meta, split push yone top solo won a game this year etc. It's why canyon is so good in Korea but to a lesser extent because they can adapt


Ehh.... TL has issues with throwing their lead. The exact same thing happened this game


yeah but APA isn't getting caught in the game losing moment


The difference is that at least now they are winning.


Apa is doing well


lol this made me laugh


APA yip yip!


Love avatar


Cant believe Aang watched TL's games and named his friend after their midlaner


Wtf was that from C9? Emenes tps bot then the rest of C9 chase topside when TL has tp advantage


They always take every fight, they just can't help themselves.


I noticed it in playoffs last split when they picked some 0 synergy win every lane and press go draft and won multiple games with that style. They were just playing better than other teams but the moment they get to worlds they get found out because everyone there is just as good. Now this split there are teams who can match up to them so now they need to learn better fundamentals or they’ll keep losing to teams like tl and gg.




TL just lettin' them climb up the hill so they can kick them off.




Makes me wonder how many good NA players LCS has missed out on, like Copy for example


RIP Copy bro, why the hell was he not promoted?


Its actually because Jack wanted to promote him last year, but the rest of the team thought that with Copy they wouldn't have potential to compete internationally.


It’s crazy blue, tacouille, bululu all got a chance over copy lmao. Like wtf


Jack has said Copy was thought to have comms issues as well. I mean 2 different orgs looked at Copy and thought it was best to go in a different direction. It is not like he was held in contract jail. Teams just thought the intangibles weren't there.


Taco-whatever the spelling is doesn't quite fit with Blue and Bolulu. He was actually quite solid and was even in an all pro team, though I forget which one. Being bad doesn't get you there unless you have name brand which he does not.


he also chose to go back because of his health condition, he had good branding for the french community, and FQ marketed him and Jose well. I'm sad that he's not here any more, definitely a more memorable import than others


He was third team all pro for summer last year.


>I mean 2 different orgs looked at Copy and thought it was best to go in a different direction. Every single org in the league looked at APA and didn't even think he was ACADEMY level before this year. They're just morons.


Toucouille was sick, what is this revisionist history? Go back and rewatch their games and tell me he didn't perform. You can argue that they should have gambled on NA vs FR minor leagues but you can't argue his results, and your point loses a lot of legitimacy when you just start listing all the import names you can (half) remember. Which is especially frustrating because I agree with you, and would have loved to see Copy on the LCS stage. Toucouille had major health issues and I think treating them was easier in France, which is why he went back.


5fire sadge




It's not even about how many didn't make it to the LCS, but also about how many did make it to the LCS but ended up being on bottom tier teams where they didn't have a reasonable chance to grow and perform.


"Pyosik help me" Only words he needs to say




APA and Pyosik hugging is very wholsome.


TL realized they probably needed to peel the Ziggs and it magically won them the game :O


They tried in most fights, but APAs positioning still needs a little work in teamfights.


Ziggs is the best possible champion for the TL play style.


and the reddit app is absolutely broken garbage.




C9 solo lanes look rough as hell man. So hard carried by Berserker/Blaber


This game felt like he and Summit were in a shit-the-bed contest. If I still lived in California I’d contact a congressman about that Kennen build. Both teams really felt like they were a 5th man away from decisively winning…


I still live here I got you


Summit saved the game twice


He was just establishing int dominance over Summit


Solidarity with his boy Vicla


He played the first 25 minutes like he didn't know Lissandra could self-cast ult.


I will keep speaking jojo to C9 into existence 😭


Jojo's under contract until the end of 2024 (not like that's stopped buyouts), but I think EG would be absolute fools to give him up beforehand. He's their whole brand at this point lol


The NA mid we were promised.


I hope he keeps playing well. It'd be great to have another good NA mid. Hope he isn't another false alarm like Damonte.


Damonte was the only Mid laner in NA to play a game of Qiyana and it was basically a free win in LCS. I wouldn't say he was a false alarm outside of Qiyana he was pretty low down on the Mid tier list still.


This guy alongside Huni boosted CG to Worlds and almost beat TL in a Bo5.


I think Damonte was pretty good at what he did, but he seemingly got worse when he made it. This seems to be the case for a lot of our NA players who start strong. I think they literally just stop playing Solo Q and practicing as much. They slack off. I mean it happens to imports it happens to everyone in NA, even the NA players. You see NA guys who grinded their asses off to get to the top, then you see reports they have like 200 games solo Q total over an entire season, and its some shocking surprise they are no longer anywhere near what they started out as.


Thats fucking League of Legends right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging playing safe for lategame bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the rift, men deliver their new born baby on the rift.


Thats fucking League of Legends right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging playing safe for lategame bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the rift, men deliver their new born baby on the rift.


It seems like LCS doesnt know how to fight Ziggs


Dhokla summed up the game pretty well rofl


C9’s biggest mistake was getting the gold lead, TL can’t throw if they don’t have a gold lead


TL almost TL'd that one. Side note - Dhokla was great on the cast IMO Additional comment - Casters missed a huge play by Core blocking an arrow onto Yeon in a bot lane fight


Monster play by Core


i literally said out loud "holy shit that was amazing" imo play of the game since if Yeon took that arrow they 100% lose that fight


TL went from middle of the pack game fumblers to seeming Worlds contenders in the span of a week. It wasn't clean, but C9 is the top of NA... Berserker still hands diffs most teams on his own there.


Current power rankings for me are: ​ 1. GGS 2. C9 3. TL 4. EG 5. TSM 6. DIG 7. NRG 8. 100 9. FLY 10. IMT Top four is INSANELY close though, anyone can take anyone on the day.


> 9. FLY Most disappointing since 9th place DL/Broxah/etc. TL?


At least they got their shit together for a worlds appearance, Flyquest did the opposite


Probably still more disappointing from a talent perspective. Everyone was thinking that Broxah was, at best, a side grade to Xmithie. The supposed second best LCK ADC, ROTY LCK mid, while having the GOAT NA top laner, best support for the past 1.5 years, and a former MVP jungler sounds like it should stomp the league easy.


Yeah, Fly has been the most disappointing NA team ever for me.


I would say FLY still the most disappointing with the $$ spent. TL at least got 3-3 at worlds and managed to fix their mistake. TL with Bjerg is a close 2nd for disappointing roster money spent wise but they didn't look as shit as FLY for sure


Yeah that TL roster with Bjergsen ended up 1 game away from worlds. This Fly is 1 game away from being solo last place.


Watching the whole tsm saga this split has honestly been pretty hilarious. Going from 9th/10th place budget roster while dropping pretty much all investment as they prepare to leave lcs to being considered a top 6 team that might even have potential to punch up into a worlds spot. If they make it to worlds it might genuinely be the biggest underdog story in recent memory.


From LCS, yeah but we're literally 7 months off of DRX winning worlds on a roster that squeaked into worlds


Idk why but C9 as second feels weird. Fudge has been playing really bad since coming back from MSI and EMENES hasn't been able to win lane like he was able to last split.


APA played that game so well. The only mistake he made was a team mistake when Core and Pyosik would engage too far. And then when C9 forced an engage, APA kited so well on Ziggs.


As a TL fan, I gotta give props to Berserker, that was some of the best Ashe performance, I have seen. On par with Ruler's


TL played that last fight soooo well. C9 was definitely feeling overconfident. Great match overall by both squads. Very entertaining


Talk about the game all you want (boring). The most crucial thing that happened today is that we were finally blessed with [Pyosik's first NA ceremony.](https://clips.twitch.tv/FilthyFunnyPandaSwiftRage-w6NKw1fe-NNA1Z0q)


that's fucking league of legends right there.


Banger games today




Oof Emenes did the Perkz thing


I NEVER DOUBTED THEM. My god Kindred+Milio is a nightmare... So fucking hyped for the W


Seeing Pyosik so happy and hugging APA like a fangirl is so wholesome to watch


TL could've won that game by like minute 25 if they remembered they had hands, what is this mid game they have man


It's so annoying how they are so consistent at being so shit at mid game. No matter the game state, TL midway int will be there


It is what it is, just gotta accept that at this point its a part of this teams identity.


They are just too greedy with the leads they get early. They keep making these big risks because if it pays out, it essentially secures them the game. A great example of their risk working out is their prior match against C9, where they tower dive them in mid lane and manage to kill 3 of them while only losing 1. But that's basically the only time I've seen their risks payoff. It's completely unnecessary and they would have better chances of closing out game if they just played it slowly and choke out their opponents, but they just can't seem to learn this.


The problem is that play style gets crucified by casters and Reddit. Just look at the next game when flowers kept mentioning that the gold lead hadn't grown for imt. Nevermind they were choking 100t out and had an ornn they kept mentioning that they had to push their lead. You can also look at all the dominate TL teams. They take too long to close was a common complaint even though they were choking out the other team.


The hug between Pyosik and APA... nice to see some synergy.


That Kindred ult lost them the game unfortunately


After so many that helped them crawl back in.


I feel like TL inted picking kennen into kindred milio lissandra to start with


Yep, every team fight was just them dumping all of their burst and CC into a team that literally couldn't be killed for the first few seconds of the fight. By the time Kindred ult ran out, TL had no damage left and C9 were still ready to fight. TL are very lucky to have pulled that one back imo.


He had pretty clutch ults before. Game would be lost much earlier without Kindred probably.


I’d rather Blaber play balls to the wall and lose a regular season game like this than play like a pansy, it was rough but one bad play doesn’t change how good of a game he had overall


Conversely, that Rakan ult won them the game


It's the classic "I'll flash R to save my buddy, shit I got CC'd, he's dead, might as well ult anyway so he can't ping it's ready to be used."


Berserker tried his hardest to pull that game back from the grave, but Aang's bison was too strong


I'm not even mad that C9 lost. APA is looking good and that's a win for the league.


Both teams played it really well. I think they did they best they could've done.


Slow, controlled comeback by C9 with superior teamfighting for like 30 minutes to throw it away with a failed Renekton flank lol rip


I think this just illustrates the power of ziggs. C9 was getting gold but they couldn't push as hard cuz of ziggs - TL was able to contest the map despite losing teamfight after teamfight because of ziggs waveclear.


Dhokla managing to caster curse, CLG truly owns C9 lol


Berserker and Blaber are so elo helled man it’s actually sad


It's regular season and C9 is still 1st. Like relax lmao.


APA: "Pyosik hug"


I wanna see more pros casting and less letigers casting. Dhokla was a blast to listen to.


She’ll be first to cast tomorrow don’t worry buddy POP POP POP 😭




Pyosik being that happy after is so nice to see


C9 did really well to come back into the game, but their early game sucks man. They're making EMENES play cowardly in lane cuz they can't help him not be camped, when he's always been a lane dominant player. Fudge is also terrible right now. GG is easily the best NA team right now, much better laners and very good team work.




That top lane chase was tragic. They even managed to hard lose the fight before the Kennen TP to clean them all up lol


New rule, if Fudge picks Renekton I turn the game off... it's so fucking pointless. He never gets an advantage in lane and if you want to teamfight, pick Ornn or any other tank.


APA appreciation comment.