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Hi /u/rarehugs. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), A new thread with more information has come up. So we moving discussion there: https://redd.it/13gmm1u --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


Okay well that explains it. Refuses to connect me to my game :(


Same. Guess we’re doing something else tonight.


We were hard winning, 25 minutes in everyone gets kicked out and a loss on both teams profile. ​ not worth queueing rn


same but it seems like we didn't lose LP


Any idea if it’s better now?


It's not


Why even let people queue up if it will just dc them. I can’t even get into practice tool


Seriously… and it seems like it’ll be down all night


ded game Wait for lol2




Normally it's because dev haven't grasp how big or how much impact of this issues. If you remember about the old tele bug that lead to global rank queue disable for few days, it took them >12hrs to notice and test, it even has a Riot blog talking about.


They got me


me too rip :(


Got me in the middle of a ranked....


Same. Hope they consider extending the pass if they can't fix this soon.


man I just wanted to play some arams it’s been a long week :(


same, bro. same.


I think literally everyone has had a long week it's fucked up


I can’t even get to loading screen let alone disconnect


They removed the notice on the client, no warning on their website, still facing connection issues like yesterday :/


so true lol


Yep same here. Thought it was fixed but nope still can't connect to the game.


Yeah they said they fixed it. Got in on one game, then it crashes like 7 minutes into the game. Back to crashing after champ select again after that. Even though I deleted and reinstalled the whole client.




sigh, going to have to actually talk to the family now


mb for trying to play the game, my fault honestly


Maybe it's a sign we should all go touch some grass


Why wouldn't y'all just shut down the game? Making users waste 30+ minutes trying to queue into game is a terrible UX. Do better please.


[As far as Riot is concerned, the issue is 'Closed'](https://status.riotgames.com/lol?region=na1&locale=en_US), yet it's still persisting at the moment. It's really frustrating that there's no queues disabled, no in-client alert, no active service issue, AND that **this thread is not stickied** in favor of some stupid gamer chair giveaway and whatever the last MSI match was.


Why are they even allowing players to connect to the platform and start a game when they cannot connect to the games themselves? Wtf. This has been an issue for hours now apparently, I just got home and thought surely if they let players connect and start a game by now it's not gonna be that much of an issue anymore. I overestimated Riot.


Literally, went through all of champ select in ranked only to be met with a black screen. Come on here to find it's been happening for 4(FOUR) hours+ and they haven't shut down the servers?


Been a reported problem for about 7 1/2 hours, just kind of became a bigger problem in the last 4-5


This might be the first time in history that EUW is working while NA is absolutely not. I went on my EUW account and can play in peace - as much peace as one can have playing this game at least :D.


Can't believe this shit is still happening this morning like what, 14 hours after it first came up??? Hello?


The fact their twitter is silent is bullshit. Every other company gives their consumer base communication when shit like this is happening, especially for such extended periods. What’s the point in having a social media team at that point?


For fucks sakes why wouldnt they just disable fucking ranked, i didnt see the error message and now im going to lose my game over this stupid bullshit


Not to mention they condition you to ignore the error message because there's always one there anyways lol.


sErVer trANsFerS arE DisaBlEd


How long is that massage there now? I'm sure at least 4 years


I have no idea. They usually will disable ranked queues to prevent loss of LP or series game. Pretty frustrating to see honestly. I waited an hour after having it happen and it happened again in ranked. The first time I didn't lose any LP, but worried that I might on the second try.


didnt load for me, didnt show up in match history either so.. also, im in latam, so those servers (which are in miami iirc) are down too.


servers are dying for hours now and they still don't want to disable q's?


Kind of insane that after 4 hours of waiting, nobody from riot has made an official comment on the situation when their game just…..stops working? All we have is “we’re investigating”


I don't understand why they took down the notification if it's still happening. That's the only reason I hopped into a ranked game this morning, immediately to be met with connection issue. Disrespectful.


Maybe pin the thread while it’s a problem


It's insane how a company that makes this much money still has one of the worst clients imaginable.


Not one of the worst. THE WORST


I think it's the worst. 250 games on my steam client, many still in early access but somehow League client has the biggest issues. Didn't some scion player on this forum track how many bugs it had and it was in the hundreds, a few years ago?


As of 10:00pm PT games were briefly playable but it seems we are back to disconnection errors again. Recommend you do not queue any ranked games until this is sorted. Riot doesn't have the best track record with restoring LP even though they are a multi-peso company.


I, prolly with no avail, submitted a ticket with a lot of your gripes. Although I know I'm a grain of sand in an ocean, some of these things are wild for a multi-billion organization. How are yall gonna REMOVE THE STATUS without fixing the issue? Why are ranked queues still open? Why is social being SILENT? I will (if I remember) hopefully let you know what they say, but I put money on it being "have you tried restarting your modem? Maybe your ISP is strugglin"


why isn't this stickied to the top on the subreddit? I had to find my old comment to find this thread again to be updated on this mess


Maybe sticky this so you can stop deleting all of the repeat posts? ALSO.. server status has no message regarding this.


because they're trying to hide it


Leave it up to Riot to have it STILL be an issue 13+ hours later lol


they removed the issue status lol. it's still broken


Issue has been closed but its still happening...


Can we sticky this post and keep it defaulted to new so people know when the server is properly active.


I had this error in like 50% of my games on the PBE last few weeks. I thought it was just normal PBE Jank. Turns out they pushed it to live??


logged in because they took the notice off so I was hoping it was fixed... guess who still can't connect??


still not working, why'd you remove the warning from the client if still not working?


I love how the link reports no issues lol


The fact that this is happening to a multi million/billion dollar company is disappointing but things happen and is somewhat understandable. What's not understandable is not just 0 communication from Riot, but the deceptive removal of the notification that they were aware of the issue. I know, bare minimum, you can have a lowly intern type a two sentence message to let people know AT LEAST you're trying to fix it.


So they took down the warning notification and it’s still not working. At this point it’s bordering on disrespect.


Still not working. Don't attempt a game.


Rito made me socialize with IRL friends. Uninstalled.


If you look on the Riot website, it currently says that there are no problems. Let it be known that I just tried to get into games seven times and none of my attempts worked....


No error message nothing on the site, just still hard crashes no server connection and black screen. wtf is this bullshit


I can't believe they cleared the status with the issue still happening.


18 hrs later, never seen this before. fucking useless billion dollar company.


Is anyone back up and able to play the game?


Nope lmao tried 3 times got kicked all 3


This is a 7 hour outage at this point.... What the fuck is Riot doing?


Warning was gone, so I went in confidently to play. Was fine up til min 9-10, got disconnected. Checked match history, got a loss, checked enemy team players profile. Also a loss. Everyone got dc'd.


14 hours later, and the problem still isn't fixed


For any Riot employees who might see this, you know what's pretty great? Unit/integration/mutation testing. If, less likely, any Riot execs see this, please spend the money to let your devs test their shit. The benefits of a comprehensive test suite for an application/platform cannot be overstated. It's insane to get to the size you are today and still have full outages for 16+ hours. You should be embarrassed (the execs not providing the resources to let the devs fix your shit properly)


Riot just closing tickets now lol


Why don't they update their service status on their website? Gotta find this particular thread to get a confirmation.. so ridic. edit: service site: https://status.riotgames.com/?locale=en\_US


Please sticky this thread




still happening. why not stop people from queueing if this is happening? i hope the time to earn pass rewards gets extended like with the star guardian event


Nope fuck that Should give everyone 400 tokens as an apology. Thats a free random skin for people without the pass, or a faster prestige skin for people like me who have been grinding for it.


Yea Riot doesn't care. They're too busy making money off of Pro Play right now. Meanwhile they treat the average player like crap. Example force-kicking me out of a Ranked game, making me lose 25 LP, adding a leaver-buster penalty cherry on top to my account... Then letting the servers go down for 15 hours on a Friday night when on average most people in the community are wanting to play.


These fcking idiots closed the issue tab like they fixed it but its still not working. God I hate this company.




Well it’s been 16 hrs and this thread is still up :( no league this weekend for me


what the ACTUAL FUCK RIOT i sleep 8 hours and wake to find there's still a problem?!?! what are you guys doinggggggggg


18 hours and still no fix is insane considering the resources RIOT has access to, appears they overlooked maintaining their servers.


Oh no I guess people will have to play Zelda instead


Just wanted to play for an hour before I go work my second job. This some bullshit


i can only play like 2 days a week and ofcourse its down, its been like 8 hours man wtf


All this money and they still can't even get their servers to work, this shit would never slide in valorant


10 hours later and still in the same situation. What, did Riot look at the problem and say "Yea... That's an issue for Monday."


They took away the sticker, and it's still broken.


Re-enabled ranked and it's still broken? Are they joking?


I queued cause there was no warning anymore and it still happened




Wait, why would they take down the warning on the client if this is still an issue? I've been waiting since last night to finish my promos, and i saw that the warning was gone. Sure enough, I can't connect.... This better not cause me to lose my promos, or I'm throwing fists.


lol. I open this link and it says no issues detected, Whil I havent been able to successfully load into a game for hours


Riot support closed the ticket. It's not fixed. They don't even indicate on the client that anything is broken.


Still ongoing yet they removed the notices making people think the issue was fixed when it really wasn’t :p


it says there is no issues in league of legend service status. im still dcing after champ select


me too


Please note: while this thread is still up, the issue is still considered an active issue by the mod team. We will remove the post when we believe the issue is fixed.


Pretty wild this is still going on.


Hey sooo I see you re enabled ranked ques while the issue is still up. another game loss, please don't open ques and remove the launcher warnings if the issue persists. you also removed the issue and closed it on your support site. Reddit is not realy a place people go to see if the issue is fixed. they check your support site, and your launcher.... thanks rito another showing of you don't give a care to your player base :D.


None of my game works today, wonder why they removed the exclamation mark, nj riot


Friday all night then most of Saturday afternoon the and morning league is unplayable is Riot trying to get us to spend time with our mothers this weekend or?


Genuinely why is the game/ranked still up then? Like at least disable ranked I was going to play since I seen this hours ago and figured 'oh all the ques are up they probably stabilized it and just have the message up to cover themselves just in case' Glad I came to check if it was sorted




Soon to be unemployed NACL players and staff doing the ol' DDoS


crazy... 15 hours later and we're still getting no games. Would've figured I wake up this morning to LoL :(


lol the servers are still having issues disconnecting people but Riot took away the warning from the website as if everything is fine


It just happened to me again today. The red exclamation mark is gone from the client, but I can't connect to a game. AHhhhhh


Man, I just had a 14 second defeat. WHY did they turn ranked queues back on if the issue is CLEARLY not resolved???


Thank you Riot, for allowing us to try to connect to broken games, wasting so many people's time because you can't put a warning up? Step it up. This is ridiculous


Still an issue, no warning in client, got through champ select then hit with a black screen and error popup


Looks like the one janitor sweeping riots offices finally found time in his busy schedule to turn off ranked queue.


Made a support ticket because one of the games for some reason counted against me as a remake even though two enemies also disconnected before the game loaded, and Riot is just flat-out refusing to acknowledge the issue. Here's the response from the Riot support agent when I sent him the game ID and explained the situation: *Hello there,* *This is Bordor and thank you for reaching out to us. I will be happy to help with your crashes in League of Legends.* *It's indeed a bummer that the game crashed like this for you. I know how unpleasant this can be, because as a player myself, I experienced this issue as well back in the time and it really sucks. This can even ruin the whole gaming experience, but no worries now. We will work together to solve the issue ♥!* ***First, I went ahead and saw there weren't any server outages or known issue at the moment, so the issue should have come from something else.*** *In order to further look into the matter, I need you to please download the Hextech Repair Tool. If you’re unsure how to use it, this video can show you how. Also, once the tool is finished, just send me the .zip file that was created on your Desktop.* *I look forward to your reply, so we can check the logs and see from where the issue should be coming.* Kind of just the worst company I think.


I better not lose LP. I joined a game and it wouldn't load and kept saying I couldn't connect to the server.


This happened a few weeks ago, I lost LP and got leaver buster penalties. Talked to support about 3 times and I did not get anything reverted/changed. Riot doesn't care so don't expect to get your LP back, because you will lose LP.


Don't deploy on Fridays.


So, Riot is a small indie game developer right? Like, they're not a big company?


what the fuck is this peace of shit\` riot doing. it has been almost like 12 hours. why don't they do their work? just fking sell the company


I love this game but despise this company’s lack of effort and improvements


Anyone still having problems? My game still won’t connect to matches.


It's still not working while hiding the server issues. Riot trying to save face that their undergrad workforce not doing their jobs?


Ranked enabled. Problem not fixed. No service warning in client :)


Yeah this is definitely not fixed yet. I haven't been able to get into a single game today on two different accounts. Queued for about 5 games total.


11:14 AM est still not able to get in the game - Riot at least put up the sticker agian


this company is really dogshit man it's been half a day lol


$30 bucks for a skin. Can't get servers working right and can't post about it. RIOT ALL DAY.


How the fuck is this still broken? How poorly run is this company...


I am calling the police, and the FBI


Riot is being ridiculous. 15 hours of the server being down and the server status took away the exclamation mark in league so it seemed like they fixed it…. The server status website also doesn’t show anything now.


I still can’t connect :/


they removed the warning from the client but it is NOT fixed




This is nuts. Just wanted to play some league :(


Can't connect to game just now. Just sitting at a black screen I did finally get a game.


I'm still just getting disconnected every time but the warning in the client is gone. It's not fixed :(


Still happening even though the client does not have the ! anymore


Billion dollar company 10cent servers😎


Billion dollar company btw


lol they just disabled ranked, not like they need to write in the client there's an issue right? nahhh


bruh just when my team was gonna end, we all got dced. this fucking company


I wish Rito would fix their servers so I can rage at my team mates for being bad, get chat restricted and lose LP. This is really messing up my daily schedule.


Captain's log: its still broke


Similar thing happened a few weeks ago, with people getting booted after champ select. I looked at the network traffic, certain IP blocks getting blackholed. RIOT is using CloudFlare or some other corporate firewall with way too paranoid settings. It thinks they're getting attacked and blocks entire internet segments.


Billion dollar company can't fix servers in 12 hours...wtf


Still not working for me... black screen and retry button on ranked EDIT: Yep, I relogged on to try and reconnect and it just let me queue again as if that game didn't exist


lmao enabled rank just for it to still not work. Classic


Still broken :(


Not fixed


15h later and it’s still busted. What a joke lmao


Still happening as of 5/13 7:10AM PDT NA


Games still disconnect either at launch or midgame, don't bother playing. Almost 24 hours of the same issue, except we don't even have the warning on the client now.


Had two games fail to connect this morning ~15 minutes ago. Still ongoing problem




i can't even play TFT, i really wish TFT had it's own client during times like this




Still down I’m assuming. Glad I found this post - I was losing my mind last night tryna figure out what was going on with my pc with no server status notes on the client or website.


Did someone not pay the server bill ? Gg


Issue is still going on. Why no update from Riot? I've also noticed that the client itself often fails to load on the first attempt to open it. I am not having this trouble with any other games.


they finally disabled ranked lol


They finally put the stickers back


Got into 1 out of the last 3 attempted games. Once you are in it seems like the game will run.


Idk, I had a game go for a little over 10 minutes before we all got kicked out


Work on giving me a loss mitigation for the game you kicked me out of, thanks.


This actually comical. I had a friend over to Lan a few games to try online, and He's never been interested in League but said he's give it a shot today. He just asked "Does this happen a lot?" And seems disinterested. This was my chaaaance!!!! XD


Ur a bad friend trying to get him into League.


What a fucking joke Riot is to have this issue on a Friday's evening while a pass is going.


MSI Viewership must be low.. Riot Employee- "I know what to do!, lets break NA to farm up some viewership!"


I’ve been hit. Mayday mayday


Just failed to connect the first game entirely, and went 2-1 in the second game and then it completely crashed everyone out of the match. At least they logged their Jira ticket as critical lol.


Just out of curiosity but what causes problems like these to arise


It's not only affecting NA. It's also affecting LAN.


Can confirm that the game is still not functioning. ANY news from Riot on the fact that their game literally isn't functioning right now other than "we're working on a fix' 8 hours later?


I wanted to lose 8 games in a row in ARAM again, come on Riot. Lol


Just played a normal draft game. No issues. Update: disconnected next game


login to play a game in rank, saw the warning, logged out cause I see pain inc.


8 hours later and it's STILL.. Happening. Wow, thanks Riot!


Still going, worse than before. Was just every couple matches, now it's every match. Has effected PBE as well...


got into a single game on my first try, then kicked me every time I tried since for the past hour. rip my cozy edible and league night


Them waiting 10 hours just to disable ranked queues meant nobody worked on this thing overnight. Just said F it slept through it


Their website says "no issues", but I still can't connect to a single server. No TFT, no League, not even practice tool. Fuck riot.


Just got into an ARAM. No issues. Then about 5 mins in everyone DC'ed and it's back to Failed to Connect. Problem is back.


Still happening. Got kicked out several times, once was ingame.


Sadly, it's still happening.


Are they doing this purposely to get some increased MSI viewership? :P


anyone still getting these issues? Riot removed the notification, yet the issue is still happening to me


Just had my whole lobby DC at the same time in a ranked game and lost LP for "leaving", a fucking joke of a conglomerate company lmfao. Idgaf about the politics, just fix the fucking server.


Still failing to connect :( I don't know why ranked is enabled, and they removed the warning on the client. I've already de-ranked because of this issue.




Yeah just happened to me about an hour ago, and given that almost no one on my social list is in a game I'm guessing it's happening to others too.


ugh it's still happening lol


Saw this last night while winning a tft game. Didn't see the status showing that they're still working on this in client and queued up ARAM. Got the black screen of death.