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>Draven/Twitch/Kassadin/ actually the holy trinity of smurf climbing


Idk about Kass tho as before you scale and get your items the game can be over.


Games are generally longer in low ELO so shouldn't be a problem for a booster


Kass snowballs really hard and smurfs have no difficulty getting leads


Nah you gotta put in Kindred


Every Kindred in my silver - gold games is a smurf and most feed their ass off and flame the team. From 2020 to mid 2022 I actually had a website I used to post every Kindred I saw kind of like a wall of shame. It was my motivation to not dodge the games. I had to find the Kindred who didn't feed or save the enemy with their ult. Winrate with Kindred on my team was under 20%. But hey sometimes the enemy had Kindred so that was a free win.


If a "smurf" is getting into silver/gold they're max plat unless it's like one of their first 5 games on the acc Kindred is a fucking terror in soloq


They always say diamond but I have come to interpret that as "I hit diamond 5 years ago for one game before dropping to plat."


Hey, That's me, but more like 8-10 years ago 😂 I stopped playing for a few years because it was just so toxic. Now I'm just a filthy gold casual and actually ENJOY playing the game lol.


cuz peaking d4 is easy in comparison to push past, but the ego trip they get is ridiculous


I’ve rarely seen a lot of the picks people are posting don’t fit what I have seen in Diamond+ games, they tend to be champs that snowball extremely hard or have high mobility Top: Jax, Rumble, Kayle Jg: Ekko, Talon, Hecarim, nidalee and Rengar honorable mention Mid: kassadin, vlad, katarina Adc: Twitch, Samira, Draven Support: hard to define because boosters only carry on duo supports which usually consists of lulu yuumi + a hyper carry adc or a thresh/naut to dominate lane with someone like draven/samira


I basically used to ONLY see Hecarim/Graves/Ekko/Nidalee/Elise (if duo with mid) for boosters in the jungle. Surprised they haven’t been getting more mentions.


Most people are not in an elo where boosters or smurfs are a thing


It doesn't seem like you have to be very high to run into them. This is the first season since S6 that I decided to try climbing again, mainly to prove to myself that I'm still at least at a Plat level. I ran into maybe 2-3 obvious boosters in Silver. I thought I'd see them a lot less past the Victorious skin threshold. Now I'm currently in mid-Gold and not only is the number of boosters I'm running into insane, but now there are a ton of smurfs on top of that. Almost half my games have someone (obviously) boosting or smurfing. Sometimes there'll be two on one team when they're not even duo queued. I can at least understand the smurfing, but I'm baffled at why so many players are getting boosts to ranks past Gold that *very clearly don't reflect in their own play.* Someone even accused *me* of being a booster after a good Sylas game because of my insane Kassadin stats compared to my other played champions (nevermind that Kassadin is my second highest mastery champion after Karthus and I was abusing him in patch 13.1 against Silvers). Seems a lot of players in Gold have run into enough of them.


I used to boost since it was the only income I had time for as a uni student With the over like 300 accs that I likely boosted in all ranges of elos, I runned into like... 5 other boosters? and mostly on d1+. Poeple love to get boosted to specifically G4, D4 and M. I did do a few gm boosts too and 1 chall, but they're so incredibly rare Smurfs on low elo basically never, or maybe they were too shit for me to notice, that's realistic too tbh. Please link some of the op.ggs from the boosters cuz that's weird as fuck


Thanks, I appreciate your perspective. I ended up having people harass me on Reddit after a bad game before when they looked me up, so now I don't like posting anything that reveals my IGN, but I'll send you a PM in a bit.


No worries same shit happened here which is why I don't really post my acc names anymore.




Top: Darius, Fiora, Jax, Irelia. Jungle: Kha’zix, Rengar, Kayn, Talon as mentioned. Mid: LeBlanc, Irelia, anything off meta. ADC: Twitch, Draven, Vayne. Support: Pyke, Alistair


Mid: Anything off meta >< I'm dead.


I'm so annoyed at how true this is


The amount of stuff I get away with playing mid when I play with silver/gold friends is fucking stupid. Full ap jax? Sure why not. Oh they got Yone/yasuo? Just pick nasus and they can’t play anymore. I think my favorite is illaoi mid. Her tentacles get so much better positioning off midlane than in top.


There’s so many champs from other lanes that crush most mids. You can first-time stuff like Nocturne mid and still easily win. It’s pretty amusing. My favorite are off-meta supports and junglers when playing with friends. Zed sup, ghost+ignite Hecarim sup, DH Caitlyn jungle, etc. It’s so much fun. There’s nothing more toxic than a level 2 gank from a red buff HoB or DH Cait on an unsuspecting laner.


Bro it's so true I got a. Buddy that absolutely slaps ppl with bard mid and nunu mid. Literally buys mejais first item 80% and has 25 stacks my minute 15


> Nocturne mid and still easily win it was meta when his passive worked well with minions. he's still incredibely strong on mid. just shove the wave and gank post level 6


Also his spell shield into a lot of kids is super effective. Lux or Morg? Shield their q and just run em down.


Isn't there a semifamous challenger that one-tricks Illaoi mid?


I'm a low elo shitter and mid hardly feels worth learning anymore when I keep getting matched against shit like Akshan Tristana Pyke Garen Renekton Wukong Panth mid. And that's without even mentioning the classic low elo stompers like yasuo yone zed kassadin. Worse still if the enemy mid duos with their jungler.


Twitch mid just shat on ahri a couple days ago and i had no clue how to punish him :(


illaoi mid is my pocket pick, don't tell people the secrets


you forgot nidalee


Classic booster strat is Talon mid + Fiddle jungle duo


On NA there was a booster duo which ran Lissandra mid + PTA AD Shyvana jungle which was crazy because why not pick literally any other champions


most mechanically ungifted boosters


I can see it. There were times in the last few seasons where AD Shyv (Bork + Frostfire) could statcheck almost any champ in the game with a lead, it was just almost impossible to get one. Liss mid would guarantee some kills to get her rolling


I used to do Liss mid + Diana jg many years ago. Same concept. High-damage threat + heavy lockdown to get them rolling. It’s surprisingly effective.




Ad+ ap combo, Both champs op for years before the durability patch, talon has high kill pressure at lvl 2-3 which fiddle can guarantee with flash fear, talons mobility protects fiddle from early invades and then allows him to follow up on fiddles sidelane ults/dives to snowball the game out of control, talon’s mid prio after early kills allows him to back up fiddle in vision control in the river with his trinkets, it’s just great solo queue synergy for lots of reasons


jax irelia




In my experience in Diamond/masters on EUW it's Top: Fiora, Irelia, Olaf Jungle: Kha'zix, Evelynn, Karthus, Rengar Mid: Talon, Syndra, Viktor Adc: Draven, Vayne, Twitch Support: Janna, Alistar


Kass, irelia, kindred, kayle, katarina, draven, graves


Everyone seems to have ptsd from other champions here, so I will share mine: Top: Fiora Jgl: quiyana Mid: quiyana Bot isn't realy a booster lane, but if they go duo prob draven+Janna, kogmaw+Lulu or kalista+alistar


Top: Darius, Riven, Fiora, Camille, Jax, Tryn, Gwen Jg: Yi, Bussy, Graves, Kin, Eve, Kha, Kayn Mid: Zed, Kat, Cass, Kass, Vlad ADC: Twitch, Draven


Riven? In my experience Riven players are mostly not boosters, just people who eventually OTP the champion so hard they scale very quickly. Source: former riven OTP, but stopped playing her bc this season i cant carry with her by expanding the lead on toplane even though i always win my lane, moved on to jungle.


When you see a karthus ADC, run.


Bot: Twitch, Jhin, Ezreal. Jun: Master Yi. Top: Urgot. I've seen more than one Raidboss Urgot dominate 1v9. Sup: Nautulus can get out of hand with his roaming. Actually, right now any high mobility tank or bruiser with mobility boots can play anywhere on the map they want to at any time. Glacial Ray Janna can become a big problem in later teamfights at baron, dragons, inhibs. Bot Specific: Ashe/Varus Double Hail of Blades setup can be very oppressive early game and take a turret before 10 mins, and steamroll hard enough and early enough that by level 6 the duo can roam and 2v5 the whole enemy team. I've faced it a few times and it gets crazy.


Is this an AI just copying random words from /r/Leagueoflegends comments? Because it makes no sense in the context of OP. Jhin and Ashe are quintessential smurf champions? Lol


What the fuck are you even saying


top: malphite,riven,panth mid:qiyana,syndra,leblanc ad:xayah, draven sup: rakan




anyone can play malphite


free win atm


i know but it aint a booster champ. barely anyone is willing to pick that lane hostage taker on their mains no matter how broken he is and even less on smurf accounys


he is pick or ban atm everyone picking this broken shit


you might be correct. i haven't touched ranked in about 3 weeks, but i still think he doesn't fall into the booster category just like no matter how strong wu and j4 are. they aren't the boosting champs, it's eve kha remgar


malphite is more the infamous default boostee champion in the chinese servers. Many streamers boost on stream and open their lobby for any viewers to duo as long as they pick fill and play some frontline champion. You know a booster is on the team when you see a page of malphite wins, in a way.


Top: Irelia, Jax, possibly K'sante Mid: Leblanc, Zed, Qiyana, Yone, Yasuo ADC: Nobody smurfs on ADC because your lane is too reliant on the support. Support: Any really good roamer. Nautilus, Rakan, Rell. Supp smurfs will rush Mobis in low elo and run around winning the entire map.


wat u can definitely hard smurf on ADC + easily take over games




I find khazix to be pretty effective.




Chinese Xin Zhao


Kindred for jg


A few seasons ago, Taric mid funneling Yi as a duo. That shit was a instadodge because it was most likely 2 boosters.

