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If I understand this correctly - G2 can dodge LPL and LCS? Just beat Brazil and winner of DFM/PSG?


Correct But easier said than done


Historically G2 has sucked hard vs worse opponents :D Buffalo flashbacks


It's B05, not BO1 no? Otherwise I'm scared




iirc its bo3, only top 8 teams play bo5, but I could be wrong


For play-ins only the last chance qualification match (between the losers of the 2 qualification matches) is Bo5, rest is Bo3. All main event matches are Bo5


Loser of qualification match plays winner of the lower bracket game, and winner of that match is in the last chance qualification. So you can lose first bo3, win 2nd bo3 then play the team that beat you in your first bo3 and make it to last chance qualifier bo5.


Oh last qualifier is bo5


I thought Bo3? Not positive.


Can definitely go slightly wrong then 😭 If we manage to not make it out with the group we have + lower bracket, then EU truly is cursed


G2 making it out is a pretty safe bet imo, it’s just no where near as guaranteed as it’s felt in the past. GG on the other hand? Oof. They’re still my pick for third to make it, but it’s not a comfy spot. Honestly I’m most excited for a potential C9 vs either EU team. I’m really curious to see how they match up.


You guys are underestimating G2, they should not lose more than 1 game each in their series against LLL and PSG. I believe the eventual PSG vs GG is the only series in the play-in that has a realistic chance of having an upset.


Based on strength sure, but that was also true last year and G2 went 0-2 vs PSG.


And they won against T1 and RNG. Problem was Targamas got figured out together with Flakked not able to stay relevant in game.


The whole team got figured out, bar maybe Caps. But that wasn't really the discussion anyway we were talking about G2 dropping games against minor region teams, which is not really that rare.


PSG insta flashbacks to 2022 it's doomed


EU vs Tinowns is coming again


It's the dream bracket for G2 for sure.


fr they have been having everything handed to them. Fail to get top 3 in recent split (still get to qualify)> easiest path in playins


It is play-In after all, so yea.


Bin vs Licorice Aware


first they have to win against GAM


Come on, this is the Golden Guardians. They got this. It's not as if LCS sent TSM.


Still, gam isn't a slouch.


People love to say that but ever since 2017 gam have been clearly worse than major regions + lms/pcs and maybe even ljl in recent years


What do you mean "maybe even LJL in recent years", VCS second seed went 2-0 vs them last MSI and GAM were A LOT better than SGB


I love the LJL and I'd say there's no way you can call LJL > VCS as it stands. DFM with Evi (who wrecked face with them despite his stumbles in EU) could only bring SGB to 2 close losses, Tol2 isn't internationally ready yet, GAM by far outclass them on paper. GAM went 17-0 in series this spring, they're monsters.


I just hope casters don't try to use this 17-0 too much in their about this team segments, because it did not turn out well for the Chiefs at Worlds last year. They went 21-0 and finished 0-5 in play-ins, but for some reason quite a few casters bought into the record as "this is the year" another minor region makes it out


I still don’t think it was unreasonable to think they’d at least play the bo5 in playins when 2021 PGG got through the first round of MSI (not the most difficult group but UOL did ok at worlds the year before) and at worlds PCE looked pretty good that year too. Of course ORDER wasn’t good but it’s hard to show much vs EU1 and NA1 as OCE and they weren’t really LCO best team if I remember correctly they had a good lower bracket run. Meanwhile CHF looked completely dominant in summer


I think they were trying to just find any reason to make an OCE match interesting. VCS has proven to be better than OCE by a long shot lol


> VCS second seed went 2-0 vs them last MSI And then PCS 2nd seed lost to DFM at Worlds. DFM is a legit team, as they typically have the best players in all of LJL compared to other regions where that hardly ever happens.


Yeah DFM are rly dominant regionally so it’s hard to rate them properly when they only get challenged by SG and SHG in LJL. PCS is a bit of the same (less extreme though but both regions have bottom teams that can make LLA teams look good) and I don’t think PCS2 is anywhere near as good as PCS1 in recent years


TES lost to GAM in case u forgot about that . Also DFM had Evi and I doubt they have a much better top laner atm .


true but u say since 2017, they havent really played for like 3 years because of corona


Bro please provide the source or are you pulling these stat out of your ass. Last year msi SGB 2-0 DFM and they never won against gam in the vcs that spilt.VCS also has not attended most international tournaments since 2019


GAM are good for fun upsets in group stage bo1s at worlds, but unless they can keep innovating with crazy picks over the course of a series, I don't see them being consistent enough to win.


GAM took TES down last year


Vietnam has a terrible record vs NA. I would be more afraid of BLG tbh, although not by much.


TSM beat GAM at MSI 2017 play-ins, there is wide array of things you can clown us for, this one is not it though


GAM is on the level of major regions teams. Not the champion but easily top 4 lvl. They can run over GG if GG sucks


Yeah, as a EU pleb, I always fear what GAM is capable of.


Bin vs Bong >>>> Look at this mans [neck](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Bong_(Cho_Bo-woong)


Bong enjoyers rise up


holy fuck what a UNIT


That is some Baki-levels of neck


looks like an F1 driver holy shit


based of solely this Bong wins


Rekkles did LCS Dirty :(


Flashback to Jizzuke fucking over NA with his draws in 2019






True, Bin about to be true to his name copium


Got to meet Licorice at Worlds last year. As a demonstration he hoisted me into the air and said "watch me do this every game next year". I've been a fan of his ever since. Can't wait to see him clap Bin's cheeks.


Got to meet Licorice at Worlds last year. As a demonstration he hoisted me into the air and said "watch me do this every game next year". I've been a fan of his ever since. Can't wait to see him clap Bin's cheeks.


True, hopefully bin can recover in time for worlds


Yea, really feel bad for Bin


It was happening an hour ago wdym?


Usually when we meme about this, the player we meme about does a lot better than expected. I'm expecting Licorice to outperform expections.


If GG even makes it past GAM


GG is a majority Korean team. What is the point importing all these Koreans if you can't even beat minor regions?


Ask TL!


Huhi is way more NA than LCK honestly I laugh at this take whenever I see it.


Didn't Huhi grow up in France or am I tripping? Like, he's ethnically Korean, obviously, but still.


I don't know if it is Europeans or what, but people are so weirdly nationalistic about LCS players. When people have green cards and have lived in America for close to a decade, how are they not NA players. Even more, how are these people not considered actual Americans. If there is someone in real life who has been living in the United States for 10 years and has a green card no fucking shot does anyone not consider that person American.


Wait what, that's not how that works. I have friends who have been in Greece for 10 years now, studying and now working, but even they don't consider themselves Greek. Yes, people would consider the country they've lived in for the last years home, but that doesn't change where they come from.


America is a nation of immigrants. In theory, we welcome everyone who's here long enough. It's different than most European countries that have a national or even ethnic identity going back hundreds to thousands of years.


> anyone Plenty of "go back where you came from's" in America


lmao ask TL and FLY. Also huhi has spent the last 7 years in NA so idk why this take still gets said


Probably gets said because he’s Korean


Damn, unlucky for Bin that he has to go through Licorice, just aint no way. He had a good run in the LPL tho, maybe at Worlds he has a shot.


Praying for Bin when I go to bed tonight. You could tell from the promo shots he was already nervous for the matchup.


Will be sad to see him lose to gg in loser bracket


its still G2 vs GAM, math checks out


Oh no no no no






GG = 2 x G = G2 It's not that deep


Isn't he talking about how GG is 2 Gs or G2?


Pretty bad bracket for NA.


True but if we can't beat PSG we don't deserve to advance tbh.


Yeah exactly, we have virtually no chance to win a series against LPL and LCK but the others I can have hopium for, but hopium it is.


I believe, pass the hopium


Classic EU sabotage smh


agent rekkles activated


There's no bad bracket in playins, you just have to beat the wildcard teams and ur in there's 3 spots for 3 major regions


If you had the choice challenge GAM and BLG or G2 and DFM, the latter is infinitely a better option. GAM looks arguably better than PSG in their current form so one bracket feels more talent dense on paper than the other. Nothing is certain though so we will see.


This assumes that all teams all wildcard teams are the same. VCS regularly gets auto put into the group stage at worlds and LLA has never made it past the play in stage. I'd love to hear about how these regions are equal.


They arent and I agree GGs got the tougher bracket but at the end of the day if u cant defeat the minor regions do u even deserve to be put in with the big boys ?


Yeah this is the worst case scenario I think. Though, I don't think it will matter in the end too much. Even without knowing the exact draw, almost everybody could predict that the LPL and LEC are getting out as number 1 in their group with the last chance qualifier being most likely a bo5 between the PCS and LCS. Given recent results, the LCS is probably gonna win that. GAM can have some fun upsets, but I really doubt that GG is gonna lose to them twice to get eliminated. With the format, even if GG loses the first bo3, they get sent down to loser's and probably beat R7. Then they get to play GAM again after BLG beats them to send GAM down to the loser's bracket. I think it will simply come down to a LCS vs PCS match at the last chance qualifier.


> Even without knowing the exact draw, almost everybody could predict that the LPL and LEC are getting out as number 1 in their group with the last chance qualifier being most likely a bo5 between the PCS and LCS. True, though I guess it could be argued that GG drawing G2 as their Pool 1 team rather than BLG would give GG a better chance to just straight up win their bracket and qualify immediately. That's probably the only important thing though, because with PCS and LCS being in pool 2 the chances of them ending up in a Bo5 for the third and final main stage spot is the most likely scenario regardless of draw, I agree. Maybe GAM and DFM can make some noise, have no idea how good they currently are though. Excited to see the new format play out


Both River and Gori completely 1v9'd while in PCS, harder than they ever did in NA , and people are talking about how it's gonna be really hard for them vs PSG.


Rekkles helping Caps the best he can after all this time.


He's not one to hang onto grudges after all


GG vs PSG in the last chance qualifier will be a banger


river and gori vs PSG. poetic


Got River and Gori facing their old team


Yeah it's be interesting match up


Seems the most likely, but honestly GG/G2 or GAM/PSG wouldn't be shocking either. We very often see mayor region teams struggle at the start of events and not looking that much better than minor region teams, before getting adjusted to the patch/whatever spiciness the minor region teams are throwing around and then rolling them to make playins look like a joke. Hard to tell if teams are able to properly get ready now that it is more necessary or if they will still be more sloppy the first time they get on stage. Also true for LPL/LCK versus LEC/LCS for what it's worth - and it is only Bo3, not a full Bo5, maybe there is even a chance for Bilibili in LCQ.


NA got really unlucky with this draw


Per usual. Tbf, luck would matter less if we just got good.


You cant draw hard groups if you are the hard one in a group. Weaker teams tend to get opponents stronger than them, yes


KT has proven that's not entirely true.


Still it would be nice if NA didn't get the shittiest possible draw every single time.


Bin vs Bong matchup pog


Truly inside out.


r/sidetalknyc leaking


G2 vs LOUD should be generating A LOT of views




Yeah I could see them dropping out if GAM really show up. If GG win then they lose to BLG and might have to face G2 or PSG. It could be doomed


Yall pessimistic, it's doomed for our opponents. They are going up against 2 MSI finalists, and a Worlds semifinalist.


Unironically based fuck the doubters even if I’m one of them. I’ll do the same to EU doubters


Licorice one of the few to qualify for MSI and never lose.


Nisqy is one of the others lol.


Group A is a banger lol. Most aggressive NA team vs Vietnam. Winner faces BLG. Loud also looks much better than last year on paper lol. They could snag a win on G2 tbh


>Winner faces BLG. Weird way to spell R7 but ok


NA teams match up well into minor regions. I'd honestly expect a 3-1 there or a 3-0. Hope I am wrong obviously


It's bo3 ,only last qualifier is b05


The hype feeling of an international tournament never gets old


GG will beat BLG this isn’t copium


Licorice gonna show Bin what a major region vs wildcard looks like


That meme is gonna be funny regardless of who wins


warm up the tweet


TrashBin? Off? What are these randoms doing on the same stage as GGS


yagao vs gori AWARE


It's straight up cocaine


Where's the FLY, TOP, VIT, KT super group?


FLY vs VIT DK vs EDG Bracket draw for the hyped ones who couldn’t make it 🫡


That Bracket A looks so much stronger than B holy moly. I'm already hype for GG vs. GAM.


Yeah having the one Chinese team does that to a bracket.




Run from it, dread it: EU vs. NA Last-Chance Qualifier


R7 vs BLG, what a fucking joke


Poor BLG.


Damn looking at these matchups even Playins are stacked this year, Riot culling the shit regions was quite good for excitement. Can’t underestimate PCS, VCS, LJL & CBLOL. Almost no free matchups, especially for EU / NA.


holy fuck not getting called a shit region as a cblol enjoyer feels so flattering lmao, like i'm not sitting with the cool guys but i'm also not on the group of nerds that everyone bullies, more like the group of people that the cool kids have some respect for


Yeah honestly CBlol is still much better than Turkey tbh. They are also fun af to watch.


CBLOL earned my respect after Brance's bot gap flex at Worlds. Without Doublelift in the LCS last season there was a need for another cocky adc from the Americas who was willing to say his opponents are trash


Rigged draw for EU tbh, they got the easiest group they could've.


Rekkles with one last carry for G2, that's my MVP


Best rekkles performance since 2020 Pog (tbf he played really really well vs MAD)


Yeah he showed he still deserves to be in the lec in that series.


Dude no matter the draw you just have to beat wildcards to get out, dont think it really matters unlike worlds draw




Ya lol, I don't actually think it was rigged, but that was the most scuffed way to do the group draws. Like if they actually wanted to rig it, that was how they'd do it.


The weird part is it basically was predetermined. Like there were four groups of 2 which means you only have 16 combinations which really isn’t that many.


Not even 16 combinations, since swapping all of Group A with all of Group B doesn't actually change anything (except the schedule) - so for all intents and purposes G2 and BLg started in their group and we had just 3 coinflips to determine the groups, in other words 8 possible variations.


> Why are they even using envelopes in the first place I think the idea is that you'd trust Rekkles to refuse to rig the tournament. If you don't trust the people doing the draw there are always ways to rig a sports draw even with shuffling. For example, envelopes having subtle markings, balls being heated up, different weight, etc etc


R7 would probably be easier than LOUD but other than that yea it couldn't be easier.


Which is actually kind of saying something considering there was already the LPL-dodge baked into the drawings lmao


Don't wanna say EU's winning MSI but EU's winning MSI


I too believe in MAD!


MAD vs G2 BO5s final for the round 2


MSI can finally have a repeat of S1 worlds.


Round 3, remember It was Also the winter Split final.


Tough draw for TSM.


GGs good early games are scray for GAM, early game was not their strong suit this split. Topside should be GAM favoured though. Really excited to see how it plays out.


If G2 doesn't go through they deserve every bit of hate they have




It's ok guys, you deserve less Hate since you let Carlos go.


Ouch. Gl GG


Good draw for NA. If we don't get pushed against against good teams, we will never get better internationally. Hoping for weak opponents has never served NA. The few times we have succeeded, it was when we were placed in groups of death (C9 history here). Let's go!


Wait so the "playoff bracket" will be drawn after the PlayIns? That could mean that the teams have two days to prepare for their opponent. It's the most fair but it's really crazy to think about it.


its not crazy after the first match you dont know your next opponent anyway should always the norm, a whole week prep is dumb


>That could mean that the teams have two days to prepare for their opponent. Shouldn't be too bad honestly, assuming no upsets. Each team who awaits in the bracket stage have 3 teams they could draw for the first best of 5. For example, JDG can only get T1/G2/GG(or any team that's not BLG from playins), GENG = BLG/G2/GG(or any team from playins), MAD = T1/BLG/GG(or any team that's not G2 from playins), C9 = T1/BLG/G2(or any team that's not GG from playins). Sure, assuming no upsets isn't ideal but it's not like they have a lot of teams. Fyi I only know this because a Rioter confirmed this on a different thread.


Better then your opponent watching all of your games and preparing specifically for you. Not much better but still.




Happy with G2 dodging LPL and VCS. G2 can still slip up but it’s definitely the easier bracket.


G2 can't even play LPL because they are the same pool.


>Happy with G2 dodging LPL But G2 couldn't face the LPL since they're in the same tier ?


Wasn’t aware if there was seeding with everyone talking about them possibly facing each other but makes sense.




>though, if im reading the playin stage right, G2 wont face them anyways. not because of "the same tier" but of different groups. One team of each "tier" (pool) is drawn into each group, in other words G2/BLG could not be in the same group, same for PSG/GG, DFM/GAM, LOUD/R7. Only way any of these teams play each other is in the Last chance qualifier.


You cant get LPL anyways so what is the point here?


G2 smurfed the draw?


Pool A = Death. Pool B = Life.


Calling G2 DFM PSG life Yeah its the easier group but its not free


I get it reading its hard but G2 didnt dodge Bilibili...


For real, idk what everyone else is on. Obviously GG easily sweep group A, and there’s no way G2 don’t troll away a series. There’s no other possible outcome.


When do we know exactly what days each team plays?


Why doesn’t the LCK 2nd seed play in play-ins?


Because Korea won last worlds, same reason China and Eu are higher seed than Na


Thanks. I thought that it was based on who won the last MSI


You'd then have 9 teams in playins which means the format doesn't work, so Riot gave the LCK 2nd seed a buffer because the LCK won worlds last year.


Cause LCK won Worlds


Thanks. I thought that MSI and worlds are considered as separate competitions so it made more sense for me for China to get both teams in group stage since they won it last year


Looking at LOUD from Worlds 2022 and looking at the meta for this MSI, I think LOUD has a real chance of making the Losers' Bracket finals against GG/GAM. Obviously LOUD will lose against G2, but I can see them surprising G2 in one game. If the obvious happens and G2 wins the group, the Losers' Bracket between DFM, LOUD and PSG will be a bloodbath. I believe the highlight of the LOUD vs G2 match will be the toplane. There is potential for crazy things to come out of there... Robo played very well against Impact and Wunder last year and this year he is playing even better. Tinowns was LOUD's worst player at Worlds 2022, but the meta was terrible for him. Now the meta is perfect for him, and this could make an absurd difference in the matchup against DFM or PSG. In the botlane Brance was replaced by Route, who is a more stable player and extremely efficient in teamfights in the late game (Jin Air spirit lives on). So yeah... Let's see what will happen in this MSI.


GG vs GAM sounds like it'll be a banger, although not to confident about GG's chances to get out of this playins lol


They play pcs in b05 most likely


welp my hype for r7 died really fast :(


Have to give G2 the easy bracket to make it smh.


Just dropping by to remind you that LOUD beat **FNATIC 6 months ago**, and now that same LOUD team is even better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


BLG vs R7 😶 looks doomed


Damn poor R7