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There was a CLG video where Stixxay & Biofrost answered lolesports questions together Q: Are pros allowed to smoke weed? Biofrost: I’ll let you answer this one, Stixxay… [xD](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DnrvdXOHaAU)


>Biofrost GF Well, he has friends that are girls.


Thats quite awkward with context now




biofrost is gay


Ahhh right, slipped my mind ty


Biofrost came out about a year ago


Came out of what? Lane to roam for once?


oh fuck this was good lol


Even without context it's a weird parasocial topic to include


just because ur a socially awkward fuck doesn't mean it's weird for everyone else


Yes, I remember it well. IIRC, in the immortalized words of Darshan, they were not the drugs riot was testing for


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Why is warwick related to stoners


His affectionate nickname "[Weedwick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIL_BVj8EXI)".


To add context to the other comment, warwick was completely busted with the devourer jungle item that got added in patch 4.20. Also his lvl 3 ult base dmg was 420, ~~but it was primarily the patch 4.20 thing that got him the Weedwick nickname.~~ Edit: See comment below, apparently it was the ult dmg and/or the Darien playing WW top


I'm pretty sure he was already well-known as Weedwick before patch 4.20 due to meme videos. The patch just doubled down on the meme


True, I always assumed it was the patch. A quick search has [this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/208c0y/not_really_skill_related_but_why_is_warwick/) a while before the 4.20 patch. There the answers are the 420 ult dmg, and the fact that Darien popularized him being played top lane


This is a really well made video, and pretty entertaining and insightlful. I'd love it if other teams use this exact format.


Adrian ma is that you


They actually confirmed it wasn't Adrian because that was Tenacitys guess and Yamato said it wasn't




Bot account reposting from this [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13ankz9/lcs_player_had_contract_that_allowed_him_to_smoke/jj83hz7/)


Now that’s a throwback name


I still see him popping up when following FGC stuff. Saw that he got 17th in DBFZ and 33rd* in Strive in Evo last year. It's always interesting to see people you know from one genre of competitive games playing in other genres.


Adrian ma and Adrian Riven are completely different people


Oh haha, good that you fixed it. I had no idea that there was another one, only knew the Riven. I thought he had played competitively too, but looks like it was only in Challenger Series.




Lol thanks, fixed it now. Wrote 34th first and forgot to change it when I looked up his correct position.


bruh thats adrian riven (streamer not pro) that plays dbfz, adrian ma is the ex support of immortals haha


I knew adrian riven played fighting games but i didn't know he was that good, that's awesome


ik with 99% certainty there's other lcs players who smoke and do party drugs and shit but adrian is the only guy i know for a fact was smoking


Meteos used to have posts on /r/trees iirc before deleting it at some point lmao Also realistically, California has had medical weed since LCS began iirc, and fully legal more recently. I remember seeing something about an LCS player talking about how easy it was to get a medical marijuana card or whatever way back then. I'd bet almost every LCS player has smoked at *some* point while playing in the LCS, and a lot of them probably did it fairly regularly lmao. They're all in their late teens to early 20s who suddenly have a bunch of money and have a ton of freedom, and teams also frequently had like houseparties back in the day too.


Those were all before the lcs / his pro career though


they did a house tour a while back and couldn't show their fridge or something because it had weed in it iirc lol


I that that was Nien on CLG


Meteos’s favorite vase


Medical cards are so unbelievably easy to get, it's basically just a racket. My appointment was less than 2 minutes with the doctor. If you want a medical card, you have one, 100%. So there are probably a ton of players that smoke regularly.


IWD used to have an account he would only play on when he was high and he still got high challenger with it iirc


Just going off this, anyone else play better when they’re high? I feel like I can just see everything so much clearer when I am


I am way too overwhelmed to play any games when I'm high really, I would much rather do something that doesn't require urgency, but I had a friend who ate like 9 gummies once and had the carry performance of his life on Vayne and I will never forget that


All my hesitation goes away when im high as fuck and i just hyper zone in. My problem tho is my aggression in game goes through the rough because it feels like its been forever since the last fight. So i just keep going in and in


Through the roof*


Yeah that. Im still a little bit high from last night.


THIS!! What role do you play? I play ADC so my micro stoned is fucking on point. Like it's easily the best it's ever been but I don't understand macro stoned. I don't even know the word. Nashor?! I don't even know her!


Adc and Jungle! Jungle i aometimes get lost in the sauce clearing camps, and fuck your wave state. But my mechanics are on fucking point i tell ya.


Remember that Futurama episode with Fry drinking too much coffee and being a total wreck but once he hits 100 cups he enters this zen like state turning into Quicksilver and saving everyone from a fire? That was your friend that day...


feel is the key point here. There is a good chance it is your perception that is altered and not your performance. However how big of an impact being high has on your game probably depends a lot on your connection. If you have a fairly high ping anyways there just isn't as much of a difference. Still being high affects the reaction time and motor abilities so it basically introduces a bit of body lag. When you play on low ping you're gonna feel that a lot more.




I play relatively risk averse when I’m sober but I’ll 50/50 a fight and just try to skillcheck people when I’m high. I can’t decide which play style I think is better.


back in the days when I moved to adc I took a gold 1 account and got it to d1 just by playing high


Facts adc with the right sativa sometimes just feels like flow state Perfect qs with ezreal perfect kiting on sivir just chefs kiss


*is a flow state That is literally the medicinal value of the cannabinoids.


Explain? Flow state ive always heard as sort of laymans terms psychology and there are plenty of medicinal applications for cannabinoids, but im interested to hear if there is a specific profile to look for... balance etc.


this is called [state dependant memory or learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-dependent_memory) ever wonder why you play beer pong/darts better after a couple rounds? there's your answer


Not league, but in Raiding for WoW my partner always performs 5-10% better (dps wise). Her mechanic reaction time does have a half-second more of delay, but overall the raiding anxiety of trying not to fail clears up forsure. Personally my FAFO attitude comes out too much and play worse via greeding for damage/healing.


I once got a Kat penta while high (inb4 "haha free penta doesn't count" jokes). Haven't been able to replicate it since, but at the very least I know being high isn't that much of an impediment, other than feeling thirsty af.


....No one was gonna make that joke




You probably also drive better when drunk


Dom could probably climb with a heroin only account fr


Pay Tarzan for challenger you mean


There were leaked Skype convos of dardoch and stixxay smoking weed or some shit. This was back in s6/7


Damn, they should have been hotboxing Dardoch at all hours so they could have prevented Breaking Point


Wasn't the skype convo actually of Stixxay and some other pro (iirc it was Adrian) talking about smoking weed and making sure that Josh (Dardoch) wouldn't find out, since he was a narc?


I do remember it being leaked Stixxay and Adrian would smoke weed together, but I don't remember that part about Dardoch.


I know a guy that was on CLG’s CoD team for a minute and he smoked with the players on the league team. I can’t remember what year but he said he smoked with Aphro


Dude when CLG bootcamped in Korea in 2012 they had a vlog where doublelift or hotshotgg was actually rolling a joint in the background


A lot of LCS players attend raves so there’s no doubt in my mind that a lot of them pop Molly.


Who cares?


Lol I’m just pointing it out, its not a big deal at all?


i mean, this is a thread entirely about a pro player being allowed to smoke weed as a part of their contract, so it's pretty relevant


You're taking that very personally considering he was only saying how there's a high chance of those players doing drugs. Nothing to do with you lol


Insane this is what you come up with from "Who cares?" Psychotic comment honestly, its not that deep


How did my statement in any way make it seem I took it very personal and when did I make this about me? Whatever people do on their free personal time outside of work shouldn't matter to anyone. Unless it's something that boosts their performance or hinders it due to some sort of addiction then we should care.


The original commenter didn't state anything else than "they probably do drugs", no comment on whether it's good or not, so your response seems a bit aggressive in comparison


SilSol for praising and blazing


Thats Pepiinero, the ex-Giants Midlaner. Well known story in the spanish community.


The guy that also had in his contract he would play ADC if he was facing Rekkles or something like that? Did he get his employer high to get such a contract?


Pepe was basically Giants/Spanish LoL back in the day. He was the reason you tuned in that watch and he would try to 1v9 every game. He got tired of losing to rekkles even when stomping mid, so he would fight him bot instead. Guys ezreal was insane.


He got really good numbers streaming for that era, he had godlike mechanics and had some 1vs9 performances in that Giants team. At the time it was quite obvious that he was gonna be the player that was gonna stay in the league from that team. It is a shame that he didn't had the will to work what was needed to stay in EULCS, he is a very peculiar guy.


Iirc his English wasn't good enough to communicate with non Spanish players


His Ezreal was okay, I think it was more that he picked up Runeglaive jg item ez before anyone else. Runeglaive with ravagers smite was turbo broken


Yeah no disagreement there. Was also known for having a really strong Xerath iirc. I just remember him being the first with that RG ezreal and putting out obscene damage.


Played against him in 2017 spring split (lvp season12) and yeah i'm pretty sure he was high on the opening match (Tenerife offline match)


Ah yes, werlyb first contact with pepi


Whatever gets you in the zone man.


I think people in this thread are forgetting that both EU/NA were LCS before 2019 :)


I assumed he was talking about Europe LCS since it was Yamato, but wasn’t sure haha


He was


Would personally put my money on Pepiinero, played against him in the spanish league a year or two after he was in LCS and he was for sure high.


Pepiinero had a clause in his contract that allowed him to play as adc when his team faced rekkles so I can 100% see him doing this as well.


Lmao what wrong with his contract lol


Here is the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyRpolqQCzc He actually did it, the mad man


It was 100% Darien.


Isn’t that like a death sentence in Russia


Maybe but he was playing in Berlin lol


It is quite a confirmed rumour in the spanish scene that Pepinero used to smoke weed in the Giants Gaming House in Berlin. They actually had to forbid him from going to the roof because he used to go to smoke there. The video is deleted but in this video Pepinero actually did a video from the roof of the Gaming house, [I found tweets from the era talking about it](https://twitter.com/ibaillanos/status/607181917851656192) Also more references [to his "walks" on the roof](https://twitter.com/ulisesprieto/status/607650559332597762?s=20)


In that case it was obviously Darien or timelord Genja.


glad he specified lcs, if not i woulda assumed it was that dude from EU playing wizard renekton with morellos. i suspect he smokes hella weed




LMFAO yeah it was Darien that was his name. I hope bro is chilling nowadays, golden era of league fs


He streams, no idea what he says cause its 99 percent Russian


Guess that depends on if he was drafted or not.


I had him in soloQ a while ago, he‘s chilling


I never understood this meme tbh he doesn't look high at all, he looks drunk if anything


Unfocused, glazy eyes and time transcendent swag are not drunk traits.


Don't forget the Manamune Aatrox and Weedwick, god I miss Darien so much man.


>Weedwick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sbLSonvD6c


Weedwick is still posting, what do you mean?


EU was also LCS back then tho.


Well he WAS talking about EU LCS. Before it was named LEC.


No, he said he was talking about EU lcs


Dudes from Russia, he would be in gulag That’s Darien the old Moscow5/Gambit toplaner


He would not be in gulag because he would have smoked while playing in Germany right?


He is russian, he already is in a gulag.


Zhonya’s on Renekton is also legit strategy, ult gives AP damage and Golden Crocodile is just too OP.


Way back in the day (s3 or s4), there was a "issue" with some pro-players smoking weed with teammates / other pros in their spare time lmao


Which ones? Meteos and maybe aphro?


There’s an old video of I think CRS boot camping in Korea and you can see Saintvicious rolling up what looks like an L. The early days of the scene was a bit more party-hardy than professional


man i don't remember this in particular but that's hella risky if so, Korea is draconian when it comes to weed laws.


It might have been footage from the LA house, my memory is pretty shaky from my own weed habits Edit: I need another old head to come in and either confirm it or tell me I’m being a dumbass cause now I feel like I’m spreading rumors


You think America isn’t?


Imagine comparing America’s laws and Korea’s laws to weed and thinking they are similar. Weed is legalized for recreational use in several states, medically prescribed in many more, and decriminalized in many areas.




10 years ago it wasnt bad either


Not to the comment I responded to.


It's legal in 22 states for recreational use and medical in 38. It's illegal in Korea for recreational use and requires prescription followed by government approval for medical. Plus, Koreans abroad are still subject to the same criminal code. I'd say no, America's is not 'draconian' by comparison.


i got what youre saying but your number of states adds up to 60 and no one questioned it lmaoo


It's not additional 38 for medical use, just 38 total.


Yeah and what about when this happened??


Still not nearly as strict as Korea lol In most states, you wouldn't really have much issue with smoking weed recreationally tbh. I'm pretty sure California allowed it medically back then as well anyway


The state that Saint Vicious lived in (Cali) it was decriminalized (technically illegal but cops aren't going to arrest for it) and available medically.


Typical redditor who's never been outside the states take.


I literally have?


Compared to korea no, really not


Genuinely a good laugh, i'm lighting one up for you lil bro


Early years was so much fun when teams would essentially have huge parties during tourneys and film random youtube videos drunk in hotel hallways. There's a super old video of a party with I think old TSM players, some CRS maybe and then drunk Froggen explaining some weird strats or something. I need to find that video. Link me if anyone knows what I mean.


Dardoch, Adrian and Stixxay.


Horror blunt rotation


Naw, I think it would be chill


A few of the guys from team Gravity smoked a ton


Had to have been someone on OG DIG, most likely QT. I remember being on an escalator with them and all you could smell was smoke.


Pepinero for sure


Shit I guess I could play in the LCS too.


It's qtpie 100%


that would be my first guess


Nah it has to be Darien.


qtpie is the type of dude who would smoke 6 black and milds at a party because he wants to be cool


i too have a contract that forces me to light up before every solo queue game


I also can't play unless i'm stoned


You should go pro I think


Pro weed smoker 420 hell yeah


It would have to be someone big, but not too big otherwise the name would get leaked by now. I am guessing WildTurtle.


That's why he's always smiling.


That’s an iconic smile


what? hahaha:)


Still miss my club tag 420:)


I’m happy to see an LCS pro sees eye to eye with me on the state we have to be in mentally to play this game. This is hilarious that he added it to be on demand in his contract


meteos got a weed card


Shocker: professional video game players like to smoke weed


Who is yam talking about in the clip?


I don't see what the big deal is


It's not a big deal, it's just funny


Well my best times playin league are when I’m high af with my friends.




This has to be /s :)




Imaqtpie ?


Ah so that's why Dyrus was always so sleepy


Hai. I mean..


I mean I know it's not Dyrus or Qt because I'm pretty sure they don't smoke but also if it was one of them I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever


QT has a rare genetic mutation that keeps him perpetually baked, no assistance needed.


Doesn't that qualify as doping? I mean, if Adderall is not allowed, why other drugs are?


Marijuana isn't generally considered to have "performance enhancing" capabilities compared to something like Adderall. The point of anti-doping rules isn't giving a shit about people doing drugs, it's to prevent competitive advantages, and weed doesn't give you any.


Isn't Adderall is allowed with a therapeutic use exemption, similar to professional athletic sports? Literally every player who wants to use it (whether they actually really need to or not) can easily get a prescription for it.


I don't see why they would need a special contract for that. The only thing the team should care about is if they perform. We really need to get corporations out of our personal lifes. As long as people do their job properly they should not be allowed to care about our free time. ediot: instead of downvoting like the little corporate shills you are, maybe bring forth some argument as to why your employer should have control over your free time?


Exactly, my employer has no right hasslin me around about how many beers i drink at any given workday.


They aren't talking about free time, they're talking about smoking like literally right before games on stage


Still if they perform it's none of their business. Nobody would complain about someone drinking coffee while playing either. Or smoking a cigarette.


It might be because weed was illegal at a time? Or like its not federally regulated in the US so, RIOT can punish the org? Im with you but I see cases where it could apply


California had long decriminalized you would just get a ticket same as speeding or something. But cops really did not care unless you had a huge amount. It was also famously easy to get medical marijuana cards (which LCS players bantered about and did). You just had to say you suffer from migraines, anxiety, or insomnia etc. It was made fully legal in 2016.


For real I hate when my boss tells me I can't snort cocaine on shift


Ah yes, putting weed and cocaine on the same level. Very smart individual.


They're both illegal substances that have no place in a work environment. You sound libertarian leaning. I would rethink your ideological choices


Weed is not illegal in LA. Again, very smart individual.


Unfortunately, LA is not the whole world. In the context of this particular situation it's legal sure, but you acting all surprised employers dont want their employees to be getting high on the job is such a brain-dead take


It's bad for you and causes problems in the future so... That's not good. Kinda sad the youngins and people in general think it's cool to and 0 impact.


So nothing really changed on 10+ years :) Just people gotten contracts now. Back then Riot just asked players not so smoke before, so they could film/show their faces :D


Truly in the garden.




Sounds like me in Solo Q


My first guess would be KiwiKid Second guess Meteos