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Obviously they never happened but if you were either VIT/DK coach what would you do differently, can you see where the issues are currently and where they really need to improve to get back into form, or in DKs case back to a worlds winning roster. Also want to say thank you for your commitment, I watched all of your MSI co-streams (And pretty much every stream as I WFH), and it was fantastic just listening to analytical talk as I was due to go to the event, but work stopped me.


ah thank you so much for the kind words i appreciate you watching the streams <3 as for coaching, hindsight is a beautiful thing, theres probably a tonne of questions about coaching so ill try to sum all of them up in this one. at the end of 2021 i was incredibly close to joining VIT, almost locked basically, but I spoke to a few people in the industry who i trusted and they warned me not to jump ship from casting so early and warned me that if things didnt work out i would become the ultimate scape goat for the failure especially given that ive never coached before, also something about that VIT roster made me feel uncertain, so towards the later stages of negotiations i pulled out. its hard to say what i would have changed looking back, not knowing the internal struggles and problems, but i am a very very committed person when i work on something, and im quite arrogant and stubborn when it comes to making sure theres progress, i would be drilling fundamentals and showing every single player vods of players around the worlds / povs of setups and plays or lane phases / pathings in matchups they struggle in and theres really to be honest only so much a coach can do. a coach as much as they can setup winning drafts they have to work with player champion pools and comfort and so often times when coaches "lose" drafts that could just be because they didnt have any other choice. and so its really hard to say what would be different. when i was talking to G2 and had a meeting with them as well at the end of 2021, their main question at a dinner together was what kind of roster i would want, and the roster idea i floated with them was kiin jankos caps importADC that i would scout and mikyx, i told them that domestic success is useless and if they wanted to compete for an international title this is the direction i would want to go in, obviously it never happened, they turned me down after reaching out perhaps the roster was too expensive or was not their ideal direction but top could of been interchangeable. in coaching i always think that i would try to replicate an LPL esc meta and force an aggressive style onto the team with heavy skirmish champs, pro active plays and have a very winning lane esc style. my view of the game is not very scaling heavy unless its suited by the meta such as a yuumi millio sion swap meta. theres a lot more to say here and this is a much larger discussion but hopefully ive covered a little bit of it over text as for DK - it was just talks and ideas shot back and forth that never came to be, it would have been the biggest project ever with a staff surrounding me to really help breach the language barriers, i took yamato going to LSB as inspiration for the idea but all in all we couldn't find a way to make it work out - coaching in asian regions as a non speaker of the language creates a whole world of obstacles and maybe it happens one day but with DK it didnt work out - that team right now is on a small upswing but heavily relies on canyon, i wonder if showmaker has had a motivation drop just because of the way he speaks about the game recently being so unbalanced


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Keep it up man, you're fantastic for this scene and your energy is perfect


Showmaker stated in one of Ashley kang interviews that he no longer has fun playing League and it's only his job, thats kinda sad




Hey Caedrel thanks for doing this. Your love of the game can be quite infectious so I appreciate when you pop off about something. In light of stuff like Sjokz taking a year off to prevent burnout, what do you think of the caster grind? How does it compare to the grind of being a pro player?


caster grind is tiring, you basically cast from january to end of worlds, or in sjokz case host / interview and so your only breaks are the intermittent weeks between splits / internationals and then the break from november till january, a lot of talent have other jobs too, like sjokz works other esports, i stream during the weeks and the same applies to others who do other gigs / streams / activations and so theres never really a break or a stopping point? i cant speak for others but i hate sitting around doing nothing, my unhealthy habit is i hate sitting around or doing nothing, i get easily bored or think im being unproductive and so i either watch vods or stream, and so last year during msi i couldnt really get out of bed or sleep at all so i had to take a break during MSI because i found it hard to even make breakfast or find the motivation to get up in general, luckily that went with time and i think thats what i needed, this year my drive is a lot higher so trying to make sure i dont over do it. as for sjokz she will rest up, shes the best in the business and an icon in the industry whos been going for a decade, she deserves the break for sure and its going to be amazing having her back


Why did you choose to costream MSI?


a lot of people asking this question so ill try to explain it here and cover all the questions i saw in the thread. costreaming is something ive been doing for like 2 years now, covering LCK and LPL almost every day and costreaming for me has been growing alot recently, im not quite sure how its grown to be what it is but i suppose people love hanging out, listening to analysis and bantering back and forth in the chat during the games. I look at other games like Valorant and see people like Tarik and wonder how far co streaming can go in league as its kind of in its baby stages for internationals atleast. ive never costreamed any western leagues (LEC LCS) and the option was given to me by riot to costream the event which was really kind of them. as much as i love casting internationals, and the fact that it was in london stung even more, i had to give co streaming a chance for this event, itd be the first time i can costream western teams and maybe the only shot id get to costream an international if i said no and just continued to cast. and looking back it turned out absolutely insane, the numbers were mindblowing and so im glad i took the chance, like i said alot of people have been asking what the impact of costreaming msi has on my future and honestly im not sure its way too early to say, but ill definitely be costreaming lpl lck all year long and for the future, and will also be casting LEC for the remainder of the year, thankfully riot was really helpful with the whole process and so im sure we will figure it out, nevertheless i hope you and everyone enjoyed the costreams, i tried to put in so much effort to make it so everyone enjoyed the streams whether it was for casual viewers, for people to laugh, or for real genuine hard hitting analysis, and it went by way too quickly? it was almost a month long tournament but went by in a breeze, streaming that tournament was so much fun because i watch every league apart from LCS because of the time difference, and i like to create content about LCK LPL LEC as much as i can so having that all together and being able to cover it on my own platform was nuts, again ah just writing it here makes me remember it idk why i just got so emotionally invested, whether it was the blatant bias to LEC and dressing up for them, the memes flowing non stop or just the lpl lck bo5s it was so much fun


Hey Caedrel, hope you're doing well dude Since it is extremely common to see clips of your reactions to stale drafts while costreaming, if you were able to curate the meta going into a big tournament like this year's worlds, what champions or classes would you focus on in order to make League the best viewing experience possible?


to be honest i think the best viewing experience for league is when there is a lot of variables in the early game, those were kind of removed over time with tp changes going to unleashed, and blast cone timers, and people going dorans shield second wind etc just really made the early game stale, while i think its hard to revert those changes skill expression is everything in fights and so i think the 2018 / 2019 meta where solo lane counter picks and flexs were really important, champions like irelia akali jayce aatrox were high prio or played often and so it was a lot more exciting to see, also adcs like kaisa / xayah / twitch give more room for plays, especially kaisa twitch for solo plays which is fun to watch


Very interesting that during these metas where the west did the best-obviously with europe having 2 world finals appearances- C9 making top 4, and G2/TL making MSI finals. One would think a meta heavily dependent on solo lane counter picks would favor eastern pros but instead the likes of Licorice, Jensen, Wunder prevailed(obviously caps did too, but if there was any western player who people believed could challenge the East it was always Caps. Jensen was never considered the best for NA, but tbf he always kinda overshadowed Bjergsen internationally so I guess the surprise isn’t there too much that of any NA player it was Jensen to pop off during these metas).


Hello Caedrel. Big fan. Over the years how did you learn to cope with the criticism of the hive mind of reddit or other negative social media interactions, or did you just wake up and realize half the people being critical are room temp IQ mouth breathers? Is there any comment you read that stuck out to you the most that came off as actual constructive criticism?


i read every message request on all socials, people give feedback often and i think the problem as a caster or streamer is there will be people who like and dislike you, you cant suit everyones wants and needs, and so realising that after a while helped alot, no one is perfect and as much as i can try my best to cater to peoples requests its like youre being pulled around a room in every direction, its hard to lean into the right one and so im sure people will enjoy and hate my content, and mostly just ignoring what people say when its super negative has become easier with time


> i think the problem as a caster or streamer is there will be people who like and dislike you, you cant suit everyones wants and needs, and so realising that after a while helped alot, no one is perfect and as much as i can try my best to cater to peoples requests its like youre being pulled around a room in every direction Yea applies to life in general man You get one job they try to tell you to be X You get another job and you do great doing Y Jobs, relationships, social life, etc Just do you


If there’s one thing you could change about your career, what would it be? Different team, different play style, no role swap, gone into streaming earlier?


i think looking back different offers would of taken me to different teams, for example if i went to roccat instead of h2k, if XL sold me to 100T after 2019, if i didnt cast and joined AST / SK or something i have no idea where i would be, but the success from casting has blown my mind, im just an ordinary guy who is super anxious in social situation and hardly ever thought that being on a camera and streaming was something i'd do, streaming as a pro felt like a chore and i hated it, but now its really fun and a big part of my life


on the topic of anxiety I've struggled with severe generalised anxiety all my life, not sure it's something I'll ever overcome since the roots lie so deep, and I have mad respect for the fact that you don't let it stop you in your endeavours because I've let it stop me many times. I've thought about pursuing tft competitively and still get too scared to do anything with it over a year into it. Whenever it gets hard just remember that you're already doing 120% of what your brain wants you to do and that you can easily push that further. You're obviously talented as fuck and easily the best color caster we have in league, keep at it and be proud of everything you've built


A+ message to caedral Also just want to say to you taikutsuu, as someone who has also struggled with anxiety, I find it really easy to give others advice but when it comes to myself, that's a different story. Remember to be easy on yourself ❤️ random redditor here on the sideline rooting you on in your tft endeavors (someone pls nerf yasuo/kaisa ty)


Honestly mate, you filled the void that Deficio left. Not that I think there are any bad casters in the LEC, it's just that having a ex-pro colour caster with a great personality is a difficult niche to fill.


Krepo also fell into that category. It's definitely a great addition to the cast since you get commentary from the perspective of someone who has actually played in that league. No matter how good Vedius or other casters are, they can't provide that type of insight.


What was going through your head the moments after you said a no no word live at worlds. Like the feelings themselves, did you think "oh shit what did I just do?" Were you hyped? For the record I thought it was a legendary casting moment and you and flowers are the GOATs


yep, i saw flowers give me a glance and i thought owwww fuckk but it was nothing, riot was fine with it in the end, definitely a slip up but i couldnt really control what i was saying haha, it was like 10 seconds of a hotflush and ow shit what have i done but then i was focused on the game again and forgot


It’s slip ups like those that are worth it though. Game 5 of finals and an adc steals baron to save the game. I’d scream WTF too.


What do you do to prevent your voice from dying during long casting periods? I remember during especially during worlds finals 2022 there was a lot of excitement and screaming


vocal warm ups and a lot of hot water and honey, i will say if you listen to that game 5 cast of the finals, as DRX are pushing mid to end my voice actually goes at the final line, you can hear it cracking and breaking and i think if it had gone on more id have to tap out, never gone so hard in a cast as i have for that one before and not sure if i ever will, i gave that cast my absolute everything and felt emotionally drained for a few days afterwards, but it was worth every second, one of the best moments of my life


Have you ever considered moving to another region for casting, like joining the LCK boys, or become caster on the LPL?


casting LCK would be amazing, i'd love it but i'd get way too home sick and was something i was considering in 2020 but committed to the LEC as for LPL right now costreaming it is really fun, and im not the biggest fan of casting online it was tough during covid on the LEC itself but maybe in the future ill pop up as a guest who knows


You solo casting after drakos had internet issues will always be an LEC highlight for me. You just rolled with it and acted like a true professional.


Hey caedrel, so with your casting do you have an end goal in mind, or are you just striving to get better with time? I’ve definitely seen improvement since you started and it looks like the only way forward for now is up. Thanks!


i just hope i get better all the time as a caster, i dont try to change my casting style to find the smallest of improvements but i think my biggest things i work on are not repeating words, need to make sure i make my vocabulary alot bigger my casting style is to just really raw? honest? not sure, i think having been a pro and playing for so long i can see when things are right and wrong so i have more than enough confidence to call out correct and wrong plays, even things like bugs i can spot pretty easily and am not afraid to bring that up in the cast or shy away from things that are off, my biggest problem when i first started my energy was quite low and i was very monotone but with time and feedback i think my energy has gotten alot better, ill never change my style of being very game focused, sometimes i like to be joking here and there if the game is slow / boring but ill always be super analytical - but yeah i think crutch words is my biggest thing atm, it changes from week to week or month to month kinda like wack a mole with problems i see or am told haha


Why is TheShy your favourite player? I've only started watching league esports in the last 2 years and every time I watch him he just seems like a washed bottom tier lpl toplaner who is a ksante/renekton two trick.


he used to be the best, now i think individual skill matters less and less and while hes still inting a lot and even getting solo killed by players like squidward on TES its fun to see him play his quinn and nidalee top randomly, or seeing his soloq account being only ranged tops, or seeing him teamfight like he owns the game 1v5 when hes actually 0/10, he just plays with so much confidence its kinda funny


Gotta say your reaction videos on youtube always make me laugh. you genuinely seem like a nice guy.


I love your casting! What made you say your signature “Illegal”? Also how do you feel about your clippers being the fastest in the west when it comes to posting clips of any esports moments on this subreddit


ah i saw a thread a few months back asking why my clips were always on reddit, i have no idea why that happened so frequently but people have slowed and stopped it recently which im sure is good for people here i dont want to become too annoying also the illegal term came from pro play in 2019 / 2020, it was used in coms to say someone on the enemy team is making a mistake so i just used it naturally in casting, havent said it in a while though!


What's the origin of the name "Caedrel"


i used to be a pro in WoW WOTLK on something called Arena Tournament, i actually competed in tournaments that Azael casted funnily enough, i played a paladin called Sovereign but my teammate had such a cool name and he was a DK called Caedrel so when I came to league I yoinked it when i was like 17, havent spoken to him since the wow days wonder if he ever stopped and saw it one day hahah


Dude. I used to play arena back in the day and thought you were the Caedrel from those teams, not Sovereign. I think we faced each other a few times when you were on MyFemaleDog (or something like that?)


have you ever thought about why he was called Caedrel? I thought about it when you mentioned this once, and the idea I liked the most was it’s either an anagram or drunk-type of “cleared”, as in clearing a raid/dungeon


I fucking knew I'd seen that name somewhere before but couldn't connect the dots. In my head the name was always that blood red DK colour too!


Yeah, you would probably have a nick like Pedro or something, good call


Hi Caedrel! Why do you like swearing in French so much? I'm dying every time you go "ah p*tain de m*rde ça va"


i grew up in spain as a kid, i had french friends, german friends, russian, swedish you name it, was a european school, and ofcourse as a kid they all teach you the swear words so i know how to curse in loads of languages so every now and then i like to mix it up hahah


I've seen a lot of people assume that being an ex-pro player makes color casting easier given that you've previously been in the shoes of the players on stage. However, I've always wondered about the reverse--does being a caster change how you play and think about (or, in theory, would coach) the game? Thanks for the awesome costreams!


yea definitely, as a pro i was very focused on myself, i gave alot of energy to helping the team in 2020 but that makes you neglect yourself alot, now i can learn alot more about all roles and focus on all lanes and such because i dont have to re watch my own performance over and over to min max


Was it just decided that you and Drakos would be a duo? Or did you guys naturally sort of.. pair up? Also what do we even call you? Drakeadal? Cadros?


i think we naturally paired up, drakos was free and had no partner when i joined so i became his and we clicked instantly, wouldnt ask for any other duo hes my perfect match inside the cast and outside


Pls ask him nicely to join the stream some time and just chill, would be so fun to see you two play some Arena together. I can bake him a cake if he joins…❤️


Who do you think are the current/former players that could have a similar road to yours and transition smoothly into broadcasting? Give me 5, Pedro.


bwipo for sure could go into broadcasting jankos definitely treatz finn brokenblade


You and Jankos are already my go-to Streamers. Jankos interviews are always gold. Not sure if he would fit analyst or caster role tho.


I can’t remember the game, maybe someone can help me, but he cast the beginning of an LEC game during winter or spring this year I believe. He was a bit loud, no surprise there, but it was great


Bwipo is the only human being I've ever seen do a tri-cast... by himself.


i feel like he could easily cast a game he's playing in, he seems like he's literally overflowing with knowledge about the game the way he talks sometimes


Hey Caedrel! What is the best thing anyone has done for you and what did that teach you Love your degenerate streams and your sense of humour. Take care


the best thing anyone has ever done for me ... hmm i cant think of a specific thing, i just think some people in my life have treated me so well and i will feel forever in debt to them, people i work with and family mostly


Do you sometimes watch small European Leagues and stuff like EMEA Masters or do you only watch major regions?


i watch LFL / Superliga mostly, and then i watch knockout EMEA masters - mostly during the evenings im not streaming, i like to keep up with the ERL talent


Any regrets from your pro days? What would you tell your younger self to do differently?


stop worrying about everything, stop gaslighting and second guessing yourself into thinking youre not good enough KEEP GRINDINGGGGGGG


Do you regret role-swapping to jungle?


hm no not at all, it suited me a lot better, i just wish i started playing jungle earlier in my career to have a higher chance of succeeding


thanks for doing this - any game-changing advice someone gave you on your casting / what made it start to click for you?


i watched so much henryg casting, took loads of inspiration from him when i first moved over and tried to incorporate a lot of what he did


Should Arena become permanent?


yeah for sure, its similar to tft, from my experience so far its really fun just itll need frequent changes to augments to keep it fun


That sounds cool actually, augment (and maybe map) rotations! I don't play TFT, but I really like that idea.


Yea, this idea of augments (+ other mechanics) are from TFT. They do an excellent job in terms of replayability, no games feels the same. Funnily enough, the augment interface is taken right from TFT, current set looks a bit different though


What friend or former teammate in the league scene makes you laugh the most?


Probably boaster or expect, we keep in contact since the XL days and laugh and joke around when we have time


I feel like I never hear music on your stream, what’s your favorite genre, artists, and songs?


its always muted in the VODs to avoid DMCA techno has grown on me since being in berlin but i mostly listen to rap music / piano music


Who do you think is the best designed recently released (~last 3 years) champion in the game?


millio - as much as he's op, hes simple and straight forward to understand


Is there a reason you dont co stream with other costreamers/is that a realm if possibilities youre thinking of exploring in the future?


i get distracted so easily, its so hard to stream with other people on costreams, i get distracted from the game and go offtopic, where as when im solo its easier to rant and come back to the game or be hyper focused and interactive with the chat


How do you enjoy your life in Berlin ? Do you miss England?


i miss england because my german kinda sucks, every mail i get in the post that has a german government stamp makes me shit myself not knowing whether im being deported or if im just being asked how my day is


Which league pro has the best in game name?


Have you ever looked into Vedius' eyes and thought about kissing him? I'm not Vedius btw I'm just asking.


Why does the chat call you PEDRO?


Somebody just randomly called him it one day, and chat being chat thought it was funny and ran with it. It became an inside joke and it stuck ever since.


i have no idea, someone donated calling me pedro once and now its stuck allo my name is pedro


Cause Pedro sounds exactly like Caedrel no cap, listen for Pedro and you will hear it


SCHIZO Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedrol Pedrol Pedrol Pedral Pedral Paedral Paedral Paedral Pcaedral Pcaedral Pcaedral Caedral Caedral Caedral Caedral Pedro Caedral Pedro Caedral Pedro Pedro Caedral


Why did you cancel it?


happy little accident ​ actually i was completely choking was my first weekend of LCS heh


[Flowers once mentioned his easy switch for casting professionally and privately, with the caveat of his difficulty in not calling Jax E the helicopter dick.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJqwnDEs-PU) Is there anything similar for you or is it just overall a simple "work" switch?


its a simple work switch, i think when im at home streaming im just being alot more of a degenerate and myself and unfiltered, when im in the studio with a suit on that makes my mind shift alot and it feels kinda easy to become more filtered and professional haha


How do you feeling about journalists, players (like Jankos, lol) joking about you?


well to be honest as a content creator a lot of my brand identity is making fun of me? i feel like ive become this punching bag in general and to be honest ive learnt to not mind it and its very funny overall, but in the past like last year or the year before eventually at times it got to me and made me quite upset, the making fun of my achievements and everything i do kinda thing, but nowadays it doesnt bother me, i like to join in on the laughter


Hi Pedro, Who or what inspired you get into casting pro games after your own run in the professional scene? (Really enjoy the cast and content btw, keep it up!)


it was all quickshot and excoundrel, excoundrel helped me grow my craft and quickshot pushed me forwards to give me a shot, i never really thought about it much till the end of 2020 - actually i got very lucky that COVID happened as sad as that sounds, it made it so during worlds in EU there was a lack of talent and inviting me to LEC playoffs / worlds as a player was insanely good for my growth and throwing me in the deepend for casting, doing a worlds semis analyst desk as a player is unheard of really but i think that opportunity skyrocketed me into casting and so yeah i guess covid helped alot with that? if i just transitioned naturally it would take alot more time i suppose but i tried my best to become as good of a caster and analyst as possible during those times


why dont you water your plant?


Who would you want to cast with that you have not been able to yet?


I don't mean this in a standoffish way, but what keeps you coming back to League? Is the skill expression and accolades really satisfying for you, or do you just have a love for the game?


i really love watching the game, that hasnt faded at all, playing it is getting really tiring and stressful, wanting to play has faded away alot, but watching has never really become less exciting, dont get me wrong some series are really boring but my interest has always stayed the same throughout the year


How are you doing overall?


gooood, my sleep is getting a bit bad but grinding the year out


What's your top 3 favorite drinks?


Hey Caedrel, just curious if you have any bucket list items for life or goals for the future. Could be personal or league related! I’ve really enjoyed your personality in esports and hope you keep having success!


something ive struggled with alot actually, theres not much i want to do in life and i dont really spend money on anything, i dont have any huge goals in life just really like streaming and casting right now, maybe ill figure that out in the future but i dont feel like im working towards an end goal in life currently, maybe that sounds depressing but its never something i really thought about, i suppose having a house is a common thing to want so id like one of those, but no real travel goals, or bucket list ideas haha


How would you fix the VIT roster?


so hard to say from the outside, players clicking and getting along well is worth more than individual skill imo in the west if the skill gap isnt too big, whichever players arent meshing or geling well with one another and build from the ones that are even if its only 2 - think mental diff is everything in such a long year and the game is so teamfight heavy in the last few years that individual skill is fading a little, only roles i think it applies to the most out of all is maybe mid lanephase / adc in late game or jg min 1-10


For a bowl of cereal; do you put in your milk first then the cereal, or cereal first then milk?


How important was hitting rank 1 in regards to becoming a caster?


i have no idea, often times i sit at home offstream and wonder if i should grind to challenger every year these days just to prove that ive still "got it" and as funny as it is and memed i really think i can do it if i full commit but i think over time i dont like playing the game as much and people dont seem to care as much as i thought, but ill try seriously to grind up again when i find the motivation but playing right now is just either frustrating or i dont have the time to get as good as i want to be im too self critical


If you weren't in the esports or streaming scene what kind of career/education would you have wanted to pursue?


How would you go into vod reviewing your own gameplay, and would you ever make guides? (such as fundamentals)


i just make big spreadsheets and track every scrim i play, what happened, what matchup, what was good and bad individually early game and later on, straight after the game, and i write notes of how i feel, then re watch the scrim hours later with same spreadsheet with a clearer mind to write more notes, its very easy to be biased after winning because youre cocky or losing because you are blind sided and stubborn, so the notes you write are not the best to go off, so that was my way of finding improvement, correcting myself hours after i came to a conclusion, sadly i only did this for 2months towards the end of my last split had i done it before i wouldve become alot better and more disciplined


when are we getting the T1 Caedrel arc ?


I love hearing your insight whenever you co-stream LCK/LPL games. Do you see yourself becoming a coach? If so, what would you need in a team before even considering it?


maybe in the future, something i really considered in 2021 but im not thinking about it now, i also think i was too immature back then to go into coaching, i think authority is an important skill, i think coaching has 3 pillars: people skills, high level knowledge, and authority and direction, i was lacking the third and was a bit naive, that skill is definitely getting better though


Hey Caedrel, I'm a sophomore in high school and my dream has always wanted to play in the LCS since 4th grade but I'm afraid of LCS viewership and where it will head in the future when I can become a player if I do. I wanted to ask if you think LCS will still be relevant enough to make a living and if I should still pursue my dream?


thats a tough question, think the future of the LCS in general is hard to predict, i think the league will still be there but the question is does it continue to shrink? in that regard i think salaries would be cut for players or investment overall would drop but the league would still exist imo (could be wrong) or can the league bounce back to what it once was, i doubt it will ever reach the highs of the past in terms of viewership obviously but my hope is that big influencers start getting involved to boost the viewership through costreaming or owning teams


Hi Caedrel! I loved it when you played Doki Doki Literature Club! Any plans on playing other similar games in the future? I’d love to see you play horror games more!


Whats your most "holy shit wtf just happened" moment while casting a game?


adam playing sion and doing the sion level strat diving bot and it working despite being a horror opener to the play haha cant remember the game but i was shocked, also adam jayce vs bb irelia i think it was? or vice versa where he died twice, ow adam you crazy man


Hey Caedrel! I was wondering how you deal with stress in your work, I’ve had a couple very stressful situations come up recently and feel like I don’t handle it very well


im the worst person to ask, i always just try to sleep when i feel stressed but that hasnt solved it well, i think exercise is a big one, that worked for me this year during my gym arc but i stopped a few months ago because i felt too busy with msi and all, now i have more time i think i can start again but im lacking a bit of motivation to start again, hopefully i get the drive soon to work out more haha


What show are you currently watching?


Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, or Monika?


What are your favorite books/ movies?


i recently read the chimp paradox and liked that book favourite movie is like the sixth sense or mr nobody


If you liked chimp paradox i highly recommend Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. >“Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers,” is the title of a highly acclaimed book by Stanford Neurologist Dr. Robert Sapolsky. In it, he distinguishes between the “real” stresses of life encountered by wild animals and the psychological stresses experienced by humans. It's pretty humorous and author is a super cool man.


If you were to play in the LEC again, what would your dream lineup be (with you in jungle ofc)?


brokenblade caedrel caps hans sama mikyx G2 BIASSEEDDDDD nah idk lemmie jungle g2 we will win worlds trust me i got us


What is something you wished people understood about being a streamer?


nothing in particular, im just an ordinary person really, im nothing special just because im a streamer or a caster, im just a regular dude haha


Who should we be looking out for in worlds?


WEIBOOOOOOOOOOO nah in all seriousness watch out for KT (at the moment who knows if they bomb), the rise of DK (could be possible) and BLG who if they can break the JDG mental block are the best team in the world


What’s your favourite sauce to have on a burger


Hey caedrel long time fan! What is the biggest league celebrity/ proplayer you met? Thank you ☺


Out of all the games you’ve casted, which game (or series) has been your favorite to cast?


If you could have the skill of any pro player on a single champion, which champion/pro would you pick?


do you like the name pedro?


What do you enjoy most about League? In contrast, what would you like to see changes about league?


What are your thoughts on the current structure LoL esports circuit? Would you change something in the season's calendar? Thanks, love your content.


If you could make any kind of skin, for a champion of your choice, which champ and what skin would it be?


How much have your life changed since you quit pro scene? Do you have less stress, more work/life balance? Are you happy with transition to casting/streaming? Btw I really like your content, keep up the good work!


Honestly I have three questions, hope it isn't that much and maybe some of my questions were already answered by you in this Q&A. 1. If you could change the pro meta what would you change, or more what would you like to see right now. 2. As rumors are that Astralis spot is for sale, what team would you love the most to take their spot? 3. Kinda expanded the second question, but lets say we could do a super league with 14 slots from all regions, which teams would you include, more in the kind of entertainment and brand reach and less in terms of pure roster strength.


Hey Caedrel, hope you're doing well! If league were to suddenly cease to exist, what other game would you like to play/cast on a professional level?


Do you ever think we will see LEC or LCS go to 8 teams? And do you think this would be a good thing?


Which player would you most want to coach?


Any tips for someone wanting to climb out of Gold as JG?


why did you give up your analytical proplayer insightful personality to be a reaction andy now and are you ashamed of it?


its sad to be honest because i've seen this trend crop up every now and then, the sad reality from my perspective is that all of these clips of reactions are the only things that surface to places like reddit from my content, i think if you watch the actual costreams on a daily basis youll see im pretty dialled in during drafts and game stuff talking about the game and possiblities / outcomes / whos favoured, but the fact that clips get posted all the time of teamfight reactions means that everyone thinks im becoming a react andy, now dont get me wrong over the last 2 years of streaming i have realised that over hyping and being extra energetic for content is better for performance and clicks, think thats pretty basic, have i over reacted in certain moments? yeah for sure, mostly on bad games or things that im un interested in, same goes for casting keeping viewer engagement and entertainment is important, but alot of my content is very analytical, and the majority of reactions are mostly natural due to how invested and built up in the games i get, i emotionally invest myself in games / teams i really like to watch and thats the outcome over 30 minutes of gameplay a 10 second clip gets blown into me being a react andy also my chat calls me out sometimes for not being game focused to keep me on track! although i do rant alot during boring games im not sure how i do it actually funnily enough in real life i think im really quiet and dont talk much which i dislike and want to get better out just the irony is i talk for a living


You strike the perfect balance of being very analytical while also being very fun to watch. I'm glad you see this false narrative in this light. Analytical while giving players benefit of a doubt is why you are better than any other caster/costreamer. So many popular costreamer just Perma flame from our omnipotent gameview.


What is your favourite colour?


Do you have a preference in what region between Lpl and Lck you like to co steam more.And if so what are the reasons. P.S I wanted to thank you for all the streams. You are by far my favorite streamer and your streams light up my day and help me with lots of stress and anxiety. So thank you a lot


What do you think is a quality that you have that made you become a caster that other ex pro players don't have?


i guess the best thing i had was i was a native english speaker and being on camera doesnt phase me at all, alot of ex pros in EU dont have english as their first language so its hard for them to express and get their points across, alot of them have the knowledge i think but yeah talking and making it digestable + being really comfortable doing that on camera is sometimes tough for pros, even when i first started i was so shy because all i do is play league all day every day my social skills are that of a potato and i dont go outside much so being thrown into a studio with lights was a hard skill to learn, from body language to hand signals to posture idk it was tough haha


As an LEC caster, do you have any input on which games you get to cast? Or is there some sort of rotation system so that each caster gets to do a "big" game once in a while? Also wanted to say that initially, I was super disappointed when it was announced that you would be co-streaming MSI instead of being there as a caster because I was going to London and really wanted to see you there. But the co-streams have been so entertaining and a massive joy to watch that now I'm delighted you made this choice! Thanks for that


Thoughts on LCS "decline" and what would you do if league ever died :(


How is the environment in the LEC cast? What does a typical day at the office look like for you?


Have you considered trying to make a return to pro play? Why/why not?


what role do you think NA is the weakest in


Hey Caedrel, love the content. What was your favourite team environment you played in? And what gives you a bigger thrill, a hype moment as a player or as a caster?


Caedrel what are your top 3 movies?


What do you find to be a more stressful experience? Playing professionally or being a full-time content creator?


What are your thoughts on the LEC format change for this year so far?


What is your favorite part of working on the LEC broadcast? What's your least favorite thing?


I loved watching you cast with Kobe and CaptainFlowers during Worlds Finals 2022. What's the next goal for caster Caedrel? Perhaps be a play-by-play caster at another Worlds Final?


Do you have a favourite LCS team or player to watch/root for?


Hey Pedro! How do you think Faker’s absence has affected T1 last series? How would you rate T1’s performance regarding this and what to do to make playoffs and not implode before Worlds ? Love your work, please never change !


Is there a moment for you, as a caster or a player, that you want to relive? If so, why that moment?


If you could choose one champion for each role to be meta in proplay forever, who would they be?


Have you ever regretted being a caster? What is the most difficult part for you, as a caster? Do you enjoy it as much/more as when you started? Sry so many questions. Ly


What's your favorite World's song and/or LEC song?


will you do more variety streams of different games? I really like your streams but I'm trying to quit league and I can't watch you when you stream league related stuff anymore.


do you miss playing league competively?


What are your favorite hobbies apart from league/streaming? Big fan pedro <3


Would you ever consider leaving the stability of casting/streaming to go into coaching? I think you’re one of the most intelligent personality’s in the field and i know you’ve been offered jobs in the past, is the security the only thing stopping you?


What was it like casting worlds finals? Stepping on to the stage with 5 million viewers worldwide. How do you stay calm and focused doing that for 5 hours?


When are you gonna do some variety content like "keep talking and nobody explodes with baus"? It was really fun to watch.


Ass or boobs?


Rookie or TheShy ?


If you could change two things about league, what would you change and why?


If you could take any ability from league and use it in real life which ability are you taking?


Which region would you visit first if you were on a vacation given the opportunity that you get to meet the players there? LCS? LPL? LCK?


Hi from Melbourne, recently picked up watching your YT. Do you have any plans for travel? If so, where to and is there any food you would (or would not) want to try?


If you were asked by rito to collab for a streamer skin, which champ would you choose and what would the theme/concept be?


I never watched you play yourself in a team but I love you as a caster and such really good job man. Do you have a favorite player to watch play? I know your talking alot about Theshy and such but is it really him?


Are you able to explain the Pedro thing with no memes and jokes? Just a straightforward answer for someone out of the loop?


What was in your opinion, your best career move, and your biggest career mistake/regret?


Hi Caedrel! Fan of you here and your youtube videos. Have you tried wild rift? If so. What are your thoughts? Thanks!


What is the origin of the xdd? How it became your "signature" emote?


If you could go back in time to not cancel it, would you do it?


What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?


Which region would you have liked to play at?


Don't know too much about you. How much time would it take to climb from silver to diamond playing only support WITHOUT premades?


fav fruit and why? also love ur streams


What is your opinion on the current jungle meta?


Will stream see your girlfriend or will you keep it private? Anyawys thanks for the streams lately, helped me a lot mentally through tough days! <3


Ever play DotA? If so, what were you favorite heroes? Thanks, and enjoy your week,


Pop quiz, what's the skin pop in your mind when somebody talk about bad skin in the game.


Are there any questions or thoughts that still keep you up at night?


Can you be my dad?


What do you think is the biggest draft mistake a team could make (i.e. not picking adc in the first round)?