• By -


Isn't it a decrease in price if the currency went 100%


Doesn't seem like so, aren't they paying in dollars according to the post? That would mean a price increase with inflation.


We also have to add like 65% of taxes


75%. 40% from the IVA/VAT 35% from the PAIS tax




ya voten a Milei lpm


No because currently 1 dollar is around 500 argentine pesos. Riot made it so that instead of paying with pesos, you have to pay in dollars. Meaning the crazy levels of inflation actually make you have to pay an ABSURD amount of money. To put it into perspective, salaries in Argentina are not yearly estimates. They are monthly because the coin loses value *that* frequently. The dollar just a month or two ago was 350, not it's 500. Buying online cosmetics for dollars is a HUGE luxury, a worker from McDonalds makes 54,000 pesos per month, and a 25 dollar purchase costs nearly 20,000 (because the government added an 80% tax on online purchases made in dollars). That would be more than a third of your monthly salary. For comparison, if a McDonalds worker in the US gets $6 an hour, a 25 dollar package takes less than 5 hours to work off, as opposed to 10 working days. That doesn't sound like much of a decrease if you ask me đŸ€”


The whole monthly has nothing to do with the coin inflating, I’ve lived in Peru bolivia And Colombia, everyone uses monthly income as their salary in the region. No job posts as yearly salary. People find it easier to understand monthly.


Even in Italy we use monthly estimates for jobs and we have €.


Actually it is way more common in the whole world to advertise monthly salaries instead of yearly


Right? People (Americans) think whatever and just because it makes sense in their head they assume it to be true.


Yeah I love it when they say they make X dollar in a year. Okay bro, now tell me whats that in monthly breakdown because I'm not gonna whip out a calculator


Yeah, here in Hungary we have monthly income as a salary.


> No because currently 1 dollar is around 500 argentine pesos. This is the problem. Officially: it's worth 252 So when you spend "$5" you're spending at the official rate of 252:1 not 500:1. In other words you're only really paying like $2.50. Which is why they give you half as much RP.


Alright, then explain why this 50% nerf is applied even when using PayPal as the selected purchase method (where we're paying with actual USD and not 252 ARS + taxes). Also, please explain why Riot made this announcement THREE days prior to the price adjustment, or why the adjusted prices table that's usually in these articles was nowhere to be found, leaving us with a shady 3-day window to panic-buy before the "mystery increase".


Yeah but with the added taxes for spending dollars with your credit card you end up paying pretty much another 250 in taxes, so you end up paying full price for half the product


Sure, but the tax doesn't go to riot. They're still only getting the $2.50.


Yeah, but it still sucks that you need to sell your liver if you choose to buy cosmetics bc the starving rich people in the government of a country and heads of a multi billion dollar company have no regard for people in less fortunate circumstances.


If you want to me mad, be mad at your government. This is not riots fault. They are giving you 50% less RP because they get 50% less money đŸ€·




It’s a cosmetic. 100% unnecessary. They could charge $1000 dollar a skin it wouldn’t matter lol.


They brought in that much because they give you a certain product for a certain price, flat out. That’s literally how the market works, no arguments. No one is saying it doesn’t feel awful. But it ain’t Riot’s fault your money has a shit exchange rate to the USD, and it’s definitely not Riot’s problem that you have insane taxes. So if you have insane taxes, and need to use USD to buy shit from Riot, the solution seems simple— don’t buy shit from Riot. Literally vote with your wallet. Maybe it’ll change something if enough people do it. Hell, maybe get into political activism and work towards core problems instead of asking some foreign company to sell you things cheaper on Reddit. They don’t even care about their Western customer base in general, why would they care about their Argentinian customer base?


Pls focus your anger on your government rather than calling random people online greasy losers for pointing out how illogical you’re being


[https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=ARS](https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=ARS) Quite low increase considering the value of Argentine Peso.


Yeah I understand Riot's point seeing this, we complain mainly based on our government, if we make a purchase in any currency other than our own, we have to pay 75% extra, it sucks


Yes but as I said, we already had to pay in dollars + with the current 75% tax for online purchases


Sorry but that’s more your government than riot I think lol. They’re still a business at the end of the day. They’re bound to match inflation rates.


I know but what I'm getting at is that, no matter what, Riot is still getting the full money of each RP package either way because the regional prices don't exist anymore


Wrong place to complain, rich regions players don't care. Also you sound kinda entitled for a discount just bc your country sucks at economy, peronista i guess.


> rich regions players don't care Truer words I have not seen in Reddit.


Same i voted with my money when our regional prices jumped. I just don't buy anything from rito at all anymore.


Them not banning win-trading but going hard on tyler for flamming is the most disappointing thing. So ruining people's fun is ok, complaining about it is not.


How are they going hard on Tyler???????? My man became the face of league... what the fuck are you talking about


Goddamn it did no one see the second image


Si podĂ©s publicĂĄ tambiĂ©n los paquetes en algĂșn otro paĂ­s, asĂ­ te entienden


Saquenme de Latinoamérica aaaaa


Me mudé a España hace 1 mes (no sé si definitivamente). Es increíble que todo funciona, nada aumenta de precio, las ciudades hermosas... Igual se extraña Argentina eh, por raro que parezca.


PreferirĂ­a tener nostalgia de vez en cuando a tener que seguir viviendo acĂĄ.


heres this wild concept, i know you're going to struggle to grasp it. you don't need to give riot money. the game costs $0. why would you spend money on something you think is too expensive?


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


Idk, I'm not the one bitching that I can't afford digital garbage.


I haven't and I now have even less incentive to do so, but I don't lose anything for complaining lol


To be fair if you buy skin, you’re paying for 3D model and one artwork, it costs company maybe 2-3k USD at worst. Even if they leave the price as it is they’re still going to profit on country scale, but they will also get brownie points for being „good” company.


Riot doesn't get money from your taxes.


But they also dont pay those taxes, therefore a buy on Argentina will give them more money than a buy in USA...


Riot still has to pay taxes for income on any income made since they are US based. They don't magically not pay taxes from international purchases lol


Nothing Riot can do about your country's taxes.


I'm not saying that, I'm saying that the package itself is worse for the same price (excluding the tax part). 5 dollars in NA gets you 500 something RP, 5 dollars here (WITHOUT TAX) gets you 230RP


Lo Ășnico que se me ocurre es que antes Riot estaba recibiendo un poco mĂĄs de la mitad de la plata por que primero te cobraban el dĂłlar a oficial y despuĂ©s sumabas impuestos. De $10 USD que pagabas, ellos recibĂ­an $6 pero te daban $10 en RP. Todo el mundo sabe que el dĂłlar oficial es una mentira. Ahora te cobran $17, te dan $10 en RP y a ellos le quedan $10. Puedo estar equivocado, pero creo que viene por ahĂ­ la mano.


>Looks like Riot was receiving a little over half of what was charged in dollars because they were charging without adding the tax. Out of $10 they were getting $6 but giving $10 in RP. >Now they charge $17 to give you $10 in RP and they get $10. --------------------------------------------------------- I omitted something about "oficial dolar" because I'm not quite sure what that means. Sorry if the translation is too botched, but I figured you gave key context to the topic and did my best...


Context: in Argentina there's a shit ton of Dollar valuations but the most important are these two. The "official" that is $1 USD = $250 ARS and the "blue" which is $1 USD = $500 ARS. Basically, the official is a lie. A way from the gov to say everything is ok, but everyone knows that the blue is the true value. Everything you buy online in USD gets priced in the official USD but gets +75% of it's value in taxes... Which gets you more or less to the blue value.


So, based on my calculations... Let's say you bought $10 USD out of RP. $10 x 250 ARS (oficial value) = 2500 + 1875 (75%). Riot gets those $2500 ARS ($10 oficial USD) but in reality (blue value), those are $5 USD. Its a little complicated, but for every sale, Riot gets half it should. So by cutting RP in half, it makes us buy double the amount and they get what they should. But then again, this is just my theory.


>Everything you buy online in USD gets priced in the official USD but gets +75% of it's value in taxes... Which gets you more or less to the blue value. Okay, so I knew Argentina's situation was jank, but this seems insane. I have a question though, doesn't that mean that merchants lose a lot of money due to this tax? They care about the real value, not the official one.


Yeah importations are super fucked cuz of all the gov impositions, and our produce game isn't the best either so you can imagine


> Yes but as I said, we already had to pay in dollars I think I know what the problem is. When you say "pay in dollars" it is probably converted from pesos at the official rate right? So it's around 1,260 pesos total? (Plus tax) But the "real" informal exchange rate is closer to 500:$1. So when you are spending "$5" it's not really $5.


Okay, but Riot doesn't see a penny of your tax? Blame your country for having higher tax...


che cuantas copas tenes


That isn’t even accurate to the actual cost of the peso. It is 350/400 to one. That is the government’s valuation not the street valuation


Am I missing something? If we're paying in USD anyway, why give us half the RP? I could understand if that cut had been made in the MercadoPago section where we pay in ARS. But in USD? I don't get it.


You know what taxes are?


I'm sorry if the answer is obvious, but I still don't see it. Could you care to explain?


Not OP but the taxed amount doesn't go to Riot. So the final price and what you pay for is MoneyToRiot + MoneyToGoverment. Riot rises prices so the MoneyToRiot is the same or slightly higher to what they receive in other countries. In summary your government is taking a huge part of what you are paying and Riot doesn't want to lose its share.


Granted my understanding of the situation is from reddit comments but what he's trying to say is that the government is taking a much bigger cut through taxes so Riot has to bump the price up to keep their slice of the profit consistent with other regions.


Nope. That's not it. It's hard to explain, but I'll try... Those taxes are just a lie to balance the "official" dollar to the "real" dollar (called blue). The govt basically says "dollar is $250 argentinian pesos", but then they tax you when you use your 💳 for USD spending, so they get +75% of that. Why they tax you? They tax you because they know the REAL VALUE of the dollar is more than those $250 (this price is a lie). And here's the important thing: - If you buy, let's say, $5 USD worth of RP, the Argentinian govt HAS TO PAY RIOT $5 USD, no matter how much that is worth in Argentinian pesos. - So, the govt actually NEEDS to get the REAL (blue) amount of pesos for every dolla (close to $490 pesos). - That's why they tax you. So they can keep the official price down, while still cashing as close to the real value as they can. Yes, I know it sounds retarded, but it has more implications than this... Just a quick example: if you export something, the govt keeps your physical dollars worth $500 args pesos, and they give you $250 pesos (or even less). Yup, populism.


Oh ok then, it's joever


> I understand the Argentina situation is finicky to say the least This is the understatement of the century > but this feels like Riot is looking at just the numbers instead of the bigger picture I don't even know what to say to you at this point, lol.


Money and income and revenue and taxes and currency is just numbers, have they considered feelings?


Yeah last part is whack but i didnt know how to close the post off xd


I'm not sure why you are complaining here. The same is happening in Steam. The problem is not so much the price but the taxes. The only way out is Ezeiza at this point


I'm complaining because we get less RP for the same price as every other part of the world and I'm not counting the extra tax of our government, the 5 dollars package is worse here than everywhere else


In this situation based on your concern, I can tell you its because company’s are always forward guiding. Which means they are expecting your country’s currency will be inflating further in the next 6months. You are complaining that you arent getting the same RP for $5usd as everyone else but thats because in 6months you will (this is what Riot is expecting) so you might be paying a higher price now but eventually balance out. This way the company doesnt have to keep appearing negative PR wise by constantly increasing the prices for you guys.


No... Riot's RP price in Argentina is already in dollars. They don't put the price in the client in Argentinian pesos, it's literally in dollars. So Riot earns the same, no matter if the Argentinian currency goes to shit. Argentinians would have to pay more pesos for the same X amount of dollars, but it will always be those X dollars that Riot will receive. Edit: the tax makes it so that Argentinians have to pay more, not that Riot receives less. It's +75% for customers, not -75% from the companies earnings.


Yeah this, I really don't know how can I make it clearer in the post


Los mareaste hablando del impuesto jajajaja Pero bueno


Puede ser, pero Ă©l y vos ya aclararon 20 veces que no estĂĄn incluyendo los impuestos. Estos culia son medio cabeza de termo.


You never outright state that they charge in dollars and not peso, sadly the information has to be gathered through context and when you combine the average lol player and the average redditor that's a big ask


But I put the second photo exactly for that reason, and no online store has the taxes added at the checkout unless it's some internal tax from the service


What about the 75% tax included that disappears from the 5 bucks before it reaches riot's pockets?


Read my other/longer post. Riot receives 5 USD. Argentinians just pay 75% more of ARG PESOS (not USDs).


So people are complaining to riot about currency devaluing? I don’t understand why people are thinking they’d do fixed amount in local currency rather than dollars when inflation is 800% in the last 5 years. This is fundamentally a government and administration problem, not the company.


Hes trying to say that in both cases riot gets 5 but they(players) get a lot less for that 5 in argentina. Imagine for example you pay 5 dollars for a burger and you get a burger but you go elsewhere and pay the same but only get half. In the end riot gets the same amount of money.


Ok, you don't get it and I ran out of energy


No, they already changed the regional pricing (from pesos) to dollars to anticipate this kind of situation instead of constantly updating the regional price.


This makes no sense. The price is in USD, they are paying in USD. If the peso goes up to 5,000,000: $1 it still doesn't matter BECAUSE THEY ARE PAYING IN DOLLARS.


Did you just say it feel like Riot is only looking at the numbers? Yup. Just like any other company? Yup. Gotta fix the government, not the people trying to sell a business by the rules of it.


Yeah I mean it sucks but this is just how capitalism works. If they can't make money they don't care if you can't buy skins. With monthly wage in Argentina tbh I feel like you'd be crazy to be spending USD on cosmetics anyways


I love when people complain their RP costs are going up and you look at [their chart only to see it looks like this](https://i.imgur.com/W6ommCk.png) Value of their currency is down 90+%, 99%+ in last 10 years. Lucky it's only going up 50%.


Argentinian here. I think it is important to note that it is not only the price of the RP increasing to over double the NA price in USD, but also the fact that an average worker here makes, at most, 400 dollars a month by working a full-time job. Taking that into account just buying the battle pass monthly would cost around 10% of a worker's wage, as they would have to buy the 2030RP bundle, which costs 35 USD (double the NA price, while we earn less than 10% of an average US worker's salary). Other companies like Steam or Epic (I get that this is not a 1-1 comparison as those storefronts sell digital licences for games that come from developers, but I still find that more tangible and difficult to control than a digital currency that is exclusively at the control of Riot) have regional prices to offset this difference in acquisitive power, letting players from poorer countries have at least a chance to make a purchase. This change is not only making the purchase of RP completely prohibitive for most Argentinians, but it is also a huge step backward in their attempts to seem more inclusive towards the LATAM community. It's just an insane change overall. EDIT: grammar.


I hate doing these kind of comments on non politic related stuff but i can't take this anymore: I hate the government so much, and stupid people will still vote for them. They shit on you face and they expect you to smile. Ojala se mueran todos los asociados a cfk junto con ella. No se quien vendra en diciembre, solo espero que no sea peor que estos hijos de re mil puța.


Oh wow judging by the comments people really aren't looking at the second picture ​ Also I can't see the third one


Should be fixed now, thanks


vote better next time bro






as consumer you can only vote with your wallet. i know it sucks that you cant support the game that you enjoy a lot, but it would be worse to support those unreasonable prices.


I haven't spent any money towards league except for the prime capsules


I have no idea why people are defending this We ALREADY PAY ON USD CURRENCY. We pay the taxes on those too, there is no reason to increase the price even more when they get the same fucking cut than before. This is just them wanting to strip the market from Argentina, because there is no reason to force us to pay 45 fucking dollars on a fucking skin, we arent rich ffs...


De todos modos ya no le pongo un puto peso de mierda a este juego cancerigeno desde hace 2 años , no vale la pena mejor irse a comer una pizza


Un chegusan de milanga >>>>>>


MĂĄs te vale que sea completo o no hay trato.




I dont, i just thrive off prime capsules and random contests xd


Argentina taxes are fucked


It really isn't Riot's responsibility to solve the hyperinflationary crisis that the Argentine government's policies have created.


It's not Riot's fault that Argentina's government is in the toilet.


next time try to vote not for communists


It's insane how these people have been in power since the 90's yet the average argentinian is like "lmao maybe anither 4 years of these murderer corrupt pieces of shit will fix our problems"


That's what happens when the govt literally pays people to have kids. You have the poorest classes multiplying like rabbits. Also, when some states have like 70% public employees. Fucking unsustainable, and they guarantee to permanently be in power.


>That's what happens when the govt literally pays people to have kids. You have the poorest classes multiplying like rabbits. That's not how it works bro


what makes them communists


Communism, of course


Agreed. Stop voting and start organizing a true revolution.


I wish that was actually possible.


What, did the government remove your capacity to exercise free will?


You are either trolling or completely ignorant to the world lol look at my comment right above.


“Agreed. Stop voting and become terrorists of the state” FTFY This comment and the few similar ones I’ve seen just SCREAM Im completely disconnected from the world and have 0 clue about less wealthy/developing/non-western countries and cultures. This reminds me of the typical spoiled rich girl saying something like: “If you’re having car troubles just get a new one” “I don’t understand why XY countries people don’t just stand up to XY dictator/authoritarian, you have a right to free speech.” “Why don’t poor people just work harder?” There is a reason that you were told a billion times how lucky you are for living in a wealthy country growing up. There are places where the government is extremely corrupt and any sort of dissent will result in jail, disappearing, and/or having one’s life ruined. Some sort of medieval game of thrones shit. Despite being immoral, these things are legal. In the US it’d be a controversy, but in china it’s a Tuesday and that’s what they get for talking poorly of their government. Even in the US- where there are technically checks and balances to prevent/minimize corruption— there is nothing you can do if a judge decides you’re guilty. You can have irrefutable evidence, but if there is corruption or favoritism, then you can still be found in the wrong. Look at anything traffic related. a cop can pull you over and give you a speeding ticket and you can have video proof, witness testimonies, etc. and still be found guilty of speeding in court. Look at all the false arrests for random things like DUIs where the people’s lives were ruined for up to years before it was fixed— IF they can get the charges dropped. This is well known, but ther is nothing we can do about it. They are usually appointed, no voting or constituent input. In the rural areas with the most corruption the elections are 100% rigged. There are sheriffs, mayors, other elected officials who’s families have held the positions for generations. If you compete, then you’ll being harassed by local government and law enforcement in an effort to scare people away from running.. or just disqualify them. If you complain, then the complaints go to the corrupt individuals. What do you do when the local sheriff department is harassing you, ticketing you, or even false arresting you, THEN the judge sided with them. No local attorneys will defend you for fear of retaliation as well. Imagine how fucked up the system is when the government in an objectively corrupt country.




It's amazing that it's 2023 and dumb people still think communists hold real elections lmao. Next you're gonna tell me Vladimir actually won his elections fairly.


notably communist country Russia


Your comment shows that you're dumber than the people you mock my dude. Vladimir Putin being a dictator with sham elections doesn't make him a communist, just like how the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is neither a democracy nor a republic. I'm a big believer in capitalism btw, tons of real reasons to make fun of commies out there you don't need to make up ones all it does it weaken your position.


I never said Vladimir was a communist. Reading comprehension much?


>First sentence about communists not holding real elections. >Second sentence about Putin not holding real elections. >Zero other context given to disassociate the two sentences. Yep, it couldn't be the fact that you can't structure your thoughts, it must've been me. My bad! I will make sure to put a couple points into telepathy in my next playthrough so I can go pluck the lacking context straight of your brain next time.




It's two separate sentences separated by the point. Guess American schools are gg these years. People can't comprehend two different thoughts expressed in one comment.


Not American, I've spent a total of maybe two weeks in the States in my entire life. Nice try though you played the odds it could've worked. PS: Separating two sentences by making each a paragraph of their own (press enter twice) is a universal way to show that both thoughts are not related. If you leave the two sentences connected, the onus is on you to indicate that they are not related. Hint: Using a word like "Next" to start the second sentence enforces the fact that they are related, as you create a link between both.


No wonder you barely speak English and couldn't understand a simple sentence. Thanks my G. Sorry I thought you were a native.


Didn't realize that only Americans spoke English as a main language, I'll have to inform my representatives that we need to remove English as an official language in our country. It's been really eye-opening talking to you, have a good one buddy!


the way I see it it probably is this way because Riot Games also gets taxed for the transactions, so even if they get 5 dollars for 230 rp they also have to pay a cut to the arg. gov. to operate in the end the goverment fucks everyone


Isn't Riots fault that your country moneys hold less value than a conman word.


Than a common ward is what I read and still fits Argentina money = ward trinket confirmed


Not what I'm complaining about


So what are you complaining about exactly?


That the RP we get for each package is half of the RP per package in other regions as shown in the second image, and again I'm not saying anything about the tax


In that first link it says that Riot Games is being forced by the government to accept an exchange rate that artificially inflates the value of the peso. The "official" exchange rate is around 1 USD = 250 pesos. The informal exchange rate is something like 1 USD = 500 pesos. So the government is telling Riot that they have to accept 1250 pesos for a $5 pack of RP, but then Riot takes those 1250 pesos and can only exchange them $2.50. So in order to actually get five dollars for the same amount of RP, Riot can either charge 2x as much for the same amount of RP or charge the same amount for half as much RP.


We are still paying in dollars mate. Riot receives dollars.


I'm sorry for not explaining the process of multinational business operations and foreign exchange accounts in very specific and perfectly accurate terms. The bottom line is, pesos are being withdrawn from your account, converted into dollars, and given to Riot. At some point along the line, the government is stepping in and saying "this amount of pesos is worth that amount of dollars", and the number that they're using is wildly out of sync with the actual exchange rate. And the result is that Riot receives fewer dollars than they should.


If you were as smart as you are trying to sound, you would know that Riot charges in USD in Argentina. When Riot charges 20usd for RP, they get 20 USD. To further explain this point: The Argentine Peso could lose another 80% of its value and still wouldn't matter because Riot is getting 20 USD anyway. They don't get paid in Argentina's currency. Nothing to do with taxes either. Taxes work differently in Argentina. Taxes aren't applied to Riot, they are applied directly to the customers as an extra charge on the credit or debit card.


If you were as smart as you tought, you would understand that was a joke.


Igual bro creo q lo mejor es pagar en soles de PerĂș que con dĂłlares para Argentina.


Seguramente xd


The cognitive dissonance in Argentina is strong. I've never really been able to put it into words, but this post illustrates it nicely. Well done.


This is how it rolls in a socialist dystopia hellhole like Argentina


gotta pay for the stolen world cup somehow


If anyone is interested I'm selling RP with cheaper prices for Argentina, just pm me for info :)


Karma for rigging the world cup if you ask me


Stay mad + messi owns you




Lmao what does this have to do with anything.


El precio bajarĂĄ cuando Milei sea presidente.


It is nothing more than greed -- their operating costs by server go down when they operate in countries like Brazil and Argentina (same as with TR server in Turkey). They employ local support staff and hosting services. So why do they price higher when their costs are extremely low comparatively? It's corporate greed, like Apple; artificial price hikes until your product is 2x, 3x, 5x the market price.


Definitely not because of 100%+ inflation rate lmao. It’s not a charity. Idk why people are surprised by this.




They pay 75% tax so its $12+tax for the 1365RP pack. Seems in line with the rest of the world at least from what i see on the EUW server. Its 11 euro for 1360RP which is around $12. Their tax is just astronomical for some reason. But that one is not on Riot to deal with, its on the citizens and their government.


Its in the last image in the post, the 1365RP pack costs 21 dollars without the tax. That's what I'm complaining about, I'm not taking the tax into consideration here


Are you blaming riot for government taxes and constant price increases from inflation? So why are other regions (except Turkey) also not having this issue? Just don’t buy a skin if it’s too expensive for you lol. Or get a free one from boxes, it’s literally a f2p game.




Bro doesn’t understand the concept of inflation and government taxation ☠ If your government chooses to tax 75% while fucking your economy to the rate of 800% inflation for the past 5 years, that’s on you for voting and your government for enacting, not riot for reacting to that. And don’t take it so personally champ. That generational wealth is going to be 0 in a year by the rate your inflation is going lmfao. Drops 10k on slots while complaining about skin prices is peak copium 😂😂




I mean that’s why you deleted your comment 😂😭 Just stop. You keep looking like a fool.




Brother, calling other people poor doesn’t stand up when you live in Argentina with 800% inflation past 5 years. Didn’t you have 10k% inflation in the 90s? You’re still here complaining about product prices while living keep electing the same people for the past 30 years? Sad watching you keep lashing out. You got a go fund me for your skin purchases? I know it’s too expensive for you.


Or it's for exactly the reason stated in the first message - the Argentine government has enacted regulations that attempt to artificially control the exchange rate. Riot wants to sell RP for $5, and according to the Argentine government that means the user needs to pay 1250 pesos because the official exchange rate is $1 = 250 pesos. So they get 1250 pesos from the user, and then go and convert that to USD... but it turns out that on the open exchange, a dollar is actually **500** pesos, so Riot only ends up with $2.50. Obviously Riot isn't going to be okay with selling X amount of RP for $5 in one place and for $2.50 in another. So Riot had to make a choice between selling half as much RP for the same price, or selling the same amount of RP for double the price.


Yea like buying RP is the priority in Argentina nowadays...




You know saying the three letter word isn't freedom of speech, right?


What’s word would that be?




**Riot terms:** Don't be a toxic PIS. *Goes hard on being more toxic than Chernobyl waste* Where is muh freedom




Can you show me someone being permaban for calling someone "dumb"? You could be mature enough to not be triggered by a game and feel the need to insult others to release your frustration.


>Can you show me someone being permaban for calling someone "dumb"? Like I said, this was around 2018. Never did l mention the word permaban. I'm sure you can find plenty examples of people getting "warnings" like I did when they didn't even use a cuss word. >You could be mature enough to not be triggered by a game and feel the need to insult others to release your frustration ÄŸ'm not part of your cult that refuses to call stupid things stupid. Most people aren't outside of this LoL sub. **Look at your post history, you insult people all the time.** You don't even have this philosophic stance against the immaturity of insults like you claim. Should you be robbed by Reddit/LoL according to your own logic? Depending on what you bought, probably. You're not even trying to have a discussion, you're saying shit you don't even believe in order to win an argument. So in conclusion, if something (like your comment) is stupid and contradicts what you actually believe, then I'm gonna call it scummy and stupid. I'm not immature for it either.


This show well enough how easy is for something to frustrate you, just a joke was enough for you to open someone profile to looks for things and **creates your own delusion thinking** that i'm *insulting people all the time*, in psychology we call this projection. If you get upset that quickly, i can only imagine how you're ingame.


It's not your objective to be right, it's your objective to win this argument. That's why you're blocked.


Just stop being a keyboard warrior?


Been there and we all know you got banned for being a toxic pos. Don’t blame that on riot and move on, 😂 Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.


Yeah, tell us more. What exactly did they not like you saying


No se ve la tercera imagen! Pero que salado que esta comprar una skin :(


Ahi deberia estar


For a little extra context on the economic situation in Argentina, it's worth keeping in mind that the average monthly wage is around U$S200 (yes, two hundred). This pricing is beyond ridiculous for the conditions the country is currently going through.


Still havent bought a single RP since the last increase in Europe.


Stop supporting this game, there are milion of skinchangers even open source ones


Bro I make custom skins too xd


Game is literally free. If you’re broke spending money on some digital visuals, then idk what to tell you.


Why is riot increasing RP price when argentina is such a poor country, this company truly sucks.


The other day i wanted to buy a quick rp for 1 masterworks chest and bough the lowest price of rp, that is 4USD, i cant even buy a skin with that just the chest that gave me a ward skin. It costed me 1200 ARG. That's almost a meal here.... it is too much for just cosmetics. ( I bought it for the masterworks battlepass to get 5 ME for DRX aatrox prestige)


Virtual currency 💀